Dog food Trainer (fitness trainer)

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Main characteristics
Feed class:Super-premium, Holistic
  • Dry food Trainer 0.8 kg - from 460 rubles;
  • Dry food Trainer 2 kg - from 1242 rubles;
  • Dry food Trainer 7.5 kg - from RUB 3,362;
  • Dry food Trainer 12.5 kg - from 4213 rub.

Trainer is not the most common dog food in our country, most likely due to the manufacturer’s lack of interest in the Russian market. In EU countries its popularity is wider, but in our country it is growing year by year.

Regular pet stores rarely sell Trainer due to insufficient demand. Dog owners who want to feed their pets have to make purchases online.

Affordable price, unconditional super-premium composition and quality, recommendations from specialists, and a wide range of products are highly appreciated by customers.

Dog food manufacturer Trainer

The country of origin of Trainer brand feed is Italy. Nova Foods, a company specializing in the production of balanced products for pets, began its activities in the 60s of the last century. And Trainer food began to be produced in 1991. Company employees – veterinarians – took part in the creation of the unique line.

Dog food "Trainer"

Trainer food belongs to the elite super premium class. Their main feature is the presence of natural meat (at least 40%). The presence of soy is unacceptable - veterinary specialists have proven that it is not absorbed by the pet’s digestive system. The class allows the presence of a certain amount of high-quality by-products, and they must be clearly indicated on the packaging (for example, heart, liver).

The inclusion of flavors, artificial preservatives and flavor enhancers in food is unacceptable. Super premium products are used by professional breeders to feed puppies and adult animals. The price is quite high, but you shouldn’t skimp on your pet’s health.

Note! The Italian manufacturer offers food not only for dogs, but also for cats.

The product is developing, becoming more useful and balanced from year to year. But one thing remains the same - the basis of the composition is boneless poultry meat. The company opposes testing of products on animals and calls on owners to treat their pets with respect.

Dry dog ​​food

general description

Trainer brand food is a high quality product that has been produced since the early 1990s. A distinctive feature of this product is the high percentage of boneless fresh meat. Manufacturers do not use beef or chicken in the production of their products, since these two meat varieties are considered the most allergenic.

It is worth noting that the range also includes vegetarian food that provides the dog with all the necessary substances for full growth and development. This type of nutrition is used when there is a need to take an alternative protein. The decision to switch to this food option is made by the pet’s trainer or his treating veterinarian.

Advantages and disadvantages of Trainer feeds

Purina One for dogs: food for small breeds

“Trainer” dog food (as pet owners sometimes call the Italian product) is based on boneless meat processed in a special way. Production innovation made it possible to preserve large amounts of nutrients and vitamins.

The advantages of the line include:

  • Used for comprehensive nutrition of pets, helping to improve health and mental state.
  • The composition contains only Italian-made raw materials. Quality control is carried out at every stage of production.
  • The meat is processed using innovative technology, due to which it is possible to preserve the maximum useful composition. First of all, the animal needs amino acids, as well as animal protein.
  • There is no sugar in dry food. They will never cause allergies or shorten the life of the animal.
  • Genetic engineering products (GMOs) are completely excluded.
  • The product packaging itself is very convenient to use due to the zip fastener; it can be opened and sealed. This eliminates the penetration of foreign odors into the feed.
  • All food from the Italian brand is well sterilized and therefore safe.
  • Some products contain cranberry extract - the key to the full functioning of the kidneys.
  • There is no wheat, so the risk of an allergic reaction is negligible.
  • The composition includes all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a dog.
  • Wide range. There is food for puppies, adult dogs, large, small and medium breeds. There are canned food and dry food. There is also a special line with a reduced level of meat, it is suitable for dogs with allergies.
  • Small granules, easy to use. The owners note that the dogs eat the food with pleasure.

The dog is having lunch

However, like any other food, Trainer is not without some disadvantages. The owner should also know about them before purchasing:

  • At the moment, Nova Foods products are new to the Russian market. Therefore, it is difficult to find food in pet stores and even on online sites.
  • High price.
  • Insufficient protein and fiber content.
  • Corn in the composition can be a strong allergen.
  • Significant content of carbohydrates and fats.
  • The manufacturer does not indicate the calorie content of the product.

Trainer feed composition

Pedigree: food for dogs and puppies of small and large breeds

The main component of the product from the Italian manufacturer is poultry meat - chicken and turkey, rich in protein. In addition, the following components are added:

  • rice, corn – sources of carbohydrates;
  • pea fiber and processed sugar beets enrich the composition with coarse fibers that normalize digestion;
  • flax seed, yeast are good for the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The Fitness Trainer 3 dog food line contains rabbit, beef, duck, and lamb.

Note! In the composition you can find “animal fats” that are not deciphered in any way. This component causes certain concerns among breeders and owners, since the source of these fats is unclear.

Dehydrated fish and animal protein are also considered questionable. It is unknown what kind of fish is included in the composition, what the source of protein is.

