Toilet training a dog: how to achieve the desired result?

The puppy often does not know how to control himself and leaves surprises, so the first priority is to train the dog to the toilet. This is a long and painstaking process that requires patience and calm, because a frightened pet is much more difficult to control and train.

  • 1 Ideal age for toilet training
  • 2 How to train a dog to toilet outside depending on age 2.1 Puppies
  • 2.2 Adult dogs
  • 3 How to toilet train a dog using a diaper
  • 4 How to train a small dog to use a litter tray
  • 5 How to train a dog to go to the toilet outside
  • 6 Mr. Tail Recommends: Adult Dog Problems
  • Ideal age for toilet training

    At each age, a dog is toilet trained differently. It is important to take into account all the characteristics of your pet and find the optimal approach. Let's look at the factors that influence a dog's learning ability:

    • Age. Young animals perceive information much easier, learn the basics and are more flexible.
    • Origin (where the animal was taken from: nursery, from the street, from the village). It leaves a strong imprint on its behavior, and the older the animal, the more difficult it is to straighten and train it. A dog that has lived in a kennel on the street most of its life will have a hard time getting used to the fact that it has to endure and beg.
    • Basic education. Knowledge of basic commands implies, albeit minimal, discipline. It will be easier to find a common language with such a pet, regardless of age.
    • Character. Innate temperament is important. Calm and attentive dogs perceive lessons more easily and are observant. Cheerful fidgets will be more absent-minded. Their attention needs to be attracted, first taught to hear the owner, and this is not an easy task, which can only be solved using the game method.

    If we talk about at what age it is better to toilet train a dog, then there is no clear answer. Veterinarians believe that 4-6 months is the optimal time when the animal begins to compare actions and desires. During this period, all internal organs are fully formed, and the dog can easily endure the night without harm to health.

    The preparation stage is important, so you should pay special attention to it. If your dog goes to the toilet every other time, don’t despair; the animal needs time to adapt. It is important that there is already an understanding of what is possible and what is not.

    During the first months of a dog’s life in the house, the owner will have to watch the puppy, literally predicting its actions, in order to take it outside in advance. You may have to do walks 10-12 times daily and 3-4 times a night, but this will give results. The dog will understand that you can only go to the toilet outside.

    How to work with learning difficulties

    1. Place several diapers in those places where the dog most often misses. Gradually remove the less popular ones, those that the puppy uses less often.
    2. Pay attention to which diaper the dog wears most often. Perhaps he tells you the most comfortable place for him.
    3. If the puppy regularly misses and walks to the edge of the designated area or nearby, try buying a larger oilcloth or placing two nearby.
    4. If your baby tears up disposable bedding, plays with it, or drags it around the room, don’t swear. This is normal and natural for the baby. Offer him other toys, glue the bedding to the floor with masking tape for a while, so they will not rustle and provoke the dog.
    5. If the puppy refuses to poop in the diaper, watch the dog more closely, catch and take it to the designated place on time, and when it does, be sure to praise it.

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    How to train a dog to toilet outside depending on age

    You need to teach a puppy and an adult dog to go to the toilet differently. Let's look at the basic techniques recommended by breeders and veterinarians.


    Young dogs are easy to train; it is important that the owner does not shout or scold the pet.

    • When starting classes, you should set aside a few free days without leaving home. This could be weekends or holidays.
    • Prepare a special treat for your pet to take with you on walks. Ideal - favorite cookies or dry treats for dogs.
    • As you watch your puppy throughout the day, be prepared to go outside with him at any moment if you notice him getting ready to go to the toilet.
    • When choosing a walking location, they give preference to quiet streets or parks, where there are few people and cars, away from playgrounds.
    • If your dog is walking on a leash, you should give him maximum freedom of action. There is no need to pull or call out to him.
    • As soon as the pet performs its natural needs, they praise it and treat it with goodies.
    • You should not go home immediately after bowel movement. You can take another walk, perhaps the animal will go to the toilet again. Be sure to reward the dog every time he goes outside and not give him treats in the house. This will be a kind of incentive.

    For several days, this ritual should be repeated from time to time, maybe 7 or 10 walks. Every exit, the result will be recorded in the dog’s head, developing a habit.

