Features of the Prague Rat breed and its distinctive features

Care and maintenance

If you have acquired such a tiny creature, secure your home.
There should be no cracks in it where the dog could climb, or electrical wires that he could chew through and thereby harm himself. You can easily train a Prague rat rat living in an apartment building to use a litter box. But this does not exempt you from walking the dog. Stock up on clothes for your pet for a variety of weather conditions, and at your discretion, shoes.

Caring for his fur is easy. You don't need special cosmetics for this. Clean it every day with a rubberized brush and smooth it with a piece of suede - that’s enough. And also monitor the condition of your teeth and ears.

Don’t get too carried away with swimming, and make sure there are no drafts. It is also necessary to ensure that vaccination and revaccination are carried out in a timely manner.


The breed is designed to live indoors. The rat needs a specially equipped place to rest. A bed or house is suitable for this purpose. The dog's sleeping area is placed in a warm corner where there are no drafts. Rat rats love to hide food, so they systematically clean the bed. The dog will also need a litter box to go to the toilet.

Owners gently wipe their pet's eyes with a soft cloth soaked in chamomile solution 1-2 times a week. The dog's ears are treated once every 2 weeks. Krysarik's teeth are subject to rapid plaque settling. They are cleaned at least 3-4 times a week

Due to their low weight, Ratman’s claws are difficult to grind down, so they are carefully trimmed monthly

Ratlik's coat is short and does not require much time for grooming. The dog is brushed with special brushes 2-3 times a week. The long-haired variety is combed with combs 3-4 times a week, and daily during the molting period (spring and autumn). There is a restriction on water treatments: no more than 5-6 times a year. The dog is washed in the evening using shampoo for short-haired breeds. Dry well with a towel and dry with a hairdryer if necessary.

For being outside during the cold season, Ratman is provided with overalls. Protect paws from freezing with rubber boots. At home, the pet is insulated with knitted sweaters.

Advice! Ratman is given 30-60 minutes to walk twice a day.


Ratliks are considered very specific dogs: they are completely unsuited for living in outdoor conditions, but their activity and mobility require regular walks and physical activity.

Due to their modest dimensions, rats can live perfectly even in a small apartment. But the room must be secured by removing wires, unstable objects, and blocking cracks into which a miniature dog can penetrate.

The bedding, house or mattress should be placed away from drafts and heating appliances. It is imperative to allocate a separate place where the dog’s bowls will always be kept.



History and characteristics of the breed

Origin of the Prague rat rat

The Prague Rater is a breed loved by kings and nobles.
The Prague Rater is an ancient breed whose history dates back to the 12th century. The first written mentions of it date back to the 7th–9th centuries. These small dogs lived in the courts of the Czech monarch Charlemagne and the Polish king Boleslav II the Bold. The historian Jules Michelet wrote about them. In 1387, the Czech king presented the rat as a gift to the French monarch. As a result, the popularity of the breed spread throughout all European countries. The Prague rat is considered a symbol of the Czech Republic. His images can be seen on tapestries, paintings, and cups.

Ratliks were not only a decoration for royal courts, they were also widely used for catching rats. Thanks to their excellent sense of smell and compact size, they helped residents of medieval cities fight rodent infestations. In the 16th century, catching rats with warriors turned into a sporting competition with monetary stakes.

After the change in the political system in the Czech Republic, the popularity of the rat began to fall. The purity of the breed was violated. In the first half of the 20th century, ratliks were combined into one species with pinschers. In the 70s of the 20th century, thanks to the efforts of engineer Ian Findeis, it was possible to revive the breed. The popularity of the Prague ratter was gradually restored. In 1980, the breed was officially recognized.

Description of standards with photos

Ratlik has a compact size but a strong build

At the withers, rats reach 19–23 cm, their weight ranges from 2–2.5 kg. Pets live 12–14 years. The dog's head is pear-shaped. The forehead is slightly convex. The occipital protuberance is well defined. The eyes are round, medium in size, set wide apart. Their color matches the coat color. The muzzle is elongated. Scissor bite. The ears are triangular, set wide, and the tips may be slightly drooping. The neck is long.

The back is short, without bends. The croup is slightly sloping. The chest is oval-shaped, not wide. The abdomen is tucked in and there is a clear transition to the groin area. The forelimbs are parallel to each other. The elbows are close to the body. Forearms are strong. The hind legs are muscular, the angles are well defined. The tail is located at the level of the back, reaching the hock joints. When moving, it rises higher and can bend into a semicircle. The coat is short. The standard allows several color options: brown and tan, black and tan, yellow and red, red, blue and tan.

