Tray or toilet for dogs, how to choose and train correctly

Pets of small breeds are unique, they have their own characteristics and sometimes this creates difficulties for breeders. For example, in severe cold and rain it is difficult to take an animal outside, as pets get cold, wet and quickly get sick. Even warm clothes specially purchased for walking do not help.

A dog litter box will be the solution to the problem. There are now a variety of types on the market with fillings in the form of absorbent diapers, granules or artificial grass. Even the most fastidious dog will stop marking corners and start going to the right place.

  • 1 Do dogs need a litter box?
  • 2 How to train a dog to use a litter box
  • 3 Mr. Tail recommends: types of litter boxes for dogs
  • 4 How to choose a litter box for a dog: recommendations from breeders
  • 5 How to care for your pet's toilet
  • 6 Brand overview

Do dogs need a litter box?

Disputes over the need for a dog toilet in the house have been going on for decades. Breeders and veterinarians disagree, and each of them is right in his own way. The dog is not a cat and may well behave with dignity, however, there are special cases when the litter box becomes a real salvation. Let's consider under what circumstances it is recommended to use artificial lawns:

  • The kids cannot endure long enough; if the owner is at work and cannot escape, it is better to leave the animal a tray.
  • The period before vaccinations and a short period of time after the animal is not taken out for walks; even an Alabai puppy will need a potty here.
  • There are also difficulties for owners; in case of illness or other emergency situations, a person does not always have the physical ability to remove the pet.
  • Sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise at work, depriving the owner of the opportunity to return and walk the dog in a timely manner.
  • Dogs need help after illness or surgery; they need a tray. During such periods, the dog cannot endure for long, and sometimes has difficulty moving.
  • Elderly animals are smart enough to realize what they have done due to the fact that they simply could not stand it until the owner arrived. In such circumstances, the pet feels guilty, suffers and gets upset. It is better to keep a litter box at home for such emergencies.

Some veterinarians and trainers believe that by showing their pet the toilet at home, they doom themselves to constant cleaning. This only applies to small breeds - they are not intelligent and choose the path of greatest comfort. Large dogs with proper training will not behave this way.

Reasons for needing a tray

In many situations, having a special place in the home where the dog can relieve itself helps owners. It happens that a pet is prohibited from going outside for some time or is unable to do so. It is recommended to install a toilet for a dog in an apartment if it:

  • a small puppy that relieves itself much more often than adults. In addition, after a recent vaccination, he should not be taken outside until immunity is formed;
  • cannot stand walking in frosty weather , in the rain, catches cold easily;
  • got sick, had surgery, gave birth to puppies , and now has difficulty leaving the house;
  • old age, therefore she is no longer able to restrain herself for long and relieves herself of natural needs before the arrival of her owners.

— Age, however...
It happens that the owner, for health reasons, is temporarily unable to walk the dog. The best way out is to train your pet to defecate in a designated area.

How to train a dog to use a litter box

Choosing a toilet is just the beginning of the story. Despite the fact that dogs are smart animals, sometimes it is difficult to explain to them how and where to go when needed. When purchasing a tray, be sure to ensure that there is no unpleasant odor coming from it. This is important, since the pet will not be able to go to the toilet, which confuses the sense of smell and causes rejection.

If a person feels a slight aroma of plastic, then the animal will feel it many times more strongly.

Recommendations for litter training a dog:

  • When choosing a place, they try to find a corner where there is little walking and noise. Set up a tray and place a cloth in it that smells like your pet’s urine.
  • All places where the dog has ever gone are treated with a special compound with repellent properties. These are sold in all veterinary pharmacies.
  • Having caught the animal at the scene of the crime, do not frighten it, pick it up (if possible) and carry it to the tray to finish the job.
  • If the dog went to the potty, treat him with a treat. If you break the rules, I punish you. Only healthy adult dogs can be scolded; children and the elderly should not be frightened. They clean up after them and treat the area with Antigadin to kill the smell.
  • Sometimes small breed dogs refuse to understand the breeder's requirements. In this case, the animals are limited in space, locked in a bathroom or toilet room with a tray. If the outcome is positive, the beast is encouraged.

Each animal is special, has its own character and habits, and only the owner knows how to find an approach. Using the tips listed above, the result will not keep you waiting long.

Why dogs may shit at home

In order to solve the problem as quickly as possible, you need to figure out what causes it. Dog handlers identify about 10 possible reasons why a dog may crap at home. They can be physiological or psychological in nature.