    Owners should remember:

    • A dog that wets itself from joy at the sight of its owner should not be punished. This only happens to young animals.
    • A puppy's metabolism is much faster, so you don't need to wait long between walks. You must constantly monitor your pet’s actions during the learning process.
    • Puppies under 4 months are unable to endure for long, so you should not start training the animal too early.

    Adult dogs

    If before moving into an apartment the pet lived on the street, then training will be difficult, you should be patient. In cases where a toilet-trained dog changes its owner and place of residence, problems may arise. This is a temporary phenomenon associated with the adaptation process. You can scold such a dog, but you don’t need to punish him.

    Adult animals can endure for quite a long time, but you should not abuse their capabilities. There is no step-by-step learning process for them; there is a general set of rules, guided by which the owner can influence the behavior of the pet:

    • If there are visible signs of a desire to go to the toilet, the pet is immediately taken outside. For encouragement, take a treat with you.
    • For punishment, it is better to use a newspaper; the owner’s hand should not bring anything but goodies and affection. There is no need to apply force when hitting, the dog should not be in pain, it is simply clear that he did the wrong thing.
    • If an adult animal is caught in the process, it is necessary to prevent completion, take what the dog has done outside and wait for it to finish outside the house.
    • The place where the animal went is treated with special means to prevent the need to go again.

    It is impossible to say unequivocally how long it will take to retrain. It all depends on the dog’s temperament, the former and current owner and a number of related factors. In any case, kindness and patience will be needed.

    What is a toilet diaper and what is it used for?

    Dog diapers are common among owners. They are comparable in principle and effectiveness to baby diapers and feminine pads. Due to the waterproof bottom layer and adsorbent, water does not leak out and odor does not spread. Diapers are placed in a tray or used as a full-fledged toilet for a pet. They are also used when teaching a puppy to pee in one place.

    The main advantages are:

    • Ability to absorb liquid quickly. The diaper remains dry on the surface, which provides the animal with comfort.
    • Resistant to damage, it is difficult to tear it with claws.
    • The volume of absorbed moisture is 2 liters.
    • The adsorbent contains no dangerous or harmful substances.

    Its varieties

    Diapers sold in pet stores are divided into three types:

    1. Disposable. They will need to be thrown away after use. This is an economical option. Available in different colors and sizes. Sometimes they have a sticky bottom layer that helps stick the diaper to a smooth surface.
    2. Reusable. Their validity period is up to 12 months. It is necessary to wash the diaper at least once every two to three days. Use any cleaning products for processing. It contains an absorbent substance that firmly holds liquid, so that the surface will always be dry. The cost of the type in question is much higher, but this is due to its cost-effectiveness in use.
    3. Accustoming. They have all the qualities discussed above. The diapers also have a scent that pets mistake for the smell of grass. This makes it easier to accustom the puppy to a diaper in the apartment and a toilet outside in the future. This type is also suitable for elderly and sick animals.

    Certain types have built-in humidity indicators. They indicate to the owner that the diaper requires washing or replacement. There are options with antibacterial impregnation.

    How to toilet train a dog using a diaper

    The method of training a dog to walk on a diaper at home bears fruit after reaching the appropriate age for training. It is not difficult to teach an animal to defecate on a rag. After soaking the fabric in the puddle made by the puppy, it is washed, but the smell remains. The bedding is placed on the floor, and next time the dog will go to the same place.

    When the dog reaches the right age, the owner can easily teach it to relieve itself on the street using the same rag. When going out for a walk, they take the diaper with them, spread it in a quiet place, and the dog always goes to the toilet out of habit. Next, using the method for puppies, take the dog to the same place with a cloth over and over again; after 2-3 days the cloth will not be needed, since a characteristic smell will remain on the ground.

    When cleaning up after your dog at home, you should not use ammonia-containing preparations, for example, Domestos. These means, on the contrary, attract the animal to defecate right there. Chlorine bleach affects the respiratory tract, so store-bought pet sprays are best for cleaning stained areas.

    The process of cleaning up feces should only begin after the pet has left. If he doesn’t want to, then they send the dog away. You can’t clean the floor in front of your pet; he may perceive it as a game and start shitting all over the place.

