Milbemax tablets for worms for adult large dogs (2 tablets)

Release form and active components

Milbemax for small dogs and puppies
Milbemax for dogs is available in tablet dosage form, two tablets in a blister. The active compounds are milbemycin (in the form of oxime) and praziquantel. The manufacturer took care of both puppies and adult animals:

  • for small dogs and young animals, the content of active ingredients in the tablet is 25 mg of praziquantel and 2.5 mg of milbemycin;
  • Large older animals should choose a drug containing 125 mg of praziquantel and 12.5 mg of milbemycin.

It is impossible to confuse the tablets, since they are marked accordingly and differ in shape: in the first case they are oval with the inscription AA, in the second they are round with the engraving CCA. Among the additional ingredients of the composition are: lactose, cellulose, silicon, magnesium stearate and others.


Contraindications to the use of Milbemax are as follows:

  • Kittens less than 6 weeks old or weighing less than 0.5 kg.
  • Adult cats weighing less than 2 kg.
  • General exhaustion of the body.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Renal dysfunction.
  • Individual intolerance to the active components of the drug.
  • Pregnant cats, in the first two thirds of the period.
  • Nursing cats, in the first 3 weeks after birth.

How Milbemax works

Milbemax, a deworming medicine for dogs, not only leads to the death of parasites, but also enhances the activity of the animal’s enzyme systems, which helps to obtain an anthelmintic effect in a short time. Entering the pet’s body, milbemycin increases the polarity of the parasite’s cell membranes in the nervous and muscle tissues and enhances the penetration of chlorine through them. This leads to paralysis and subsequent death of the helminth.

Praziquantel also disrupts the polarity of cell membranes, increasing their permeability to calcium. As a result, the muscles of the worms contract, and the outer layer of cells covering the body of the worm is destroyed.

Milbemax belongs to hazard class 3 (moderate); If the dosage is observed, the drug does not pose a threat to the health of the animal.

Pharmacological (biological) properties

Milbemycinoxim not only has anthelmintic properties, in addition it has an effect on insects and ticks. Acts against nematodes living in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. The highest concentration of Milb in a dog's plasma accumulates within 2-3 hours. Most often it is excreted unchanged in feces.

The second active ingredient is praziquantelum. It has pronounced anthelmintic properties. Increases the permeability of the membranes of worm cells for calcium ions, causing centralized contraction of the muscles of the helminth, which leads to permanent paralysis, which actually kills the helminth. The highest concentration of the substance in plasma is achieved from one to three hours. It is excreted by the kidneys (eighty percent) and a small part is excreted in the feces.

According to its composition, this medicine can be classified as moderately dangerous.

Can there be side effects?

Milbemax for dogs

Side effects of Milbemax for dogs include:

  • increased salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • unsteady gait, muscle weakness;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • vomiting, diarrhea.

Such symptoms, in most cases, indicate an overdose of the drug. No special measures are required - the symptoms go away within 24 hours without drug treatment.

Breeders reviews


“We take it according to the advice of the veterinarian. Giving the tablets is simple: I crushed them into powder and mixed them with food, the dog ate them. There were no side effects, we are happy with the purchase, if something happens, we turn to Milbemax.”


“Every year we give our Charlie Milbemax before vaccinations. He does not eat the tablet in its pure form, apparently it is too bitter. After several uses there were no side effects.”


“A couple of years ago we got a German Shepherd puppy. The first thing we did was take the new family member to the veterinarian. The baby turned out to be completely healthy, without any abnormalities. Since there are small children in the house, the doctor advised sometimes to prevent worms using Mibelmax. We use it this way: I put the tablet inside the fruit, the dog absorbs it without whims. There were no side effects; the only drawback of the drug was the price. But, for the sake of your pet’s health, you can fork out more.”

In what cases is Milbemax not prescribed?

Treatment with Milbemax is contraindicated in dogs that have impaired kidney and liver function. In addition, if your pet is intolerant to any components of the medication, it should not be given either.

Attention: deworming is not carried out on animals that are weakened after illness, are exhausted, or have an infectious disease in the acute stage.

If the dog is expecting offspring or feeding newborns, the use of the drug is permissible in consultation with the veterinarian. In addition, it is not recommended to give small dogs tablets for adult animals, since the distribution of active ingredients in the tablet may be uneven. Puppies whose body weight is less than 500 g are not given medicine.

Features of application

If you decide that you will deworm your cat with Milbemax, then you should know a few rules for using this drug:

  1. Giving anthelmintics can only be done to a healthy cat (the feces must be clean, the cat must feel well). If you are feeling unwell (vomiting, fever, etc.), then you must first treat your pet.
  2. You need to select tablets according to the age and weight of the animal (tablets for kittens and adult cats contain different amounts of the active substance).
  3. The dosage should be selected strictly according to the instructions (ideally, consult a veterinarian).