Differences between Ratlik and Russian Toy Terrier

It’s hard not to notice the similar features of the rat dog with the Russian toy terrier. However, these are two completely different breeds. Ratlik has the same height, but at the same time a more powerful body and strong bones, with which owners will not fear for the integrity of a dog jumping from the sofa. The Toy Terrier is more slender, sophisticated, with straight limbs. The angles of the joints are less pronounced.

However, the main difference between the rat and the toy is in character. Ratlik is a born brave rat catcher, quick-witted and agile, loyal and obedient. While the toy terrier is not so bold, but is more suitable for indoor keeping.


Ratlik is a playful, brave and intelligent dog

The Prague Rater is an agile, courageous, hardy and smart dog. He does not choose one owner, but treats all family members equally friendly. The ratlik shows special favor to children. At the same time, he is absolutely unobtrusive. Treats strangers with distrust. Gets along with other dogs provided that they do not strive for dominance.

Appearance and standards

The Prague Ratdog is a small, short-haired dog with a compact, square body. It is worth noting that the rat rat standard defines the smallest height at the withers among other dwarf breeds - 20-23 cm. Weight has not been established, but is usually about 2.5 kg.

The rat's head is pear-shaped. The occipital protuberance is pronounced. The forehead is slightly convex with a well-defined vertical hollow between the eyes. The eyes are set straight, should be as dark as possible, round, of medium size, slightly protruding and moderately wide apart. The eyelids are well pigmented and fit tightly. The skin on the forehead is stretched. The stop is clearly visible. The nose is pigmented to match the base color. The lips are strong, dry, and fit tightly. The jaws are well developed, symmetrical, adjacent to the nose with a blunt wedge. Scissor bite. A complete set of teeth is preferred. The ears are relatively large, set quite wide, triangular in shape. The ends are directed towards each other due to the fact that the auricle is angled rather than vertical.

The neck is quite long, curved with a noble arch. The topline is straight. The back is strong and short. The withers are not expressed. The tail is straight and carried down. May rise above the topline when moving. The chest is not wide, oval in shape. The underline is moderately tucked. The transition to the groin area is clearly marked. The forelimbs are set wide apart. The hindquarters are straight, parallel, with well-defined muscles. The toes are closed and arched, the claws are dark in color.

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The tail can be docked, but ears are not docked.

The skin fits tightly to the body, elastic, pigmented in accordance with the color. The coat is short, without bald patches, and lies close to the body. On the head it is not so thick and a little shorter. The semi-longhaired variety has longer hair along the body, and the ears, limbs, tail and chest are covered with feathers. You can see what short-haired and long-haired rat rats look like in the photo.

The colors are as follows:

  • black and tan;
  • solid fawn;
  • marble (very rare).

The tan should be bright, not blurry. The spots are located on the cheeks, above the eyes, on the chest, inner thighs, and under the root of the tail. It is advisable that the colored triangles on the chest do not merge.

How does the rat differ from other dwarf breeds:

The table clearly shows how Prague Rat Dogs differ from other dwarf breeds with which they are often confused (Russian Toy Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Chihuahua, English Toy Terrier).

Who is the Prague rat rat suitable for?

This is a universal dog, whose main calling is to follow its owner. Ratlik will diversify the leisure time of an elderly person, keep company for a travel lover, become a teenager’s best friend, and a successful companion for a stylish girl. The breed is very popular in Japan, where rat dogs become good totem mascots for their owners.

Even children can be trusted to raise a smart warrior. The main thing is that they be careful when handling a miniature dog.

But all the chic disappears from the rat catcher at the sight of hamsters, dwarfs, and chinchillas. Small rodents will awaken the hunting instinct. A large guinea pig or decorative rabbit is unlikely to become prey for a ratlik, especially if you introduce them to the puppy in early childhood.

Features of feeding and diet

Czech ratliks are unpretentious eaters and have an excellent appetite. To prevent the animal from becoming obese, food must be given in doses and at a certain time. It is recommended to use natural products or dry balanced food. Menu planning should be entrusted to a veterinarian.

It is forbidden to give the dog:

  • fat meat;
  • raw and river fish;
  • sweets and baked goods, grapes and raisins;
  • smoked, salted and spicy foods;
  • salt, seasonings;
  • milk;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • tubular long bones.

It is recommended to feed the ratlik:

  1. Beef, white meat chicken, rabbit. It is better not to give the meat raw to avoid intestinal parasites; small pieces should be boiled.
  2. Buckwheat and rice, which are cooked without spices and salt.
  3. Raw, boiled, baked vegetables.
  4. Fruits.
  5. Fresh greens.
  6. Offal.
  7. Occasionally yogurt, kefir and low-fat cottage cheese.
  8. Baked, boiled fish without bones.

