Labradors shed during what period and how long it lasts

Grooming your Labrador's coat becomes important if the dog lives in an apartment. You can brush the hair daily, but your pet continues to shed hair. During the shedding period of a retriever, fur is everywhere in the apartment, despite daily cleaning.

Photo. Labrador coat care at home.

Shedding in Labradors during what period and how long does it last?

A limited number of dog breeds can boast of the absence of seasonal shedding and the Labrador, unfortunately, is not one of these lucky ones. In all other respects, these dogs are excellent for living in a large family, but excessive hair loss sometimes creates great inconvenience for all its members. Why does a Labrador shed a lot and is there anything I can do about it? Let's figure it out.

Owner reviews

Ivan : “You shouldn’t talk about Labradors as one big, cheerful plus. Yes, they are charming, funny, loving and friendly. But this breed is full of annoying disadvantages that can and should be dealt with. An ill-mannered Labrador is a huge child with a lot of bad habits. They love to swim, but are ready to do it in a puddle from the KAMAZ track. After bathing in the mud, they climb up to kiss strangers and the owner. They can easily jump over the fence of the property and knock down the neighbor’s child. Books have been written about their love of chewing on everything. The owner must always keep a leash and muzzle at hand in order to stop the dog in a timely manner.”

Vitalina : “My Baby is a three-year-old Labrador, a cheerful, kind, friendly dog. Perhaps the kindest I have ever met. It's impossible not to love him. But he can be annoying. He needs his owner’s attention all the time, the dog doesn’t understand that I have things to do. It's annoying sometimes. He also eats and drinks like a pig. Not picky about food and people. But I love him for who he is."

Oleg : “Probably, the ideally positive image of Labradors was largely created by the film industry. There these dogs are shown from the best side. It's not bad. But, some people take a dog into their home without understanding all the responsibility. They are waiting for a ready trained dog, like in the movies. It doesn't happen that way. The dog will have to be raised, taught and trained. Long and patient. She needs a lot of attention and human contact. This is the only way to make an excellent family companion. I would like people to take a more responsible approach to choosing this breed, weighing all the pros and cons.”

How to deal with seasonal shedding

Like other four-legged animals, Labradors are “engaged” in changing their old coat to a new one in the spring and summer. It is not difficult to guess that shedding is in full swing by the fact that all surfaces in the house and apartment are literally strewn with golden, chocolate or black hairs.

There is no need to worry or worry too much about seasonal molting, although sometimes it may seem like it will never end. This process is quite natural and all the owner can do is to take more careful care of his pet during this period.

Important! You should not overuse vitamins. Systematic use of synthetic additives by animals can negatively affect the condition of the liver and other internal organs.


Despite the fact that the Labrador has a straight coat that does not tangle or tangle, it still needs to be brushed regularly. For this procedure, purchase two special combs:

  • furminator;
  • brush with metal teeth.

The Furminator is a comb equipped with a long handle and a special attachment that delicately removes dead hair that has fallen out during the shedding process. The use of a furminator allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • speed up the molting process;
  • clean the animal's fur from loose hairs;
  • distribute natural skin lubricant evenly.

The Furminator is used 1-2 times a month. This device is used only after bathing.

What to do about pathological hair loss

To understand how to solve a problem, it is necessary to establish the reasons for its formation:

Excessive hair loss in dogs, which is not associated with the change of season or physiological characteristics, is much easier to prevent than to try to eliminate. Attentive attitude, quality nutrition, proper care and regular visits to the veterinarian will ensure that your Labrador will not have any health problems or hair loss until old age.



Pure black

This is what the first Labradors looked like, which the British met on the shores of Newfoundland. Black color is dominant in the breed. The wool is colored evenly, without light fibers. A small white spot on the chest is allowed. The eyes are brown or the color of dark chocolate.


The color of chocolate can vary: light chocolate, liver chocolate, dark chocolate. The color is beautiful, uniform without light inclusions. Less common than black. Eye color is brown or yellow-brown.

