TOP 5 of the cutest, kindest and most loyal dogs in the world

Most owners love their four-legged pets. But among dogs there are really cute breeds that will not leave anyone indifferent. We present the top 10 such cuties.

  • 2 Yorkshire Terrier
  • 3 Petit (petit) Brabançon
  • 4 Pomeranian
  • 5 Bichon Frize
  • 6 Shih Tzu
  • 7 Samoyed Laika
  • 8 Dalmatian
  • 9 Shiba Inu
  • 10 Chow Chow
  • 11 Video: Some more adorable breeds

Shiba Inu

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

The Shiba Inu is native to Japan and was kept as a hunting dog and as a protection dog against mice. For a long time, one of the cutest dog breeds was distributed only in Japan. The Shiba Inu weighs about 9 kg, and the height at the withers does not exceed 41 centimeters. Her sweet face is expressive and emotional.

By its nature, the Shiba Inu is somewhat similar to a cat: it is restrained in emotions and independent of people. Such a pet will not happily jump around the owner when he returns home or bark. He has a high intelligence, but does not always like to obey people. If he does not believe that he has done a bad thing, the dog will not admit his guilt.

It is important for Shiba Inu to undergo early socialization to avoid surprises when the dog interacts with unfamiliar people or animals. The Japanese believe that their education is similar to the art of origami. A person will need a lot of patience and peace to raise an animal correctly.

Despite a certain waywardness, the dog is very loyal to its owner, but does not like to be cuddled. He chooses his “main” owner and treats other people with restraint and kindness. The animal does not like rudeness in all forms and can even bite if it is hurt.

Shiba Inus do not get along well with other pets in the same territory. He tries to get into someone else's bowl, loves to dominate, to fight for his territory. In relationships with cats, the hunting instinct often manifests itself. A Shiba Inu will bully “its own” cat, but easily maim someone else’s animal.

The dog barks little, but, sensing danger, makes loud, specific sounds that frighten and disorient the enemy. This is a cunning animal with ingenuity, easily opening locked doors and climbing into places where treats are hidden.

The Shiba Inu is an owner who does not allow his territory to be taken away or his food or toys to be taken away. So that the “Japanese” does not dominate, he should be raised as a person with a strong character. Otherwise, the dog ceases to perceive human authority.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is one of the most beautiful dog breeds. Wonderful hunters in mountainous areas, very hardy and strong animals, capable of developing great speed and jumping high. The Afghan Hound has a very cute appearance.

These pets are by no means formidable hunters, as it might seem at first glance. Afghan hounds are very timid and gentle dogs, so when confronted with other pets they will not claim a dominant position.

Among the cutest dog breeds you can see both decorative little ones and large animals. These pets are distinguished by a very graceful appearance and a wonderful character that can melt anyone’s heart.

Bichon Frize

The French lapdog has long been a leader in the ranking of the cutest dog breeds in the world. This animal, which looks like a small white cloud with black beady eyes, resembles a fluffy children's toy. It is believed that the birthplace of this breed was Italy. After lap dogs arrived in Europe, they were often kept in royal families. Despite its small size (30 centimeters at the withers), the pretty dog ​​is distinguished by its endurance. The Bichon Frize does not shed throughout the year and has virtually no odor, so this dog is recommended for people prone to allergies. This is an excellent choice for a family with children.

Lapdogs are not suitable for busy people who are constantly away from home. The dog has a hard time withstanding loneliness and is very attached to its owner. Their character is cheerful and good-natured. This is a little mischief maker with an endless amount of energy. The animal is very sociable and easily takes root both in a private house and in a small apartment. Such dogs are often used for pet therapy. They are brought to children's hospitals and nursing homes for psychological support of patients.

The Bichon Frize can be a reliable watchman, notifying its owner that a stranger has appeared on the doorstep. The dog is highly trainable and quickly remembers tricks, but some firmness should be shown in training.

German Pointer (Kurzhaar)

The shorthaired pointer was bred in Germany as a hunting dog. German Pointers have not only excellent character and physical shape, but also very beautiful appearance. Many people believe that Shorthaired Pointers are the cutest dogs. Photos of the German Pointer often adorn the pages of magazines.

The shorthaired pointer's wool is not only very beautiful (the pattern on the fur coat resembles the feathers of a wild duck), but also very useful. The fact is that it practically does not get wet, which allows the dog to hunt in any conditions.


  • Photo from Wikipedia website

Bobtails were used for guarding and herding livestock. This multifunctional breed was developed in Great Britain. The dog has a friendly character and high intelligence. It is important for her that her owner treats her with kindness and tenderness.

Distinctive features of the breed: the almost complete absence of a tail and fluffy fur, making the dog plush. Similar to a bear, the bobtail is distinguished by its calmness and good disposition. This large dog has a stable psyche, plays with children with pleasure, moves quickly, and is distinguished by endurance. The best option for keeping him would be an aviary.