Dry food should be premium from well-known manufacturers. The dog should always have fresh and clean water in his bowl. Mixing natural food and industrial feed is not recommended!

Comparison with the Toy Terrier

Prague rat rats are often confused with the toy terrier. These animals have many similarities, but the differences are also pronounced. Thus, ratliks are much more willing to enter into conflict - this is their main difference from the very cowardly toy terriers.

In former times, rat catchers were used to catch rats and mice, which had an unpleasant habit of settling in rural houses. It would seem - why breed a breed of rat-catching dogs if cats lived in every village? The answer is simple - in those years, cats were equated with evil spirits, so the responsibility for protecting the house from uninvited guests had to be entrusted to someone else.

Representatives of both breeds are characterized by extreme self-confidence, but this often works against them, since the animals are not aware of their size and challenge even large dogs. The outcome of such a confrontation is obvious.

Both dogs can be kept in apartments; they get along well with all household members, do not require specialized care and are easy to educate and train.

The dogs are similar in appearance, but professionals can easily distinguish one breed from another. The body of the rat is more toned and folded, of a muscular type, which cannot be said about the Russian toy. The body shapes of the latter are a little more exotic, so the breed often takes part in exhibitions and competitions.

Education and training

A Prague Rat puppy, like most other dogs, should be raised and socialized from the moment it appears in the apartment. Czech warriors are also dominant, and if you don’t set the boundaries of what is permitted in time, they will quickly sit on your neck. At the same time, it is very important that until the age of 7 weeks the baby is with his mother and his brothers. In the future, time spent with the family will help the dog build relationships with the person and find its place in the canine team.

Otherwise, ratliks are typical lap dogs, greedy for praise, tasty incentives and outright flattery, so if you want to teach a ratlik something, do not skimp on affection and compliments. Never, under any circumstances, physically punish an animal. Firstly, you risk injuring an overly fragile pet, and secondly, you will forever discourage him from working in pairs with you. However, it is unlikely that you will raise your hand to such a groovy charmer, so the main problem facing the owners of the breed is not even upbringing and training, but the ability to restrain one’s own emotions at the sight of these touching creatures. Don’t forget that Prague rat rats subtly sense the mood of their owner, and if you give in, they will not miss an opportunity to turn the matter in their favor. Have a positive attitude towards the activities, but try not to spoil your pet, so that later you don’t grab your head from the dirty tricks and destruction he has caused.

As for training programs suitable for the Prague rat, the best option for him would be OKD. Yes, yes, these little ones do an excellent job with the General training course. Moreover, a ratlik that has been trained and has understood the basics of etiquette will cause fewer troubles on walks: remember about the breed’s passion for chasing and reluctance to give in in disputes with larger relatives. Rats are also capable of distinguishing themselves in sports disciplines. They are best given obedience standards such as obedience, as well as all kinds of “catch-up” (coursing).

Prague ratter: a brief historical background

The Prague rat (ratlik) comes from the Czech Republic. It is no coincidence that the breed received this name. Back in the Middle Ages, these small dogs were engaged in catching rats and mice, doing cat work and thereby protecting people from infections that rodents often carried. The history of the origin of the breed is shrouded in many myths. One of the legends tells that these kids saved people from a massive invasion of rats that occurred in the Middle Ages. Thanks to their miniature size, the dogs could sneak into cracks, destroying rodents.

Another source says that rats were used to taste the dishes of famous people. Dogs could sense the presence of poison in food. The Czech king often appeared in bars with a rat in his arms. This breed was especially in demand among representatives of the noble population. Mention of rat dogs can be found in the chronicles of Egingard, who lived back in 770. From which breed of dog this species originated has not yet been established.

In the Middle Ages, Prague rat hunters hunted mice and rats

These small pets are not recognized by the international federation FCI, but are recognized by many other canine organizations in different countries, including Russia (RKF), Czech Republic, etc. Today, rat rats are considered very popular, as they are ideal for home keeping. The breed received recognition in 1980, when it was presented internationally. It was included in the 9th group of social varieties. The current standard was published on October 12, 1980. The latest additions were made in 2008. The standard was approved by the members of the CPPCC on November 15 of the same year.

I saw such dogs on the street when they were walking with their owners. They are very cute and friendly, but sometimes they like to bark at strangers. Pets react especially violently to other dogs, always trying to dominate. Unfortunately, such animals are not affordable for everyone, as they are quite expensive.

