Instructions for use of the vaccine for dogs Multikan-8

Description of the drug
Release form and storage conditions:1 ml of dry component and 2-10 ml of liquid substance (in separate bottles); should be stored in a place away from sunlight at a temperature of 2-8°C (shelf life - 18 months from the date of issue)
  • Multikan-4 – 105-110 rubles
  • Multikan-6 – 140-150 rubles
  • Multikan-8 – 200-220 rubles
Analogues:Primodog, Hexadog, Biocan, Vanguard, Nobivak, Eurikan

The Multkan 8 vaccine consists of 2 components:

  • lyophilisate containing strains of canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 2, parvovirus and canine coronavirus
  • a solvent containing strains of Leptospira serogroups Canicola and Icterohemorrhagia and rabies antigen

Lyophilisate Multikana-8 is a dry, homogeneous, finely porous mass of yellow-pink color.

The solvent is a homogeneous pink suspension with sediment at the bottom of the bottle (adjuvant), which, when shaken, easily breaks into a homogeneous suspension. The lyophilized and liquid components of the vaccine are produced in volumes of 1 and 2 ml, respectively, in bottles or ampoules with a capacity of 3-10 ml.

The Multikana-8 bottle contains one dose of each vaccine component. Other packaging of Multkan is allowed, agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure. The box with the drug contains instructions for use. The liquid component is a lyophilized solvent.

Analogues of the drug

There are analogues of Multikan from various manufacturers on sale. The difference between them is small, the composition does not differ significantly. It also includes strains of viruses - rabies, distemper, paraviral, coronavirus and adenoviral diseases. The following drugs are popular:

  • Vanguard.
  • Nobivak.
  • Biocan.
  • Hexadog.
  • Primodog.
  • Zurikan.

In addition, many other vaccines can be found. Each owner decides for himself which product is best for him to purchase for his dog, but the most positive reviews are written about Multican. The undoubted advantage of the drug is its availability. No need to think about where to go for medicine. The vaccine is sold not only in Moscow , but also in almost all pet stores in any city.


According to the instructions, Multikan-8 is intended for immunizing dogs against:

  • plague
  • adenoviral infections
  • parvovirus enteritis
  • coronavirus enteritis
  • leptospirosis
  • rabies

Plague virus.

Modified live virus (MLV) vaccines are most effective in protecting dogs against distemper. Inactivated whole virus vaccines are not effective. Vaccination with Multican-8 in puppies usually continues until 16 weeks of age. Dogs over 12 weeks old when presented for initial vaccinations should receive at least 2 vaccinations 2 to 3 weeks apart.

Infectious hepatitis.

Vaccination against adenovirus infection in dogs, the cause of canine hepatitis (ICH) infection, is usually given in combination with that for distemper and other diseases, starting at 6-8 weeks. Attenuated (MLV) adenovirus vaccines are commonly used due to their ability to induce a superior immune response. Therefore, vaccination against adenovirus is usually combined with canine distemper virus; Multikan-8 is excellent for this purpose.

Infectious tracheobronchitis in dogs.

Infectious tracheobronchitis, or kennel cough, is a complex clinical infection caused by a number of respiratory pathogens that can infect dogs individually or in combination. The Multikan-8 vaccine is intended for immunization of dogs against adenovirus type 2.

Canine parvovirus

- the most dangerous viral disease for puppies. Canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) vaccines are available as inactivated or attenuated products. Multikan-8 is an effective solution for the prevention of parvovirus in dogs.

Canine coronavirus.

Most vaccines licensed for canine coronavirus are inactivated canine coronavirus strains. Multikan 8 has a strain against canine coronavirus.

Leptospirosis. The Multikan-8 vaccine includes an inactivated anti-leptospirosis component. However, the lack of global and regional data on the incidence of leptospirosis in dogs makes it much more difficult to decide whether vaccination is necessary and which vaccines should be used.

Reviews from pet owners

Many dog ​​owners have already had to choose a means of vaccination and they settled on the drug Multikan-8. You may find comments like this:

I am a breeder, breeding Caucasian Shepherd dogs. I have been using Multikan-8 for four years. An excellent product because it protects against many viruses. On the advice of a veterinarian I know, I use the drug together with antihistamines. There were never any side effects.

Oksana, owner of Caucasian Shepherd dogs

This vaccine is not only effective, but also inexpensive. I used to think that a good drug cannot be cheap, but now I have a different opinion. I've been buying it for 2 years now and haven't had any problems.

Olga, owner of Dogue de Bordeaux

I give my Yorkie a wonderful drug called Multikan-8. I only buy this, and for my cat - Multifel 4. They are no worse than expensive imported products. There were no side effects.

Ekaterina, owner of the Yorkshire terrier

Multikan-8 is a high-quality Russian-made vaccine that reduces the risk of your pet contracting deadly diseases. The drug has proven itself well and has received many positive reviews from dog owners and veterinarians.


