How to quickly and permanently stop a dog from barking at passers-by on the street

Barking is one of the ways any dog ​​communicates with the outside world. With its help, the animal attracts attention to itself and reacts to stimuli. But there are times when such “communication” can cause difficulties and problems, especially when it comes to a pet. Owners of “noisy” dogs know firsthand what sleepless nights and regular conflicts with neighbors are like. How to stop a dog from barking and what are the specifics of training in each individual case - let's try to figure it out in the article.

Causes of barking

Any owner of a four-legged friend should understand that barking for no reason is a rather rare occurrence. In most cases, the dog tries in this way to attract the owner’s attention to himself and his condition.

Until the reason for the pet’s increased “talkativeness” is established, there is no point in starting training. Indeed, in each case, the approach to education will have its own characteristics. The most common causes of barking are:

  • Guard instinct - any domestic dog perceives an apartment (or house) as a territory that needs to be protected. Any unexpected sound (door or telephone ringing, elevator sounds, conversation or knocking behind the wall, neighbor's renovations, etc.) is perceived by him as a potential threat. As a result, he reflexively seeks to warn of potential danger.
  • Fear – many dog ​​breeds (especially small ones) prefer to live by the principle “the best defense is an attack.” Passing cars, loud noises, other animals—anything that might frighten your pet—become the target of loud, prolonged barking.
  • Instability of the nervous system - loud barking that occurs for any reason (from the arrival of guests to the sound of a flying airplane) can be a consequence of the pet’s increased excitability. Small breed dogs are also susceptible to this problem.
  • Excess energy - any dog ​​needs not only regular physical, but also emotional stress. Insufficient walking threatens not only problems with the musculoskeletal system. Unspent energy will result in such troubles as loud barking, damage to furniture, etc.
  • Health problems - sudden barking after sleep, at night, during feeding or while walking, not caused by any irritant, may indicate the presence of a disease. In this way, the pet makes it clear to the owner that something is bothering him.
  • Gameplay is one of the cases where dog barking is considered normal. In this way the pet expresses its positive emotions.
  • Lack of attention - for any pet, its owner is the most precious and important thing in life. Just like his attention. Frequent workload and short communication with the dog can lead to the fact that it will try to attract the owner’s attention by any means. One of the most effective is loud barking.

What not to do: basic mistakes and tips from dog handlers

To ensure that your pet is well-mannered and obedient, properly organize the educational process. Pay attention to your pet's socialization. After the end of quarantine, do not walk with your puppy without a leash in public walking areas. The dog must get used to the street, new smells and sounds.

  • Never pit dogs against each other, even as a joke. Feeling its advantage, the pet will suppress its relatives, which can end disastrously if the dog does not calculate its strength.
  • Never hit, scream or use physical violence against a dog using a leash or other available means. Rough treatment will give the opposite reaction, develop anger, provoke aggression. If the dog is wrong, spank him lightly with a rolled-up newspaper or a thin twig, but not with your hand. Impact should be minimal.

  • If your puppy is shy, don't focus his attention on other dogs. Get used to communicating with your relatives gradually. The baby should be kept company by calm and friendly dogs. Hold representatives of small breeds near dog walking areas.
  • Some owners make the mistake of starting to walk a small puppy with older dogs. Males often attack puppies and young males. Fights break out between dogs.
  • Don't encourage your puppy to yelp at other animals. The dog will grow up and it will not be easy to wean him from this habit. Breeders of decorative breeds also make a similar mistake, allowing their pets to crap on large and adult dogs. Annoying, hysterical barking for no reason will cause discontent and aggression even in a balanced dog, and your pet may suffer.
  • Do not encourage overly emotional games that provoke increased excitement. If your dog starts barking while playing, calm him down and put him on a leash.
  • You can teach a dog to treat its relatives adequately at almost any age. Act consistently but persistently. The dog must understand and complete the assigned tasks.

The loudest breeds

Although barking is considered the prerogative of any dog, there are breeds that express their emotions in this way to varying degrees.

For example, the Basenji - an African non-barking dog - makes only chest rumbling sounds, and then only in case of extreme excitement. But there are also breeds whose “loudness” can cause headaches not only for their owners, but also for those around them.

One of the most common stereotypes - the larger the dog, the louder it barks - is not always true. It is not uncommon for small dogs to produce sounds that are many times stronger than the barking of large breeds.

