Grain-free or grain-based dog food: which is healthier?

The best manufacturers have filled the market with popular dog food models. Which product is best to buy depends on many factors. What should you pay attention to to avoid making mistakes when choosing? To balance the composition. It must fully satisfy the animal’s caloric needs, promote growth and harmonious development. Manufactured products differ in functionality, characteristics, ingredients, and packaging weight. For food to be healthy, you need to choose it correctly. We'll talk about the best grain-free dog foods below.

What types of food are there?

The market is filled with popular dog food models. Manufacturers produce the following types of goods:

Dry (granular)The main ingredients are soybeans, rice and corn. Reputable brands produce dog food containing lamb, duck, and fish. The average cost of the product is high, but it is more profitable to purchase them. They help quickly saturate your pet’s body. The granules contain concentrated calories. Canned food contains a large amount of water. The best option for large breeds. The main advantage is that it keeps teeth in good condition. Teeth and gums practically do not become inflamed, but this does not mean that it is necessary to neglect brushing the animal’s teeth.
Canned (wet)Most products have an unpleasant odor. Purchased mainly for older four-legged animals. Found with fish, meat and poultry. Many animals prefer this type of food. They like the smell and taste. According to buyers, it is necessary to pay special attention to the information on the label. Low-quality products include water, the content of which reaches up to 80 percent. Quality canned food may contain large pieces of vegetables. The inexpensive product consists of rice flour and bran, including brewing rice.
Semi-moistThe packaging weight is negligible. The appearance is attractive, however, a review of reviews shows that the components used in manufacturing are harmful to the pet. They have a high sugar and water content. Constant consumption of semi-moist food will lead to obesity and deterioration of dental health. Where can I buy them? In specialized retail outlets or order online in an online store. However, their shelf life is minimal.

Based on the growth of the animal, feed is produced:

  • for large breeds;
  • for small breeds;
  • for medium breeds.

The age of the animal is also important. Products are available for puppies and adults.

Main product classes

Regardless of whether the products are for small or large breeds, they are divided into the following categories:

  1. Economy class. Can't boast of quality. It's inexpensive. Second-class ingredients are used in production. Meat is replaced with meat and bone meal. High content of corn, soy and animal fat. Flavorings, preservatives and artificial additives are used. It is consumed in large quantities, since the energy value is minimal. The products can be found in any supermarket. There are advertisements on every corner. The average price is minimal due to the use of cheap components. Animals quickly consume it, as the taste is enhanced by calcium and sodium salts, as well as phosphorus.
  2. Premium class. High quality products are used for manufacturing. The list of ingredients includes poultry and fish. A large amount of rice and natural plant ingredients (potatoes, beets, carrots). Flavoring additives, dyes and vegetable proteins are present, but in small quantities. Consumption is economical. Digestibility is 75 percent. The energy value indicator is above 350 kcal/100 g.
  3. Super premium class (holistic). The quality of the products is excellent. Products are produced with lamb, duck, salmon, poultry and beef. In production, oat, barley and flax grains are used. Vitamin E is present as a stabilizer. The use of dyes is not provided. The percentage of digestibility is 83, which significantly reduces the volume of product consumption. Energy value is 450 kcal/100 g.
  4. Dietary. They differ in composition depending on the disease the dogs have. A set of microelements and nutrients is required. Veterinarians are also involved in the development of feed. Before hitting store shelves, products are tested for compliance. It is worth noting that dietary foods do not belong to the category of medicinal foods. They are not able to eliminate the disease. No medications are used. The combination of available ingredients allows you to reduce the load on the diseased organ, which promotes rapid recovery. This food is purchased only as prescribed by a veterinarian. It is not recommended to use this food on your own for your pet.

Which product is better to buy depends on many factors, including the financial condition of the owner. You should avoid selling feed in bulk. It is better to buy a large bag or control the pouring from it into the bag. However, it is worth considering that if the bag is opened, the food may become moldy, become damp and become unusable. Consumption of such a product will lead to upset of the animal’s digestive system and allergic reactions. If you don't want to spend money on a veterinarian, don't skimp on food.

Read the label carefully. There is a list of ingredients used. The one with the most content comes first. The sign "chicken and rice" doesn't mean anything. These components may not be present or may be present in minimal quantities. Read the composition. The next step is to find the barcode and determine the country of origin.

Decide on meat. There are several main options: beef, turkey, chicken. For an animal suffering from allergies, it is worth taking a closer look at products with lamb, salmon or bison meat. If you see the sign “offal”, don’t rush to admire the low price. Inside there may be heads, claws, feathers and paws of unknown birds.

Main ingredients:

  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • cereals;
  • corn gluten;
  • corn;
  • other components (egg or egg powder, herbs, vegetables, fruits, algae, yeast, chondroitin, glucosamine, probiotics, vitamins, minerals);
  • antioxidants and preservatives (herbal extracts, oils, vitamins C and E).

It is prohibited to purchase food in the production of which the following was used:

  • chocolate;
  • raisin:
  • grape;
  • corn cobs;
  • onion.

FDA study on the relationship between diet and cardiomyopathy in dogs and cats

In July 2022, the FDA announced it was beginning an investigation into reports of dilated cardiomyopathy possibly associated with grain-free foods.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is the thinning of the walls of the ventricles and atria of the heart due to degenerative processes in muscle fibers. As a result, systolic dysfunction develops: the ventricles contract poorly and stop releasing into the vessels the normal volume of blood necessary to maintain life. The consequence of the disease is death.

