Chicopee Pro Nature Line dog food: reviews and composition analysis

Ingredients of Chicopee dog food

The Chicopee brand has a large number of dog foods based on a unique formula, the purpose of which is to strengthen the immune system, maintain good digestion and the natural balance of intestinal microflora.

Chicopee dog food is premium and produced in Canada.

The food contains sources of natural proteins of animal origin: poultry meal, lamb meal and fish meal.

IMPORTANT. Fishmeal is not only an easily digestible protein, but also a rich source of fat-soluble minerals, vitamins and amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on the animal’s nervous system and strengthen the body’s defenses.

The components that supply your pet with carbohydrates are corn, wheat and its derivatives, corn gluten, barley and rice - the lowest calorie carbohydrate that does not contain gluten. The sources of essential fats in the Chicopi food formula are poultry and fish fat. Fish oil has the ability to improve the condition of an animal's coat, making it thicker, shiny and strong.

Chicopee diets contain many auxiliary components that have a positive effect on the animal’s health:

  • Mannan oligosaccharides and inulin strengthen the digestive system, clear the walls of the gastrointestinal tract of pathogenic bacteria and minimize the development of eating disorders or intolerances such as gastritis;
  • aminosaccharides keep bones, joints and tendons in a healthy state, making them stronger and more elastic;
  • polyunsaturated acids Omega-6 and Omega-3 help improve the condition of the skin and coat;
  • glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate stop the destructive processes of joints and cartilage tissue;
  • sodium hexametaphosphate prevents the formation of tartar;
  • Fiber fibers cleanse the dog’s body of waste and toxins, ensuring the pet’s regular bowel movements without disorders.

    Chicopi food does not contain any dyes or flavoring additives.

The formula of Chicopi food is represented by an optimal ratio of vitamins and nutrients. Selenium, zinc and vitamins A, D and E are natural antioxidants necessary to maintain your pet's immunity.

Calcium and phosphorus take care of the proper development of joints and bones, and also ensure the growth of teeth and claws. B vitamins promote the development of a healthy nervous system. Chicopi food does not contain any dyes or flavoring additives.

Information on the packaging

As we have already said, this diet is not manufactured in Canada - the packaging indicates that it was produced in Germany (Manufactured in Germany). There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just that the Canadian company that owns the Chicopee brand, Harrison Pet Products Inc. it is more comfortable. A maple leaf and the Original Canadian Recipe inscription are visible on the package, but for the European market the products are manufactured to order at a German factory.

Judging by the fact that the main name of this food is Sterilized, but at the same time there is the inscription For Grown, Castrated and Overweight Felines, this food “Chicopee Holistic Natural Line” is intended not only for neutered pets (this term is correct for both cats and females ), but also for those who are overweight. The name indicates that the diet contains poultry - Poultry and liver - Liver. Even the distribution of these components is shown - 38% Poultry + 9.5% Liver. Below we will look at the features of the different ingredients of the product, but for now we will say a few more words about the packaging of the food and the information it contains.

The package is equipped with a zip lock, which allows you to better preserve its contents after opening.

The name of the Holistic Nature Line food line refers us to two terms - “holistic” and “natural”. Both are marketing gimmicks designed to make the diet more attractive to consumers. We recommend that everyone read our individual articles on this subject, and you can find links to them by clicking on each of these two terms.

The food label is decorated with a photograph of a beautiful cat against a background of a forest and mountains. There are also small photographic images of the ingredients, where you can distinguish pieces of poultry fillet, sliced ​​potatoes and peas.

The absence of grains in the diet is emphasized by the inscription No Grain.

The manufacturer also notes such characteristics of Chicopee Holistic Nature Line Cat Sterilized Poultry & Liver food as Reduced Energy Content and Immune Complex.

There is an explanation of these icons on the back of the package. The first is that neutered cats "need a high-fiber diet that provides good satiety and reduced calories to prevent weight gain (weight control)." This is a literal translation of the message from the manufacturer. We would like to note that fiber does not cause any saturation - it only swells in the stomach and intestines and creates the illusion of fullness, while it does not provide any nutritional value, as well as the fact that not all castrated cats are prone to becoming overweight if they are properly looked after are being looked after.

The combination of energy restrictions (this food contains only 10% fat) and a slightly increased proportion of fiber (5.3%) is typical for diets of this type, but we generally consider them to be rather dubious advantages of food intended for obligate carnivores.

The explanation about the benefits for immunity is given here as follows: it contains brewer’s yeast containing “mannans and glucans”, which can improve the condition of the intestinal microflora and support local immune defense. We agree that gut flora balance is important, and it's good to know that the composition of the Chicopee Holistic Nature Line food for neutered cats can have a beneficial effect on it.

Pros and cons of Chicopee food

Premium pet foods often have equal parts pros and cons.

Canadian Chicopee food has several significant advantages:

  • a sufficient amount of real meat in the composition;
  • the presence of a vitamin-mineral complex and essential amino acids;
  • absence of chemical dyes, taste and smell enhancers;
  • relatively low cost;
  • Widespread availability of food, which does not cause difficulties in acquiring it.

