Differences between a Malamute and a Husky - what is the difference, how to tell the difference, who is better to choose

An outside observer will not notice the difference between a Malamute and a Husky until he looks at the two representatives of the breeds together. Northern sled dogs differ not only in size, color, purpose, but also in their behavior.

Looking at the appearance of the Alyan Malamute, it is immediately clear that it can be used to transport bulky cargo. And the fast, slender husky, originally from Siberia, can develop great speed. Both species are hardy, survive well in the cold, and are intended for harness riding.

Origin of the Siberian Husky and Malamute

Husky is not a separate breed, but a whole group of dogs whose ancestors were sled dogs. When people talk about huskies, they most often mean the Siberian variety of the breed. But this is only one representative of a huge family. The breed includes not only the huge Malamute, but also the polar bear-like Samoyed, the “apartment” Klee Kai, the prototype of the famous Hachiko Akita Inu, the Japanese Spitz, the Eskimo and Yakut Laika, the Greenland dog and several other similar subspecies.

All these dogs have a common origin. The most distant ancestor of the husky was the wolf, from which the Siberian sled huskies originated. During the “gold rush,” smooth-haired Siberian dogs began to be imported en masse to Alaska, where they were crossed with local native breeds. The result was so successful that they decided to formalize it as an official breed standard.


Crossbreeding dogs results in puppies that have the appearance of a husky and the personality of a malamute. The resulting offspring are considered outbred. It is not suitable for subsequent breeding. At the same time, the puppies that are obtained from such crossing are distinguished by their good-natured character, pleasant appearance and high intelligence.

Why was the Malamute bred?

Malamute is one of the varieties of husky. The Alaskan strongman was bred to handle heavy loads in the harsh conditions of the North. The species belongs to the oldest dog breeds. This is the official definition of 14 varieties, in the genotype of which there are very few differences from the wolf. consists of the Shar Pei, the Japanese subspecies of the Shiba Inu and Akita Inu, the Afghan Hound, the Siberian Husky and several other species.

The Malamute received its name from one of the Eskimo tribes (“Malamutes”) that once lived in Alaska. The dogs of this tribe were famous for their exceptional health and endurance; they calmly withstood the most extreme weather conditions, had a good-natured character and remained faithful to their owner. Their distant descendants also have these same advantages. And since 2010, the Malamute is the official symbol of the state of Alaska.


The character of the husky cannot be called simple; dogs often end up in shelters, kennels or on the street. It is better to abandon a breed with a harsh temperament right away rather than doom your pet to depression.

As a result of a detailed comparison of breeds, even the most ignorant person in dogs will be able to distinguish representatives of the sled dog species from Siberia or Alaska. Dogs are suitable both for participation in competitions and as pets.

What is the difference between a husky and a malamute: the main differences

In appearance, the expression of the Malamute's wide muzzle seems more good-natured than that of its Siberian relative. The open and direct gaze of the Alaskan strongman is noticeably different from the cunning roguish eyes of the “Siberian”. For "Alaskans" only a dark color of the iris is allowed, while for "Siberians" it can be any shade. The Malamute's long, fluffy tail rarely stays still. In a calm stance, the “Alaskan” lowers his plume onto his back, but does not twist it, unlike the husky, but keeps it straight. The “Sibiryak” lowers its straightened tail slightly when standing.

Comparison of dog parameters, reproductive characteristics and life expectancy of Malamute and Husky.

OptionsAlaskanSiberian Husky
Height (cm)boy63,553,5-60
Weight, kg)boy3820,5-28
Number of puppies in the litter4-107-9
Lifespan10-14 years12-15 years


The Malamute is a strongly built dog with rather dense and long coarse hair. Huskies also have a strong body and limbs, but the coat is shorter, softer and looks more “smooth.” “Alaskans” must have a light bottom, and the top can be all shades of gray or beige. Outwardly, the “Alaskan” seems more massive and clumsy.

