25 of the cutest dog breeds you'll always want to cuddle with.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Calico cats and dogs are often considered lucky, and the Bernese is proof of this. Previously, this breed was used as a livestock guard on Swiss farms. Today it is an ideal pet for families with children.

The Bernese mountain range is characterized by good nature, calmness and confidence, as well as beauty. Everyone will definitely like this gentle giant who seems to be smiling. Despite their impressive size, Bernese dogs get along well with children and forgive them any mischief.

Please note that your pet will need care. Long beautiful hair, of course, attracts attention, but it causes a lot of trouble. However, the animal is easy to train.


Despite all the positive emotions, there are moments that are difficult to cope with:

  • the dog can become overly selfish, so rewards must be deserved;
  • not all cute puppies grow into stately, beautiful and obedient dogs;
  • Any breed is distinguished by its temperament, habits, and behavioral characteristics, which require knowledge and canine skills.

Among the breeds, there are those that cannot stand being around other pets and show jealousy. Children should not cuddle a cute puppy or play with him a lot. This leads to stress, nervousness, and loud barking for no reason. Explain that everything should be in moderation: love, care, entertainment.

Bichon Frize

A small dog will be a great friend. Most often, the Bichon Frize has perfectly white curls, but the colors can be any shade: from beige to bright red without inclusions. The cutest tiny creatures with button eyes are popular both in Russia and many European countries.

This breed has a mischievous and friendly character, sociable even with strangers. They grow up to 30 cm and weigh a maximum of 3 kg, which allows you to take your pet with you on a visit or vacation.

Lhasa apso

When talking about the fluffiest dog breeds , one cannot fail to mention the Lhasa Apso. Miniature fluffies, originally from Tibet, are very popular as family dogs for small living spaces. Lhasas communicate well with children of any age, they devotedly love all family members, but they choose only one person as their owner. Naturally stubborn, Lhasa Apsos are not very trainable.

The coat of this breed grows to a very enviable length. Show pets are subjected to daily brushing and frequent bathing procedures. If there are no exhibitions in your plans, feel free to take your Lhasa dog to the groomer.

Dogs are often cut almost bald, so as not to have to worry about hygiene procedures for long hair. Lhasos with hairstyles look very cute - creative owners tie their ponytails and braid their faces so that the hair does not get into their eyes.

Maltese (Maltese)

Another incredibly cute breed - the dog resembles a plush toy. Maltese dogs have a gorgeous snow-white or milky hairstyle, but their long coat requires special care. The kindest creature's eyes resemble black beads; thanks to their beauty, lapdogs often become heroes of films and magazines.

They are classified as emotional decorative dogs, because they are constantly in a state of euphoria. Psychotherapists often advise getting a Maltese to cope with depression and despondency.

The Maltese dog cannot stand being alone. It should not be given to people who work a lot or are away from home for a long time. In such cases, the pet will start to play dirty tricks or even get sick.


Collie is the embodiment of canine beauty and elegance. Scottish Sheepdogs have long been excellent shepherds and guards. These dogs are incredibly attached to their owners and will protect them in case of danger.

The main pride of the Scottish Shepherd is its silky long hair. Owners value these pets for their insightful intelligence, care and ability to adapt to the pace of human life.

Akita Inu

In Japan, this breed is considered a national treasure and even has the title of a natural monument. The Akita Inu is a companion and service dog, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the cutest creatures on earth! After the film “Hachiko”, released 10 years ago, the popularity of the breed increased several times. In appearance, the Akita Inu resembles a Spitz, only very large.

Dogs are very obedient, reserved and patient, which is why they are used as guards. They require constant training, which is why it is not advisable for inexperienced dog breeders to own an Akita.

Read Dogs that do not cause allergies - 20 breeds

Tibetan mastiff

The largest fluffy, whose weight reaches 78 kg. The dog is more than serious, but, despite its size and strength, it is quite good-natured. Only an experienced dog breeder should deal with Tibetan mastiffs; a mastiff is clearly not suitable as a first experience in keeping a dog.

A mastiff cannot turn around in standard apartments, so most often owners of private houses get them. A reliable protector of his family, a fearless watchman, the mastiff is not without self-esteem, stubbornness and self-will. It will not be easy to cope with such a giant, so training and socialization begin literally from the first day the mastiff appears in a new home.

