Reviews from owners about Labradors: a description of the pet’s character and where it is best to keep it

When choosing a family dog ​​from a wide variety of breeds, more and more people are choosing the Labrador. Smart, friendly, and loving with children, the dog is an ideal pet for a close-knit family. How a Labrador feels in an apartment, the pros and cons of keeping it in a small space, let’s look at it in more detail.

Description of the breed

Labradors are dogs with a strong, proportional build. They have a slightly elongated body, a straight back line, a moderately deep chest, a large head and strong limbs.

The muzzle is not pointed, the eyes are brown or hazel, medium in size, the nose is black, but in fawn and chocolate dogs it can be brown. The ears are hanging and close to the head.

The coat is dense and hard to the touch; rich brown, fawn and black colors are acceptable.
The height of Labradors at the withers is 54-57 cm, and their weight is 27-40 kg .
Representatives of this breed, provided proper care, live an average of 12-14 years.

Video “All about Labrador”

From this video you will learn about the most interesting and incredible facts about the Labrador breed.

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Pet Personality

A good-natured disposition, love of life and an unlimited supply of positivity - these are the main qualities and characteristics of Labradors . The cheerfulness of these dogs is contagious; it is simply impossible to remain in a bad mood around them.

That is why it is believed that Labradors help create a happy, calm atmosphere of joy and harmony in the house.

Representatives of this breed cannot be called passive, their energy is overflowing, they love active games and communication and easily establish friendly relationships with both people and other pets.

Being smart and quick-witted animals, Labradors are easy to educate and train; mastering new commands is not a problem for them.

Difficulties during exercise can arise only because of the curiosity and increased playfulness of these dogs - they can be distracted by external stimuli, so the owner requires patience and the ability to switch the pet’s attention to himself.


Daily walks are not just a pleasant time spent with your pet in the fresh air before and after work. This is daily work, systematic training. At home, dogs are often very bored and their muscles stagnate. This is especially true for Labradors. Given their natural energy and temperament, a leisurely walk in the park is more likely to harm the dog than to help him exercise.

Many people often think of dog training as fun and believe that it is enough to just teach your pet to sit, give a paw, or fetch a stick. But adjusting the animal's behavior is also part of training.

When performing daily exercises, it is important to teach your four-legged friend basic skills, namely how to behave with guests, how to react on the street when the owner fastens the collar, and how to behave in the presence of children. It is these problems that are solved during the daily interaction of the dog with the owner.

The characteristics of the breed dictate the behavior. Most Labradors really love to learn. It is useful to take advantage of the innate learning ability by starting to train the dog as soon as the puppy has adapted at least a little to the house. You can work on basic obedience commands on your own; an alternative is to enroll in a school where a trainer will also work with the dog. It is easier to study with a professional and in a group, since the little student also gains the skills to communicate with others like him.

Many Labradors have a negative attitude towards leashes and collars, prefer to pull the owner along with them and refuse to walk calmly on the left side.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other breeds, Labradors have advantages and disadvantages that are important to know about before purchasing a puppy to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

The advantages include:

  • attractive appearance;
  • friendliness;
  • ability to learn;
  • no need for labor-intensive care;
  • people-oriented;
  • obedience;
  • ability to get along with animals and children;
  • energy;
  • lack of aggression.

Cons of the breed:

  • lack of watchdog and security qualities;
  • tendency to chew on everything;
  • snore;
  • constant shedding;
  • need for attention;
  • binge eating;
  • tendency to obesity.

Despite the fact that the breed has many shortcomings, it is worth understanding that most of them are the result of improper upbringing and care of the pet or inflated expectations of the owners and insufficient awareness of the characteristics of the breed.

Grooming. How long does shedding last?

The Labrador's coat has a dense structure and a thick undercoat, thanks to which it tolerates low temperatures and can swim in cool water.

In girls, shedding is more intense before estrus, due to hormonal changes . Males shed during the changing seasons.

Labradors cannot be cut or shaved. This disrupts natural heat exchange. In hot weather, the dog will overheat, and in winter it will freeze.

Labradors need to be brushed frequently . The coat is constantly renewed; if the coat is not taken care of, the dog will develop skin problems.

For combing, use a comb with fine metal teeth. The Furminator is a comb with a small blade that will delicately thin out the fur and remove fluff from the undercoat.

During shedding, the dog needs to be brushed daily . Typically, shedding lasts from one to two weeks. This is a painless period for the dog. A new cover is formed immediately.

