Details about the duration of pregnancy in dogs by day

The owner of a pregnant dog, especially if this is happening to her for the first time, needs to know what the normal duration of pregnancy is, how the babies develop, and what their mother needs. All this will help to get healthy offspring and not harm the female.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

How long does pregnancy last in dogs?

The classic development of events involves the onset of pregnancy on the 5th day after mating. The optimal duration of gestation for puppies is 63-65 days . If, after 73 or more days, the dog does not show signs of labor, then the ideal solution would be to contact a veterinarian.

A prolonged pregnancy can cause serious disturbances in the bitch’s body, which will inevitably have a negative impact on the condition of the puppies.

Gestation periods for large and small breeds

The average duration of pregnancy is 63 days . But for small breeds it may be less and the appearance of offspring should be expected after 55-62 days . For representatives of medium breeds, the optimal period is 62-63 days . And for large and giant breeds, a pregnancy duration of 66-72 days .

It should be noted that the duration of gestation of puppies directly depends on their number, the physiological state of the dog, the conditions of its keeping, as well as the level of physical activity and a balanced diet.

The closer the above factors are to those recommended for a given breed, the higher the likelihood of healthy offspring being born on time. If there are deviations in the living conditions or physiological state of the animal, then the chances of premature birth or protracted pregnancy increase.

Sixth to seventh week: pregnancy is obvious

In the period from the 36th to the 43rd day, the development of embryos accelerates. Primary sexual characteristics appear, shoulder blades and fingers are formed and hair grows. The size of future cubs reaches 6.5 centimeters. On the 44th day, the dog’s uterus enlarges and occupies most of the abdominal cavity. Puppies can already be felt by palpation, but it is difficult to determine their exact number.

It is recommended to increase the amount of food by 20%, offer portions more often, but make them even smaller. This is good for pregnant dogs. You can schedule your diet by day and time to simplify your task and not rack your brains about how to feed your pet. On the 47th day, the expectant mother begins to look for shelter for childbirth and spends most of her time licking her nipples. It's time to make an enclosure or equip part of the room and gradually accustom the dog to this place.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy

Beginning breeders strive to look for some changes in the pet’s behavior and well-being immediately after mating. For a veterinarian or a more experienced owner, it is obvious that the first signs of an “interesting situation” will appear only after 3 weeks .

Changes indicating pregnancy include:

  • Mild apathy. The dog becomes less active and spends less time playing and active walks;
  • Drowsiness, previously not characteristic of the bitch;
  • Phlegmatic traits appear in the character.

But even these signs are only indirect confirmation of pregnancy. A more accurate result can be obtained thanks to:

  • A test performed that shows changes in hormonal levels;
  • Appearing toxicosis. It clearly manifests itself in the morning and lasts, on average, no more than 7-10 days . Soft food, which the dog receives in small portions, will somewhat alleviate this unpleasant condition;
  • Swelling of the mammary glands and a change in their shade is noted at the end of the 4th week after mating.

Experienced breeders also focus on secondary signs that confirm successful mating:

  • Increased appetite. The animal actively absorbs food, and this also applies to those whom the owners considered “little ones”;
  • Increase in waist size. This can be seen with the naked eye. It is ideal if, after mating, the breeder measures the pet’s waist circumference. Comparing the data after 3.5-4 weeks, you can see the difference between the two indicators;
  • Character changes. Some dogs become more withdrawn and react aggressively to others;
  • After 40-45 days, the fruits can already be carefully palpated.

Careful monitoring of the condition of his dog will allow the owner to identify the onset of pregnancy by changes in the condition and character of the pet better than the most experienced veterinarian who sees the dog for the first time in its life.

Pay attention to our article: False pregnancy in dogs - what to do and how to treat?

Proper care for a pregnant dog

Hygienic measures for the animal include examinations every day, cleaning the fur, and checking the skin. In the second half of gestation, a pregnant dog sometimes has mucus discharge from the birth canal. In most cases, the dog removes the discharge by licking itself. In rare cases, when the dog is still young and this is her first pregnancy, she may not do this, then you should simply clean the area with ordinary clean water. However, there is no point in cleaning the animal 2 weeks before giving birth.