The Mastiff requires respectful treatment. Not as a pet, but as a friend, a full-fledged member of the family. The mastiff is dominant over other domestic animals, but not if they grew up together. The mastiff perceives even a cat, with whom fate brought him together at a tender puppyhood, as an equal member of the pack.

Before getting a puppy, plan your time. The bear cub should not be left at home alone for a long time, because his energy is overflowing and destroying the apartment for this plump baby is a matter of a couple of minutes.

Shar Pei

Few people don’t start smiling when they see this miracle! Unique folds, a muzzle resembling a hippopotamus, and massive paws make the relatively large dog incredibly cute. By the way, the folds of Shar-Peis smooth out over time. Few people know that this breed has one more difference from hundreds of others - it is a blue-black tongue (this can only be seen in the Chow Chow).

Breeders say that Shar-Peis are only cute at first sight. Their character is not nearly as soft as the folds of their skin. Pets need training and a strong owner who will become an authority for the dog. They are reluctant to make contact with children, but they love to play with teenagers.


The breed came to us from Great Britain. Looking at the fluffy dogs in the photo , you probably noticed that the bobtail is not only fluffy, but also curly. The character of the bobtail is very sociable, friendly and sociable.

In modern society, representatives of the breed are not often seen in the role of shepherds, as before, but they cope wonderfully with the functions of a guide dog. Bobtails are also actively involved in animal therapy for children with developmental delays. Don't let the huge size of the breed scare you. Bobtails get along well in an apartment; they do not need excessive physical activity.


Not just beautiful and “toy” dogs, but real hunters and bloodhounds. Smart, active, hardworking and elegant pets will make friends with absolutely everyone. The springy coat requires constant combing and trimming, but poodles can have beautiful hairstyles.

The main character traits are high intelligence, kindness, and loyalty. Poodles try to pay attention to all family members, not just the owner. They love to fool around (especially play in the water), spend time with small children, and are completely non-aggressive.

Pomeranian Spitz

honorable first place in the ranking of fluffy dog ​​breeds to the Pomeranian Spitz. This miniature pet looks like a ball or a ball of fur. Small, cute - this dog can become a real friend for an adult or a conscientious school-age child. It is better not to bring a Spitz into a family with very young children - the dog will stubbornly defend its right to a quiet life.

Spitz are very active and intelligent, which is rare for dogs weighing 2 kg. No matter how surprising it may sound, they become excellent guards, warning with a loud, alarmed bark of the approach of a person suspicious from a dog’s point of view. Walking with a Spitz is not limited to sitting on a bench on the owner’s lap. The little animal will want to roll around in the grass, climb into a pile of leaves, chase pigeons and bark at anyone it doesn’t like.

Representatives of the breed have pronounced leadership qualities, so their upbringing needs to be done no less than with large dogs. This fluffy baby may well sit on your neck and dangle its paws. This should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Yorkshire Terrier

It seems that everyone knows these terribly adorable tiny dogs. Yorkies are small and playful, but at the same time they have instability and restlessness. They do not like strangers - they can be aggressive towards them. Flaws of character can easily be forgiven for their beauty. Long fur, fashionable haircuts, a button nose and big black eyes make the dog a real star.

World celebrities love to have Yorkshire terriers, and they also go out with them, as if with an expensive toy.

Volpino Italiano

Does not exceed 4.5 kg in weight, the color is always snow-white. It belongs to the Spitz-type species and resembles a fox in appearance. It has long fur, eyes small and round, dark in color.

Volpino Italiano is considered an Italian Spitz and has long served as a symbol of wealth for rich ladies. They decorated them with ivory bracelets as a sign of affection.

Representatives of the breed have an excellent character. Volpino is easy to train and lends itself well to training. They are attached to their owners and do not tolerate loneliness, they are very kind, but they always try to become leaders in relation to other pets.

Chow chow (or sunshiquan)

The name of the breed is translated from Chinese as “shaggy lion”, which corresponds to the species. Chow Chows are cute animals with thick, fluffy fur, a frowning face, and a dark purple tongue. Thanks to its short massive legs, mane and curved tail, it is considered the most recognizable dog in the world.

