Burning facts: what is the size of the penis of an elephant and other animals

Initially, both the testicles of a male dog and the ovaries of a female dog are located in the abdominal cavity: in females everything remains this way, but in a male dog, the testicles subsequently descend into the scrotum - a special sac formed by the skin and the muscular elastic membrane. This happens because sperm require a lower temperature for normal development.

It is considered normal if both testicles are descended into the scrotum - if this is not the case, then the male will not be able to impregnate the bitch and leave offspring, and if only one testicle is descended, the male retains sexual activity and fertility, albeit reduced. However, such males are not allowed for breeding work due to the fact that this undesirable trait is inherited.

General information [ edit | edit code]

The structure of the penis in animals is quite diverse, but it always starts from the anterior wall. In turtles, crocodiles and some birds, the penis is unpaired and is a groove-like thickening of the ventral wall of the cloaca. Under the groove there is a fibrous body and an accumulation of cavernous tissue, when it swells, the groove turns into a tube. At the end of the tube there is an organ separate from the wall of the cloaca, which is blown out like a head. The tubes of reptiles fused in the middle form the penis of oviparous animals, which in a calm state hides in a pocket of the abdominal wall. In viviparous women, due to reduction of the posterior part of the cloaca, the penis is placed externally. In marsupials, rodents and insectivores, its apex is turned backwards. The penis of elephants, hyraxes, rhinoceroses and tapirs is oriented similarly in a calm state, but during an erection in these animals it turns forward. The position of the penis with the apex forward in placentals is caused by the development of the perineum. Gradually, a number of animals developed cavernous bodies of the penis. Most mammals (marsupials, cetaceans, carnivores, pinnipeds, rodents, bats, prosimians and some monkeys) have an unpaired bone in the terminal part of the penis - the baculum, which is absent in humans, cattle and horses. Also, in accordance with the two vaginas of females, the penis of marsupials is often forked, with each half having its own branch of the genitourinary canal.

Reproductive system of a female Pomeranian

Female dogs have external (vaginal vestibule, labia, clitoris) and internal genital organs - ovaries (primary paired sex gland), fallopian tubes, as well as the uterus and vagina.

The structure of the female genital organs

As you already know, in females the ovaries are located inside the abdominal cavity and perform reproductive and hormonal functions. The ovaries contain eggs, they are located in follicles, which are several layers of cells that protect the eggs from damage and provide them with nutrients.

As the period of estrus approaches, some follicles change their size, becoming larger: now the egg inside the follicle floats in the follicular fluid, which contains a huge amount of hormones. This fluid is of no small importance both in the process of fertilization and in the formation of pregnancy. When estrus begins, the follicle ruptures, fluid flows out of it, and the egg is released. This process is called ovulation . The ruptured follicle turns into a corpus luteum and begins to produce a hormone that prepares the bitch for pregnancy. But the released eggs are not yet capable of fertilization; they mature for three days in the fallopian tubes.

For information: treatment of any disease with the help of hormonal drugs can be dangerous for the health of the bitch, because foreign hormones change the hormonal balance in the dog’s body, causing various disorders of the reproductive cycle, the fertilization process and the development of embryonic deformities. Be sure to consult a specialist.

To fertilize one egg, only one sperm is needed; entry for the rest becomes impossible, and they die from enzymes.

If a bitch has had sexual intercourse, for example, with two males, this means that there can be puppies from both males in the litter, but each puppy can only have one father. Therefore, if you allow an accidental mating, it is almost impossible to figure out who is whose father later. Such litters are not registered.

Functions of the female genital organs

Puberty in Pomeranians occurs quite early - at 8-12 months , sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. But it is not recommended to breed either females or males at such an early age. Their body has not yet finished forming, it is not properly strengthened, so it is not able to withstand the load of such force caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and also feeding offspring. Early matings are extremely undesirable; they cause unwanted physiological changes and various diseases that are difficult to treat.

If you refer to the rules of various clubs, then you can start mating when the bitch is one and a half years old. But still, by this age the final formation of the dog’s body has not yet occurred. Dog breeding practice shows that the optimal age for starting mating for both males and females is considered to be the age of two years (bitches can be mated until they reach 8-9 years, and males - 10). During this time, you will be able to analyze the frequency and regularity of your pet’s estrus, receive certificates on the basis of which you can draw a conclusion about the advisability of using the bitch for breeding, and check the dog for dysplasia.

