The toy terrier went bald, lost weight, and had scabs on his soles

Hello! Tell me how to treat the dog. Toy terrier dog, male, 10 years old. 2 months ago, hair began to fall out, and weakness suddenly appeared. We went to the clinic, the doctor said that the pet’s liver was suffering from poor nutrition, problems with the legs, twisted joints, due to age. We completed a course of treatment. There were no improvements, the hair continued to fall out, scabs appeared on the soles of the paws, the dog hardly walked, the appetite did not disappear, he drinks a lot, and as a result, he urinates. They showed it to another doctor and they said there was nothing wrong with it. We went to another clinic 2 weeks ago. No tests were taken. They said there were problems with internal organs. They prescribed a course of injections, ointment for the soles (mycoseptin), bathing once every 5 days with anti-seborrhea shampoo (nizoral), feeding strictly porridge and beef, it gets worse. Now the dog is evenly bald, there is almost no hair, the soles do not go through, it hurts for the dog to step on, the cracks near the nose are oozing, very weak. Help save a pet. Thank you in advance.

Why does my terrier's hair begin to fall out?

For the toy terrier, the coat plays an important role, performing protective functions. If the fur begins to lose color and fall out, this is a reason to contact a specialist at a veterinary clinic, who will:

  • Prescribe the necessary tests to identify the cause of the pathology (infectious diseases, unhealthy diet, parasite infection, etc.);
  • Prescribe effective treatment;
  • Recommend preventive measures (adjust a feeding diet, take vitamins, provide proper care to your pet.

Wool for any breed of dog, including the terrier, is not only decoration, but also reliable protection from cold, heat and moisture, as well as an excellent detector of the owner’s relationship with the pet. If the pet's coat is shiny, smooth and pleasant to the touch, this indicates good care and good health; dull, falling out coat of a toy terrier is both a sign of improper care and a symptom of the development of various diseases. Regardless of the cause, a balding animal requires treatment.

Longhaired Russian Toy Terrier - reviews

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Alina Katsuki


+ Soft wool is pleasant to the touch. + Unpretentious in food. + Suitable for apartment. + Cute face ^~^


- Some representatives of this breed have a very bad character.

How does the long-haired Russian Toy, also known as the Moscow Toy, differ from the smooth-haired one? First of all, of course, appearance. But, in most cases, the longhaired toy has a stronger build. The long-haired toy looks larger than the smooth-haired toy, but if there were no additional hair, they are almost the same size. The length of the paws, their width, and the weight of the dog directly depend on heredity - short-legged parents will never have a slender and thin puppy (but, again, this may depend on the puppy’s grandparents). Before I adopted a long-haired Toy puppy, I had a smooth-haired Russian Toy. Unfortunately, my baby was poisoned on the street by food left by dog ​​hunters (people who, on their own initiative, exterminate street dogs using poisoned food). My boy suffered for two hours, they took him to the veterinary clinic, but they told us that the effect of the poison could not be stopped. The dog died right in my arms (damn these dog hunters! Just let them catch my eye!). Well... Let's not deviate from the topic. The wool of Moscow (long-haired) Toychiks is much softer and more pleasant to the touch. But it’s not for me to determine who is better. It is not recommended to cut toy terriers, even if they may be hot (we don’t shave our heads when it’s hot summer: D) In ​​general, the long-haired toy terrier is a very good breed (and toy dogs in general), with them You can go into shops, hypermarkets, public places, you can even take such babies with you on a plane.