Behind such an unusually beautiful appearance hides an independent, stubborn and proud dog. He gives his love only to his owner, while he is jealous of other animals. Chow Chows can show aggression, but only if there is a real threat.


The first thing you will notice when interacting with a Briard is his strong character. He has always been famous for his ability to charm anyone, but at the same time you definitely can’t call him a sycophant. Briard is ready to faithfully serve his beloved master, but he will never serve. Dogs will never agree to a second role in the owner’s life, so he should be the only pet in the family.

These overgrown cuties are real comedians. Trying to get what they want, Briards make touching faces, grimace and in most cases get what they want. An experienced dog breeder knows that one should not fall for such antics and tricks. Once you give up the slack, the briard will happily resort to the same methods of manipulation again.

But under no circumstances should you force a briar. If your dog feels a desire to humiliate his dignity in your actions, he will never forgive you for this. You can give commands. You can't command!

Petit Brabançon (small)

One of the smallest dogs, growing to only 25-28 cm at the withers. As a rule, the expression on the Petit Brabançon's face is always sad. Large eyes, a flattened nose and drooping ears make the pet even more defenseless. The tiny creature sometimes reveals a wild beast hiding inside, which is especially touching. The fur of four-legged animals is very short and shiny; the color can be black, reddish with splashes of different colors.

Petit Brabançons never lose their puppyish playfulness, sociability and friendliness. The intelligence level corresponds to a three-year-old child, but training is required to maintain all skills. Parting with the owner hurts their psyche, so it is not recommended to leave your pet alone for a long time.


The same Scottish collie, only in miniature. If you want to get a nanny dog ​​that won’t take its eyes off your baby, choose a Sheltie. The character of an adult dog with a healthy psyche is completely conflict-free; it devotedly loves all members of its family and does not show unreasonable aggression towards strangers.

It is noteworthy that the breed ranks sixth in the ranking of the smartest dogs. This is an ideal family dog ​​that is always “on the same wavelength” with its owner. The Sheltie chooses one owner for life; if they have to separate, the Sheltie will literally be in despair.

During the training process, Shelties demonstrate a complete willingness to learn and obey. But in no case should you put pressure on the dog or force it - delicate Shelties will never do anything under pressure.

Perhaps the only significant drawback of Shelties is their modesty and timidity. Shelties are so afraid of disappointing their owner that they would rather completely refuse to carry out a command than perform it poorly.

It is important for the trainer to encourage all the dog’s successes in every possible way and not focus on its failures. This is done to instill self-confidence in the timid Sheltie. Never trust the training of your dog to another person - due to the nature of the breed, this should be done exclusively by the owner.

Samoyed husky

Recently, the popularity of Samoyeds has only been growing, and all thanks to their snow-white fluffy fur and unique smile. The breed has a gentle character; you don’t have to train the dog much, but mobility and constant care are still needed. The Samoyed Laika contains all the best traits: courage, high intelligence, all-encompassing love.

Read TOP 20 kindest dogs in the world

Samoyeds are not chain dogs; they love and value freedom. Keeping the dog on a chain or in an enclosure will lead to mental disorders. It is for this reason that they are adopted as a four-legged friend, and not as a house guard. Of course, the fluffy doesn’t mind chasing the cat, but he will refuse to hunt.

Bearded Collie

The birthplace of the Bearded Collie is Scotland. The breed represents a family of Scottish Old Type Sheepdogs, which were specially bred to work as shepherds. In the harsh climate of the country, long and thick hair, which gives the dog a bright appearance, serves to protect the animal from the cold. Hardy, intelligent, energetic, bearded collies are highly independent. They correctly assess the situation and make the right decisions. This breed is little known to lovers, since it requires special conditions of detention and competent education.

Shih Tzu

“Little Lion” is the translation of the name of the breed, whose roots go back to the Chinese royal family. Charming dogs with a noble appearance are extremely affectionate. Don't just pay attention to the satiny coat or pretty face, because Shih Tzus are true companions. They try to constantly be close to the owner, and if necessary, they can even rush at the offender. The small size does not prevent the pet from barking loudly to scare off the enemy.

