“The secret of learning is revealed!” How to walk dogs in the rain?

By getting a dog, we take on the responsibility to take care of him and keep him in proper conditions. In addition to proper nutrition and a balanced diet, walks in the fresh air play an important role. How to walk your dog correctly? After all, during a walk, the pet must not only manage its business, but also have the opportunity to vent its energy. Let's figure it out.

Basic walking rules

There is a set of rules that animal owners must adhere to. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. You should always remove your pet's waste products. To do this, when leaving home, take plastic bags with you;
  2. In public places and in transport, the dog must be on a leash and muzzle;
  3. Walking your dog in unauthorized places may result in an administrative fine;
  4. From childhood, teach your puppy to be in the company of other domestic dogs. In the future, this will teach him to interact with animals. An untrained adult dog will be afraid of dogs or rush at them.

Start training your furry friend right away so that he knows these commands׃

  • "to me";
  • "near";
  • "sit";
  • "stand";
  • "place";
  • "ugh".

This will make walking safe. An obedient animal will not run away from its owner in a crowded place or wander on the road if it accidentally gets off its leash. The “fu” command will allow you to regulate incorrect behavior in relation to a bone lying on the ground, or to a cat running past.

Walking dogs in urban areas

Walk the dog in the city so that it has the opportunity to frolic on the grass, run around and not create inconvenience to the people around it. You should not choose playgrounds or outdoor sports complexes for walks. It is also better to avoid popular places for picnics or family walks. It's better to find a park or the outskirts of the city. A vacant lot overgrown with grass or a specially equipped place for animals to walk is suitable.

Experienced dog breeders differentiate between walking when necessary and walking. For a walk, they go far from home to a place where they can unfasten the leash, remove the muzzle, and engage in active games.

Walking a dog on city streets is full of surprises and dangers. Each dog, depending on its temperament and upbringing, reacts to them differently. Never leave it unattended, try to keep it within sight at all times.

Why dogs don't like cold weather and rain

For the same reasons many of us do. It’s very difficult to force yourself to put on demi-season clothes and arm yourself with umbrellas and raincoats. At the mere word “slush,” impressionable people become despondent and depressed, and dogs are no exception. The mood of the owners is quickly transmitted to the pets - this was noted a long time ago and not by us. Moreover, we can somehow protect ourselves from bad weather, but pets cannot. Feeling soaked to the skin, and even at a slightly positive temperature, is a dubious pleasure. Evolution also made its contribution: as soon as dogs come home in the warmth (or leave the bath), they immediately give a good “wet shake”, thereby trying to dry out as quickly as possible. Nobody wants to be wet.

Walking the dog in the rain

How to go outside if it's raining. In such weather, not only is it not comfortable for the owner to walk, but the dog will also be restrained by all four lamps. Some dogs can't stand "wet water running from the sky." They cannot understand why they are forcibly taken out into the street.

You will still have to walk the dog, so it is better to do everything to protect the pet from bad weather.

Persuade your dog to go for a walk in rainy weather

Even a very active dog can be scared by the thought of walking in the rain. Any of us would also prefer to run on the exercise machine in the gym on a rainy day rather than on a wet sidewalk. But there are times when this cannot be avoided - for example, rain may catch you outside while walking, or your exercise regime may not allow you to miss a walk just because of light rainfall. If you live in a rainy region or it is the rainy season, if your dog does not walk for a long time, this can affect both his exercise and his psyche.

The best way to teach your dog to tolerate weather conditions is to introduce them to such weather at a young age. The actions and actions of the owners influence the pet, and if he sees that you are having a great time, he may follow your example. But not all dogs are properly accustomed to inclement weather, and if you have an older dog, you may need to approach the issue differently.

Start small: take your dog to the toilet or for a minute walk in the rain. Gradually increase the duration of each walk so that your dog learns to walk more confidently in bad weather. You can purchase a dog raincoat to help keep your pet from getting too wet, which is probably what bothers him the most. Be sure to wash your dog's paws and dry him thoroughly immediately upon returning home. If your pet is confident that he will not remain wet forever, over time he will begin to perceive walking in the rain as nothing more than a temporary inconvenience.

