Instead of a personal life, women have dogs. Female Bestiality.

The dog's position in sex is perceived as depraved, but at the same time exciting and unusual. Few people know how to enjoy it and understand how many options it has, how many pleasant sensations it gives to partners. Standard sex in this position will immediately turn into a depraved action that two people can enjoy. Are there any disadvantages to this position and how to properly prepare to get the maximum possible pleasure - later in the article.

Why do women love dogs so passionately, so irrepressibly?

Apparently, somewhere in the mind there is a pattern: We men think that a lonely woman should get a dog precisely because of loneliness. However, is this so?

Representatives of companies that breed dogs report that more and more single women are getting animals, including dogs. And the most interesting thing is that these women are active and young.

Over the past year in Russia, among new dog owners, 60% are young representatives of the fairer sex who do not have a family or children. And such women get dogs to brighten up their loneliness, to have a friend, a living creature nearby. You can love a dog with unspent love and take care of it.

But is that the only thing?

And this situation has been observed for many years. Women who do not have the opportunity to arrange a personal life, constantly doing work and devoting almost all their time to it, acquire a four-legged friend. And this is understandable: the animal greets affectionately, never betrays, protects the peace and home of the owner and always gratefully accepts the expression of a woman’s feelings. Often beloved dogs find a place for themselves in the bedroom near the mistress’s bed.

Scientists conducted a survey of the country's male population and found out: the majority of the stronger sex (81%) believe that having a dog is a significant plus in the eyes of a woman during dating.

And once again the question - But is this the only problem?

After interviewing two thousand men, the researchers obtained the following data:

  • 30% of representatives of the stronger half of humanity met women while walking a dog, and the fair sex was the first to approach and start a conversation;
  • 15% of men are sure that having a dog increases his chances of dating the girl he likes along with his personal attractiveness;
  • 25% of respondents admitted that a four-legged friend helps create the image of a responsible person who is ready for a serious relationship.

A survey of the female half of the UK population showed that men are not mistaken:

  • more than 50% of women consider having a dog an excellent excuse to meet the man they like;
  • 70% of the fair sex do not know a better way to start a conversation with a dog owner than to pet his pet;
  • The most attractive men are considered to be owners of dog breeds: Dalmatian, Chow Chow, Spaniel, Hound, Labrador, Collie and Golden Retriever.
  • Here are the standard thoughts of a woman with the bestiality disorder: “Now I understand women who initiate divorces. It’s better to have a dog than to live with people like you!”

Useful tips3

Finding the ideal dog position is easy if you take into account your own preferences and know what your partner likes. Useful rules will help you get the maximum possible pleasure without pain and excessive self-control.

  1. Foreplay before such poses is required. If you start active movements right away, then your partner will feel pain or discomfort from rubbing. A few minutes of work on sensitive areas and you can move on to the main thing.
  2. You need to start moving slowly. It’s only in porn films that the actress is ready for anything and won’t make a sound during deep friction. It will immediately be unpleasant for your partner, but after half a minute you can give vent to your feelings and begin to move in the way that is comfortable and pleasant.
  3. If exotic options for positions tempt you, you should think about sportswear in advance. Do you have enough strength and endurance to move in an unnatural position for a long time or is it better to choose a simpler option, but with a greater variety of movement.
  4. Changing several positions, where the man is behind you, will help diversify sex and not get hung up on one option. There are a lot of variations to have time to caress your partner, kiss and cuddle.

  1. Sex in which the man is from behind does not mean that the woman is playing the role of a living sex doll. You can achieve orgasm from your partner faster if you take into account her wishes or ask her to adjust her actions.
  2. You should not practice this position shortly after childbirth, after surgery or during gynecological diseases. This will cause mucosal injury, cervical rupture and worsening infection.
  3. A little more lube and a strong condom will help you apply the anal sex position.

Perhaps it's an acute feeling of loneliness?