It is worth taking the issue of the first mating very seriously. All dogs are individual, everyone develops physiologically differently. Therefore, it is best to plan the first mating for the third estrus - dog breeding practice shows that it is at this age that the chance of getting healthy offspring is maximum.

Source: www.puppypom.com

Species characteristics of the penis [ edit | edit code ]

Despite the variety of forms, studies in the field of embryology have shown that the penis in vertebrates developed once, and not several times, as previously thought. [1]

Mammals[ edit | edit code ]

The mammalian penis consists of a root, a body and a head, which in turn is distinguished by a corolla and a neck [2]. The penis begins on the tuberosity of the ischium of the pelvis with two legs. The legs form a body, which is located in the perineum. On the upper surface of the body of the penis there is a small groove in which nerves, arteries, and veins are located, and on the lower surface there is a groove for the genitourinary canal. The body of the penis ends with the glans, which is equipped with a large number of nerve endings, giving it increased sensitivity. In some animals, the penis forms an S-shaped curve that straightens during erection.

The basis of the penis is made up of three cavernous bodies. Two of them, starting from the tuberosities of the ischium, unite to form the body of the penis, the third is the cavernous body of the urethra, surrounding the urogenital canal and smoothly passing into the spongy body of the glans. The cavernous bodies consist of a dense tunica albuginea, forming numerous partitions inside, between which there are large communicating spaces that are heavily filled with arterial blood during sexual arousal. In some animals, at the base of the penis, a genital bone is formed from fibrous tissue, which performs a supporting function (carnivores, pinnipeds, cetaceans). The shape and structure of the glans, the size of the penis, the degree of development of its cavernous and spongy formations in different species of animals have characteristic differences, but in all animals the glans of the penis is in a calm state in the cavity of the preputial sac. In many mammals, the size of the penis when erect is larger than when the penis is not erect.

Typically, a mammal's penis is proportional to its body size, but it varies greatly between species—even between closely related ones. For example, the erect penis of an adult gorilla is about 4 cm long; The adult chimpanzee is significantly smaller (in body size) than the gorilla, having a penis size approximately twice that of the gorilla. By comparison, the human penis is larger than that of any other primate, both as a proportion of body size and in absolute terms [3] .

Horse-like [edit | edit code ]

The stallion's penis is very thick; the head in an erect state is a mushroom-shaped formation with a diameter of 12-15 cm due to the well-developed cavernous body of the head of venous origin. On the lower surface of the head there is a fossa with a process of the urogenital canal (length 1.5 cm). The length of the penis is 50-80 cm, there is no S-shaped bend. The prepuce sac is double, consisting of an outer and an inner prepuce (leaves). [4] [5]

Donkeys, zebras, and other members of the family have a similar structure with variations in size.

Proboscis [edit | edit code ]

Proboscis preserved the primitive method of reproduction of the first ancestors of mammals. Despite its impressive size, the elephant's S-shaped penis, sometimes reaching more than a meter in length, is not intended for insertion into the vagina, but only for leaning against its entrance. The sperm is sprayed with considerable effort and enters the vagina on its own (another archaic feature: the testicles of proboscideans are located inside the body, next to the kidneys).

Bulls [edit | edit code ]

In a bull, the penis is thin and long, with a point at the end, and has an S-shaped bend [6]. At the tip of the penis there is a neck of the glans, a process of the urogenital canal and a weakly defined glans. On the neck of the head there is a suture - a ligament twisted to the left. During erection, the diameter of the penis increases slightly, but when the bends are straightened, its length reaches 100-150 cm. During ejaculation, the tip of the penis bends and turns around its axis, describing an almost complete circle with a diameter of 12-14 cm. The terminal part of the penis is placed in the prepuce the sac located in front of the scrotum, closer to the navel. [5]

Goats [edit | edit code ]

In a ram and a goat, the penis is thin and long, at the tip there is a process of the urogenital canal 3-4 cm long (in a ram it is S-shaped, in a goat it is straight), which vibrates during ejaculation, spraying sperm into the vagina during natural insemination . During erection, the diameter of the penis increases slightly, but when the bends are straightened, its length reaches 30 cm. The body of the penis, without any special boundaries, passes into the head, which at its pointed end has a left-handed spiral twist. [4] [5]

Pigs [edit | edit code ]

The boar's penis is thin and spirally twisted at the end. The ligaments that retract the penis into the prepuce begin from the sacrum and pass to the penis near the back of the S-shaped bend. The length of the penis during erection is 46 cm [7]. In the upper wall of the anterior part of the prepuce there is a blind sac - the preputial diverticulum. [4] [5]