Pale yellow

The color is included in the standards later than other colors. Today it is the most popular. Fawn color includes: beige, golden, cream, red shades. There is a light fawn color, reminiscent of white.

Labrador sheds a lot

Labradors are amazing, cheerful and full of energy animals. They are able to dispel any blues and give their owners a great mood. In addition, dogs are excellent nannies and loyal friends. They are non-conflicting and prefer to avoid fights with other dogs by any means. But this does not mean that they are cowardly. They have enough strength and courage to cope with any offender! An ideal pet for home keeping. If not for one difficulty - the Labrador sheds . When Labrador shedding normal, and when should you panic, as well as the reasons for systematic hair loss, we will consider today.

Training and education

Before bringing the puppy into the house, you need to hide all small objects that he can swallow and arrange a sleeping place for him. In the first days the baby will be bored. You need to steadfastly withstand all his whims. Do not take him to bed if you do not plan to sleep in the same bed with him in the future. Don't indulge his whims. Act strictly, but without unnecessary punishments or shouting.

From the first days the dog must understand who is in charge here. Labradors rarely try to dominate, but such a turn of events is not excluded. Such attempts must be sharply stopped. Any dog ​​should occupy the last step in the hierarchical ladder of the “pack”.

You can train your Labrador on your own. He loves to study and even enjoys it. It is important that your pet knows the basic commands: “Fu”, “Stand”, “Near”, “Go”. This set can be expanded at your discretion, and they can sound differently. It is only important that your dog understands what you want from him.

Shedding periods for Labradors

Like all other dogs, the Labrador sheds heavily in the spring and autumn.
That is, twice a year. At this point, the fur falls out heavily, leaving visible marks throughout the apartment. This is a natural process and there is no need to worry. It is enough to properly care for the coat and help the dog cope faster. For this: But, remember! You shouldn't get carried away with vitamins. Everything is good in moderation. Systematic intake of supplements can negatively affect the animal’s well-being and the functioning of internal organs and systems. The first organ that suffers from constant intake of vitamins is the liver.

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Playful and cute Labradors are known to many people - it is simply impossible not to pay attention to them on the street. This dog's kind look and friendly character have made the breed very popular. If you decide to make such a friend, you should know how to properly care for him. And we will answer most of your questions about keeping a Labrador.

Constant shedding

You can often hear owners complain that dogs of the Labrador breed grow hair all the time, regardless of the season. So all year round you have to collect dead hairs in all places where the animal is with the help of “heavy artillery” - a vacuum cleaner. Some are starting to sound the alarm, stuffing animals with pills and vitamins. Others choose a wait-and-see attitude or simply put up with the course of events.

How long does it take for a Labrador to shed and is it normal for hair to fall out all year round? There is no clear answer. There are a huge number of reasons why Labrador dogs lose hair Let's look at the main ones:

Shedding in female Labrador retrievers is associated with hormonal changes. Thus, during estrus and pregnancy, slight loss may occur. But in a normal state, when the hormonal background is stable, you will not be able to pull out even one hair. They “sit” so firmly. If a Labrador girl has a lot of hair loss, regardless of the season and how she is feeling, she should go to a veterinary clinic to determine the cause.

By the way, it would be a good idea to exclude harmful chemicals for cleaning the apartment and washing the floors. Or opt for natural products that do not have harmful chemical impurities. Of course, the human body is not as sensitive to household chemicals as dogs are, so this point is often left without due attention.

We can talk endlessly about how much Labradors shed, But in practice, molting is an individual matter. Some animals have mild seasonal molting and practically do not bother their owners with their fur throughout the apartment. Others, on the contrary, shed profusely all year round. There is no catastrophe in this, especially if you identify the cause, exclude allergens and choose the right care - the problem can be resolved, if not completely dealt with, then it can be reduced significantly.


Walking and exercise

The need for movement is in the Labrador's blood. He was bred for hunting. Moreover, it does not work like a husky - at a distance from the hunter, but very close to the person. Contact with the owner is important for the breed. Active walks provide your pet with such closeness.