When the pet has not received timely treatment with deworming drugs before mating, in this case the process must now be delayed for 14 days after the birth has been resolved. Remember that during the period of breeding dogs, it is also necessary to abandon such activities and any other medications, including flea treatment. Keep an eye on your dog so that it does not have contact with sick or stray animals.

There are times when a dog can relieve itself in an apartment. This is a fairly common occurrence during pregnancy, since the dog sometimes cannot control this process. You shouldn’t take this aggressively and take your anger out on the dog.

Indeed, in the late stages of pregnancy, the animal needs special attention and care. Try to plan and organize your upcoming birth location as quickly as possible. The site should not only be comfortable for the animal, but also free from drafts.

Also try to arrange the place so that there is free access to the dog to assist during childbirth. Gradually accustom the dog to the area so that in the future it will not look for another place to give birth. An important place in the later stages is given to walks, since spending time in the fresh air cannot be reduced.

Walking will only benefit the dog. In the first month of pregnancy, training is not contraindicated, however, starting from the second month, protect the bitch from jumping and running.

Vitamin complex

Vitamins have a beneficial effect on metabolism throughout the body. The prescribed complex of essential beneficial microelements are catalysts that promote better absorption of food. Of course, animals need a certain amount of vitamins, especially during pregnancy. Most of the vitamins enter the body from food, but not always in the required dose, which is why there is an urgent need for additional supply to the body.

During pregnancy, the pet's menu should be enriched with additional elements, which can be prescribed by the doctor if necessary. The development of puppies will require a lot of minerals and vitamins, which the dog sometimes lacks. Therefore, a good option for the healthy development of puppies is additional vitamins prescribed by a veterinarian.

In the first month after mating, veterinarians do not advise changing the pet’s menu, and the introduction of vitamins is not yet required. Ordinary habitual nutrition will be able to fully guarantee the basic needs of the body at this stage. It’s a good idea to add a few yolks per week to your dog’s diet. The menu needs to include more protein foods and lean meats, for example, beef.

After the first month of pregnancy, it is recommended to significantly increase the dosage of food and switch to feeding 3 times a day. It is necessary to add a small amount of fish oil to food, which guarantees a supply of nutrients during pregnancy. In addition, you will need to use vitamins A, B, D and E. Together with vitamin D, large amounts of Ca should be used - an important element in the formation of the skeleton of puppies and the maintenance of the mother’s body as a whole.

In cases where large offspring are expected, a special need appears for lactate and glycerophosphate. However, in addition to vitamins, you shouldn’t lose sight of simple foods. Pay attention to the benefits of dairy food, which is necessary for a pregnant bitch. They have a huge amount of calcium and phosphorus, as key elements that a dog cannot do without during the gestation process.

Dog pregnancy by day

It is interesting for every breeder to understand what is happening in the body of his pet and what the future offspring looks like at different stages of pregnancy. There is a classic scheme for the formation of a puppy, which will allow you to find out how the baby develops in the womb:

Knowing the day of mating, you can accurately imagine how the puppies develop and what is happening in the mother’s body at this moment.

What happens in the second and third weeks

At the beginning of the second week, the embryos implant in the lining of the uterus, which forms into the placenta. The embryos at this stage do not even reach a millimeter in size. On the fifteenth day, a new stage of intrauterine growth begins: the vital organs of future babies develop. From this moment on, it is very important to closely monitor the dog’s condition, since everything that happens will affect the formation of embryos.

On the sixteenth or seventeenth day, the embryos grow to one millimeter. Their body, spine, head and central nervous system are formed. Between the eighteenth and twentieth days, internal organs develop. Embryos increase in size up to four millimeters.

At the end of the third week (on the 21st day), the heart is formed. The size of the embryo is already half a centimeter, but this is still not enough to see the developing kitten on an ultrasound. But it is still possible to diagnose pregnancy: the membranes of the fruit will be visible on the screen. At this stage, the owner should control the dog's appetite. Malnutrition and resulting lack of nutrients will harm future puppies.

