How to get dad to give you money. Let’s learn how to “beg” for money correctly... pocket money and more! Before you ask for something, you need to be well prepared

Children and teenagers often have a problem: they don’t know how to persuade their parents to allow something or give them exactly what they really want. Usually, younger children ask for some kind of animal or an expensive gift; older children, in addition to an expensive present, have new reasons for disagreements with their parents: they want to go out late, wear what is fashionable among their peers, and spend the night with friends. In most cases, such situations end in misunderstanding, often in conflicts from which all family members suffer.

Children and money. How we raise eternal lenders and misers

If your child is three years old and he still doesn’t know that his mother’s wallet is not made of rubber, it’s time to stop, breathe out and explain to your little one what money is and how you get it.
Psychologist Svetlana Merkulova told how to make this as clear as possible in order to avoid problems in the future. Natalya Kozhina, Svetlana, is it necessary to explain to a child what money is? Personally, I don’t remember such conversations in childhood; everything somehow happened by itself. Svetlana Merkulova: In general, children in this world always learn something.

They also need to be taught about relationships with money.

How to ask to borrow money without being refused?

18:30, October 23, 2012 2012-10-23T18:30:04+04:00 0 There are times in every person’s life when borrowing money from friends or relatives is necessary.

When you call your friends, you don’t need to mislead them by asking: “How are you?” or offering to meet for unknown reasons. It’s better to say directly: “I have business with you. Can you lend me some money?" Don’t use language like “Would you?”, “Will you borrow?” – they immediately provoke refusal.

In general, it is better not to approach people who you know are stingy. Choose a borrower not according to the “rich” principle, but based on the wording “not stingy.”

Children and money: 10 mistakes of financial education

» It is important to know about the principles of proper handling of money from childhood. You should not deprive your child of pocket money, control his expenses and pay for help around the house.

We invite you to familiarize yourself in detail with these and other mistakes in the financial education of a child.

Remember that discussing the family budget is a completely normal process that should not be hidden from the child. It helps you understand how to spend money, thereby developing financial literacy. 2. Lack of pocket money Having your own money allows children to feel independent.

How to take money from parents

April 9, 2012 Author KakSimply! Money is not the most important thing in life, but sometimes you can’t do without it.

Who else should you turn to in times of financial difficulties, if not your parents? These people who love you are unlikely to refuse to help you, will not rush you to return the money, will not demand interest and, most likely, will not ask unnecessary questions. Related articles:

    How to ask for money The question “has the law on extending child benefits come into force until the child goes to kindergarten?” — 2 answers Instructions 1 Drop false shame.

For your parents, you are the most precious person in the world; no money will be more dear to them than you.

You may feel awkward borrowing from friends or colleagues, but you can trust your parents completely and ask for the required amount without hesitation.

  • How to persuade parents to buy a kitten

How to persuade your parents to do anything: 4 simple steps

Negotiating with parents is an art. Especially if you want to ask them to buy something expensive or allow you to go somewhere. Approach any request as if it were an important project: think through a plan, write down all the benefits, assess the chances of success and calculate the budget. We'll use the example of language camps.

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Study the subject

Before you go talk to your parents, formulate why you need what you want to ask for, be it an iPhone, a Netflix subscription, a trip abroad, or a set-top box. Let's take a language camp as an example. Answer a few questions: “Why do I want to go?”, “Where and when do I want to go?”, “What will this give me?” Make a list of all the pros and cons, first just for yourself. In order for the project to be successfully defended in front of “investors”, you need to have full knowledge of the information and know all the possible disadvantages in order to present them as advantages. For example:


  • your English level will improve;
  • friends will appear from other countries;
  • I will get rid of the language barrier;
  • I’m traveling in a group of guys, so I won’t be alone;
  • proven school.


  • unfamiliar country;
  • without parental supervision.

Now think about what your parents would say, what list would they have? You can separate the two tables or color-code the parents' possible arguments and think about what you would counter them with.

Start the conversation right

If you are raising the topic for the first time, it is better to test the waters first to understand whether the parents are ready to make a decision now or whether they will need to think about it. How to start a conversation:

  • “I subscribed to the blogger’s channel. I liked the video about his trip to the language camp.”
  • “My friends and I discussed how best to learn English, and decided that it was imperative to communicate with native speakers. And what do you think?"
  • “I recently read an article about English schools. It turns out that everything is different there.”

If you are sure that your parents will not immediately reject the idea, then you can say directly: “I want to go to a language camp. Let's discuss this."

Don't forget that parents are people too. They may be having a difficult day or in a bad mood. Try to consider these factors before speaking.