Personally, as the author of the article, I have repeatedly observed warmer than friendly relationships between WOMEN and DOGS!

I have an additional small income from the service of fostering dogs at home. I have repeatedly observed that it is single women who passionately kiss huge Great Danes, Shepherd Dogs, Ridgebacks... and other huge and shaggy DOGS! I personally saw how such male dogs had their red pussy erect and exposed when they met their mistresses!

What do you think – maybe it’s not just about unconditional love? We read sex with dogs and a Male for a Lady.

Several elite kennels have appeared in Moscow, where dogs are trained... in lovemaking with women.

If once upon a time women indulged in debauchery with sacred goats, now the dog occupies the first place in female bestiality. Mostly single women - widows, divorcees and old maids - resort to animal sex services. They teach cats and small dogs to engage in oral sex, and have real sexual intercourse with large male dogs.

Furry lovers

Cons 2

If the choice fell on the dog position for sex, then you should evaluate the disadvantages in advance. A penis that is too small will simply slip out if a woman spreads her legs too wide, and the lack of visual contact with a man can delay her orgasm. There is no romance in the doggy style position; it is created for those who love animal sex with all passion and do not see the point in long tenderness and kisses.

A partner with a very large penis will not be able to fully move in this position. The head will put painful pressure on the cervix and instead of pleasure, there is a chance of ruptures and injuries to the mucous membrane. Constant monitoring of the depth of insertion of the penis will not allow you to relax, and the woman will be wary of the slightest acceleration and increase in the amplitude of pelvic movements. It is not suitable for those who love kissing, neck caresses, languid and tender sex.

Furry lovers. Female Bestiality

There are several such nurseries in Moscow. A veterinarian I know works in one of them, located near the Ring Road in the Leningrad direction. Having arrived at a summer cottage fenced with a high wooden fence, we stopped at an iron gate. The guard opened the gate and we entered the territory. We went into a small brick cottage, where Andrei Demyanovich, the director, met us. Having learned about the purpose of my visit, he agreed to show us his nursery. We walked around the house and found ourselves in the annex located at the back of the cottage.

...On both walls, covered with plastic clapboard, there are enclosures - ten in total. When they see us, their inhabitants perk up and try to stick their muzzles between the bars of the bars. All dogs are well-groomed, their coat is shiny, which means the animals receive special vitamins. They are friendly: they do not bark, but caress when they see strangers.

In the director’s office over a cup of coffee, Andrei Demyanovich spoke about the work of his enterprise:

“Women who order dogs for love don’t come to me because they have a good life. Some people don’t get along with their husbands, but they don’t want to divorce or cheat (“with a dog is not cheating”). Others have tried everything and cannot get satisfaction... And some women turn to me for exotic things or want to always have a “living vibrator” at hand, which also loves you... Although, it seems to me, a psychiatrist would help them much more than I…

— How do you train dogs?

— There are 6 full-time employees in the kennel: three men - they do standard training, teach dogs the basics of protective guard service - and three women - they teach them to gently and for a long time lick erogenous zones, train dogs using special techniques, depending on the sexual orders of clients. The conditions of keeping and feeding the dogs are controlled by a veterinarian. Puppies (or adult dogs) are either brought by the customers themselves - and the nursery specialists train them, or the client just orders the breed - then we select the puppies from breeders and train them.

Dog mating

You have decided to breed your dog. Before you do this, think about it: do you have room in your apartment for the newly arrived “population”? Do you have the opportunity to quickly place puppies, and if you don’t immediately find new owners for them, can you provide them with adequate care? And if your dog is already more than 4-5 years old, will the birth take place without complications, or will you need the help of a veterinary specialist, which will require certain material and time costs? After all, the need for mating for a bitch is a delusion.

And if in nature evolution has decreed that only the strongest males leave offspring, then breeders select breeding sires based on their pedigrees, offspring and genetic qualities, since the main criterion for them is selection. However, we must remember that the presence of a pedigree is a necessary, but far from the only condition for a male dog to be used for mating.

