Reproduction of dogs by planned mating

How to force a dog to mate with a person? Instructions for those who cannot get a response from their pet.

Basically, this procedure is required when it is necessary to take semen from a male dog for analysis, for example, if the dog is purebred, but cannot bear offspring. Collection with a needle is ineffective, and in a large animal it is only possible under general anesthesia. In this regard, we have to look for ways to naturally extract biomaterial.

The easiest way to get a dog to share sperm is to sew a cape in the shape of another dog. In this case, it is advisable to take into account the tastes of your own dog. Some people like lapdogs, others like Rottweilers, so tailoring a female dog’s costume should be done only after studying the psychological picture. Next you need to crawl under the cape, walk on all fours around the dog, and make a languid whine. After culmination, collect samples in test tubes.

If a dog likes to have intercourse with a human leg, then the situation becomes simpler. You just need to let him finish the job, and then collect the liquid in a jar using a pipette or rubber bulb.

Many dogs do not want to have sex without a lot of foreplay. In animals, the brain works almost without logical connections, so it is unacceptable to use complex flirtations and incomprehensible hints.

How to train a male dog not to react to bitches ready for mating?

A male who does not know what mating is loses interest in active females at about the age of 3-4 years. The boy becomes completely domestic, affectionate, sexual activity gradually fades away, giving way to a strong attachment to a person

But before this age, it is important to prevent a casual relationship, since, having got involved once, a guy will remember for the rest of his life what girls are for. So, the first thing that needs to be done is to teach the dog the command “Come to me!”, which must always be performed, under any circumstances and in any conditions

This is extremely important! A huge number of male dogs get lost and die, following the trail of a bitch ready for mating, ignoring the owner’s commands.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the guy’s behavior when meeting a girl in heat. It’s hardly worth excluding such communication completely - the forbidden fruit is sweet for dogs too

Let the guy know that such girls sometimes come across on the way, but they are no more interesting than other dogs. When you meet a lady on a walk, let the guy sniff her to satisfy his curiosity. But when he tries to mount, act as written above - throw him off the bitch and say “No”, looking intently straight into the eyes. Since the boy does not yet know why this delicious-smelling dog is actually needed, he will be afraid to anger his “leader” and will give up trying to jump on the bitch. Be carefull! Don't be distracted for a second, as especially smart boys need only a few seconds to enter adulthood. It is absolutely impossible to scold for attempts to cage males who are planned to be used for breeding in the future. Such boys can only be walked on leashes, completely eliminating contact with ready-made bitches (except for the moment of planned mating, of course).

Important: unfortunately, if the dog is already untied, any reaction you make will most likely go unnoticed. Untied male dogs, especially decorative breeds, simply “switch off their brains” at the sight of a ready-made bitch - in such a situation, you can only take the guy in your arms and leave

A warm heart beats for good only together with a cool head. Please do not attribute feelings to dogs that they do not experience. Don't humanize your pets. Act based on their interests, without being led by your own emotions and principles. Only then will you be able to become the best owner for your four-legged friend, who will live a long and carefree life.

Author of the article: Yurchenko O.V.

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Insufficient loads as a reason for fixating on “one point”

To survive, an ordinary dog ​​or wolf in its natural habitat is forced to:

  • spend up to 15 hours a day on the move;
  • defend territory in a fight;
  • stalk prey for a long time, hunting for food;
  • fight for the opportunity to produce offspring;
  • spend energy on protecting the young and raising offspring.

The domestic dog spends most of the day lying in a cozy bed. She does not need to hunt - the owner regularly supplies food. He is not given the opportunity to fight within the pack; there is no reason or the owners do not allow him to fight with his fellow tribesmen outside the walls of the house. But the body of a domestic dog is not much different from the body of, for example, a wolf - energy is produced taking into account the needs listed above. It is not surprising that many dogs that do not receive enough physical and emotional stress become hyperactive sexually. This is an outlet where the body “drains” excess strength that simply does not fit in the body of a dog that is forced to spend most of its time lying on the sofa. Therefore, for comfortable coexistence with an uncastrated male dog, you need to accustom yourself to go for walks every day: either long exercise on foot, or active games with the owner or fellow tribesmen.

Features of mating dogs of small and large breeds

How do dogs mate? The mating process for dogs begins with introductions. The gentleman gently bites and licks his friend’s face, ears, and withers. Doesn't ignore the genitals. A female ready for mating will enthusiastically accept signs of attention. Then everything will happen in accordance with natural instincts: mounting, ejaculation, mating, unsticking.

Depending on the breed, there are some mating features. For large dogs (shepherd dogs, Great Danes, mastiffs, etc.) this is a threat of injury to the female skeleton under the weight of the male. The owner is recommended to support the female's belly with his knee.

Small dogs are prevented from mating by size discrepancies. Males usually fail to reach their mate’s noose. You can help your pet by placing something under its hind legs.

How to properly take dogs for the first time

To obtain healthy offspring and maintain the health of the female, you should follow certain recommendations when mating. They are like this:

  • You cannot mate dogs younger than 1.5-2 years;
  • for the first mating, a bitch must be mated with an experienced male, a young male with an experienced female;
  • Close relatives cannot be crossed.

Dog Mating Stages

How dogs engage in mating can be described schematically. The process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Acquaintance;
  2. Mounting with the release of lubricant and penetration into the female genital organ;
  3. Mating itself with ejaculation;
  4. Gluing;
  5. Unsticking.

How to wean a decorative dog from “loving” its owner’s foot?

One of the negative properties of male dogs (including male dogs of decorative breeds) is their desire to imitate sexual intercourse by “landing” on various objects, for example, soft toys or the owner’s leg.

Most dog owners and veterinarians do not consider something as lewd as masturbation with an object to be a problem. However, some difficulties still exist, and, as a rule, they are not at all related to the dog’s sexual health.

Firstly, some owners are simply not happy that their pet's sexual acts become a spectacle for children.

Secondly, such sexual behavior is often characteristic of male dogs who begin to dominate. By jumping on the owner or objects, the dog tries to demonstrate its dominance.

Thirdly, frequent imitation of sexual acts may indicate that the animal relieves stress in this way.

If you are annoyed by your male dog's desire to masturbate with your help, we can recommend using several ways to wean him from pestering his owner's leg or hand.

1. Try the splatter method. As soon as your dog, having played too much, begins to jump on you, spray water in his face with the command “No!” or “Ugh!”

2. If the “sprinkler” doesn’t help, then if they try to “rape” you, move the animal away and immediately stop playing with it, and generally interrupt any communication. If you do this several times, the dog will very quickly understand that it is necessary to behave this way, because communication with the owner for him is an important manifestation of the communicative principle in the pack.

3. If your pet has a desire to show his “love” for another person or animal, then it is necessary to practice prohibiting commands. The command “No!” or “Ugh!” must be applied as soon as you notice the dog’s desire to display obscene behavior. Be sure to reward your dog with a treat as soon as he follows the command.

False heat and other surprises for a beginner

Young bitches have false empty spots. It is so called because there are all external manifestations, except for the main thing - ovulation. This condition is not dangerous. Sometimes it is interrupted for several days and then resumes, but now with ovulation.

There are hidden (dry, white) estrus. The difference is that follicles are formed in the normal manner and eggs are released. There are no external signs - a swollen genital loop, blood secretion. Dry heat is not a deviation; a female dog can still become pregnant and produce a healthy litter.

Often, new dog breeders, due to lack of knowledge, cannot distinguish estrus from diseases. The dog is ready to mate 1-2 times a year, and the rest of the time any discharge is an anomaly.