Many dogs and cats consuming certain foods labeled grain-free develop dilated cardiomyopathy, a study has found. The researchers note that these foods contain large amounts of peas, lentils and other legumes, as well as potatoes in various forms (whole, flour, vegetable protein, etc.) as the main ingredients (listed in the first 10 points). Many of the cases involved breeds of dogs and cats that do not have a genetic predisposition to the disease.

The FDA Center and the Veterinary Laboratory Investigation and Response Network, in collaboration with US government and veterinary diagnostic laboratories, began investigating the cases and their association with feed in 2022, which continues today. Based on the data collected and analyzed to date, the agency believes the potential link between diet and cardiomyopathy is a complex scientific issue that may involve multiple factors.

Cases reported to the FDA

As part of its investigation, the FDA defines a “case” as an illness involving a dog or cat with a formal diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy. Many of the reports submitted to the FDA had extensive clinical information, including echocardiogram results, cardiac and veterinary records, and detailed nutritional histories.

Between January 1, 2014 and April 30, 2022, the FDA received 524 disease reports (515 reports in dogs and 9 reports in cats). Some of these reports involved more than one affected animal from the same family. The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates there are 77 million pet dogs in the United States. The majority of affected dogs in the United States ate pet food without apparent development of cardiomyopathy. It is not known how often dogs develop the disease, but increasing reports signal a potential increase in cases in dogs without a genetic predisposition.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a recognized genetic condition in dogs, typically large and giant breeds (Doberman, Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, etc.), as well as cocker spaniels and golden retrievers. The pathology is less common in dogs of small and medium breeds, although reports of their diseases also exist in more than one case. The disease is associated, in particular, with taurine deficiency.

Taurine is a sulfonic acid formed in the body from the amino acid cysteine. Most mammals are capable of biosynthesizing taurine, but for cats, taurine is an essential sulfonic acid, the deficiency of which leads to retinal degeneration and cardiomyopathy. Dogs are able to synthesize taurine from food of animal origin, but for this to happen, its precursor cysteine ​​must be supplied with food in sufficient quantities and absorbed.

Genetic forms of cardiomyopathy typically affect large and giant breed dogs from middle to older age. Cases reported to the FDA spanned a wide range of breeds, ages, and weights. There may be a genetic basis for some cases, or a combination of genetic tendencies and diet, scientists suggest.

Dietary information from reported cases

Most reports focused on dry dog ​​food formulations, but raw, semi-moist, and wet foods were also reported. The graph below is based on disease reports that include information on feed brands, and some reports name multiple brands. Brands named ten or more times are listed below.

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There are few cases of disease in animals fed a natural diet.

Grain-free food for cats and dogs - anti-rating

The best, according to many, grain-free food for cats and dogs are in first place in the number of cases of disease. Whether this is due to their quality or wider distribution is not specified.

Product labels were reviewed to determine whether the product was grain-free (corn, soy, wheat, rice, barley, etc.) and whether it contained peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans and potatoes, including sweet potatoes. Because many products contained peas and/or lentils, a separate category for the study was created called “Peas and/or Lentils.” More than 90% of the products were grain-free, and 93% of the products contained peas and/or lentils. A much smaller proportion of feed contained potatoes.

Perhaps the legumes and potatoes in the feed are to blame? The sources of animal protein in the reported diets varied widely, with many diets containing more than one protein source. The most common proteins in the diets reported were chicken, lamb and fish. Some diets contained atypical sources of protein: kangaroo, bison, duck, etc. No single source of animal protein was predominant, that is, so far scientists do not see a connection between the animal component of feed and the development of cardiomyopathy.

Product Testing

Through July 2022, the FDA tested several products for minerals and metals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine) and amino acids, including taurine, cysteine, and methionine. This testing revealed no abnormalities. Since July 2022, products labeled as grain-free and grain-containing have been tested against the following criteria:

  • protein;
  • fat;
  • moisture;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • cystine, methionine and taurine.

The average percentages of protein, fat, total taurine, total cystine, total methionine, total methionine-cystine, and resistant starch on a dry matter basis (that is, after all moisture has been removed) were the same for all foods. Additional tests are now being carried out.

Taurine and amino acids

Research shows that taurine is generally not considered an essential amino acid for dogs because dogs can synthesize it from cysteine ​​and methionine. (For cats, taurine is an essential amino acid - MURCOTICS). Almost all grain-free foods had methionine-cystine values ​​above the minimum requirement. But the FDA is gathering information to understand whether taurine absorption may play a role in reports of canine dilated cardiomyopathy.

Assumption of the editors of the site "MURKOTIKI"

Legumes, which are used as a substitute for grains and a source of protein in grain-free feeds, contain inhibitors of trypsin (an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of proteins). Trypsin inhibitors block the enzyme, significantly reducing the absorption of proteins by the animal's body. Cardiomyopathy is a consequence of a lack of taurine, and legumes and potatoes contain substances that interfere with the breakdown of proteins (you can read more about potatoes here, and about enzyme inhibitors in general here). Thus, cardiomyopathy can develop as a result of the fact that the body of dogs and cats simply cannot normally absorb the proteins contained in the food. That is, the culprits of the situation may be legumes and potatoes in grain-free feed. Apparently, FDA experts also have this suspicion, since they began to study the problem of taurine absorption from grain-free foods.