It’s not enough for Labru to walk sedately through the park on a leash. Outdoor games are what a Labrador Retriever needs to stay healthy. The breed description contains this information. If there is no suitable company for your pet in the area, the owner should take on the role of play partner.

Loads need to be dosed. There is no need to exhaust a small puppy during walks so that he falls dead as soon as he crosses the threshold of the apartment. A growing pet cannot move as actively as an adult dog. Gradually the load is increased.

The ideal type of exercise for a puppy is swimming. All muscle groups work, while the load on fragile joints is not significant. It is useful for dogs to move in shallow water. In winter, ponds will be replaced by snowdrifts. Driving through deep snow is a good alternative to swimming.

Shedding in Labradors during what period and how long does it last?

DENTAL CARE. Labrador teeth require special care. Since the dog cannot take care of his oral health on his own, you, the owner, must help him with this. Just like humans, Labradors can suffer from a variety of health conditions.

Labrador's teeth are often affected by tartar. As a rule, they begin to darken, and with heavy deposits, the shape of the tooth changes. If stones are not removed in time, this can lead to the development of periodontitis.

Very often, dogs experience inflammation of the mucous membranes. The most common is stomatitis. Ulcers appear on the gums, sometimes even with purulent discharge. This causes discomfort to the dog, so the sooner you start treating the dog’s mouth with special antibacterial hygiene products, the better. Many people confuse stomatitis with gingivitis. Gingivitis is also an inflammatory disease of the gums, but its main difference from stomatitis is bleeding gums. To get rid of this scourge, you need to treat your Labrador's mouth with special strengthening solutions, and also get rid of tartar, if any.

Periodontal disease is perhaps the most terrible disease. If the disease is prolonged, it can lead to tooth loss. To avoid this, hygiene must be maintained. Just like people, dogs can suffer from tooth decay. The treatment is relatively simple: just put a filling. Fillings are also used in the treatment of enamel dysplasia.

Periodontitis can bother your dog as a result of a tooth fracture that you noticed at the wrong time. As a rule, the tooth is removed and a course of rehabilitative antibiotics is prescribed. In addition to diseases, dogs can also experience mechanical injuries to their mouths. The most common are jaw dislocations. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! Only a professional veterinarian can solve your pet's problem.

The dog's tooth may break. To prevent infection from getting to the root, it is necessary to properly fill the tooth or, if desired, install a crown.

Some dogs experience a delay in the replacement of baby teeth. To prevent them from disturbing the bite, they must be removed.

Many adult dogs are susceptible to siloadenitis. This is an inflammation of the salivary glands, during which increased salivation is observed. Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment. To prevent dental disease in your Labrador, maintain good oral hygiene. With careful and regular care, problems can be avoided.


Breed characteristics

The Labrador Retriever is an exemplary family dog. Millions of people own the breed, considering it the best dog for family keeping. The reason for this is the dog’s character, in which there is not a note of aggression, he is friendly and benevolent. A dog is not capable of offending a person; it treats all people equally well. Dogs are calm, attentive, and devoted to their family. They are ready to spend all their time with people and require increased attention from people.

Labradors are 100% people oriented. They will seek approval, are gentle with household members, adore children, are ready to lie at your feet for hours and will not hesitate to go with you to the ends of the earth. The dogs are very active and positive-minded. They take part in all family events with pleasure and are ready to support you on your morning jog or evening bike ride. They will willingly swim with you and your children - they will monitor them on the water and save them if necessary.

The breed has a fairly stable psyche; dogs are difficult to upset, surprise or frighten. Cowardice is a disqualifying vice, the result of unfair breeding. However, you must remember that dogs are not suitable for guarding and protecting your property. And the fault here is not cowardice. Labradors love people so much that even robbers seem like friends to them. If you need a guard, you will have to choose a different breed.

Dogs are hardworking, resilient and can do a variety of jobs: help with hunting and fishing, carry things, search for prohibited substances, and act as guides for blind people. But labs need to be taught all these things. If the dog is not raised and trained, a large, uncontrollable, cheerful child will settle in your house. A Labrador's energy is enough to destroy your house.