How is pregnancy determined?

A veterinarian can diagnose a dog's pregnancy using one of the following methods:

  • Inspection and palpation. Used in the early stages. An experienced specialist will identify mild swelling of the limbs and abdominal wall, and note enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • Ultrasound. With its help, it is possible not only to assess the condition of the fetuses and their quantity, but also to clarify the gestational age;
  • Radiography. It should be done no earlier than 42-45 days, when the skeletal system of the puppies is fully formed. The study allows us to assess the location of the puppies, their size and number.

Which method should I choose to examine a pregnant dog? The best solution would be to consult a veterinarian. If the pregnancy of the puppies proceeds without complications, then ultrasound and x-rays can be abandoned. If a specialist reveals the presence of pathologies in the pet’s condition, then it is better to entrust him with the choice of methods for further research.

Stages of development of future puppies
1 day

Day of the first mating. The bitch is either ovulating or has already occurred and

the eggs were released. It must be taken into account that fertilization can

can also occur after mating, since eggs sometimes “mature” after a few

days after release from the ovaries. Since healthy sperm retain

ability to fertilize up to 7 days, the difference between the actual date of mating and

the moment of fertilization can range from one to 6 days.

2 days

A control mating is carried out, sperm move towards mature eggs for


3 days

Sperm enter the fallopian tubes, which lead from the ovaries to the uterus.

4 days

Fertilization of the eggs occurs. In the first third of pregnancy in behavior

bitches there are no special changes. Feeding regimen and walking schedule

does not change, there is no need to restrict the dog from running and jumping. However

However, it is important to ensure that during the hot season, excessive activity on the

walks did not lead to overheating and dehydration, which is extremely


5 – 11 days

Fertilized eggs (zygotes) travel down the fallopian tubes to the uterus.

covered with the so-called “three embryonic membranes”.

12-14 days

Embryos reach the uterus and with the help of villi, which are located on the outer

membrane, are introduced into the mucous membrane of the uterus. Outer membrane and mucosa

The uterus forms the “baby place” (placenta). Size of embryos at this moment

is about 0.6 mm*.

15 days

After the embryos are attached to the wall of the uterus, the next

the period of intrauterine growth is the development of the vital organs of future puppies.

From this point on, it is extremely important to avoid negative physical and

psychological effects on the bitch, since everything that happens to her has

influence on embryo development. The bitch cannot be vaccinated during this period.

or treatments to get rid of fleas and ticks. The bitch becomes sensitive to

any changes, so the owner should not, if possible, avoid any

changes in the dog’s daily routine and diet, as well as in its living conditions. How

As a rule, all failures in the development of fruits are due to the influence of negative external factors

occur between the 15th-17th and 50th day of pregnancy in dogs.

16 days

Having attached themselves to the walls of the uterus, the embryos continue to develop. Their size

increases to 1 mm*. During this time there may be a slight increase

and pinking of the bitch's nipples, and her belly hair is also starting to thin out slightly

and around the nipples.

17 days

In embryos, the formation of the head, body, spine and central

nervous system. The foundation is laid for the development of internal organs.

18 days

The development of internal organs begins, the size of the embryos reaches 2 mm*.

19 days

The development of the internal organs of embryos continues.

20 days

The development of internal organs and the nervous system continues. Embryo dimensions

reach 4 mm*.

21 day

The placenta is formed. From this moment it is already possible to diagnose pregnancy in

dogs. At this time, the embryos themselves cannot yet be seen on ultrasound, but they are easy to notice

fruit shells. The size of the embryo has already reached 5 mm*, it begins to

the heart is formed.

22 days

From this day on, you can carry out ultrasound diagnostics of your dog’s pregnancy. U

bitches may experience morning sickness and loss of appetite due to

hormonal changes. The dog may be lethargic, in a sad mood, sometimes

vomiting occurs. Starting from this day it is necessary to gradually change the regime

feeding, increasing the number of meals per day, while simultaneously reducing

size of each serving. Also at this time, some bitches may experience

slight vaginal discharge, clear or egg white colored.