Breed standard Prague rat

The Prague Rat is a miniature “aristocrat”, at first glance it looks a lot like a Russian Toy and a little less like a Miniature Pinscher. Breeding specialists attach great importance to the body proportions of ratliks, so they have to identify an exemplary representative of the breed, armed with a measuring tape and a calculator. In particular, the ratio of the dog's height to the length of its body should be about 1:1.05. Moreover, the figure indicating the height of the animal at the withers must be at least twice the depth of its chest, measured in centimeters. The width of the rat's forehead in relation to its length is 1:1, less often – 1:1.03, and the length of the muzzle does not exceed ½ the length of the head.


The Prague rat's head is pear-shaped. The occipital protuberance and forehead of the dog are convex, clearly defined, the stop is moderately prominent. The animal's muzzle is distinguished by its general dryness and sufficient length.

Teeth and jaws

The ratlik's jaws are strong, symmetrically set, and shaped like a blunt wedge. A full dentition and scissor bite are preferred.


Representatives of this breed have wide-set, strong ears, fixed in a standing position and shaped like butterfly wings. It is acceptable, although not very desirable, for the tips of the ear flaps to be lowered at a slight angle to each other.


The body of the Prague rat is compact, almost square in format, with a moderately selected underline. The back is level, strong, with unpronounced withers and a short loin. The dog's chest is oval and of normal width. The croup line is long, slightly sloping.

The front legs are set parallel and quite wide. The Prague rat's shoulder blades are muscular, well-fitting, the pasterns are even, set at a slight angle. The dog's hind legs are distinguished by a wide, parallel stance, reliable articulation angles and overall muscular contours. The paws of representatives of this breed are rounded, arched, with tightly clenched toes. The dog's movements are free and springy.


The tail of the Prague rat rat is set at the level of the back, but when moving it rises higher, curling into a ring. The usual length of an undocked tail is to the hocks.


Prague Rat Dogs can be either short-haired or semi-long-haired. In the first case, the dog’s body is dense and fits well to the body. Secondly, it is softer, slightly behind the body, forming stylish feathering on the paws, ears and tail.


Most Prague rats are black or brown and tan, and the tan should have a rich tone and not be washed out. Typical locations for tan marks are the pasterns, throat, cheeks, eyebrows, inner thighs and chest (spots in the form of two symmetrical triangles). A little less often you can find representatives of this breed of sand and chocolate colors. A marbled coat tone is also acceptable.

Defects and disqualifying defects

The most typical exterior defects of the breed: narrow skull, pincer bite, convex loin and back, depigmented nose, excess tan. White spots on the chest with an area of ​​more than 1 cm, elbows turned in or out, an overly stretched body, a low-set tail that hangs over one of the hips are also not welcome.

Disqualifying vices of Prague rat rats:

  • not completely overgrown fontanel;
  • hair with receding hairline;
  • hunchback and overly convex lower back;
  • ears adjacent to the skull;
  • undershot/overshot;
  • iris of the eye, colored yellow or blue;
  • loss of 4 teeth or 2 incisors;
  • black and brown and tan individuals have no tan markings on the head;
  • a white spot on the chest with an area of ​​2 cm, white markings on the paws;
  • red color, muted by abundant black blossoms;
  • height less than 18 and more than 24 cm;
  • unreasonable aggression and fearfulness.

How to choose a puppy

To choose a healthy puppy, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Ask a dog handler to demonstrate the babies' parents by checking their pedigrees.
  2. Check the legality of the nursery’s activities, check whether it is registered with international cynological associations.
  3. Visit an exhibition of dogs of this rare breed to communicate with experts.
  4. Carefully examine the skin and coat, assessing its uniformity, thickness and length.
  5. If you have small children, then purchasing a rat dog should be postponed indefinitely due to the fragility of the puppies.
  6. Assess the condition of the puppies, their neatness, aggressiveness, activity, and friendliness.
  7. Cull babies that are too big-headed because they may suffer from hydrocephalus.

The Prague Rat is a kind, devoted pet, ready to support its owner in any situation. The miniature size makes the Ratlik an ideal dog for keeping in a one-room apartment; the price of the baby does not exceed 40,000 Russian rubles. If you provide conscientious care and a balanced diet, the rat catcher will live in the family for a very long time.

Health and diseases of the Prague rat rat

Representatives of the miniature breed rarely suffer from any serious illnesses. This is due to the fact that they were rarely crossed with other breeds, without interfering too much with the breeding process.

Possible diseases

A small dog does not mean a frail dog. The little rat is cheerful and playful, and his health is good. However, there is always the possibility of illness. The following pathologies are usually observed in rat rats:

  1. Diseases of gums and teeth

    – a stone often forms on them, which causes an unpleasant odor from the mouth. For prevention, you need to brush your pet’s teeth with a brush and a special paste, and regularly visit the veterinary clinic for plaque removal.