Proper nutrition in the fight for balance

Thousands of male dogs were lost, sent to shelters and even euthanized, and suffered in the fight for territory due to the fact that the owner was unable to wean the dog from rushing at dogs and running after girls. Close attention is paid to raising a guy, but the desired result is in no hurry to please the owner? Perhaps it’s worth reconsidering the four-legged fidget’s menu. We often hear from zoologists: “A dog is a predator, its diet should consist of 60% meat products.” And this is true, but it is important to understand that the meat product is not muscle meat, but also the internal organs of animals. In addition, pets do not always get enough exercise. Many people walk only 1-2 hours a day! Where can they spend the energy produced by the body in excess? Often, simply reducing protein in the diet has a greater effect than education and training. Therefore, before labeling your boyfriend as a sex maniac, consult an experienced veterinarian or nutritionist to decide together which diet will be most suitable for your pet.

Which dog is nervous and excitable?

So, before we talk about methods for correcting a dog’s behavior, we must first figure out which dogs can be classified as nervously excitable.

As a rule, dogs that can easily become overexcited over any little thing are called nervous and unbalanced (the main objects of attention of such pets can be other dogs, cats, pigeons, etc.). However, this definition is also a little blurry, since several properties of the dog’s nervous system can be hidden behind the state of excitement. Some dogs can very quickly and quietly enter an excited state, but with a change of environment it is also easy to get out of it. Some people need more time to become aroused, but they will come out of the state of arousal for a long time and gradually.

Paraphimosis in dogs (treatment)

Treatment can be therapeutic (cooling, anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives that reduce erection, removal of the hair ring around the penis) or surgical: stitching of the preputial opening. In severe cases, or in case of untimely treatment, when tissue necrosis has already developed due to impaired blood flow, amputation of the penis may be indicated.

In case of a fracture of the penile bone, long-term catheterization of the urethra is also carried out to prevent its injury and the development of adhesive disease.

Taking certain precautions before and after mating can help prevent paraphimosis in dogs. The simplest method is to cut off the hair around the preputial ring before the planned mating. If a male dog who has suffered paraphimosis is not intended for breeding, castration will avoid sexual arousal and, accordingly, will minimize relapses of the disease.

Video with an example of the development of phimosis and paraphimosis in a dog:

Medications to help calm your dog during heat

To normalize behavior and eliminate unwanted behavior caused by sexual heat, dogs can be given natural-based sedatives and hormonal agents from the following list:

  • Sex barrier. Available in the form of drops, pills that suppress sexual desire. Prescribed for medium and large breeds with aggressive, restless behavior during estrus.
  • Stop intimate. A drug in tablets for correction, correction of unwanted behavior in female dogs during heat, prevention of unwanted pregnancy.
  • Sex Control. The tablets have a mild sedative effect. Also prescribed to interrupt and delay estrus.
  • CounterSex Neo. Tablet preparation for dogs and cats. Corrects the behavior of females during sexual activity, prevents unwanted pregnancy (hormonal contraceptive).
  • Cat Baiyun. A plant-based drug with a pronounced sedative effect. Eliminates aggression, corrects behavior during sexual hunting.

  • Fitex. A universal remedy with a sedative effect. Prescribed to aggressive, hyperactive dogs and females to correct unwanted behavior during heat. The drug eliminates excitability, normalizes the dog’s emotional background, and minimizes the effects of stress.
  • EX-5. A new generation sedative. If the dosage is observed, it is not addictive. Normalizes the behavior of bitches during estrus.
  • Stop Stress. The drug eliminates excitability, aggressiveness, fearfulness, and reduces the negative impact of stress factors.
  • Hormone Balancer Flower Essence Drops. A drug with a pronounced sedative effect. Used to eliminate unwanted behavior in females in heat, as well as for hormonal imbalances.

In order not to harm your dog’s health, be sure to consult a veterinarian before choosing a sedative or hormonal drug. Long-term use of sedatives and hormones, in addition to addiction, can provoke serious functional disruptions in the animal’s body.

Before giving your dog a sedative, carefully read the label on the drug. Do not exceed the specified dosage, stick to the duration of the course to achieve the desired effect.

If you, at your own peril and risk, decide to speed up the onset of estrus by choosing a certain course, if side effects from medications occur, immediately consult a veterinarian!

Phimosis in cats

In cats, there are a number of anatomical differences in the structure of the genital organs. In particular, they, unlike other domestic animals, have a penis directed caudally (that is, in the direction of the tail), and there are outgrowths on the head of the penis that rise when excited. However, the structure of the prepuce and penis is similar to that of dogs, and phimosis and paraphimosis present, are diagnosed, and are treated similarly to these pathologies in male dogs.

(c) Veterinary center for the treatment and rehabilitation of animals “Zoostatus”. Varshavskoe highway, 125 building 1. tel. 8 (499) 372-27-37

Care features

On the eve of the first estrus, the female may experience discharge from the loop, juvenile vaginitis containing a small amount of pus. There is no need to worry, this phenomenon is normal. Everything will return to normal as soon as the heat passes. If this does not happen, then it is worth undergoing an examination to identify various pathologies.

To make the estrus period more hygienic (especially for estrus in dogs kept in an apartment), you can purchase elastic panties for one-time use. They will prevent your dog from leaving bloody spots around the house. But still, you should not wear them all the time; veterinarians advise allowing the female to remove the discharge on her own by licking it.

During the first heat, the dog may not understand how to behave, so it is worth teaching it to remove spots. And to do this you need to remove carpets and rugs from the floor.

During the period of heat, the dog requires care:

  • You should avoid long walks in winter to prevent your pet from catching a cold;
  • There is no need to take her out to places where other dogs gather;
  • Walks are strictly on a leash.

If suddenly it was not possible to prevent an unwanted mating, then it is forbidden to give the dog drugs to help terminate the pregnancy. This will cause significant health problems for the pet, which lead to infertility in the dog.

An important factor is keeping a dog during heat.

If you do not plan to breed a dog and get puppies from her, at the first sign of estrus you need to start taking precautions:

  • Keep a close eye on your dog while walking and avoid all contact with dogs of the opposite sex.
  • Walk your dog on a short leash: even the most well-mannered and docile pet can run away during heat, not paying attention to any commands.
  • Do not allow your dog to mate - it is impossible to separate the animals during intercourse.
  • Do not take your dog while in heat to competitions or shows. This will cause anxiety among the male dogs present at the show. During heat, a dog does not respond well to commands and can be disobedient.

How to stop a dog from marking

Marking territory is a natural need of the entire canine tribe. For your pet, leaving a tag is the same as sending a letter. By the smell of urine, other dogs recognize the gender, age and health status of the dog that left the mark, its claims to territory, its desire to find a partner, and much more. Since marks are a means of communication, often our pets, when marking houses, try to convey something to us: “I’m bored, I’m sick, I want more attention, I’m stressed.” Only in a few cases are marks a consequence of sexual hyperactivity and a means to attract a partner. Therefore, when thinking about how to stop a dog from marking, do not go through the methods of training, but look for the reason for the unwanted behavior.

If a male dog marks corners, trying to attract attention, play and communicate with your pet more, talk to him more often. Let your dog know that he is loved and desired. If the marks are the result of insufficient exercise, increase the time spent outside the house. The boy will satisfy his need outside by marking the surrounding bushes and poles, and the furniture will remain intact (this is especially true for animals that relieve themselves in a litter box, since they are less likely to be taken for walks, forcing them to show their instincts indoors). If the marks are a consequence of any disease, only a veterinarian can help.