Katya Yakushina

I want to share my joy with you! Not long ago a toy terrier puppy appeared in our house. A dog has been my dream since childhood. For 18 years I dreamed of a dog and now my dream has come true... this little miracle is running around my apartment. I often looked through advertisements for the sale of toy terriers. The average price for such a dog is 3 thousand rubles. Of course, there were expensive puppies that cost about 10 thousand rubles, but these dogs had a pedigree, documents, and with such a puppy one could go to exhibitions, because he had been trained for this since childhood. I didn’t have that much money, and I just wanted a dog for the soul) One day, I came across an advertisement of a woman who was selling a toy terrier for 2 thousand rubles, the dog was 4 months old at that time. The reason for the sale was an allergy to her son's dog hair. Without hesitation, I went and picked up this miracle puppy, whose name is Bonya. He adapted very quickly. Less than 3 hours later he started running around the house and playing with me. This breed is also not picky when it comes to food. I feed him what I cook for myself, but sometimes I pour in some food, and he also devours it for his dear soul. Regarding the toilet...I was most likely lucky, because... my dog ​​was trained to go to the toilet in a diaper (it’s waterproof. I buy it at the pharmacy, it’s not expensive), but still... new home, new people, new place! In general, there were no problems with the toilet. Later, I even taught him to go outside to the toilet. Now, when I’m at home, he runs up to the door and sits, whining quietly. Those. when I'm at home, he asks to go outside on his own; when no one is home, he wears a diaper. I also want to tell you about a dream. Bonnie has her own bed. During the day he rests there, but at night he doesn’t want to sleep there at all. Runs to my bed)

Now about swimming...she loves swimming! Stands calmly, enjoys himself) Bonya has long-haired fur. Doesn't shed!!! There have been no problems with my teeth yet. Feels great in the car. Handles long journeys remarkably well. In general, I want to say that the breed of these dogs is very smart, loyal, playful, friendly, and not aggressive. Loves little children! I did not regret that I purchased a toy terrier puppy. If you are thinking about buying a toy terrier, then buy it without hesitation)) This is a real little family friend!


I got my first toy terrier a long time ago, I really dreamed of having just two toy terriers, definitely black-haired girls, smooth-haired. But it didn't turn out that way at all. After my round-the-clock “whining” about this, my husband gave me a charming 5-month-old boy, a red long-haired toy. And for almost 12 years this charm has lived next to me:) I have formed an opinion about this breed, and I want to share it with you. After six months of solitary confinement, I suddenly decided that I, or rather not me, but my toy definitely needed a girlfriend, he was very bored when he was at home alone. They bought him a black girl, with whom they later bred and had puppies. So I almost became a breeder, ha ha! I had enough for two times, because the work is hellishly hard, babies are born at 200 grams, require round-the-clock attention for at least two weeks, then when selling them it is extremely difficult to part with them, since everyone becomes like family, built by you. Then I bought another girl in Moscow. She was bought on the Internet, without meeting her parents, as I now understand, it turned out to be a big mistake. Always look at the puppy’s parents, their temperament and appearance, evaluate the psyche and behavior of the dogs, since without this you can end up with a shaggy hair madness at home. This girl chewed up everything that was in the house and lay in bad condition, she peed in my shoes and on the bed, the appearance of an adult dog left much to be desired. Subsequently, I “gave up” with dog breeding, gave away all the young ladies, leaving only the first boy for myself. I was very lucky with him.

I can definitely name the following points as the disadvantages of the breed:

1. A very small dog (mine weighs 1900), this requires very careful treatment of the animal throughout its life, so as not to break or dislocate anything. I would not recommend it for a family with small children.

2. Until the age of 6, I couldn’t let go of the leash, because I was always trying to run off somewhere and not return. With age he became more obedient and stopped running away.

3. Teeth - they are in disgusting condition in all decorative breeds. Milk teeth do not fall out on their own in small animals and you have to resort to the services of a veterinarian (under general anesthesia, remove everything that has not fallen out on its own). From the age of 5, the dog begins to lose everything, and what does not fall out begins to rot. All teeth were cleaned with ultrasound several times, but this did not help the situation. Today my dog ​​has no teeth at all, although this in no way prevents him from eating normally, but I remember the removal of rotten fangs with horror.

4. Dogs are susceptible to seizures, since in small breeds the fontanelle often does not close, which is not considered a problem for the breed, but with age it manifests itself as problems with the head. It is necessary to find a good veterinarian who specializes in minis and maintain contact with him throughout the pet’s life, since even from general anesthesia the dog may not wake up if the correct dosage is not selected.

Of the absolute advantages: very affectionate, not demanding for long walks and food, handsome, always attracts attention on the street, a loyal friend.

But... Using your own example: depending on your luck. You need to choose a puppy very carefully, and be sure to look at the parents. I do not recommend taking a puppy without a pedigree, since this document is not only a confirmation of the breed, but also a guarantee that you really bought a toy, and not a pedal 5 kg horse in the future. Look at the parents, it is advisable that at least one of them exhibits and has some kind of title (preferably the father). It is very easy to buy an uncontrollable dog from bad parents, but she will be with you for a long time, so when buying, you should not believe the first advertisement, because you need it today and now, but choose several breeders, travel around and see.