    Screaming and punishment are unacceptable when working with puppies. Frightened, they begin to hide and it will be impossible to observe them for later taking them outside.

    How to stop a dog from littering the house

    You can stop your dog from pooping on the floor in the wrong place by spraying special products from veterinary pharmacies. You can use chlorine to clean the floor and water with vinegar added.

    You can try changing the tray, choosing a different filler for it, and paying more attention to the dog. Many dog ​​lovers still doubt whether it is possible to train a dog to use a litter box. However, from all of the above it is clear that there is nothing complicated about this. You just need to be patient and persistent.

    How to train a small dog to use a litter tray

    Owners of small breeds can easily teach their pet to go to the litter box. The same result can be achieved from larger animals in puppyhood. In any case, until all required vaccinations are completed, you cannot take the dog outside. All this time, the animal defecates anywhere, so experienced owners begin the learning process right away.

    Scolding and punishment are not helpful in this matter, so be patient and start by installing a tray with pieces of paper for small breeds; for large breeds, lay down oilcloth.

    When observing an animal, you can see when you need to take it to the toilet. Restless movements, frequent sniffing of the floor, aimless walking around the house - all these are signs of the desire to defecate. The dog is picked up and carried to the tray over and over again. If you fail to go to the toilet where you need to go on your first try, don’t despair. For example, a pet made a puddle not where expected. They take the paper, clean up after the animal and carry the material saturated with the smell to the tray. Next time the animal will navigate by smell. After the dog goes into the tray for the first time, the paper can be removed.

    Tray filler

    It is better to buy fillers made from natural materials. For example, from sawdust. You can try different options so that your pet can choose the one that suits him best. If the dog doesn’t like the litter, it will hardly be possible to accustom it to the tray.

    The filler needs to be changed a little more often than indicated on the package. You can wash the litter box only with laundry soap or a special detergent for dog litter boxes.

    How to train a dog to go to the toilet outside

    A puppy, like a child, needs care and attention. Timed feedings, regular clinic visits, and vaccinations are necessary initial steps. It is also important to understand that dogs, unlike cats, endure separation from their mother more difficult, so you need to pay attention to them regularly.

    During the vaccination period, the dog goes to the toilet, anywhere in the house or to the litter tray, it depends on the patience of the owner. Regardless of the location of the bowel movement, wet cleaning of the house should be carried out twice a day. The place where the dog goes is cleaned immediately after defecation is completed.

    When the animal is completely ready for walks, and preventive measures have been completed, they begin to teach the dog to go to the toilet outside. This usually happens at 3-4 months.

    Observation of animals has shown that with proper metabolism, acts of defecation most often occur 10 minutes after eating and immediately after sleep. Try to be outside during these moments. It is not necessary to carry a sleepy animal into the yard in your arms; immediately after waking up, they begin getting ready for walking.

    Young dogs need to be walked frequently, every 2-3 hours. An accelerated metabolism causes the desire to defecate much more often than in adult dogs. As you get used to it, the number of walks can be reduced.

    Be sure to reward the animal for mastering the skill. At first, every right deed should be marked with a kind word and delicious food.

    Having trained your pet to go to the toilet in the same area, begin to gradually change routes so that the dog explores new places and gets acquainted with the world around him.

    After this, you can begin training behavior in the house. For example, if a dog is about to relieve itself in an apartment, the owner should use short prohibitory commands (“Fu”, “No”) and light punishment in case of disobedience.

    Teaching a dog to go to the toilet outside is not difficult, it takes time. Just a week of attention from the owner and the dog will learn to behave correctly.

    Why dogs may shit at home

    To understand how to wean a dog from peeing at home, you must first understand the reason for this phenomenon, especially if the dog is accustomed to relieve itself in a litter box or on the street.

    A similar situation occurs in the following cases:

    • the dog has grown up, and the tray is now too small for her;
    • the dog is not satisfied with the litter;
    • the tray has a very high side;
    • little attention is paid to the dog.

    Puppies poop at home mainly because they are not yet trained to use the litter box. When a dog grows up, it can spoil houses in order to attract the attention of its owners. It should be remembered that dogs, especially small ones, cannot remain alone for long. They need to communicate with the owner and his family, otherwise the question will inevitably arise of how to stop a dog from crapping at home.