This opinion is indirectly confirmed by the fact that among the sick animals, most of them ate food containing legumes, and about half as many animals ate food without legumes, but with potatoes. The fact is that potato inhibitors and legume inhibitors differ (among all plant inhibitors, legume inhibitors are the most powerful) - this may be the reason for the large difference in the percentage of patients consuming food with legumes and patients consuming food with potatoes.

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Golden Retriever Data

Research suggests that golden retrievers may be genetically predisposed to taurine deficiency, which is important in the development of dilated cardiomyopathy. Veterinary cardiologist Joshua Stern of the University of California, Davis, has studied the increase in cases of dilated cardiomyopathy in golden retrievers, including a potential dietary link. In many cases, Golden Retrievers are deficient in taurine. Pet owners who suspect their golden retrievers have the condition may want to consult with their veterinarian to discuss testing taurine levels and performing an echocardiogram.

Another puzzling aspect of the surge in cases of dilated cardiomyopathy is that it has only occurred in the last few years. The FDA is working with pet food manufacturers to better understand whether changes in ingredients, ingredient sources, processing practices, or formulation may have contributed to the development of dilated cardiomyopathy.

Grain-free feed

In addition to the main groups of feed, there are two additional ones on the market:

  1. Holistic. It is made using ingredients that people consume. Based on the characteristics, they belong to the super-premium type. They are in high demand among four-legged owners due to their high calorie content. Feed consumption is minimal. The quality is top notch.
  2. Low grain and grain free. Instead of grain, fiber and various starches are added to the feed. Considered anti-allergenic. They belong to the inexpensive category. The list of ingredients includes meat ingredients and starch. Considered a complete food for large and small dogs.

The benefits of grain-free food are obvious. Dogs belong to the category of carnivores. The structure of the teeth, mouth and digestive system are geared towards eating meat. For them, protein is the ideal source of energy. Which company to buy a product depends on many factors. Experts advise giving preference to products where the amount of meat in the total volume is at least 80 percent.

According to veterinarians, the presence of a large amount of protein in food has a positive effect on kidney function.

Grain-free products are recommended for overweight pets, as well as young and active animals. Everyone's selection criteria are different. How to choose the optimal food is not an easy question. Experts advise taking into account the activity level, health status and age of the dogs. Many manufacturers put information on the packaging: “for puppies” or “for active dogs.” Study the label carefully and give preference to a trusted brand. It is also necessary to find out whether there is confirmation from the official control association confirming the quality of the product.

The advantages of grain-free food are as follows:

  • satisfying the animal's food needs;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • maintaining the proper level of digestive processes in animals;
  • providing the body with amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts;
  • improving the condition of teeth and coat;
  • Providing a positive impact on the health of your pet.

In order for a dog to be cheerful, alert, playful, healthy, fully developed and delight its owners, it is necessary to choose the right food.

Rating of high-quality premium grain-free dog food

Farmina N&D, grain-free, for sensitive digestion, lamb, with quinoa

These products fall into the category of popular lines designed for sensitive dogs. The composition contains only useful and well-tolerated components that cannot cause an allergic reaction in animals. Lamb food is one of the few products that dogs readily switch to. The composition is selected in such a way that it does not cause discomfort in the stomach area and can be used on a daily basis. It should also be noted that there are a number of auxiliary components that make the food as healthy and balanced as possible. Lamb meat and pea starch are a key source of protein. Helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The average price of a new product is 8,650 rubles.

Farmina N&D, grain-free, for sensitive digestion, lamb, with quinoa


  • balance;
  • the animal becomes cheerful and active;
  • joint protection;
  • absence of components that can cause allergies;
  • numerous positive reviews;
  • can be used on a regular basis.


  • high price, although justified.

Bosch Soft, buffalo with sweet potato

This food is intended for sensitive breeds. The product belongs to the semi-moist category, but bears little resemblance to ordinary canned food. It comes in the form of dry granules that are incredibly soft. The food has a rich taste due to the use of a rich formula. An excellent solution for the most picky pets. The texture of the treat is pleasant and soft, making the food easy to chew. The smell is pleasant, but not intrusive. Suitable for all breeds, without exception. Designed for both everyday use and training. Soft and tasty croquettes are suitable for animals suffering from sensitive digestion and problems associated with the oral cavity. It is digested faster than its analogues, and no strong fangs are required for gnawing.

How much does a large package cost? The purchase will cost 8566 rubles.

Bosch Soft, buffalo with sweet potato


  • humidity coefficient is 19%;
  • speed of absorption;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • soft and juicy croquettes;
  • suitable for sensitive digestive systems;
  • can be used for training.


  • The food turned out to be too tasty, which is fraught with rapid weight gain.

Nutram T26 lamb

This product is produced in Canada, which indicates high quality. Belongs to the natural category. It does not contain chicken or other allergens. This grain-free product is designed specifically for animals with sensitive digestive systems. Also, the manufacturer does not use additives or second-rate products that could cause an increase in acidity or slow down the digestive system. It contains a huge amount of pumpkin, apples, legumes, quinoa and lamb meat. A number of prebiotics are also used, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of housing and communal services and help remove toxins from the body.

A large package can be purchased at a price of RUB 8,276.

Nutram T26 lamb


  • hypoallergenic;
  • universal size granules;
  • quality holistic;
  • A complex approach;
  • value for money;
  • use of natural ingredients.