Please note a number of conditions necessary for mating: even before mating begins, it is necessary to conduct a study in veterinary laboratories to exclude infectious diseases in order to reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact (such as a herpes virus, for example). Conduct an examination of the genitourinary organs, because any disease of the genitourinary organs can subsequently lead to infertility. Partners' genitals must be clean. Breeders need to regularly follow the rules of preventive hygiene (regularly clean dog bedding, wash floors) so that during mating there is no need to use antiseptics, which, having a toxic effect on sperm, can cause unfruitful insemination. When you are planning to breed a bitch, do not forget to carry out deworming - giving anthelmintic drugs after mating, especially during long periods of pregnancy, will either provoke a miscarriage or cause the development of congenital deformities in puppies. Before mating, it is necessary to eliminate all possible sources of infection - inflammation of the ears, gums, etc. Monitoring the condition of the perianal glands and bursae is especially important. Their blockage and inflammation can be a source of infection, contributing to postpartum inflammation and mastitis. of any medications should be avoided .

If, in the treatment of any disease, you had to resort to hormonal drugs , before mating, consult your doctor - disturbances in the fertilization process and the development of embryonic deformities are possible.

In long-haired breeds, the hair around the vulva is smoothed, parted, and sometimes cut to facilitate mating.

Knitting. After selecting the sire and determining the moment of ovulation, the bitch is delivered to the stud dog for mating. Mating should be done in the morning, after giving the bitch and dog a good walk. Usually a bitch is brought to a dog - then he feels more confident. Mating should be carried out without extraneous irritants and people. The bitch is fed on the day of mating, but not too much. It is better not to feed a male dog at all. In the warm season, knit early in the morning or late in the evening, when the heat subsides.

Mating is preceded by a short period of “courtship” and sniffing, which increases the partners’ arousal. An erection, ensured by the hardness of the penis bone and the flow of blood to the bulbs of the penis, makes it possible to insert it into the vagina of the bitch. Insertion of the penis causes contraction of the vagina, which helps to retain the penis during ejaculation, maintain an erection and promote sperm.

The “lock” phase should last at least five minutes, but sometimes it can last up to half an hour or more if the bitch’s movements contribute to the compression of the penile bulbs by the vaginal walls. In most cases, if the moment for mating is chosen correctly, the dogs cope with everything themselves, and there is no need to disturb them. You should watch them from afar (preferably using a CCTV system) to make sure that the dogs accept each other and the mating takes place. Mating without a “lock” can also result in fertilization, but fertility is reduced.

48 hours after the first, it is recommended to carry out another control mating. This is done because the time of hunting does not always coincide with the moment of ovulation and the period of egg maturation; the discrepancy can be quite significant, but there is no need to carry out more than two matings.

Considering that superfecundation (fertilization of eggs from the same ovulation period by sperm from different males) is lower in dogs than in cats, it is recommended to isolate the bitch from other males until the signs of estrus completely cease. Superfetation (fertilization of the egg of an already pregnant female) is not observed in dogs. If for some reason natural mating of the chosen partners is impossible, the breeder resorts to artificial insemination.

When breeding dogs, the following difficulties may occur :

  • discrepancy between partners' sizes;
  • sometimes there is a high aggressiveness of the dog towards the owner of the bitch, in this case the attention of the dog is diverted;
  • incorrect determination of the timing of hunting and mating;
  • anomalies in the structure of the female genital organs;
  • unsuitable condition of the bitch (too thin or too fat);
  • gynecological diseases;
  • poor condition of the male sperm (poor sperm motility or low sperm concentration).

The estrus of a mated bitch may stop immediately after mating, or it may continue. Both are normal. In both cases, you must protect your bitch from being bred again by an unwanted male.