Dog clothes

Some may think that clothing for animals is just a fad or a tribute to fashion. However, it is not. This is a useful innovation that was introduced relatively recently.


There are breeds that can easily tolerate bad conditions. Some were bred specifically to live in the harsh conditions of the north. These include, for example, cute huskies. Representatives of other breeds, especially small ones, feel disgusting in chilly or frosty weather. Vests are perfect for such cases, as they help keep the animal warm when it’s raining outside.

In addition, you can sew a reflective tape onto the vest so that you don’t lose your pet in poor visibility conditions. You can buy such a dog ribbon in stores or order it online.


Not every pet will like this type of clothing. However, if he treats it calmly, walking in rainy weather will no longer cause inconvenience. The raincoat will not allow you to get wet, even if the rain is very heavy.

Paw protection

Special boots will help protect your pet's feet from injury in bad weather. They are bought for frosts. They save the day when there is ice outside and the roads are sprinkled with reagents. But it also rains in the winter months. When the air temperature changes sharply, shards of melted ice can injure your tailed friend's legs.

You need to get used to wearing boots in advance. In the beginning, the dog should wear them at home. Encourage her with tidbits and praise. Let your pet know that his patience deserves a reward. If you are persistent, then putting boots on your paws before a walk will no longer cause fear or irritation in him.

Safety in rainy weather

When it rains outside, visibility decreases. To make sure your playful dog is clearly visible, buy a reflective collar from the store. During rainy weather, you can attach a light strip not only to the collar, but also to clothing.

Some dog breeders prefer to equip the collar with a flashing flashlight, but not all animals like such an accessory. The main thing is that when walking your pet in the rain, you can easily spot him when he is running without a leash.

Contact information on the collar

Provide your dog's collar with a contact phone number or write an address where the “lost dog” can be delivered if he accidentally runs away and gets lost. Of course, it is better to avoid such situations, but anything can happen in life.

Breeds not adapted to cold

Dobermans, spaniels, pit bulls and similar animals with short undercoats should not walk in the cold without a special blanket or raincoat. Small short-haired breeds can protect their paws with special boots.

On a note! “In the rain, it is impossible to see all the dangers that the street conceals. Therefore, the dog’s equipment must have reflective elements.”

It is not recommended to let pets off a leash in the rain. Finding a dog in bad weather is extremely difficult. And the dog itself may not find its home. Rain washes away odors, blurs tracks and obscures other landmarks in the area. Because of this, the pet will not be able to navigate the area on its own.

Choosing a route for a walk

Walking in the rain is not easy. It is necessary not only to provide your pet with a raincoat and a glowing collar, but also to carefully choose the route. Puddles and streams of water hide broken glass, holes and stones, on which the dog can injure his leg. It is better to walk a proven road, on which every bump is familiar.

Returning from a walk

Prepare in advance for returning home from a walk in rainy weather. Place a rag or old towel at the threshold so your dog can wait on it while you prepare the bath. A hairdryer should be on hand if the heating in the apartment has not yet been turned on. In winter, carefully inspect the animal’s paws to ensure there are no reagent or deep scratches on them.

How to walk your dog in the rain

Not all pets are happy to walk in the rain. When it rains, the smells become stronger and can be distracting and disturbing for your dog, causing him to have trouble choosing a place to relieve himself. There is no point in rushing your pet, let him take a walk. It is important to be patient here as walking in the rain may take longer than planned.

Another important issue concerns walking dogs with short hair, short-legged dogs, older dogs, or dogs without hair. Such animals can quickly freeze outside or catch a cold. To protect your animal, choose a comfortable overall or raincoat that will reliably protect your four-legged friend from moisture and wind.

Many dogs do not like to walk through puddles and get wet in the rain. If your pet is one of them, do not insist on a long walk. In any case, monitor the dog's condition and do not walk for too long.

