Simple training for a dog to stay home alone and not whine

One of the main moments that occurs in the life of the owner when buying a puppy is how to teach the dog to remain alone. After all, a baby can disturb neighbors with his barking, damage property, and also experience enormous stress from being alone for a long time. There are many techniques that need to be used to accustom an animal, as well as not harm the psyche and speed up the process of addiction.

If this is your first time encountering such a problem, there are some tips for you, but if possible, you should contact a specialist. Then training will be interesting for you and for your four-legged friend. And the classes themselves will be easy and fun.

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Website of veterinary doctor Elena Valerievna Gordeeva
“Who said that money can’t buy happiness? What about the puppies?” (Zhena Hill)

How to teach a puppy aged one to three months to stay calmly at home

Usually, when buying a puppy, owners take a vacation for the first time and stay at home with their puppy. This is a grave mistake. What does it consist of? We have already said that the main thing for dogs is habits. They are produced between one and three months of age. And if the owner does not leave his baby alone for a minute, then this will be very familiar for the puppy. And when the time comes to be separated or disrupt the usual flow of life, the puppy has problems. Many have heard how dogs left alone howl. Many in their home have experienced the fear of animal loneliness. Complete destruction of the apartment is a very common consequence of the owner leaving the house without a dog.

We will, of course, teach the puppy to stay home alone. You have no doubt about it. But you must follow the rules too.

  1. If you cannot shorten your working day, and your dog will sit at home alone from 8 am to 7 pm, then you are better off not getting a dog at all or getting a couple of dwarf doggies who will entertain each other.
  2. You cannot leave a puppy at home alone (one month old for more than 4 hours), a two month old puppy for 5 hours, a three month old puppy for more than 6 hours.
  3. If the puppy is left alone at night, the light must be turned on where the baby is.
  4. There should be fresh water and possibly food available in a place accessible to the puppy.
  5. Be sure to give your puppy special toys while you leave.
  6. It will be great if, after half the time of solitude, someone checks on the puppy. Feed, play, clean up piles and puddles.

Well, the rules are written. The lesson begins.

When buying a puppy, be sure to ask the breeder whether the baby was left alone at home, how long he was alone and how he behaved. This will be the first information from which we will build in our training. I took my Elka from the breeder after I found out that the dog sits alone in a separate room all day and is not allowed anywhere. I felt unbearably sorry for her, and I came and took her.

Consequently, loneliness became a habit for my puppy, and when I left the house, my Elka would simply go to bed.

If the puppy has never been left alone at home before you, then the tactics will be different.

You take three days off and during these days you begin to accustom the puppy to being alone.

First day. Start of classes.

The puppy must play enough, eat enough and be very tired. As soon as his eyes begin to stick together, take him into the room, put him on a mat and, closing the door tightly, leave. I think the puppy will sleep peacefully, he’s tired. Do this whenever possible. Try not to enter the room when the puppy is awake and whining. Wait until the room is quiet, and then you can come in or let the baby go free.

We do the same with leaving the apartment. Don't leave when the baby is sleeping, sneaking around on tiptoe. You should leave when he is tired, full and really wants to sleep, but has not yet closed his eyes.

You should just leave the apartment several times a day, at least for a few minutes. After telling the puppy that you are going to work, go out the front door, lock it and at least go downstairs so that your fading steps can be heard. You can return in 5-10 minutes. And so several times a day. Before leaving, be sure to give him a new toy or something to chew on for a while. You can enter the apartment if the puppy is silent. If he whines, be patient outside the door, but under no circumstances burst into the apartment when the baby screams. Let the neighbors be patient for a little while, but they will be at peace in the future.

If these rules are followed strictly, then you will not have problems with care.

You get out of the house for an entire hour using all the tips I gave for the first two days. You can leave home three times already.

Now let's talk about your return.

There are pitfalls here that many people get into trouble with.

Your wrong actions.

1. Returning home, yearning for your baby, you throw your bags in the hallway and immediately start playing with the baby, kissing and stroking him. Emotions are running high.