Among the useful additives, the product contains spirulina algae, extracts of apples, citrus fruits, and collagen. The feed contains vitamins (A, E, D), as well as minerals (selenium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese).

Trainer dog food range

Savara (food for dogs and puppies): composition

Nova Foods offers dog food in four main series:

  1. Natural. This is a basic product intended for daily use. Presented in options suitable for dogs of various ages, sizes, and activity levels. There are also special foods created taking into account special needs.
  2. Top Breeder. New brand food for dogs kept in kennels and used for breeding.
  3. Fitness 3. Any product in the line is based on three main components.
  4. Personal. Medicinal dietary products.

Next, each product will be discussed in more detail.

Fitness Trainer food for picky dogs

Animals can be capricious and refuse to eat some, even expensive, food. Or they simply suffer from poor appetite. The product “Trainer” for picky dogs has been specially developed for them. It contains rice, duck (or salmon), fish and corn.

The food is easily digestible because it does not contain pork, beef or chicken. Useful for dogs with pathologies of the liver, stomach, and pancreas.

Such a pet should be fed in small portions, but more often.

Lines of the Italian manufacturer

Trainer Personal

The line's products are used to feed animals with health problems. The composition contains antioxidants (extracts of goji, spirulina, mussels), herbs and vegetables that stabilize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Main products:

  • Sensi Intestinal. Contains turkey. Prescribed to normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Sensi Renal. For dogs with pathologies of the genitourinary system and kidneys.
  • Sensi Obesity. Helps cope with increased weight. Contains minimal fat content.
  • Personal Baby Starter. For puppies, pregnant and lactating dogs.
  • Beauty. Improves the condition of the coat.

Note! The line is medicinal, prescribed by a veterinarian.

Trainer Top Breeder

The line is designed for pets of different ages, weights and activity levels.

Mini Size food is intended for small dogs. Features of the composition:

  • chamomile helps reduce the sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract, fights unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • apple extract improves dental condition;
  • Corn oil makes the coat healthy and silky.

Food for representatives of medium breeds Medium Size. Composition and benefits:

  • seaweed improves the condition of the coat;
  • blueberries slow down the aging of the body;
  • yeast extract increases resistance to infections.

Food for puppies

Maxi Breed is designed to meet the needs of large and giant animals. Composition and features:

  • normalizes digestion thanks to pea fiber;
  • mussel extract helps improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chicory is a powerful protection against dysbacteriosis.

Note! The specific line is selected based on the breed.

Fitness 3 Series

These feeds are divided into groups depending on the weight of the animals.

Products for small dogs (up to 10 kg) are also differentiated by age: puppies, teenagers, adult animals.


  • the composition contains herbs that improve the body's resistance to diseases;
  • Goji berries are good for the circulatory system;
  • food can be included in the diet of dogs with sensitive digestion;
  • contains pineapple core, so it helps normalize the digestive system and improve digestibility.

Fitness 3 Series

Food for dogs weighing over 10 kg (large and medium breeds) is rich in coarse fiber and probiotics, so they are well absorbed by the pet’s digestive tract. The line includes products for puppies and young animals, as well as for mature ones.


  • green mussel extract helps improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • slows down the aging process thanks to goji fruits;
  • Herbs in the composition improve the animal's immunity.

Note! The compositions of products for puppies and mature pets are similar, so the transition to “adult” food will take place without unnecessary stress.

Natural Series

Division within the line according to two parameters:

  • age;
  • size.

Natural series food

The following foods are offered:

  • PUPPY & JUNIOR MINI for puppies and young dogs (1-10 months) of small breeds.
  • ADULT MINI for daily feeding of adult animals of small breeds.
  • LIGHT MINI for adult small breed animals prone to obesity.
  • PUPPY & JUNIOR MEDIUM is intended for puppies and growing individuals (up to 15 months) of medium breeds.
  • ADULT MEDIUM is suitable for daily feeding of adult dogs - representatives of medium breeds.
  • PUPPY MAXI. Enriched composition, suitable for large breed puppies up to 8 months.
  • JUNIOR MAXI for large breed puppies up to 2 years old.
  • ADULT MAXI is suitable for large adult dogs.

Note! If your pet is overweight, you should choose dietary food for it.

What's in it

Any dog ​​eating Trainer food receives a full range of nutrients. This product contains the following components:

  • proteins (about 22%);
  • fats (about 14%);
  • fiber (2%);
  • moisture (8%);
  • ash (6.2%).

It is worth noting that the composition and quantity of each component varies depending on the line and its gradation. Thus, the composition of Trainer food may include:

  • rice and other grains;
  • freeze-dried meat (duck, rabbit, etc.);
  • rice flour and protein;
  • corn oil.

Additional components may include flaxseed, various berry and plant extracts, extracts from green mussels and pineapple cores.

Moreover, these products do not contain salt, gluten, lactose, chicken, yeast or soy. Therefore, such food is excellent for feeding animals suffering from food allergies.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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