Review of the fattest dogs in the world: which breeds can be fat?

Author: Fuchsia

07 December 2016 11:14

Tags: animals obesity dogs  



Every owner shows love for their pet in their own way. One of the most common manifestations is overfeeding. And soon the dog with eternally hungry eyes turns into a nightstand with crooked legs. Obesity is not just extra pounds, it is a serious health threat. Take a look at 15 victims of human irresponsibility and excessive "love".



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Dennis, a 25 kg dachshund


This dachshund was once fed exclusively on burgers and pizza. Dennis began to quickly gain weight, and when the scales showed 56 kg, his owners finally came to their senses. Now the dog eats right, exercises a lot and has even lost extra pounds. Moreover, he underwent surgery to remove excess skin.


American Akita

A daughter breed of the Japanese Akita, which is noticeable by similar external features. The dog was obtained by crossing an eastern representative with mastiffs. Some sources lean towards the theory of selection with the German Shepherd.

The breed is large: an individual at the withers reaches 61-71 cm. Thanks to the thick, long coat, Akita can appear even larger than it is. Various colors are acceptable.

Despite the good hunting instincts inherited from their brother, Americans are intended for protection. They are not aggressive, but wary and cautious, and have sufficient intellectual abilities to work independently. But with proper and firm training, the animal will be obedient to its owner. Price – 10-12 thousand rubles.

Alfie, a 79 kg Labrador


A Labrador named Alfie was the fattest dog in Britain a couple of years ago. His weight was 3 times higher than normal! He could barely walk when he was taken to the veterinary clinic. And it took the help of four employees to lift it. Alfie was put on a healthy diet and was able to regain his slim figure.

Obesity symptoms

Fat cat: how much do the fattest cats weigh?

Like the human body, as a result of gaining excess weight, the dog’s body changes: the stomach sags, fat folds form, the back collapses, the paws practically do not increase in volume, becoming disproportionate in relation to the body.

A fat dog begins to hunch over due to the increase in space between the belly and chest. The animal develops shortness of breath and lethargy. Cables' sexual activity decreases, and bitches stop going into heat.

Only a doctor can understand the cause of excess weight

Obesity can be determined by palpation: the last two ribs should be clearly palpable through the skin. A layer of fat enveloping the ribs indicates the development of the disease. In any case, if you suspect that you are overweight, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. He will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment or diet.

Important! It is dangerous to overload an older dog with frequent feeding; the best option is no more than 2 times a day.

Vincent, a 17 kg dachshund


This is already the third dachshund on our list...maybe this breed is predisposed to obesity? One way or another, Vincent once weighed 17 kg, and even ended up in a shelter after the death of his beloved owner. The dog had difficulty moving and suffered from high cholesterol. The new family managed to help the dachshund lose weight, and now Vince weighs 7 kg!

Causes of obesity in dogs

The most dangerous dogs in the world: top 10 breeds

Obesity in dogs is a rather serious disease that develops not only from overfeeding. Common causes of excess weight are:

  • natural and genetic predisposition to gaining excess weight;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body (dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands). Without treatment, hormonal imbalance leads to complications and the occurrence of a number of secondary diseases;
  • stress;
  • consequences of castration (sterilization);
  • low physical activity. Lack of regular active exercise leads to the gradual accumulation of excess fat under the skin.

Important! Only a veterinarian can determine the cause of obesity.

Cale Chips, a 38 kg beagle


The beagle's owner constantly overfed him, without thinking about the consequences. Obesity meant that Cale Chips could barely walk and suffered from back pain. The unfortunate animal was taken from its owner and placed in one of the dog shelters in Chicago. The workers took care of the dog’s health, and he managed to lose 10 kg.

The fattest dogs in the world

Muscle dogs: the most muscular in the world

The Internet is flooded with pictures of dogs disfigured by overeating. They may make some people laugh, but for most people they raise a question: to what extent can human carelessness go?

Dachshund Dennis

Little bug-eyed dachshund puppies are a joy to look at. They evoke emotion. They are pampered, trying to treat them to something tasty. This happened to the dachshund Dennis from Ohio.

Dachshund Dennis weighed more than 25 kg

The owner himself abused hamburgers and pastries from the pizzeria, and fed the same food to the dog. To the delight of everyone, Dennis did not refuse food, but when the owner came to his senses, the dog’s weight had exceeded 25 kg. As a result, I had to resort to surgery and remove the sagging skin. Now the dog’s weight is normal, largely due to proper nutrition.