Your correct actions.

You enter the door and calmly go into the hallway, undress, take off your shoes and then calmly walk into the room. At the same time, you talk to the dog in a gentle voice. At this time, the puppy will jump on you, bark, and whine with happiness. Don't notice it, no matter how hard it is for you. Don’t forget that the dog is not a person, and it will not be offended by your behavior.. In the room, when the baby has calmed down a little, you can give free rein to your feelings. Now do whatever you want with your beloved dog.

2. You open the door and realize that there is nothing left of your house, well, almost nothing. The kid has caused so much trouble that you want to kill him. And you immediately start scolding him, and maybe even hitting him. Well, in general, punish. These are wrong actions.

When you come home and see all this bedlam, you are, of course, outraged, but at yourself. Why didn't I remove the TV remote control? Why did you leave your new boots in the hallway? So we sorted ourselves out, undressed, went into the room and caressed the baby. He did all this because he was homesick without you. His heart was simply breaking with grief, and to prevent it from breaking at all, he ate your new boots.

Your behavior will reinforce the dog's habit of greeting you the way you want. Either calmly or knock you down. Decide what you like best.

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Feeding a puppy from birth to 1 year

From birth to three weeks, Chihuahua puppies are breastfed. If for some reason they are deprived of this opportunity, they are fed every two hours with special milk formulas, which can be bought at the pharmacy. In the fourth week, the first complementary foods are given - a mixture of goat's milk and eggs, then liquid oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge, and cottage cheese. In the second month, turkey or rabbit meat is introduced into the diet.

At the age of two months, Chihuahuas are completely transferred to independent feeding and are given food 5-6 times. At four months, milk is replaced with protein foods, offal is introduced into the menu, and the total daily portion is increased.

From six to nine months, the number of meals is reduced to three times. The diet should consist of 50% meat, 25% vegetables and 25% cereals.

From nine months to a year, the Chihuahua's diet is switched to a two-time diet, with caloric content adjusted according to individual characteristics (60 kcal per kg of weight).

Why loneliness is bad for dogs

Most of the bad habits of dogs (jumping on people, digging in garbage, eating excrement, aggression, excessive barking and howling) are the result of a lack of contact with the owner for a long time. When a dog is left alone in the house for too long, it loses its positive character traits and becomes less obedient.

Another negative effect of loneliness is a chronic lack of exercise. This is especially dangerous for active breeds: herding dogs, terriers, hounds and sled dogs. Deprived of the opportunity to release their energy, animals can become hyperactive, aggressive, and prone to disobedience. In the case of puppies, isolation causes permanent deficits in socialization. As a rule, this is the main reason explaining abnormal behavior in adulthood.

Movement and awards

If the owner leaves the dog alone in the apartment for a long time, the animal suffers without people. Unfortunately, destroying household appliances is usually a dog's only way to recover from the stress of loneliness. There is nothing worse than punishing an animal for such crimes. Then, in addition to the nervousness caused by loneliness, the dog develops fear, and as a result, the habit of doing all sorts of dirty tricks.

The only way to break this vicious cycle is to provide the appropriate amount of exercise for the dog in the home, and then reward him if everything in the home remains intact. Of course, you should initially leave the dog alone for very short periods of time, and then gradually increase such periods of solitude.

Mistakes when breaking up

Saying goodbye too long is a major mistake. But the owners can understand in this situation, how can they restrain themselves and not pet the dog for half an hour before leaving, when it whines a lot? Dogs are also actors and can easily detain any owners by playing on pity. But if he has been provided with everything he needs, it is better not to react to this. Indeed, in this case, the dog will understand that such tricks do not work and he needs to be more disciplined.

In general, training is not a difficult process, but both the owner and the pet require patience and discipline. The main thing is to be attentive to the dog’s condition, because sometimes it’s a simulation, and sometimes the dog can really feel unwell. Therefore, if a dog, after being alone, has stress, problems with food and stool, then the owner should try to compensate for the lack of attention.