  • Not a wide selection of packaging.

Primordial for puppies chicken and fish

This holistic food is considered one of the most balanced foods on the market. Designed for small puppies. It is characterized by the presence of a significant amount of fish and meat in the composition. It comes in the form of granules that can be easily chewed with small sharp teeth. For one kilogram you will have to pay about 500 rubles. The price is affordable compared to the previously described analogues. Designed specifically for puppies, taking into account all the characteristics of a growing body. Can be used on a daily basis. The light pulp is responsible for improved digestion, which will appeal to the furry picky dog. The risk of diabetes is minimized, as is the appearance of excessive weight.

Average price – 7238 rub.

Primordial for puppies chicken and fish


  • low glycemic index;
  • pleasant taste and aroma;
  • 70% ingredients of animal origin are used;
  • intended for puppies;
  • natural composition;
  • soft pieces of the same size;
  • Excellent value for money and quality.


  • the packaging is not suitable for subsequent storage;
  • You can come across fakes on the shelves.

Rating of the best holistic dog foods

Here are the best foods based on a holistic approach, which will help you decide on the composition and features.

Go! Natural

Feed Go!
Natural Manufacturer: Canada

Food based on turkey meat. Suitable for adult dogs of large or medium breeds. Gluten free. According to veterinarians, it is an excellent addition to the main diet when it needs to be diversified. Low-temperature technology is used to process the components, preserving all the benefits of vitamins and proteins. Supplemented with pro- and prebiotics that normalize intestinal function, including antioxidants.

Allergic reactions are excluded, recommended to support the dog during the diet. Sold canned or dry in packages starting from 230 g. up to 11.35 kg.


Manufacturer: Canada

Holistic Blend – balanced nutrition with different tastes. For example, lamb with rice contains young lamb, wild salmon, whole brown rice and barley, sunflower oil, alfalfa, cinnamon, garlic and rosemary extract. Vitamins B, A, C, E, choline chloride and folic acid were added as microelements. The source of protein is meat, not offal. Chicken and Rice is a mixture of rice cereal and chicken.

Suitable for all dog breeds, regardless of age. According to the owners, the price is affordable; the food can be purchased in large centers or ordered from an online store. Dogs tolerate the transition from one species to another well.


Grandorf feed

Manufacturer: Italy, Belgium, Russia

Belongs to the low-grain class of holistic diet, containing a minimal amount of grains. The line includes flavors with rabbit and lamb.

The composition is based on 60% natural meat, 26% proteins and only 15% fats. Contains no: by-products, eggs, chicken fat, sugar, dyes, soy and GMOs. Suitable for medium breed dogs with highly sensitive digestion. The granules help remove plaque from teeth. The taste is natural, without enhancers. The dog gets full quickly. Veterinarians recommend this for those with pets who are picky about food or who have problems with indigestion. Packaged in packages from 1 to 12 kg.


Manufacturer: Canada

The Go brand has become known since the late 90s of the last century. This is a series of “holistic” products, which exclude artificial additives and dyes, enhancers, and sugar. The owner can choose the most optimal option based on the breed and conditions of detention.

  1. Go FIT plus Free is recommended for nutrition at all ages, including puppies, if there is a tendency to obesity. There are no grain crops. The composition affects the intelligence and abilities of young animals.
  2. Go NATURAL is the most popular among owners. A high level of animal protein fractions is guaranteed, with minimal proportions of plant proteins added. To satiate, 50% of the usual portion of other brands of food is enough.
  3. Go SENSITIVITY SHINE is intended for dogs with digestive problems: constipation, diarrhea, nausea. Enriched with Omega complex to improve coat quality, prevent alopecia and hair loss. The color becomes more intense and bright.
  4. Go REFRESH PLUS RENEW with high animal protein content: lamb, chicken, turkey. According to veterinarians, they are suitable for dogs undergoing serious physical activity (working, hunting) regardless of age and size.
  5. Go DAILY DEFENSE is ideal for feeding puppies and older dogs. Contains brown rice, fruits, turkey, beef, and root vegetables. Easily digestible, promote cell renewal and regeneration.

Read also: Rating of the best food for Labrador


Manufacturer: Canada

Pronature is a proven line of food that provides a complete diet based on holistic ideas about the balance of components. Completely natural, excluding GMOs, flavor enhancers and dyes.

All ingredients go through the stages of extrusion - uniform distribution of components inside the granules. When eating Pronature Holistic the following are excluded:

  • fatty meats (pork, beef);
  • a large number of grain crops.

All of them are a source of allergies and obesity.

The protein chosen is lamb, fish or chicken. Additional vitaminization occurs due to extracts of cranberries, spinach, carrots and beets.

There are several series: 21 is suitable for aging dogs, increasing life expectancy; 22 – the best food for adult dogs; 26 - for large breeds, 28 is designed for puppies.


Feed Now
Manufacturer: Canada

Nau food is one of the top 10 leaders in balanced nutrition for dogs of all breeds. It is based on poultry fillets (turkey, duck), wild animals (deer), fish (trout, salmon). Vitamin E was chosen as a preservative, enriching the cellular composition and promoting rapid regeneration. The volume of the coat increases, it becomes thick and pleasant to the touch.