    The psyche of dogs is extremely sensitive. Therefore, they perceive any insult from the owner very seriously. The reaction to mishandling is often a puddle or pile in the wrong place.

    Another reason for this pet behavior is health problems. It is imperative to show him to a veterinarian, who will tell you what to do.

    Mr. Tail recommends: problems of adult dogs

    Adult animals have a harder time relearning, but they can endure it much longer. This is worth taking into account, and if you have to make concessions with kids, using diapers and trays, then allowing an adult dog to go home once provokes him to constantly use the comfortable opportunity. Why endure it when you can go to a corner in the apartment.

    If mistakes happen occasionally, it is recommended to reconsider the walking and feeding schedule; perhaps the dog cannot tolerate it due to irrational time management.

    Often, owners of small breeds, such as Yorkies and Chihuahuas, are themselves to blame for the fact that the animals shamelessly shit everywhere. Lack of punishment and education in dogs is not uncommon. Such lapses can be corrected by mustering willpower and starting with light punishments for violations and praise for correct behavior. It is important to remember that animals are very smart and are excellent at manipulating their owner’s feelings; they should not be allowed to do this.

    If a dog begins to commit outrages for no apparent reason, you should pay attention to his state of health. Contact your veterinarian. If the doctor considers the pet healthy, it makes sense to talk with members of the household; it happens that someone offends the animal, scolds or punishes, creating a stressful situation in which the dog behaves inappropriately. Such disorders are treated with care and attention, as well as a serious conversation with the person who provoked such circumstances.

    How to choose the right one for your pet?

    In the Russian Federation, diapers began to be sold not so long ago, but they immediately gained recognition among dog owners. The choice of care accessories is large, but you can only buy them on the Internet or in special stores. Different sizes are sold depending on the purpose of use and breed (they range from 30x50-130x130). They are purchased not only for small dogs - Spitz, Chihuahua, Yorkie. In some cases, walking even dogs such as Labrador or Husky becomes impossible. Cost – 200-600 rubles. for one copy.

    We sell Russian-made diapers (Peligrin, Talismed) and foreign ones (Simple Solutions, Four Paws). When purchasing, people usually pay attention to the size and popularity of the company. The color scheme also varies, so you can choose something that will fit into the design of the room.

    Useful tips

    To make the process of toilet training your dog easier, take the advice of experienced breeders.
    For example, if you do not want your dog to relieve itself in a certain place, use the special Antipis product, sold at any veterinary pharmacy. Spray the described area with the preparation and periodically renew the anti-odor. To stop your pet from peeing in a certain corner, place a bowl of food there. The animal will not mess up where it eats.

    If you are away for a long time, limit the free area for the puppy to move around. Ask the breeder what kind of toilet the puppies' mother and babies are accustomed to. At first, stick to the already familiar option for your baby.

    Choosing an accessory and a place for it

    The product is selected based on the size of the pet. It is imperative to monitor the presence of a special grid at the bottom of the product to collect animal waste. This element is perhaps the most important. The dog should not move it or pull it out. A variety of materials can be used as filler. In the vast majority of cases, dog lovers use special fillers.

    Of course, this is one of the most correct from a hygienic and practical point of view. However, the cost of the filler can be very sensitive for many residents of our country. In this situation, you can offer other options, for example, grass, if the dog is also walked regularly, or sifted sand, without stones. Only the fillers need to be changed in a timely manner, otherwise you won’t get away with just the smell. The dog will stop going to the litter box, even if it used to do it regularly before.

    Another important aspect that you must pay close attention to when choosing a dog litter box is the correct choice of the height of the sides. For large dogs this is not particularly important, but for small breeds it is extremely important. As practice shows, the optimal solution is low sides. You will have to change the filler much more often, but the animal will not accidentally turn the structure over and scatter the contents around the house or apartment.

    As for the installation location of the tray. Most importantly, under no circumstances should the toilet be installed next to the food bowl. And the question here is not even about aesthetics. Firstly, bacteria from stool can easily travel through the air into food. They can cause many serious and not so serious diseases. With this approach, the dog may start eating feces literally on the street while walking, and this is a completely different level of danger that must be taken into account.

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