Music and toys

When the dog is alone in the house, doors and windows should be closed to prevent possible escape from the apartment. After all, having heard some sounds outside the house, the animal will want to know what is happening there. It has also been found that dogs left alone will feel more comfortable with a soft radio playing. In addition, you can leave a small stream of water open. This way, the animal will not pay attention to sounds from the outside, and the murmur of water will give the impression that the owners are nearby. And don't forget to leave some toys for your pet to have fun. Some timid dogs who are afraid of being alone need to be locked in a room because the large space of an apartment can frighten them.

Hygiene procedures

Hygienic care for Chihuahuas is carried out comprehensively - bathing, combing, taking care of their health. Smooth-haired representatives of the breed are more unpretentious than long-haired ones.

Puppies can only be bathed from four months of age. Dirt from paws after walks is washed off with plain warm water. Bath with shampoo no more than once every 3-4 months. Less frequent water procedures lead to the formation of a layer of dust and sebaceous secretions on the skin, an unkempt appearance of the coat and the creation of an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogens.

How to understand that a dog is missing you

What are some signs that a dog is experiencing stress from being alone? Here are the main symptoms of apathy:

  • Hair loss, especially on the top of the front legs.
  • Digging ditches, destroying bushes in the garden or objects in the apartment.
  • Excessive barking and howling.
  • Hyperactive behavior.
  • Circular movements, sometimes combined with an attempt to catch the end of the tail.
  • Loss of appetite.

Some dogs tolerate loneliness better than others. This is due to the size and breed of the pet. The amount of time a dog can safely remain alone also depends on the age of the animal.

Clothing for Chihuahua

Small dogs are more likely to catch colds due to hypothermia. You can minimize the problem by choosing clothes for your Chihuahua according to the season:

  • in autumn and spring - sweaters, cardigans, waterproof overalls;
  • in winter - insulated jacket and pants, scarf, socks, shoes;
  • in summer - light-colored suits to protect against sunburn.

Shoes in winter not only protect paws from the cold, but also from reagents, licking which the dog gets an upset stomach or poisoning.

Dog breed plays a role

Large breed dogs can more easily tolerate loneliness for several hours without mental damage. But do not forget about the individuality of each animal, even if the dog is large, it may experience fear from an empty apartment. Here are the dog breeds that can tolerate being left alone for eight hours a day: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Akita Inu, Spanish Mastiff. The least resistant to the absence of the owner are retrievers, greyhounds, dachshunds and terriers.

Causes of excitement

Everything here is surprisingly simple. A dog, especially a young one, is extremely emotional. Look at people - an adult, knowing that close people are leaving him, also worries and feels discomfort. But he easily subordinates his feelings, does not demonstrate them, understanding that no one wants to be separated, but this is a necessity. The child shows feelings much more vividly - asks not to leave, cries, begins to play around.

The situation is exactly the same with a dog. When she gets a little older, it will go away.

It's a different matter if the dog is afraid to be left alone at home. What to do in such a situation? Unfortunately, such problems are almost always the fault of the owner himself.

On the one hand, it is generally not advisable to have a dog if it spends 8-12 hours a day alone. Imagine yourself in her place. The fate of spending half your life alone, not being able to do the things you love, is far from sugar.

Therefore, you need to give your pet the opportunity to spend the time you spend together as interesting and eventful as possible.

Depending on the age of the animal

A puppy under 3 months of age should not be left alone for more than half an hour. Otherwise, the puppy will have problems with socialization and adaptation, and bad habits will appear.

Over a period of 3 to 6 months, the puppy should be gradually accustomed to being alone. Start with a few minutes and go up to two to three hours.

Dogs older than 6 months take as long as they need to get used to you. Therefore, if you leave home for work every day for 8 hours or more, think about getting a dog.

