Comprehensive information on how to muzzle a dog

According to the law, Every dog ​​in a public place must be on a leash and muzzle. The procedure and conditions of detention are regulated by the legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Whether you like it or not, we are obliged to muzzle our pets from time to time. For example, when we take them to a veterinary clinic for vaccination, or when we travel on public transport. It is indispensable for training.

But if the dog is large, of a fighting breed, or shows aggression, and also if it takes part in competitions or is in the service, wearing a muzzle is a necessity .

Instructions for different types


This is a metal wire soldered together. There are straps attached to it, which secure it to the pet's face. The mesh can be different: single or double. Double wire is more reliable because it will be difficult for the dog to bite it. This is often the choice of owners of dogs of aggressive breeds.

On the plus side , due to its rigid shape, it prevents the possibility of biting, allows the dog to breathe with its tongue hanging out, it does not need to be washed often, and it is resistant to sharp teeth and claws.

The downside is that it should not be worn in cold weather, as the dog’s tongue and lips may freeze to the metal; it should not be used in damp weather, as it may rust, and for the owner of an active dog, bruises are guaranteed.

For a puppy

Note! Any muzzle, metal, leather or nylon, put on a puppy for the first time will cause him discomfort, stress and a desire to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Therefore, if your choice is still metal, the very first thing you need to do is calm your baby down and introduce him to the new accessory. To do this, first show it and let it smell. Then turn it into a bowl and fill it with your pet's favorite treat.

As soon as the dog begins to fully insert his muzzle into the muzzle, slowly put it on, but do not fasten it . Feed the baby using the equipment you are wearing. Repeat the exercise several times a day.

When it becomes obvious that your dog is getting used to the new accessory, fasten it for a few seconds, give your pet a treat, and remove it. It should be noted that the dog should associate the muzzle with positive emotions , so put it on every time before a walk and go outside.

If the puppy tries to take it off, distract him. It is worth noting here that only perseverance and patience will bear fruit.

Per adult

As for an adult dog, much depends on whether the animal is wearing a muzzle for the first time or not .

If this is your first experience, then the technique is the same as if you were putting a muzzle on a puppy. If you have experience, then there should be no problems.

The main thing is to first introduce the dog to the accessory. When putting on such a muzzle, you need to pay attention so that the tip of the nose does not touch the metal, the dog can open its mouth slightly in it, and the leather insert lies exactly on the nose.

But in any case, it is necessary to remember that an adult dog is much stronger than a puppy , and the bruises that a metal muzzle can cause will be much stronger. So only put it on a calm animal.

Important! If you purchase a metal muzzle, you should carefully check the quality of the soldering. The best option is models with a special coating, since the metal can rust. And if the soldering is of poor quality, the dog can damage its muzzle.



Material: leather or leatherette. Consists of leather strips (sometimes whole pieces of leather) connected to each other with rivets.

If you decide on it, you need to accurately determine not only the size, but also choose good quality material . Poor materials will rub the bridge of the nose or the sides of the animal's muzzle. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to the rivets on the inside - they should not stick out too much, have sharp edges, or traces of rust.

The leather mesh is universal, applicable to many breeds of dogs, it is used for a visit to the veterinarian, for a walk or when riding the bus.

Pros: the flexible shape is more comfortable, the dog can breathe and drink water freely, can be used regardless of weather conditions, and looks less aggressive.

Cons: The soft shape can be bitten and allows the dog to pick up debris from the ground, it is not durable enough and requires constant cleaning.

Whatever accessory you choose for your pet, the putting technique will always be the same . When putting a leather mesh muzzle on either a puppy or an adult dog, it is necessary that it fit exactly in size. Therefore, buying a large muzzle “for the puppy’s growth” will not work.

When putting on a muzzle, you should make sure that it does not touch the nose, fits tightly behind the ears and allows the dog to open his mouth slightly. But here it is worth remembering that a leather accessory tends to get wet from drool and then harden , which will cause discomfort and can rub your face.