  2. Fractures

    – due to the fragility of the bones of the forearms and limbs, they are injured after a jump from a height of more than 1.5 meters or a strong blow.

  3. Musculoskeletal problems

    – Dislocation of the knee cap often occurs in dogs. This problem is usually inherited and is congenital.

  4. Gastrointestinal diseases

    – the cause is common overeating, so the breeder should carefully monitor the amount of food consumed by the pet.

  5. Cold

    – due to their short hair, dogs get cold in the cold season, they need to be dressed in clothes that will protect them from the wind and sub-zero temperatures.

Most of the above problems can be prevented if you properly care for your pet. In order to strengthen the rat's immunity, vaccination is recommended to avoid the occurrence of diseases such as hepatitis, rabies, distemper, leptospirosis and others.

Within 12 months, the dog receives all necessary vaccinations: at the age of 1.5-2.2 months, after 2 weeks and at 7-8 months. 10 days before this, the animal is given antihelminthic drugs. By the time of vaccination, the animal must be completely healthy!

Since ratliks are prone to colds, they should be carefully protected before the vaccination procedure, drafts should be completely eliminated, after bathing they should be thoroughly dried, blow-dried, and when walking, put on clothes. Immunity is developed 9-16 days after the vaccine is administered. At this time, excessive physical activity and communication with foreign animals are contraindicated for the pet.

Reproductive health

The Prague rat rat reaches sexual maturity at the age of 1.5 years. A bitch's heat is a sign that the owner can start looking for a suitable partner. But breeding miniature dogs is a rather complicated process. There are many nuances in this matter:

  1. There are about 3 thousand individuals of the miniature breed in the world, and to find a suitable pair for mating, you will have to try. Often you have to travel to another country, which will entail significant material costs.
  2. Breeders recommend crossing dogs of the same color, but finding such a male and female is very difficult. The culling of a large number of puppies from a litter is due to this very problem.

If a pair can be found, mating should be performed on the 11-12th day of estrus. Before this time, the future “parents” should get to know each other, which will make the reproduction procedure easier and avoid many problems. If the dogs are unfamiliar, it is better to let them walk together for about an hour, and then start mating.

Typically, pregnancy proceeds calmly and takes about 7 weeks. But childbirth is difficult and requires the intervention of a veterinarian. In case of complications, a caesarean section is performed.

If you did not take the animal for breeding, castration and sterilization are indicated: surgical intervention removes the testes of the male, and the ovaries of the female. After which the sexual desire completely disappears, and the animals become docile, affectionate and obedient.

Possible diseases

The most common diseases of the Prague Rat are problems of the gastrointestinal tract. They occur mainly due to overeating. In this regard, the dog’s owners are strictly forbidden to feed their pet food from their table, and in general to stop any attempt to “bite”. Overeating not only affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also affects the dog’s health in general, including its figure.

Another ailment plaguing this small dog is colds such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The breed really does not like drafts, and in the cold season it is best to walk rats in a special blanket. Clothes for miniature dogs are sold in pet stores.

In addition to all of the above, rat rats tend to break bones and have problems with teeth. The cause of these ailments is an unbalanced diet that does not contain enough calcium. It is a mistake to believe that the greatest amount of calcium is found in fermented milk products.

The main sources of this element are greens - parsley, dill, cucumbers. Even if we take into account that weak bones are a hereditary disease, it is worthwhile to diversify your pet’s diet as a preventive measure.

Finally, a piece of advice: it is not recommended to forget about vaccinating your dog and to carry it out on time. This way it will be possible to protect the dog from various viruses and infections, protect and even increase immunity.

Prague rat character

By nature, the Prague Rat Dog is a very active, cheerful, affectionate and courageous breed. The Prague rat easily adapts to the owner's way of life. If you lead an active lifestyle, love sports and hiking, your baby rat will be happy to keep you company. For older people, he will also be an excellent companion and loyal friend; he behaves calmly and sometimes silently in the house. Loves the company of people, but does not show much intrusiveness if the owner is busy.

The photo shows a Prague rat rat in profile

Its tiny size allows you to keep the Prague rat even in a small apartment. At the dacha or in a country house, the baby will be happy to explore the area around. When walking in the city, try not to let him off the leash, since the Prague rat is a hunter, he is interested in absolutely everything around him: a pile of leaves driven by the wind, a cat, pigeons and sparrows, etc. Able to run away, carried away by the “prey” and get into trouble or get lost.

Another feature of the Prague Rat Dog’s character is that he absolutely does not understand how tiny he is, so he has great ambitions and behaves as if he were a huge and formidable dog. Males are big bullies, they won’t calmly pass by a big dog on the street, they must bark, showing their heroism.