When it comes to improper training, it is important to explain to the dog that “spraying” at home is unacceptable! The main thing is to show your indignation directly at the moment of committing the “crime”. When you see that the male has raised his paw, go up to him and say in a threatening tone, looking into his eyes: “You can’t, you bad!” Then ignore the pet for about an hour, letting it know that you are unhappy and you are not interested in communicating with such a piglet. There is no need to rush towards the intruder, shouting threats and waving a slipper - this will only frighten the dog, which will run away in horror, not having time to figure out what actually happened. But on a walk, at the moment of “gushing” onto a pole or bush, you need to express approval: “Oh, well done, what a smart girl.” But you don’t need to overdo it, just casually note the correct behavior without reinforcing it with a treat, since your excessive enthusiasm can lead to unpleasant consequences - the pet will start marking at home, wanting to get a piece.


Traces of urine must be removed using a disinfectant (the male should not smell his own marks). If health is normal, the necessary amount of time has been devoted to upbringing, all approaches have been tried, but the problem could not be solved, temporarily “relocating” the guy to an enclosure will help. However, this option is only suitable if the marks are not really associated with lack of attention, stress, illness, etc. If there is a serious reason, punishment is ineffective and will even worsen the situation until the problem is fundamentally solved.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of stress vary widely and may present differently for each dog. Veterinarians divide it into chronic (over a long period of time) and short-term (episodic), respectively, and the signs of pathology will vary.

Short-term stress is characterized by a change in mood - apathy, lethargy, drowsiness or, conversely, aggressiveness. The dog may even avoid the owner for some time, hide, not wanting to communicate. This behavior usually lasts 1-2 days and normalizes after the animal calms down.

Chronic stress manifests itself with more serious symptoms. The dog refuses food, even his favorite treats (or vice versa, suffers from a morbid appetite), loses weight, moves chaotically around the house, trying to hide, whines, howls for no apparent reason.

Sometimes he damages furniture, digs holes and defecates right in the apartment, being well aware that he needs to go to the toilet while walking.

With this atypical behavior, the dog tries to draw attention to its problems and asks for help. Excessive saliva, slight trembling, lack of sleep are clear signs that your four-legged pet is experiencing stress.

Physiological symptoms should also alert the owner:

  • skin rashes;
  • redness on the skin;
  • dandruff, hair loss;
  • the appearance of a bad odor;
  • frequent urination and bowel movements;
  • difficulty breathing, yawning.

If a four-legged pet has a violent temperament, it may well bite a person. However, this already depends on upbringing and training. In most cases, according to animal psychologists, dogs still fall into apathy and indifference, which is no less harmful for the pet, for example, they begin to chew grass and climb into the trash.

Hormonal imbalance

Often the cause of sexual hyperactivity is the body's excessive or insufficient production of one or another hormone. You can talk for a long time about the influence of hormones on the behavior of male dogs, but such an educational program will be of little help to the average person. But who can help is a veterinarian. If, despite all efforts to re-educate the fidget, a male dog marks at home, behaves aggressively towards other animals, loses appetite and peace when a girl is in the neighborhood - take a test to determine the level of hormones in the blood. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas, gonads and other glands is not only behavioral problems, but also a serious threat to the dog’s health. It may be necessary to castrate a male dog - do not refuse the operation only for moral and ethical reasons. When a veterinarian recommends castration, it is no longer about your views on the issue, but about the duration and quality of life of a living creature.

What to do and how to calm your dog

If owners during “critical days” suffer from the intolerable behavior of their beloved dog, it is useless to scold a disobedient bitch in heat, much less use physical punishment.

If a dog is worried or disobedient, you can calm your pet, according to dog handlers and experienced breeders:

  • By increasing the duration, intensity, and activity of walks. During estrus, to avoid accidental mating, dogs are walked on a leash. Change your walking routes, run with your dog, learn new commands. You can use a long leash to control your pet’s movement and practice new commands. You can let the bitch off the leash from days 1 to 7, but only in secluded places where there are no other dogs or animals.
  • Interesting active games, toys, mental stress.
  • Sedatives, hormonal agents.

The choice of the optimal technique depends on age, individual characteristics, character, temperament, and type of nervous system.

How to stop a dog from mounting its owner and things

By allowing a male dog to mount the owner's arms/legs or pieces of furniture, toys, etc., we allow him to establish himself as the leader of the pack. Even an untied male should not satisfy his needs using human body parts or interior items, and for uncastrated boys this is completely unacceptable. Today the pet uses the pillow as a partner, and tomorrow the male marks corners, shows aggression towards animals and people, and becomes generally less obedient: “Why on earth would I obey these two-legged animals when I was able to win the place of the alpha male?”

Haircut frequency

The frequency of nail trimming is directly related to the natural conditions of the pet’s place of residence. If your pet walks and frolics on a paved surface every day, you will rarely need to think about how to properly cut your dog’s nails. Living a pet in rural areas, where hard surfaces are rare, will require owners to regularly trim their dog's nails.

Delaying a haircut is accompanied by a number of inconveniences:

  • Causing bodily harm to a person, especially children.
  • Injuring yourself while scratching.
  • Damage to floor coverings and carpets.
  • Damage to furniture.
  • Deterioration of the pet's health, including skeletal deformation or blood poisoning.

What to do when a dog bites a person

Although it may be difficult to control yourself when a dog bites you, it is important that you do not scold them. Punishment in this way can be counterproductive. Instead of training your dog, it may worsen the reasons why your dog bites. Aggression can breed aggression and reward the dog negatively . This will give the dog negative emotions and may increase the likelihood of biting again in the future...

In this situation, the best thing you can do is to remain neutral and act calmly. We should not look at the dog or try to appear intimidating. This tells the dog that we mean it hurts them and we prepare to fight. As soon as the dog looks in the other direction, it should leave in silence and not turn around.

If your dog is yours, you should consult a professional canine behaviorist or ethologist . These professionals can help you conduct behavior modification sessions and explain appropriate recommendations for preventing your dog's unwanted behavior. They will also be able to observe your dog and provide specific assistance to understand their needs. You shouldn't try to train a dog if you don't know what you're doing. By accident, you could be encouraging negative behavior.

When a dog that is not yours bites you, you should consult a professional to help you. If a lost or abandoned dog bites you, you should call a local animal service to conduct a rescue. They can then take the dog to the appropriate center and help them rehabilitate...

Step-by-step passage of heat

The entire animal cycle is divided into 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus (or called proestrus). Duration 1-1.5 weeks. At this time, the process of blood circulation in the genital area increases significantly, the loop swells, and the first, initially scanty, bloody discharge appears. During this period, the dog is not yet ready for mating; ovulation has not yet occurred. But external signs are already evident - she becomes playful, may not obey the owner, and run away. When walking, he spends more time sniffing out the surroundings and constantly crouches down to leave marks. Males are already experiencing increased interest; when trying to copulate, the bitch growls and snarls.
  2. Estrus (active sexual hunting). During this period of time, more precisely the first 2 days, the process of ovulation occurs. But the bitch can keep the gentlemen away for a few more days. A little later, when she sees a potential suitor, the female raises the back of her body, tightens the noose and moves her tail to the side to facilitate the penetration process. She freezes and patiently waits for action from the male dog. The discharge from the loop will vary; normally, the appropriate period for mating occurs when it is light pink or disappears completely. The vulva swells significantly.
  3. Metaestrus (the final stage of estrus). The duration of this period is several days. The discharge stops, the noose returns to its previous size, and the bitch again does not allow gentlemen to approach her. If fertilization does not occur, then the female again becomes calm. The dog still experiences hormonal changes - the level of progesterone increases, which is not without reason called the pregnancy hormone. This happens regardless of whether the female becomes pregnant or not. This condition becomes the cause of such a phenomenon as false pregnancy, which mostly passes without outside help and consequences.
  4. Anestrus (phase of sexual tranquility). The duration of this stage is approximately 100-150 days and allows the animal’s body to recover before the next heat.

