Online consultations on cynology and animal psychology of dogs

Kuzmenko Olga Olegovna Certified veterinarian and zootechnologist with three years of experience. In 2010 she graduated from the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev with a degree in Animal Science. In 2013, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K. I. Scriabin with a degree in Veterinary Medicine.

The Ask an Expert page is designed to ensure that every user can get answers to all their questions. On this page you can visit a veterinarian and get advice from our expert Olga completely free of charge and without registration.

Important! We only deal with dog problems. The Dogworry site is a site only about dogs, everything says so: our name, design and content. We don't need to write about cats, hamsters, guinea pigs and other pets. Only dogs. We do not enter into the territory of other pet sites.

If you want to get the most detailed and quick answer, then follow the rules described below:

  1. Please indicate your pet's breed, weight and age.
  2. Try to formulate the question or describe the problem that concerns you as clearly as possible. If you want to consult a veterinarian about the disease, then describe the symptoms, how the dog behaves, does it eat or refuse to eat?
  3. Describe your pet's diet: brand of food, type, how many times a day you feed it.

Important! We provide online consultation and can never replace a visit to the veterinarian.

Dear visitors who ask us their questions, please triple check that the entered email address is correct, or better yet, just copy it from your email account. It often happens that people ask a question and indicate the wrong address. So we waste time and people don't get their answers, thinking that we are scoundrels.

Dear visitors to this page, due to the fact that far from adequate people often write to us, we want to clarify something.

  1. Our consultation is a friendly helping hand for those who do not know what to do in difficult times when their pet is ill. We do not provide paid assistance, therefore, you do not need to demand too much from us, for example, to carry out an online operation because you want to.
  2. We do not recommend specific doctors or specific clinics. Search for yourself in your city, it’s not difficult, since we are not omnipresent, we are located in a specific city. It is unlikely that our locations will coincide.
  3. You are not our clients. We don’t need to be rude, demand anything, and, especially, threaten. If you want to act like a redneck. Go to a private clinic, pay money, and let the staff put up with you for a salary. If you wish to receive advice, be polite and friendly. Boors and insolent people will be ignored.
  4. We are not omnipotent. We cannot make a diagnosis over the Internet purely based on your words. Often, to find out the cause of the disease, you need to undergo tests, ultrasound, MRI and similar manipulations. Don't demand the impossible from us.
  5. Don't ask us what to do if your dog is aggressive or doesn't listen. Such moments require the real intervention of a dog handler who will be able to see your dog live. We cannot solve your problem through a computer monitor or phone screen.

As the owner of the site, I apologize for such a disclaimer to adequate, well-mannered people. I think you will understand my similar step in maintaining the site. Thank you.

Previously asked questions

Distance learning programs:

A puppy in your home.
At your request, our specialist will tell you all the necessary information on topics that interest you:

  • Organization of proper feeding when kept on natural or dry food, selection of vitamins and treats.
  • What is allowed and what is prohibited for a puppy. How to properly encourage and correctly prohibit.
  • Building correct and trusting relationships with your dog. Types of hierarchical relationships in a dog pack - family.
  • Required daily physical activity, correct load, taking into account your current age.
  • Proper games with a dog as a way to develop its understanding of the principles of interaction in your family.
  • Safety measures at home and on the street, injury prevention and first aid for cuts, tick bites, etc.

Our specialist will determine the reasons for any unwanted behavior and show you how to correct it. A dog trainer will help you:

  • Teach your puppy to go to the toilet in a diaper and outside;
  • Stop chewing furniture, clothes, walls and baseboards;
  • Explain that you and your family members should never be bitten, even in a game;
  • Teach to play only with your toys, and not with your things;
  • Teach to calmly react to people and dogs on the street;
  • Explain that food can only be received from the owner’s hands, and not picked up on the street.
  • Establish the correct daily routine, establishing the rule that in the morning you need to sleep and not wake you up;
  • Teach to stay at home alone, knowing that your absence is not a reason to bark or howl;
  • And much more, if necessary.

Obedience command training:

  • Calm movement next
    to the owner with and without a leash, with landing when stopping, with a change in pace and direction of movement.
  • Return to you
    upon request.
  • Staying
    in a free or certain position (sitting, lying, standing) for a long time: if necessary, wait for the owner on the street, when visiting a store or other establishment.
  • Indifferent attitude towards treats scattered on the ground.
  • Prohibiting command
    to stop unwanted actions.
  • Execution of a set of commands “sit”, “lie down”, “stand”
    at a distance and near the leg, when giving commands by voice and gestures.
  • Stop barking
    on demand.
  • Other teams
    at your request. The instructor will provide a complete list when creating the training program.