23 – 24 days

The best period for ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy. The embryo begins

the liver, jaws, eyes, ears and nose develop, and its size reaches 1 cm*.

25 days

The best period for ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy.

The embryo begins to develop teeth, spine and limbs. Size of each

the future puppy is about 1.4 cm*.

26 days

Embryos reach the size of a walnut*. Experienced breeder or veterinarian already

can diagnose pregnancy by palpating the bitch's abdominal cavity. WITH

At this point, it is necessary to limit the dog in games and active movement during

avoiding injury to the embryos.

27 – 29 days

The best period for ultrasound diagnostics and pregnancy diagnostics is with

by palpation of the abdominal cavity. “Calcification” of the jaws and skull begins

embryo, size reaches 1.7 cm. *

30 days

The process of “calcification” of the skull and jaws continues. The embryo grows to 2


31 days

The growth of “sensory” hairs (vibrissae) begins on the chin, eyebrows and around


32 days

The bitch is entering the second half of pregnancy. Embryos become fetuses and

reach 20% of the weight of a newborn puppy.

33 days

There is intensive growth of fruits, growth and strengthening of the bones of the limbs and ribs.

Their size is already about 2.7 cm*.

34 days

Changes in the behavior of bitches are noticeable. They become quieter and

sensitive. The dog's belly begins to enlarge.

35 days

The bitch's appetite increases. By this period it is necessary to completely translate the future

mother on a diet for pregnant women with a high protein content. Total

food per day increases by 10%, it is necessary to feed the bitch at least 3 times a day,

At the same time, the portions themselves should be smaller. It is very important not to overfeed a pregnant woman

dog, as this can harm both it and the fetus.

36 days

At this stage, fruit growth accelerates. Bone growth continues, “manifesting”

shoulder blades. By this moment, all the main systems of the body have already been formed.

Wool growth begins, and at this stage the development of primary

sexual characteristics of future females and males. The fruit size reaches almost 3.5 cm*

37 – 40 days

Growth of bones and overall body size of the fruit continues.

40 days

By the 40th day of a dog's pregnancy, almost all of the future puppies are formed

internal organs. The bones of the spine and fingers grow. The eyes are already developed, but

are still closed, the size of the fruit reaches 6.5 cm*.

41 – 43 days

The bones of the puppies' spine and fingers continue to grow.

44 days

During this period, puppies can already be felt by palpation, but it is still impossible to be sure

determine their number. The bitch's uterus increases in size and occupies more than 2/3

abdominal cavity. The total volume of daily nutrition dose is increased by 15-20% according to

Compared to usual, portions are made even smaller, the number of feedings is increased to

3-5 times a day. The bitch’s mammary glands are already noticeably beginning to enlarge,

Hair falls out around the nipples. It is extremely important to avoid physical

loads, make sure that the dog does not run, jump or make sudden


45-47 days

The fetuses develop pelvic bones and continue to grow fur. Size reaches

about 9 cm*.

48-49 days

The bitch begins to noticeably increase in size. Most of the time she

spends licking nipples. The bitch's behavior becomes restless, she begins

seek shelter for the upcoming birth. At this time you can start preparing

enclosure or part of the room where the dog will give birth. After the place is

ready, start accustoming the bitch to it so that she gets used to it by the time she gives birth

50 days

The bitch's belly is greatly enlarged, and individual movements can be seen on its walls.

puppies. Fetuses at this point reach 75% of their birth weight. Body shape

The fruit is formed and measures about 12 cm*. Sometimes at this time the bitch

her appetite may worsen or disappear; she also needs to be fed more often and with small

in portions. The total daily ration increases by 25 - 50% compared to

nutrition before pregnancy.

51 days

For some bitches, especially those giving birth not for the first time, at this time it may already be

a few drops of milk are observed coming out of the nipples.


The bitch's belly increases even more, most of the time she rests and

licks himself.