The frequency of estrus varies among dogs due to several associated factors. For example, in domestic dogs it happens 2 times a year - in autumn and at the end of winter. Sometimes flow is limited to once a year.

Dogs that are kept outdoors, pets from the north, breed once a year in early spring to give birth to puppies in the warmer months.

How to stop a dog from lunging at dogs?

Aggression directed at fellow dogs is not always the result of a male dog’s sexual activity. The desire to measure strength with everyone you meet can be a consequence of:

  • fear, excessive nervousness (up to serious phobias that require treatment under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian and dog handler);
  • insufficient social adaptation;
  • improper behavior of the owner when a strange dog approaches;
  • defending territory;
  • insufficient physical activity.

It follows from this that it is quite difficult to stop a dog from throwing itself at dogs. Or rather, it is difficult to determine the reason, and without knowing the motivations, teaching a bully to remain calm when he sees his fellow tribesmen is very difficult. However, there are several general recommendations that will improve the situation:

  • at the moment when you approach a strange dog, behave as calmly and naturally as possible;
  • watch your pet, talk to him affectionately until the second when he starts barking, growling or rushing at someone else’s dog. As soon as this happens, tell the dog in a mocking (but not affectionate, not praising!) tone: “Well, you’re a fool! Such a grown boy, and yet you behave so badly!” and so on. Don't yell at the dog. By raising your voice, you aggravate the situation - the bully may decide that you are supporting him, along with him, as a real pack, attacking a stranger. Or he will think that you are unhappy with his insufficiently active actions, your cry will sound like: “Come on! Atu, Atu! You're trying hard! Be meaner!”;
  • your pet should be standing on all fours. Do not pull the leash towards yourself, forcing the dog to lean on its hind legs, becoming taller, visually increasing in height - this is how you force him to take a fighting pose, to be even more aggressive;
  • Don’t constantly tug on the leash, trying to reason with the aggressor. This is how you cause pain to the dog by pressing the collar on the throat. The bully connects pain with the sight of someone else's dog, an unwanted connection is formed: “I see a dog, now I will certainly be hurt. We must attack first, because a peaceful resolution to the situation is still not in sight.”

Taking mild sedatives

In the current situation, it is very important to help your faithful friend survive the upcoming serious experience. Sedatives from a home first aid kit are contraindicated for dogs, because the substance can have the opposite effect on the dog’s body.

Drops or tablets will not solve the problem, they will only delay it for a while. Most likely, long-term therapy will be needed. You can reduce agitation and correct psychogenic behavior disorders with the help of foot drops - stress for dogs. This is a combination sedative drug for oral use. The main active ingredient in its composition is phenibut, a tranquilizer.

Drops are dripped onto a small amount of treat and given forcibly into the cheek pouch or placed on the root of the tongue

It is necessary to take into account the weight of the pet, the degree of its excitement, and also take into account the type of nervous activity

For dogs, the dose is 2 drops of the composition per 1 kg of dog weight. The course of treatment is from 15 to 20 days. If necessary, the course can be extended to 4 weeks. For preventive purposes, foot stress drops are used 2-4 days before the start of the event and a few more days after it ends.

The drug should not be given to puppies under 1 year of age, as well as lactating females and dogs with the following diseases: diabetes mellitus, cancer, diseases of the genitourinary system and liver diseases. According to its characteristics, the product is one of the safest for use for pets.

Sedatives for dogs are classified as follows:

  • by degree of effectiveness
  • by biochemical composition
  • by mechanism of action.

Veterinary pharmacies sell chemical sedatives for dogs and combination drugs. Constant use of foot stress medications for dogs can negatively affect their health.

Herbal stop – stress preparations

Herbal stop-stress medications also have an effect. This list includes:

  1. Cat Bayun - can be used not only for cats, but also for dogs of various breeds. If the dog is under severe stress, the medicine must be given to the animal on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day.
  2. Fitex is an effective herbal preparation. Four-legged pets are given it 3 times a day at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of weight.
  3. Hormone Balancer Flower Essence is an effective sedative.
  4. Jerob B—Calm Dietary Supplement – ​​sedative tincture. Dose for dogs – 1 teaspoon per 4.5 kg of dog’s body weight.
  5. Fospasim - suitable for relieving stress in dogs of all breeds and age groups.

Synthetic pheromones

If herbs do not help, pheromones can be used to combat stress. These are chemical substances that can be used to establish communication between individuals of the same species. To calm dogs, a synthetic analogue of pheromone is used, which is released by a nursing bitch 4-5 days after giving birth. It has a relaxing and calming effect on small puppies and adult dogs.

In veterinary pharmacies, pheromones are sold in the form of sprays and aerosols. There are also collars on sale that are treated with a special scent. You can bring your dog’s psycho-emotional state back to normal with the help of herbs that have a sedative effect. This list includes:

  • valerian
  • motherwort
  • mint
  • oldflower
  • Baikal skullcap.

Valerian is considered the most effective. To normalize the dog’s emotional state, he is given valerian from 5 to 20 drops (depending on the pet’s body weight) for several days.

Currently reading:

  1. Seven Signs and Remedies for Getting Rid of Fleas in Dogs
  2. The American Cocker Spaniel is an adroit hunter and loyal friend.
  3. Is it worth it or not to include natural food in your dog’s diet?
  4. Tips for proper dog burial

  • Sexual behavior of males
  • Sex games
  • Onset of puberty
  • Seasonality of sexual activity
  • Sexual behavior of bitches
  • Pairing
  • Mono- and polygamy in dogs
  • Formation of a married couple
  • "Dog Wedding"
  • Features of mating when kept at home
  • Sexual behavior disorders caused by upbringing errors
  • The role of sexual experience
  • Sociosexual behavior

    In highly social animals, sexual behavior practically cannot be considered in isolation from social behavior - a dog can take a place in the hierarchy only with the onset of puberty, with the formation of most of the complex of sexual behavior. Thus, in our opinion, it is more correct to talk about a single complex of socio-sexual behavior that is formed over a long time.

    When analyzing demonstrations of social behavior, what is striking is the connection of most of them with sexual, or more precisely, male behavior. The most universal demonstration element, the cage, appears at the very beginning of the first period of socialization. This element is not associated with high hormonal levels, which the puppy, of course, does not have at that moment. In the future, the cage becomes the leading demonstration of pretension and is equally used by growing males and females. Only with the onset of puberty does the cage become not just a demonstration of dominance, but is also colored by a certain sexual arousal.

    Let us consider the features of puberty and, accordingly, sexual behavior in males and females.

    Sexual behavior of males

    As male dogs grow older and their hormonal levels increase, their aspirations to increase their social rank naturally increase. When the primary, or puppy, hierarchy is formed, which, as a rule, is not divided by gender, the largest and, first of all, persistent puppies dominate. However, in some young male dogs, even during this period, during competitive encounters and games related to rivalry, signs of sexual arousal (incomplete erection) appear irregularly.

    Sex games

    As the sex glands develop, sexual games with pronounced sexual play become more frequent and energetic. An active teenager mounts other puppies without distinguishing their gender. The clearest stimulus is the image of a partner: this is either a puppy with key characteristics of the same breed as the initiator of the game, or with very fluffy fur. We do not undertake to explain this phenomenon, however, adolescent Newfoundlands, Chow Chows, and Caucasian Shepherds, regardless of their individual behavior before the change from puppy coat to adult coat, turn out to be very sexually attractive to their playmates. A little later, the activity of growing males switches to females in a state of pre-heat and estrus. Here the stimulus is obviously a change in the bitch's scent. A similar reaction in a number of cases is observed in recently given birth and lactating bitches, from which we can conclude that a growing male is most likely attracted not by a specific signal substance, but by a change in the smell characteristic of a bitch in anestrus.