However, the volume of the chest (and therefore the lungs) and the size of the muzzle also affect the volume of barking. The loudest breeds are considered to be:

  • husky
  • german shepherds
  • Alaskan Malamutes
  • retrievers
  • doberman pinscher
  • some types of terriers (Jack Russell, Toy)
  • Pekingese
  • fox terriers

It is important to understand that the volume of a dog's bark does not affect its frequency. Even the “loudest” breeds can vocalize extremely rarely and only in emergency situations.

How to establish control?

Based on the reason, you can use different approaches to pacify the dog. largely due to the confidence that the owner displays. To gain confidence, the owner must understand the dog's reasons for barking.

With this understanding, the owner demonstrates calm, confident leadership and is in control of the situation.

The dog responds with calmness because it can trust the leader to take responsibility. From the very beginning of a relationship, you need to create a foundation that provides trust and inner confidence.

Remember that barking is one of the ways a dog communicates with us , so there is no need to try to get rid of this form of communication, but it should be controlled as necessary.

The ability to read your pet's signals is essential to building relationships.

Ways to stop a dog from barking

The only option to deal with frequent barking is training. It is much easier to discipline a puppy than an adult. But with the right approach, you can stop a dog from barking at any age. The main thing is to correctly determine the reasons for such behavior and, depending on this, develop a specific methodology.

How to stop a dog from barking at everything around him

The main reason that a dog barks at everyone is poor socialization. In this case, it is important to teach the dog that external stimuli - children, cars, cats or other dogs - are an integral part of his life. It is best to do this at an early age.

The period from 4 to 8 months is the most difficult time when you need to introduce the puppy during walks to everything that he may encounter in life: passers-by, public transport, other animals, etc. If a similar problem occurs in an adult dog, the educational process will be more difficult. The main thing is not to encourage sound reactions to the surrounding reality, otherwise the dog will decide that such behavior is in the order of things.

How to stop barking at home

As already mentioned, the dog perceives the apartment as a territory that needs to be guarded and protected. In this case, you should not immediately run to the sounds of barking for every reason. So the dog will decide that this is the main and only way to attract the owner’s attention. It is better to approach your pet after he is silent.

If a dog barks when guests arrive, it is better to distract it from unnecessary impressions with the commands “come to me” or “sit”. Having switched to their implementation, the dog will most likely become silent. A similar technique will work if the dog barks at the sounds of the intercom or a knock on the door. You can also distract her attention with her favorite toy. Stopping barking must be encouraged. This way the dog will understand that its actions are correct.

Barking at night is most often a consequence of excess energy. In this case, the regime and duration of walking should be reconsidered. Especially in the evenings.

On the street in the presence of the owner

The first thing you need to pay attention to while walking is setting leadership priorities. If a dog constantly runs ahead of its owner and is the first to leave the house, it considers itself the leader and, as a result, ignores any commands.

No amount of behavior adjustment will work until she learns who is in charge. You should not achieve this by using unnecessarily brute force. Intimidation will not only not give a positive result, but can also disrupt the dog’s psyche, leading to the most unpredictable consequences.

Barking on the street can be eliminated by switching your pet's attention. To do this, you can lightly tug the leash, click the dog on the croup or face, lightly squeeze or massage the ears. Additionally, you need to accustom the dog to the commands “Quiet” or “Silence”.

Similar training takes place in conjunction with the “Voice” team. First, the dog is provoked to bark, and then they give the command “Quiet” and wait for it to calm down. Correct execution of the command is rewarded with a treat. Gradually, the interval between the execution of the command and the reward should be increased.

How to stop barking when your owner arrives

The loud barking with which a pet greets its owner is a sign of joy at his arrival. In this case, it is important not to encourage such behavior and not to rush towards your pet with hugs. The already familiar method - switching attention to executing the command - will work here too. Give your dog the command “come to me” or “sit” and show affection after they have been completed.

If the dog barks in the apartment alone

The owner leaving home is always a disappointment for his four-legged friend. But his “loud” long-term reaction to this can cause acute discontent among neighbors. To stop a dog from barking in the absence of its owner, it is recommended not to show increased interest in it before leaving.

Say goodbye, stroke, call to you. You should absolutely not return to the apartment immediately after the dog starts barking. But it’s worth standing outside the door and listening. Perhaps the dog will stop barking on its own. If this does not happen for more than 15 minutes, you can use auxiliary devices: an electric shock or ultrasonic collar.

An additional factor contributing to the calmness of a dog when alone can be his favorite toys, as well as pleasant fatigue - after a good walk, he is able to sleep the entire time he is alone.

