Can several dogs of the same sex get along together?

How to make adult dogs friends with each other in the house?
Is it possible? How to reconcile two male dogs in one apartment? A dog, especially a male, is a selfish animal that dreams of the full and undivided attention of its owner. If there is only one dog in the family, its behavior will depend entirely on the degree of socialization that the owner has invested in the development of the dog.

But if a second animal appears on the horizon, especially of a different breed, then in order to avoid conflicts, the owner will have to try and not be lazy to spend time - this is a contribution to the further peaceful existence of all family members.

Forewarned is protected

Before getting a second dog, you need to read and find out as much information as possible

about the peculiarities of interaction between dogs of certain breeds. There cannot be any unnecessary information in this matter.

Many people don't understand why their dogs are constantly fighting. I often come across cases where even dogs of opposite sexes are placed in different rooms and are not allowed to interact. As a result, people's lives turn into a nightmare. And you really can’t do it without the help of a dog handler.

Such games sometimes look like a fight to an unprepared viewer. It is best to distract and calm the dogs with something. If you start to separate them (and at this time they have a high degree of excitement), then your active actions will provoke them even more. It's like leash syndrome, where a dog behaves more aggressively on a leash than without it. So it is here: push-backs are encouragement for more active actions.

Similar problems are more often encountered by those who have two male dogs.

They need to either be neutered, or take dogs of different sexes, or two females. But this is not a panacea. Sometimes both opposite-sex and neutered dogs fight.

It’s a good option for a puppy from his litter to remain in the family. With an adult dog, they initially develop rules of behavior and habits.

Undoubtedly, dogs of different sexes get along best

, but problems arise with them consistently twice a year. During heat, the female dog must be removed if she is not spayed.

Two males in the house. How to get along peacefully?

An animal is not a toy or a home decoration. This is a living organism, which, just like us, feels pain, attitude towards itself, rejoices or suffers. Before getting a second dog, you need to absolutely and unconditionally answer one question: “Can I fully care for two pets?” Provide them with medical care if necessary? Keep them warm and comfortable, fed and in need of nothing?

If not, then getting a second dog is absolutely forbidden!!! If yes, then you should prepare most carefully for this moment.

Let's start with the basics

An owner who decides to get a second pet must first of all be the unconditional owner of the first. Those. The dog must be completely submissive to its owner, obeying his commands unquestioningly. Of course, one cannot fail to note the training point: only a competently trained person can help the owner curb even the most “violent” temper. And of course, you should not miss the most important point: the place where you purchased your four-legged friend.

Lamarck (an English scientist of the mid-19th century on the course “Philosophy of Animal Psychology”) wrote: “Organisms change not due to the direct influence of the environment on them, but due to the fact that the environment changes the psyche of the animal...”. Thus, by acquiring an animal from our own hands at a relatively mature age, we risk getting an animal with a broken psyche, which will be impossible to accustom to its first pet. Therefore, it is best to acquire a second pet at a young age, at a time when its character, like plasticine, can be changed in your own way. It is also impossible not to note the various environmental conditions that affect the dog’s body primarily as irritants, changing the dog’s behavior. Internal stimuli have a great influence. Thus, in a hungry dog, reflexes of searching for food, etc. are activated. The behavior of an untrained dog depends on the physiological needs of its body and the influence of the environment. A trained dog can be controlled using signals, commands, and gestures from the trainer or owner that encourage the dog to perform certain actions. Thanks to targeted influence during the training process, the dog is taught to behave the right way in a specific environment. It is this situation that is described in the “law of effect,” which states: any act that leads to a positive effect in a given situation is further associated with it, so that if the situation is repeated again, then the execution of this act becomes more likely than before; on the contrary, any act that has a negative impact on the animal in a given situation is less likely to appear when it is repeated (works of the English scientist E. Thorndike (1874–1949)).

Let's summarize: answering the question of what you can and cannot do when taking a second pet into your home, we answer:

It is necessary to evaluate your strengths and capabilities; purchase an animal as a puppy, and with caution as an adult, having first weighed all the pros and cons;

It is impossible not to take into account character traits that may not be revealed immediately;

We must not forget about internal distracting stimuli (unpleasant sensations as a result of illness, fatigue, fullness of the rectum or bladder, etc.). Such stimuli cause persistent inhibition and always interfere with the normal functioning of the dog;

And we also must not forget that for the acquisition of a second animal it is necessary to prepare not only yourself, but also your existing pet. And the most important aspects: training, education and education!

So how can you train two male dogs to coexist peacefully in the same house?

As has already become clear from the above, it is not enough just to prepare and choose a second four-legged friend. One of the most important points will be training. Of course, we cannot deny the fact that we often come across cases where training can be done without training. But!!! You shouldn't rely on luck. Forewarned is forearmed. Therefore, it is better to initially be prepared for all aspects of the coexistence of two male dogs.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the concepts included in the title of the section. Education is the process of developing dog behavior that is acceptable to the owner when it is not regulated by commands. During the course of upbringing, the dog’s relationship with the owner, members of his family, strangers develops, relationships with other dogs, behavior in the house and on the street are formed. The training process begins from the first minute a puppy appears in your home (although the foundation of correct behavior is laid from birth) and continues throughout the dog’s life.