Puppies develop teeth, fetal growth is 14-15 cm*.

rests for a while in preparation for childbirth.

58 days

When you press on the nipples, milk appears.

59 days

It is necessary to begin preparing the place, equipment and medications for taking

childbirth in a dog. From this point on, labor can begin at any time.

You can determine for sure that labor is approaching by measuring every day in the morning and evening.

dog's temperature - a sharp decrease usually occurs 8-24 hours before birth.

60-62 days

At this point, the fruits have hair on their face, paws, tail and belly.

The size reaches approximately 16 cm*.

63 days

12-24 hours before giving birth, the dog usually refuses to eat, body temperature

decreases by 1-2 ° C. Amniotic fluid (viscous pale yellow liquid) also leaves

colors). The “corpus luteum” dissolves and the cervix opens.

64 days

Approximate date of birth (dates may vary between 57-69 days

pregnancy). Hormonal changes occur, leading to increased

contractions of the uterus, which in turn causes contractions. The birth of each puppy

occurs at various intervals. Normally developed at birth

The puppy is completely covered with fur, his eyes are closed. Puppy size at birth

large and medium-sized dogs average 16 - 22 cm*.

65 days

The newly born puppy is cleaned of the placenta and thoroughly rubbed.

Dog's first pregnancy

For every owner, a pet's pregnancy is a period full of excitement. And if a bitch bears offspring for the first time, then there are much more reasons for concern. It is important to understand that the first pregnancy will be a serious stress for the animal. And therefore one should thoroughly prepare for its onset.

Preparation must begin 3-4 months before the intended mating. Increase your animal's physical activity and switch it to a balanced diet. This will help remove unnecessary fat deposits, strengthen muscle tissue and prepare her body for bearing puppies and giving birth.

The dog should be treated for fleas and ticks and dewormed. The breeder should carefully monitor the condition of the bitch throughout pregnancy.

Why such a short gestational age?

Pregnancy of dogs by day is sixty to seventy days. This is very small and unusual for a person. However, nature has an explanation for this phenomenon.

Dogs, by their origin, belong to the class of predators. And meat-eating animals bear their offspring for a fairly short period - from two to three months. Predators follow the principle of survival in nature. It is difficult for a pregnant dog to hunt, and this can have a detrimental effect on her and her offspring. It is much easier to take out the chicks in a short time, hide them and feed them in the den.

How to calculate your dog's due date

In order to independently calculate the due date, you can use a special calendar calculator:

It allows you to more or less accurately (+/- 2 days) determine the date of the expected whelping, but for this you need to know the exact date of mating. Experienced breeders record the date of mating and, based on it, independently or with the help of a veterinarian, calculate the date of appearance of the puppies.

It is important to understand that the length of pregnancy can be influenced by various factors. Therefore, it will not be possible to accurately indicate the due date. It can only be determined approximately and the dog can be closely monitored during the expected period.

Fourth to fifth week

During this period, you need to carefully monitor the dogs’ pregnancy day by day, since from the 22nd day you need to change the feeding regimen. Your pet may refuse food due to morning sickness, so it is best to offer food often, but in small portions. From the 23rd day, the embryo grows to a centimeter and develops eyes, nose, ears, jaw and liver. On the 25th day, the formation of teeth, limbs and spine can be observed.

On the 26th day, the embryo is already the size of a walnut, and an experienced veterinarian will be able to diagnose pregnancy by palpation of the abdomen. It is recommended to limit the dog to active games so as not to harm the fruits. From the 27th to the 31st days, “calcification” occurs in the area of ​​the skull and jaws. From the 32nd day, the future pups begin to grow rapidly, so it is worth introducing more protein into the dog’s diet.

Possible complications during pregnancy

Dogs can experience various complications during pregnancy. They are associated with disruption of the functioning of certain organs and systems.

Common complications also include the appearance of edema, which is a consequence of an unhealthy diet, as well as a lack of physical activity in the animal.