Designed for dogs prone to allergies and obesity. The wealth of fruit and berry extracts (banana, raspberries, mango, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, papaya) makes it possible to maximally vitaminize the dog’s diet and create conditions for an active motor mode. According to the owners, the disadvantage is that the price is too high. The advantage is seen in its versatility. High quality is ensured by the complete absence of grains that cause allergic reactions.


Summit feed

Manufacturer: Canada

Balanced food that does not contain corn, gluten, or wheat. Chemical derivatives are completely excluded. Based on extracts of dried lamb and chicken. The high protein content (28%) ensures rapid growth of musculoskeletal tissue, joint strength, and length of time for walking and activity.

Fractions of flour from eggs, trout and meat make it indispensable for young and adult dogs of different breeds. Potassium, choline and sodium chlorides serve as a source for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems.

Disadvantage - it is difficult to buy in Russian stores.


Acana food

Manufacturer: Canada

All ingredients for Akana food are caught in the Pacific Ocean or grown in Canada.

Everyone distinguishes 4 types.

“Classic”, which includes 45% meat from turkeys, ducks and chickens. Only 5% by-products. Almost a quarter of an oat grain. About 20% vegetables and fruits. Suitable for dogs leading a sedentary lifestyle.

“Heritage” contains seafood (herring, flounder), 70% meat, 35% fresh vegetables and fruits. Recommended for those prone to obesity and overweight as the main diet, regardless of temperament.

“Regional” consists of 70% poultry, and the rest is fruits and vegetable fractions. Best suited for aging dogs prone to diabetes and shortness of breath.

“Singal” is similar to the classic one, but contains extracts of plants that stimulate immunity and cell growth (lily of the valley, burdock, lavender) to increase the activity of medium-sized dogs (height at the withers does not exceed 40-50 cm).

When choosing Canadian food, you need to take into account both the high price and the specificity of production and its shortage. It is considered ideal for older dogs that have difficulty moving.


Manufacturer: Italy

Completely hypoallergenic food, in which the composition is as close as possible to the diet of predators. Some of the products are produced in Serbia, Norway, and Brazil. The ingredients do not contain grains, GMOs or dyes. Potatoes, vegetables, and fruits are used instead.

Several options are presented from the holistic series:

  • for puppies and young dogs (up to 3 years old) food with chicken and pomegranate;
  • for adults, combinations: fish-orange, boar-apple, lamb-blueberry.

The composition is enriched with prebiotics, extracts of medicinal herbs, fatty acids for digestion and hair growth. Recommended as the main diet, regardless of the dog’s age, breed, or behavioral characteristics.


Abba food

Manufacturer: Germany, Netherlands

The Holistic series contains up to 80% natural meat and is considered the best among its analogues in terms of composition and owner preference. Based on dehydrated lamb or poultry meat, the pellets contain only muscle structures and no by-products. The composition is enriched with wild rice, peas and corn - sources of plant proteins.

To grow muscle tissue, fish meal and salmon oil are added. For the first time, the effectiveness of the components was noticed on dog breeds called “herding” (collie, mini-collie). They ate fish with pleasure, and the wool became much better. The productivity of the gastrointestinal tract is ensured by beet juice, carob, dried grapes and apples. Fortification with iodine, copper and zinc helps to form strong immunity.

Regardless of age and breed, Abba products are highly valued by veterinarians; they are recommended as the main diet after illness, injury, or infection. It increases energy and endurance.


HILL'S food

Manufacturer: USA

The invention of the Hill's feed formula has a centuries-old history. The products are constantly being improved and are popular all over the world. The basis of high-quality holistic food is the following components:

  • high content of animal protein from dietary meat breeds (up to 30%);
  • sources of carbohydrates are corn and wheat;
  • beet and carrot pulp help with digestion;
  • fish, chicken fat, flax seed and vegetable oil are sources of easily digestible fats;
  • fortified supplements and microelements to nourish cells.

Read also: Rating of the most effective anti-flea drugs for dogs

Despite the recognized quality, the holistic product of this company does not deserve due attention due to the large number of grains. These are sources of allergies and gastrointestinal problems.


Artemis food

Manufacturer: USA

Belongs to the “6 star” category of food. It is considered unusual in composition, as it includes:

  • lactobacilli for digestion;
  • there are no cereals, instead potatoes, carrots, and fruits are added;
  • Indispensable components for the diet are blueberries, cranberries, rosemary extracts, green tea, yucca plants, chicory root and brown algae.

It has a minimal protein content and is therefore suitable for dietary nutrition and weight loss programs in dogs.


Orijen food

Manufacturer: Canada

It occupies a leading position among similar products. Does not contain cereals. The diet includes 70% animal proteins, excluding by-products. Instead of cereals, potato starch, carrot substrate, and other root vegetables are used. Crushed bone meal and chicken eggs are used to build bone tissue cells. In order to prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract, probiotics are included in the composition.

Suitable for large breeds prone to active movement and thick coats.


Wellness food

Manufacturer: USA

The term “wellness” means good health, care for health. Feed manufacturers adhere to the same concept. For best quality, highly effective components are selected:

  • no vegetable protein is used;
  • animal protein is obtained from poultry, lean beef and lamb;
  • Potatoes and legumes are used instead of carbohydrates;
  • tomatoes are used for fiber;
  • cranberries provide prevention of urolithiasis;
  • chicory extract helps cope with cardiovascular problems, normalize heart rhythm, and cleanse the pancreas;
  • sources of fatty acids are flaxseed oil and salmon fish oil.