Bathing during shedding will help get rid of old fur faster.


If the new coat looks dull, and the old one is coming out in clumps, you need to increase the amount of nutrients and proteins in the Labrador’s diet.

No need to change your diet. Vitamins in drops or tablets will help your pet’s body cope. Prolonged shedding with similar symptoms is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Where is it better to keep: in an apartment or on the street?

Labradors can be kept outside , but only if you have a spacious, equipped, warm enclosure .

It should be located in a place from which the dog will have a view of the entire yard. You should also spend as much time as possible with your pet so that he does not feel lonely and abandoned.


You can keep a dog in an apartment if it is possible to provide it with a sufficient level of mental and physical activity.

Labradors need long daily walks and active play.

You can't keep a Labrador on a chain.

What does a dog need?

Labrador is a large (up to 35 kg) dog with a hunting background. This means that the dog needs a lot of exercise to feel good. Daily active walks, outdoor games, training sessions are an integral part of his life. Keeping a large and active dog in an apartment requires owners to pay a lot of attention to walks with the animal. If there are children in the family, they will be happy to run and play with their pet.

By nature, the Labrador is friendly to people and requires a lot of attention. The dog gets bored when alone. Locked in a room all day while the owners are at work, he can start to spoil things out of boredom. Some owners find a solution by installing a cage in the apartment, which the dog has been accustomed to since childhood. The animal perceives the cage as its own personal home and feels comfortable there.

One of the positive aspects of keeping a Labrador in an apartment is close contact with a person. During selection, representatives of the breed learned to subtly understand a person’s mood, sympathize and empathize with family members in difficult moments. Labrador owners claim that the dog is a real family psychologist, with its energy and love it helps to endure difficult stages in life more easily.

How to toilet train a puppy

One of the main tasks of a dog owner after purchasing a puppy is toilet training outside. The owner will have to be patient and prepare to take the Labrador puppy outside at least 5 times a day. The dog defecates after sleeping, eating, or playing for a long time. You need to set a walking schedule and try to stick to it. The puppy will gradually get used to the regime; with age, the number of trips outside is reduced to 2-3. Until six months, the baby is not yet able to fully control his bladder; accidents can happen at home.

You can’t scold a puppy for puddles, much less poke your nose into them! The baby will not understand what he did wrong, but will begin to be afraid of the owner.

At the age of about 2 months, when a dog is purchased, the puppy has not yet received all vaccinations, so walks are excluded for some time. To prevent the baby from dirtying the floors in the house, he is taught to wear a diaper. To do this, spread well-absorbent products on the floor in a convenient place. A puppy is often carried in a diaper: immediately after sleeping and eating, noticing that the baby is spinning in one place, he sniffs the floor. When he has done his work in the diaper, he is praised and given a treat.

Later, when going for a walk, they take with them the diaper described by the puppy. At first, he tends to run and play outside without thinking about the toilet. Maybe on his first walks he doesn’t go to the toilet, he brings everything home. There is no need to worry, it happens. The described diaper will help to quickly accustom the puppy to relieve itself outdoors. At the end of the walk, if the puppy has not gone to the toilet, they place it on the ground in front of him. The baby, having smelled the smell, will do his business in the diaper. Gradually the need for it will disappear.

How active are they? What kind of people is it suitable for?

Labradors, thanks to their sociable nature and ability to adapt to new conditions, easily adapt to the habits and lifestyle of their owners . Perhaps the only thing they cannot come to terms with is a passive lifestyle.

Therefore, elderly people and those who cannot devote enough time to walk with their pet should not get a dog of this breed.

These are dogs for those who lead an active life, are interested in hunting, sports, tourism and simply do not like to sit still.

The owner of a Labrador must be a strong-willed person with a strong character, a leader who will not let the dog get bored and can direct its energy in the right direction.

Primary puppy socialization

Once a little Labrador arrives in a new apartment, it will take time to get used to the environment. Gradually accustom him to a place to sleep and a place to eat. When sending to the place, give the appropriate command.

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Demarcate the territory; a bed and a place for eating are different places. Disposable diapers are placed much further from the sleeping area.

You will need to train your puppy to:

If you are planning to take your Labrador hunting, read our article about the peculiarities of upbringing in advance. As soon as you have learned the first commands, move on to more complex ones, increasing the time of training; more about the nuances of training below.

