Top 10 most terrible dogs in the world: what hides the terrible appearance

Every year since 1998, an unusual competition “The Ugliest Dog in the World” has been held in California. The organizers of the show position the competition as a manifestation of the owner’s love even for an ugly animal.

Dog owners are happy to take part in the show and do not consider the title “The Ugliest Dog in the World” to be offensive to their pets, as they sincerely love them for who they are.

And the prize fund of $1,500 and the right to take part in television programs are a good help for the unusual title. And the four-legged participants themselves, despite their slightly frightening appearance, are very sweet and kind creatures. Let's look at the four-legged animals who have received such an unusual title.

The ugliest dog in the world 2022

Today: 06/22/2019 in the USA, at the Sonoma-Marin Fair, the 31st annual world competition “The Ugliest Dog in the World” took place. The winner of the competition was a dog named Tramp, who charmed the judges with his beauty and talent. Some argue that he received his title due to his resemblance to the country's President Donald Trump!

6) Tosa Inu

The Tosa Inu, also called the Japanese Mastiff, is the only Molosser breed from Japan. This is a rare breed of dog that was bred in the late 19th century for dog fighting and also to serve as bodyguards. As is the case with other representatives of this selection, this breeding feature was reflected in the genetics of Japanese mastiffs, which became more and more dangerous over time.

Now Tosa Inu are large dogs whose weight can reach up to 90 kg. They are distinguished by a sense of territoriality, fearlessness, and also aggression towards strangers and their relatives. In addition to this, these Japanese boast excellent physical characteristics and abilities. Their bite force is not weak: even Japanese mastiff puppies can bite through some hard objects without much difficulty, so there is nothing to say about adult individuals.

Dog experts say that Tosa Inu are one of the most dangerous dogs on the planet, and even experienced breeders can experience serious problems and difficulties when raising them. So if you wanted to take this Japanese into your home as a pet, think a few more times.

The ugliest dog in the world 2022

Yesterday: 06/24/2018 in the American town of Petaluma (California) the next, 30th competition for the title “The Ugliest Dog in the World 2018” was held.

The winner of the competition was 9-year-old Zsa-Zsa, an English bulldog breed. The dog's muzzle is wrinkled, its figure is thick and barrel-shaped, its paws are crooked. The teeth are arranged so chaotically, as if they are cheerfully “dancing” the traditional American country dance. A huge tongue hangs out of its mouth, and it seems that it is about to touch the ground.

Despite all these “advantages,” Zsa-Zsa outperformed 14 equally worthy competitors. The dog's owner received a cash prize of $1.5 thousand. The owner of the bulldog said that she found her favorite on a special website for abandoned animals, and could not ignore its “beauty.”

The ugliest dog in the world 2022

The winner of the competition in 2022 was a 56-kilogram Neapolitan Mastiff dog named Martha. The jury immediately paid attention to Marta. Red eyes, baggy skin, uncontrollable salivation. Throughout the competition, she remained the clear favorite.

Martha's owner says that with age the dog has become almost completely blind. But, thanks to the “magic” hands of veterinary specialists, after several operations they were able to restore her vision.

Official leaders

You will be surprised, but there were even special competitions to identify the most terrible dogs. Here are their winners.

This pet has won the competition more than once. But he was not born so repulsive; health problems are to blame here, from which Sam eventually died. Or rather, he had to be put to sleep.

The dog was not only bald, but also covered with warts, and in places with random white fur. The eyes were white and without pupils, and the teeth stuck out in all directions at random.

Its proportions are so illogical that some photos make it seem like it was done in Photoshop. This is what happens when you combine several not-so-terrible dog breeds together without properly thinking through the consequences.

And this dog, whose name translates as peanut, did not become like this from birth. The fact is that he happened to survive a strong fire, in which the animal miraculously survived. Fortunately, he now has a loving owner for whom his appearance does not matter.

Of course, the main role here was not played by the compatibility of the parents, but by a congenital spinal defect, as a result of which the dog has a very short and hunchbacked body. This shape really gives him a resemblance to Quasimodo, a character from Hugo's novel.

This elderly dog ​​has legs like a frog, his tongue sticks out of his mouth all the time, and a strange-looking “mohawk” grows on his head. In addition, Swee Pee became completely blind due to old age.

We have already mentioned this breed. But Martha stands out among her peers primarily with her red, eerie-looking eyes. She was blind, but with the help of volunteers they managed to organize several operations for her, as a result of which her vision was almost restored.