A dog of the Russian Longhaired Toy Terrier breed has been living with me for more than three years. During this time he became a real member of the family. Before purchasing, I read a lot of reviews on the Internet and asked friends who knew dogs of this breed. Now I decided to write my impressions and my experience of keeping a Russian Longhaired Toy.

We took our boy at an early age. He was then a little over a month old. If you are going to adopt a dog, it is better to wait until the puppy is at least four months old. This makes it much more likely that you will not be rejected. Cryptorchidism is a common condition in small breed dogs. Another problem is teeth that grow in two rows. The breasts do not fall out and have to be removed surgically. These are the problems we encountered.

As for character, we were lucky here. The kid turned out to be not at all evil. Everyone says that toys love to bark. Ours never barked at a single passerby. He really dislikes noise, loud sounds and sudden movements. Which is probably typical for all dogs.

It is very important to understand that this, although small, is a dog! We treated ours like a small child. And now he does not perceive himself as anything other than an equal member of the family. Sitting at the table with everyone, sleeping in bed, demanding constant attention - this is all that our indulgences have put into his little head.

Although dogs of this breed can do without walking, they cannot do without your attention. Consider all the pros and cons before starting this little miracle. And if you start one, treat it with love and patience. And may this small but faithful dog please you for many years to come.


I love this breed!! I got into it about 2 years ago. I just like the smooth toy dogs, but the long ones make me happy... My little animal is 1.5 years old, for six months I cherished the dream of adopting such a puppy, I persuaded my husband, who was categorically against it. His arguments: there will be a smell from the dog, he needs to go for a walk, he will chew everything. She persistently explained: these babies go to the toilet in a diaper, there is no smell, she eats a little (by the way, now my husband dotes on this little dog, he became attached in a few days, coddles with with him, plays, pours out her soul to him, but it’s impossible not to love them!! So affectionate, devoted, always greets you with genuine joy - even if you went out for 10 minutes! We took our baby at 5 months last fall, he was already accustomed to walking on a diaper, didn’t chew anything, ate and eats dry food, knows several necessary commands, is very smart, if we’re not at home - he’s almost always asleep, we come and play. So much love, affection and devotion in his little heart, I kiss him on the nose , my little cutie!!



Devoted, beautiful, small.


Angry, stubborn.

Wonderful dog. We have a girl, Lucky, red-brown tan, a very beautiful color. It doesn’t do any harm, go to the toilet strictly outside, and it doesn’t matter if it’s +30 or -30 outside. Smart girl. But, very capricious and angry towards strangers, she protects her home no worse than a guard dog. Of course, we, the owners, are to blame, because we love and pamper her immensely. There is a desire to buy another one.



A joyful and playful dog that gets along with rodents, cats, and other pets. They also have an interesting history.


The dog breed requires a lot of care, is jealous, and can be stubborn at times. But there are still many more advantages!

She lives like this herself. The dog is very obedient, loves to run and play, gives voice to strangers - thereby trying to protect. Toichik requires good attention and is even jealous of other pets. The dog gets along with the cat. I'm glad that I got myself such a pet 2 years ago and that I made the right choice!

Nastya Kivi

After this review you will go to the store to buy a Toy.

I would like to share with you my thoughts about my Russian Toy Terrier dog.

They adopted him as a puppy and put him in the same room with a cat. A year later, this puppy became a full-fledged dog, but... he was raised by the same cat, so he repeated everything after the cat: he slept the same way, ate the same way, and JUMPED off the sofas the same way! And the paws are thin...we were afraid that we might break something!

When the cat and dog were left alone at home, they really hung out. They jumped on all the shelves, sofas, chairs and stools. This makes the dog MEGA ACTIVE. When returning home, she jumped on her hind legs and tried to jump up to her owner’s face to kiss her (well, I’m exaggerating, not to her face, of course...)

When male “weaknesses” appeared, the pussy kept popping out. It is something. Mashlysh is a little exciter. I jumped with it like a fool, not understanding what it was. And he was embarrassed to approach the girl.