How to choose a little four-legged friend

The choice of pet should be based on the character of the owner - a dog with a high level of activity is unlikely to be suitable for homebodies and vice versa. The temperaments of the dog and the person must match. Fortunately, there is plenty to choose from: there are a lot of breeds of small and shaggy dogs.

In addition, you need to know exactly how much money will be spent on caring for the dog each month. Any furry breed requires careful care, it’s just that some of them do not “grow in” as quickly as others, or can get by without a haircut at all.

Some of the presented breeds have dietary characteristics, and this must also be taken into account when choosing a pet fluffy.

Shiba Inu

The smallest dog of all Japanese breeds, but it is not recommended to keep it in an apartment. The adorable puppy is famous for his dense plush fur, ability to smile (due to the peculiarities of his mouth) and kind eyes. In addition, Shiba Inus love cleanliness, so their fur is always in perfect condition.

As for the character, this breed is not very simple. Dogs are difficult to train (they recognize humans as the leader) and do not like close physical contact. From early childhood they need to be accustomed to society so that the dog is not aggressive towards others. It is not advisable for families with children.


There are several types of the breed, but they are all incredibly beautiful and cute. As a rule, they are small in size and weight, have an attractive muzzle and somewhat resemble a fox. Cheerful, lively and friendly. Miniature dogs always need care. Spitz dogs try to adapt to the interests of the owner: they do not make noise at night and do not wake up the owner in the morning when they want to eat. Fluffy balls (that's what Spitz look like) tend to be dominant, so a person needs to show their strength.


A selective breed obtained by crossing a Maltese and a poodle. The Maltipoo acquired the best features of both dogs: good disposition, high intelligence, beautiful wavy fur. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States of America about 40 years ago.

Main objectives of selection:

  1. Creating a universal pet for allergy sufferers.
  2. Obtaining a designer breed with an unusual appearance.
  3. Creation of a beautiful mixed breed for commercial breeding.

The Maltipoo reaches 20-30 centimeters at the withers, the average weight of the animal varies from 2.5 to 5 kilograms. Breeders also call this original breed the Maltipoodle. Despite the peculiarities of crossing, the miniature animal is capable of reproducing healthy offspring with a small number of puppies. Until now, the breed has not been recognized by cynological associations; it does not have an official breed standard.

The Maltipoo is considered an ideal pet for a small apartment. The dog is energetic, playful, and smart. In appearance, the miniature dog resembles a soft toy with plush fur. The animal remains playful until old age. Dogs of this species have three common types of hair:

  • Straight and soft.
  • Curly, with a tendency to roll into tangles;
  • Wavy and hard.

Such pets bark a lot and suffer greatly from loneliness. They are recommended for people who spend a lot of time at home. When left alone, maltipus quickly become depressed due to loneliness. Tiny dogs should not be owned in families with small children. A child may squeeze the animal too hard, causing injury.

Labrador Retriever

This breed does not have a fur coat, a cute flattened face or large eyes. In addition, Labradors are quite tall and heavy. However, this does not prevent them from remaining attractive dogs that are perfect for families with children. The four-legged animals seem to look into the very soul and understand everything that is said to them. Labrador retrievers are able to help people, for example, serve as guides for the visually impaired or restore the psyche after severe stress.


The second breed, distinguished by unique folds, but unlike Shar-Peis, pugs only have them on the face. They weigh approximately 6-7 kg, and their life expectancy reaches 15 years! Pugs make an ideal pet because they do not require constant exercise. Funny dogs are not aggressive; they love to communicate with both people and other pets. They often gain excess weight, so owners need to monitor their dear friend’s diet.


The Alaskan Malamute has lived in North America for over 12,000 years and was historically used for sled dog work. They are also very affectionate and adorable.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The shaggy fidget comes from the United Kingdom and can live more than 10 years. Even people who are indifferent to dogs will like their flirtatious appearance. In Britain the breed is gradually falling out of popularity, but in Russia the fashion for them is only gaining momentum. Big eyes, a soulful gaze and long, smooth fur will captivate anyone. Pets are ready to drown even a stranger in their arms, not to mention their loved ones. Children love Cavalier Kings for their ability to make them laugh and have fun in any situation.

Read The fluffiest dogs - top 20 ranking

Breeders say that the breed is trainable, quickly recognizes a person as an authority and does not cause trouble. Long hair, like that of other furry cats, requires care.