Sizes: who is bigger than a Malamute or a Husky?

Although Malamute and Husky are closely related, they are not the same thing. According to the breed standard, the Malamute is larger than even the largest husky. The difference in height is only a few centimeters, but the weight differs significantly, about 10 kg. The stocky, slightly boxy “Alaskan” even looks heavier than the lean, agile husky.

Head, eyes, ears, nose

The Malamute has a wide and powerful clumsy head. “Sibiryak” has a “drier” narrow muzzle. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth, the color of the nose, lips and eye rims is mostly black. The jaws have a characteristic scissor bite: the upper teeth fit tightly to the outside of the lower row. The triangular ears of Alaskans are slightly rounded at the tip, while those of Siberians are more pointed. When the dog is working, the ears are usually laid back; when alert, they stand upright. The almond-shaped eyes are set slightly obliquely and are similar in both subspecies.

Paws, tail

The Alaskan's tail continues the line of the back. When at rest, it is raised, but does not curl and does not touch the back with the tip. Externally, the tail resembles a waving plume due to its long fluffy fur. “Siberians” cannot boast of such decoration; their tail is more modest. The limbs are strong with strong bones and well-developed muscles. The hind legs are wider than the front legs.


Alaskans have thick, short and coarse hair. The fur is longest around the shoulders and neck, along the back and on the “pants”. The standard allows colors of all shades of gray, from light to almost black, sable with reddish transitions. The only standard solid color is white, unlike the “Siberians”, where completely black or beige is allowed. The Husky's coat is shorter and less bristling. The color of “Siberians” can be monochromatic, with a transition of color, and a contrasting undercoat.


Both species are individuals with a strong character. High intelligence involuntarily inspires respect for the pet, and good nature allows him to easily get along with people. Husky is an agile, nimble rogue. He is curious and active, gets along well with children.

Malamute is a born leader. If there are several dogs of different breeds in the house, he can easily become the recognized leader of the pack. This is the difference from the huskies: “Siberian” boys are still able to get along, but girls will constantly share power. Dogs need to be raised from early childhood, and orders can be ignored, while pets will certainly fulfill a friendly request.

Who is more expensive - a husky or a malamute?

The Alaskan Malamute is a rare breed. It is difficult to keep him in an urban environment, and in the suburbs there is a lot of hassle with a dog. This may be why Alaskan strongmen are not as common as huskies. This also affects the price: the more popular the breed, the more breeders raise it, which affects the cost of the puppies. The price for a purebred puppy can reach up to 3-10 thousand dollars. The Siberian Khasenysh is much more modest in this regard - a maximum of 1 thousand dollars. However, most often the cost of puppies is not much different: 15 thousand rubles. for huskies versus 20 thousand rubles. for a malamute.

Who is more picky about food?

Pets can eat anything, from a chocolate bar to a bone found in the trash heap. The question is: what to feed your dog to keep it healthy. And there are no differences in this; both types will require time, effort and money. Dogs need to be fed once a day. It is advisable to give your pets natural food rather than ready-made mixtures. Both varieties should receive a lot of meat (up to 70% of the diet), fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and offal.

Dogs should not overeat. Excess weight and lack of activity are the first causes of illness.

Lifespan and health

Both species are characterized by good health. Problems most often arise from lack of activity or obesity. Statistically, a Siberian Husky can live a little longer than a Malamute, but the difference is insignificant. The lifespan of a pet depends more on the conditions of detention than on genetic predisposition.

Where to buy puppies, how much do they cost?

Alaskan Malamute puppies For purebred dogs, you should contact trusted kennels, where the future owner will be provided with documents for the animals.
Another advantage of such an establishment is that they monitor the health of the dogs and give them the necessary vaccinations. The cost of dogs depends on their class. The minimum cost of huskies that can participate in procreation is 30 thousand rubles. A Malamute costs about the same. If the dog is not planned to be used as a participant in exhibitions and for mating, you can take a closer look at mixed breeds. You can distinguish mestizos from ordinary mongrels by the characteristic features of both breeds - they combine the external characteristics and temperament of Alaskan and Siberian dogs.

