What should you ask the breeder from whom you are buying a puppy? October 19, 2011 | Category: For beginners

If you decide to buy a dog and have already chosen a breed, try to ask the breeder in detail about everything related to the puppy’s lifestyle, feeding and raising. Prepare for the conversation especially carefully if you have never had a dog before: it is very important to provide the puppy with proper living conditions and raise him to be a dog that is adequate to the environment and safe for others.

Just by the breeder's answers you will understand whether it is worth buying a dog from him or whether you should not rush. If a breeder willingly and in detail shares with you all the nuances associated with caring for a dog, such a person can most likely be trusted.


When meeting with the breeder, ask to see the puppy’s parents; if one of them is not there, it is advisable to look at photographs, read the conditions of detention

dogs, ask about the average life expectancy of his pets. It is important to see the mother: she should not be sick, too old or simply look exhausted - unfortunately, in some kennels sick, infirm and old bitches give birth, only because they have a lot of medals and their offspring can be sold at a high price.

When choosing a puppy, start your search with single-breed kennels - usually their owners are more attentive to their dogs.

For further communication with the breeder, do not forget to write down his contact information

: telephone numbers (home and mobile), email address, ICQ, skype.

Exhibitions and competitions (show class puppy)

If you purchase a purebred dog that you plan to take to shows (show-class puppy), be sure to find out from the breeder all the details regarding the origin and further “career” of the puppy:

— in which club the puppy’s parents are registered; — contact details of club members who can be contacted on certain issues; — presence of a puppy card and the deadline for its exchange for a pedigree; — recommendations regarding dog show training and exhibitions; — recommendations regarding matings; — whether the breeder will take an active part in the life of the puppy and the continuation of the breeding line.

At what age is it better to take?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question - it all depends on the circumstances. It is worth considering clearly the pros and cons of a particular age:

  • 1 month One of the main advantages is such an animal will cost less, since the breeder has not yet spent money on feeding. You will also have the opportunity to choose a suitable candidate from the entire litter.
    As for the rest, then there are many disadvantages here – you need to protect such a pet from diseases until he receives the necessary vaccinations, the immunity of such a puppy is weak, since he ate his mother’s milk, and now he has to switch to food. You will have to create a veterinary passport for him yourself.

    The character of a puppy at this age is also very difficult to determine, so you can be very disappointed. It is worth playing with the animals from the litter to understand who behaves and how, if you want to choose a puppy for work and training in some activity.

  • 45 days The breeder receives permission to sell and prepares documents for each puppy. At this moment, the bitches run out of milk, and the babies become stronger - their immunity is healthy. When buying such a pet, you do not need to be vaccinated , which means that the risk that he may get sick is minimal.
    The only negative is the difficulty in determining the dog’s character. In appearance, it may seem that the puppy is lethargic and motionless, but in reality he can be quite active. At this age, the animal’s potential is not fully revealed. As for the price, the cost will be higher , since the breeder will spend money on vaccinations and obtaining a veterinary passport.
  • 4-6 months This decision will be good from all sides.
    The puppy is already quite old, and you can immediately see his character and habits. But there is one thing - many buyers are sure that the puppy has serious problems, since he remained with the breeder until such an age. But you shouldn’t think that this makes it of poor quality and not worth buying. If you like his appearance and character, have a beautiful color and look completely healthy, you can safely buy such a dog. The price will be higher , since the breeder has already spent money on food, vaccinations and documents for the animal.

Age 45 days is considered ideal.

At what age can I take it?

1. if this is a dog for the soul , then the best decision is to take it at the age of 1.5-3 months 2. But, if this is a dog for work and service , then it is worth taking an older puppy, whose age is from 3 months . It will immediately show whether the puppy can cope with the task assigned to him.

33 top dog breeds for keeping in an apartment

Health issues

It is very important to find out everything related to the puppy’s health

. It is necessary to check whether the dog has a vaccination passport, and also find out the following important details: - the health of the puppy’s parents; — the health status and developmental characteristics of the puppy; — possible “breed” diseases; — when it is necessary to get vaccinated; - when and what anti-helminth medication to give; — recommended medications against fleas and ticks; — contact details of the “family” veterinarian.

Nutrition issues

Feeding issues worth discussing

  • Which brand of food is it advisable to buy?
  • optimal packaging sizes;
  • feeding schedule and volume of a single serving;
  • Is it possible to alternate or mix dry food and canned food, industrial feed and natural food;
  • what products can be used as bait and treats (rewards);
  • At what age can a puppy be switched to food for adult animals?
  • what type of water is best to offer your dog (boiled, filtered, bottled).

If the breeder fed natural food, you should find out:

  • what foods can be given to a puppy;
  • what foods the puppy may be allergic to;
  • what foods are strictly prohibited for dogs;
  • puppy's daily diet;
  • food recipes.

If you don’t know how to handle small puppies, don’t hesitate to ask the breeder even the most “stupid” questions at first glance.

What else should you ask the breeder before buying a puppy?

about the questions that you must ask the breeder from whom you are going to purchase a purebred puppy
in this post . However, there are so many of these questions, and all of them are so important that I will continue the list in this publication.

Are the puppies treated for parasites?