Dachshund Obi

Once upon a time, a dog named Obi had the status of “the fattest dachshund in the world.” Her weight reached 35 kg. Under the weight of the sagging belly, the animal's back sagged, the dachshund could not move without a special protective harness, the poor thing was so fattened by the elderly couple. In addition, due to their own health problems, the owners rarely walked the dog.

The weight of the dachshund Obi was 35 kg

For your information! Obi was placed in a shelter. Veterinarians put the animal on a diet, which gave a good result - minus 23 kg. They did a tummy tuck, now it’s difficult to recognize the couch potato as Ob in the former fat man.

Labrador Alfie

Alfie, an obese Labrador, was killed by his insatiable passion for chocolate. He became the British record holder for the fattest dog. Just think about it, the weight of the already large dog reached 79 kg, which is 3 times higher than the norm. The Labrador moved with difficulty and lay more often. When he was taken to the veterinary hospital, the help of 4 employees was needed.

Labrador Alfie had difficulty moving and suffered from back pain

A strict diet and physical activity helped restore the dog to its former slimness and vigor.

American Bulldog Kila

Some owners are fascinated by chubby dogs, while others are driven by a thirst for fame. Thanks to their four-legged friends, they gain fame. This is what happened with the American bulldog Kila, who loves cookies and pasta so much that he already weighs 50 kg.

American bulldog Kila weighing more than 50 kg

The dog participates in numerous shows where veterinarians fight overweight patients.

Chihuahua Taytay

Among baby Chihuahuas, there are also record holders who are overweight. Taytay, like the Labrador Alfie, could not do without chocolate, and gained so much weight that her weight was 4 times the norm for dogs of her breed and reached 6 kg.

Chihuahua Taytay gained 6 kg

Note! Chihuahua dogs often become plump, causing their body to take on very bloated shapes, and long-haired dogs generally resemble arctic foxes.

Dalmatian Barney

Dalmatians are always not averse to eating well, but the owner of the huge dog fed his pet fast food to such an extent that he was even sentenced to community service. The man is also prohibited from owning any animals for the next 10 years. The fact is that the 8-year-old dog Barney, weighing 70 kg, in addition to obesity, had serious health problems: the cardiovascular system and joints.

Dalmatian Barney weighed 70 kg

Today, the animal’s weight barely exceeds 40 kg, and the dog is recovering.

Cocker Spaniel Millie

The weight of poor Millie, a cocker spaniel from Great Britain, exceeded 33 kg and was twice the average for this breed. Cocker spaniels have an excellent appetite and grow by leaps and bounds, so Millie's owners are seriously concerned about her health.

Cocker spaniel Millie quickly gained weight due to genetic predisposition

The dog's owners hope that with the help of special show programs in which the dog constantly participates, the animal will be able to lose excess weight.

Mongrel Bolinha

A mongrel named Bolinha lived at a gas station. Motorists did not skimp on treats, throwing various goodies to the dog. The dog grew so big that it became a real celebrity, taking first place in the league of the fattest dogs in Brazil.

Mongrel Bolinha became a Brazilian celebrity

For your information! Kind-hearted people took the mongrel to a shelter. Veterinarians helped the animal lose 13 kg.

Beagle Cale Chips

Beagle Cale Chips, although considered a fast hunting dog, gained 38 kg thanks to the carelessness of his owner. The animal could hardly move its paws, suffering from back pain. As a result, the dog was taken from its owner and taken to a dog shelter.

Beagle Cale Chips lost weight at the shelter

Only thanks to the efforts of the shelter workers, the beagle managed to lose 10 kg.

Doberman Bear

A Doberman named Bear was unlucky with his owners; they not only did not monitor his diet, but did not even care for the animal. The dog gained weight 66 kg and had serious health problems.

Doberman named Bear was taken from his owners

The dog was removed from the family and placed in a shelter. Now the employees of the establishment monitor his nutrition.

Australian Shepherd Buddy

Buddy's owners also did not monitor her health. The shepherd's paws could hardly support the excess weight. With its 89 kg, the animal could not stand up, let alone move.