Active walks

Don’t be lazy, take active walks and communicate with your puppy on walks - this is a good plus for the dog’s overall development, socialization and intelligence; the puppy should also be taught to play with you. Don’t get into the habit of standing in a group with other owners in one place, walk, walk with your pets, keep them busy with something, don’t leave them to their own devices, show people, animals, cars, so that the dog calmly perceives the world around him. Try to accustom and train the dog to see and understand your facial expressions, gestures, intonations, and words. Not right away, but dogs learn all this calmly and even with great joy. The more you show and explain to the puppy how to behave in a given situation, the more obedient and intelligent your pet will grow up. Dogs that receive sufficient physical and emotional stress during active walks move a lot, play together with the owner, usually sleep a lot at home and the time of loneliness passes unnoticed.

Where to leave the animal

If you lock a dog in a street kennel for 4-5 hours, it will have a bad effect on its psyche and health. When it's cold, your dog may freeze and get sick, and her hair will begin to fall out. In the summer heat, the animal will be hot in its house, where sometimes it is impossible to hide from the scorching rays.

In the garden or in the local area, the pet will not be bored even for eight to nine hours. Of course, you will need to remove sharp tools, garden chemicals, or move flower pots to a safe place in advance. A dog can stay in the garden in the cold for no more than two hours.

If you live in an apartment and you do not have the opportunity to leave your pet outside, then you can use it for the animal. The responsibilities of such a dog sitter include walking, feeding and games that will prevent the dog from missing its owner.

Toilet training

If the breeder has not toilet trained the babies, the new owner does this from the very first days. You need to prepare a tray with filling, diapers and newspapers. They are spread throughout the room. As soon as the puppy has emptied, his feces along with the bedding are transferred to the tray. Then you need to keep an eye on him and take him to the toilet every time as soon as he sits down to make a puddle or a pile. You cannot scold or shout if a mistake occurs. You should be patient and after a few days the result will be visible. To train the Chihuahua to use the toilet outdoors, take it for a walk every time after eating or sleeping.

Simple training for a dog to stay home alone and not whine

One of the main moments that occurs in the life of the owner when buying a puppy is how to teach the dog to remain alone. After all, a baby can disturb neighbors with his barking, damage property, and also experience enormous stress from being alone for a long time. There are many techniques that need to be used to accustom an animal, as well as not harm the psyche and speed up the process of addiction.

If this is your first time encountering such a problem, there are some tips for you, but if possible, you should contact a specialist. Then training will be interesting for you and for your four-legged friend. And the classes themselves will be easy and fun.

Providing leisure time for your pet

The choice of toy depends on the animal’s personal preferences; the owner himself knows them best. For puppies, dental toys are more suitable to help relieve the pain of teething. Models have appeared on the market not just with benefits for teeth, but filled with goodies, so you can get double the benefits. But you should choose carefully, buying such material that, if eaten, nothing will happen to the dog. After all, each dog has its own strength: one puppy can chew through a toy, and the second can tear it into pieces and eat it. When the owner is not at home, it is much more difficult to control the actions of his pet. So it is better to choose something that cannot harm the animal in any way.

Note! Some toys squeak, which will also appeal to certain dogs.

Puzzle toys can keep your dog occupied for several hours. To do this, she needs to perform certain actions in order to get treats from her by any means. Conveniently, the owner himself changes the contents of such a toy depending on what his pet likes. When a dog does not sit still and has fun, he may forget that he is left alone.

Many dogs also like plush toys. But their filling is not always useful, so before purchasing, you should make sure that the dog will not be allergic or poisoned to the filler.

For your information! For small dogs, you can purchase a mini-house if you have the space for it. These toys are quite expensive, but the dog can climb there all day long, playing with dental toys or plush toys.

Teaching a Puppy How to Train a Dog to Stay Alone

A small puppy may whine during the first night, especially if left alone in the room. Experts advise preparing a place next to your bed so that the baby does not worry and feels protected. But the main thing is not to run to the puppy at the first squeak and sound, let him get used to it.