  • Before use, the lyophilized vaccine Multikan 8 is dissolved in a bottle
    with a liquid component and shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.
  • The vaccine is administered intramuscularly in the thigh area in a dose of 2 ml immediately after dissolution. Dogs of small and decorative breeds are vaccinated at a dose of 1 ml.
  • Adult dogs are vaccinated once a year.
  • A separate needle is used for each animal.
  • Syringes and needles are sterilized by boiling for 10 minutes before use.
  • The vaccine is administered to puppies at 8-10 weeks of age and again after 21-28 days. Revaccination of puppies is carried out at the age of 10-12 months.

Instructions for use

  • Vaccination is carried out only after the dog has been dewormed (cleared of worms 2 weeks before the procedure).
  • The pet's body temperature is measured to check its physical condition. The correct figure is 37.5-39.5°C.
  • It is recommended to administer an antiallergic drug.
  • All injections must be performed with sterile equipment in the sterile conditions of a veterinary clinic or home equipped office.

For better absorption, the liquid part of the drug is heated to 36°C. This will not only promote absorption, but also prevent the appearance of swelling and bumps.

To mix the components, you need to take the liquid part with a syringe and add it to the dry part. The bottle shakes well. The injection is given intramuscularly (inner thigh) or subcutaneously (neck, scruff). Before vaccination, the needle and injection site are disinfected with alcohol.

Procedures are carried out according to a specific schedule:

  1. First vaccination at 2-2.5 months;
  2. Repeated vaccination after 2-3 weeks;
  3. Revaccination at 8-10 or 12 months;
  4. Annual vaccination.

Expired medications, medications with opened packaging or without special markings are prohibited from use. They are destroyed by boiling.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The base of the drug contains attenuated strains (weakened cell stems of viruses) of plague, adenovirus type 2, coronavirus and parvovirus (a form of enteritis).8) Depending on the increase in labeling (6), other strains are added - leptospirosis and rabies. In the case of the second antibody, the cells are dead so that the animal can overcome the infection.

Multikan is not a medicine and does not have medicinal properties. With its help, the animal forms temporary immunity to certain infectious diseases.

Effect of the drug

Once in the animal's body, the vaccine - a weakened virus - does not cause disease, but promotes the active production of antibodies and lymphocytes. The dog is actively fighting the infection. Thus, her immunity is strengthened, as after infection, after 10-15 days.

If a vaccinated pet becomes infected with any of the viruses, its lymphocytes react to the already familiar threat and prevent the infection from multiplying. Otherwise, natural antibodies may not be enough to eliminate the possible disease.

But over time, antibodies die and disappear, in some cases they can last up to 2-3 years , and sometimes no more than 2-3 weeks. This depends on the pet’s age, past illnesses, pregnancy and other physiological factors. Therefore, it is not recommended to violate the vaccination schedule.

Indications for use

The drug is used as an injection against adenovirus distemper, coronovirus, parvovirus, leptospirosis, and rabies. Can be analog for Primodog, Hexadog, Biocan, Vanguard, Nobivac, Eurican. Used only as a vaccine.

Dosage, methods and terms of use

  • One dose (that is, 2 bottles) contains 1 ml of dry mixture and 2 ml of liquid. The result is 2 ml of the finished drug. To vaccinate dogs weighing over 5 kg, the full vaccine is used. For decorative pets and puppies, Multikan is crushed: 1 ml is enough. The medication can only be used for its intended purpose as an injection.
  • Shelf life – 18 months from the date of manufacture.
  • When preparing the solution, it must be used within 15 minutes.
  • If the packaging or flask is torn, broken, or damaged, the drug should not be used.

Contraindications and side effects

  1. Sick, weakened pets whose temperature is higher or lower than normal are not allowed to be vaccinated.
  2. In addition, it is not allowed to vaccinate pregnant bitches (especially in the last week), bitches who have given birth (no earlier than 2 weeks), male dogs after mating (only after 2 days), puppies up to 6-8 weeks, animals during shift teeth.
  3. If the rules are not followed, complications may arise - exacerbation of diseases, deterioration of the dog’s well-being.

When testing the medication, no side effects were found. Swelling may occur at the injection site or a number of short-term symptoms (disappear after 20-24 hours): lack of appetite, trembling, decreased activity, drowsiness.

In case of prolonged side effects, you should contact your veterinarian.

Directions for proper vaccination

Typically, vaccination is carried out at veterinary centers or in a nursery. If the dog breeder is experienced, then he can carry out the procedures independently; the drug is sold in all veterinary clinics (it is important not to confuse it with Multifel, the packaging and type of medicine are very similar).

Before the procedure, you should consult a doctor and bring your dog for an examination. The specialist will tell you about the drugs, indications, methods of use, and check the pet for readiness to accept the injection. After vaccination, a mark is placed in the veterinary passport and medication labels are pasted.

All vaccinations must be carried out with the same drug.

After each vaccination, you must undergo 14 days of quarantine. During this period, the animal’s immunity actively fights the virus and is greatly weakened. Puppies cannot be walked until the second vaccination.

Types of Vaccines

The technologies used to produce canine vaccines have expanded significantly over the past decade. In veterinary medicine today, the number of licensed vaccines continues to grow, driven in large part by the need to protect dogs and cats from emerging pathogens, improve vaccine safety, and improve the immunogenicity of existing vaccines. However, the recent introduction of Therapeutic Biology into veterinary medicine highlights the role of new types of vaccines licensed for the treatment rather than the prevention of disease (especially cancer) in dogs and cats. Multikan-8 is a highly effective vaccine for dogs produced in Russia.