The most dangerous disturbances are during labor. It is quite difficult to predict their occurrence, but the help of a specialist will come in handy. Therefore, you should not delay contacting a veterinary clinic if the birth process is delayed or the owner has any doubts about the correctness of its course.

Timely contact with a veterinarian allows you to provide your dog with qualified care and preserve healthy offspring.

First week of pregnancy

In the first two days after mating, sperm move towards the eggs to fertilize them. On the third day they pass into the fallopian tubes. On the fourth day, fertilization of the eggs occurs. At the end of the first week, the zygotes descend through the fallopian tubes into the uterus and become covered with “embryonic membranes.”

There are no special changes in the dog's behavior. Therefore, there is no need to change the walking schedule, feeding regimen or limit activity. However, you need to make sure that your pet does not overheat and does not feel thirsty during a walk. This is highly undesirable for a pregnant dog.

In the first week, morning sickness may be a sign of pregnancy. However, this is not a reliable symptom. It is more reliable to regularly note the female’s body temperature and monitor changes. It would also be a good idea to keep a diary that will help you monitor your dog’s pregnancy day by day.

Light pink vaginal discharge often frightens inexperienced owners. At this stage, this is considered normal and there is no reason to worry.

Features of care during the postpartum period

All emerging puppies are weighed, recording the data in a notebook. To distinguish them, a thread of a certain color is immediately tied, about which a corresponding mark is made.

During this time, one of the remaining family members cleans the room. The birth box is removed. The female, who has returned to the second house with fresh bedding, is given puppies. Make sure they are all sucking milk.

The temperature in the room is maintained at least 25˚C. The bedding is replaced daily. They try to exclude unnecessary people in the room and maintain silence. After a month, older puppies no longer need a house. It can be taken apart. Additional heaters are also removed, establishing normal room conditions.

The bloody discharge in the bitch after giving birth stops within a week. If this does not happen, or the liquid acquires a greenish color or an unpleasant odor, you need to call a veterinarian.

It is recommended to monitor emptying daily and check the condition of the nipples, which will avoid burnout and hardening of the glands. If a weakened female is not able to feed her offspring, then, on the advice of a veterinarian, they purchase special bitch milk.

For the first week, the mother is fed four times a day with food that was prepared immediately before birth. Several times a day they drink tea with milk, adding a little honey. Then they begin to introduce lean meat, pouring boiling water over it, and boiled fish.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The menu includes cottage cheese, to which calcium gluconate (¼ tablet) is added once a day. Every other day, calcium glycerophosphate is added to the food in the same volume. Consult a veterinarian first.

When the puppies are three weeks old, tea is removed from the dog’s menu. After another 7 days, they switch to two feedings a day. In the morning they give cereal and fermented milk varieties, in the evening meat (every 4 days - fish) with vegetables.

Pregnancy is a serious period for a dog. An attentive owner will organize suitable conditions for her and prepare the necessary equipment. If necessary, take measures to facilitate childbirth.

At what age does a shepherd dog give birth?

German Shepherds, like all large breed dogs, are distinguished by a late onset of maturity. They continue to grow and develop until they are 15 months old, and early pregnancy in a shepherd will harm both the mother and the fetuses.

But we should not forget that pregnancy and childbirth are a serious burden on the body of a German Shepherd. Good breeders do not breed dogs every time they are in heat, but only once a year, so that internal reserves can be restored. And even under such conditions, the body works “for wear and tear”, so bitches over 8 years old should not be forced to whelp.

In one litter, 6-7 puppies are usually born, but fertile females have 10-12, and even 15 puppies. Firstborns rarely have multiple litters.

At the age of 6-8 years, the German Shepherd gives birth to 1-3 puppies

Eighth week (49-57 days)

During this period, the owner needs to be on alert, as puppies can be born at any minute. The bone tissue of puppies is already very strong, the teeth are formed, and their growth corresponds to the size of newborns. An ultrasound will accurately determine the number of fetuses.