How to feel about loneliness

This is a perfect example of companion dogs that are completely people-oriented and dependent on their attention . Labradors strive to spend as much time as possible with their owner and participate in his life.


They need communication just like food and walks, and they can adapt to the mood and habits of the owner, knowing when it is better not to demand undivided attention, but simply to be nearby.

They have a hard time with loneliness; melancholy and lack of attention can cause destructive behavior.


At first, a Labrador puppy really needs to get food more often than an adult dog. But leaving a bowl of food in your absence is absolutely forbidden. This will teach the puppy the rule that you can eat whenever you want and as much as you want. This means you can forget about a balanced diet. In addition, out of boredom, a Labrador may start playing with food.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

The dog needs to be scolded according to the “here and now” principle. If the “crime” occurred in the absence of the owner, the baby may no longer remember what exactly he did, which means he will not understand at all why he is being punished.

Who to choose - a boy or a girl?

When choosing the gender of your future pet, you should start from the purpose of acquiring it and some psychological and behavioral differences between males and females, due to the performance of different functions in the pack.

The task of male dogs is to explore new places and protect the territory. They are inquisitive and persistent, have leadership qualities, but have no problem obeying someone who is stronger.

The main function of bitches is reproduction. They are more cunning than males and achieve their goals not by acting blindly, but by going through all the options.

Girls are more obedient and calm; it is a little more difficult to achieve obedience from male dogs, but if leadership qualities are demonstrated in a timely manner, problems will not arise.

The maintenance of a dog also affects its physiology. Thus, male dogs, due to the need to mark territory, require longer walks, they are characterized by increased sexuality, which is why they can run after a female in heat.

In girls, behavior changes only during the period of estrus , i.e. no more than 2 times a year, the rest of the time she is sexually neutral .

If there are plans to breed a breed, then the choice should be made in favor of a female.

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If you have taken responsibility for your four-legged friend, you need to see the matter through to the end, and do not despair when any problems arise along the way.

Good or evil?

Labradors are absolutely not characterized by aggressive behavior - they are good-natured dogs that are friendly to everyone. Therefore, they are not suitable for the role of guards or watchmen.

The maximum that can be expected from representatives of this breed who see strangers on their territory is a loud bark, notifying the owners of someone’s visit..

How does he treat children?

Good-natured, active, affectionate Labradors get along well with everyone, including children.

Despite the fact that they are not prone to aggression and without any problems become excellent nannies and best friends for children, families where the child is not yet at least 10 years old should not get a dog of this breed.

This is due to the irrepressible energy and high emotionality of representatives of this breed - in an excited state and trying to express their love, they can unintentionally push the baby or bite lightly, which will lead to fright.


Having read a lot about the Labrador, we were ready for a little bundle of joy to appear at home. And now we are confident that by following the tips and recommendations, you can raise a healthy, and most importantly, happy dog. The breed is ideal for active people with children.

Labrador is a cool dog, and troubles cannot overshadow the time spent with such a miracle. The main thing is to plan what to do with vacations and how to schedule walks, and the rest is little things.

Thanks to tips on caring for a Labrador, and this is the breed we have, the whole family began to spend more time outdoors. We discovered gorgeous parks in the surrounding area, and now the whole family is grateful to this miracle.

The Labrador Retriever is a breed that leaves behind positive emotions and a cheerful mood. But harmony can only be achieved if all family members are involved in raising this dog.

How picky is she about feeding?

Labradors require a balanced diet, but this is due to their susceptibility to allergies, obesity and other health problems, not their taste preferences.

These dogs are not picky eaters and are practically omnivorous..

Their tendency to eat the contents of a garbage bag or something on the street while walking is often noted, so you should be careful - eating low-quality products can be dangerous.

Creating a Safe Environment

To prevent your dog from harming itself, it is important to initially prepare for keeping it in the house. When a puppy of 2 months appears in a new family, its natural curiosity can play a cruel joke on it. Such a baby still does not understand what can be chewed and what cannot be chewed. The task of all family members is to control so that the dog cannot get medicines, chemicals, or needles. This is the minimum list of things that will have to be monitored daily.

Those items that may be harmless for children (shampoo, toothpaste, soap, washing powder) are dangerous for the young body of a Labrador. Retrievers are naturally curious and constantly explore their surroundings. Certain changes must occur in the home environment; it is advisable to move all items dangerous to the puppy into higher boxes, first aid kits first.

This is interesting: Stages of development of Labrador puppies up to one and a half years old

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