Collect feedback

Other people's positive experiences will help score points in your favor. Ask friends or friends of friends to share their experiences. Here's what our students say, for example:

  • “Mom says that after the trip I have matured a lot and become more independent. Be open to the world and don't be afraid of the opportunities it offers. Traveling without parents is the path to adulthood.” Rodion, 16 years old
  • “The trip to the language camp greatly influenced me. I became more open, it became easier for me to ask questions and communicate with people. My horizons have expanded and my attitude towards money has changed.” Dasha, 14 years old
  • “A month in the USA with EF helped me overcome the language barrier that I could not cross in Russia. It became much easier for me to speak English, I stopped being afraid that I would make a mistake.” Katya, 16 years old

Share with parents stories of students who have studied abroad, how the trip can impact you, and explain why it is important. The key to success is personal motivation: your friends' stories will not become your experience.

Make a budget

Parents like the idea, but there is still a question about the budget. Calculate how much your “project” will cost, suggest alternative options, and compare it with other potential family expenses. The calculation may be approximate. Take a trip with EF to Torquay (England):

When traveling with your parents, you will most likely not interact with locals, which will prevent you from fully immersing yourself in English culture.

When showing your budget, try to talk not only about the numbers, but also about the benefits that a trip to camp, a new iPhone or console will bring you. Believe in what you say and be persuasive.

How to ask your parents for money

Contents: 2 methods: There are few options available to children and teenagers to earn extra money, but sometimes they need free money.

If parents have the opportunity to help, then there is nothing wrong with such a request.

It is important to name a specific amount and provide convincing arguments.

Also offer a favor or favor in return, be it chores or good grades in school.

Be polite and thank your parents for any help. 1 Is it enough to ask one of the parents?

The goal is not to pit parents against each other.

On the other hand, asking for a small amount of money should not turn into a meeting like a large financial transaction.

If you need some money for a movie ticket, then turn to one person.

How it works?

If you need to persuade parents to use the phone, you can explain that the gadget is needed for communication, and with its help they can always find out where the child is. It’s more difficult when you want not just a “brick” mobile phone, but a smartphone costing ten thousand rubles and more. Here the procedure should be like this:

  1. Estimate the family's financial capabilities. If parents themselves use cheaper phones, perhaps they simply do not have the money for such a gift.
  2. If you have the opportunity to buy an expensive phone, and you want to persuade your parents to do it, you can make arguments that an expensive thing will teach you to be thrifty and neat, that classmates look down on you because their phones are better.

It is important to listen carefully to the parents’ answers so that you can reasonably object to them, otherwise the conversation will resemble a child’s hysteria: “I want it, and I don’t care about anything anymore!” In this case, the probability of success is extremely low.

Tip 1: What to do if parents give little money

April 9, 2014 Author KakSimply!

However, you can look for other sources of income or talk with the head of the family: you may be able to increase the amount.

    How not to lend money to relatives Question “how to look at the lists of participants in the Second World War” - 3 answers Pocket money is very important for a teenager, because thanks to it he learns to plan his expenses.

But some children are given very little of it. In such a situation, there are several ways out. In order for parents to give out more money for pocket expenses, you need to tell them directly about it. However, there is no need to stomp your feet on the floor and bang your fist on the table; you should build a dialogue.

  • How to negotiate with parents
  • Let’s learn how to “beg” for money correctly... pocket money and more!

    Everyone knows that living in our time is not easy. Especially when everyone is walking around with fancy phones, laptops, tablets, and cutting-edge clothes. Of course, teenagers do not want to be worse than their peers.

    Of course, many are looking for a part-time job to pay for their own whims. However, not at every age there is an opportunity to get a job, at least as a promoter.

    In such cases, children think about how to beg money from their parents. Sometimes it’s very difficult to ask your parents for money. Of course, before everything was simpler, the child asked his mom or dad for ten rubles for ice cream or chocolate and didn’t worry about who would think about him. However, now the standards have been raised.

    The issued pocket money may be enough for daily needs, but sometimes situations arise when you want to make larger purchases.

    How to persuade parents to have a pet? Life hack for children: 8 ways to prove your adulthood!

    Every parent knows that children love animals very much, and every child dreams of having a cute furry animal at home.

    Moreover, sometimes it doesn’t even matter who exactly it will be: a cat, a dog, a hamster, a rabbit or even a rat. The main thing is that the fluffy be soft, affectionate and bring joy to the baby.

    It often happens that parents take a categorical position on the issue of keeping pets. They are sure that when they bring a cat into the house, it will immediately damage the furniture, begin to destroy repairs and mark corners.

    Parents almost always refuse their child's intention to have a pet. How to be?

    Today we’ll talk about how to persuade parents to take a fluffy into the house.

    So how to do this?

    1. "Responsibility"

    Before you start persuading adults to adopt a cat, think carefully about your decision again. Are you really ready to take on such responsibility? Yes?

    Then let's move on.