When a cat's disease progresses, various symptoms begin to appear. A suspicious owner may immediately decide that the animal has a helminthic infestation, so an urgent need to buy tablets (especially if the cat had access to the street, etc.). Thus, a cat that is sick (with a cold, fleas, cystitis, or something else) is treated with a special drug. All anthelmintics are a kind of poison. Helminths, if there were any, die inside the animal’s body and the process of their disintegration begins (especially if the infestation was advanced). The animal, which was already feeling bad, also gets intoxicated. This is how you can lose your pet.

Some inexperienced cat breeders think that since there is no “children’s” Milbemax in the pharmacy, they can buy an “adult” one and divide the tablet in half. This is also the wrong decision. After all, we are not talking about the weight or size of the pill, but about the quantity and ratio of all components of the medicine. If you can’t find the required packaging in any veterinary pharmacy, you can contact your veterinarian. In addition, there is always the opportunity to choose an analogue.

You need to buy Milbemax in the packaging that suits your pet.

Table: calculation of drug dosage

Cat body weightDosage for kittens and small catsDosage for large cats
from 0.5 kg to 1 kg0.5 tablets
from 1 kg to 2 years1 tablet
from 2 kg to 4 kg0.5 tablets
from 4 kg to 8 kg1 tablet
from 8 kg1.5 tablets

Some cat owners who do not want to stuff their pets with “chemicals” divide the tablet into 3 or more parts. You can’t do this, I learned this from our veterinarian. The fact is that each pill inside contains an evenly distributed portion of the medicine. The outside of the pill is covered with the same even layer of shell (and you can’t do without it, otherwise the pill will be impossible to swallow). So, when we cut off, for example, two-thirds of such an elongated tablet, the proportions are violated. If there is a line on the tablet, it means there are two equal parts inside it. If the separation is not standard, the cat may eat a lot of the shell and little of the active substance (or vice versa).

Reception scheme

Milbemax is convenient because a single use is enough (the medicine needs to be given to the cat once). This can be done forcefully, but some give the tablet with a small amount of food (you can crush the tablet and add the resulting powder to a tablespoon of wet food).

If the tablet is added to food, then it must be such food that will definitely be eaten to the last crumb

Some owners give the cat sorbents (for example, activated carbon) a few hours after taking the medicine. In fact, healthy cats do not need such a procedure. Veterinarians prescribe sorbents for severe helminthic infestations, weakened or sick cats . With the usual prevention of helminthiasis, such drugs will only weaken the effect of Melbimax.

It also sometimes happens that cat owners advise each other to “deworm” the cat again. This is explained by the fact that sometimes the larvae and eggs of helminths do not die and are not hatched. After some time, they may turn into adult worms, and taking the pill again will kill them too. But if you have any doubts about the success of treatment, consult your veterinarian first.

Can it be used in pregnant cats and kittens?

Melbimax is also allowed to treat pregnant cats, but provided that the animal feels well. The manufacturer of the anthelmintic assures that Melbimax does not have any embryotoxic effect. This means that the drug is safe for future offspring. Of course, the dosage must be chosen in strict accordance with the instructions for use.

Melbimax is used for the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis in pregnant cats and kittens

A kitten is a cat under 1 year of age. Some kittens become adult-like at the age of 7–8 months. For example, a Maine Coon can be larger than the average adult cat at six months of age.

Melbimax can be used to treat kittens from 1.5 months of age. Important: even a six-week-old kitten should weigh at least 500 grams. Otherwise, the dosage of the active substance may be shocking. Sometimes kittens have to be wormed at the same time as adult cats. In such a situation, you can buy Melbimax for a cat, but it is better for a kitten to choose a suitable analogue. Otherwise, the treatment and prevention of kittens and cats are the same.

The veterinarian gave the cat half of Milbemax 10 days ago, she said that it would be necessary to repeat the dose after some time. The cat is now 1.5 months old, tablets “for kittens and small cats.” There were definitely worms at the first appointment.

elvisvis, forum user

Video: how to properly give a pill to a cat

What to do in case of overdose

An overdose of any medical drug is always poisoning. The toxic substances contained in Milbemax accumulate in the cat’s body and begin to exceed the required safe dose. You can understand that this has happened by several symptoms:

  • body temperature has dropped sharply (paws are cold, the cat is freezing and looking for warmth);
  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting (vomit or stool may contain blood);
  • may drool;
  • pupils are strongly constricted and dilated in any lighting;
  • lethargy, apathy, impaired coordination of movements;
  • strange behavior (eg, being too excited);
  • heavy breathing (shortness of breath, wheezing, frequent sighs or, conversely, rare and deep);
  • loss of appetite, up to complete refusal of any food;
  • change in color of mucous membranes;
  • unusual smell from the mouth;
  • convulsions, fainting, etc.