Wellness Kore food is perfect for all breeds without exception. Useful for those who are prone to urolithiasis after castration.

Now Fresh

Now Fresh food

Manufacturer: Canada

Considered a universal holistic treatment for all dog breeds. Does not contain chicken or gluten, which cause allergic reactions. Manufacturers are proud of the possibility of human consumption, since each granule contains the maximum balance of nutrients.

NOW Natural holistic is formulated for puppies up to 15 months of age. No soy, meat and bone meal, corn. The pet will receive the highest quality protein with a high rate of absorption. A balanced composition of fats, probiotics, and omega acids ensures intensive growth and improves blood supply to tissues and internal organs. Ideal proportions (70% meat, 20% vegetables and fruits, 10% vitamins and minerals) help grow a puppy into a strong, healthy, active and cheerful dog.


Canidae food

Manufacturer: USA

The food is recommended by veterinarians as the main diet and daily nutrition of large breed dogs. Advantages:

  • protein of animal origin only;
  • mineralized supplements are completely natural;
  • There are no chemical components in the form of odor enhancers.

Plant oil and vitamin extracts (C, E, PP) are used as a preservative.

It is not very common in Russia. Due to the high price, it is not in wide demand.

Almo Nature

Almo Nature food

Manufacturer: Italy

AlmaNature is a leader among European producers of high-quality feed. Meat and fish are used as protein.

There are several lines of food on the market designed for the age, breed, and health of the pet.

Rice, which is presented as a side dish, is an anti-allergenic component, being an antioxidant. Among the products you can find canned fish, lamb, and chicken. They serve as a supplement to the main diet and promote better absorption of substances.

Based on the breed and size of the dog, dry granules are different. They help clean the mouth and remove plaque. The dog is quickly satisfied due to the carefully selected composition of ingredients.

TOP-best grain-free dog food under 7,000 rubles

Wellness CORE Ocean, salmon, tuna

One of the best fish products, which contains salmon (45%). Despite the cost, trout is not used by the manufacturer. The product has high nutritional value, while chicken is absent, as are other animal proteins. The cost is more than affordable, provided that the composition contains prebiotics, fruits, berries, vegetables and fish oil. Grain-free food with fish eliminates the risk of an allergic reaction, because some animals are intolerant to certain types of meat. The food is classified as dietary and does not contribute to excess weight. Can be used as a daily diet. Suitable for both medium and large breeds. The packages are equipped with clips, which facilitates the subsequent storage process.

Average price – 6585 rub.

Wellness CORE Ocean, salmon, tuna


  • pleasant aroma;
  • eliminates the risk of an allergic reaction;
  • lack of animal proteins;
  • 45% - fish;
  • practical packaging;
  • high-quality and inexpensive holistic;
  • hypoallergenic formula.


  • specific taste.

Monge BWILD Feed the Instinct, duck and potatoes

This product is designed specifically for small breeds, and is characterized by the presence of a balanced composition. The granule diameter is 10 mm. It should also be noted that there is no chicken, a key allergen in such foods. A new product on the domestic market, which has already acquired furry admirers. The presence of a balanced composition is noted, in which there are no allergens. A great way to quickly and painlessly switch to a grain-free diet. The food is thoughtful and contains 65% animal ingredients. The key source of protein is duck meat. There are also a number of prebiotics, such as brewer's yeast. The food has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints due to the use of glucosamine and chondroitin.

The price of a large package is 6555 rubles.

Monge BWILD Feed the Instinct, duck and potatoes


  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, coat and skin;
  • heals joints;
  • absence of citrus fruits, chicken and other allergens;
  • pleasant taste and aroma;
  • presence of prebiotics.


  • an overbalanced composition can lead to obesity;
  • several packaging options.

NOW FRESH for senior dogs with turkey, duck and vegetables

This product is designed for older dogs who need a balanced diet. Allows you to control the weight of the animal and even lose a little extra pounds if necessary. The best option for Spitz dogs, who are picky eaters, like many other miniature dog breeds. The shape of the granules resembles clover petals, which can be easily chewed with teeth. Can also be used for larger breeds such as pugs and dachshunds.

It is as balanced as possible. It includes duck meat, salmon, peas, potatoes, egg and turkey fillet. Proteins are healthy and are well absorbed by tiny stomachs. Do not cause allergic reactions. New Zealand mussels, chondroitin and glucosamine are used as useful supplements. Such components have a beneficial effect on the condition of ligaments and joints.

Average price – 6412 rubles.

NOW FRESH for senior dogs with turkey, duck and vegetables


  • numerous positive reviews;
  • active use makes the pet slimmer, more active and playful;
  • wide range of packaging;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • presence of meat ingredients;
  • small clover-shaped granules.


  • not identified.

ORGANIX grain-free, duck, turkey, chicken

Compared to most expensive analogues, food from this brand is supplied not only in small packages, but also in huge bags. An excellent solution for families with several pets. The pieces are large, but bite easily, which eliminates the risk of quickly absorbing the norm. An excellent choice for owners of large breeds. The product of a time-tested domestic manufacturer is in deserved demand, largely due to the optimal price-quality ratio. Despite the price, the composition contains 20% chicken meat (dehydrated). The component belongs to the category of allergens, which should be taken into account during the selection process. There are also a number of prebiotics available. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and joints. An excellent solution for pets who are prone to various diseases of the joints and spine. An inexpensive solution that is suitable for everyday use. Animals love the taste and aroma of the product.