How to litter train a puppy

  • the puppy is still too small, he simply has not developed this skill;
  • a disorder of the genitourinary system, such as a cold, can provoke urination;
  • one of the reasons that the dog starts to shit in the apartment is incorrectly selected food;
  • Heating or pregnancy can also cause your dog to immediately urinate.
  • both a puppy and an adult dog can thus express protest against a long separation. For example, when the owner leaves the dog alone for a long time while going to work;
  • deep resentment or jealousy can also be the reason why the dog begins to relieve itself in the apartment;
  • often a puppy or even an adult dog can pee from fear or a sudden noise effect;
  • such an individual characteristic of a pet as increased emotionality. It is usually caused by the dog's excessive attachment to the owner and can manifest itself in the form of puddles on the floor when meeting him;
  • Stressful situations, such as the arrival of a new family member or moving to a new home, can cause behavioral problems such as spontaneous urination or defecation.

The litter box is an important dog accessory.

Mr. Tail recommends: types of litter boxes for dogs

When purchasing a toilet for dogs, many factors should be taken into account: the size of the pet, its preferences, double bottom and many other aspects. Let's look at them with examples a little later. When purchasing, they give preference to corner structures; they save space in the house and give the dog an additional feeling of security:

  • A diaper tray is the simplest and most common type. It is a container of different sizes made of plastic. It is better to take good quality material, then it will not absorb the smell. The sides of such boxes are low, optimal for small and medium breeds. The diaper is placed on the bottom and changed as needed. To quickly accustom your dog to such a tray, just wipe the puddle with a diaper and place the cloth in the container; next time the dog will follow the smell.

  • With a removable post - the design is intended for small male dogs; large dogs will not be able to carefully use such a toilet. The sides are low, there is a grill at the bottom, which helps protect your pet’s paws from contamination.

  • With collector - suitable for medium breeds. High walls on three sides, the front part is open, at the bottom there is a special recess for filling with sand or lining with a diaper, on top there is a dense fine mesh.

  • Toilet boxes are cozy cubicles, closed on all sides. The animal enters through the side door and goes about its business in peace and quiet. Odors do not spread throughout the house at all; there is a grate at the bottom. If necessary, you can add wood fillers to the container; they are safe for curious dogs. Suitable only for small and medium breeds, no larger than a dachshund.

  • Imitation of a lawn - this tray is suitable for any size dog, it is large enough and has the function of retaining odors. The low container is equipped with two coverings, a grid and artificial grass. This type of toilet is convenient to transport and use. It can be installed in the country or in the house; dogs get used to it faster.

Best Collapsible Dog Litter Boxes

Folding trays are convenient to take with you on a trip or put in an exhibition tent.

Tray-toilet "Show-Pets"



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The folding toilet is available in several colors and sizes. There are trays 20x30 cm and 30x40 for dwarf dogs. For larger pets, Show-Pets 40x50 is suitable. The 11 cm high sides reliably protect the surrounding space from traces of your pet’s activity.

The model is equipped with a zippered lid. It prevents the filler granules from falling out and isolates the smell. The toilet can be put in the washing machine, and it dries quickly.

The inside of the tray is lined with durable laminated nylon, which is not scratched by animals when digging. When folded, the structure is secured with a strap and a button and takes up minimal space.


  • easy to fold;
  • high sides and lid;
  • several sizes and colors;
  • durable materials;
  • machine washable.


  • no option for large dogs.

The Shaw-Pets travel toilet makes traveling with a dog much easier, but is only suitable for small pets or puppies.

Tray-toilet "Zarya-Plus" for exhibition tents



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The fabric toilet folds up conveniently and is suitable for traveling or going to a show with a cat or dog. The waterproof coating is durable and does not require the use of additional diapers or fillers.

The tray is easy to clean with water and is machine washable. The structure folds and unfolds in a few seconds. The toilet is available in different colors and two sizes: 20x30 cm and 30x40 cm.


  • easy to clean;
  • quickly assembles and disassembles;
  • 2 sizes and many colors;
  • does not get wet;
  • low price (from 160 rubles).


  • not sold everywhere.

Zarya-Plus products are sold on the manufacturer’s website and in some online stores. It is practically not represented in retail pet stores.

How to choose a litter box for a dog: recommendations from breeders

Having familiarized yourself with the types of trays, you can begin to choose. Let us remind you once again: to save free space in the house, it is better to purchase corner structures; if the choice falls on a box, it does not matter where it will be installed.

It is better to buy low sides for girls, high ones for boys. It is also important to consider the size of the dog: the larger the dog, the wider the toilet area.

Elderly pets and puppies need to go to the litter box often; models with a reusable diaper are suitable for them.

For the smallest dogs, for example, Chihuahuas or toy terriers, pots with filler are used, the same as for cats. Spitz like litter trays with a slotted bottom; neat dogs don't like getting their paws dirty.

Before buying a toilet, it is recommended to read reviews on a specific model, especially when it comes to large breeds. It is also important to take into account your pet's preferences.