There is no doubt that for any owner the main thing in a pet is not appearance, but intelligence, kindness and loyalty. Almost all dogs have these qualities, but appearance is just a matter of taste.

First of all, people love dogs because they are loyal to their owner. Pets can also give their breeder a little happiness if the owner is sad

Animals, unlike people, do not pay attention to a person’s material condition, his profession, appearance and life achievements. This demonstrates that animals are man’s best friends and, to some extent, sets an example for people to follow.

The ugliest dog in the world 2016

Recently, the annual “Ugliest Dog in the World” competition took place in California. The winner of 2016 was a 17-year-old Chinese Crested dog named Swee Pee.

Swee Pee beat out 15 competitors and took first place thanks to his congenital and acquired ugliness. The jury's evaluation criteria included not only external ugliness, but also skin condition, stench and other ailments.

Swee Pi has crooked paws, skin ulcers all over her body, a tongue hanging out of her mouth, and only a mohawk on her head. In addition, Swee Pee is blind in both eyes and must constantly wear diapers.

Bull Terriers

Among canines, bull terriers do not look very attractive and friendly. Some even call them freaks. Looking at the egg-shaped head, short hair, and small slanted rat eyes, it is difficult to believe in the friendliness of these creatures. Indeed, bull terriers are active participants in dog fighting. Their grip is considered “dead,” and hardly anyone would want to meet a bull terrier one-on-one in a dark alley. Representatives of this breed are considered one of the strongest among dogs.


The ugliest dog in the world 2015

The winner of the competition in 2015 was the ten-year-old dog Kwazi Modo. This is a cross between a Dutch Shepherd and a Pitbull. Quasi Modo is an absolutely unprepossessing dog with a congenital spinal defect. Outwardly, he looks a little like a hyena. Because of his curved spine, he truly resembles the character of the same name from the famous novel by Victor Hugo.

The owner adopted Quasi Modo from an animal shelter and never regretted it. According to the owner, despite all his external ugliness, this is the most good-natured and affectionate dog in the world.

Dog: A short but very scary story

One day, I was asked to write a small scary story, but one that happened in real life.

I thought for a long time until I remembered the story of my friend.

I won’t say that I remember everything verbatim, but I will try to describe it the way I remembered that horror story of hers.

So, a very strange story, or rather a short horror story, from a friend of mine.


One day, I heard a terrible story about a missing dog.

A long time ago, one unfortunate old man was given a puppy for a holiday.

The man was incredibly happy with his new friend: now he had someone to take care of.

Time passed, and the puppy grew into an adult dog.

The dog became the old man's guide and accompanied him on walks around the city.

One evening, a man and his dog were walking in the square after work.

Suddenly a stranger suddenly snatched the bag from the old man and ran straight down the street.

The brave dog rushed after the robber and caught up with him in a local park.

Only the bandit had a knife.

The death of the dog was a terrible blow for the old man, but the dog could not be returned.

This is not where my short scary story ends, but where it begins.

Since then, a stray dog ​​began to appear in that park...

More than a dozen years have passed since those long ago, and that stray dog ​​still seems to be walking around the park.

People say that this is the soul of that dead dog. Well, my story happened a year ago.

I walked through the park every day to get to class. And one day I saw a dog.

It was a large black dog with large dark eyes.

She followed me every time I went to the park.

Sometimes I even tried to feed this mongrel, but she did not want to eat.

After a while I became attached to her. But one evening changed everything.

As usual, I walked in the park at eighteen o'clock.

The sky was black, everything around me was in darkness, and there were no people.

Suddenly I heard a dog barking. I turned around and saw my friend.

The dog stood opposite me. Her eyes were glowing red and she looked very angry.

I wanted to pet her, but she started growling.

Then she ran after me. I was shocked. I decided to get out of the park.

I ran away from the dog as fast as I could.

The dog barking followed me all the way to the end of the park.

I turned around and saw that the dog had left, disappeared.

The next day I didn't see this supernatural dog, so I asked the janitor about it.

He said that last night a man was mauled to death in the park.

When the police arrived, the man was identified as a dangerous maniac who attacked young girls in city parks.

The most mysterious thing is that he was found behind the bushes, where there was no asphalt.

There is just clean land there, and there are no traces on the ground, although by the nature of the wounds, there should have been traces left there from a whole pack of dogs.

It was all like a short horror story.

It turns out that the dog deliberately kicked me out of the park, and then attacked the bandit.

