The American Foxhound is one of the oldest hound breeds.

The American Foxhound is the oldest American hound breed. Dogs are used for collective fox hunting. They follow the trail, giving a voice that is easily distinguishable in each individual individual. They are reserved and do not show aggression towards people or other dogs. Only hunters who regularly travel to the hunting grounds should own this breed, since the most valuable thing about a Foxhound is its working qualities.

History of the origin of the breed

The American Foxhound descended from working English Foxhounds that came to America in the 27th century. European colonialists used these dogs to search for Indians.

When the first settlers came to North America, they brought dogs with them. Among the animals was a breed of dog introduced by Robert Brooke - English Foxhounds. The origins of the American Foxhound began in 1650, when Robert Brooke brought purebred English Foxhounds to America, and his family maintained the purity of the breed for three centuries.

As authoritative experts on the American fox hound testify, we find the first mention of the import of hounds to America in the diary of one of the Desoto sutlers. It is also known that hounds were used to find and chase Indians, rather than foxes and hares. From the same source we learn that in 1650 Robert Brooke sailed to the British colony in America, taking with him a pack of hounds. Their family existed for almost three hundred years. They are believed to have served as the basis for several varieties of American hounds.

The American Foxhound (the oldest American hound) bred in this way was used to hunt foxes and large game. It has many types.

In North America, hunting dogs that were brought from England, Ireland and France lived with the first European settlers. Through many crosses, these dogs gave rise to the ancestors of the American Hound. George Washington imported a number of hunting dogs from England in 1770. And in 1785, the Frenchman Lafayette gave him French Foxhounds. And it was these dogs that became the basis for breeding American Foxhounds.

In 1785, he received several French hounds as a gift from the Marquis. The hounds were crossed with the English Foxhounds that lived in the Brooke family, and later the blood of the Irish Kerry Beagle was added to the dogs. As a result of all these actions, a new breed of hounds was obtained, very unique and very fast - the American Foxhound.

From the French hounds the American Foxhound got its extremely energetic character and stamina, and from the English Foxhound it probably got its nobility in appearance. In the process of breeding this breed, the dogs developed their own special signs and characteristics. Like its ancestor, the English Foxhound, the American Foxhound is endowed with a strong, unerring sense of smell and is very hardy. But the American Foxhound, moreover, is also more active, energetic, cannot sit still, and is ready to tirelessly pursue prey.

First of all, with the help of a new breed of dog they looked for Indians, and only after a long time they began to use it for hunting. Systematic breeding of the breed was practiced, thanks to which the dogs acquired more speed and grace than the English Foxhounds.

The American Foxhound is considered the oldest American hound. It was used in hunting foxes and large animals. You can use a dog to hunt possum, raccoon, and even bear. It happens that the American Foxhound is also used for hunting puma or wild boar. Thanks to its endurance, the American Foxhound can be effective despite weather conditions, terrain and other terrain features. Thick coat can protect the dog from bad weather and cold.

Since 1886, when the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Association, it has been considered independent. The AKC (American Kennel Club) was one of the first to register the breed. The American Foxhound has been the official dog of Virginia since 1966. The American Foxhound was recognized as an independent breed by the FCI in 1994. It is little known outside the United States.

The Foxhound in the USA is used in four ways, which require different qualities from it:

  • a field test hound that competes with others in the field - agility is important and a rather jealous - protective character;
  • hound for gun fox hunting - the dog is required to drive slowly with a ringing bark;
  • search hounds - running at speed along the trail left by the harlot2 (where only speed is important);
  • hounds for hunting in a pack (15 - 20 dogs or more) - hunting clubs and hunting farmers participate.

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The types of American hounds vary greatly from region to region, but in recent years the Foxhound Club of America and members of the Foxhound Owners Association have made great strides toward creating a unified breed.

In Europe, where English Foxhounds are bred, this breed is not found.

Choosing a puppy

Choosing the right hound puppy is the key to successful hunting in the future. If you approach this issue wisely, then you need to start by selecting a breeder and a breeding pair that has not only high exhibition scores, but also good scores in field trials.

Pedigree is not the least important; the more proven dogs there are, the higher the likelihood of purchasing a puppy with good heredity.

For hunting, you can choose puppies at 5-6 months, but it is rare that a breeder will raise babies for such a long time. Usually they are examined at 1-1.5 months and are already dismantled by 2 months. Even a canine expert can say little about puppies of this age, so they often focus on the working qualities and appearance of the parents. The choice of sex only matters if the dog is selected for further breeding. The puppy must be normally developed, look healthy in appearance, be active and playful. He should have the correct bite, dark eyes and nose.