Dogs of this breed do not mature for a long time and behave like puppies. They will happily swim in the first puddle they come across and get dirty in the mud. And then they will happily come to you to hug you. While walking, labras put into their mouths everything that comes their way—it won’t always be candy. Be prepared for the fact that he may eat something that you diligently avoid. Bored dogs chew on their owners' toys, shoes and socks. They may encroach on furniture and corners of the apartment. You will have to make sure that the dog does not get bored in the absence of its owners.

Shedding in Labradors during what period and how long does it last?

How long should a Labrador shed?


: Hello, please tell me how long should a Labrador shed? And how can I make shedding go faster?

Natalek & Black

: Brush more often.


: We comb it out with a mitten and a brush. What other combs do you recommend?


: Natalek & Black Thank you, we’ll look, but how long is the normal molting period?

Natalek & Black

: There is probably no norm. It's different for everyone. Depends on nutrition, content and gender. Some even shed all year round. Black's molt lasted 1.5-2 months in the fall. Now I see the fur is starting to fall off again. The date hasn't shed yet.


: My Chase is 10 months old, and he still sheds, and sometimes so much that dear mom, I’ve been washing the floors every day for six months now. ))) FOREVE mop. The furminator helps us a lot, I ordered it from the Internet, a large one costs 1000 + 300 shipping. But I have already provided mittens and socks for the winter for all my relatives. I never thought before that a lab can have so much hair when combed))) But this is very individual for everyone, some dogs don’t shed at all


: Wash the dog, and then again a week later. And the shedding is gone. It helps us, especially chocolate has a lot of undercoat, the shedding process was very delayed, now I wash it.


: NatLan writes:
I am for the furminator)))
Natasha))) Winter writes:
Wash the dog, and then again a week later
It’s as simple as that. I never would have thought. Should I wash it with shampoo or just water? Should you scratch when washing or not?

Cherry Lace

: Elenka writes:
I tried to scratch it with a furminator, I was shocked, how much extra fluff the dog had.
but expensive infection. but I haven’t seen them here in Krasnoyarsk. I want to share my experience of using the furminator. Such a cool thing became the solution to our same problems with molting! The brush costs from 700 rubles and I have seen up to 1500, but they say there are more expensive ones. The main thing is sold in Krasnoyarsk, buy it, you won’t regret it, I bought it :).


: Cherry Lace Where did you buy it? Can you recommend a store?

Cherry Lace

: Lady_88 I saw it in the store on Karl Marx (at the intersection with Surikov). There is also a container on Zlobino. And at exhibitions where pet supplies are sold. You can also order it in Novosibirsk, they make it to order, someone will go anyway. If you don’t find it before Novosibirsk, we’ll ask you to bring it, then tell me.


Origin story

The birthplace of Labradors is the island of Newfoundland in Canada. The history of the breed is shrouded in mystery and speculation. Exact information has not been preserved. It came to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. In fact, this is a smaller copy of the black Newfoundland, created in order to get fish out of the water that have fallen off a hook or escaped from a net. The dogs also hunted birds with the same success.

Since the name "Newfoundland" was already taken, the breed was given the name "Labrador". The word "labrador" is translated as "worker". Representatives of the breed are truly hard-working. This is not the only version. It is believed that the name comes from the black labradorite stone, or from the Portuguese village of Castro Laboreiro, where dogs similar to Labradors are found.

Today it is the most popular breed in the United States. Labras serve in the police and customs. They work as guides and take part in the rehabilitation of patients. But most of them are just pets.

When is the first molt?

Good time. forum members!

I have a girl who is 4 months old. Teeth are being replaced in the process. Shedding has begun. Not strong yet, BUT Is this normal?

Maybe due to changing teeth, the immune system weakens? or is this a normal process?

since some articles write that in 2 months. before the heat, but that means a little early.

Tell me, if it’s too early, then what to serve?

