Trimming dog's nails: everything you need to know about the procedure

Do I need to trim my nails and at what age should I start?

Answer: yes! It is necessary to trim your dog's nails . And this should be done not only for aesthetic reasons. If a Labrador's nails grow too long, the dog begins to step on its feet incorrectly, which leads to paw deformities and joint dysplasia.

You need to get used to this procedure while still a puppy. Then the dog will not be afraid of scissors and nail clippers.

What is required for the procedure?

Suitable tools are required to carry out the procedure correctly. Ordinary scissors will not work; you need to buy a special nail clipper. It is recommended to choose a tool carefully, taking into account the size and breed of the dog. It is worth paying attention to the following parameters:

  • blade material – preferably brass or stainless steel, preferably with chrome plating;
  • handles should be rubberized so that they do not slip;
  • cast construction, fastened with reliable rivets;
  • the tool should be comfortable to hold.

There are two types of nail clippers on sale. Secateurs that resemble scissors, only with a special blade shape. One of them is curved, the other is straight. Secateurs are convenient for small breeds; large dogs may not be able to handle the hard keratin layer.

A guillotine-type nail clipper is suitable for claws of any thickness. You just need to choose a tool that is suitable in size. This nail cutter consists of one blade with a hole. A claw is inserted into it and a lever-like handle is pressed. This is a professional tool, it is more difficult to use.

It is also recommended to purchase a file. With its help, they sharpen the claw, giving it the necessary shape, and smooth out irregularities. This helps prevent delamination. The file can be manual or electric. The machine is equipped with different attachments. If you choose a high-quality file, you can do without a nail clipper. Although many dogs are scared by the sound of an electric clipper, it also takes a lot of time to clean their nails with it.

How to grind?

A proven and long-used method of sharpening a dog's claws is active walks, during which the dog runs a lot.

The ideal surface for this purpose is asphalt or concrete paths of a country house . But the “wipe down” option is not always safe!

There is a high risk that the dog will break its claws rather than sharpen them, and this is fraught with bleeding, infection and other unpleasant consequences.

How are they arranged?

Before the procedure, you need to know and understand the structure of your dog's claws.

Pulp is the inner part of the claw . Due to the “concentration” of nerve endings and blood vessels in it, the pulp is very sensitive. Therefore, the process of trimming nails must be done extremely carefully so as not to cause pain to the dog.

If trimmed regularly, the pulp gradually retreats to the base of the claw . The shape of the “nails” changes; they stop growing as actively and become shorter on their own.

The “hook” is the part of the claw where it begins to curve . This is what is cut for puppies.

During puppyhood, Labrador Retrievers' claws are quite soft, so they can be easily damaged even with ordinary scissors. Caution must be exercised.

How to train a Chihuahua to trim its nails?

Experienced breeders and dog handlers recommend starting to accustom Chihuahuas to trim their nails from puppyhood (from 2 months). At an early age, trusting relationships between the puppy and the owner, worldview, psyche, and personality are formed. Puppies are as flexible and trainable as possible. An adult dog is less pliable due to its established character.

The animal will clearly not be happy with your idea. He will remove his paw, struggle, perhaps even growl. The owner will have to show maximum restraint and patience.

Under no circumstances should you shout, hit, or forcibly restrain the dog while grooming. Such actions will only worsen the relationship of trust, and subsequent attempts to trim the claws will provoke severe stress in the animal.

By the way, my Thai friend advised me to growl in response to a dog's growl. In this case, the ward becomes more restrained. I haven’t checked, to be honest, because... not necessary. But I think there is an effect.

Required Tools

To treat the “nails” of puppies, ordinary sharp scissors will be enough. As mentioned above, their claws have not yet hardened, so the blades will do the job perfectly.

In addition to scissors, you must have chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide, because... There is always (especially the first time) a risk that a trimmed claw will bleed . It must be processed immediately. Some breeders advise cauterizing with potassium permanganate for greater effect.

For adult dogs, you need to purchase a nail clipper . It looks like pliers. In the middle of the ring the metal is sharpened. This helps you remove rough dog nails with just one click.