    Sexual play with older bitches is extremely important for growing males. Unlike sexual games with other teenagers, where the position does not matter: mountings are done from the side, front, back, an adult bitch does not tolerate such irregularities. The advances of a teenager cause much less irritation if the harassment is done correctly, otherwise he is driven away quite rudely. Such training turns out to be necessary for the formation of sexual behavior; without it, a male dog most often turns out to be incapable of independent mating.

    Onset of puberty

    Puberty is indirectly indicated by the increasing frequency of sexual games, mainly with adult females, and the appearance of elements of marking behavior. In the third period of socialization, marking is not yet associated with territorial behavior and is observed irregularly.

    The onset of puberty in a young dog does not mean, as has already been said, that he automatically acquires a mate. In a natural flock, the ability to mate comes much earlier than the opportunity to do so. A male dog must achieve a sufficiently high social status in order to fully develop a complex of sexual behavior.

    Seasonality of sexual activity

    For many Canines, the dependence of the sexual activity of males on the length of daylight hours has been shown. Male wolves are most active during the breeding season; during the rest of the year, their hormonal levels are so low that the desire to mate does not appear. At the same time, the secretion of sex hormones does not stop, which is indirectly confirmed by the preservation of the hierarchical structure of the pack (see “Aggression”). In dogs in natural packs, while the females mature at approximately the same time, the males retain high sexual activity and the ability to mate throughout the year. It is difficult to decide whether this feature of sexual behavior in males is inherent in the ancestors of dogs or whether it was acquired as a result of domestication. The latter assumption is supported by the fact that in the experiments of D.K. Belyaev and collaborators on the domestication of foxes, after several generations, females appeared with a second, autumn estrus, and some males showed increased sexual activity outside the breeding season.

    It is quite likely that the polycyclicity of females and, accordingly, the prolongation of sexual activity of males is connected with an increase in the complexity of the social structure in the absence of a significant influence of climatic factors (after all, primates have evolved precisely in this direction).

    When kept at home, the breeding cycle of dogs is significantly influenced, at least in the conditions of domestic dog breeding, by the characteristics of the seasonal activity of their owners. Despite recommendations to breed bitches in the spring, during the main biological heat, many breeders avoid this, since summer holidays, vacations, a general decline in business activity and puppies create unnecessary problems. Bitches are often bred in the fall, thus shifting the peaks of male sexual activity. The year-round activity of male dogs creates a number of problems when keeping them at home.

    Sexual behavior of bitches

    In females, puberty proceeds faster and has clear external signs associated with the cyclical nature of sexual activity. With the onset of estrus, excitability increases, aggressiveness towards other dogs appears or sharply increases, urine marking occurs, and mounting of other dogs is possible. In general, the sexual behavior of females initially includes male demonstration elements. Outside of heat, only a few females mark territory; as a rule, these are animals with claims to a very high status in the pack. Thus, in bitches, urine marking is an element of sexual behavior.

    Very often, bitches have sexual games, accompanied by mounting on each other. Sometimes more than two bitches participate in such games. This behavior is normal and does not require correction.

    With the onset of heat, the bitch's aggressiveness towards other bitches in the pack often increases, causing a response in others. A young bitch cannot withstand the heat of competition, and if she does not have a mate, she goes to the periphery of the pack. Quite often the bitch is treated so harshly that estrus can be suppressed and heat does not occur. Estrus can also be interrupted by other strong stress factors. Thus, the sudden onset of frost, the departure of the owners, or moving a considerable distance at the beginning of estrus sometimes turn out to be sufficient influences for the estrus to stop. After some time it resumes and usually proceeds without complications.

    Full sexual behavior manifests itself only when the level of sex hormones is high—at the onset of heat. It is at this moment that mating is possible. The lower level of sex hormones, while leaving the bitch in some cases quite attractive to the male, makes mating impossible.

    Outside of heat, the female does not completely lack sexual behavior; it is more correct to talk about the absence of sexual activity. The bitch does not strive to mate; however, during anestrus, the bitch in a natural pack willingly contacts male dogs. It is clearly visible that she gives preference to some of them, that these males are pleasant to her, while she drives away others when trying to get closer or tries to avoid them. Such sympathy with the onset of proestrus forces the bitch to stay closer to the male with whom she will create a pair.


    Mono- and polygamy in dogs

    Marriage relationships among wild canines are of a different nature, but in general monogamy is typical for them, that is, the formation of more or less stable married couples. In some species, the existence of a pair is limited only by the time of copulation, while others are characterized by the preservation of the pair throughout the entire season. In this case, the male takes an active part in raising the offspring. In wolves, pairs often remain for several years.

    Marital relations also largely depend on various external conditions, under which, in principle, monogamous animals become polygamous (capable of mating with several sexual partners).

    Polygamy is one of the valuable traits for artificial selection, since it allows you to keep fewer males with a larger number of females. In dogs, there are many transitional forms from strict monogamy to polygamy. During evolution, sexual selection, which favors mating with the strongest and most attractive males, plays an important role.

    As a rule, dogs belonging to the same population participate in a “dog wedding”. The number of males who manage to mate with a female depends largely on her polygamous tendencies. In a normal population of dogs living in more or less free conditions, offspring are born either from the strongest, or from those males whose behavior in a given situation is most appropriate. Many male dogs in nature are doomed to celibacy, since, despite intensive participation in “dog weddings,” they never manage to mate with a female dog.

    Formation of a married couple

    Normally, a pair is formed before the onset of estrus. We have already mentioned that in some flocks the dominant male protects the female in her first estrus from mating. In some cases, this bitch subsequently becomes his mate, in others she enters into a marriage union with a male from the dominant’s inner circle.

    Bloody discharge from a bitch's loop attracts male dogs. A bitch in heat leaves urine marks quite often, so male dogs can easily detect her. Initially, attempts to mount greatly irritate the bitch, and she drives the male away, sometimes inflicting sensitive bites on him. If the dogs are well acquainted, the dog is pleasant to the bitch, she does not try to run away from him. In response to threats and bites, the male stops mounting and invites the bitch to play with the classic pose of request: pressing his chest to the ground and throwing his front paw towards her. What usually follows is an exaggerated game of catch-up. The roles of the pursuer and the fugitive change every now and then, with both partners demonstrating postures of request.

    The closer the mating date approaches, the more often and more actively the male mounts and the longer the bitch tolerates his attempts. Sometimes she does the cages; the male, depending on his character, either allows her to do it or stops her quite harshly. Games between partners are becoming more frequent and longer. An excited bitch more and more accurately imitates the facial expressions and behavior of a playing puppy. She presses her ears very tightly, rolls her eyes so that they seem larger and rounder, stretches the corners of her lips wide, opening her mouth. In some cases, the bitch can squeal, while excitement and a hint of hysteria can be heard in her voice. The male whimpers subtly in response, shifting in place. The bitch now runs pointedly awkwardly, in a circle of small radius. When the male tries to grab her, he stops and freezes motionless for a while with his back tense. An experienced bitch can already begin to move her tail to the side; an inexperienced bitch makes this movement only when she is completely ready to accept a male dog. An increase in hormone levels and mutual stimulation at the onset of physiological heat make mating not only possible, but also easy for both partners. During the next mounting, the male manages to insert the penis into the vagina, and after several frictions the bulbs of the penis also get into the loop. The bitch, completely ready for mating, stands completely still. When a penis is inserted, she usually squeals, sometimes she tries to sit down and pull away. If she has been well prepared by previous courtship, she calms down quickly; moreover, a very excited male holds his partner very tightly, squeezing him with his front paws. An experienced male, when trying to wriggle out, can hold the bitch with his teeth by the skin at the withers. During mating, gluing normally occurs, the so-called lock, the duration of which can literally vary from a few minutes to one and a half or even more hours, usually the lock lasts 10–20 minutes. The next mating usually occurs after a few hours.