Bridle (loop)

Not very reliable, but easy and quick to put on. The loop can be made of fabric or leather and secures the dog's jaw in a closed position. The loop wraps around the muzzle approximately in the middle and is secured with two straps at the back of the head. Used when it is necessary to quickly close the dog's mouth.

Another type of loop muzzle is a bridle, which is more of a means of controlling the animal. It is quite easy to put it on if you have an obedient animal that clearly follows commands. When putting a bridle on an adult dog, first fix the strap - collar on the animal's neck, then put the remaining loop on the dog's muzzle, making sure that it clearly fixes it.

For a restless puppy , this is not the best first muzzle option . But the principle is the same. First we fasten the collar, then put on the second part. If your baby tries to catch the loop with his teeth, lightly squeeze his mouth with your hand and put on the ring.

Blind (closed) made of leather

It is considered an alternative to metal mesh. It fits tightly, fixes the mouth right up to the eye line. Many have holes that make it easier for the animal to breathe.

Important! When purchasing a closed muzzle, you must select the exact size. Since it is less flexible, the size must be selected quite accurately. Neither too tight nor too loose should be used.

Among the advantages , it should be noted that it prevents the possibility of biting, does not allow the dog to collect garbage from the ground, and does not leave marks on the face. It can be used in any weather conditions, and it will not injure the owner if the dog shows aggression.

The downside is that it does not allow the pet to breathe freely, so its use should be limited in hot weather and during long training sessions.

When putting such equipment on your dog, make sure that it is securely fastened.

As a rule, such models have three straps, two of which go behind the ears and one along the length of the head. They connect at the withers and securely fix it so that the dog cannot remove it.

Such a muzzle is put on a puppy if it shows excessive aggression . The technique of training for such a muzzle is the same as for a metal one.


Lightweight and comfortable, it has a Velcro closure and can be worn on any muzzle thickness . Ideal for dogs of medium and decorative breeds. It is tightly fixed, makes it difficult to breathe and does not allow you to collect debris from the ground. Can be used in any weather conditions, when visiting the veterinarian, transporting on a bus or during training.

For a puppy

The soft nylon muzzle is ideal as a first try for your little pet. It is very light and causes virtually no discomfort to the animal. When putting it on your baby, make sure that it fits exactly in size, does not dangle and does not squeeze the muzzle too much, and is clearly fixed behind the ears.

For an adult pet

An adult dog quickly and easily gets used to such a piece of equipment. The nylon cone is placed over the dog's face, pulled up to the eye line, and 2 straps securely fix it behind the ears.


It's the same shape as a basket in which the dog feels quite free. Made from lightweight materials, it does not press or rub your face.

Pros: the shape does not allow you to bite through, can be used in any weather, allows you to breathe freely and is easy to clean.

Cons: Not suitable for large or aggressive dogs as they may crack and cause injury to the dog. Staying in it for a long time rubs the dog's nose.

Since a plastic muzzle is a lightweight alternative to a metal one, it fits in exactly the same way. Here you need to remember that plastic is a more brittle material , and you should put it on more carefully.

Common mistakes

Inexperienced dog breeders often make mistakes when teaching their dog to wear equipment. The most common of them are the following:

  • Inconsistency of actions during training. The process of accustoming to a muzzle should take place gradually; you can move on to each subsequent stage only when the dog has completely mastered the previous stage.
  • Removing the muzzle at the pet's request.
  • Wrong choice of model or size of accessory so that the dog experiences discomfort or can remove the muzzle on its own.
  • Putting on equipment immediately before performing unpleasant procedures.

It is much more difficult to accustom an adult dog to a muzzle, so this important skill must be practiced starting from puppyhood. Correctly and consistently performing all stages of training, you can quickly accustom your pet to the equipment.

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Precautions for working with aggressive animals

If the dog is not actively aggressive, then you need to be firmer and more persistent, but if there is a possibility that the dog might attack, you should use a different technique .

Do not feed your pet during the day, then make a bowl out of the muzzle. Place food in it and feed your dog breakfast or dinner. Two or three times will be enough.

Next time , pretend, but don't put in the food . After the dog once again reaches into the muzzle for food and does not find it, give it a piece from your hand. Then put the muzzle on for 5 seconds and give her a treat.