Australian Shepherd Buddy couldn't walk because of his huge belly

After moving to new owners, Buddy the dog managed to lose weight to 36 kg.

Rottweiler Hooch

Already at the age of 7 months, the weight of the Rottweiler reached 133 kg. Hooch ate several huge cans of dog food at a time and his appearance struck terror into the neighbors.

Rottweiler Hooch scared the neighbors

Veterinarians from a well-known clinic got to work. Result: in four years the dog lost 45 kg of weight.

Border Collie Cassie

Border collie Cassie from the town of Kenilworth (Britain) is currently the record holder for excess weight and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Compared to animals of her breed and age, the poor thing’s weight is three times higher than normal.

Border collie Cassie is included in the Guinness Book of Records

People first started talking about the fattest dog in the world in 2012. At that time, Cassie was already 7 years old, but even for such a respectable age, 58 kg is too much. The animal was practically immobilized, all because the bulk of the diet was fatty and sweet foods.

For your information! The shelter workers took pity on the poor girl and took her in for rehabilitation. It is still far from normal weight, but the dog has already lost weight and is able to move independently.

Bolinha, a 36-pound mongrel


Bolinha became a local Brazilian celebrity thanks to her excess weight. A mongrel lived at a gas station, where motorists generously treated her with harmful goodies. When her weight reached 36 kilograms, the dog could barely move. Kind people took Bolinha to a shelter, and she was able to lose 13 kg.

Negative consequences of obesity

You should not delay treatment for obesity, as it may be a sign of some disease in the dog. In addition, it is easier to achieve good weight loss results at the early stages of weight gain. Otherwise, instead of a cheerful four-legged friend, the owner will have an obese, fat dog with a weakened immune system and a number of complications caused by the disease.

The main consequences of obesity include:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the heart and circulatory system.

For your information! Fat dogs of any breed are very friendly - a misconception.

Diet and an active lifestyle help dogs lose weight

Responsibility towards a pet is a more significant factor than love. It is better if it manifests itself through play and tactile contact, then next to the owner there will be not a bloated barrel on skinny legs, but an active and healthy dog.

Calorie path to fame

In 2011, news about a seven-year-old dog named Cassie spread across the UK media. A year later, thanks to the Guinness Book of Records, the whole world learned about it. Cassie received the dubious title of the unsurpassed four-legged fatty thanks to her owner. Every day the woman prepared twice as much food as she could eat herself, and gave half to her pet. For a lonely elderly man, the dog was his only friend, as a result of which the collie’s diet consisted of chocolate, pizza, chips and ready-to-eat meals. And every Saturday, the small family had a grand feast of French fries, fried chicken and a variety of sweets.

Alarming statistics

British veterinarians have long been concerned about the alarming statistics. The results of research by the People's Veterinary Dispensary claim that half of the dogs in the British kingdom suffer from obesity. Hundreds of cases of animal deaths due to health problems caused by excess weight have been recorded. It's scary to imagine what could have happened to Cassie. But there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.

Salvation story

Cassie's owner fell ill and two weeks later, realizing that she could no longer care for her pet, she turned to the Dogs Trust shelter for help. Arriving at the scene, the shelter staff were shocked by the condition of the dog. Her future curator Emma Rex admitted in an interview: “It was a terrible sight. Cassie simply couldn't move! She needed the help of three people to get up.”

Advantages and disadvantages

Each breed of dog has its own individual pros and cons, but there is a list of pros and cons that apply equally to all large dogs.

Let's start with the positives.

  • Security. A big dog is a wonderful guard not only for you, but also for your entire family. With such dogs it will be calmer to walk along the evening streets and not be afraid that you will be attacked or robbed. No one in their right mind would dare attack a passerby with a mastiff or wolfhound. Such dogs are most often unusually loyal and intelligent - they are excellent at sensing aggression from strangers and passers-by.
  • Pleasant character. Almost all breeds of large dogs are distinguished by their flexible and good-natured nature, which makes it possible to have them in families with small children and other pets. Large dogs often act as pillows for babies and are ready to protect the baby’s sleep until the end, even if there is a threat to their own life.
  • Health. Large and muscular dogs, as a rule, have a very powerful immune system, which helps them endure many infectious and viral diseases, cold and drafts.
  • Decreased activity. Larger individuals rarely have an irrepressible and extremely active character; they are easier to control and attract. As a rule, these pets prefer to spend time relaxing or taking leisurely walks. A large number of muscles, heavy bones and an impressive body do not allow them to perform the fun that is common for dwarf and small breeds.
  • A real dog. Many people believe that large breed dogs are full-fledged representatives of canines. It is also believed that dogs of large species are more amenable to training and training.