Important! Approach the puppy only in moments of silence; if the puppy whines, wait a little. You can praise him, in a moment of silence, give him a treat. In order for the puppy to quickly get used to his territory, it is better to fence off part of the room or allocate a special place for him, and it is important that you or someone close to him be next to him during the first days.

To make it easier, since you need to leave home, you can calculate how much time your pet can spend without you. To do this, you need to add 1 to the pet’s age. If the dog is 2 months old (2+1=3), this means that he can be alone at home for about 3 hours.

You should not leave your dog alone for a long time. Even adult dogs are recommended to be left alone no more than 8 hours a day. At the same time, walking the dog should be active and long. This is necessary for socialization, so that the dog has time to relieve its needs, and also an active walk, even for an active dog, will be an excellent exercise, after which he will want to rest.

It must be remembered that it is important for the dog to leave toys, possibly treats, that will distract the four-legged dog from the owner’s things and calm the animal. It is better to buy toys in pet stores and make sure that the toy will not cause harm and that it is made of high quality. Teaching a puppy to stay home alone must be done gradually; this process will not take much time, but this is a very important point that requires attention and character.

Rules of conduct for hosts

Accustoming to temporary solitude is part of the dog's educational process. It is impossible to say immediately how successful it is; you can judge only after a couple of weeks. The owner needs to develop a system of rules regarding the dog, which must be followed by all family members. In particular, these are:

  • Regular moments: the dog must clearly know when feeding begins or when a walk is expected, when it is time to play, and when it is time to sleep. The regime is also carried out during special events and holidays; without exception, all the dog’s needs must be met.
  • It is necessary to put things on high shelves or cabinets where the dog cannot reach. For a pet, gnawing or scattering objects is a fun activity; he has so much fun: he perceives everything that lies on the floor or lying in inappropriate places as his toys. At the same time, small parts can cause serious harm to the animal and harm its body. You can let the dog explore the thing that interests you, but not play with it in any way.
  • The dog should not be allowed to lie on the sofa: large amounts of hair and debris remain on the surface, with the exception of dwarf breeds. To ensure that the animal feels comfortable on the floor and does not try to get onto the bed, a special soft place is created for sleeping and resting.
  • An animal may try to eat food left in a visible area if the appropriate rule is not created in time. It may read: it is forbidden to eat from the table and buffet or it is forbidden to enter the kitchen. Under any circumstances - whether the owner of the house or not, all food is removed into a room inaccessible to the dog. The same should be done with garbage - it should be put somewhere, for example, in a lockable cabinet, since an animal can rummage through it in search of goodies.
  • Until the dog learns to sit quietly and wait for the owner without running out of the house after him, it is worth installing barriers. Partitions will protect certain areas and the doors themselves from pet attacks.

Attention! Even adult dogs should not be left alone at home for more than 8 hours.

It is useful to print out important family rules and hang them in a visible place.

Fear of loneliness

Since when you take an animal home, you become its parent, the dog may feel the fear of loneliness if you go to work and leave it alone. Fear can manifest itself in the form of howling, barking, and also in the destruction of the apartment (the best breeds for apartments). Therefore, be patient and teach your dog to sit alone from an early age. Keep her occupied as much as possible with toys and treats.

If at 4-5 months you go to work and the puppy starts chewing everything, then know that he is manipulating you. And when you come home, you feel sorry for him, because the dog ruined things because he was bored. Encouragement in this case is unacceptable.

Some pets can damage property even at the age of 2-3 years; separating the pet in the hallway can partially correct the situation. There have been cases when a dog was locked in a room and it completely gnawed through the door.

In such cases, special blocking devices can be used. They are quite high, but at the same time the dog sees everything. It's another matter if the animal is really under severe stress.

This can be observed in small puppies due to early weaning from their mother, in adult dogs - after suffering stress or due to severe fright. In such cases, the animal is afraid to move far from the owner and sleeps in the same room. It is possible to leave the animal alone in such cases, but it is better to carry out preparations with a zoopsychologist or dog handler.