Similarities between Malamute and Husky

Dogs are sledding breeds. They have good health, similar habits and tastes. They are not suitable for the role of watchman, security guard or service dog, but they can become excellent athletes and reliable companions. The lack of aggression is fixed at the genetic level in sled dogs, and for service dog breeding or security work, the ability to attack or intimidate a person is important. Sled dogs are not capable of this. Attempts to break the barrier and cultivate aggressiveness seriously affect the psyche of pets. And a huge, strong and intelligent dog with a mental disorder is dangerous to everyone around him.

They are not picky about food, tolerate cold easily, and rarely get sick. Usually well-bred dogs do not cause any problems if the owner gives them proper attention. Independent dogs love freedom. When walking, it is advisable to keep your pet on a leash at all times. As soon as the compassionate owner unhooks the carbine, the dog will rush to explore the unfamiliar territory. At best, he will limit himself to the immediate surroundings, at worst, he will go to see what is beyond the horizon.

Another common trait is vindictiveness. Both are a natural disaster for an apartment. If you leave your pet alone for a long time or offend him, a strong and intelligent “avenger” is capable of smashing everything not even “down the log,” but into small pieces. And an offended pet will howl to the “joy” of everyone around him.

Who is better to choose - a Malamute or a Siberian Husky?

Depends on the purpose for which the dog is purchased. If for breeding and subsequent sale, then the Malamute is more profitable. But maintaining it is not easy; it requires certain conditions, knowledge and skills. In contrast, the Siberian Husky is more of a companion than a sporting dog. It is smaller in size and better adapted to life in urban conditions, but hasyats are not valued so highly.

If a puppy is not purchased as a show specimen or a potential sports “star,” then we are only talking about the availability of suitable conditions for the pet and the funds for its purchase and maintenance. Both breeds are friendly and intelligent, know how to get along with children and pets, are able to protect their owner and always return love for love. Both need training with a dog handler, long walks and a balanced diet.

Khasenysh is more suitable for a family with children. A curious and active pet cheerfully joins in children's games, patiently endures pranks and the intense “care” of its little owners. A good-natured “Alaskan” will also never offend a child, but he will not frolic along with the kids.

Pet Personality

As is the case with other mixed breeds, it is difficult to say which of its parents such a puppy will grow up to resemble. Considering that huskies and malamutes have opposite character traits, we can say that it all depends on how the genes line up.

If the puppy is more like a malamute, he will have a calm and good-natured disposition, but if he is a husky, he will grow up to be very active and playful.

One thing is certain: that his character will contain traits of both breeds. Metis will be very smart and quick-witted, although perhaps also cunning.

They will almost certainly inherit from both their parents the desire to dig up the ground and the ability to make tunnels, therefore, if the owner does not want his pet to wander on its own, he will have to take care of a reliable fence or enclosure from which the Alaskan cannot get out.

Many owners of such dogs note that Alaskans tend to have a dominant attitude towards other dogs . But they treat children very well: such pets make wonderful playmates for children.


Such dogs may be too friendly and trusting of strangers, which makes their use as guards inappropriate.

Mestizos are especially loyal to their owners and are people-oriented, which significantly facilitates the process of training them..

Many people who decide to buy such a dog think that the character of their pet will be average between the temperament of a husky and the phlegmatic nature of a malamute, but there is rarely a “golden mean” in the character of Alaskans.

Much more often, a puppy inherits most of its traits from one breed or another.

Which type is easier to maintain and care for?

Both species are quite unpretentious in nutrition. Theoretically, they can be fed with ready-made food intended for large breeds, but natural food is healthier for pets. Unfortunately, it is impossible to combine both types of feeding: the dog’s body gets used to certain foods and does not adapt well in the event of any changes.