One day we bought him a ball that made a whistle when you pressed it. So the toy started singing!! Oh, he sang so many songs…………. He didn’t just howl, but gave such parts that he could have given them to the choir!

When I was fooling around, I walked with the letter “L.” That is, both the head and the ass are in front. The whole family laughed until they cried))

After sleep, I always did stretches on my stomach, straightening my hind legs... and in this position I crawled somewhere with my front legs... it looked like I was crawling on my belly))

The soul of the company, will bestow love 1,000,000 times a day.

Now I’m writing this review and I can’t imagine where to find a dog as unique as ours... because ours is no longer with us - he was lost. I went out for a walk in the garden at the dacha, and, as always, was supposed to return from behind the bushes, but did not return - disappeared. (More suspicions that it was stolen).

Need I say what a grief this is for the whole family? I think you understand.

One thing I want to add is that such dogs may be stupid, but they will never be deprived of love and fun. They are so small that it turns out that it is so easy to lose them...

I hope that if you get yourself a Toy, it will be your source of happiness)) Appreciate it, keep it, don’t let it go, love it!! They are the most positive and active......!!


I, like many parents, bought the dog at the request of my 13-year-old daughter. Of course, she swore to me that she would take care of the dog herself. She named him Creed (she is a fan of the singer Yegor Creed, whose concert in our city I described).

So, Creed appeared in our family, 2 months old. He shits everywhere, we can’t train him to go outside, or rather I can’t, since all the assurances about my daughter’s care for the dog remain just assurances. Creed became my pet and taking care of him fell on my shoulders.

Now he is 5 months old. During this time, we accustomed him to a collar and leash, he responds to a nickname, knows the command “Come to me,” eats only from his own bowl and does not beg near the table. He doesn't know how to go outside to the toilet. He walks if he is outside for a long time, purely by accident. I tried to teach him to go to the litter box like a cat, but nothing worked. They poked their noses into his heaps and puddles and spanked him with a newspaper, but nothing happened. This problem is the most pressing for us.

Of course we loved him. He is a very affectionate and friendly dog. Tolerates all manifestations of love from my little son. True, he tries to lick all passers-by and plays with everyone. They were already trying to lure him in while I wasn’t looking.

He eats little, but often. We don’t feed him dry food, he eats from the communal table. As a bad habit, his daughter taught him to sleep with her in bed. I fought against this, but failed. And of course the toilet.

Otherwise, we are all happy. I hope we can overcome the difficulties with the toilet.

I'm updating.

So, Creed is almost 8 months old. The problem with the toilet has been resolved. It’s summer now, we live in our own house, I’m on maternity leave with my son, so Creed and my son and I spend a lot of time outside. At home he stopped shitting. Food is worse; he stopped eating everything. He eats very selectively, very little, but often. If he eats some food once, he will not approach it again.

We have another problem. As I already said, we live in our own house, we don’t yet have a fence on one side (from the front of the property). Creed's walks boiled down to the fact that my daughter or I let him out into the street and after half an hour or an hour we call him home. As soon as you open the door and call him and clap your hands, he comes running. Very convenient, especially for us. He no longer approaches strangers and may bark.

But today I witnessed a terrible scene, although I understand. that our connivance led to this (what is ours, mine - I really can’t count on a teenager!?).

So, today my husband, son and I left the site by car. Creed was walking on the street. As soon as we started driving, he ran after us. We turned onto the highway, which was quite busy. He ran after us. We stopped, called the dog, he didn’t come. Then the worst thing began - our sweet, kind family dog ​​began to rush at passing cars. Moreover, he rushed across the moving car. It was a miracle he wasn't hit by a car. He did not respond to our commands “Come to me”. My husband and I ran along the track, catching Creed. By some miracle no one hit him. I was afraid that he would be hit by a car and that this would happen in front of our eyes and the eyes of my 3-year-old son. Luckily, we caught him and took him home.

But this situation shocked me. I realized that there is an uncontrollable and unpredictable animal living in my house, for which I am responsible. I had a serious talk with my daughter. forbade her to let him walk except on a leash. I don’t know what to do next. Did we miss his upbringing?



A small dog that can easily fit in a purse


There are some unpleasant colors

I myself love big dogs, for example, Doberman, Alabai, but I got a girlfriend, and she has just that terrier, I liked him so much. She's just lovely!