All puppies must be treated for worms and fleas.

Does the puppy have a mark?

Not all purebred dogs are branded - this is done at the discretion of the owners. But if possible, it is better to purchase a puppy with a brand. Moreover, the brand number on the dog must be checked with the brand number written down in the puppy card.

Is there a purchase and sale agreement?

In law, a dog falls under the category of property. Therefore, when buying a dog, it is advisable to draw up a purchase and sale agreement, which should spell out all controversial points, the possibility of returning the dog, or compensation.

When is the next mating planned?

A similar question is usually asked if you like all the animals in the nursery in general, but there are no puppies in the nursery at the moment. If you are not interested in any specific manufacturer and are happy with any puppy from the chosen nursery, you can find out when the puppies will be available, express your wishes for the color and gender of the dog and call the breeder when he has a suitable puppy.

Is it possible to reserve a puppy?

Many nurseries now provide this service. If you have information about a planned mating from producers you are interested in, you can negotiate and reserve a puppy for yourself. As a rule, a potential buyer pays a deposit of 20% of the price of the puppy, which is deducted from the amount upon purchase. The size of the deposit may vary. If the litter is small and does not contain a puppy of the desired gender or color, the breeder either returns the deposit in full, or offers a puppy from another litter, or puts you on the waiting list for the next puppies. If you left a deposit, but did not buy the puppy, the deposit will not be returned.

Questions about care:

  • what should be the first collar and leash for a puppy;
  • how to arrange a sleeping place for a dog;
  • how often should the puppy be walked, and if he is toilet trained in the house, how to arrange a place to relieve the dog’s natural needs;
  • what kind of dishes are best to use for feeding, and whether a stand is needed for it;
  • how to care for fur;
  • if your dog needs a haircut, you should find out the hairdresser’s contact information;
  • how to care for your puppy’s teeth, eyes and ears;
  • does the dog need clothing and where can it be purchased;
  • what toys does the puppy like?

Who is better to get: a boy dog ​​or a girl dog?

Often, choosing the sex of a pet is a very difficult question. They are asked by everyone who has already decided on the breed. Its emotional state and qualities depend on the gender of the pet. And it doesn’t matter who you decide to choose: a boy or a girl, the main thing is that this decision is conscious. You should not adopt a dog based on the residual principle - take a puppy that is left with the breeder. In this case, the risk of being disappointed in him is very high.

Before making a choice, it is worth taking into account a lot of nuances:

  1. In appearance, males look courageous, and they are larger than females.
    Males are active and inquisitive, but emotionally they are more restrained. If you decide to get a male, you should be prepared for the fact that he will require long walks. On the street, he needs to sniff everything, leave his marks to mark his territory. Often they are attracted to the female sex, so they run away to bitches in heat while the owner is distracted for a minute.
  2. Of course, in practice there are still a lot of difficulties in raising a male dog, but the main task will be to indicate leadership . If the upbringing is carried out correctly, in the future the male will be docile and obedient, which means that problems with walking and behavior in the house should not arise.

  3. As for bitches , the opposite is true. Females are not as demanding as males. In an emotional sense, they are soft, quickly become attached to the owner and are easy to train. A female puppy learns faster than a male puppy and there are no problems with her until a certain point.
  4. During heat (which happens 1-2 times a year, lasts 3 weeks), they can become capricious and disobedient, and begin to pick at food. On walks, they will attract males by all means. So here too you will have to be prepared to show strength of character!
  5. Another aspect that is worth paying attention to is sexual desire . It manifests itself to a greater extent in males. You must decide how it will be easier for you - re-educate the female every time after estrus or learn to control the male when he is in dire need of mating. Here a lot depends on the character of the owner himself.
  6. When choosing the gender of a puppy, it is important to take into account the personality traits that you have as an owner . Your lifestyle and preferences also play a big role.

You need to understand the purpose of getting a dog - as a pet or as a future champion of international exhibitions. You should not pay attention to the standard formulations - females are obedient, and males are stubborn. In life, of course, this is not always the case. A big role is played by the breed of the dog, its character, temperament, as well as how the owner will raise it.

After the first heat, the dog's behavior may change , so it is very important to learn more about the psychology of dogs and learn to find a common language.

Educational issues

Find out whether the puppy has been trained in any commands, ask how to train him, which training ground is best to take him to, and find out the contact details of a good trainer. Remember: any dog, even a small one, needs to undergo a course of OKD.

Don't be alarmed if things don't work out at first. Both you and the puppy need to get used to each other; the motherless baby will be bored. Show love and patience. Never scold (let alone beat) your dog for misbehavior. Only love and affection will help you find mutual understanding with a new friend who will give you many unforgettable moments of joy.

Where can you walk your dog freely?

Unfortunately, we do not allow free movement of dogs around the city. Almost everywhere there are signs with a crossed out silhouette of a dog. There are only a few closed areas where you can walk with your pet and exercise on apparatus. But this is catastrophically not enough for a normal life with a dog. You can be fined anywhere, and this is completely unfair. After all, dogs are not wild animals that should live in nature. Dogs are members of society. Then why are their rights so severely infringed? The question remains open and painful, like an unhealed wound.

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