Physical activity and stress accelerate this process, so it is necessary to surround the expectant mother with care and attention, make sure that she moves less and rests more. It is advisable for the puppies to stay in their mother's belly for a week. When the dog is lying down, you can feel the puppies to see how they move in the uterus.

The female begins to secrete colostrum from her nipples, which is a harbinger of childbirth. She worries, looks for a comfortable, quiet place for childbirth, lies most of the time, getting up only to eat and perform natural needs.

Further care

After your first-time dog has finally given birth to her puppies, it's time to give her a thorough cleaning. But don't give her a full bath or she'll catch a cold. It is also advisable to take your pet for a walk

Pay special attention to caring for newborn puppies: stock up on cotton diapers and wash them regularly. It is better to avoid woolen bedding and fabrics made from other materials at first, since it will be much more difficult for you to keep them clean. Related article: The most popular types and interesting breeds of shepherd dogs

Related article: The most popular types and interesting breeds of shepherd dogs

Cotton diapers can be safely soaked in “Whiteness” or an alternative product. Thus, you will take care of the health of babies susceptible to external infections. Pregnancy with a young German Shepherd will not be too burdensome for you if you prepare in advance to care for your pet at home.

Changes in behavior

Newborn puppies will spend about 90 percent of their time sleeping during the first few weeks of life. This is more than 22 hours a day, but you can’t sleep right away.

The puppies will snooze day and night, staying warm with their littermates and the mother's body warmth. In between sleeping, they spend the rest of the time eating and caring for their mother. Newborn puppies eat approximately every two hours or more often.

Since newborn puppies can't see, hear or walk, they don't need to explore much early on. A puppy's world is mom, littermates, and the crate in which they all sleep.

Fifth week (28-35 days)

During this phase, the amount of amniotic fluid increases, which makes it difficult to palpate the fetus in the dog’s stomach. Puppies are no longer so susceptible to developing abnormalities. They develop claws, whiskers, and genitals. At 30-32 days, the size of embryos is up to 2 centimeters, at 33-34 - 2.7 cm. Body weight is 20% of the weight of newborn puppies.

On the 33rd day, the palate tightens or completely closes. If this does not happen, the puppy is born with a pathology incompatible with life - a cleft palate.

The female gains weight, this is due to the presence of amniotic fluid and the rapid development of the fruits. The dog should receive enhanced nutrition, fractional feeding, in small portions. Under no circumstances should you give your animal medications or chemicals, as they will inevitably harm the offspring.

During this period, it is advisable to conduct an ultrasound examination to determine how the future offspring develops and whether they have any abnormalities. An ultrasound can also determine the number of puppies.

Last weeks of pregnancy

From the 50th to the 57th day, the fetuses are already fully formed and grow from 12 centimeters to 15. The expectant mother mainly lies and licks herself, and movements of the puppies can be seen in the stomach. On the 58th day, if you press on the nipples, milk will appear.

On the 59-62nd day you need to be ready for labor; it can begin at any time. Stock up on necessary medications and equipment. Measure your temperature in the morning and evening. The day before birth it drops sharply.

On the 63rd day, the amniotic fluid breaks and the cervix dilates. The next day, hormonal changes occur. The uterus contracts intensely, which causes contractions. Puppies are not born in a row, but at short intervals.

Be sure to use this dog pregnancy calendar for the days your pet is pregnant. And do not leave her unattended; at any moment you may need the help of a veterinarian.

Last days before giving birth

You can find out that birth is approaching by looking at specific vaginal discharge from the animal. Most often, they appear after the dog wakes up or when urine is released. At this time, you need to monitor your body temperature. Approximately 20-24 hours before delivery, the temperature will drop by 1-1.5 degrees. In addition, a change in the pet’s behavior will also indicate the onset of labor: she begins to look for something, dig a “hole” in the floor. When the dog begins to sit down and fuss, you need to prepare to receive newborns - no more than an hour and a half remains before their appearance.

Pregnancy in a domestic dog should be under the constant supervision of the owner, who has first aid supplies on hand, as well as the phone number of a veterinarian. Attention and care are the key to successful pregnancy and birth of healthy puppies!

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