Prague Rat Puppies require early socialization and mandatory completion of the General Training Course (GCD). Even such a baby must be taught to obey the owner’s commands, otherwise the puppy will grow up disobedient. Males of this breed are characterized by dominance, so you need to raise and train the puppy from the first minute it appears in your home.

He must understand that the owner is the boss in the house, and his task is to obey and obey. Always praise him for following commands and punish him for disobedience. Show your dissatisfaction with the rat's behavior only with your voice; believe me, he reacts perfectly to any change in the owner's mood. The main thing is never hit your pet; even a light slap will injure the baby.

The Prague Ratdog gets along well with other pets, cats and dogs, especially if they grow up with them, but they always try to dominate. But you should think about rodents in the house, since the rat has a hunting instinct.


Today there are about three thousand representatives of the breed on earth. The animal is deservedly considered rare and buying a dog of this breed is not so easy. This is a fairly rare breed.

But even the limited number of individuals on the planet does not guarantee that the purchased dog will be 100% healthy. Therefore, before making a transaction, you should scour the Internet for features that may attract attention when purchasing. Here are just a few aspects to focus on:

  • ask the seller to show veterinary documents for the pet, make sure that it is vaccinated and dewormed;
  • pay attention to the behavior of your four-legged friend. He should not be cowardly or aggressive, this is contrary to the breed standards, and in general makes living together more difficult;
  • It is ideal to familiarize yourself with documents confirming the dog’s pedigree if you have the opportunity to consider the puppy’s parents. It is important that all Prague rat rats have a mark indicating the purity of the breed;
  • evaluate the dog’s external characteristics. The fur should be shiny, triangular ears should stand up, bulging eyes should have a wide set.

The price for the Prague rat breed varies from 900 to 1300 euros. There is no point in saying that under no circumstances should you take a dog from just anyone - from their hands, from poultry markets.

This breed is not cheap, so the purchase can be considered an investment. And investments need to be made wisely. The elite of the breed, by the way, can cost 200 thousand rubles. We are talking about representatives of the show class, which are allowed both for exhibitions and for subsequent reproduction.

Such dogs have the best genes. Breeding class - “average” breeds, which, however, may well be allowed to breed, but without participating in the competition. Last on the list is the pet class – dogs for the soul. But nevertheless, they are distinguished from samples on the market or advertised by unofficial breeders by the presence of all documents, including confirmation of pedigree.

By the way, the future owner will probably be interested in reviews about the Prague Ratdog breed from those who have already got a dog. Many compare this miniature animal with Rottweilers and other large breeds because of their desire to be important, important, and dominant.

The dog protects everything that he believes belongs to him and surrounds him. Many people don’t like guests, but they love games, and if they see that the owner is busy, they sit patiently, waiting for attention.

Differences from the Russian Toy Terrier

The difference between these two dwarf dogs is so slight that they are often confused. In order to make the right choice, it is worth noting the main differences:

  1. Temperament. Toy Terriers were bred for aesthetic purposes. They are calm, sedentary, passive. Ratliks are “exterminators” of rodents. By nature they are nimble, brave, fast and hyperactive.
  2. External differences. Toy terriers weigh less due to their skeletal structure. Ratliks have massive muscles, their torso looks curvaceous.
  3. Shape of the muzzle. Rat dogs have a much more elongated nose than Terriers.
  4. Limbs. Ratliks have curved hind legs, while toy terriers have straight, often longer legs.
  5. "Cohabitation" with other pets. Ratliks are genetically programmed to hunt for small rodents. They will not be able to live together with mice, guinea pigs and rats. Toy terriers, on the contrary, are happy to have such neighbors.

Key points in training

Despite the general opinion that small dogs are too stupid and cannot be trained. Prague Rat Dogs are increasingly appearing in sports training competitions - agility, Frisbee Dog, OKD - and show not the worst results. Ratliks have mental abilities on par with shepherd dogs, and are happy to learn new commands and tricks.

The gluttony of the little rat-catchers plays into the hands of the instructors; for a piece of their favorite delicacy, the serochka will carry out any order. Training with positive reinforcement takes place in a positive way - the dog exercises with pleasure, commands are remembered quickly and easily.

The rat will not tolerate harsh methods of education - it will snap or even try to escape from the owner. These little dogs have such ambitions that a Rottweiler would be jealous.

Care and nutrition of the rat

The rat breed is unpretentious, takes up little space, and loves to walk. In the cold season, it is worth dressing the dog in a warm suit, since the harsh Russian winters are still too cold for them.