    Chicopi food does not contain dyes or flavors, which is a plus; the disadvantages include the absence of vegetables and fruits.

Among the disadvantages of the Chicopee brand are:

  • lack of specificity of meat components - it is not clear what kind of poultry meat was used in production;
  • the percentages of feed components are not indicated;
  • lack of vegetables and fruits in the composition.

Why is this food better than others?

One of the advantages of the Chicopee brand is the manufacturer’s refusal to use flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes, which can provoke not only an allergic reaction, but also metabolic disorders and liver destruction. For example, the premium brands ProPlan and Purina Van contain a dubious flavoring additive, and Royal Canin food contains the preservative potassium sorbate.

Another advantage of Chicopi dry food is the absence of by-products of questionable quality among the meat ingredients. Thus, in food for small dogs Purina Van and ProPlan diets, the meat components are represented by “dry protein” and “chicken” (or turkey), behind which processed products are often hidden.

The Chicopee food line includes not only dry food, but also canned food.

The Chicopi food line includes both dry diets and wet ones in the form of canned food of several types. This variety allows you to satisfy the food preferences and body characteristics of a wide variety of pets. For example, the Brit Premium assortment of premium food does not contain wet food, and the RosPes and ProPlan diet lines contain only one type of such food.

Chicopee food line

The Chicopee food product line offers 11 varieties of dry diets and 3 types of wet food to suit every taste. Dog owners will be able to choose food for adult pets of all breeds, and for growing puppies, and for dogs prone to allergies and digestive sensitivities.

Chicopee Adult Dog Food

Chicopee Adult Pet Foods provide complete nutrition for dogs of various breeds. They are suitable for daily feeding and contain the necessary micro- and macroelements for the active life of the animal, amino acids and fatty acids for the beauty and shine of the coat, as well as vitamins and minerals for the development of healthy bones and teeth.

For adult dogs of all breeds, a chicken-based food has been developed, and for small and miniature breeds, a special diet, Chicopee Adult Mini, has been created with a high protein content and low carbohydrates for weight control.

Chicopee Adult is a line of food for adult dogs that do not suffer from allergies or other diseases.

For large pets, Chicopee Adult Large Breed food is available with an increased amount of protein to maintain giant muscles, and a high content of carbohydrates as sources of necessary energy.

Chicopee for dogs with allergies and sensitive digestion

The Chicopi brand line also includes diets for dogs suffering from allergies and weak digestive tracts. Such pets need a special balanced diet that would satisfy the animal’s nutritional needs and would not provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

A diet based on lamb and rice is excellent for dogs with these problems, as the tender meat of lamb and rice is easily digestible and has the lowest allergenic potential. This type of food can also be used to feed dogs prone to gaining excess weight.

Chicopee Grain Free

Chicopee Grain Free and Fish and Rice based diets are also formulated specifically for dogs with gastrointestinal sensitivities and food intolerances. The grain-free version contains dried peas and potatoes as sources of carbohydrates, which are equivalent in nutritional value to cereals and grain crops.

Chicopee Grain Free is a line of grain-free food for dogs with sensitive digestion.

Chicopee Canned Food

Canned food produced under the Chicopee brand is intended for feeding dogs of all ages.

There are three flavor solutions for the dog owner to choose from:

  • chicken and turkey;
  • lamb and rice;
  • beef.

ATTENTION. Chicopi canned food contains not only meat, but also offal, and the amount of protein in them is approximately three times less than in dry diets. Therefore, canned food should only be used as a supplement to the main diet.

Chicopee Puppy food

In the first year of life, puppies grow and develop at a rapid pace, and therefore to form a healthy body they require a huge amount of building material, as well as an abundance of vitamins, microelements and amino acids.

Since it is protein that functions as a building element, the main feature of all Chicopee diets for dogs in the first year of life is the high content of this nutrient.

The Chicopee Puppy line includes food for small (Puppy Mini), large (Puppy Large Breed) and all (Puppy) breeds of puppies.

The following food options are available for puppies:

  • Chicopee Puppy - for all breeds based on poultry or lamb and rice;
  • Chicopee Puppy Large Breed – for large breeds;
  • Chicopee Puppy Mini – for miniature breed puppies.

Which companies produce the best food?

Selected, according to buyers and experts, the best manufacturers are registered in different countries. The best of them in the ranking for 2022 are described below.

The best food, which is popular with owners and has a positive effect on the condition of a small pet, is produced by the French company Royal Canin. The characteristics of the food include: optimal calorie content, hypoallergenicity, antioxidant functions. For Yorkies and Chihuahuas living in urban areas, it is important to get enough minerals and vitamins and regularly cleanse the blood of radionuclides.

Under the Eukanuba brand, food is produced by an international corporation formed by the merger of the famous companies Mars and Procter & Gamble. Features of dry pet food of this brand are certification and ingredient content strictly taking into account age characteristics and breeds. Eukanuba does not just have food for small breed dogs, but also separately for Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas, although their needs largely coincide.