Each time you increase the time the dog spends in the muzzle . Then start feeding her through the muzzle, gradually increasing the pauses between feedings. When the dog has been calm in the muzzle for 2-3 minutes, remove it and place a bowl with a handful of food in front of him. Repeat this 2-3 times.

Note! Now your goal is to develop a reflex in your pet: before eating, you need to sit in a muzzle. In this case, it is necessary to stop feeding the animal through the muzzle, and increase the time before giving it a bowl.

Once your dog gets used to the muzzle, make sure that the time it is in the muzzle lasts as long as possible.

If this technique does not help, the only remaining options are more severe methods using a noose or a shock collar. But they can only be used under the guidance of an instructor .

Choosing the right muzzle

The process of training a dog to use a muzzle begins with choosing this accessory. To begin with, the owner must determine the purposes that the device will accomplish. The degree of openness of the muzzle entirely depends on this. You also need to determine the material from which the product will consist. In veterinary stores you can find the following types of muzzles:

  1. Leather product. It is convenient and safe, however, in the hot season, an overly closed accessory can impede the animal’s breathing process and also prevent cooling.
  2. Metal mesh muzzle. Strong and durable, the main disadvantage is the bruises the owner received while playing with his pet. It is also highly recommended not to wear it in winter.
  3. Plastic product. Great for training your puppy to use a muzzle. Disadvantages - it breaks quickly, and with long-term and intensive use it can rub the dog’s face.
  4. Nylon accessory. An excellent option for small breed dogs. Soft, comfortable, quite durable and not very expensive.

The owner must understand that a properly selected muzzle will in no case rub his skin, make breathing difficult, or compress blood vessels. It should also fit snugly and not wobble. If the animal feels comfortable wearing a muzzle, then teaching it to wear will be much easier.

What to do if it constantly pulls off?

If your pet rips off the muzzle, a stern voice and tugging on the leash or commands “Near!”, “Sit!” or “Lie down!” do not bring the desired effect, remove the muzzle and scold the dog, but after that put it back on and praise it in a joyful voice . After training, let her go for a break only with a muzzle.

If your pet automatically follows commands, for example, “Near!”, you can put on a muzzle while they are being executed, preventing it from being removed by a new command. And as she learns new skills, accustom her to a muzzle.

How to choose a convenient one?

When buying this necessary accessory for your pet, do not forget about its convenience. To do this you need to take measurements :

  • length of the muzzle (from the line of the eyes to the tip of the nose);
  • muzzle circumference (just below the eye line);
  • distance from the back of the head about the eye line;
  • neck circumference (measured just behind the ears);
  • muzzle width;
  • muzzle height.

Important! When choosing a muzzle, always check the manufacturer's data with the measurements you took from the dog. Each manufacturer has its own size chart.

Training a puppy

The following information will help in the question of how to accustom a puppy to wearing an accessory. Little fidgets are distinguished by their insatiable curiosity, which in this case can be directed in a constructive direction. Dog trainers advise training to be carried out on the street, since this is the place in their lives that is associated with games and fun pastime.

The muzzle is first shown to the puppy, the owner gives him the opportunity to sniff it, but not gnaw or bite. Then, talking affectionately and stroking the little pet, the product is fastened. After this, you need to immediately involve your pet in the game. Captivated by the exploration of the world and the actions of the owner, the puppy sometimes does not even notice that the owner has put something on him.