Description of the breed

The American Foxhound is a large and very attractive dog with a short, thick coat. She can have any color. Particularly prominent are the long forelimbs, which are very helpful when hunting wild animals. Also striking are the wide and drooping ears, which are set at eye level. A characteristic detail of the American Foxhound: lips hanging below the jaw.

Height at withers: Males: 56 - 64cm. Females: 53-61 cm.

  • The skull is of medium length, slightly convex, wide and voluminous. The ears are set quite low, long, extended forward, they almost reach the nose, thin to the touch, rather wide, hanging, pressed tightly to the head with the front edge slightly turned towards the neck, rounded at the ends. The eyes are large, widely spaced, with a gentle and characteristically gentle and inquiring expression, brown or hazel in color. The muzzle is of medium length, straight and square, with a moderate transition from forehead to muzzle.
  • The eyes are large with a gentle, inquiring look, set wide apart, and have a brown or hazel color. Large white teeth with a scissor bite, the incisors are aligned.
  • The high-set neck is of medium length, fairly dense, dry, without dewlap, but not heavy. Under the jaw there are two small, but necessarily symmetrical folds. The emphasized withers flow with a slight spring into the back, slightly sloping towards the croup. Muscular, pressed to the back shoulder blades, set obliquely, not loaded and create the impression of activity, freedom and strength. The back is strong and muscular, of medium length and slightly sloping towards the croup. The wide, short loin has a slightly convex appearance. The croup is round and strong and moderately sloping. The saber-shaped, high-mounted tail (gon) is of medium length. The hair on its lower surface is hard.
  • The block is narrower than that of the English hound, but spacious, deep, quite wide and long. With the height at the withers of the American Foxhound being 58 cm, the circumference should ideally be 71 cm. The ribs are convex and long. The belly is moderately tucked, and a lean or drooping belly is considered a defect. The groin, the length of which is less than 7.5 cm, is also considered a defect.
  • The straight forelimbs have strong bones and are located under the body. The shoulders are long and moderately muscular. The elbows are located directly under the withers and directed back, pressed to the chest. The forearms are long and steep and have light bones. The dogs' pasterns are steep and short.
  • The hind limbs are also lightly boned and equipped with long, lean muscles. They are strictly parallel and extend beyond the line on which the ischial tuberosities are located. Strong, muscular thighs designed to provide powerful thrust. The angles of the strong knee joints are well defined. The hocks are strong and have a moderate angle of articulation. Pazankas are also strong and sheer. The arched oval paws are equipped with thick pads. The claws are strong.
  • Free sweeping movements are achieved by a good throw of the front legs and a strong push of the hind legs. The thick, shiny, coarse coat is of medium length and has a color typical of hounds.

The coat of this hound is straight, medium length, dense and harsh. The color is varied, typical of hounds, but the most popular is tricolor.

Separately, it is worth noting the melodious, sonorous, and individual voice for each dog of this breed, which can be distinguished from the voice of other dogs. If the owner remembers the voice of his pet, he will be able to distinguish it from the choir of other American Foxhounds, since each dog has different characteristics of the vibration of its bark. At exhibitions and competitions, attention is also paid to this feature; the timbre and tone of the voice are important for determining the merits of the dog. They even organize special competitions, both in running and barking, for this breed.

How to care?

Features of caring for an American and English type Foxhound boil down to the following procedures.

Maintaining the coat in order. Short guard hair needs periodic, at least 2 times a month, combing with a massage brush. During the molting period, a special glove made of silicone or rubber is used to remove excess hair. These measures will help maintain the appearance of the animal aesthetically pleasing, with a shiny, dense coat.

Bathing. It is performed monthly, especially if the animal lives in an apartment. If exposed to rain or snow, it is enough to remove excess dirt with a damp cloth with a hypoallergenic composition. Regular wet treatment of paws with drying of the pads after taking water procedures is required.

Trimming nails. They need to be shortened regularly. This will prevent the claw from growing into the skin and damaging the paw pads. In addition, keratinized plates that are too long can cause pain when moving.

Ear cleaning. This procedure is performed at least once a week using a special lotion and a cotton pad. This way, their insides are freed from dirt, dust, and pathogens of inflammatory diseases.

Vaccination and antiparasitic protection. They are held regularly. Dogs visiting the forest need both local treatment against parasites and preventive wearing of protective collars and spraying

It is also important to regularly deworm to protect your pet from worms.