This is such a strange and scary story. Since then, I haven't seen the dog.

Maybe he only appears when someone is in danger in this park?

May be so…

There are many inexplicable things in our world, things that cannot be read in any short scary story.

The rest of our scary stories can be read in the Scary Stories section

The ugliest dog in the world 2014

The winner of the 2014 “Ugliest Dog in the World” contest was two-year-old dog Peanut, a cross between a Chihuahua and a Shih Tzu. An animal with bald patches and growths all over its body, with bulging eyes and protruding teeth really causes strange sensations.

As a puppy, this four-legged creature managed to survive a terrible fire, after which his eyelids and mouth stopped closing, and he himself became so “attractive.” He had to spend nine months in a shelter before he found his home and loving owners.

Peruvian Inca Orchid

It seems that these dogs are completely affected by shingles, so they only grow hair on their face and tail, but no, this is their normal appearance. Some compare them to old men, and it’s true that if you look at them, you can see an ancient grandfather with a beard.

The body of the Peruvian Inca orchid (unusual name, isn't it?) is completely bare, with dark spots visible here and there. There is coarse, sparse hair on the tail and head.

They are distinguished by their outstanding intelligence, loyal character and excellent guard qualities. These dogs love to spend time in the company of their owner, but are not at all intrusive. They are often bred as guard or hunting dogs.

Yes, perhaps these dogs are very difficult to call beautiful and even cute, but they are all worthy candidates for the role of a family pet, because they are loyal and loving animals. You should not always focus on the dog’s attractive appearance, because it does not guarantee that the animal will be sweet and kind.

The ugliest dog in the world 2013

Four-year-old dog Willie won the competition in 2013. This is a cross between a boxer, beagle and basset hound. This cute dog does not have such obvious deformities as the winners of previous competitions had. But, as one of the judges noted, his body is so disproportionate, as if its individual parts were taken from different dogs and compiled in Photoshop.

Chow chow

Chow chows may seem like cute bear cubs to many, but in reality this is not the case. Raising and raising such a dog is hard work. They are difficult to socialize. An experienced owner may be able to cope, although in some cases the help of a dog handler will still be required, and a beginner has little chance. These are very capricious dogs that strive to control their owners and do not tolerate familiar treatment. They are unpredictable and aggressive. They rank 8th in the statistics of attacks in the US and Canada, with the vast majority of incidents involving children. Keeping chow chows is illegal in some US states.

Chau perfectly understands all the commands and words that you taught him, but only performs those that he considers appropriate at the moment

Of course, representatives of the most dangerous breeds do not always grow up to be killers.

However, it is important to understand that raising such dogs is much more difficult. If you are not ready to regularly work with a dog handler, strictly adhere to the education program and still have the chance of getting an unpredictable result, it is better to prefer other breeds

The ugliest dog in the world 2012

Eight-year-old dog Magli won the 2012 World's Ugliest Dog competition. He had previously won the title of Britain's ugliest dog in 2005 and came to California to compete for the world title. And, as it turned out, not in vain. Swollen eyes, bald patches all over the body, and fangs sticking out even when the mouth was closed impressed the judges. But what struck the jury most were the tufts of hair growing chaotically throughout the animal’s body.

The ugliest dog in the world 2011

The ugliest dog in 2011 was a dog named Yoda. The owners found Yoda in an abandoned house and didn’t even immediately understand what kind of creature he was.

Yoda was created by crossing a Chihuahua and a Chinese Crested. Crooked posture, sparse tousled fur, crooked nose, bald ears, slanted eyes, a long tongue that always hangs out of its mouth - this tiny creature has absorbed all the shortcomings that were possible.

The ugliest dog in the world 2010

She became a Chihuahua dog named Princess Abby. She won the main prize for her very ugly appearance. Short and crooked front legs combined with long hind legs, a curved spine and a scary face with an almost closed eye.

Abby's owner found her at an animal shelter. Abby lay huddled in the corner of her cage. Her body was completely infested with parasites and fleas. It was a terrible sight. And when their eyes met, Abby’s owner simply couldn’t let this little dog continue to suffer, and took her in.

Breeds with Unique Body Shapes

One of the criteria for the unusualness of a cat breed is the shape of the animal’s body.

There are cats that have non-standard body proportions, which attracts the attention of breeders

In the early 90s, a very unusual breed was created - the munchkin, which is also known as the dachshund cat. The reason for its appearance was a rather rare genetic mutation. Since then, short-legged cats with an elongated body have touched owners with their appearance. The limbs of such pets are two times smaller than those of other cats, and the only difficulty for them is overcoming heights.