Education is closely related to training. During training, the dog is explained what actions are required of it to carry out this or that command, they help it overcome uncertainty and fear, and improve the technique of performing the technique. At its core, upbringing, education and training serve to create a behavioral act that is new for the dog and necessary for its owner. There are two main teaching methods. The first is conditioned reflex. Its essence is that in one way or another the dog is forced to perform the desired action, which is reinforced. Dogs trained by this method passively participate in the learning process, but later actively use the acquired experience and quite effectively reproduce the formed skill, but with “swollen eyes.”

The second is operational training. This is a method of learning in which the student actively and purposefully selects desirable and eliminates undesirable behavior programs, which allows him to effectively and economically achieve an adaptive result in the future. The method of operational training is a targeted, step-by-step selection and reinforcement by the trainer of the dog’s desired actions and elimination of the dog’s undesirable ones. During training, the situation must be modeled in such a way that the dog can solve the task assigned to it, and at the same time, the number of distractions must be reduced to a minimum. The completion of command training should be considered the moment when the dog recognizes this command and, under certain conditions, willingly and correctly carries it out.

Training is the achievement of unconditional execution of commands by a dog in any situation and under any conditions. During the training process, the developed behavior patterns are reinforced in the form of conditioned reflexes, and a strong motivation is formed aimed at carrying out the command. Teaching each command necessarily precedes training. Under no circumstances should you stop learning. Commands are needed not to show your friends how smart your dog is, but to control its behavior in certain situations. A trained but untrained dog, as a rule, fails at the most critical moment: it does not approach the owner on the command “come to me” when he is in a hurry, he can chase a cat across the street, risking getting hit by a car, etc. In such cases, the owner’s confidence that the dog “knows” the commands serves as a weak argument.

We wish you good luck in choosing a second pet and a happy life together. We hope everything works out for you.

How to make two dogs friends in the same apartment: recommendations from dog handlers

  1. Acquaintance . The first place to start is getting to know each other. It is best if before this the pet is surrounded by all family members with affection and love, and the acquaintance with the new dog is spent on the street. You need to give both dogs time to sniff each other, and if there is a friendly attitude, then you can let the animals off their leashes and let them play. If one of the pets begins to show aggression, then you should go for a walk, keeping the dogs close to each other, but not letting them off their leashes.
  2. Territorial issue . After a walk, it’s worth bringing the dogs home together so that the pet dog is on an equal footing with the new one. The owner should first consider the location of the two dogs. It is highly undesirable to make adjustments to the life of the first dog. Under no circumstances should you move or move her bed and place a second bedding there. It is also not recommended to place beds and bowls nearby - this is a sure way to the eternal struggle, aggression and conflicts of animals.
  3. Provocative moments . If possible, you should try to avoid conflicts while spending time at home. To do this, the owner should hide all the toys of the first dog in the first week. A little later, when the first days of “grinding in” are successful, you can either buy new toys for two dogs, or give it to the first one, and give the second one new ones.
  4. If you are thinking about how to make two adult dogs friends, then the same advice is relevant for them as for an adult and a puppy. Treats should be given to both dogs the same and at the same time, walking, games and affection should also be distributed strictly evenly.

How to make friends between a dog and a puppy

The baby needs a friend and protector

To introduce a dog who permanently lives in the house to a newly acquired puppy, you need to show it that this new creature also has the right to be a neighbor, and the owner is interested in ensuring that the baby is not offended. To do this, bring new bowls and a rug along with the newcomer - this will show the dog that the baby does not lay claim to her things.

Puppies carry the scent of their mother, so it is best to wash them with a neutral shampoo before introducing them. Most adult dogs are loyal to puppies and quickly lose interest in the new resident. If an adult animal displays threatening behavior, you need to strictly reprimand it and drive it back to its place.

While feeding the baby, you can give some of his food to the dog, which will greatly approve of such an offering, as it will see the positive side of the puppy living on its territory. It is important to feed animals from their bowls, without allowing your baby to try the dog's food.

The dog can also lie down on the puppy mat, this is allowed. The more pleasant moments she has with her new neighbor, the faster they will become friends.

To accustom animals to new residents you need to:

  • So that the owner has sufficient authority among his animals, he is the leader of the pack.
  • So that there are premises in which a new animal can be locked up.

Should you get a second dog?

Olga Krasovskaya, dog handler, trainer, head coach of the Belarusian agility team, judge and coach in canine freestyle, owner of four dogs

When it comes to purchasing another pet, you need to be guided by common sense, not emotions.

This is exactly the advice given to WikiPet readers by Olga Krasovskaya, dog handler, trainer, head coach of the Belarusian agility team, judge and coach in canine freestyle, owner of four dogs - Chinese Crested Asya (Tutsi Assol), smooth fox terrier Rebecca, wire fox terrier Khomsa and Russian toy Bir -Byr.

In the photo: four dogs of Olga Krasovskaya

How true is the belief that dogs have more fun together?

If the dogs’ adaptation was successful, then, of course, they are not so bored when they are alone at home. But again, it all depends on the breed. There are breeds that do not really like communicating with their own kind.

And in order for pets to be friends, it is desirable that they be approximately the same size

. For example, my Foxes find a common language with each other remarkably well. And the Chinese woman is friends with Toy. They usually play 2x2. Although there are exceptions here too. Large and calm dogs often get along well with their smaller counterparts. Everything is very individual.

And they help each other raise puppies. Right now we have children from the tough Foxy Homsy. The birth was difficult, I had to have a caesarean section. While mom was under anesthesia, Rebecca licked the puppies. And I didn't have to massage them, Rebecca did everything for her friend.

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