Canids [edit | edit code ]

In a male dog, in the anterior part of the penis there is a bone 8–10 cm long, covered with the cavernous body of the glans. The upper edge of the bone is convex, at the bottom there is a groove in which the urogenital canal passes, and at the front it is built up with cartilage or fibrous tissue. The head of the penis is long and cylindrical with a pointed end. At the base of the male’s penis, during erection, the so-called “bulbs” swell, which increase in size (about 5 times compared to the normal state) and prevent the penis from being removed from the bitch’s vagina. The prepuce has two leaves on which lymphatic follicles are located at the base of the head. The length of the penis is up to 15 - 20 cm, depending on the size of the breed. [8] [5]

Similarly for wolves, foxes, and other canines.

Reproductive system of a male Pomeranian Spitz

Sperm in a male dog is formed in paired sex glands - testes. In addition to the testes, the male also has accessory sex glands, the secretion of which is necessary to maintain the viability of sperm, and also plays the role of lubrication during sexual intercourse.

The reproductive function of the penis is to introduce seed (sperm) into the female genitals. penis consists of a head, body and root, which are covered by the skin of the body; the head of the penis is covered by a leathery sac called the preputial sac, or prepuce, as well as the foreskin. During sexual arousal, blood flows to the penis, it enlarges, tenses and emerges from the prepuce - this process is called erection . In addition to the cavernous bodies, the rigidity of the penis is given by the bone that runs along the urethra. During various complications during mating, a fracture of this bone is possible, which does not bode well for the male dog - he will lose the ability to mate.

The structure of the genital organs of a male dog

Advice : if you notice that your pet licks the genital organ too often, and the edges of the prepuce are swollen and red, in order to avoid infection, you need to treat the cavity of the foreskin with warm boiled water or a weak chamomile solution (to relieve inflammation). An infection can develop because protein secretions and urine residues accumulate in the prepuce.

If, in addition to all this, you notice purulent discharge, contact your veterinarian immediately! Do not delay, this is very serious: after all, the result of any disease of the genitourinary system can easily become infertility. Do not try to self-medicate under any circumstances.

Some infections can be transmitted sexually.

Functions of the male genital organs

Large dogs - name of the breed

Everyone knows that we choose friends based on personal liking for appearance, character and quality of attitude towards ourselves. The same can be said for dogs, who are widely considered to be a little better at friendship than humans. In addition, four-legged friends are excellent guards and defenders. This is why someone prefers to have a large dog of large breeds as a friend.

What breeds of large dogs are there?

If you delve into the literature, you can find a lot of interesting things, because there are exceptionally large dogs that are simply stunning in their size.

    For example, here is the first very large breed of dog - deerhound. Height from 70 cm, weight up to 50 kg. These dogs were bred back in the 16th century to bait animals and hunt deer without weapons. Does not feel pity for prey.

In second place on the list of the largest dog breeds in the world is the Akita. Height up to 70 cm, weight up to 54 kg. The breed was bred in Japan for hunting and was used for a long time as a fighting dog. An excellent defender.

The next step is occupied by the Irish Wolfhound. Height from 79 cm, weight about 55 kg. This hunting breed was developed by the Irish Celts. The dog has a very strong and muscular body.

The Caucasian Shepherd is considered a very large breed of dog. Height is about 70 cm, weight is on average 50 kg. This handsome guy was bred about two thousand years ago. The pet’s beautiful and thick fur allowed him to stay in the cold for a long time, doing his main occupation, protecting the sheep flock.

The Newfoundland ranks fifth in the ranking of the largest dog breeds in the world. It is very big and very beautiful.

Height from 70 cm, weight about 70 kg. Used as a sled dog for carrying heavy loads, swims well.

The Neapolitan Mastiff ranks sixth on the list. Height up to 80 cm, weight up to 75 kg. An ancient breed, they are descendants of watchdogs. In ancient Rome it was used for baiting animals, and over time it began to be used as a guard.

The seventh largest dog breed in the world is the Leonberger. Height up to 70 cm, weight up to 75 kg. A beautiful dog with a balanced temperament, he can be an excellent guard and family member.