I will not praise this breed, telling you how cute and good they are. I won't scold her either. I’ll just tell you what to expect if you decide to buy a dog of this breed. And since you are reading this topic, then you can already give you 5 for the fact that you are not careless about buying a puppy.

First of all, I’ll tell you about the first mistakes owners make that they don’t think about when buying a pet. In the association of many people, the toy terrier is a tiny puppy, unpretentious, playful, you don’t need to walk him twice a day, he can pee on his diaper, etc. and so on. Yes, on the one hand this is true.

Only people forget that these “tiny” dogs are after all, and when problems begin, and they begin because this breed is very difficult to maintain, they hand it over to “good hands” and scold this breed. There are a lot of such cases! And why all? Like any dog, he will whine, ask for attention, keep him awake at night, and will not immediately pee where you point him. And only at one year old (plus or minus) will it become easier. However, a dog is a dog, not an accessory. And given some difficulties with the breed, not everyone is ready for the possible problems and outcomes that I write about below.

I have already told you more about all the problems of this breed and the stories of my pets here And also there are general recommendations for buying a puppy.

Briefly from the problems of the breed I can note:

  • Fragility. Very frequent injuries in different and stupid situations (as in my case). Therefore, are categorically not recommended for families with small children. Awkward games can harm a dog and even kill it.
  • Not for active, busy people. She needs constant, every second supervision (so that she doesn’t get damaged, fall, etc.).
  • Health problems, periodontal disease. Including tooth loss at an early age. If you read my post above, then my dogs from different litters lost almost all their teeth already at the age of 4.
  • Diseases at a young age. This is what owners are most often not prepared to do when treating young dogs. It is not necessary, of course, that all dogs are sick. No. But the risk is very high.
  • Many, many accidents. Again, precisely because of their fragility, there are a lot of cases of dogs dying under ridiculous circumstances. Personally, I don’t want to have a dog of this breed anymore, I’m already worried.

Who will this breed be good for:

  • for the elderly
  • for people at home who constantly stay at home
  • people with a passive lifestyle
  • people ready for any possible difficulties

That's basically it! Otherwise, very good, sweet, most loyal dogs. Our boy was a real hero and protector, he did not give offense))))) And even when he became disabled, he tried as much as he could to protect and defend. We loved him, did not abandon him, and I hope we provided him with a decent life.

I wish you all good luck with your new pets! Thank you for your attention!

You can read about other dog breeds using these links:……



Didn't find it.


Shyness, constant yapping.

This is a weak dog. This is perhaps a better description of this breed. I endured this misunderstanding for almost a year. At first I endured the constant puddles and incessant yapping, but one day I realized that I had had enough. I threw out this creature and got a husky - a wonderful dog.


Hi all! And welcome to our friendly family! I am the Great Dane mother of Alexandra, and I have 4 dogs. Chihuahua, Toy Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and Shepherd.

Today I want to tell you about the Toy Terrier , about their character, nutrition, bathing and much other useful information, and I will answer the question:

«Is it worth getting a Toy Terrier?

Our dog's name is Alma, and she is already 3 years old.

She is very playful and loves to play. It takes us 30 minutes to walk.

Often when I go to the store, to work or just to run errands, Alma starts whining.

I started teaching our baby commands when she was just a puppy, and we were very good at it. First I taught her to give a paw, sit, lie down, then I moved on to more complex commands:

I taught her to dance and pray!

It wasn't that difficult, but time was running out.


Alma is cunning and very nimble by nature. Sometimes when we play with her, I make her a maze or an obstacle course, she is so fast that she doesn’t have time to think, and this is a huge minus:

Alma can jump up sharply from a high place when she hears something and break her paw.

Sometimes I worry a lot about her.

Toy terriers really need attention.

Some people confuse them with Chihuahuas, although their body type is slightly different:

They have longer legs and are most often black in color.


We swim very rarely, once every 2 months.


In fact, our Alma is a fully purebred dog. And Alma cost 20 thousand rubles.

I don't consider this a very high price.

Boy or girl?

I think this is not particularly important. But when you buy a girl, know that there will come a time when you decide:

Childbirth or sterilization?