LIMITATIONS: Inactivated vaccines are generally less immunogenic and generally do not have an increased duration of immunity (immunological memory) compared to attenuated live vaccines using the same microorganism. Inactivated vaccines often contain an adjuvant designed to stimulate local inflammation and enhance the immune response to the antigen. Post-vaccination reactions associated with inactivated vaccines include injection site pain and granuloma formation, as well as angioedema.

Contraindications and side effects

Dogs that are under eight weeks of age cannot be vaccinated. It is also prohibited to inject Multikan-8 into sick and weak pets. Especially if deworming was carried out during the last week, as well as treatment with phosphorus-containing products within the last two weeks.

Deworming of dogs is carried out using Azinox Plus, Prazitel, Drontal, Kanikvantel, Prazicide Plus, Milbemax.

As for the body’s adverse reactions to the composition of the drug, if the instructions are strictly followed, they should not occur. Perhaps a slight swelling may appear in the place where the injection was given.

But such swelling disappears very quickly and does not require third-party intervention.

Did you know? Katie's dog made a parachute jump with her owner in 1987. She safely landed on the ground from a height of 3658 m.

Your pet should not exhibit allergies. If this happens, you should inform your veterinarian and use antihistamines.

Learn about essential drugs in animals

  • Do puppies need to be vaccinated?
  • Vaccination against rabies in cats
  • Vaccination of small animals
  • Kitten vaccination
  • Why vaccinate dogs against rabies?
  • Why do kittens need to be vaccinated?
  • What kind of drug is Nobivak Triquet Trio?
  • Nobivac DHPPi for dogs
  • What is the first vaccination for a puppy?
  • Comprehensive vaccinations for cats
  • Tick ​​vaccination for dogs
  • What vaccinations are given to dogs and why?
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  • Instructions for using serenia for animals
  • Ursofalk in dogs
  • Marfloxin for veterinary medicine
  • Instructions for the use of serenia in dogs
  • Graying in cats - Instructions
  • Why is Heptor prescribed to a dog?
  • Instructions for the use of lidocaine in dogs
  • Heptor in cats
  • Lidocaine for cats. Can cats use lidocaine?
  • Heptral in dogs
  • Can cats use marfloxin?
  • Marfloxin for dogs (instructions for use)
  • Heptral in cats (instructions for use, pharmacology
  • Instructions for use of Dirofen for cats
  • Instructions for using Vetom in cats
  • Instructions: multifel for cats
  • Use of fosprenil in cats


Multikan is the drug of choice for the domestic brand, its description

The Multikan vaccine is intended to create stable active immunity in dogs. , Biokhim LLC, Russia.

It is notable for being effective and harmless, since it consists of colonies of maximally weakened living microorganisms that do not harm the dog.

Important! This remedy is not a medicine, but serves to create immunity by injecting the drug only to a healthy animal.

How is the vaccination done?

When vaccinating dogs with Multikan 8, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  1. The liquid component must be heated to a temperature of 36-38˚C. This will help the dry component dissolve better.
  2. Shake the liquid in the bottle well until the sediment disappears.
  3. Then you need to draw the liquid component into a syringe and use it to dilute the dry component.
  4. Shake the ingredients well. Sediment at the bottom is not allowed. If it is not possible to shake up the precipitate, the solution is driven several times through a syringe.
  5. The prepared solution is injected into the femoral muscle, after wiping the area with medical alcohol.

Before vaccination, puppies and dogs must be dewormed. This is done a week before vaccination so that the parasites have time to die and leave the body. The use of antiparasitic agents is necessary, since the presence of worms significantly reduces the effectiveness of Multikan 8. The fact is that the waste products of parasites are toxins. The body directs all its energy to removing these toxins from the body, rather than creating immunity against the introduced viruses.

What is it used for?

According to the instructions, the Multikan 8 vaccine for dogs is used to prevent the following pathologies:

  • carnivore plague;
  • respiratory tract diseases caused by adenovirus;
  • enteritis caused by parvovirus;
  • coronavirus enteritis;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis.

The product is used for both puppies and adult pets. The main feature is that it reduces the risk of developing diseases that are fatal to pets. In addition, if infected, pets tolerate the disease more easily, have a greater chance of recovery and recover faster if treatment is started on time.

pharmachologic effect

The vaccine promotes the formation of an immune response in dogs to plague, rabies, leptospirosis, coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis and adenovirus infections 2 to 3 weeks after immunization. Its effect for adult animals is 12–15 months, for puppies – 6–8 months.

One dose of the vaccine contains:

  • rabies virus – 1 IU,
  • coronavirus – 103.0 TCD50,
  • parvovirus – 103.0 GAU,
  • adenovirus type 2 – 103.0 TDC50,
  • plague virus – 103.5 TDC50,
  • Leptospira serogroups Grippotyphosa, Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae – 3x108 microbial cells.

The drug is completely harmless and has no medicinal properties.

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