The puppyhood of a bitch can be determined externally only at the end of the pregnancy period. In this case, there is an increase in the volume of the abdomen to the sides and downwards; whelping bitches usually become calmer; Colostrum appears a few days before birth. The presence of fetuses can be determined by palpation through the abdominal walls. The X-ray method is also used to determine pregnancy (from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy).

Tamer of the Shrew

An MK correspondent met with one of the nursery employees, Alisa. Previously, she worked in an expensive club as a prostitute, where Andrei Demyanovich found her:

— I thought, why not try? Such a “trained” dog is worth more than me, if you buy me in bulk for six months! I have loved dogs since childhood. And I love sex with dogs.

My working day is 7-8 hours. I arrive at 10. First, I walk the dog and feed it - this is necessary for trust to arise between us. Then I start studying. When a dog doesn’t know how to do anything yet, you have to fuss with it for a long time - about three hours a day. I usually practice sexual techniques with two dogs a day - a newbie and a graduate.

Paraphimosis in dogs (treatment)

Treatment can be therapeutic (cooling, anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives that reduce erection, removal of the hair ring around the penis) or surgical: stitching of the preputial opening. In severe cases, or in case of untimely treatment, when tissue necrosis has already developed due to impaired blood flow, amputation of the penis may be indicated.

In case of a fracture of the penile bone, long-term catheterization of the urethra is also carried out to prevent its injury and the development of adhesive disease.

Taking certain precautions before and after mating can help prevent paraphimosis in dogs. The simplest method is to cut off the hair around the preputial ring before the planned mating. If a male dog who has suffered paraphimosis is not intended for breeding, castration will avoid sexual arousal and, accordingly, will minimize relapses of the disease.

Video with an example of the development of phimosis and paraphimosis in a dog:

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Nonspecific inflammation of the lymph nodes develops when various pathogenic microorganisms enter the lymphatic system of the dog's body (for example, bacteria, rickettsia or viruses). In addition, the causes of the disease can be staphylococci, streptococci and E. coli. In this case, the primary source of infection can be ulcers, inflammatory processes of soft tissues, purulent wounds, as well as caries or thrombophlebitis.

In addition to nonspecific lymphadenitis, there is also specific lymphadenitis, which occurs as a complication of a serious illness in an animal (for example, tuberculosis, brucellosis, salmonellosis).

In approximately 5-7% of all visits to a veterinary clinic in Moscow, the development of lymphadenitis in a pet is provoked by other non-inflammatory factors:

  • allergies due to frequent contact with an allergen,
  • intoxication of the body,
  • significant mechanical damage (for example, from a collar that is too tight),
  • autoimmune reactions of the dog's body,
  • parasitic disease
  • reaction after vaccination of an animal, etc.

What to do at home?

The first thing to do when you notice signs of lymphadenitis is to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. This will make it possible to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and prescribe an effective course of therapy or surgical intervention (for example, if the inflammation is accompanied by purulent processes).

The next step is to provide a comfortable environment for the dog. Upon returning from the clinic, do not neglect the doctor's instructions. Give the animal the prescribed medications at a strictly defined time. Make sure that the pet is in a warm and clean place where there are no drafts. Take care of his nutrition, include more vitamins and minerals so that your dog’s strength will be restored even faster.

What is this?

Lymphadenitis (lymphadenopathy) is an inflammatory process affecting the lymph nodes. They perform a filtering function for lymph coming from various internal organs of the pet, and are located next to the blood vessels. That is why their inflammation poses a serious threat to the health and life of the animal.

Forms of lymphadenitis that can be diagnosed in a dog:

  • Spicy. All signs of inflammation develop rapidly, and the symptoms are clearly expressed. In 9 out of 10 cases with acute lymphadenitis, the animal experiences a febrile state (increased body temperature).
  • Chronic. Its main feature is the “erasure” of symptoms. They do not have the severity characteristic of lymphadenitis and arise gradually. Most often accompanied by pronounced pallor, loss of appetite, and difficulty breathing.