Best Pillar Toilets for Dogs

For male dogs who mark their territory, manufacturers offer toilets with poles. They look like an ordinary plastic pyramid, sometimes stylized as street fire hydrants or stumps.




editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The corner tray with a post, with its dimensions of 48x34 cm, is suitable for small dogs. The 14cm walls protect the walls from splashes and faeces.

The removable post can be installed anywhere in the tray. Durable plastic is easy to clean under running water. Also, for ease of cleaning, you can put a diaper in the tray and secure it with frames.


  • high sides;
  • big size;
  • easy to clean;
  • the column can be rearranged.


  • high price (from 1500 rubles);
  • The manufacturer does not monitor the packaging.

When purchasing, you need to check the contents of the product. Sometimes the tray comes without a post or grid.

How to care for your pet's toilet

Caring for the container where the dog goes is no less important than food and walks. Plastic surfaces are quickly damaged by claws and microcracks appear in which fungi and pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply. You need to wash the tray after each act of defecation, and it is strictly forbidden to use strong-smelling chlorine-based products. It is better to use simple home remedies, baking soda, vinegar. After washing, the box is thoroughly rinsed with clean running water and wiped dry.

Diapers and fillers are thrown away immediately. A dog is not a cat, if you do not throw out the litter completely, after a few hours the smell will be noticeable, and after a day it will become unbearable.

In order not to spend money on expensive special diapers, you can buy regular medical diapers in pharmacies. They are no different, but cost less.

Wood fillers are also inexpensive, so there is no need to skimp on this.

It is recommended to replace the toilet once every six months. Even if the old container is still in good condition, cracks and chips are already full of bacteria. The inability to treat with strong chemicals makes the walls dangerous for curious dogs.

Which toilet is better to buy for a dog?

To choose a litter box for your dog, you need to determine how often she will visit it. Inexpensive plastic models are suitable for occasional use, but they are not recommended for daily hikes. The tray will absorb unpleasant odors, and regular washing with harsh chemicals can ruin the dog’s sense of smell.

Some models of trays are designed to use fillers or special diapers. Others are equipped with a grate and do not require wood or silica gel granules.

Mesh toilets are much cheaper than others, but you will have to clean them more often.

Remember that the size of the tray must match the size of the dog. If the pet is cramped, he will find another place to relieve himself.

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Brand overview

Among the many different manufacturers, it is difficult to choose a quality tray. Let's look at the most popular brands and their features:

  • Maxi Bella Cabrio is a composting toilet with odor protection, the kit includes 2 carbon filters. There is a wide container with high sides for the filler and a large door. Suitable for small breed dogs.
  • Vipet. — the brand offers a wide selection of trays for dogs. All of them are low, there are products with a column and a wall, as well as models in the Japanese style. There are simple silicone mats for defecation. The choice of shades is varied, the cost of products is from 1000 to 3000 rubles.
  • HomeCat DeLuxe - dog friendly, roomy, deep. High walls on three sides allow the animal to go to the toilet without littering. Inside there is a protective grille and a large tray for filling. The practical and convenient tray can be easily removed for washing.
  • Homepet is an inexpensive dog litter box. Three high sides, a column in the center. A mesh is provided to protect your pet's paws from moisture. There is enough space for the filler. At first glance, it seems that the plastic is not of high enough quality.
  • Ferplast is represented on the market with a huge range of products for animals. In particular, closed dog toilets. Based on user reviews, we conclude: the quality of the plastic is high, there is no smell, and it is durable. It’s convenient for animals and gives them the opportunity to dig through the litter to their heart’s content. Aromas from the consequences of actions in the pot are present, but not critical. The cost is a little confusing, about 4,000 rubles.

It is difficult to consider the advantages of a particular toilet; each owner has his own priorities, the absence of odor is important to one, the comfort of the pet to another. When choosing a tray, it is difficult to recommend any brand, especially since the shape and contents of the products are identical for all manufacturers. Differences can only be in color and shape, but otherwise the same. The quality of the plastic is also difficult to see on the pages of an online store, so when buying a pot on ebay, you can be sure that it will smell.

The most correct decision would be to visit the store and analyze the assortment. Before purchasing, read the reviews about the model again; it won’t take much time, but it will help you save money if the chosen tray is not suitable for your pet.


1. Toilet for dogs ZooOne Japanese style small 48x35x6 cm

2. PetyPot automatic toilet for cats and dogs

3. Toilet for dogs Triol P652 52x40x15 cm

4. Toilet for dogs Homepet 3511802 60x40 cm

5. Toilet for dogs Stefanplast Puppy Training Set Pro, size 60x40x4cm.

6. Puppy Potty Pad

7. Georplast Toilet corner shuttle with side 49x40x17.5cm green

8. Toilet for dogs Shurum-burum 2KUT00002 48x34x14.5 cm

9. Homepet dog toilet with post (turquoise mother of pearl), 50x40 cm

10. Tray for dogs Dogman, size 70x50x4cm.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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