Fox hounds definitely need space and freedom of movement. The optimal living conditions would be for the dog to live in a country house or cottage with a large private yard or near fields and meadows. As a rule, breeders keep more than one individual, so the dogs feel much more confident and follow commands better. If the owner leads an active lifestyle, the Foxhound will become an excellent companion for him on trips, walks, and travel.

Character of the American Foxhound

The American Foxhound is an excellent hunter who has excellent scent, endurance and can run very fast. Most often, the American hound hunts foxes and wild boars, less often possums and raccoons. Some hunters use it to hunt bear or cougar. These dogs often work in a pack, but they can also work alone. The American Foxhound is a very smart, quick-witted and independent dog. This breed of dog is also good at tracking, which allows it to quickly find prey. If you are not a true hunter, then this breed will not suit you, because hunting is an integral part of the life of the American hound. The American Foxhound has a calm character and does not show aggression towards people or other pets.

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American Foxhounds are very fond of children and will play with them in their fun games, although they are not a family dog.

The American Foxhound cannot be called a good guard, as he is easily distracted by a running cat or rat. But her loud barking can scare away a stranger.

The main characteristics of the American Foxhound are grace and speed.

Being in a family, foxhounds are affectionate and gentle, but when they get hunted, they turn into an animal with courage and fighting qualities. The peculiarity of the breed is sociability, friendliness, loneliness has a bad effect on these dogs. High activity and sociable qualities are very valuable when hunting. American Foxhounds love children, are very sociable and affectionate with them, they have friendly qualities towards people, but they can show aggression towards unfamiliar dogs. Also, if there are other pets in the house besides the American Foxhound, then until he gets used to them, he will treat them with great caution, although he may not show obvious aggression. However, in their pack they are sociable and obey the will of the pack. Keeping them in an apartment would not be suitable; American Foxhounds are not loners; they love to live among other dogs.

Although balance is characteristic of foxhounds, if the dog is not raised and trained from childhood, then its character will deteriorate and become very wayward. Training a dog is difficult because of its independence and stubbornness. Strictness is mandatory when handling them, but foxhounds do not tolerate cruelty. Independence of character sometimes leads to disobedience to commands, so, in case of difficulties with education, it is better to trust a specialist.

Dogs of this breed are highly active. They are excellent runners, excellent hunters and wonderful companions, and the American Foxhound is also great with small children. The dog does not show aggression towards other animals that live under the same roof with him, although he is not friendly towards unfamiliar dogs.

Separately, it is worth noting the melodious, sonorous, and individual voice for each dog of this breed, which can be distinguished from the voice of other dogs. If the owner remembers the voice of his pet, he will be able to distinguish it from the choir of other American Foxhounds, since each dog has different characteristics of the vibration of its bark. At exhibitions and competitions, attention is also paid to this feature; the timbre and tone of the voice are important for determining the merits of the dog. They even organize special competitions, both in running and barking, for this breed.

American Foxhounds are dogs that need an active lifestyle. If you live in an ordinary city apartment and do not have the opportunity to provide your pet with a playground, do not despair: long walks will solve this problem.

Advantages and disadvantages

Well cut and tightly sewn.
Every breed has strengths and weaknesses. And the Foxhound is no exception.

First of all, potential breeders are interested in the advantages:

  • gets along well with children and pets,
  • ease of care,
  • good hunting qualities,
  • sharp mind,
  • external attractiveness.

But there are also disadvantages, for example:

  • lack of security and guard qualities,
  • heavy shedding,
  • high need for activity,
  • are not very trainable.

This is worth considering before getting a dog, so that you don’t regret a bad choice later.

American Foxhound Care

American Foxhounds are very noisy dogs. This dog cannot be called a pet; it needs country space and a flock of its own relatives. Caring for an American Foxhound involves regular brushing of the coat.

The American Foxhound is a true hunter who does not want to live within four walls. Frequent walks are necessary; if it is not possible to go hunting, it is better to keep the dog in an enclosure.

A lot of exercise is required and regular brushing of the coat is necessary.

Dogs of this breed have a hard, short coat, and periodic brushing is sufficient to care for it. The coat protects Foxhounds well from the weather because it lies closely to the body. Molting occurs twice a year, but they do not shed too much. The wool, which is hard to the touch, is most often tri-colored, consisting of black, brown, and white. Although, if color variations differ, then this is acceptable according to the standard. Bathing is recommended for these dogs only as a last resort. Ears require care, regular checking, and cleaning.