How to stop barking for no reason

As mentioned, dogs rarely bark for no reason. More often than not, there is a certain meaning behind their ringing message. If, however, no visible reasons for barking can be found, the following actions should be taken:

  • contact a veterinarian to exclude the possibility of developing diseases;
  • engage in regular training;
  • do not encourage barking, try to react to such manifestations as little as possible;
  • try to redirect the dog’s attention (commands, toys, etc.);
  • in case of severe nervous instability, use sedatives.

How to stop your neighbor's dog from barking

The only way to deal with a loud neighbor's dog is to turn to the neighbor himself. Raising a dog should only be done by its owner or people specially trained for this (again, with the consent of the owner).

Therefore, trying to shout, feed or distract a neighbor’s dog is a fundamentally wrong tactic. The best thing to do in this situation is to talk to your neighbor, tactfully report the problem (he may not even know about it) and try to find a compromise.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when a dog owner does not want to educate his pet or simply does not know how to do it. In the latter case, try together to find out the cause of the dog's barking and share your recommendations on how to stop it. If the reluctance to solve the problem is fundamental, you can try to attract the public to it. Talk to other neighbors, you may not be alone.

The last and most drastic method will be to contact law enforcement agencies. In this case, you need to remember that the dog should not be held responsible for the careless attitude of its owner.

It is unknown what consequences an appeal to government agencies will have for the four-legged animal. You can resort to such a scenario only if all other methods have failed or if you are completely sure that the dog is barking due to poor treatment (hunger, cold, lack of water, etc.).

Modern means and devices to prevent barking

Currently, there are many means to stop a dog from barking.

Anti-bark collar

There are two types of such collars - with electric shock, and with a special liquid. A shock collar has a special battery built into it that delivers a small current to the dog as soon as it starts barking. This collar is equipped with a safety lock that regulates the power of the shock.

A collar with liquid is more humane than the first. As soon as your four-legged dog begins to bark, special lemon water splashes out, which is absolutely harmless to the pet, but has an unpleasant odor. The dog falls silent in surprise. And every time, as soon as he starts his “conversation,” water constantly splashes on him. The dog analyzes and begins to understand the reason for such an unpleasant smell, and gradually stops barking.

Ultrasonic device

The next invention is a special device that emits ultrasound, which is unpleasant for the hearing of a four-legged animal. This is a small box that can be installed both at home and outdoors.


This is the simplest and at the same time the most effective method, preventing the dog from freely eating and drinking, but at the same time preventing it from barking in vain.


These are all kinds of tablets, herbal infusions and decoctions that soothe and balance the emotional state of the pet.

Ligament surgery

And finally, the last and most inhumane method is cutting the vocal cords. This procedure completely deprives the animal of its voice.

For example, I am not at all a supporter of all of the above methods for preventing barking. I believe that they are very dangerous, cruel and unacceptable. All these remedies are for those who do not love their animals and do not want to devote time to teaching them correct behavior. All these devices make the four-legged animal not trust its owner and be even more afraid. But I wrote about them because they exist.

For me, the best way to stop a dog from barking is constant training with your pet. Yes, you will have to “sweat a little.” But this will be direct communication that evokes emotions. Your four-legged dog will try to bring you joy, and you, in turn, will praise him for his success. What could be better?

Of course, the most effective training occurs in very young puppies, at the age of 2-3 months. It is much easier to train a puppy to stop barking than an adult dog. But difficult does not mean impossible.

What not to do

Any educational process is a complex and labor-intensive task, requiring from the owner not only time and a large supply of treats, but also patience. The most common mistake when training is trying to influence a dog with brute force or fear. Such training will not lead to anything good, except that the pet will develop mental instability or, even worse, embitterment.

The other side of the extreme is also undesirable - excessive softness or encouragement of loud barking, justified by “well, he’s just playing!” will also not contribute to positive dynamics.

Another mistake is the lack of systematicity - not a single one, even the smartest pet, will learn the rules of behavior at once. Patience and regular training are the key to successful training.

Teaching your puppy to respond appropriately to dogs

Every dog ​​is unique. Even within the same breed, no dogs are identical in temperament and character. Some dogs are calmer and phlegmatic, others have an active psyche and react more emotionally to various stimuli.

To raise an adequately obedient dog, proper socialization of the pet in society and systematic training are very important. Basic commands can be taught at the age of 3-3.5 months, and correct manners should be instilled immediately after the end of the adaptation period.

Important! All dogs, regardless of breed and age, can be trained and trained. There are no dogs that cannot be taught proper manners. But training adult dogs will take longer and must be systematic. You are required to have perseverance and patience.