A funny way to see something in the distance is to stand on their hind legs. At the same time, they rely on their tail and lower their forelimbs. Representatives of this breed get along quite well with people, since in general they are very flexible. It is worth noting that such cats are also friends with other pets, although in case of danger they are always ready to stand up for themselves.

A derivative of the Munchkin breed is another miniature breed - the Napoleon. Such cats are famous for their neat shape and beauty, for the purpose of which they were bred in 1995 by Joe Smith. The result was obtained by crossing a Machkin with a Persian, due to which the Napoleon breed can be seen with a charming, slightly flat muzzle and long hair with a bushy tail. Currently, it is very difficult to breed such kittens, because most of their offspring do not meet the ideal requirements of the breed.

Another short-legged breed is the Minskin. These cats were the result of crossing Sphynxes with Machkins. The muzzles of these animals have mainly the features of a sphinx, while they inherited short legs and the shape of the body from the machkin. These cats have fur. By nature, they are quite active and sociable, but from time to time they need privacy in a secluded corner.

Non-standard nuances of the structure of the skeleton can also include the absence of a tail in a cat or the presence of a very short tail. The first case includes such a breed as Manx cats. According to legend, such an unusual cat sailed on a ship and after the crash ended up on the Isle of Man, where over time the same tailless kittens began to appear until a whole breed was formed. The vertebrae in the caudal region of these animals, as a result of a natural anomaly, are either completely absent or preserved in very minimal quantities.

Isle of Man cats are characterized by very thick hair, a rounded rear part of the body, a wide chest and a round head shape. All these features make the pet’s appearance very voluminous; such cats seem incredibly soft.

The character of bobtails is flexible. This trait, combined with natural intellectual potential, allows you to raise an intelligent pet with good manners. These cats love communication and movement.

The number of caudal vertebrae in bobtails reaches 7, but sometimes it is less. However, the average cat has approximately 23 vertebrae in this area. Another peculiarity of the body of representatives of this breed is the ability to produce, in addition to the two main sounds - purring and meowing, also a bizarre chirp, as well as a sound reminiscent of barking.

A unique breed is the Pixie Bob. Its exceptional feature is polydactylism, which is manifested by the presence of more than 5 fingers on the animal’s limbs. This sign does not bother the pet at all, but it does not occur in all cats of this breed. Such animals have a short tail, and there are small tufts at the ends of their ears.

It is noteworthy that the character of the representatives of the breed is calm, unobtrusive and tactful. But at the same time, such a pet is never against active pastime. Many owners of such cats note that the animals are very unpretentious in their maintenance. They show extraordinary devotion to their owner, while remaining rather cold with strangers.

The ugliest dog in the world 2007

In 2007, the title of “Ugliest Dog in the World” was won by a two-year-old male named Elwood. This dog is a cross between a Chihuahua and a Chinese Crested. Outwardly, Elwood is very similar to a gremlin. He has bald dark skin, a round head with a white tuft on the top, and a long fleshy tongue hanging out of his mouth like a rag. Elwood's owner bought him as a puppy from the breeder, persuading him not to euthanize him because of his ugliness.

The ugliest dog in the world 2006

The winner was a Chinese Crested dog named Archie. Archie's appearance is very unique. The body is completely covered with growths and warts, a gray tuft of sparse hair on the head, four protruding crooked teeth and a tongue hanging out of the mouth.

The poor dog was picked up on the street and was forced to live in an animal shelter for a long time. Because of his terrible appearance, no one wanted to take Archie. And when they were about to put him to sleep, the worker of this shelter took pity on the poor dog and took Archie to her place for a while. But the family loved him so much that they did not want to part with him. After winning the competition, Archie lived for two years.


The body of these dogs is rarely covered with hair, but a small tuft grows on the muzzle, giving the Xoloitzcuintle a strange appearance. But this is where the ugliness of dogs ends.

They have a friendly and kind disposition, get along well with children, and can be made like four-legged friends. Just be prepared for the fact that while walking with your Xoloitzcuintle, people around you will shower your dog not with compliments, but with epithets like “What a horror!”, “What an ugliness!” If this doesn’t scare you, feel free to go look for a puppy of this breed. He also deserves your love and attention.


The ugliest dog in the world 2005, 2004, 2003

Thanks to his, to put it mildly, “strange” appearance, Sam, a Chinese Crested male, was the winner of the “Ugliest Dog in the World” competition for three years in a row.