The danger of an overdose is that it will not “dissolve”, will not go away and will not be forgotten. Poisoning can lead to rapid death, so in such cases, urgent assistance from a veterinarian is necessary. The maximum that you can do in such a situation is to provide first aid (until the veterinarian arrives or the cat is taken to the clinic).

The first thing the cat owner should do is write down the time he took Milbemax, as well as the exact time the symptoms appeared. If you have the skills to handle a syringe, you can inject Dexamethasone (1-2 ml). This action must also be recorded. Some owners wash the cat's stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink). To do this, you need to pour the solution into the animal’s mouth so that it does not choke, and then induce vomiting. After this, you need to crush 2-3 tablets of activated carbon, mix this powder with water and give your pet this liquid. By the way, charcoal can be given without gastric lavage.

Special conditions for using Milbemax

When contacting Milbemax, you must adhere to general safety rules: do not eat, refrain from smoking, wash your hands after treatment. If part of the tablet remains during the deworming process, it can be stored in the same blister for a maximum of six months.

To store the drug, you need to choose a dark place inaccessible to animals and children. The medicine should not be frozen or kept at temperatures above 25 degrees. The drug can be stored for three years.


Milbemax is prescribed for treatment, deworming and prevention of nematodes, cestodes and mixed nematodo-cestodes infestations, which are caused by the following types of helminths: - cestodes - Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinocaus multilocularis, Mesocestoides spp. - nematodes - Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Trichuris vulpis, Renosoma vulpis (reduces the intensity of infection), Angiostrongylus vasorum (reduces the intensity of infection), Dirofilaria immitis (for preventive purposes).

What can replace the product: analogues

If you couldn’t buy Milbemax or your pet is allergic to its components, you can use other drugs to get rid of worms. The most common analogues of Milbemax:

  • Drontal plus;
  • Kanikquantel;
  • Cestal plus;
  • Pratel;
  • Milprazone;
  • Febtal combo;
  • Trontsil.

In general, judging by user reviews, Milbemax does not cause any reactions from the dog’s body and is well tolerated. The medicine is freely sold in veterinary pharmacies, including via the Internet and in clinics, and the average price of the drug is about 300 rubles.


Veterinarians and experienced cat breeders recommend Melbimax for the following reasons:

  • demonstrates a pronounced anthelmintic effect;
  • is active against most helminths that threaten cats;
  • begins to act within 1–2 hours after taking the tablet;
  • after consuming the tablet, the cat does not need to be isolated, so the animal tolerates the treatment without stress;
  • the small size of the tablet and its pleasant taste makes it easier to take;
  • the medicine is suitable for cats of all breeds;
  • Suitable for adult cats and kittens from 6 weeks weighing from 500 g.

As reviews say, Milbemax really helps destroy endoparasites and very rarely causes negative reactions in pets.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Milbemax is one of the most effective antiparasitic drugs for animals.
  2. There are two types of tablets: regular and chewable.
  3. Do not confuse the dosage, and the treatment will proceed without negative consequences.

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Answers to frequently asked questions

How long does the drug last and does it need to be given again?

Give twice with an interval of 10-14 days. Its effect lasts up to 3 months. However, during the insect summer season (spring-summer-autumn), treatment is carried out monthly.

Is it necessary to feed the tablet along with food or can it be given on an empty stomach?

It is not necessary to administer the drug with food. But it’s easier to give medicine with food - you can disguise it in minced meat, cottage cheese, cheese. If you think that the dog will smell the capsule and spit it out, forcefully apply it to the root of the tongue.

Can Milbemax be given to pregnant dogs?

The anthelmintic is approved for use in pregnant and lactating bitches. However, due to their special condition, treatment is carried out on the recommendation of a veterinarian and under his supervision.


Milbemax for dogs is one of the best anthelmintics. In my practice, I have rarely encountered side effects after taking this medication, and all of them were associated with the individual characteristics of the animal: diseases, hypersensitivity, etc.

But Milbemax is not unique. It has worthy analogues. It can be replaced with Milprazone - the composition and dosages of both drugs are identical, but the cost differs significantly.

"Gelmimax" and "Kaniquantel" are considered safer - they extremely rarely lead to complications. But if you have a collie or a related breed, take “Febtal” (only the regular one, not “Combo”), “Troncil” or “Dehinel Plus”.

Read more: Small dog breeds

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