All dog breeds are equally prone to lymphadenitis. However, elderly pets and animals with weakened immune systems are at particular risk. Their health needs to be treated even more carefully in order to prevent dangerous consequences for the entire body.

How is lymphadenitis treated?

The key to successful treatment of lymphadenitis in a dog is contacting a reliable veterinary clinic. Here they will not only quickly and accurately make a diagnosis, but also prescribe effective therapy. In the treatment of lymphadenitis, an integrated approach is important, so the veterinarian prescribes pharmacological drugs of various spectrums of action.

Firstly, the inflammatory process is suppressed. For these purposes, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, selected by the doctor taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the development of the disease in the dog.

Secondly, hepatoprotectors (drugs intended to maintain liver function) and probiotics are prescribed. They prevent the occurrence of side effects from antibiotics, since their use must be long-term and regular.

Thirdly, a vitamin-mineral complex is prescribed. Typically, special emphasis should be placed on vitamin A (retinol), vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). They will help the dog’s body recover much faster from illness.

In cases where inflammation of the lymph nodes is accompanied by a purulent process, surgical treatment is prescribed. It is necessary to open the inflamed area of ​​tissue, and then install drainage (to remove exudate). Subsequently, the rehabilitation period includes regular application of anti-inflammatory ointments and the use of drugs to strengthen the animal’s immune system.

In some cases, your pet may be prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. For example, heat treatment (ultra-high frequency therapy) helps to quickly reduce the inflammatory response. However, it is important to consider contraindications, the main of which is the detection of malignant neoplasms (oncology).

Symptoms of the disease: when should you contact a veterinarian?

An attentive and caring owner will be able to quickly detect a disease in their pet (for example, during play). The main sign indicating the development of lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes and their pronounced increase in size. At the same time, they become painful, so the dog may react negatively to even light stroking in the area of ​​​​inflammation.

Please note that lymph nodes are located throughout the animal’s body: behind the ears, behind the jaw, in the groin, at the base of the neck, and also in the armpits of the forelimbs.

Other signs that will help you identify lymphadenitis in your pet:

  • Temperature increase.

The dog’s body temperature rises sharply, in especially severe cases it rises to 42 °C. In this case, general weakness, apathy, and chills occur. The animal refuses food and practically does not drink water. Possible sleep disturbances and severe anxiety.

  • Rapid breathing.

It becomes more difficult for your pet to breathe. He experiences severe shortness of breath even in the absence of slight physical activity (running, walking, etc.). At the same time, an increase in heart rate (tachycardia) is observed.

  • Visual visibility of lymph nodes.

The lymph nodes located behind the dog's jaw and neck are very noticeable. They increase in size and are easily palpable. Pay special attention to this if you have a short-haired dog - the lymph nodes will be very noticeable.

Have you noticed one or more signs of lymphadenitis in your pet? Don’t hesitate - urgently contact a professional veterinarian in Moscow. Self-treatment is unacceptable! Do not risk the health and life of your dog - take it to a veterinary clinic, where your pet will receive qualified care.

Diagnostics: basic methods

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a very dangerous disease. Taking into account the characteristics of lymph and its movement, the likelihood of infection spreading throughout the pet’s body increases. If you do not respond to the problem in a timely manner and do not seek professional help, then all the internal organs and systems of the pet will be affected by infection.

The main methods used to diagnose lymphadenitis:

  • thorough visual inspection of the pet,
  • careful palpation of the lymph nodes (in the groin area, under the jaw, etc.),
  • laboratory blood test to determine the level of leukocytes and eosinophils,
  • taking a puncture from a lymph node to determine the nature of the inflammation.

X-ray and ultrasound methods are widely used in diagnosing the disease. In this case, a biopsy is performed (excision of a piece of tissue for microscopic examination), which allows us to determine the main cause that provoked inflammation in your pet’s body.

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