Basic Rules

  1. The dog must be calm. The puppy will naturally be scared the first time. It is necessary to gently “convince” him that it is not scary.
  2. Accuracy! If a puppy's pulp is damaged during puppyhood, this will instill in him a fear of the procedure for a long time.
  3. Reward. The puppy should be encouraged after any procedure, be it cutting its nails or simply brushing its fur. Then the pet will quickly get used to all hygiene procedures.
  4. Do not hit or scold the dog if it gets very scared and takes its paw away. This will ultimately cause the animal to quarrel with the scissors.
  5. Don't miss the moment! When does a specific need to shorten claws arise? If the dog is standing on a flat surface (be it the floor or the road) and its nails touch this surface, then they need to be shortened as soon as possible.

How much does it cost to trim nails at the vet?

Nail trimming will cost the dog owner from 300 rubles to 1500 . The cost of the dog envy procedure: the calmer the dog perceives the procedure, the cheaper the service will cost.

If sedatives or other assistance during manipulation are required, the cost increases accordingly to the price of the drugs and the time spent.

But the more often the haircut occurs, the faster the dog will get used to the manipulations, and the owner can trim the nails at home, spending money only to purchase the necessary equipment. Despite the fact that the tools are more expensive than a one-time nail trim (the cost of a good tool is about 10,000 rubles), the savings from the monthly procedure will quickly pay for the purchase of the tools.

Nail trimming is not a fad or a fashion statement, but a mandatory procedure for any dog, regardless of gender and size. A well-groomed pet not only pleases the owner, but also feels much better, pleases its owner with a perky disposition and good health. After all, it is always cheaper to prevent a problem than to treat your pet for a long time.

4.7 / 5 ( 3 voices)

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare everything you need for the procedure: cotton pads, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, a nail clipper, dog treats.
  2. Bring your dog so that he is not afraid in advance. Those. You can’t rudely demand to come over. It’s better to come up to him yourself, pet him and bring him.
  3. Show the nail clipper and let the dog sniff it.
  4. Demonstrate the action of a nail clipper. Yes, it may seem stupid, but it must be done so as not to scare the dog at the first nail. It’s enough just to “click” the blades a couple of times. But not in front of your pet's face!
  5. Voice the command “Give me your paw!” For adult dogs, this command should be familiar. With puppies everything is more complicated, because... They don’t yet know how to carry out such an order.
  6. Be sure to keep talking. No matter what. Intonation is important for a dog. The owner's voice always calms the dog.
  7. Cut off the first claw. If the dog tolerates this action well, reward it with words and pet it. If she is scared, calm her down.

Repeat step seven with all claws. Be sure to observe the dog's reaction to each claw trimmed. It is important that there is a minimum of trauma (in terms of damage to the pulp), so extreme caution is required!

Naturally, you can contact a veterinary clinic. There, the doctors will do everything in the best possible way, there will be no damage to the pulp, and the dog will not experience pain.

And it’s not particularly expensive: the average cost of this service is 400 rubles for dogs of medium breeds, for large breeds it’s slightly more expensive.

Nail trimming is a necessary part of any dog's grooming plan. No matter how scary it may be for the dog, the pet will have to endure it.

And the final attitude of his pet to this process depends only on the owner.

Following the plan, it will not be difficult to practice all the steps and get rid of your dog’s fear of nail clippers..

Suitable time, frequency of treatments and other tips

In order for both the owner and the dog to feel comfortable, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  1. The main recommendation is to involve the dog in the process. Violent actions will not bring the desired effect.
  2. A play environment is created for the animal, after which the claws are gradually processed.
  3. While a haircut happens relatively quickly, a pedicure takes much longer. You can’t finish all the work in one session; you’ll have to finish it in two or even three sessions.
  4. The frequency of pedicures is individual and depends on the condition of the claws - approximately once every 1-2 months. Age, diet, and the presence of diseases in the pet play a role.