This is a spaniel dog, also called the butterfly papillon because of its ears, which look like the open wings of a butterfly. There is another variety - phalen, the ears of which do not stand up, but fall down like the folded wings of a moth. However, the latter are not recognized by dog ​​handlers.

Papillons are distinguished by a characteristic smile, which gives them a completely toy-like appearance. And indeed, they almost never have a gloomy mood. They look for positivity everywhere, willy-nilly transferring their mood into the surrounding space.

Butterflies do not tolerate cruelty. Along with it comes depression to dogs, which upsets their nervous system. You need to treat the Papillon gently and affectionately, especially since the dog rarely provokes rudeness. A properly socialized dog will never harm anyone, but if it is left unattended, the pet may well bite and be aggressive.

You can leave your daddy alone and when you return you won’t find a pogrom. Of course, small breed dogs get very bored when alone, but in the case of the Papillon, your apartment will remain in the condition in which it was left. And to completely minimize stress, get him the same companion, maybe even a cat.

The Butterfly Papillon is a dog endowed with inexhaustible energy, which definitely needs an outlet in the form of a long walk or games. According to research, this is one of the smartest dogs in the world, which, by the way, loves to manipulate its owners.

Video: Papillon

Siberian Husky

For several centuries, huskies have served humans, but only a couple of decades ago they began to be in special demand. It all comes down to their interesting appearance: circled sky-blue eyes (which can be different), distinctive wolf-like coloring, protruding ears and a smiling face. The fur of Siberian huskies does not have a specific odor and is easy to care for. The breed is highly trainable, has good health, high intelligence, and endurance.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Among the breeds that are recognized as attractive and beautiful, there are those that remain with the disposition and appearance of funny puppies until old age.
  2. Everyone has their own idea of ​​a cute dog. For some, hairless breeds become adored, while others are crazy about shepherds. Choose what you like, based on your knowledge of the breed.
  3. The attractive exterior of most breeds is emphasized by the special arrangement of the nose, eyes, and ears. It is complemented by color and fur properties.
  4. It is necessary to carefully study all the characteristics of the breed, evaluate your capabilities and risks. Only after this make a decision to purchase.
  5. Ancient, indigenous breeds are less amenable to training. The owner needs to master canine skills and skills at the level of professional training.
  6. When raising a cute dog, there is a big risk of succumbing to charm, turning him into a spoiled dog.
  7. You should only choose a puppy from experienced breeders with a good reputation.

American Cocker Spaniel

It is worth noting that all spaniels are quite cute and funny. The American is distinguished from others by his frowning gaze and elongated muzzle. Long, sometimes curly hair, a large nose, large black eyes and drooping ears attract attention. Spaniels constantly wag their tails and are ready to have fun 24 hours a day. They are wary of strangers and animals, although they are sociable by nature.


Many people get Pekingese dogs after they saw them somewhere and fell in love at first sight. Indeed, it is difficult to pass by a miniature miracle with a flattened nose and very fluffy fur, reminiscent of a lion's mane. The four-legged dog will become a friend for the whole family; it does not need to be walked for a long time, but it needs to be raised.

The fact is that the Pekingese is one of the most stubborn breeds. If he doesn’t want to follow a command or go somewhere, he cannot be forced, even by luring him with a treat. Education takes a colossal amount of time and patience. Caring for a puppy also requires effort, but some crossbreeds (Pekingese and Toy Terrier) are a little easier to care for. If the fragile creature is more like a toy terrier, then you won’t have to brush it daily.

The most popular small fluffy dogs

There are many breeds of small dogs, but some of them have won a special place in the hearts of breeders.

Australian Silky Terrier

Or, as it is also called, a snare. This is a dog similar to a Yorkie, since it takes its origin from it and the Australian Old-Type Terrier. Artificially bred in Australia. The terrier, which is the progenitor of the breed, is a hunting breed, and it is this quality that was passed on to the bred dog.

Despite the fact that the breed is decorative, its representatives have a restless and restless disposition, as well as a tendency to protect their home and family. They become very attached to the owner. They have a lot of energy and love for games. However, their temper can be curbed if you raise a dog.