If the puppy reacts inappropriately to dogs, people, or other animals on its first walks, stop such behavior in a stern tone. Don't let bad manners become a habit. From an early age, a dog must understand what is allowed and what is not.

Using aids

If there is not enough time for training, or if the dog is highly excitable, you can resort to alternative means:

Sedatives - tablets, drops or treats with the addition of sedative herbs and mixtures - valerian, lemon balm or mint. Their use should be clearly limited by instructions and dosage.

Special collars are equipped with special sensors that respond to movements of the larynx and send irritating signals (electric discharge, mechanical vibration, ultrasonic signal). Such means are not always effective.

In some cases, dogs, frightened by the sudden impact, begin to bark even louder. In addition, the pet will not understand what he is doing wrong, which means he will not be able to correct his behavior.

Mistakes of owners in education

Owners should carefully study the habits of their pet, determine what causes anxiety, joy, fear, and only then move on to specific actions and training. Each animal is individual, has its own disposition, temperament, character. Even within the same litter, dogs will have different psyches and a certain threshold of nervous excitability.

If a dog has been expressing any emotions by barking since puppyhood, for example, when greeting you at home, you should not praise him or encourage him to bark. This will provoke the development of an incorrect reflex. The dog feels praise and thinks that with this behavior it brings joy to its owner.

Do not allow your dog to chase birds or cats. Stop if your pet shows increased interest in passers-by. The dog should be neutral towards strangers. Barking at passersby for no reason is unacceptable. Do not allow strangers to provoke your dog. In this case, the dog will stop trusting the person and will bark at everyone for any reason.

Try to avoid situations that provoke your dog to bark. Constantly monitor your behavior and environment. Immediately stop wrong actions, eradicate the bad habits of your ward.

Act firmly, persistently and consistently. Reinforce correct behavioral skills through systematic training. Even if you missed a step in raising or adopted an adult dog from a shelter, you need to understand that training and weaning from bad habits will take more time. Contact a dog handler for help and take a general training course.

Vocal cord cutting

Perhaps the most undesirable way to deal with barking. Such operations are most often the result of complaints from neighbors that have escalated into lawsuits. In addition to the obvious danger to the pet’s life, this procedure has many disadvantages:

  • the need to use anesthesia, which can negatively affect the functioning of organs;
  • difficult recovery period;
  • risk of laryngeal edema;
  • the likelihood of scarring making it difficult to breathe and eat.

How to Prevent Excessive Problem Barking

Most dogs bark, but there are ways to overcome this habit. The best way to prevent problematic barking is to control your dog's environment and eliminate any potential triggers for the behavior.

This may mean changing your walking routes so your dog doesn't get bored of the same thing and avoiding certain areas.

You can train dogs to bark less. It is recommended to work with a trainer to teach your dog the "Voice" or "Quiet" commands.

The "sit" command can also help your dog stay calm in public and reduce barking.

You also need to remain calm with your dog in public - if you become tense, your dog will notice.

Staying calm with your dog will help him stay calm.

You may also want to choose a breed with a low tendency to bark, although all dogs make some noise. Some breeds, such as American Akitas, Afghan Hounds, Greyhounds and St. Bernards, are known for their quiet behavior. You can even go with a Basenji, a breed known for its yodeling.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Dog barking is your pet’s natural reaction to the reality around him.
  2. The frequency and intensity of barking does not depend in any way on the size of the dog.
  3. The reasons for barking can be both physiological factors (fear, reaction to pain, excess energy) and psycho-emotional moments (an attempt to attract attention, the desire to protect territory, joy, etc.).
  4. Without correctly identifying the cause of barking, it is pointless to start training.
  5. Any training should be based on patience and care. The use of intimidation or brute force is strongly discouraged. The correct actions of the pet must be encouraged.
  6. The most effective way to combat barking is to switch the dog’s attention. To perform already known commands, a favorite toy, etc.
  7. The use of additional measures - medications, collars - is permissible only if all other methods have proven ineffective.
  8. Surgical intervention is an extreme and undesirable measure that poses a serious threat to the life and health of the pet.

Each dog is a four-legged individual with its own character, habits, level of adaptation, etc. The recommendations presented in the article are general in nature. Each individual case may have its own nuances. Send your questions and tips in the comments. Perhaps your life experience will help someone find the right solution to a problem.

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What to do if your dog barks at people, dogs and cats

If your pet reacts inadequately to every rustle, every sound, barks at passers-by, rushes at cats, barks at other dogs for no reason, you need to find an individual approach and choose the right tactics, the most effective method of education.