However, there are also disadvantages.

  • Expenses. The larger the dog, the more financial and time investment it requires. This applies to both regular spending on food or natural food, and ordinary care for the dog’s coat. Thus, brushing a Caucasian Shepherd or Newfoundland can take up to several hours every day.
  • Large space. The size of the dog affects not only feeding and care, but also the living conditions. Small apartments are not suitable for large domestic dogs; the ideal option in most cases is a fenced area or a plot of a private house. Large pets feel cramped within the walls of small apartments and can cause irreparable damage to your property during their entertainment.
  • Short lifespan. According to some reports, large dog breeds live slightly shorter lives than small and medium breeds. This is explained by the massiveness of the physique, the large load on the cardiovascular system and limbs. As large dogs age, they spend more and more time in a calm state, which leads to obesity and the development of other serious diseases.
  • Remarkable strength. Walking large dogs can result in significant injury to their owners. These dogs are difficult to keep on a leash; when excited, they can jerk the leash so hard that they knock their owners off their feet. In order to prevent such behavior, dog handlers advise from childhood to teach your pet to follow its owner everywhere on walks, and not to move long distances.
  • Prejudice. If for you a big dog is an excellent protector from criminals and ill-wishers, then for other passers-by these dogs may seem like real monsters, capable of crippling both them and their children. Mostly, such problems begin after walking near playgrounds or busy recreation areas.

Rehabilitation program

Top 10 most terrible dog breeds in the world


At her new place of residence, the fat woman was immediately put on a strict diet. She was given only two bowls of specialized dog food a day. At first, Cassie refused to eat. In her seven-year life, she had never tried normal dog food and was waiting for unusual foods to be replaced with her favorite fast food. Once the border collie tried the right menu, things got moving. Within 6 months she managed to lose more than 20 kg.

Physical training

In addition to a therapeutic diet, experts prescribed walking for the four-legged young lady. At first, Cassie only had enough energy for three-minute forays. But each time their duration increased, the sports regime was supplemented by exercises in the pool and on the treadmill.

Medical events

Veterinarians were forced to cut a dog's hair to treat terrible bedsores. And later, when she lost weight, they had surgery to remove sagging folds of skin.

Proper feeding

The hostess fed Billy chicken breast, lean beef, rabbit meat, and lean fish, which did not contain rice. In addition, the diet included rice and yolk. Once a week the dog could eat bird liver. Vegetables and fruits were also present in the diet.

As employees of numerous shelters say, no matter how much you tell people, many of them will still continue to feed their animals what they eat themselves. At the same time, they do not care about the consequences. Such kindness and excessive love can kill a pet.

Veterinarians also came to the same conclusion. According to them, many animals die from obesity, or due to allergies caused by poor diet. Due to diet, the life of a pet is greatly shortened. Apparently, the elderly owner of the record holder Collie did not know this either.

A healthy diet is more important for dogs compared to humans. Their bodies are not suited to modern junk food. He also copes quite poorly with overeating. And it’s hard to say what would have happened to Cassie if the shelter specialists hadn’t found her. At the present stage, it is gradually returning to normal.

The current record holder is the border collie Cassie.

The fattest dog in the world is the border collie Cassie. Due to its enormous weight for the breed (58 kilograms), it was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The animal, eating chips, sweets, fried fish, potatoes, and meat, weighed almost three times more than normal! Not all fat people carry that much extra weight.

The dog could hardly move and also suffered from shortness of breath.

After registering the record, the owner was ordered through the court to ensure that the pet lost weight to normal size. Cassie was sent to a shelter where she was deprived of unhealthy, junk food. They also forced me to move, subjecting me to good physical activity, and also developed a special diet. Although the collie has not yet lost weight to a normal level, she is actively moving towards this through the efforts of the shelter workers. So far we have achieved that Cassie moves on her own. The treatment lasts for a year, so let's hope that the dog will be able to lead a healthy, fulfilling life after that.