    During the entire hunting period, the dogs mate repeatedly; as the level of hormones decreases, the bitch allows the male less often, and does not freeze for a long time without moving when attempting to mount. An experienced male also becomes less and less excited when the smell of the discharge changes and soon ceases to be interested in the bitch. The partners continue to stay close, they can work together to drive away too annoying young males, but they no longer mate.

    Some experienced males, when kept together with a female, do not attempt to mate and do not even care for the female until the onset of heat. From the beginning of the heat, they carefully monitor the movements of the bitch, drive away other males from her, but nothing more. When a bitch comes into heat, such a male immediately begins courtship and quickly achieves reciprocity.

    "Dog Wedding"

    But if the bitch herself chooses a male and they come to an agreement, then what is a “dog wedding”? This is a way of forcing a bitch to mate, which for some reason is not part of a large, well-structured pack. In this case, a bitch who has just come into heat excites the males with her smell. They gather around her and literally harass her with cages. The bitch snaps and runs away, but she is unable to defend herself, since she does not have a partner and the males pursue her relentlessly. Such persecution received the figurative name of gon; the bitch is driven from place to place, not allowing her to really eat or rest. Every now and then, skirmishes arise between the male dogs, some are pushed to the very tail of the procession, others are beaten, and leaders are replaced. Exhausted physically and psychologically, the bitch has long since stopped snapping, she tolerates all the pestering of the males, and the moment comes when the efforts of one of the leaders of the “wedding” are successful. Further, the scenario may be different.

    The male, having received visible proof of his superiority, can begin to drive away other contenders, in which the bitch will actively help him - at last she has the opportunity to rest at least a little. As a result, a normal married couple is formed.

    Another option is also possible: male leaders of equal strength are in a loyal alliance or in a “pack of suitors.” In this case, they mate with the female in turn, not allowing other males to approach her. It is clear that in the latter case a mating pair will not form, and the bitch will continue to take care of the offspring alone. With the end of the heat, the “wedding” breaks up.

    Features of mating when kept at home

    The described mating behavior is typical for natural flocks. It unfolds in a complex and time-consuming manner; therefore, dogs kept at home are not allowed to carry it out in full. In both males and females, the complex of sexual behavior is truncated, although not to the same extent. This is the case when distortion of behavior turns out to be necessary, and the attempts of some owners to return their pets “back to nature” do disproportionately more harm than good!

    So why should you stick to controlled hand-breeding instead of free-breeding in most cases? During the breeding planned by the breeder, the bitch did not see the male before mating. An attempt to bring a bitch in heat into a dog's house and let her go there freely in the vast majority of cases does not lead to the results that the owner of the dog and the breeder expected.

    A male dog, especially one who has no mating experience, will be outraged by the unceremonious invasion of his territory by a strange dog. The smell of heat in this situation does not work immediately, and instead of courtship, a fight often breaks out between the owner of the territory and the “invader.” Even if there was no fight and the dog is trying to court the bitch, she is in a state of extreme overexcitement: she finds herself in unfamiliar territory, in the company of an unfamiliar dog, who is also trying to mount. In such a situation, the bitch is simply not ready to accept his advances; it is natural for her to run away or defend herself seriously. As a result, in this case, a fight may arise, but here the male suffers - his willingness to continue courtship decreases. A tough rebuff from a bitch can completely turn a young male dog away from wanting to mate with her: she made it clear to him that he was unpleasant to her, and besides, she turned out to be stronger.

    Even if the initial skirmish was forgotten after some time, the dogs will need a lot of time to get to know each other, develop mutual sympathy and mate. It’s not just the bitch’s direct rebuff that can hinder a dog. Even a well-developed and trained male, without sexual experience, is in a hurry and easily overexcited. In this situation, he does not fall into the loop; premature ejaculation or refusal to mate due to severe fatigue are quite possible. In both cases, it may take from 2–3 hours to a day for the dog to regain his strength. Considering that owners often bring a physiologically not quite ready bitch for mating and that they are in a hurry, it is absurd to hope that free mating will happen easily and simply.

    In such a situation, when it comes to breeding, you have to resort to a certain amount of violence against the bitch. Mating is carried out with the obligatory fixation of the bitch by its owner; they try to excite the male, focusing his attention on the smell and taste of the bitch’s secretions, bringing him to her from behind. They gently stop attempts to run, groom, and do not allow “puppy” cages from the head or side. Ideally, a stud dog is required to be able to easily get excited at the sight of a fixed bitch, and quickly and energetically move on to the correct mountings.

    It is advisable to avoid overstimulating the male dog if mating does not work out quickly; You should also warm up his interest in the bitch when the dog is distracted. In both cases, it is useful to briefly remove the dog to another room or outside.

    Thus, in the sexual behavior of the “domestic” male, courtship behavior is significantly truncated.

    The bitches’ sexual behavior is essentially not allowed to develop. Due to the almost inevitable manifestation of aggression on a male dog, it is necessary to resort to mandatory restraint. The bitch often does not even have the opportunity to sniff with her partner before mating. She is forced to stand in a position that is most comfortable for the dog, almost motionless, usually wearing a muzzle. For aggressive and inexperienced bitches, it is generally recommended to remove the muzzle or bandage that secures the jaws only after separation from the lock, since prolonged bonding often causes discomfort and the desire to bite the dog. Thus, a bitch can exhibit some elements of sexual behavior only when her heat approaches, in play with familiar males and in relation to familiar females.

    Sexual behavior disorders caused by upbringing errors

    First of all, it deprives a male dog of the opportunity to learn correct behavior. Many owners prohibit a teenage male from mounting his friends in games, and even punish him for it. Owners of bitches react even more nervously to the sexual games of dogs, completely forgetting that for their pets such a game is pleasant and safe, and for a male dog, her friend, it is very useful. As a result, the young male not only does not know how to mount correctly, but also firmly knows that the owner (in this case, of course, a rigid dominant) cannot tolerate such behavior in his presence.

    When they try to pair such a dog with a bitch, at best he timidly sniffs from afar, making no attempt to approach; more often he hides in a corner or leaves the room, glancing anxiously at the owner. Sometimes, removing the dog's owner from the premises helps to increase the dog's confidence and activity, but often this does not help either. The male is afraid to show sexual behavior and does not know how to mount.

    Very often, unsatisfied sexual activity is redirected at a fairly young age. In these cases, the dog acquires the habit of masturbation, often resorting to it as a unique form of stress relief in a variety of situations. Males with such a switch in activity become excited in the presence of a bitch, but it is rarely possible to achieve normal sexual behavior from them.

    A male dog should not be punished for mounting objects or for other forms of masturbation; the only thing the owner will achieve is to stop such manifestations in his presence.

    Let us repeat: the only way to correctly shape the sexual behavior of a male dog is to allow him to communicate during the second and third periods of socialization with a large number of other dogs, to play sociosexual games with peers and adult bitches. You cannot reprimand a male dog for displaying sexual activity, with the exception of attempts to mount the owner, when this is already a clear claim to dominance. Excessive activity, including manifestations of masturbation, is corrected by increasing physical activity, social contacts and reducing calorie intake.

    The female does not require the correct formation of sexual behavior. Indirect evidence that truncation of the complex of sexual behavior and coercion at the first mating does not cause serious damage to the psyche of the bitch is the fact that balanced animals already at the control mating themselves strive to mate, and at subsequent matings they treat an unfamiliar male not only calmly, but also clearly show a favorable attitude towards his attempts.