Important! Despite its small size, you cannot unfasten the leash during a walk - the snare will chase insects, cats, and may get into other dogs. This is due to his character and can be trained.

Silky, Australian Silky Terrier

American Eskimo Toy Spitz

They can often be seen performing in the circus arena. They are easy to train. Eskies (like huskies) feel people well: because of this, a dog needs to be accustomed to society from the age of a puppy.

The dog has proven himself well in the role of a security guard, even despite his small size: at the slightest threat, he begins to bark loudly and let the offender know that he is not welcome here.

The Toy Spitz becomes very attached to its owner and loves children. Despite the high activity, the dog, with proper training, unquestioningly obeys commands.

Esky, American Eskimo Toy Spitz

Pomeranian Spitz

Previously, Pomeranian Spitz dogs were used as guards, but with the advent of the Middle Ages, thanks to their unusual appearance, small fluffy dogs took a place in the hearts of noble nobles. The dog began to be considered aristocratic. Over time, breeders tried to reduce the breed as much as possible and make it even cuter: as a result, from 15 kg, individuals began to weigh an average of 3 kg.

With good training, there will be no problems with such a dog, but without it, the dog becomes stubborn. It is because of this that Pomeranians are recommended for those people who already have experience with other breeds. If there are other animals in the house, then the Pomeranian will show its superiority in every possible way.

Spitz have a very cute face, and coupled with fluffy fur, they look like a little red bear cub. Due to their nature, they can tolerate short periods of loneliness, but it is better that the dog is always supervised.

The breed has a playful nature and needs to release its energy with frequent walks in the fresh air.

Attention! These dogs love to roll around in leaves or grass, so the owner needs to be prepared to regularly brush their long hair.

Pomeranian Spitz

Bichon Frize (French lap dog)

One of the most important indicators of the high prevalence of a breed is its hypoallergenicity. These are fluffy and curly dogs, but despite their fur, they practically do not shed and do not smell.

During the Middle Ages, this dog was a frequent companion of the French nobility. When looking at this small, white, curly-haired dog, the status of its owner was immediately clear.

These cute, curly-haired dogs are very energetic, so couch potatoes may want to consider other breeds. They love to make contact with people and other animals and are completely non-aggressive. Suitable for family living, no matter in a large or small apartment. Like most little furry four-legged friends, the French lapdog has a very clear voice.

They are easy to train, so they often perform with a circus group. However, the dog handler needs to be prepared for the fact that the dog is quickly distracted from routine commands; it needs to be involved in training in a playful way, or rewarded with treats.

Important! The Bichon Frize often tries to dominate other animals, and even people. In training, special attention must be paid to this, otherwise the dog’s character will not change for the better.

Bichon Frize

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is credited with resembling a chrysanthemum flower, and the name “Shizu” itself is translated from Chinese as “lion cub.” Long hair needs daily care. The dog has a very trusting character, it is not at all afraid of strangers, so it makes an unimportant guard.

He loves each family member equally and is attached to everyone with the same intensity. These dogs have a very calm disposition and a strong nervous system, so even children's pranks are not able to make them angry.

Shih Tzus have a fairly low activity level; they like to just lie on a soft bed and do nothing. Such pets are suitable for homebodies. They won’t go out for a lot of walks, let alone frolic - at most they will go out to satisfy their needs and return home.

Some difficulties may also arise with training. A slightly lazy dog, without proper encouragement, does not always see the “sense” in regular training. Perhaps he will learn some simple commands, but he won’t have enough energy and desire for the rest. Because of this character trait, the breed needs to be trained from a young age, when the little fluffy puppy’s character has not yet formed. It is not possible to change the character of an adult.

Shih Tzu

Yorkshire Terrier

Even those who do not have close contact with dogs in general have heard about this breed.

  • He becomes attached to the whole family, but only one person stands out in particular.
  • Very energetic, loves to walk and frolic.
  • An excellent guard who will scare away any uninvited guest with his loud barking.

These are smart little furry dogs that can be trained, but they are unlikely to be able to master particularly complex commands.

Small Yorkie dogs are famous for their shaggy hair - it is straight, as if straightened by an iron, long, and hangs to the floor without being cut. They often win first place at dog shows thanks to their “hair.”

