“Hush, Bobik!”: 8 reasons why your dog barks all night

Do you love your dog, but are you not ready to tolerate the dog barking all night long? Well, we understand you! However, before you try to calm your pet down, it’s worth figuring out why the dog made noise in the midst of your sleep in a warm bed.

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We want to share one little secret with you: if there are no objects in your house that disturb your dog, then the dog is just trying to tell you something!

We will tell you about the probable reasons why a dog barks at night, and also show you photographs of some breeds that are particularly barking.

No. 1 The dog is bored

You will be surprised, but just like people, a pet can get bored and start inventing things to do.

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If everyone is peacefully sleeping, there are no toys or food nearby, and your four-legged friend doesn’t know how to entertain himself , barking is a great option!

Barking at other animals

It is difficult to wean an adult dog from paying attention to other animals. In order for the dog to adequately react to its four-legged relatives, it is accustomed to society from childhood. To do this, they go for walks with other dog walkers.

The owner must teach the pet to communicate with other people and animals.

The puppy is taught to be calm around pigeons and other birds. As early as possible, they are taught to use the commands “Fu!”, “No!”.

When time is lost, and an adult dog barks at its relatives and cats, a strict collar is put on it.

When she tries to bark, she is abruptly pulled back.

No. 3 Pet is scared

It is likely that your four-legged pet was frightened by some rustling sound or simply dreamed of something.

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Dogs who live in the courtyard of a private house often feel that a person or animal passing by the gate poses a threat . Especially at night, when fear's eyes are big!

What to do: the dog responds to the call

A call to the intercom or to the apartment is a danger signal for the dog. She realizes that someone outside has come and begins to react violently.

She does this in order to warn the owner.

You can stop your animal from barking at the sound of a bell in the following ways:

  • Ask someone you know to ring the doorbell and then quietly go in. The animal is calmed, petted and not allowed to bark.
  • You can also teach him to carry out a certain command when the doorbell rings - “Sit!”, “Lie down!” It is necessary to reward the animal for calm behavior and restraint.
  • There is another effective method. They ask a friend or relative to persistently ring the doorbell. They walk calmly and do not react to sound. The dog also eventually understands that there is no need to bark.

The animal should not pay attention to the noise in the entrance. To do this, they ask someone to rustle and talk loudly outside the door.

The dog is calmed down, and if it makes a voice, it is severely scolded.

#5 Attracting attention

Did you forget to pet your pet, or maybe his water bowl was empty? The dog will certainly let you know about this by barking loudly! In this way, the dog is trying to attract your attention, which he may lack.

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This is especially true for puppies, who need increased protection and assistance from the owner. If you ignore your pet, expect him to remind you of himself “with his voice”!

The dog barks at people - how to stop it

It is very unpleasant when a dog barks at passers-by. This behavior indicates that the animal is not socialized enough.

The dog simply doesn’t know how to behave in society and it’s the owner’s fault.

To wean yourself from reacting to people with your voice, you can do this:

  • They take the dog on a short leash.
  • They go to a crowded place. You need to walk at a brisk pace or run.

The dog does not have time to concentrate on someone, so it will not react to passers-by.

When the pet gets used to running among people and not making a sound, they move on to the next stage. They also go for a walk in a crowded place, but walk at a slow pace. If the pet reacts to people, the leash is pulled sharply.

You can pat the dog by the ears or distract him with a toy.

You can also stop barking at others by distracting the dog with commands. She begins to follow the orders of her owner, so she stops reacting to strangers.

There are cases when dogs rush at neighbors in the entrance.

They believe that this is their “territory” and fiercely protect it from strangers.

In this case, a representative of large breeds is severely reprimanded. It will be good if he wears a strict collar. Don't forget to wear a muzzle.

Small dogs (Japanese chin, Yorkshire terrier, dachshund) are picked up and taken outside.

#7 Lack of physical activity

If your dog is full of energy, and a walk during the day was not enough for him, his pet will not be in danger of sleeping at night. Moreover, he, as the owner, does not threaten you either: the dog will bark all night so that you stay awake with him for company.

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To avoid such troubles, simply allow your dog to have an active day followed by a restful night!

Tips for dog lovers

If you are faced with such a problem, then you need to show your four-legged veterinarian. Perhaps such barking is caused by stress or even problems with internal organs.