The growth of claws cannot be left to chance - a loving owner will always take care of their condition. Systematic observation of the dog will help determine the nature of the impact and the frequency of procedures. On average, trimming and pedicure takes half an hour, sometimes more. However, these procedures ensure normal nail growth, protect the paw pads and the overall health of the animal.

Labrador - nail trimming, choosing a furminator. A look from the inside. Video!

The video was filmed in the Anabel pet salon, Pushkin, completely by accident. A kind of backstage)

In the video, a 5-month-old Labrador puppy has his nails trimmed and is helped to choose a furminator.

A nervous Yorkie is howling in the background))

The Labrador is afraid, but does not resist much.

“When you take it by the front paw... you also tame it so that it gives it to you. It has nerve endings on its front surface. It’s physiological, you can’t do anything about it, and dogs are just as good as us, and so are they...”

“Puppies' claws grow very quickly... how old is she? Six months? Five. Nails grow very quickly, so be sure to trim them once a month. Moreover, your girl is quite light and not overloaded.”

“Did you understand the Furminator?”

“Now I’ll look, there are just small-toothed ones, there are large-toothed ones... The undercoat will be combed out... Do you see this? Something that should just go away. You can do it affectionately at home, she will get used to it... your puppy doesn’t really comb himself yet. It’s just at the beginning.”

Addressing the dog - “Here, see? This is all yours."

“Like you comb out with a comb. Do not press very long and very hard on one place so as not to injure the skin. Those. he doesn’t scratch or anything, but he will comb out the fur - you’ll notice that it will shed less.”

“Then it’s better to come and wash yourself, because here on the hairdryer all the fluff comes out of these guys. We are already drying it with a large compressor and it just all flies out. And if so, at home, then this is the best remedy for such fur, for such dogs.”

Where to start?

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It would seem that there is nothing simpler than trimming a Chihuahua’s claws. However, the procedure often turns into a test for both participants in the process. The dog stubbornly resists and does not allow his nails to be trimmed. There are several reasons for this behavior:

  1. nail trimming is done by the owner for the first time, so the Chihuahua experiences fear and anxiety before an unfamiliar procedure;
  2. to the animal the process seems tedious and boring, with no personal benefit for its completion;
  3. Previously, during the trimming of claws, a painful injury was received, so the animal is afraid of the procedure.

The Chihuahua shows dissatisfaction with your idea by growling, or hiding in secluded places in the apartment at the mere sight of nail clippers. Believe me, novice breeders experience fear no less than their pet.


, the owner is afraid of hurting his pet.


, not everyone knows how to trim a Chihuahua’s claws correctly.

Thus, some owners never trim their dog's nails, leaving everything to chance. Which in the future will definitely affect the health of the animal.

How to trim claws correctly?

Thank you very much, I'll try

Is it possible to file it without cutting and that’s it? Otherwise there’s nothing special to cut, just remove the sharpness of the claw

I'll post it now.

And I trim the fur between the paw pads with a hair clipper, quickly and conveniently......

Another question: does a Labrador need to trim its mustache when preparing for an exhibition, like, for example, a Staffie???? And the wool in the area of ​​the hind legs, there’s a skirt like that hanging from wool????

And I trim the fur between the paw pads with a hair clipper, quickly and conveniently......

Another question: does a Labrador need to trim its mustache when preparing for an exhibition, like, for example, a Staffie???? And the wool in the area of ​​the hind legs, there’s a skirt like that hanging from wool????

There is a topic about cutting labrows.

And I trim the fur between the paw pads with a hair clipper, quickly and conveniently......

So I recently discovered this method for myself, it’s just awesome!!!! The dog lies absolutely calm, even with manipulations on its hind legs it is not ticklish!!!! And the brushes on the rear ones under the nozzle are very even.

And I trim the fur between the paw pads with a hair clipper, quickly and conveniently......

Another question: does a Labrador need to trim its mustache when preparing for an exhibition, like, for example, a Staffie???? And the wool in the area of ​​the hind legs, there’s a skirt like that hanging from wool????