    1. "Pros and cons"

    Write your own list with objective pros and cons of having a pet. Think about why parents don’t want to have an animal in the house, because it’s not just like that. There are likely good reasons. Think about how you can level them out, and maybe then the parents’ hearts will melt.

    1. "Cat Exhibition"

    Try dragging mom and dad to a cat show. This is a very cute sight, and you may hope that adults will fall in love with the cute, handsome animals and allow you to bring such a creature into your home.

    1. "In all seriousness"

    Don’t beg or throw hysterics - this will once again prove that the cat is your whim, and you don’t need it at all. Speak judiciously.

    1. "First Mate"

    Help around the house: wash dishes, clean up after yourself, vacuum and cook breakfast. This will help your parents understand that you can be treated as a responsible adult.

    1. "Press for pity"

    Putting pressure on pity is one of the forbidden techniques, but if nothing else works, then you can resort to it. The main thing is not to go too far, otherwise your parents will very quickly see through your tactics and will not take them with due seriousness.

    Hang a portrait of yourself suffering on the wall, dreaming of a cat. Tell me a touching dream. Bring your neighbor's kitten to play and look pitifully into your mother's eyes.

    1. "Scientific facts and accurate calculation"

    Try to write a report that provides scientific facts about the benefits of having a pet in your family.

    For example, the fact that cats cure many diseases and can even stop the development of asthma in children is a scientifically proven fact. Again, such zeal on your part is sure to impress your parents and is sure to melt their hearts.

    And lastly: try to have an open conversation with mom and dad about the pet. Tell us why and how you came to want a furry friend. Perhaps you want to save an animal from being euthanized at a shelter, dream of helping the homeless when you grow up, or simply feel lonely in your own home. Be frank, open your heart to your parents and then you will see how much closer you will become to each other!

    Remember that your parents are your protectors and they love you very much, no matter what. Be open, honest and responsible, and then very soon you will hear a thin, weak meow or bark in your home - and you will become the proud owner of a four-legged furry!

    Good luck! )

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    Financial assistance for adult children

    In this article I want to talk to you about this topic: “.” This issue is very painful for both sides. Whether parents have money or not, they are still looking for somewhere to get money and help their children. But is this right? There is a very interesting point here.

    After reading this article, you will learn what to do in such situations and what the mistake of children and parents is.

    You will also understand how to properly build harmonious and live a happy, friendly family in prosperity and well-being. ! In my opinion, this is somehow wrong.

    But it’s no secret that adults, independent children, receive financial assistance from their parents. Sometimes they simply demand money and quite considerable sums from their relatives.

    To find a compromise

    But what if you already get excellent grades? Look for a compromise. Even your wildest dreams can be realized if you prove to your parents that you are ready to do anything to achieve your goal. Ekaterina Balueva, a graduate of gymnasium No. 39, was helped by her ability to negotiate to persuade her mother to apply for admission to a Moscow university .

    “In the eleventh grade, I realized that I wanted to go to university in Moscow. I’m going for a medal, I’m carefully preparing for the exams, but my mother was still against my idea, because a lot of ambitious guys are going to the capital, and education and accommodation are more expensive. After discussing all the pros and cons, we finally came to a compromise: I will go to study in Moscow if I enroll on a budget. This option seems logical and fair to me.”

    How to persuade mom or dad to give more pocket money

    Nowadays, the sonorous word “money” has become perhaps the most common. They argue about money, they dream about it, they brag about it, they earn it. And this is not surprising, because money is life. In our society, it has long been the custom to teach children how to handle money. It will no longer surprise anyone that teenagers are given pocket money. And it is right. After all, you must admit that when you have several bills in your pocket, you feel more confident. But how can you persuade your mother to give them a little more?

    So, your parents are modern people and give you money. But, as always, you don’t have enough of them, and you want more, right? What to do? Of course you can make money. Yes, not much, but still some money. But this is not entirely convenient for you for various reasons. Maybe you don't have the desire, maybe you don't believe it's real. Or it’s possible that you simply don’t have time. Then the only option left is to ask your parents to increase the limit. Perhaps simply demanding is not the answer. We need to come up with something more original and convincing.

    How to persuade your parents to let you spend the night with friends

    As children grow up, they want more independence. Sooner or later, almost everyone has a moment when they ask their parents to let them leave home for the night. Most parents take this with hostility. In such a situation, you should remember that this is not done out of malice. Who hasn’t heard about smoking and drinking at such gatherings, or even teenage pregnancies after them? Parents are worried, so the surest way to get their consent is to keep the worry to a minimum. This needs to be taken care of in advance.

    The first thing to exclude is bad company. It is advisable to introduce your parents to your friends (at least some) in advance and try to make them have a good impression. It is equally important to leave them the address where friendly gatherings will take place and the telephone number of the host party (girlfriend, friend or their parents), and also agree to call every hour.

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