How much does a large package cost? The purchase will cost 3,757 rubles.

ORGANIX grain-free, duck, turkey, chicken


  • numerous positive reviews;
  • pleasant taste and aroma;
  • good digestibility;
  • 28% meat (as in most inexpensive formulations);
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Excellent value for money and quality.


  • not identified.

Canine Celiac Disease and Grain-Free Foods

This disease appeared in veterinary medicine relatively recently. Her research and the use of special types of food by doctors have revealed an interesting pattern: due to an allergy to grain-containing foods, dogs may develop chronic diseases of the skin and ears, and joint pain. Many veterinarians strongly advise using a diet for dogs that completely eliminates grains, which contain gluten. These cereals include:

  • Barley;
  • Rye;
  • Wheat.

Gluten intolerance (also called celiac disease) has a number of associated symptoms, including digestive difficulties, heartburn, chronic fatigue and skin conditions. Due to permanent pain in bones and muscles, the dog may lose its former activity. But the most striking manifestations of such a disease include the occurrence of diarrhea and itching, with the complete exclusion of infectious diseases. Hence the conclusion: the use of grain-free feed is by no means a tribute to fashion, but a necessary reality.

Development of celiac disease

Glutens are carbohydrates that can cause destruction and damage to the villi on the walls of the small intestine, which can subsequently disrupt the entire digestive process, because damaged villi will not be able to absorb nutrients in the required volumes. The key to normal digestion in four-legged pets is the duodenum. The villi with which it is covered from the inside atrophy in individuals sensitive to the adhesive properties of glutens. Therefore, a nutritional disorder occurs, which is very difficult to diagnose even through clinical observations. Thus, by removing grains from the diet (as the main source of carbohydrates), manufacturers of grain-free food replace them with vegetables and fruits, which compensate for the lack of vitamins that the animal’s body previously received from the grain component. This is how your dog gets the maximum amount of carbohydrates.

IMPORTANT! It is always worth remembering that, unlike humans, dogs are not highly dependent on carbohydrates, because their main diet has always been animal protein. By and large, ordinary food only destroys the dog’s nutritional system, because most of it contains carbohydrates rather than the usual protein. In turn, most veterinarians believe that only protein can ensure a dog’s full health.

Nevertheless, if we do not take into account the development of celiac disease, then the issue of a balanced diet will permanently remain relevant. Too many carbohydrates can cause not only digestive difficulties, but also lead to diabetes, excess weight gain, joint pain and other medical problems.

Total carbohydrate level

The absence of grain in the diet will not always mean a reduction in carbohydrates consumed, because there are foods in which the percentage of this component will be up to 55%, despite the fact that cereals are completely excluded from the composition. Some pet owners prefer to choose types of food where the protein content significantly exceeds the carbohydrate content. The dog will like this type of food more, while at the same time maintaining optimal digestion, improving the health of the skin and coat, and forming more elastic muscles without excess fat. Using a grain-free food can be a good alternative, however, it is not suitable for all dogs. For some, cereal supplements may be essential. For example, maintaining a low protein level along with a high carbohydrate level will be an excellent solution for those individuals who have a very sensitive stomach. Filling the diet with a high-quality grain component can help such an animal lead a healthy lifestyle, although it will go against traditional canine protein requirements.

Rating of high-quality grain-free feeds up to 3000 rubles

Pro Plan Optidigest, for sensitive digestion, turkey

Despite the well-advertised brand, the company's products will cost less than competitors' products. This grain-free food can be found in every pet store, without exception. During the selection process, you should pay attention to the “grain-free” label, which is not available on every food in this line. Inexpensive option. The basis is the use of high-quality fiber, the source of which is carrots, not cereals. An excellent choice for those dog owners whose pets suffer from allergies to cereal components.

Regular use helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Also present are prebiotics, Omega-3s and powdered eggs. The consumption of goodies is at a high level. The dog will not suffer from poor appetite. The granules are soft, small and moderately hard. The percentage of meat product containing is small, but sufficient for animals on a diet.

Average price – 2999 rub.

Pro Plan Optidigest, for sensitive digestion, turkey


  • complex of nutritional supplements;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • granules are small in size, easy to chew;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • can be used on a regular basis.


  • some meat in the composition;
  • There are traces of soy flour and vegetable proteins.

Purina ONE beef from the Mini line

The product is from a time-tested American manufacturer and is produced at the largest European enterprises. The food falls into the category of inexpensive but healthy. The composition, which can compete with premium segment products, deserves special attention. The line turned out to be small but effective. It is based on the use of a grain-free formula, which is intended for small breeds.

If you have significant health problems with your four-legged friend, you should not include the product in your diet. The manufacturer uses beef pulp and vegetables, which are seasoned with a juicy and aromatic gravy. It is perfectly digested by the weakened stomachs of small dogs. Also in the list of ingredients it should be noted the presence of antioxidants.

How much does a bag cost? The purchase will cost 2482 rubles.

Purina ONE beef from the Mini line


  • common products that are found in every market, without exception;
  • small and juicy pieces;
  • excellent digestibility;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • can be used on a regular basis.


  • not identified.