    Let us repeat, the owner will not lose anything by allowing his growing pet to participate in the sexual games of male dogs. At least when it comes time to breed, the bitch won't be overwhelmed by being mounted. Reducing the bitch's nervousness through a large number of social contacts will make it easier for her to meet a male dog and mate.

    We have already said that hand-knitting implies human intervention in the relationships between dogs. It is worthwhile to dwell a little more on this purely practical issue. So, free mating should not be allowed, especially in the limited space of a city apartment. A bitch is brought into a dog's house; an inexperienced dog will not breed on foreign territory; here his needs will be dominated by completely different needs than sexual needs. Only very experienced stud dogs are able to breed a bitch anywhere without any preparation.

    If intensive breeding use of a male dog is expected, a specific corner or room in the house should be allocated where matings will continue in the future. There should be a rough surface here (the dog should not slide, let alone fall when trying to mount), and enough free space: after all, dogs move, and people need space to manipulate them. Creating such a place for mating is convenient for the male dog and his owner. Having acquired sexual experience, a male dog in a familiar environment will become more and more confident in his abilities and active. Powerful positive emotions associated with the site of a successful mating are stored in memory, which increases the motivation to mate. A small amount of mating in this place is enough to form a reflex to the place of the previous reinforcement. Having met an ownerless bitch in heat while out for a walk, a stud dog will not go on wanderings along with the “dog wedding”, but will hurry home, expecting to find a partner in his usual place. Several unsuccessful searches for a female in heat at the place of “dating” do not extinguish the reflex, but the appearance of a partner reinforces it for a long time.

    Males are extremely conservative. Being accustomed to mating in a certain place, they are little interested in bitches outside it. The actual mating process for such males is easy; without getting overexcited or tired, they make exactly as many attempts as necessary to achieve success.

    In addition to preparing the place, during the first matings it is necessary to provide the male with some assistance. A properly raised male dog completely trusts his owner, allowing him to touch any part of his body with his hands. If a male dog gets away with it, this indicates either his hypertrophied independence, or some kind of mistrust of the owner - both of which indicate an incorrectly formed relationship.

    While the breeder is holding the bitch, the male dog should be brought to her on a leash and without a muzzle. Even if the male is aggressive, the muzzle will be a hindrance; he needs to lick the bitch’s loop, since the substances in her secretions stimulate the male’s sexual activity. When attempting to mount, the male must be held in the correct position; the female must be secured so that she does not tuck her tail and sit down. If the male is not too active, you can take the bitch away from him - this causes a desire to hold on, to mount. You cannot force a dog to sit on top - the reaction will be exactly the opposite: jump off.

    Rough stimulation of the erection and forced insertion of the penis into the loop lead either to premature ejaculation of sperm, or to the habit of mating only in this way. In fact, this is no longer mating, but artificial sperm collection. The habit of satisfying sexual needs in this way turns out to be very persistent; a male practically does not know how to mate a female. As observations show, male sperm donors who have no other sexual experience are incapable of natural mating. Since in our conditions programs for artificial insemination of dogs are still just getting underway, it is hardly worth creating such motivation.

    The help that an instructor can still provide to a male dog is to place the bitch’s noose under the male’s penis during repeated unsuccessful mountings, while it should be remembered that a rough touch to the mucous membrane of the penis either extinguishes the erection, or again leads to premature ejaculation.

    The role of sexual experience

    The next practical question that causes controversy among dog breeders is: how necessary is it for a dog to acquire sexual experience for full development and health? The answer depends on the sex of the animal.

    For a bitch, it is not so much the acquisition of sexual experience that is important, but rather motherhood. Indeed, just as pregnancy and childbirth are necessary for the final formation of the body, in the same way preparation for birth, feeding and raising puppies, i.e. maternal behavior, is what forms the full-fledged personality of a bitch. A bitch that has never given birth to offspring will never become an adult in the full sense: even if to a small extent (and in many bitches, in fact, to a significant extent), excessive infantilism, self-doubt, imbalance, and possibly excessive aggressiveness. Breastfeeding even her only litter gives the bitch confidence, she gains tremendous life experience, and becomes much more balanced.

    In our opinion, the bitch is worth breeding, and one pregnancy is quite enough. With purebred breeding, some sacrifices have to be made, and not every bitch is used for the breed.

    With a male dog the situation is fundamentally different. For its development, single matings do nothing but increase self-esteem. However, if during life in a pack this is associated, as we said, with a natural increase in social status, then this does not happen in the owner’s family. Thus, mating carries the seeds of conflict for dominance in the pack family. A single mating simply cannot have an effect on physical development; the arguments that mating stops the growth of a dog and causes rapid maturation do not correspond to the truth.

    Sexual need, once realized, forms the most powerful motivation. Now the male is looking for an opportunity to repeat this experience. This is where escaping from the owner in search of bitches, wandering with “dog weddings” begins, which in the city sooner or later leads to death under a car, etc.

    In addition to searching for bitches, the male expresses his activity through related motivations. Let us recall that socio-gender behavior is inseparable, therefore the struggle for high status very often turns out to be an adjacent motivation. The male begins to fight with other males on walks, and often comes into conflict with the owner.

    A sharp increase in sexual need can be sublimated in more exotic manifestations. The dog develops bad habits, for example, the desire to tear and spoil things in the absence of the owners, and the habit of howling for a long time. Of course, the development of masturbation is also possible. It is not at all uncommon for a “untied” male dog in a family with a certain level of internal conflicts to transfer his sexual demands to the mistress, leading to the most severe fights with her husband. Such conflicts are often simply impossible to resolve on your own, require qualified assistance from a trainer, and therefore often end in separation from the dog.

    Thus, single matings only bring harm to the dog. To maintain health, including mental health, there are three possible ways.

    The first is complete abstinence for a male dog, which is unlikely to be used for breeding. There is nothing unnatural here: not all males mate in nature; the breeding core of the population is significantly less than half of the individuals.

    It should be noted that the strength of sexual need depends on the physiological state of the body. The needs associated with maintaining life dominate over the sexual.

    The second is active breeding use, when a male mates with many females in a year. At the same time, good physical training is necessary in the intervals between matings.

    The third is episodic matings. Sexual need can be reduced due to a high level of social contacts. Indeed, in a natural pack, although males always remain sexually active, they usually mate only two to three times a year. The rest of the time they are busy with other things, including helping to raise young animals and communicating with each other.

    Social contacts not only take up a dog’s time, but also require significant effort. Diametrically opposed statuses are especially tiresome. In the lowest-ranking animals, sexual activity is suppressed, since the rest of the pack members bully them, and satisfying any demands turns out to be quite difficult. High-ranking animals, especially dominant ones, often spend almost all their energy on maintaining order in a large flock. We have already mentioned that in a number of cases a dominant male may simply not look for a mate; in English literature this phenomenon has received a very figurative name - organizational impotence. Thus, episodic matings - and this is the third way - can be a completely normal phenomenon with high social activity.

    When kept at home, sexual activity can be partially sublimated due to work that requires the dog’s attention and dedication - such a “work of life”, quite equivalent to a social role in the pack, may well be sports, hunting, guarding, etc. activities. In kennels, males often receive a very successful substitute for sexual activity, maintaining order among females, controlling the behavior of young animals, i.e., actually acting in the roles of dominant and “uncle,” each of which is associated with a large number of intense social contacts.

    Table of contents

Conditions for intercourse

In dogs, the relationship between the sexes during intercourse is different from that of humans. The bitch wants it, but the dog needs to be prepared and helped. Therefore, the dog should be in the conditions familiar to him. A bitch is brought in for mating.