The Russian company began producing low-cost, high-quality mixtures in 2015. Products are lower in price due to savings on transportation and customs clearance. All products are our own, production is established in the Russian Federation.

The Italian company Primordial produces dry and liquid food with a high meat content - more than 60%, which is important for pets living in the city.

Inexpensive and high-quality food is produced by the Czech company Brit Care. Its management has a special love for Yorkshire terriers. A separate line is produced for them.

Reviews from veterinarians about Chicopee dog food

Vladimir, veterinarian, 34 years old. I can’t say anything bad or good about Canadian food Chicopee. The source of animal protein here is lamb, fish or poultry flour, and the manufacturer does not indicate which poultry. Also, we are not given information about the percentage of meat components, which makes us think about its quality.

Veterinarians note that the presence of food for sensitive dogs in the line is a big plus.

Corn, rice, wheat flour, and poultry fat are typical dog food ingredients. There are special diets for allergic dogs - this is a big plus. The food contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy development, but they are obtained from food additives, and not from vegetables and fruits, as in super-premium or holistic foods. Of course, you can feed your pet Chicopi food, but if you have the opportunity to buy better quality food, don’t hesitate and buy it.

Irina, veterinarian, 45 years old. The manufacturers of Chicopee dog food are Canadian specialists, and this already says a lot. Canadian standards require careful selection of ingredients and serious control of the production process at all stages. Chicopee's wide line of products includes options in a variety of flavor combinations, and there are also several foods for allergy-prone pets. It should be noted that any of the diets contains sufficient amounts of all nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. Among my clients who feed their dogs Chicopee diets, there have been isolated cases of nutritional incompatibility with the animal. This phenomenon can be observed with any food, so I can confidently recommend these Canadian foods for daily use.

What to look for when choosing

As mentioned above, the selection of optimal nutrition should be approached as consciously as possible. First of all, it is necessary to rely on a number of fundamental criteria.

Age of the dog.

A distinctive feature of the dog’s digestive system is that it absorbs food elements at different rates at each age. At the same time, many other animal systems work in the same way (endocrine, lymphatic, genitourinary, etc.) In this regard, the types of dog food are designed into four groups:

  • “Starter” and “Junior” - a product for puppies who have stopped drinking mother’s milk and have not reached one year of age;
  • “Adult” is a product for adults aged from one to 8 years;
  • “Senior” - food for older dogs (over 8 years old)

The food of each of the above categories has different compositions and calorie content, depending on the needs of a given age. For example, the “Starter” group implies a large amount of fat and glucose, since these elements are the basis of mother’s milk.


The size of your pet is important due to the fact that kibble comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. If, for example, a large shepherd dog can cope with them in a second, then a toy terrier will not even be able to bite. Therefore, when choosing food for miniature breeds, be sure to consider the size of the contents of the pack.

Foods for large and small dogs differ significantly in composition. The first ones need calcium in large doses, otherwise their bones will break under the weight of the animal.


Dogs live in completely different conditions. There are those who guard the Far Eastern borders and walk several kilometers every day, and there are those who see nothing but the walls of the apartment for the whole day. Their needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates are different. Therefore, all commercially available food is divided into three groups:

  • "Active" or "Energy" are necessary for those who lead;
  • “Standard” or “Normal” are necessary for animals with normal activity;
  • "Senior" is necessary for the elderly and

The above criteria are the main ones in choosing food, but in addition to them, several other points may be useful. Be sure to take your pet to the vet not only on days when he is sick. Very often, serious troubles creep up asymptomatically. The doctor, after examining the animal, will prescribe a special medicinal food. Communication on thematic forums will be extremely useful. There you will find objective advice and reviews from dog owners just like you. Finally, don’t forget about visiting exhibition events. Veterinarians, feed manufacturers, and dog handlers are always present at them. Every participant can take advantage of their free consultation.

Reviews from dog breeders about Chicopee food

Albina. My Eskimo Spitz dog is not only very picky in his food choices, but also prone to allergies. Therefore, choosing food for him is not an easy task. I used to feed him expensive, high-quality food and there were no problems.

Dog owners respond positively not only to Chicopee's dry diets, but also to their wet ones.

But then the financial crisis came, and I had to choose a more budget-friendly option. And so, through numerous trials and errors, I came across wonderful dog food from Canada - Chicopee. The price of the food is very reasonable; I paid 2,700 rubles for a 15 kg bag. We have been eating exclusively this food for four months now: there are no allergies, no problems with stool or fur. The dog is active, energetic and healthy, which means I’m happy. I recommend Chicopee food to everyone.

Natalia. This is the second month we have been feeding our Australian Shepherd Canadian Chicopee food. I can’t say that the food is super, but it’s quite normal for its price. Since it belongs to the premium class, I don’t particularly find fault with the composition. We buy this food during a period of financial difficulties, and in general we do not observe any health problems. It contains a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin, and this is very important for our pet. Previously, they fed Eukanuba, it is a little more expensive, but the consumption is more economical. For comparison, we eat 400 grams of Chicopee or 300 grams of Eukanuba per day. There is a difference.

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