They get along well with other animals, although sometimes they try to prove their superiority. Dogs are very curious, so during a walk they will be interested in everything down to the smallest detail.

Yorkshire Terrier

Japanese Chin

Small fluffy Japanese Chin dogs are a common choice for many people. They have a calm character and it is almost impossible to provoke them into aggression.

They do not like to walk a lot, although they are active by nature, but in moderation. This is a friendly breed that loves children and becomes strongly attached to members of the household. He also gets along well with other animals and does not try to “pull the blanket” over himself, but with strangers he can behave warily and even bark.

Attention! Their main feature is the ability to adapt to the lifestyle of their owner.

Japanese Chin

Maltese (Maltese)

The Maltese is similar to toys - it is a small fluffy dog ​​with snow-white fur. They are practically not subject to shedding, have almost no smell, which is why allergy sufferers often get them.

A very smart breed, but, unfortunately, it is not subject to complex training; it can only learn a few commands. She is very picky about food and will definitely not eat anything, so the owner should consult an experienced dog handler about the Maltese’s diet in advance.

They easily become attached to people, although they may not trust them at first. They also bark a lot, sometimes even for no reason. Like Japanese Chins, they can adapt to the character of their owner. However, it is better to buy such a dog for active people, because this breed is famous for its energy.


Coton de Tulear

This breed was previously often found on ships to catch mice. Surprisingly, she coped with this even better than cats! Having a high level of activity, small fluffy dogs of this breed are very friendly towards both people and other animals (except mice, of course).

They cope well with security functions and will scare away any uninvited guest even without proper training. They absolutely cannot tolerate aggression from people, so they do not take root in a home where conflict situations often occur.

Without the attention of the owner, they quickly withdraw into themselves and lose their natural confidence. During separation from the owner, they can do small dirty tricks, for example, chew things or tear pillows.

Coton de Tulear

West Highland White Terrier

First of all, you need to take into account that this is a thoroughbred hunter. It was artificially bred for hunting small game. In modern realities, this breed has not lost its curiosity, playfulness and energy, so small Westies, fluffy dogs, need frequent walks in the fresh air.

They are characterized by high noise levels. Also, you should not have such a pet together with other animals, especially with all sorts of rodents - hunting instincts can play a role.

A born guard. Loves the whole family, but becomes attached to only one person. If there are a lot of flowers in the apartment, they need to be fenced off from the dog, because white terriers really like to dig in the ground and gnaw on plants.

Important! They have a natural tendency to dominate, so you need to pay special attention to this when training.

West Highland White Terrier

Toy poodle

At first glance, you can’t tell him apart from a toy, he’s so tiny! Although this breed was previously used for catching small game, through the efforts of breeders the size of the dogs was changed to a smaller size.

They do not tolerate loneliness very well, so it is better for busy people not to purchase this particular breed. They are easy to train, love games, and are very active. They also get along well with other pets.

Important! This breed is still used in the army to this day - due to its size, the mini-poodle can penetrate rubble and find people under them.

Toy poodle

Chinese Crested Powder Puff

The crested dog will always be with its owner - both in happiness and in sorrow. They are very loyal to their human. When caring for such a fluffy, special attention should be paid to the claws: due to the peculiar structure of the paws, the claws grow very quickly and practically do not grind off on their own.

The dog will adapt to the mood of its owner - if he does not have time or mood for games, he will wait for a more convenient moment to attract attention to his person. Unlike many of their small brothers, they are unpretentious in food.

Powder puff

Ratlik (Prague rat)

The dog owes its name to its love of catching rodents. Despite long evolution, dogs still have a hunting instinct in their blood when they see various kinds of mice.

Ratliks are born guards, despite their size. They are also thrifty: they can often steal some small change from the owner (sometimes even a few rubles!) and hide it under the sofa.

They are very easy to train, and also love to walk, hunt for insects and simply frolic in the grass. Without proper attention, he literally “withers away” and cannot tolerate being ignored at all. He will not bark a lot, as he is naturally quite well-mannered.


Lhasa apso

The breed is not suitable for novice breeders, as it has a rather stubborn character. A beginner simply may not be able to cope with her restless character.

Gets along well with family members and other animals. This little fluffy dog ​​is a born guard and will protect your home from any uninvited guest, despite its miniature size.