Like childbirth, sterilization is a very important moment, both for you and for your dog.

Sterilization is sometimes dangerous - dogs do not wake up from anesthesia. It's very scary. But there is nothing to be afraid of if your dog is not old. If your girl is one year old, then you can sterilize her.

But please be extremely careful whether you trust veterinarians or not.


Childbirth is also quite dangerous, especially for Toy Terriers. Accidents happen. But, no need to worry. The girl will give birth on her own. And you will get adorable puppies.

Is it worth getting a Toy Terrier?

If you are ready and have read a lot of information about this breed, then yes.

If you simply, from the first impression, want a Toy Terrier, without knowing anything about them:

And this is: character, bathing, what cannot be given to dogs and what can be given, childbirth and sterilization of girls, cost, and so on.

In general, Toy Terriers are very sweet and good friends who will love you more than their own lives.

I hope the review was useful for you, and you have finally decided on this breed.

Alma and I wish you good luck!


Greetings to all! Martin came to me when he was 3 months old. Born 11/17/2019. From the breeder he fell into the hands of the first owner, from her to me. For me, this is the first experience of getting a dog in general, in general, I think it’s the last. Lives in an apartment in an apartment building. Barks when neighbors walk along the entrance. When we talk loudly or swear, he barks. On the street "Tyav" at all passers-by, dogs, cats, pigeons. Whoever comes to visit will also have his eardrums cleaned and will only calm down in his hands. His motto: “I’m ringing, I’m ringing, I’ll be ringing!” But I'm working on it. In general, I think it’s better to write a review when everything is over, finita-la-comedy, after he has gone to heaven...

During the first weeks I bit my hands, I stopped it, I found an article on the Internet: if he bites, say “Arp” loudly - this sound is similar to the sound of a puppy when he is in pain. Is it a joke?! It helped me. My husband still gets bitten. In the game, you may not bite until you bleed, but it is painful and not pleasant. I spanked my butt for such behavior. I’m a sinner, I know it’s impossible.

I got used to using the toilet in a diaper, but that took a long time. As soon as I wash my hands with soap, there’s a puddle where I don’t need it or something harder. Now it’s definitely time for a diaper, we have 2 of them in the apartment. For the most part, I used to walk around dropping it at a distance from the kitchen to the hallway. Now it’s clear to the diaper. When he defecates, he moves around, so everything doesn’t always stay on the diaper. I used to stay at home alone for 8.5-9 hours, I’d come home and there was devastation, all my things and toys were in one pile, which I hadn’t put away, in a torn state. He chewed off the corners in the hallway, tore off the wallpaper in the kitchen and hallway. Any things that come across the teeth remain in the mouth! Remove everything and even what you thought about, yes, well, he’s not interested in it or he won’t get it. Yeah... Alas and Ah. Our problem is that he didn’t have enough toys or attention. In the third month of life, we walked more often in our arms on the street, we didn’t expend much energy, and this is the result... furniture, wallpaper... Now everything is calm, on the floor, however, like a small child, there are a lot of toys. The dog is smart and can be trained quickly. Knows the commands: “Sit”, “No”, “Fu”, “Come to me”. Curious, sticks his nose everywhere. He sniffs everything. He follows the owner everywhere in the apartment, on the street he runs a little far away, but turns around and runs back. Sociable, always with us. He’s playful, as soon as you throw the toy, he carries it back into his hands and so this toy flies back and forth, while I’m always in the same place, he runs up. I love him and can’t stop looking at him, so I take him in my arms and squeeze him, but I understand that this is not good and quickly let go. In the car I immediately got used to riding on the handles, but now he whines in the back seat. If I got out of the car, and he stayed inside with my husband, he whines. I went to the store, they were left waiting on the street - whining. Have you noticed that everywhere with him it’s just the two of us?! He doesn't recognize anyone anymore, only our turtle. He barks, growls at his parents, and tries to grab the arm/leg that is closest to the face.

Since we live on the sofa and bed, that means Martin needs to go there too! Out of great love or out of our ignorance, he wanders from the bed to the sofa. It's hard to wean now. I like it when he lies warm next to me; it’s a pleasure to stroke his fur. By the way, about pleasure, if we sit cross-legged, it comes up and begins to have a leg. We push away. I trim my nails myself. Not all at once and not in one day, who will give me all 20 of them at once!