Consider how comfortable your dog is at night. If you lock her in a room or put her on a chain, then she may simply be expressing her dissatisfaction.

You should not hit the animal or use aggression towards it. This will provoke not only barking, but also biting at you. Try to find the cause of the problem and solve it without using force.

No. 8 Just like that

Yes, there are such cases. This is especially true for dogs that belong to “barking” breeds. These cute creatures don’t even need to just bark!

The editors of Moore TV have prepared a bonus for you - 8 photos of the most “talkative” dog breeds!

No. 1 Chihuahua – a baby with a loud bark

Photo source: readersdigest.ca

No. 2 Basset Hound – lover of “communication” with family

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No. 3 Fox Terrier is a “talkative” hunter

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No. 4 Pomeranian Spitz – a sparkling and smiling “talker”

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No. 5 Dachshund – a lover of “chat” in a loud voice

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No. 6 Pekingese – a touchy but charming “interlocutor”

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No. 7 Yorkshire Terrier – a small “bell” in the house

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Extreme and not recommended measures

In addition to the weaning methods listed above, there are other options. Most of them are inhumane and harmful to health, so they are used only in extreme cases.


The safest alternative is the use of sedatives made from herbal ingredients. They reduce excitability and cause drowsiness, but are not suitable for long-term use. Such medications do not solve the problem forever, but only help to cope with the situation at a certain point in time. For example, sedatives will be useful during a move, until the dog gets used to a new home, or during the New Year holidays, when fireworks are making noise everywhere.

Special collars

Another safe option is to use a collar with aroma oils. As soon as the animal begins to bark, the fragrant oil of lavender or citronella begins to evaporate. The dog hates the smells of these plants, therefore, having figured out the relationship, he stops raising his voice.

More severe options include an ultrasonic or electric collar. The first produces an unpleasant, frightening sound that is not perceptible to the human ear, and the second delivers a small electric shock.

The downside of such devices is not only the discomfort, but also the suddenness. Out of fear, the animal may whine, start howling, or even lose control of its bladder.

In addition, the animal does not always see the connection between the voice and the action of the collar. It begins to be afraid not only to bark, but to do anything at all. It is better to spend time training than to intimidate the animal.

Ligament cutting

The most cruel method, prohibited in a number of countries. Surgery on the vocal cords leads to complete loss of voice or a change in tone.

In addition to surgical risks (heart complications, severe bleeding, laryngeal edema, death), there is a high probability of developing mental disorders. Due to the impossibility of communication, fearfulness and aggression worsen. The recovery itself takes a long time and is accompanied by severe pain in the damaged throat.

Reasons for Loud Behavior

Frequent barking does not mean that the dog is an empty-headed dog. The voice is the main way of expressing emotions. This is how animals express both negative and positive reactions to any event.

The main reasons why a dog barks at trifles:

  • Excitement – ​​the pet hears extraneous noises or finds itself in an unfamiliar situation.
  • Fear - the animal is frightened by loud sounds, such as fireworks and fireworks. We need to help him stop being afraid of external stimuli.
  • Lack of communication - the pet is alone for a long time in a confined space. Animals, unlike humans, do not know how to entertain themselves on their own. By barking they try to attract the attention of the owner.
  • Play – dogs are quite emotional. Carried away by a fun game, they bark, expressing joy.
  • Aggression - even the most well-mannered and calm dogs periodically get angry: at other four-legged animals that cross the boundaries of what is permitted, or at people who encroach on their territory.
  • Jealousy – a pet may not like the fact that the owner is petting another animal. Then he barks loudly, showing displeasure.

To stop a dog from barking, you need to identify the reasons for the unwanted behavior. Having eliminated the source of discomfort, you can begin education.

Long and monotonous barking for no apparent reason may indicate health or mental problems.

Owner methods: reviews

Owners who managed to succeed in weaning their dogs from loud barking acted as follows:

  • patiently developed obedience, rewarding the pet for correct actions;
  • if the pet barked only in the absence of people, we tried to pay less attention to it half an hour before leaving and after returning home - the difference in sensations when the owners were at home and when they were not there was not so striking;
  • distracted the animal with toys - the dog forgot about barking and happily indulged in entertainment.

Household training takes from 1 to 3 months. During this time, lessons should be repeated daily, patiently correcting unwanted behavior. In most cases, once the cause of the discomfort is eliminated, dogs stop barking at everyone.

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