Labrovs are not cut. But there are amateurs, and if you feel like it, encourage them. You will have a labrum like an unshaven man poking your face with thorns

There are experts who like cropped labres, but on the contrary, I like good pants and “bearded” faces

By the way, I noticed that when the hair between the toes is cut off on Labs, they react more sharply when you have to slap on the reagents, and their paws freeze faster. Goldens have their hair cut there because it is of a different “quality”; snow buns grow between their paws , which prevent dogs from “living” Labras do not suffer from this

In the summer we have no problems with trimming the claws (especially on the hind legs) - they grind down on their own. The dog takes his haircut very calmly - no one bothers him. A veterinarian can show you how to trim your claws.

Delhi, how lucky you are to have a dog baby. For us, every nail trim is a battle for life and death. And it’s not so easy to cope with a three-year-old dog alone...

Oh, I shake your hand, colleague! After we once put the claws in and Mika was trimmed until she bled at the veterinarian, she became terribly hysterical during this procedure. And then I caught myself: my little hands were shaking and I was scared. For a while I took her to the clinic or to familiar breeders, and then I pulled myself together. I taught the dog on the clicker to lie quietly and endure it in one go. Now I'll look for a link to the video tutorial. Now we cut the hair normally. I trained the second dog right away. Also with a clicker.

And the younger one helps me a lot: she licks the older one (she still gets excited sometimes, tries to squeal), or puts her head on her - she calms her down. Helps a lot!

I found a video: “How to teach a dog to relax while trimming its nails”


Modified on March 12, 2011 by Masha and Mika

You will have a labrum like an unshaven man poking your face with thorns

Labrovs are not cut. But there are amateurs, and if you feel like it, encourage them. You will have a labrum like an unshaven man poking your face with thorns

There are experts who like cropped labres, but on the contrary, I like good pants and “bearded” faces

By the way, I noticed that when the hair between the toes is cut off on Labs, they react more sharply when you have to slap on the reagents, and their paws freeze faster. Goldens have their hair cut there because it is of a different “quality”; snow buns grow between their paws , which prevent dogs from “living” Labras do not suffer from this

Why poke???? The mustache is trimmed to the root, nothing interferes if anything... I asked myself this question for a long time, but I couldn’t find the answer anywhere, I don’t cut it myself, only the hair between the pads and the tip of the tail... But I also think that in winter it’s better not to have pads whittling, your paws won’t get so cold...

Modified March 12, 2011 by [email protected]

Why poke???? The mustache is trimmed to the root, nothing interferes if anything...

I had a chance to kiss the labra that was used to trim my mustache. The hemp of the overgrown whiskers stings my face unpleasantly, and I still can’t pick them up with scissors.

In general, I prefer “bearded” dogs

I had a chance to kiss the labra that was used to trim my mustache. The hemp of the overgrown whiskers stings my face unpleasantly, and I still can’t pick them up with scissors.

In general, I prefer “bearded” dogs

What if I use depilatory cream regularly?...

What if I use depilatory cream regularly?...

Modified on March 13, 2011 by Tinatin

What if I use depilatory cream regularly?...

I'm afraid that the labs' muzzle, in this case, will look like a Chinese crested cat

I cut with a special nail clipper like this:

It cuts normally, the pressing force is acceptable.

Thank you, ours is a little different.

Is it possible to file it without cutting and that’s it? Otherwise there’s nothing special to cut, just remove the sharpness of the claw


Dog grooming

Grooming - from English to look after (literally - to groom), colloquial - preparation for something regarding appearance. It comes from the Old English “groomer” (a special comb-scraper for combing horses). In England, grooms were the name given to all court servants who were in one way or another connected with horses (from grooms to footmen). Today, grooming as a term is associated all over the world with caring for the appearance of domestic animals in general, where it is in demand, of course - dogs, cats, horses, llamas, sheep, rabbits, etc. Grooming itself is a set of procedures aimed at improving the appearance of a pet, from the aesthetic side - cutting, combing, coloring, etc. As well as hygienic (preventive) procedures necessary to ensure the normal physical condition of the animal and the normal functioning of its body. Hygienic (preventive) procedures include trimming nails, cleaning ears, removing tartar (plaque) from teeth, cleaning the anal gland, etc. A groomer is a master in caring for the appearance of pets. The term is relatively new for our country. But recently, it has clearly become a part of Russian masters. This is due to the popularization of decorative dog breeds in our country, and along with this the opening of grooming salons. Precisely groomers, not “hairdressers for dogs and cats.” Today's groomer is no longer just a master breeder, but an extra-class master. His range of skills is truly great; the groomer is ready to help everyone - to bring a horse into proper shape and trim a guinea pig’s claws.