Many people mistakenly believe that if you scold a dog for barking, its guard qualities are dulled. This is an incorrect judgment. Using the tactics of encouragement and reprimand, you can quickly wean your pet from this harmful habit. The dog must learn to correctly analyze the situation and voice on the street only on command or in case of a real threat.

Here's how to stop your dog from barking at everyone:

  • Proper training. If you do not have experience in communicating with animals, contact a dog trainer. After the basic course, your pet will develop the right skills.
  • Ignoring barking. Use this option only if the dog is too emotional. For example, he barks when you come home, invites you to play, and begs for food.
  • Teaching forbidden commands (“Fu”, “You can’t”), the command “Hush”, “Stop”.
  • Use of special devices. There are collars, the principle of which is based on different methods of forcing the cessation of unwanted behavioral patterns. These are electric collars, collars with a special liquid, ultrasound, the “Anti-bark” system, which is fixed on the neck and responds to vibration of the vocal cords, and other devices that correct barking.
  • The effect of surprise. As soon as the dog starts barking, clap your hands, slap the pet with a rolled-up newspaper, and splash water.

Important! The use of electric collars cannot be considered humane methods of education, so use them if other methods have not given the desired result. Consult with a veterinarian or dog handler.

Dog handlers advise that it is best to use sharp pulling of the leash, prohibiting commands given in a stern tone, and commands for restraint as punishment. You can simply distract the dog and switch its attention to something else, more meaningful (toy, treat).

How to silence?

There are several ways to silence an animal. Actions can be very diverse, choose those in which you can be consistent - this increases the chance of success.

Cover your mouth

If a dog barks and lunges at other people and animals, then you, as a careful and “affectionate” leader, should cover its mouth, showing that such behavior is unacceptable.

You have an advantage, use it. Put on a leash and, if the dog begins to behave inappropriately, tighten it, close its mouth and force it to sit.

Next , move, attracting your pet's attention to you - this way you distract her from the objects she is barking at.

This way the owner receives attention that builds respect and avoids conflict situations between the dog and the outside world.

Bring a gift

Another way to keep your dog's mouth closed is to encourage him to bring a "gift" to you, a guest, or someone in your home. You can teach her to enjoy carrying objects.

Dogs who love prey will often pick up a toy and carry it around with them just to express pleasure.

Naturally, animals cannot make noise and hold a toy in their teeth at the same time. But be careful about giving a toy while barking, because your pet may accept the toy as a reward for barking.

Bark on command

Another approach that may work is to teach your dog to bark on command and then tell him to be quiet.

If you practice treats or verbal praise, wait a few seconds after your dog finishes barking before rewarding him. You don't want your animal to think she is being rewarded for barking when in fact she is being rewarded for being silent.

To initially encourage voting, you can ask someone to ring the doorbell. Have your dog on a leash during the exercise so you can distract and stop the barking with a gentle tug of the leash.

To make the feedback even better, let your dog know that he can bark at the doorbell, but then he should shut up and go to his place at the door, where he can watch whoever is at the door, allowing guests to enter.

When the animal begins to bark, the owner must say “Quiet” and wait until the barking stops. When the door opens, the dog should sit and watch silently on the command “Place.”

One word “Voice” should encourage the animal to bark again. Thus, by teaching the commands “Voice”, “Quiet” and “Place”, you get a trained animal under your control .

Such a pet is able to repel danger and protect the home.


Some dogs need a break and distraction to stop barking. In other words, something must prevent the animal from concentrating on barking.

Sometimes a verbal command is not enough. In this case, the interrupter may be another noise, such as an instrument that produces a high-frequency sound. This is an unpleasant sound for the dog, it silences him.

Other things that can help distract your attention are a bag of beans, a heavy rattling chain, or a jar of pebbles or coins. It works like this: the dog barks, you throw a noisy object in front of it, but without it noticing. Act as if the object literally landed from heaven. This way the animal will develop a logical chain: if you bark for no reason, something appears out of nowhere, possibly dangerous.

When does it start?

At what age do puppies start barking? This usually happens at 3-4 months. But, of course, first of all, it depends on the characteristics of the breed, the puppy itself and the conditions of detention. There are talkative bell dogs: they bark a lot and with pleasure. Silent animals are reserved and taciturn and bark only in extreme cases.

By the way, when you do a lot with your puppy, play, train him, then in the heat of passion (completely unexpected for you!) he can go and bark!

In general, dogs really love to imitate and adopt certain behavior patterns. If your baby has someone to follow an example from (he often communicates with other dogs and hears their barking), then he himself learns to bark before his peers.

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