The dogs must be taken to a veterinarian so that he can examine them, take tests and make a conclusion about the possibility of a favorable completion of the mating. Dogs must be introduced first

Before estrus, take a walk together, give them the opportunity to run and play. The day before mating, the dog should be bathed, paying special attention to the genitals. If six is ​​long, then cut off the excess, which may interfere. On the day when you are supposed to bring your girlfriend, you need to walk the dog longer, but do not overtire him. Do not feed the male dog 2 hours before intercourse

He shouldn't be well-fed and lazy. The room should be familiar to him and large enough for people to walk around the dogs and help them. The lighting is dim; bright lights will irritate and distract dogs. Silence is an important condition. The young dog reacts to every sound and gets distracted. It is advisable to place a rubber mat on the floor during the first mating so that the dog’s feet do not slip. Then bring it every time. The male dog will develop a clear understanding of the connection between the mat and the mating. It will be easier to work with him in the future. If the bitch is in a neighboring enclosure, then when the heat begins, she should be moved away so that the smell does not irritate the male ahead of time.

For the first mating, a calm, experienced bitch is selected. An aggressive dog will be difficult to work with.

The dog is brought into the room. Then they bring the bitch and give the dog the opportunity to groom her a little. We need to control our activity. If the animal is too active, moderate its ardor. If you have an indifferent attitude towards the lady and do not want to make an attempt for mating, pretend that you are taking your friend away. If the dog is very excited, you can take the dog away for a few minutes. The same goes for completely ignoring a friend. When the dog is returned, you need to talk to the dog about it, admiring it, arousing the guy’s interest in the lady.

How to excite a male dog for a person. If the dog behaves phlegmatically and does not try to mount, he needs to be aroused. For this:

  • they raise the branch in front of his face;
  • pushing his head into his girlfriend's ass.

When the dog tries to mount, the owner puts his hand on the croup, stopping him, then again. At the same time, he tries to help the dog, guiding him with a gloved hand. Even if the dog copes well on his own, he must be taught from the first time to the need for help from the owner or dog handler. This will come in handy when you encounter an aggressive or overly excited friend.

If attempts are unsuccessful, you should take the bitch away and feed the dog a little. Dog handlers note that after feeding, dogs become more docile and skillful.

Why does a male dog not want to mate? Perhaps he feels aggression from his partner or he is not comfortable. Accustomed to constant care, purebred dogs cannot cope without human help. You can't scold the dog. You need to talk to him calmly, stroke him, support him.

From the first time, you need to tame the dog in the castle so that it allows the owner to touch itself, take the paws and remove them from the bitch’s back. After mating the dog, you need to wash it and lubricate its genitals with an antiseptic - Miramistin will do.

In what cases may it be necessary to stimulate sexual estrus?

First, we list the cases when it may be necessary to artificially stimulate estrus:

  • Typically, professional breeders are faced with this need, who need to “standardize” the times of estrus and birth for all their pets. In the future, this will significantly simplify the process of caring for pregnant dogs and animals during the postpartum period.

  • It happens that an option with a good, “selected” male “turns up”, but the bitch at this time is in a state of rest, and therefore does not even think about males.
  • Cases when a healthy dog ​​for some reason does not go into heat for a long time. In any case, animals need to give birth from time to time, since otherwise the risk of oncological pathologies of the reproductive system organs sharply increases.
  • In very rare cases, there are dogs whose estrus is extremely blurred and inconspicuous. So implicitly that not all males react to such animals. In such cases, it is also necessary to help the pet’s body so that it “declares” its condition more clearly.
  • Hunting season is just around the corner, and is your pet's heat period right around that time? In this case, it is also worth stimulating the dog to take a walk in advance.

How to excite a male dog to a person

Then I was no longer laughing... My ass itself made such a disgusting sound that it’s probably impossible to describe it. Be sure to watch the positive video below, which will show you one of the favorite activities of any dog. But all this was a long time ago, six months ago according to you and eight years ago according to me. She may feel excited or scared. During the breeding planned by the breeder, the bitch did not see the male before mating. It should be made simply, but stylishly and very neatly. Have you noticed your dog's behavior when he notices a cat or another dog scurrying nearby? If you have ever asked yourself the question “how to quietly excite a girl? During the demonstration of the passive position, the animal can lie motionless, or touch the dominant creature with its paws.

Will this cause psychological trauma to the dog?

The worst thing is if the dog loses his virginity with his master's leg for the first time. Vivid emotions that he receives during intercourse can create the opposite effect. Subsequently, the dog will become unsuitable for reproduction, since it will see exclusively the human leg as its second half.

Of course, craftsmen also find a way out of these situations, for example, they substitute a female instead of a leg, or use artificial insemination. However, for a breeder who wants to make money by breeding puppies, such a mechanism is unacceptable. Yes, and other cases when the owner of a bitch invites a dog to breed, and the process begins with covering the leg or dressing in a dog costume, can raise a lot of questions.

So why do dogs sniff human crotches?

But what does this have to do with a dog's need to sniff a person's crotch? It all comes down to the sweat glands, apocrine glands to be precise.

These glands secrete pheromones, which convey all kinds of information such as the mammal's age, gender, mood, and mating ability.

Dogs have apocrine glands throughout their body, but the greatest concentration is found in the genitals and anus, which is why they sniff each other.

Unneutered male dogs are known to be particularly avid sniffers when looking for a mate, as they want to know if a female is ovulating or pregnant.

Most mammals have apocrine glands, including humans. For humans, these glands are concentrated in the armpits and genitals.

Since dogs can often only reach a person's genitals, that's where they go to gather information. Scented hounds such as Bloodhounds, Basset Hounds and Beagles are most likely to sniff crotches due to their highly attuned sense of smell.

Phimosis in dogs (treatment)

Treatment most often consists of surgical suturing of the preputial foramen and is performed under general anesthesia.

If phimosis occurs against the background of any external factors (acquired phimosis), then treatment consists primarily of eliminating these factors (inflammation, consequences of injury, and so on). The decision to undergo surgical treatment is made based on the dog's current condition. The need to stitch the preputial opening is determined by how severe the consequences of phimosis are in the male dog, whether he experiences pain during urination or during sexual intercourse. If the dog is not planned to be used for breeding, the main indication for surgical treatment will be discomfort during diuresis.

How can you get your dog to stop sniffing your guests' crotches?

While a dog's curiosity is all about gathering information and greetings, you and your guest may want to avoid an awkward situation.

If your dog is an avid crotch eater, make sure that when a guest enters the house, he introduces your dog with his hand or fist so he can sniff first.

This gives the dog something else to focus on other than the perineum. With a fist, the dog can still gather information about a new person without getting up close and personal. You can also teach your dog to sit when someone new comes into the house.

So think of this dog's nose in the crotch as a form of conversation. Yes, it's awkward and you want to go through with it, but it's a way to gather preliminary information about someone. The dog's nose tells them everything, no matter how embarrassing.

How to stop your dog from biting people

In human interaction, adequate socialization from an early age is also key. However, to ensure proper interaction with people, dogs must be properly educated and well. This will include teaching them basic commands such as sit, come and stay. In addition to providing basic commands that will help them interact better, it will also help stimulate their cognition and reduce behavioral problems, promoting overall well-being.

The dog is not only obliged to behave well. It is also important for anyone in your environment to respect canine nature , as well as the individual dog's personality. For example, many dogs do not like to be hugged, kissed, or handled in excess. This can threaten your sense of security, even if the original intention comes from a positive place. If we constantly interact with dogs in ways they don't like, biting may be a warning and we shouldn't blame the dog. This is another important reason why learning your dog's body language is so important...

As intelligent adults, we must adapt well to their nature. However, children may find it difficult to adhere to boundaries as they still don't know better. This especially applies to unknown or stray dogs . The child care provider must ensure that their interactions are positive. This article on tips for preventing dog bites may also be helpful.

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