The stages of adaptation last for 1-2 weeks; during this period, the animal will become attached to the accessory and will perceive its presence on itself in a natural way. For the first time, do not try to put the muzzle on for a long time, a couple of minutes is enough. Remember to stimulate your dog with treats and praise before and after putting on the product.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The pet products market offers a wide range of products made from various materials: plastic, metal, leather, fabric (nylon), muzzles and halters.
  2. In order to protect others or the pet itself from being picked up on the street, it is recommended to choose durable products that completely cover the mouth. Leather, metal or plastic models are suitable.
  3. If you need equipment for visits to the veterinarian, you should purchase a cloth muzzle.
  4. To be with your pet in a public place or transport, you can safely purchase a halter.
  5. In order not to make a mistake with the size of your purchase, you should come to the pet store with your pet and try on the item directly there. The product should be tightly fixed on the animal’s face, but it is necessary that the dog has space around its mouth so that it can breathe freely with its mouth slightly open.
  6. The animal must be accustomed to equipment from any age. The earlier the better.
  7. You need to accustom your pet to the product smoothly and carefully, with the help of treats. First, present the item to the animal's face, then bring the item closer and closer, eventually finally placing it on the pet's face. All actions should be supported by a treat. Remove the product only when the dog is calm. If your pet tries to remove the muzzle, wait until he stops doing so, then give the animal a treat. Associate the pet's product with a positive thing.

German Shepherd puppies need proper nutrition. how to balance the diet and what to feed German Shepherd puppies

We hope that the article was useful to you and that you learned a lot of useful information regarding muzzles. We wish you good luck in choosing and using ammunition for your four-legged friend! dressirovka/kak-priuchit-sobaku-k-namordniku

What is it for?

The muzzle is designed primarily to protect others from dog aggression. Moreover, the degree of aggressiveness of the dog does not matter, since the person subconsciously feels a threat from an unfamiliar large dog, which includes the German Shepherd.

Let us describe the main situations in which a muzzle may be useful:

  • while in transport, especially public transport;
  • when going to the vet;
  • during care, training, training;
  • it is necessary to prevent the dog from picking up objects from the ground;
  • avoiding property damage.

A muzzle helps maintain calm relationships with people around you. Most of them have a negative attitude towards dogs without a muzzle when they meet them on the street, especially large breeds. They may not only quarrel with the pet's owner, but also try to poison the animal. To avoid all possible problems in the future, it is better to equip your German Shepherd.

Let's take a closer look at what types of muzzles exist.

How to choose the right size and wear it correctly

In order for your pet to feel comfortable, it is important to know how to choose the right size dog muzzle. It all depends on the size of the dog and the type of accessory you would like to purchase.

Consider all the characteristics of your pet; depending on the breed of dog, the size of the device may vary. So,

  • make sure that it fits loosely on the back of the head and does not put pressure on the dog’s skull;
  • he should not close his eyes;
  • should fix the jaw and not hang on the buckles;
  • the animal’s nose should not fit tightly to the base of the muzzle;
  • make sure your pet can breathe in it with its mouth open;
  • in an ideal position, the accessory should be fixed on two buckles (between the ears and on the sides);
  • in a fixed state, it should not be easily removed by paws.

Having decided on the size, you are faced with the question of how to put a muzzle on a dog so that it does not feel threatened. Place any treat under it in your palm and offer it to your pet.

Important! You should not force the muzzles on, as the dog will avoid forced procedures and may completely refuse it. Having thrown the structure, immediately fix it and let your four-legged friend sit next to you in it for 10-15 seconds

If there are no problems, your task has been achieved, but if the animal protests, try again. This way, when your dog is muzzled, you need to make it clear that he is not a threat and that you are still there.

Having put on the structure, immediately fix it and let your four-legged friend sit next to you in it for 10-15 seconds. If there are no problems, your task has been achieved, but if the animal protests, try again. This way, when your dog is muzzled, you need to make it clear that he is not a threat and that you are still there.

Types of dog muzzles range from small to large and from durable to less durable. This allows you to choose an accessory that will make it easier to keep and raise your pet.

Alternative way

Certain breeds can be trained differently to cloth muzzles, which have one large hole at the end. To begin with, the food should be placed at the bottom of a cup (so that the treats do not fall on the floor), which should not be too deep and should fit the size of the muzzle. At the next stage, the muzzle is placed in a plastic cup, food is placed at the bottom and the dog is allowed to eat it. This stage is repeated several times, after which they move on to the next one, which involves fastening the strap while the animal tries to reach and eat the treat. At the final stage, after the muzzle is fixed on the head, the cup is removed and the dog is fed by hand. If the animal resists and is nervous, then, after waiting until the pet calms down, the muzzle is removed and they return to the previous stages. The animal must perceive the training process as a game.

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