In general, these dogs are in good health; the only thing that can bother them is their teeth. To prevent periodontitis and bad breath, you should brush your dog’s teeth and take him to the dentist to remove tartar.

They also do not have very strong joints and bones - their metacarpus and forearms often break. Patella luxation is considered a hereditary pathology. Protect your pet from bumps or falls.

Dense, coarse wool needs to be brushed daily with a special brush and wiped with a suede cloth. You should not bathe too often, and when bathing, use special shampoos that match the coat type.

Ears are cleaned with special liquids and powders. If the dog does not walk much, then it is necessary to trim the nails as they grow. In addition to brushing your teeth with dog toothpaste, you can use special food that prevents the formation of tartar.

You can start walking in the fresh air after you have received the necessary vaccinations. The dog must be socialized from an early age so that in the future it will not be frightened at the sight of other animals.

It is worth starting to train a rat dog from childhood. If you do not have the skills, then it is better to entrust this to a professional. Despite its small size, the ratlik is easy to learn commands and tricks. His mobility makes it possible to learn agility, freestyle, and obedience. The latter is especially useful in everyday life, thanks to teaching the dog unquestioning obedience.

You need to feed the rat 2-3 times a day. These babies have an accelerated metabolism, so mistakes in nutrition will quickly affect his well-being and health. He eats little by little, so the food must be of high quality. Feed is divided into two types - natural food and industrial dry.

The following natural foods are suitable for this dog: beef, fish, poultry. To the main menu you need to add foods containing fiber - vegetables, rice, buckwheat. Sources of carbohydrates are also needed, such as oatmeal and pasta. It is necessary to add minerals and vitamins. Of course, natural food is more tasty, but you need to ensure that such nutrition is balanced.

Unlike natural food, dry food has already been created taking into account all the requirements and needs of dogs. They provide animals with all the nutrients and will allow you to choose the appropriate option. Depending on the size, age, activity and personal preferences of the dog, you can choose the appropriate dry food.

In the photo there are puppies of the rat dog

Give preference to premium class. But, despite such advantages, the pets themselves are often disappointed in such foods due to the lack of daily variety. Dogs can beg for tidbits from the master's table, but you should not succumb to their charm - the rat's obesity will quickly lead him to the veterinary clinic.


The dog tends to gain excess weight, so the first commandment of any rat owner is not to overfeed. This concept includes eating according to a schedule, limiting the number and volume of portions, prohibitions on “biting” and excluding fatty foods if the dog is on a natural type of feeding.

The dog's diet, whether grown-up Prague Rat puppies or adult individuals, should include meat food, complex carbohydrates such as porridge, fiber - vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products. Perhaps the dog will love soups made from meat with the addition of cereals and vegetables.

Prague Ratfish on a walk in summer

An approximate list of products includes lean beef, fillets of marine fish, chicken, pasta, as well as rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, and most vegetables except potatoes. The feeding regimen of rat rats is similar to that of other breeds: twice a day for adults, up to 6 times a day for puppies.

If large breeds can eat up to two liters of food at a time, then small dogs such as the Prague rat rat should not abuse the volume. For example, ready-made canned food is given to a dog at the rate of 60-70 grams per kilogram of weight, dry food - 30-40 grams per kilogram.

Bone meal is also recommended for this breed. It is usually added to boiled cereals. We should not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements. Unlike factory products, in which all components are included and, importantly, in the required proportions, natural products require vitamin supplementation.


So, here is a detailed description of the Czech Ratlik (Prague Ratlik) dog breed with photo examples:


  1. Classic - black-brown, red, red and chocolate with light tan.

Cloak pattern with bright red tan marks without markings.

Gray-blue is the rarest, but nevertheless officially recognized.

The color standard is quite vague, and unscrupulous breeders often take advantage of this

When choosing a puppy, be sure to pay attention to the tan marks. They should be contrasting and clearly visible

These are located on the muzzle, neck, pasterns and inner thighs.

It’s a big plus if 2 separate hourglass-shaped triangles are visible in the chest area.

Breed standard

  • The head is small and pear-shaped. Proportional to the body. The forehead is convex, with a pronounced dividing groove. The front part of the head is smaller than the frontal part in a ratio of 1 to 3. The lips fit tightly to the teeth and completely hide them.
  • The jaw is well developed, the bite is correct.
  • The nose is most often black, but in some cases it repeats the color.
  • The eyes are wide apart and looking straight. May be slightly convex and rounded. Eye color – black, dark brown or to match the coat. The eyelids are the same color as the nose.

Note! Bright yellow and blue eyes, despite their beauty, are a breed fault.