We eat Acana, tripe, boiled vegetables, milk, no dandruff, clean ears!


It's normal, the puppy drops


Chocolate José 7 years 10 months 18 days

Creamy Gordyush is 10 years 8 months 9 days

he has been with us for 5 years 11 months 29 days


we dropped at 5 and a half to 6 months

Chocolate José 7 years 10 months 18 days

Creamy Gordyush is 10 years 8 months 9 days

he has been with us for 5 years 11 months 29 days


I have a girl who is 4 months old. Teeth are being replaced in the process. Shedding has begun.

We eat Acana, tripe, boiled vegetables, milk,


Quote: My girl is 3.5 months old. We eat acana + (cottage cheese, porridge with vegetables and meat, or tripe), grated carrots, finely chopped zucchini, boiled with buckwheat in low-fat beef broth,

Chocolate José 7 years 10 months 18 days

Creamy Gordyush is 10 years 8 months 9 days

he has been with us for 5 years 11 months 29 days



Chocolate José 7 years 10 months 18 days

Creamy Gordyush is 10 years 8 months 9 days

he has been with us for 5 years 11 months 29 days

Yes, yes, yes, I also join the question why this plus?

Help a Friend Fund Jackson 12 years 1 month 23 days

won't you get tired of eating the same thing? And why are you quibbling? I don’t give junk food like sausage, food cooked for myself, cheese, sweets and all that. And I give complementary foods a little, rather than pouring a full cup. If sour cream 10% 2 tbsp, cottage cheese 150g. tripe 150g. porridge with meat and boiled. vegetables except potatoes, the same amount. and something twice a day, not the whole list.

Our undercoat, not the fur, was starting to shed a little. Thank you all for your answers, I heard about puppy shedding for the first time from YOU.


And why do you believe the writing on the packets so much?

If sour cream 10% 2 tbsp, cottage cheese 150g. tripe 150g. porridge with meat and boiled. vegetables except potatoes, the same amount. and twice a day

Chocolate José 7 years 10 months 18 days

Creamy Gordyush is 10 years 8 months 9 days

he has been with us for 5 years 11 months 29 days

Let me guess, is this your first dog?

We advise you on how to avoid mistakes that will be difficult to correct later, if not impossible.

Understand that a dog's stomach gets used to digesting a certain type of food. Or only natural or dry. Trying to make him get used to both this and that, you can provoke gastritis.

Help a Friend Fund Jackson 12 years 1 month 23 days


Chocolate José 7 years 10 months 18 days

Creamy Gordyush is 10 years 8 months 9 days

he has been with us for 5 years 11 months 29 days

But my conscience will be clear, I did not remain silent and did not pass by.

You can understand the author: I feed my child what and how I want.

But. Smart people learn from the mistakes of others.

It would be enough for me to have just the slightest reasoned opinion that this COULD BE harmful. But I will still resist and stand on my “concrete”, ala there are no 100% convincing facts yet, as I consider necessary, when the HEALTH of my beloved pet is at stake. wrong. IMHO!

Help a Friend Fund Jackson 12 years 1 month 23 days


I was also not 100% convinced about the topic about soaking food in hot water.

Chocolate José 7 years 10 months 18 days

Creamy Gordyush is 10 years 8 months 9 days

he has been with us for 5 years 11 months 29 days

I had a dog as a child, but at that time they didn’t know what drying was.

Of course I ask them a lot. I just can’t talk about molting, since the Whipitas have no undercoat, they are almost hairless. So I feed like she does.

Let's stop arguing about complementary foods.


Zagra, we’re not arguing, you’re asking a question in the third topic. If this is from the “let’s talk” series, then let’s go to “dating”, and if you ask for advice, they will give it to you.

Chocolate José 7 years 10 months 18 days

Creamy Gordyush is 10 years 8 months 9 days

he has been with us for 5 years 11 months 29 days


We are molting now. There is a whole carpet of wool everywhere, I wash the floors fifteen times a day. Yesterday I washed and vacuumed seven times in just the morning. We brush them one by one and give them vitamins. What else can you do?