Weight standards for cats

Overweight is common in cats, just as it is in people. Multiple causes of this disease can lead to various diseases and pathologies, so owners of furry pets need to monitor their nutrition and health.

Obesity in a cat

What does a cat’s body weight depend on:

  • Breed. It is worth noting that each member of the cat family has its own weight norm. Large breeds such as the Maine Coon weigh much more than their miniature counterparts (Persians, Sphynxes, etc.).
  • Floor. Most often, a boy, for example a British breed, has a larger mass than a girl of the same breed. Males are generally larger than cats. The difference can be about 2 kg.
  • Castration and sterilization. After these operations, the animal’s hormonal background changes, and therefore weight begins to increase.
  • Diseases. Obesity can be a consequence of any disease or dysfunction of internal organs.
  • Age. Young cats are smaller than older cats because they are more active and healthy.
  • Constitution. The physique of cats is also individual: some are more muscular, while others are thin and graceful.
  • Nutrition. Pets should be fed a balanced and high-quality diet.
  • Lifestyle. Sedentary animals always weigh more than active ones.

Important! The most common breeds that are prone to gaining excess weight are Sphynxes, Britons, Persians, Exotics and Burmese. Owners of such breeds should be careful to prevent them from becoming obese

How can you determine if your pet’s weight is normal? A fat cat has a noticeably large belly (apron), no waist, and a large muzzle. The ribs of such animals cannot be felt under the fat layer. A cat with a normal weight is active, he has a proportional body with a waist, the bones are palpable, but do not stick out.

Comparison of a healthy cat and an obese cat

The average weight for newborn kittens is 70-140 g. Gradually, they begin to add 15 g per day, and then 100 g by 2 months. Plump kittens are quite rare, as they are very active and their metabolism is still fast.

In a year, a cat will gain weight, which will remain there for many years to come if you monitor its health. To understand the norm of weight, we can take several fairly common breeds as an example. By the first year of life, a large representative of the Maine Coon reaches from 5.3 kg to 8.8 kg, and a representative - from 4.5 to 8.3 kg. Small British cats weigh about 2.5 - 4.6 kg, and male cats - 4.5 - 7 kg. The average-built Siberian breed weighs from 4.5 to 7 kg, regardless of gender.

Note! It is not worth making final conclusions about the weight of an animal based on the established average if it looks healthy and well-built. A cat that is too thin and has protruding bones cannot be healthy either.

Diseases can also develop from malnutrition, as well as from overeating.

Mayra Lizbeth Rosales – 500 kg

Myra was born in Texas, USA. At 32, she had already been bedridden for several years because she weighed 500 kg. Normal movements or moving around the house were impossible for her. Doctors called this degree of obesity pathological. When the lawyer came to the girl, he mistook the folds of fat on her legs for pillows.

Today Myra lost... 400 kg! Perhaps this is an excellent example of what a person can achieve if he sets clear goals and follows them. 11 operations, a special diet and constant physical activity, even a regular walk in the fresh air, helped. But, of course, all movements became possible after the operation.

For those who decided that they can simply “pump out” the fat from a surgeon and don’t need any fitness, they are mistaken. Such operations are carried out gradually so that the body can get used to the lost weight. There were cases when patients, after “pumping out” fat, died after a few weeks or a month, since the body did not accept the “new body”.

Today, Myra helps others believe in themselves and change their bodies for the better. Considering her history, it is safe to say that Myra is a true example of strong willpower.

In this photo, Mayra is in Andrei Malakhov’s studio and weighs 100 kg. Yes, it really is her.


For those who are accustomed to looking for a “golden mean” in everything, pets with medium dimensions are perfect. These are not small dogs, which many are prejudiced against, but they are not big either, which makes keeping them in a city apartment absolutely feasible. Among these animals there are the most popular breeds, for which demand has not fallen for a long time.


Poodles are generally a separate caste, they are one of the smartest and easiest to train, their appearance is pleasing to the eye, and excellent manners from birth make this breed one of the most popular. Of course, there are some peculiarities in keeping poodles - for example, they need to be regularly cut and combed, and devote enough time to hygiene of eyes, ears and teeth.

Friendly and sociable pets. They get along easily with other animals, even cats. They become very attached to their owner, and can even become depressed due to prolonged separation.