the washing up

Proper washing is one of the most important conditions for caring for a pet, both in hygienic and aesthetic aspects. The washing procedure itself is divided into several main stages: 1. preparation - selection of detergents (shampoos, conditioners) 2. washing procedure 3. drying with a hairdryer, wiping For pets, you should choose “special” shampoos and conditioners for washing pets, for example cats or dogs. During the entire grooming procedure, calm and praise the animal. After rinsing thoroughly, make sure that there is no shampoo left anywhere in the fur, skin folds, between the toes and paw pads. This is also very important. Even small shampoo residues can lead to problems with your pet’s skin, and cause severe irritation in skin folds, etc. The final stage is drying with a towel and drying with a hairdryer. In the case of short-haired animal breeds, it is clear - dry with a towel as dry as possible. Decorative and long-haired cats will require additional drying with a hairdryer. Blow drying is designed to style your pet's fur. For large animals, a powerful hair dryer is needed - about 2100W (the so-called compressor). Blow-dry while combing (first with a slicker brush, then with a fine-toothed comb) against the growth of the coat.


Combing long hair with a brush and comb is the most labor-intensive procedure among other grooming procedures. This procedure is time-consuming, especially in cases involving severe matting. Obviously, the longer a pet's fur, the more matted it becomes. To prevent this from happening, constant or timely combing of the pet is necessary. Use a regular brush to remove fallen (dead) hairs. Almost all pets require this procedure. When combing long-haired breeds, special brushes are already used - slicker brushes and combs. A slicker is used to break up tangles and tufts of matted wool. Use a comb to comb the fur from the skin to the ends of the hair, removing any remaining tangles that the slicker could not remove. This is the final stage.


Labrador's claws require constant attention and care. Of course, when the dog has “solid ground” under it - asphalt, nail trimming becomes irrelevant, but this is not always the case. The claws wear down on the asphalt by themselves, but this is only during long walks and constant walking on the asphalt. However, most Labradors still need nail trimming. Trimmed nails have a good effect on the formation of a dog's paws. Long claws spoil the appearance of the pet and can cause injury to the owners during play or damage to their property (furniture). When trimming your nails yourself, be careful not to cut these blood vessels. In fact, this does not cause much pain to the Labrador, but it certainly causes emotional distress to its owner. In case of bleeding of blood vessels, keep antiseptic hemostatic agents with you. Usually these are special powders, and in the absence of such, cauterize the claws with potassium permanganate. The final step will be polishing the claws with a special nail file.

What to do if your dog is injured

Sometimes a dog gets injured during a haircut for the following reasons:

  • lack of knowledge about the structure of the claw and the owner’s anxiety;
  • lack of practical experience;
  • the dog jerked sharply during the process because it was not prepared for the procedure and was under stress.

It is important to immediately disinfect wounds.

For such cases, you need to have on hand:

  • disinfectants and hemostatic agents (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, potassium permanganate solution, alum pencil, talc, wheat flour);
  • dressing material - cotton swabs or disks, bandage.

If a wound appears, quick treatment will help stop the bleeding and protect the paw pads from infection.

Ear cleaning

Cleaning your pet's ears or pinnas is one of the necessary procedures. This is not a complicated procedure, and it must be done regularly. The most convenient time for the procedure is before washing your pet. Otherwise, natural secretions (earwax) and dust may accumulate in the auricle, which can lead to various types of infections. Which can lead to unpleasant consequences for the pet. They should be removed with a cotton swab/disc or cotton swabs.

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