Breed standard

According to the German breed standard FCI

  • Body type. Sturdy, compact.
  • Back. Straight, horizontal.
  • Limbs. The front ones are straight from the ground to the elbow. The hindquarters are developed, with a good angle of the knees.
  • Paws. Round in shape, gathered into a ball. The pads are well developed.
  • Gait. Free, sweeping. The limbs are kept straight and parallel when moving.
  • Breast. Deep, long. The ribs are curved in a barrel-shaped manner.
  • Neck. Powerful and strong.
  • Head. Wide in the skull.
  • Muzzle. Powerful, developed.
  • Scull. Wide. Fleshy cheeks are missing.
  • Nose. The nostrils are well developed. Wide.
  • Bite. Perfectly correct, scissor-shaped. Powerful strong teeth and jaws.
  • Ears. Hanging. Moderate width. Planted far back.
  • Eyes. Brown, nut color. The color of dark chocolate and yellowish shades are allowed. Expression is conscious, intelligent. Size – medium.
  • Small of the back. Short, wide, powerful.
  • Tail. “Otter” – thickened at the base, tapering towards the tip. When excited, it can be elevated. Shouldn't roll over onto your back.
  • Coat. Smooth-haired. Very thick and hard core hair. Waves and frays are not allowed by the standard. The thick undercoat with water-repellent properties provides excellent protection from bad weather.
  • Color. Three varieties are allowed: pure black, liver (chocolate), fawn. Fawn ranges from light cream to red (fox). There may be a white spot on the chest.
  • Height at the withers. Males – 56-57 cm, females – 54-56 cm.
  • Weight. Not described by the standard.
  • How long do they live? Average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Important! Aggression and cowardice are disqualifying vices.

Warning signs

If you notice patchy baldness, dandruff, or a strong unpleasant odor emanating from the dog’s fur, your pet should be immediately taken to the veterinarian. These symptoms indicate skin diseases that have a negative impact on the growth and condition of the coat.

Taking care of the beauty and cleanliness of the coat is an essential component of your pet’s hygiene. If you have any questions regarding coat care, consult a specialist.

Own house

Let's move on to building the booth. Its purpose is to protect the animal from cold and wind, so carefully ensure that there are no cracks. When choosing the size for a house under construction, you should take into account the dimensions of the dog. The Labrador should fit there with its paws extended.

Suitable materials are brick or stone. A booth made of wood should be covered with tin on top. This will insulate the building and give it reliability. It is better to raise a floor made of boards above the ground so that there is an air gap for ventilation. The door is made as desired. Instead, it is quite possible to use a piece of felt, which is attached to the upper part of the opening.

Another important element is the size of the entrance, which fully corresponds to the height of the dog. When entering the booth, the dog should not arch his back. Typically, Labradors rarely suffer from such a defect, but its artificial development should still be excluded. And in order to make it more convenient to sweep garbage out of the house, it is better not to make any border on the floor before leaving.

When building a booth, you can quite use your imagination and make it yourself.

Features of living in an apartment

To keep a dog in an apartment, the owner must have a lot of free time and, most importantly, the desire to spend it with his pet. As mentioned above, Labradors are a very active breed that can even become fat if not exercised. You can save your dog if:

  • run with your pet every day;
  • constantly visit specialized areas created for the most active pastime and communication of dogs;
  • Conduct joint training daily.

Essentially, the breed is suitable for athletes or people leading an active lifestyle.

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to obesity

Toilet training

When bringing a Labrador into an apartment, you should train him to use a litter tray. Choose a container with low sides and place it in a quiet place. About 10 minutes after sleep and after each feeding, place the puppy in the tray. If you have done your “job” there, be sure to praise the baby and pet him.

Also reward your dog for defecating outside to reinforce the reflex. By 4 months, he will begin to ask to go for a walk to relieve himself there. Try to fulfill his request so that a habit is formed. Show your displeasure if the puppy craps on the floor in the apartment, just don’t scream or hit him.

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