Grandorf – rabbit with sweet potato

This product offers excellent value for money. It deserves special attention that there are no by-products in the composition. Fillets of meat, poultry and fish are used as a key source of proteins. There are no legumes, grains or other allergens. The line includes both grain-free and low-grain content products. You should not give preference to the second option if the animal has a sensitive digestive system. Fruits and vegetables are sources of fiber. A number of minerals and vitamins are responsible for improving the performance of the musculoskeletal system. The composition shown on the packaging reflects the real picture.

The price of a large package is 2000 rubles.

Grandorf – rabbit with sweet potato


  • ideally stimulates the active functioning of the immune system;
  • vitamin complex;
  • presence of minerals;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • pleasant taste and aroma;
  • can be purchased at a specialized retail outlet;
  • balance.


  • it is inconvenient to store an open package;
  • difficult to find in online stores.

Royal Canin Medium Dermacomfort dry food for dogs of medium breeds prone to irritation and itching

The product is from a time-tested French brand and belongs to the middle price segment. The line contains products for dogs of different breeds, ages and sizes. The complex can be used on a regular basis. It is based on the use of a grain-free composition, which will be an excellent preventive remedy for pets suffering from itchy skin and other problems associated with the epidermis. It can be prescribed as a dietary food for four-legged animals that are more than one and a half years old.

The use of an unusual formula that can satisfy all the needs of a maturing pet’s body deserves special attention. The composition is rich in minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids (Omega-3/6). Perfectly satisfies hunger. The cost of packaging is high, however, it is completely justified.

Average price – 1523 rubles.

Royal Canin Medium Dermacomfort dry food for dogs of medium breeds prone to irritation and itching


  • suitable for animals with sensitive skin;
  • well balanced composition;
  • innovative formula;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • replenishes energy balance;
  • the animal becomes active.


  • difficult to find on shelves.

Types of Holistic Dog Foods

The naturalness of food is distinguished by specifications for the characteristics of pets, so there are separate types for each category.

For puppies

During the dog’s intensive growth, the musculoskeletal system, musculoskeletal system, and hair quality are formed. With age, the coat changes, puppy fluff falls out, the coats and undercoat of long-haired pets become stronger. In short-haired breeds (for example, boxer, dachshund), it is important to pay attention to the adherence of the hair to the skin.

Activity ensures the formation of a toned body contour. During this period, it is important to pay attention to intensive training and training, allowing you to raise an obedient pet with excellent exterior qualities.

Holistic food for puppies includes all the necessary components that support growth: collagen, proteins, microminerals.

For adult dogs

With age, feeding behavior develops, the dog acquires a special appearance characteristic of the breed, and reproductive features appear. Holistic food includes a large amount of protein fractions and vitamins that help maintain healthy teeth, muscles, grooming, and active life.

For older dogs

Aging is accompanied by various diseases, ranging from arthrosis to cancer. During this period, it is important to provide a balanced diet to avoid disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. It is important to maintain the possibility of motor activity, despite the gradual decline of physiological functions. Holistic food for older dogs is selected based on health and behavior problems.

Read also Food for small breed dogs - rating of the best for 2022

For small breeds

Small dogs often suffer from problems with digestion, urolithiasis, and joints. Fractures of the extremities often occur due to the specific structure. For such dogs, food is produced in small granules that are easy to chew and do not spoil the composition of tooth enamel. They are better absorbed and enable the dog to show greater endurance and resist dangerous viral diseases.

For large breeds

Depending on the size of the dog, holistic foods are tailored to the breed's characteristics. The larger the dog, the more nutrition is needed to maintain energy balance. Holistic food granules are large and help clean the oral cavity and maintain strong bone tissue.


This type is more suitable for those dogs that experience dental problems: caries, periodontal disease, habitual dislocation of the jaws. This type of holistic medicine is intended as an additional therapy after infectious diseases. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes peristalsis. It is recommended to give it periodically to all breeds, regardless of problems.


Allergies are a common cause of inconvenience for both dogs and owners. Bulldogs, a short-haired breed, are especially prone to this. Scratching, pimples, and wounds that take a long time to heal appear. Holistic food is completely hypoallergenic and helps dogs resist allergenic factors such as flowering plants, city dust, and violations of their usual diets. It eliminates itching and swelling, normalizes the microflora of the mucous membranes.

For sterilized dogs

Sterilization disrupts hormonal levels, so small doses of natural substances are introduced into this type of food to help normalize metabolic processes. These can be estrogens, testosterones, prolactins, which eliminates diseases of the endocrine system and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Males become more active and resilient, females do not experience syndromes associated with false pregnancy.

For weight loss

Some dog breeds, such as pugs, French bulldogs, and Labradors, are prone to obesity. This occurs due to overeating, problems with the absorption of nutrients, reduced activity due to a phlegmatic or melancholic character. Holistic foods of this type contain substances that activate the hormonal system and normalize weight.

For gastrointestinal diseases

It is difficult to predict what exactly will affect the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: improper diet, past infectious diseases, antibiotic treatment. Each factor leads to disruption of the entire system. This manifests itself in the form of constipation or diarrhea, excessive gas formation, indigestion, cholecystitis. Substances are added to the food to promote better absorption of nutrients, normalizing the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and stomach.


This type of food is effective in cases of allergies to cereals. They are difficult to digest, despite the source of formation of ATP acids for muscles. The functioning of the intestinal tract and cerebral circulation improves. There are no poorly digestible carbohydrates, which helps in the fight against obesity.

Attention! Only a veterinarian can tell you which food to choose. It is necessary to take into account the breed, character, behavioral characteristics, age and previous diseases.

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