At the time of his first victory, he was already at a very advanced age. Sam was twelve years old. His body was completely bald with many growths, wrinkles and warts. He was completely blind. But, despite this, Sam was a very brave and even a little aggressive dog, rushing into a fight with everyone, even if the dog was much larger than him.

After the third victory in the competition, fan clubs began to appear on the Internet, souvenirs and T-shirts with Sam’s image appeared on sale. He has become a truly iconic dog.


The first mention of Affenpinscher dates back to the 16th century. The origins of the breed lie in Germany. At that time, Affenpinschers were bred as rat catchers. The dogs were larger in size, and the fur was not black, as it is now, but grey, yellow or brown. Gradually, the breed began to move from stables and farmlands to noble houses. Now Affenpinschers are small dogs with an unusual muzzle. Outwardly, the dog does not look very friendly, but the character of Affenpinschers is calm and good-natured. The dogs are very inquisitive and get along well with small children. True, Affenpinschers do not get along well with other pets.

The ugliest dog in the world 2001, 2000

The winner of 2001 and 2000 was a funny dog ​​named Nana, whose breed the owner never revealed. The first competitions for the title of the ugliest dog in the world were not as popular as they are today. Therefore, unfortunately, the names and winners of the first shows remained unknown.

And in conclusion, I want to show you two more dogs that are not as scary as the previous tailed ones. These two dogs are so fat, and since obesity is also considered a sign of ugliness in the modern world, they deserve to be on this list


To get an Affenpinscher puppy, you need to be a true fan of this breed. Otherwise, how can you explain the fact that you can calmly watch an animal running around in your house, whose appearance indicates that the day before it passed a powerful electric charge through its body? However, these dogs are distinguished by loyalty and devotion, which can be envied. They choose a master and serve him faithfully.



This mongrel mongrel did not win the world competition “The Ugliest Dog in the World”, held in California. But despite this, Munchkin won prizes in many similar shows.

This dog is so famous that it collaborates with several large companies that produce jewelry for animals. She actively acts in advertising, takes part in TV shows, and has her own website and fan club.

Bedlington Terrier

Those who don't know often confuse Bedlington Terriers with lambs, believing that they are not dogs at all. The appearance of the companion is far from ugly as well as from generally accepted standards. If you have to describe this dog in one word, many will say that it is strange. Despite the lamb's appearance, it is a very stubborn and wayward animal. It is not even recommended for beginners to own a Bedlington Terrier, since this pet can easily take over the leadership and set its own rules in the house. However, with proper upbringing, this is a very calm and peaceful animal.

The Bedlington Terrier has a curved body and a curly coat.

BBW Cassie

Fat Cassie is a Border Collie dog. Seven-year-old Cassie weighs 58 kg, while the average weight of an animal of this breed is 18-20 kg.

Cassie gained excess weight thanks to her compassionate elderly owner, who could not refuse her beloved dog and gave everything she asked for - hamburgers, fast food, chocolates and other “goodies”.

After Cassie stopped moving on her own, the woman personally brought the dog to the hospital. Cassie was taken into forced treatment and put on a strict diet.

At first, Cassie turned her nose up at dry food (of course, fried chicken wings are much tastier), but then she realized that there was nothing else she could do and started eating the food. But doctors were perplexed why a dog on a diet not only does not lose weight, but also gains weight. The doctors decided to monitor her diet. And what was their surprise when they saw that Cassie, having eaten her portion, brazenly drives other pets away from their bowls and gobbles up the portions allotted to them, and after that lies, farts and squints her eyes with pleasure. This Cassie is so cunning!

Today I showed and told you a little about the animals that took prizes in the “Ugliest Dog in the World” competition. Of course, this is a very spectacular and exciting show, in which many four-legged animals take part, each of which is worthy of the title of winner. But, unfortunately, there is only one.

And even if all these four-legged creatures do not have an attractive and cute appearance, but in their souls they are the same gentle and vulnerable creatures. And despite their sometimes slightly frightening appearance, they are just as loved by their owners as our beloved little tails.


Imagine an animal with thick fur that, if not taken care of, becomes dreadlocks. A kind of Chupacabra or Bigfoot. But, in fact, this is a very attentive animal, has a sharp mind, and is easy to train.

To prevent your pet from scaring you away with its scary appearance, you just need to regularly trim its fur, comb it and make sure it doesn’t get tangled.


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