  • Saint Bernard (from French - Saint Bernard's dog). Hero of family films and TV series. Representatives of this breed are very large, very beautiful and very smart. Height up to 70 cm, weight up to 120 kg. Initially used by monks to save people injured by an avalanche.
  • Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. Height up to 72 cm, weight up to 54 kg. They have a very violent temperament and need training from childhood. They love their family very much, they are cheerful and active.
  • The tenth largest dog breed in the world is the Great Dane. Height up to 80 cm, weight up to 90 kg. These animals are truly gigantic in size and, despite this, have a very calm and friendly character. A representative of this breed, a blue Great Dane named George, was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2010 as the largest dog in the world. At the time of setting the record, he weighed 100 kg. Its length from tail to nose was 221 cm.
  • Should you take your dog with you on bike rides?

    Cycling is one of the best ways to spend more time with your pet, because they miss us so much and are happy about every minute devoted to them.

    Sometimes you want to take your dog with you on a bike ride, but, as a rule, you are faced with many tasks, and sometimes you are simply too lazy or have no time to find a solution. In the meantime, your pet continues to wait for you at the doorstep of your house while you ride in the park in the fresh air.

    But we will show you how to make cycling comfortable for you and your dog!

    The first thing you need to do is adequately assess your dog, its size, weight, age and character.

    Even if you have a young puppy, it is better to be on the safe side and have the heart checked by a veterinarian. And if no contraindications are found, you can start rolling the dog a little at a time.

    In any case, it is better to gradually accustom the animal to cycling so that it falls in love with this method of transportation. The main thing is not to scare the dog, otherwise when he sees the bicycle he will have frightened eyes and restless paws.

    The experience of developed countries shows that dogs love to ride a bicycle as well as drive a car. And it’s better to start doing this from puppyhood.

Saint Bernard (weight – 80-100 kg, height – 70-90 cm)

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The history of this breed originates from the Swiss Alps, full of dangerous mountain passes. It is believed that in the 11th century such dogs not only guarded the monastery of St. Bernard, but also helped the monks in searching for travelers lost in the snow and fog. The name of the monastery gave its name to the breed.

The large size of St. Bernards and their dense thick fur, as well as powerful paws and an excellent sense of smell, helped the dogs find people even under a two-meter layer of snow. Thanks to their keen hearing, these dogs can hear an avalanche approaching. In 1983, research conducted by Americans showed that such a talent allows dogs to distinguish sounds with a frequency of up to 46 kHz, while the human hearing threshold is 20 kHz.

Today, these gentle and sensitive giants are rarely used as rescuers, but they feel great in families, where they quickly become friends with children. The popularity of St. Bernards grew significantly after the Beethoven film series in the 1990s.

English Mastiff

This breed was created in Great Britain in 1883. Initially, English mastiffs were used for gladiator fights and baiting large animals. They were also used for military service and to supervise slaves.

Interesting fact. English Mastiffs are the largest dogs in the world. An adult male weighs approximately 113 kilograms. The height at the withers is about 76 centimeters.

There is a known case when a dog of this breed weighed 155 kg. Its height was 93 cm. Due to its stubborn nature, this dog is difficult to train. It is usually kept in private homes or on farms. The dog is perfect for people who have children.

German dog

This breed was developed in Germany in 1888. The dog is known for its impressive size and fairly good physical shape.

Weighs 50-90 kilograms. The height of males at the withers is 80-90 centimeters.

Great Danes are very calm and friendly dogs. They get along well with children and also easily tolerate living with other pets. Great Danes perfectly sense the mood of their owners. They don't like to be alone.

Moscow watchdog

  • Height: 68-78 cm
  • Minimum weight: 45 kg

The Moscow Guard is a fairly young breed of large-sized dog, which was bred in Moscow nurseries by crossing St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherds and hounds. It turns out that when at home, the dog has the good-natured disposition of a lazy, well-fed St. Bernard, but as soon as he goes to training, he is already a ferocious “Caucasian”. The breed was specially bred for watchdog purposes, which it does with success. For all its obedience and extraordinary intelligence, the dog is distinguished by its aggressiveness, excellent reaction and endurance. She gets along well with those who are part of “her” family and is ready to protect and serve. During training, aggression towards the dog should in no way be shown, because the response will not be long in coming.

Saint Bernard

This breed is native to Northern Italy and Switzerland. It appeared in the mid-17th century by crossing Tibetan mastiffs with local dogs. The monks living on the hills used this huge and resilient dog to save people who were injured by avalanches.

The average weight of St. Bernards will vary from 65 to 120 kilograms. The height at the withers of an adult male is 80 centimeters.

Saint Bernards have an easy-going character. To stay calm, they try to avoid small dogs. This breed is suitable for family people.