Important! There are four size options for the poodle: toy - up to 28 cm at the withers, dwarf (mini) - up to 35 cm, medium (small) - up to 45 cm and standard (large) - up to 60 cm. All of them comply with breed standards.

Basset Hound

A breed of dog that is known, if not to everyone, then to many, with its beautiful sad eyes and long ears, is capable of winning hearts at first sight. Bassets have a difficult character; they are stubborn, lazy and willful. Of course, it is possible to teach this animal to follow commands, but to do this you need to be patient and have some treats, which must be present in the form of encouragement.

Basset Hounds are very sedate and slow. They are great for keeping in an apartment; naturally, walks are a must for any dog, but with a basset hound you certainly don’t need to run headlong, but can have fun and enjoy the fresh air at a relaxed pace.

To control your pet's behavior during a walk, you can use a harness and collar.

English Springer Spaniel

The English Springer Spaniel is recognized as the best bird hunter, but this is far from its only positive characteristic. These dogs are very cheerful, active and good-natured. They are easy to learn and trainable. These spaniels are very beautiful, their color consists of two colors, the most common combinations are black and white and coffee and white. The height of the pet at the withers is no more than 50 cm, and the weight reaches 23 kg.

Considering that this is a hunting dog, you will definitely not be bored with it; it is full of energy and curiosity, which must be realized on long walks and during various games.

Find out more about typical spaniel representatives

The English Springer Spaniel gets along well with children as they have similar temperaments.


An adorable dog with floppy ears, this breed is very popular around the world. Thanks to her sweet appearance and easy-going personality, everyone who meets her falls in love with her at first sight. By temperament, a beagle resembles a small child who needs to learn everything, get involved in everything, play enough and be fooled to his heart's content. Such pets are completely unpretentious in care and do not require any special knowledge or training for their maintenance.

This dog's height does not exceed 40 cm and its weight is 18 kg, so it will be comfortable for him to live even in a small apartment. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will definitely not be bored with a beagle; the dog always craves communication and involves its owner in various fun things.

Important! The cost of a purebred puppy reaches up to $1000, and, perhaps, this is the only disadvantage of this dog


The dachshund is a dog with short legs and large ears, a hunter by vocation, and is also the smallest representative of the hounds. She is valued for her intellectual potential, flexible nature and physical abilities. They come in smooth, wire-haired and long-haired varieties, as well as standard (7–14 kg) and miniature (3–5 kg). Dachshunds are excellent guards, as they bark very loudly and shrilly. They are completely unpretentious in care; just like other dogs, they need to be well fed, bathed and walked, but nothing more.

When purchasing a dachshund, you need to know that its weak points are its spine and short legs. Based on this, it is necessary to avoid injury to the animal, and also not to overfeed it, since excess weight can have a detrimental effect on health.

Kenneth Bramley - one of the heaviest in the history of medicine

A man's appearance is the result of consuming 30,000 calories daily. When I was little, I led a fairly active lifestyle, playing American football, basketball, and baseball. At the age of 19, I stopped playing sports, moving actively, and gained a lot of weight. They even made a documentary about him called 'Half ton dad'. The father of four weighed almost half a ton, more precisely 468 kilograms. To get the man out of the house and take him to the hospital, a group of firefighters dismantled part of the wall and carried Kenneth out along with the bed from which he had not left for several years.

Kenneth Brumley - the heaviest in the past

Doctors installed a gastric bypass. The specialists took seriously the treatment of the seriously ill person. Thanks to diet alone, I managed to lose 76 kg in 46 days. Now Bramley can walk independently and is the world record holder for the most weight lost among men.


This is a large group of dogs that are similar in external parameters: large size, folds on the body and head, powerful spine. They were used as guard dogs, shepherds, gladiators and simply assistants in everyday situations. Some of the mastiffs carried carts of meat. But, despite their impressive size, dogs of this group are non-aggressive towards humans, often phlegmatic and lazy.

Tibetan mastiff

The oldest, largest and most expensive breed of dog, which appeared and was domesticated in Asia, or more precisely, in Tibet. It is believed that all currently known breeds originated from the Tibetans. Animals were used by monks to guard temples and as assistants. There are a lot of legends and stories surrounding these mastiffs.

Their height starts from 61 cm; the standard does not limit the breed either in size or weight. Tibetans are characterized by long, straight hair that forms a collar and a thick cap. Animals are able to withstand even the most severe frosts. The average price for a puppy is 40-120 thousand rubles.