I took it with my passport, with vaccinations, everything according to GOST, but I washed the floor and saw a lot of dead helminths on its bedding, apparently vomited. Immediately she injected the drug from a syringe, he vomited again after some time with helminths and the stool was also with helminths. I don’t know what they fed him so much three months before me that he vomited it all up a week later... I won’t tell you the name of the drug, it was given by the previous owner. She is a veterinarian. He started jumping on the bed and sofa after cleaning this one (as he grew older he was able to jump on/off on his own). Everything from horror movies!

I washed him 2 times in the entire history of our life together, his fur and dandruff came from this, because often, as it turned out. After every walk I wipe my paws and belly. And do not forget that despite the fact that the breed is small, it is still a dog, and it is as if you were raising a Doberman in front of you, like an ordinary dog!!! I’m not used to the harness, like a chained dog is ready to break free from it and run headlong, when I let go more calmly. “Harnesses are harmful for up to 6 months,” said the veterinarian. But first we listened to the seller at the pet store, bought a genuine leather harness for 420 rubles, and now we need a leash.

In general, it is necessary to train. And there will be a fire-dog! This, of course, takes time and nerves at times. But I can handle. And you can handle it if you dare to start a KIPISH in your apartment. We are waiting for the ears to stand up. I will accept your recommendations with an open soul! I don’t react to negativity in any way.


If you're going to get a dog, get a real one, not a mutant rat. I'll start from the beginning. My sister turned out to be allergic to cat hair and wanted to buy herself a small dog that had minimal fur. And then the dream came true, Toffee was bought in all pedigrees and with a brand on the belly. Okay, let’s skip the appearance, everyone has their own taste and someone will find this breed very cute, I’ll write about the character. Each dog has its own character and habits, just like a person. But in this case I simply have no words. The dog is very cowardly and literally hides from a loud bang. The child is afraid and, excuse me, pees out of fear if he approaches him. He is also afraid of other small dogs. He doesn’t walk around on the collar, he stands rooted to the spot and you can’t move him with anything. He doesn’t lend himself to discipline, he pees and poops everywhere he can. But most importantly, she is a whimsical eater and will not even eat special expensive food in the form of meat in jelly. But the dog eats ordinary things just fine. The damage cannot be counted! He eats duvet covers (he eats pieces of fabric), leather gloves, bags, sandals, pajamas, toys, in general, everything that comes in his way. The amount is already more than it is worth. I love animals very much, but I’m ready to strangle this dog until my sister is home. Nobody around, except the owner, likes this dog



bring a lot of joy to the house


the problem is feeding

You can’t imagine how much joy these cute dogs bring to your home, despite the fact that the dogs are small, very loyal and cheerful, always in a good mood.


I found him near the garage, he was thrashing and throwing himself at everything in fear. He was wearing a collar, and the dog itself was clearly domestic. We posted advertisements, wrote to the community, but we never found the owners. The owner left and continued searching.

I already have a miniature dog, and on the first day it became a problem. Tsverg barked - he immediately peed. It was decided to separate him into rooms, and then the wife took the miniature and went to the dacha. We stayed with him and croaked in the city.

Nutrition. They picked up dry food for him right away, he generally ate everything, and the first thing he did was to spoil and partially eat the children’s toys: the eyes of soft toys, plastic parts. I wouldn’t call him picky about food.

Toilet. Everything was always clear with the miniature. Twice a day. Everything is unpredictable with Toy, he never got used to the diaper, he constantly found new places for the toilet. Once he even cheated his wife on the spices on the table. Scolding, punishing, cleaning, hiding - all to no avail. His fantasies on the topic - today I declare you a toilet - are simply limitless.

Barking. This is a separate minus; within a week I became twitchy. A fly, a car, the barking of another dog - all the reasons for flooding and not calming down for about ten minutes.

Character. I didn’t notice any aggression in him. Friendly, especially if you're home alone for a long time.

Conclusion. A month later I found his owners and happily returned them to the owners. For myself, I note that the breed is clearly not mine.


Good day!

May animal rights activists forgive me, but this is the stupidest dog I have ever known...

So, back in 2016, after “babysitting” a friend’s toy, suddenly, out of the blue, I wanted my own

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