Breaking up is stressful

After all, every parting with the owner is a huge stress for the pet. But training your dog to stay home alone is still important. What are the signs of an animal when it experiences stress during loneliness:

  • the temperature may be slightly elevated;
  • slight trembling in the body, sweating, the dog is breathing heavily;
  • after the owner arrives, the animal falls into a long sleep;
  • on the street the dog is more active, and its stool is liquid;
  • the animal howls loudly;
  • seriously damages property.
  • At the same time, it is important to remove possible irritants that can cause stress and be associated with unpleasant memories. This could be the jingling of keys, as well as the jacket that the owner puts on before going out.

You can build a shelter for the animal, where the pet will be safe and will calmly endure loneliness. Host behavior

Owners who are faced with how to train a dog to be alone at home should also remember that the rules apply to them as well. Only those who monitor their own behavior can raise a dog correctly. This is how the owners set an example. There are main rules of behavior for the owner, namely:

  • Leaving and coming from home should be calm; after arrival the dog can be given a light treatment
  • stroke and praise;
  • Don't feel sorry for the dog;
  • The voice should be calm, without pity;
  • Try to be silent and talk to the dog before going out.

The situation of the owner returning home is considered difficult. You need to wean your puppy away from joyful encounters when the dog jumps on you. After all, if the animal grows up, it can harm you and your loved ones. It is necessary to teach the dog restraint and obedience. And although love for the owner is the best manifestation of emotions, you need to teach the animal to sit obediently, praise it, and teach it to fetch slippers or a leash.

Important! Avoid criticizing your dog immediately after coming home. In any case, praise and pet. Otherwise, the four-legged animal will feel fear and horror when the owner arrives.

The dog shits at home

The most common question from pet owners after property damage is that their four-legged animals crap at home when they are left alone. You need to approach puppy weaning wisely. Usually at 6-8 months the animal can tolerate it and stops leaving puddles at home. There are those who learn this earlier. Each dog has an individual approach. At the same time, you should restrain your emotions as much as possible, because if you scold your pet for every puddle, it will become stressful and lead to health problems.

Patience is the main advantage, because when an animal is alone at home, it cannot ask to go outside. In such cases, you need to leave diapers or newspaper. If the baby has done his business in the designated place, you need to praise him. You can monitor the behavior and take it to the diaper in time.

Over time, the animal will adapt to do its business only in designated areas. By gradually removing the diapers and moving them closer to the exit, you teach the animal to endure and ask to go outside. To speed up this process, you can set aside a few free days and run outside with the animal at the first call.

Gradually reducing the number of exits. This method is very effective, and the pet will quickly get used to the fact that all its needs must be met outside. And if you leave the puppy alone at home, he will wait for your arrival and will not make puddles. To be sure, you can leave one diaper near the exit.

How long is it acceptable to leave a pet alone?

Allowable time depends on age and breed. The physiological state also plays a significant role. Pregnant pets experience separation much more acutely until the birth of babies.


The maximum time of separation is a working day. Otherwise, the animal will have to restrain its natural urges for too long and listen to the rumbling of its stomach.

Remember that a whole day is too long a period. If you need to be away for a long time, be sure to find human company for your pet.


In the first six months, the baby should not be left unattended for more than 2 hours. During this time, you can go to the store or go on a quick errand. During this period, it is recommended to take a vacation, agree on the possibility of working from home, shift responsibility to another family member, or find a dog sitter.

The influence of breed on attitudes towards loneliness

If you often disappear at work, give preference to working or hunting breeds. Great Danes and Greyhounds that get enough exercise can handle separation anxiety quite well.

Among the decorative breeds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Shih Tzu and Japanese Chins are suitable. They are very energetic during walks, but after relaxation they calmly wait for the evening in anticipation of the next race.

The opposite situation is typical for Chihuahuas, Australian Shepherds and French Bulldogs. These animals are very attached to their owners, so they should be taken with you everywhere.

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