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American Foxhounds have a distinctive feature - an unusual, increased activity, and a love of running. To prevent the dog from getting bored and losing its working qualities, it must be on the move, so only those who engage in sports or hunting and have time for long walks and activities with the animal should get one. In the city, a dog needs a place to run for a long time. It is also worth considering that American Foxhounds are noisy and constantly on the move, so keeping them in an apartment is extremely inconvenient. If the Foxhound starts to get bored, it will howl and engage in sabotage. Training a dog does not promise to be easy; it will obey, but it is very stubborn, easily distracted, sniffing out a scent.

Living conditions for a dog are not so important, with the exception of space for movement and games. Every day they need to be walked and jogged for a long time, therefore, it is better for city residents not to own foxhounds. The presence of the owner is also important, dogs are sociable, and during walks they like to run after the owner.

Popular Fox Terrier colors

The International Canine Association divides smooth-haired and wire-haired species into different breeds precisely because of the condition of their coats.

Regardless of its type, the color of four-legged animals can be of two options:

  • Bicolor - white with red spots;
  • Tricolor - red and black spots on a white background.

Any other colors are considered a deviation from the standard.

Each variety has its own characteristic color:

  • Goldwing vd Schonen Bergen - tri-color with a predominance of white;
  • Afterall Painting The Sky - wire-haired, white and red in color;
  • Gothic Cloak and Dagger are a tri-color color. For both varieties, the standard provides for the predominance of white and black colors, but they are almost never found in this form. These dogs have a slight tan, making them tri-colored. White individuals have small spots or speckles;
  • Dono Vtia Don't Worry Be Happy - white and tan.

The coat is hard and thick. The hair lies tightly to the body. There is also thick fur on the belly and inner thighs. Shades may vary, but the main color is white. There are individuals with bright red streaks. They are called brindle and are considered undesirable.

The hair of the Smooth Fox is straight and short. Their appearance is considered more refined and sophisticated. On the stomach and inner thighs the hair is shorter, but without bald patches. Special care is not required for such individuals, but be prepared for the fact that fur will be not only on your pet, but also on furniture, carpet, and clothes.

American Foxhound nutrition

It is harmful to overfeed them; because of this, their quality deteriorates and health problems appear.

Experts advise feeding your dog raw meat, but if necessary, you can also give it cooked meat. The following types of meat are well suited for feeding animals: beef, horse meat, veal, chicken. All this is lean meat that is easily digestible. Boiled lean pork is also allowed in the diet.

If you feed your dog raw meat, be sure to wash it and remove any bone fragments. Wash your heads, legs, stomachs, and livers especially thoroughly and carefully, and then boil them except for the liver.

Heads, legs, stomachs - all these by-products are perfectly absorbed by the body, but due to the need to cook them, the energy and nutritional value is lost by almost one and a half times. Therefore, if you feed your dog these foods, you should increase the serving size by one and a half times.

If you give your pet high-quality premium food, then there is no need to offer him additional supplements. An overdose of nutrients can only worsen the general condition of your pet’s body.

There is no need to conduct experiments on dogs. It is always best to consult a veterinarian or dog trainer before giving a vitamin supplement. Learn to understand your dog's desires and draw the right conclusions from its behavior. Then there will be no problems with nutrition.

Vegetables cannot be excluded from a dog’s diet under any pretext. Experts advise using carrots, cabbage, zucchini, beets and pumpkin to feed your dog. Greens in the diet should include dill, green onions, garlic, spinach, lettuce, parsley and even nettles!

Usually, greens and vegetables are added to another dish - porridge or meat, but they can also be given as an independent treat. For example, give grated carrots.

American Foxhound training

Training an American hound must be demanding and competent, with great physical exertion. An inexperienced person cannot cope with this breed.

The American Foxhound, like the English Foxhound, has a keen sense of smell, but it is more agile. It has a melodious voice and is used for hunting foxes and wild boar.

Works well in hot pursuit, has great speed and endurance when chasing a fox. This hound looks beautiful on display, but is completely unsuitable for the role of a pet; only true hunters should keep it.

As for training, if you do not have experience, you will have to turn to a professional, as Foxhounds are independent and stubborn.

American Foxhound Health

The American Foxhound dog breed may suffer from diseases of the joints and spine. All preventive vaccinations are required.

Life expectancy is up to 12 years.

American Foxhounds are in excellent health and do not suffer from genetic diseases such as hip dysplasia. It should be noted that these dogs should not be overfed, as excess weight can have a detrimental effect on hunting abilities.

American Foxhound Photos

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