  • The ears are large, widely spaced and proportional, positioned at a slight angle. A good breed characteristic is slightly drooping tips.
  • The body is proportional and visually looks square. In females it is longer than in males. The neck is elongated, slightly curved. The back is flat, with clearly visible muscles. The withers are level with the lower back.
  • The paws are slightly wider than the body, the elbows fit tightly to the body. The hind ones may be slightly more muscular and longer than the front ones. The fingers on the hands are collected, with curved claws.
  • When the dog is in a neutral mood, the tail is lowered or curled into a semicircle. When emotionally excited, slightly elevated. In some cases it is stopped or shortened.


  • The height of the dog at the withers is 21 -24 cm (an error of 1.5 cm is allowed).
  • The length of the body in relation to the height is 1.05 to 1.
  • Weight should not exceed 2.6 kg.

Weight by month, approximately how much will an adult weigh?

As is already known, an adult Prague rat rat should weigh no more than 2.6 kg. You need to choose a dog at the age of 1.5 – 2 months. At the same age, the dog’s weight fluctuates around 600-800 grams. It is then that proportions, stature and movements are visible.

After 3 months, the dog enters the so-called teenage age, when the growth of the limbs is a little uneven - the legs may outgrow the body and head, or the head may look awkwardly large on a thin body. This goes away by about 6 months.

Is there a mini?

The minimum height mark for rats is 18 cm, and weight is 1.5 kg. At its core, this is a breeding marriage, however, due to the fashion for tiny dogs, more and more of them are appearing.

Breeders do not recommend taking puppies smaller than the established standard, as this may be associated with certain health problems.

Is it possible to have long hair?

Look what a semi-, short-, long-haired ratlik looks like in the photo!

The Prague rat rat has 2 types of coat:

  • Shorthair – the hairs are short and the coat is very thick. On the head and muzzle the hair is shorter and sparser, but without bald patches.

The semi-longhaired Ratlik is an exception to the rule rather than a special subspecies of the breed.

Long-haired - there are elongated strands on the ears, chest, back of the paws and tail. The coat is dense and uniform.

The main signs of a rat catcher and a mouse catcher

Should you pay attention to the appearance of the animal? Many people believe that rat-catching cats stand out among their relatives. This is both a true and a false opinion. Almost every member of the cat family can be made an excellent hunter if its external characteristics meet the requirements

Almost every member of the cat family can be made an excellent hunter if its external characteristics meet the requirements

First of all, you should pay attention to the color of the animal. It shouldn't be too bright. The most suitable colors are black, gray, striped

The most suitable colors are black, gray, striped.

It is believed that the most suitable huntresses are females with three colors (black, red and gray). There is also an opinion that a good hunter must have large ears and short hair. The latter is a really well-known fact. Among the long-haired rat-catching cats, the following breeds stand out: Turkish Angora, Norwegian Forest, Siberian, Maine Coon. As a rule, a fluffy coat is more of a hindrance to the hunter.

The shape of the head is another thing to pay attention to. Mousecatchers have a triangular head. It is also believed that large ears, especially with tassels, are another striking sign of a good hunter.

It is also believed that large ears, especially with tufts, are another striking sign of a good hunter.

A few tips regarding selection, what you should pay attention to when choosing a kitten for hunting rats and mice:

First of all, it should be remembered that the rat is a very large animal, therefore the hunter himself must be of rather large size. He must have well-developed muscles and skeleton. Powerful jaws are also very important. It should also be remembered that a lazy, immobile cat cannot perform the function of a hunter; The breed of rat-catcher cats is of great importance. In this matter, you cannot choose artificially bred representatives. Such selection negatively affects skills and dulls natural instincts; picking up an animal from the street does not mean you are guaranteed to get a rat catcher. Most street purrs are abandoned pets. Therefore, no one will give any guarantees; The best chance of getting a good hunter is to take a grown baby (3-4 months) from a rat-catcher mother. It's not just a matter of genetic predisposition. In the first months of life, the mother teaches her babies all the necessary skills, coupled with natural instincts. This is why you should give preference to already grown kittens; The cat's head should be a triangle. To check accurately, you need to press the animal's ears

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Why is this worth paying attention to? This is how the hunter gene manifests itself in nature

Important! You should remember to take care of your pet hunter. If an animal has been bitten by a rat, it must be taken to a veterinarian to be tested and given injections in case of rabies infection

If an animal has been bitten by a rat, it must be taken to a veterinarian to be tested and given injections in case of rabies infection

Important! You should remember to take care of your pet hunter. If an animal has been bitten by a rat, it must be taken to a veterinarian to be tested and given injections in case of rabies infection

What does a triangular muzzle mean?

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