Malamute needs frequent and long walks. Not only physical, but also mental activity is important for a pet. It is simply hot for a dog in a city apartment; it is not able to withstand high temperatures for a long time. As a result, overheating, skin diseases and year-round molting are possible (with profuse hairiness of the pet, this is a permanent nightmare for the owner).

Huskies also need physical activity and new experiences. For them, keeping them in an enclosure is also preferable, but they can also live in an apartment. Both pets are very fond of “excavation work”; in a matter of minutes they are able to dig a hole of quite decent size. In natural conditions, such a skill is necessary for digging out prey from under the ground and snow, but the integrity of the enclosure will always be under threat. And smart kids sometimes manage to overcome the latch on the door and break free.

The main difference, perhaps, is not in care, but in education. “Alaskan” only recognizes a “steady hand”; he needs an owner with a strong character. If this is your first pet, then it is better to entrust the upbringing to a dog handler. Khasenys are easier to train, but they also need lessons from a specialist.

Which breed is more suitable for urban conditions?

Both species are quite large. They need at least some living space. It’s impossible to fit powerful dogs into a shoebox. Optimal conditions of detention are an aviary. And while the Siberian Husky is still able to live in urban conditions, the Malamute is always cramped and hot in the apartment.

The increased hairiness of both pets causes serious problems with cleaning the house. The difference is that the Siberian Husky will cover everything with hair only during the molting period, while the Malamute does not tolerate the “greenhouse” conditions of a city apartment and sheds all year round without stopping.

How to distinguish a husky puppy from a malamute?

Usually "Alaskan" is more expensive, but this is not the main indicator. Unscrupulous sellers can deceive an inexperienced buyer. There are external differences that will help determine the type of dog. Khasenysh have a light mark in the form of a trefoil on their forehead, and the brighter it is, the purer the breed. Malamutes have a mark that looks more like a heart. These differences persist in adult dogs. Otherwise, the dogs are very similar, and only an expert can tell them apart.

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So different and so similar relatives

The descendants of wolves and sled dogs no longer have to work as intended, but people are still attached to these intelligent creatures. Dogs have the makings of excellent athletes and many of them become “stars” of sledding sports. The Malamute is calm, a little clumsy, good-natured, silent, and rarely speaks. Husky is a chatty, active and curious dog. Both pets can cause problems if you do not create certain conditions for them and do not educate them “from a young age.” A Siberian Husky is more suitable for a family, while an Alaskan is more suitable for a single owner.

External differences between Malamute and Husky are noticeable in size, color, mobility and facial expression. One is clumsy, good-natured and straightforward, the other is active, curious and always “on his own.” There are also differences in the manner of holding the tail, eye color and color options, but they are not so noticeable.


Even covering plants with fabric or film will not save them from the cold when growing in open ground. Therefore, observe the timing of planting seeds specifically for your region, plant in greenhouses and hothouses, and use early-ripening varieties.


If the tomatoes still managed to suffer from the influence of low temperatures, this will be noticeable by the following signs:

  • growth slowdown;
  • widespread yellowing of leaves;
  • border that has become bluish;
  • redness of the stem in some cases.

You can try to save the fruits by spraying with adaptogens like aloe or zircon - just one drop per liter of water is enough.

Questions and answers

How to distinguish a malamute from a husky?
A large dog with long, slightly shaggy hair, a good-natured muzzle and an open look - an Alaskan Malamute. A light, hyperactive pet with smooth fur and a sly squint - the Siberian Husky. There are differences in the “conversation”: the “Alaskan” almost never barks, while the “Siberian” is capable of grumbling without stopping and pronounces almost all “human” vowels.

Who is better - Malamute or Husky?

A question like “what tastes better: chocolate or steak?” Both pets have a wonderful character, are devoted to their owner and are able to scare away villains with just their appearance. Both require special conditions of detention, respectful treatment and a lot of free time. The one you like the most is better.

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