English Mastiff

Considered the largest dog in modern times. Its height is 70-75 cm, and its weight can exceed 100 kg. The animals are muscular, strong, well built. Typical colors: peach, beige, silver. The coat is close-fitting and short. Characteristic is a black mask on the facial area. The average price is 35-56 thousand rubles.

French Mastiff

Dogue de Bordeaux is the second name of the breed. Dogs appear squat and awkward due to their too deep chest and small head. Although their height cannot be less than 58 cm, and their weight reaches 90 kg. The only correct color is brownish-red; red or black masks on the face are acceptable. The average price is 35-50 thousand rubles.

Saint Bernard

The Swiss Alps are considered the birthplace of these majestic giants, which appeared in the 11th century. And among their closest ancestors are Molossian Great Danes and Tibetan Mastiffs. As a result of crossing these animals with local dogs, a new breed was developed that was capable of finding people under snow rubble. The first St. Bernards were little like their modern descendants, but they coped well with their duties as rescuers. Despite its long history, the first breed standard was developed in the 19th century.

The Saint Bernard is one of the heaviest dogs in the world. The average weight of a typical representative of this breed is about 90 kg with a height of 65-90 cm at the withers. However, facts of the existence of larger individuals are known. For example, in the UK there lived a St. Bernard named Haydan Dark Blue, who weighed as much as 138 kg at the age of three. The muscular, harmoniously developed body of such a dog is covered with thick, long, snow-white hair with clearly defined brown-red or red spots.


Representatives of this breed love water. They love to swim long distances and dive. These animals are real heroes - they are able to save drowning people. For this feature they are also called divers. Thanks to his gentle, soft character, this four-legged friend will become a full member of the family. At the same time, he is an excellent guard and defender. This breed of the largest dog is now considered Canadian, although it originated much earlier than this country arose.

Description of the standard:

  • Height: for females – 65-70 cm, for males – 68-73 cm;
  • Weight: for females – 50-60 kg, for males – 60-70 kg;
  • The animal's long, thick fur can be brown, black and white or black. She has an undercoat;
  • The Newfoundland has a large, muscular, powerful body, a wide chest, its legs seem short compared to its body, and its tail is fluffy and long;
  • This beautiful giant has a large head, which is framed by ears hanging on the sides;
  • Its muzzle is short compared to its body, its shape is square, and its eyes are dark. The animal has soft cheeks, a pronounced nose, which is black in color if the coat is black or black and white. If the color of the quadruped is brown, then the nose is of a similar color;
  • The eyes are medium-sized, deep-set;
  • Life expectancy is 9-10 years.

The Newfoundland is not an active breed, so it is prone to gaining excess weight. This can be prevented through regular walks. He attracts not only his beautiful appearance, but also his character. He is very smart, delicate and even intelligent, and as a family member he is valued for being an affectionate, kind-hearted person who will become a caring nanny for children, and a devoted companion for adults.

In addition to regular combing of long hair, you need to pay attention to the fact that a pet of this breed is prone to conjunctivitis, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the conjunctiva of the eye. The cost of a Newfoundland is $700-$2300. The cost of a Newfoundland is $700-$2300

The cost of a Newfoundland is $700-$2300.

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What to do then?

We advise you to think several times before giving something unhealthy for your dog again. Until your pet gets too fat, pay attention to foods such as veal, poultry, white fish, fruits, dairy products, and various cereals. But then, of course, don’t give anything from the table, no junk food, there must be a strict feeding schedule.

Don't forget about physical activity

If the dog is still young, but already too fat, then also feed all of the above, but 3-4 times a day in small portions: in this case, the diet will be more effective. Please note that the diet will need to be diluted with vitamins and various useful supplements; this will solve the problem with a possible lack of vitamins. In the case of an aging dog, it is preferable to eat one meal of low-fat cereals and cottage cheese, eggs, and some time before or after a walk - meat or fish.

When engaging in physical activity with your pet, you should adhere to a regimen. Otherwise, you can get additional problems for the dog in the form of fractures, exacerbation of shortness of breath, high loads on a weak heart, and the like. Start with light walks, and after getting used to such a load, you can move on to simple games. Thus, the health and well-being of the dog is in your hands. Be careful and responsible.  

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