Neapolitan Mastiff

This majestic and large mastiff was bred in Italy. One of the oldest breeds of dogs was originally used to protect people and their property.

Adult dogs weigh 60-70 kilograms. The height at the withers for males is about 70 centimeters.

Despite its menacing appearance, the Neapolitan Mastiff is very friendly and sociable. They are attached to their owner and do not tolerate competition, so they are reluctant to make contact with other pets.

Russian greyhound (weight – 36-60 kg, height – 75-86 cm)

This rating also includes representatives of the ancient Russian breed. Russian greyhounds are sophisticated and graceful creatures. Such dogs were first mentioned in documents of the 13th century. Five centuries later, greyhounds became the favorites of Russian nobles and tsars.

Strong, dynamic and light dogs could accelerate to 90 km/h, which made escape from the prey pointless. Leo Tolstoy, an avid hunter, wrote about this breed: “A dog runs with its heart, not with its legs.” Today the Russian Greyhound is one of the top 15 hunting breeds in the world.

But outside of hunting, these animals are very calm and even delicate, without intruding on the owner or even disturbing him with their barking. But in return, greyhounds expect similar politeness towards them. These dogs endure punishment very painfully. And it was the Russian greyhound that received the honor of becoming the symbol of the Russian Canine Federation.


This breed was bred in the city of Leonberg, which is located in Germany. The breed appeared in 1846 as a result of crossing Pyrenean mountain dogs, Landseers and St. Bernards. Leonbergers in appearance resemble lions with thick double fur.

The height of male dogs varies from 72 to 80 centimeters. An adult dog can weigh 77 kilograms.

These large dogs with even temperaments love children. They can become loyal friends and companions for their owners.

Alabai (weight – 50-80 kg, height – 70-75 cm)

The Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog, has been serving man since very ancient times. Thus, in Turkmenistan, archaeologists found terracotta figurines of the 2nd-4th centuries, which are dedicated to large, broad-chested dogs with an impressive head. For centuries, these shepherds have protected their owners, guarded houses and herded herds. It is only outwardly that Alabai seem slow - they have a quick reaction and a difficult, stern disposition.

Alabais are also known as Turkmen wolfhounds. Today the breed is considered a symbol of this country. And in November 2022, a 15-meter gilded monument to Alabai was even erected in Ashgabat. The largest representative of the breed lives today in Russia. A shepherd named Bulldozer weighs 125 kg and eats 5 kg of meat and 10 liters of porridge per day.


This breed first appeared in Canada. The dog was originally used to transport heavy loads.

The average weight of males is 68 kilograms. They can grow up to 76 centimeters.

With powerful hind limbs, Newfoundlands can swim quickly in the water. This dog has a double coat that helps it stay warm in low temperatures. Newfoundlands are known for their intelligence and loyalty. They do not show aggression towards people.

Penis development

The external genitalia are formed during the embryonic period and first have the appearance of an indifferent genital eminence located in the midline in front of the cloaca opening. Soon it turns into a genital tubercle, on both sides of which genital folds are formed, and behind - genital ridges. By this time, the cloaca is divided into the rectum and urogenital sinus. The opening of the urogenital sinus is visible between the genital folds. In the male fetus, the genital tubercle lengthens greatly and turns into a penis, the genital folds grow together to form the urogenital canal, and the genital ridges become the scrotum.

Anatolian Shepherd

This ancient dog breed was developed in Turkey. In ancient times, Anatolian Shepherds were used to hunt large animals, as well as to protect livestock from predators.

Males grow up to 80 centimeters and weigh about 65 kilograms.

The Anatolian Shepherd is physically resilient. She loves to play with children and is very good at learning various commands. This dog is ideal for owners of private houses, cottages or farmers.

Irish wolfhound

The tallest greyhound breed. They range in height from 71 to 89 cm, and weigh from 53 to 84 kg. Initially, they served in wars and hunting, where they were most often used in wolf baiting.

Their legs are long and strong, thanks to which Irish Wolfhounds achieve great speed while hunting. And although they are used to bait wolves, these giants cannot be an excellent guard dog / And all because they do not bark and are not very aggressive.

Pyrenean mountain dog

The breed was created in France. Peasants used these large and beautiful dogs to guard their homes and livestock. French aristocrats preferred to keep them in their palaces and castles.

Males weigh on average about 55 kilograms. Their height reaches 80 centimeters.

Pyrenees Mountain dogs are not suitable for living in city apartments as they need to be constantly on the move. They are friendly towards small children and pets.

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