Lhasa apso

Keeshond (German Wolfspitz)

In appearance, they look a little like wolves due to their fluffy fur and coloring. It’s surprising that they are also drawn to the forest: they help their owners a lot in picking mushrooms and berries, and also love fishing and general forays into the fresh air.

He loves to run and swim, so he needs regular walks in nature. Also, Wolfspitz dogs love to eat even on a full stomach, which is something that owners should pay special attention to and prevent the dog from becoming overweight.

For reference! When alone, he begins to whine and play pranks, so it is not suitable for busy people.


Russian toy terrier

Despite their low level of aggressiveness, Russian Toy Terriers are excellent watchdogs. These are very cunning dogs who will not fail to make their owner feel sorry for them and beg for something tasty. They love to bark loudly and protractedly, which may not please the neighbors on the floor.

The breed is very sensitive to any outbreaks of aggression from people, therefore it reacts very poorly to various quarrels and showdowns, even to health problems. Due to their natural memory, they perfectly remember the majority of even the most complex commands.

Russian toy terrier

Boston Terrier

Very smart dogs with innate “gentlemanly” qualities. They are very reminiscent of people: Boston Terriers are able to express their emotions through facial expressions, and in their sleep they can snore and grunt. Known for their sense of humor, they try to fill the owner’s life with bright colors.

They get along well with people, especially love children, winning their mutual affection. They adapt to their owner: they can be both lazy and active.

Important! Dogs of this breed react very sharply to weather conditions, so when walking on particularly hot or, conversely, cold days, you need to carefully monitor the behavior of the animal.

Boston Terrier

Brussels Griffon

Cute flattened noses and faces with mustaches are the calling card of the Brussels Griffon. They have a habit of following their owner everywhere, without leaving him a single step.

A born guard, he will bark long and loudly when a stranger appears. Due to their natural intelligence and discipline, they are well trained and trained, but are not suitable for beginners in the dog business.

Brussels Griffon

Rabbit dachshund

It owes its name to the fact that it was bred specifically for hunting hares. They become equally attached to all family members, without singling out anyone in particular. When children appear in the family, he begins to protect them and accompany them everywhere.

Despite the increased friendliness, when aggression is shown by strangers, the dachshund is capable of fighting back. The dog will not sit on the sofa at home; she likes active recreation. During walks, it will hunt insects or small animals, rodents.

Rabbit (rabbit) dachshund


Everyone has heard about the Chihuahua - it is an indispensable companion for glamorous ladies and not only that. Thanks to its miniature size, the breed allows you to keep it even in the smallest apartments, and when going to the store, do not leave it at the entrance, but take it in your arms or even put it in your purse.

They love to bark and can do it even without a reason. They can be terribly offended by the owner for some flaws, and are very jealous of other pets. They can do without regular walks; the size allows them to go to the toilet and change a diaper.

Attention! You need to carefully monitor your dog's health - if not properly treated, its recovery can be very expensive.


Welsh Corgi

The selection is completed by the cutest corgis, who are literally taking over the whole world! Incredibly beautiful dogs with a golden character. Big ears, a kind muzzle, short plump paws - this is how corgis win love. They are dwarf shepherd dogs and react to sounds and smells even in their sleep. In the last century they were used as service dogs, and now they are considered a royal breed and for good reason. Throughout her life, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain had more than 30 corgis, the first one appeared back in 1933.

There are no people who don’t like dogs - they just haven’t found the very breed that can evoke trembling feelings. There are quite a lot of cute four-legged animals: corgis, Pekingese, chow-chows, and Spitz, you can list them forever. Both small and large dogs made it into the TOP 20. They can be a guardian and a devoted friend at the same time.


The cute breed always brings a smile and admiration. Walking down the street, passers-by look around and ask for the name of the breed, nickname.

A funny dog ​​can bring joy, love, and enjoyment of moments of play, feeding, and sleep into your home. This is a range of positive emotions that truly heal any ailment or mental wounds.

I want to look after a beautiful dog, buy him accessories and treats. Despite the danger of being spoiled, cute breeds are initially gifted by nature with beauty and an easy-going character.

If you love a dog, it will definitely reciprocate and become a devoted friend and protector.

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