After a walk, thoroughly wash your dog's paws and dry the fur with a well-absorbing towel. If the dog is not afraid, you can dry it with a hairdryer. After this, carefully comb the coat with a comb so that it dries faster and is better ventilated. To avoid catching a cold, make sure your dog is not lying in a draft. Lay out a bed or soft rug so that the dog does not lie on the bare floor.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Owner's clothes

Dank weather and drizzling rain chills “to the very bones.” To avoid getting sick and leaving your tailed friend without long walks, dress warmly. Must be

  • Waterproof jacket;
  • Raincoat;
  • Comfortable rubber shoes.

Holding an umbrella while walking is not always convenient. Also choose a waterproof hat.

Dog outfit

In addition to the usual harness/collar and leash, if desired, you can also put on a waterproof garment on your dog - the same raincoat intended for a dog, which can be purchased at a pet store or ordered online.

Despite the fact that, thanks to the layer of wool, many animals do not feel discomfort from walking in the rain, some time later a wet body can result in a cold for a four-legged animal, especially with a cool wind or prolonged exposure to the open air at low temperatures.

How to take your dog for a walk when she's in heat

When a small and such a cute puppy begins to grow up, the owner is faced with other problems, in addition to toilet training or how to properly feed him. One of them is to walk your dog during heat.

What is estrus

This is a normal physiological process that allows an adult animal to have offspring. The first time this can occur is in a female dog aged between six months and one year. This, as well as the frequency of periods, depends on the organism and characteristics of the animal. Estrus has different phases.

  1. In the first phase of estrus (proestrus), which lasts approximately seven to nine days, the dog becomes restless and may attack other females;
  2. The second, main period is called estrus. It lasts from several days to two weeks. Bitches these days are ready for mating and let the surrounding males know this. They arch their backs and move their tails to the side;
  3. The third period of estrus is metestrus. At this time, the animal’s hormonal levels begin to return to normal, discharge gradually ceases, and the character becomes more balanced. Duration – 2-2.5 months;
  4. Sexual rest is the final stage of estrus. It's called anestrus. Its duration is from 100 to 150 days.

The most difficult period for walking is the first two stages. Its average duration is about three weeks. Give or take a few days. At this time, dogs leave marks, moreover, they have a specific smell and this attracts males from all over the area.

Maybe it’s better to abstain from walking altogether?

Just not. The vast majority of dogs, even heat-loving ones, tolerate short walks in cool, drizzling rain well. We must not forget that our pets look forward to walks; they get tired of being within the four walls of their home. Finally (like people!), there are dogs that run and frolic in the rain with visible pleasure. Adhere to the principle of reasonable sufficiency, and also look carefully outside the window. If the weather gets really bad, limit yourself to a short sanitary exit. Or skip the walk altogether. But it is better and preferable to stick to the established routine.

Walking a bitch during heat

To avoid troubles when your pet has “critical days”

  • The dog must always be on a leash - you can only let it go in the most remote places;
  • Protect your pet from stray dogs - ideally, avoid meeting them altogether;
  • You cannot bathe your dog in open water during this period;
  • Warn neighbors and owners of other dogs so that there are no misunderstandings when their male dogs begin to behave strangely.

The dog's safety during this period lies solely with its owner. During this period, she herself may be under the influence of hormonal shifts. Be careful and everything will be fine.

Currently reading:

  1. Games to choose for training a dog
  2. Dog training using a clicker
  3. Recommendations for obedience of a dog if it growls
  4. How to create the right diet for Shar Pei

Tricks and Tricks

Sometimes, oddly enough, dragging a dog off the street in the rain is not so easy. In order not to get completely wet, the owner can use the good old method and take with him for a walk some of the dog’s favorite treats (dry food, cheese, lard, sausage). If your four-legged friend does not want to return to a dry room, you can easily lure him back with a stored fragrant piece.

One way or another, rain is not a reason to deprive your beloved dog of a walk. By observing these simple subtleties, you can turn a reluctant walk in wet weather into an interesting adventure for yourself and your pet.

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