Correction of unwanted behavior

  • Aggression towards you and your family members, strangers and dogs.
  • Fear of loud noises, people, dogs, busy streets, stairs, elevators, etc.
  • Cowardly-aggressive behavior.
  • Biting on arms and legs during play.
  • Howling and barking in your absence, and at rustling sounds outside the door.
  • Picking up from the ground.
  • If the dog chews your things, furniture, wires, etc.
  • Goes to the toilet in the wrong place.
  • Other types of unwanted behavior.

Behavior correction. How it works:

Any unwanted behavior of your dog has its reasons, only by eliminating which can this behavior be corrected; and in most cases there is a whole complex of reasons that are invisible to a layman.

Determining the causes of unwanted behavior occurs through analysis of the information you provide, as well as answers to clarifying questions from our zoopsychologist and through special behavioral tests. All interactions with the dog are carried out by the Owner, since the dog trusts him disproportionately more than the specialist whom he sees for the first time.

Based on the information received, the animal psychologist tells you the reasons for the unwanted behavior and explains the method for correcting it, showing and telling you the whole range of necessary actions and measures.

A competent specialist can do all this while being next to you, or via a video link; in both cases, the algorithm of work remains unchanged.

Online dog consultation. Why do I need it?

It is becoming increasingly popular and expedient. It turns out that many problems can be successfully solved not only in person, but also remotely. And this provides a lot of benefits! After all, you don’t need to go anywhere, waste time and money on travel. You can choose exactly the specialist you want, wherever he is, and not the one who is simply in your city. And it happens that in your city there is no specialist at all who can help you. Now you have the opportunity to choose not only a specific specialist, but also a method of training and correction, and not be content with what is given within your reach - the whole world is in front of you! Sit back with a cup of tea or coffee and gain knowledge.

Online classes are more structured and thoughtful, so they take less time. A detailed survey is carried out, you prepare questions in advance. Some things, if necessary, can simply be filmed and sent to a specialist.

What exactly can be solved with the help of an online consultation with a dog handler (remotely)?

  • teach a basic training scheme, according to which you can teach your dog almost any command, both standard and circus;
  • undergo obedience training with an adult dog;
  • help in raising and training a puppy:

- wean off biting hands and feet, - wean off jumping on people, - toilet train, - get used to a leash, collar, muzzle, cage, - going outside - socialization, - working with fears, - learning basic commands, - get used to unpleasant ones procedures (washing, cutting, treatment), - explain the nature of the puppy’s behavior, - teach the language of dogs;

  • solve most behavior problems:

- destructive behavior (gnaws furniture, walls, wallpaper), - fear of loneliness, - howling alone, - barking, - aggression (towards dogs, other animals, children, people), - uncleanliness at home (peeing, pooping at home), - fear fireworks, thunderstorms, loud sounds, - obsessive stereotypies (runs after the tail, licks itself, chews itself), - fear of the street, - fear of other dogs, - dog and child (relationships), - stress, - violation of attachment to the owner, - absence contact between the owner and the dog, - the dog does not obey (does not follow commands, pulls the leash, runs away, ...), - improve living conditions (apartment layout, exercise, diet), - relationships between several dogs and other animals ( social correction );

  • Consult on choosing a dog:

- when is the best time to get one, - what breed to choose.

If you still have questions, I will be happy to answer them! All you need to do is fill out the form below.

Author: Evgenia Volchkova

Fill out the form online

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  • Maximum urgency
    - you can conduct a lesson immediately on the day of your request.
  • Anywhere in the World
    - Wherever you are: on vacation with a dog; in Russian cities where there are no relevant specialists; in another country, but it is more convenient for you to study in your native language.
  • Affordable price
    - The price is lower than for on-site classes, and the result obtained is exactly the same.
  • At home and on the street
    - Wherever there is Internet.
  • An individual program
    - specifically for your dog and to solve the problems you set.
  • Specific
    - Just the information you need and clear guidelines. Correcting any unwanted behavior, even if other dog handlers were unable to help you.

Dog training. How it works:

Undoubtedly, in the case of practicing obedience commands, in some cases it is better for a specialist to be next to you and demonstrate the practice of the necessary elements on your dog, since this is the development of new motor-coordination skills. But what if this form of training is impossible? Quarantine, irregular work schedule, or if there are no relevant specialists in your city, and those who do have qualifications leave much to be desired?

In this case, distance training classes are the best way out, especially if the alternative is no classes at all.

Our center has developed and repeatedly tested a distance learning methodology for practicing obedience commands, in which you will receive all the necessary skills and knowledge, and your dog will follow commands on demand.

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