The Bobtail is always loyal to its owner and other family members. On a walk, he will not get into a fight with a passing dog; he will pass by the neighbor's cats. For bobtails, family is of great importance; if a dog is abandoned, it stops eating, shows aggression and may even die of sadness after such a betrayal.

This cute dog loves children and allows itself to be cuddled, used as a sled dog, and can even give a child a sled ride in the winter. Because of its herding skills, the bobtail can protect other small breed pets from attacks by larger pets.

The fluffy dog, similar to a bear cub, is not afraid of every rustle and is attentive to people with disabilities. It can be used as a guide. It is important for bobtails to walk a lot; with proper physical activity, they can be kept in an apartment. Bobtails rarely bark and do not show aggression towards people around them. Sensing an emanating danger to its owner, the animal can show aggression and even bite.

Shepherd dogs

Dogs, mainly bred for herding livestock and protecting them from wild animals. Many shepherd dogs now serve as guards. The animals are large, easily make contact with humans, and are accustomed to working with them.


The Hungarian Shepherd, or Komondor, is a typical sheep herder. The dog rounds up the flock and protects it from attacks by predators. A characteristic feature is long, curly light hair, thanks to which the pet camouflages itself among the herd. The size of such a dog is 65-70 cm, weight is 40-60 kg. The average price for a puppy is 40-65 thousand rubles.


A large Soviet breed with long, thick hair that allows it to survive in the harsh northern climate. Minimum height – 64-68 cm, weight – 45-50 kg. It was used to protect the herd and home, but now its functions have not changed. Characteristic differences are a thick collar, a black mask, and powerful round paws. The average price is 22-50 thousand rubles.

Eastern European

Soviet breed, bred on the basis of the German Shepherd for service in the army and other law enforcement agencies. Externally similar to its brother. Size – 62-72 cm, weight – 30-60 kg. Pets were often used for filming in films.

In Russia, this is one of the most recognizable breeds; it has been given the status of the kindest, most faithful and brave friend. Average price – 10-35 thousand rubles


The original function of the breed is protection and rutting of the herd. Later, good working qualities were noticed, after which the dogs are used in the police and army. There are several types of German Shepherds, but the short-haired one is considered the standard and correct one. Size – 55-65 cm at the withers. Price – 10-40 thousand rubles.


French aboriginal herding dog, unpopular outside its homeland. Outwardly similar to the Dobermann and Rottweiler, although the genetic relationship has not been confirmed. The closest ancestor is the wolf. Despite the fact that the animals are open to communication and intelligent, they are only suitable for experienced owners, because they are often stubborn. Their height is 61-70 cm. Price is 10-30 thousand rubles.


A group of Belgian herding dogs, which include: Malinois, Tervuren, Laekenois and Groenendael. They are different in appearance, have different coat structure and color, but in terms of physical parameters and qualities they are the same, therefore they are included in a single international standard. The height of individuals is 56-66 cm, weight is 20-30 kg. Price – 30-60 thousand rubles.


Heritage of Turkey, a dog not allowed for export. The second name is Karabash. Previously used only for shepherd service, now the pet is a faithful companion and assistant to humans. The animal not only protects the house, but also takes care of the household. The height of dogs ranges from 65 to 81 cm, weight – 41-54 kg. Individuals can be short-haired or long-haired. Color – yellow-gray or yellow-brown. The average price is 12-30 thousand rubles.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

This breed is often called Cardi by breeders. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi adapts well to a private home or apartment. Large areas are not needed for its residence. In 2006, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but, thanks to the efforts of breeders, after 10 years the number of these dogs has increased significantly.

In addition to their charm and cute appearance, these little shepherds have a good-natured, easy-going disposition. The miniature breed was developed locally in the UK and was used for herding. The average height at the withers of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi varies from 26 to 32 cm.

This sweet little dog breed is loyal, brave, and even-tempered. Cardi puppies are real fidgets, but with age the dog becomes calmer. The pet is very devoted to its owners and rushes at the enemy without hesitation, protecting property and family.

This is a companion dog for which loneliness is contraindicated. She will happily play with a small child and will never offend him. With proper upbringing, the pet gets along with other animals and even cats. Such a dog cannot be called hyperactive or clingy. His character combines energy, balance, friendliness and lack of dominance. He unquestioningly obeys his owner and is always ready to run next to him.

Training exercises for the Cardigan Welsh Corgi should be varied and relaxed. Otherwise, the dog will quickly lose interest in activities.

How to choose a cute puppy

There are a few important things you need to know before buying a dog.

  1. Decide on the breed. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Everyone requires attention, love, training. There are those with whom it will be difficult to get along without experience in canine work. Some breeds were originally bred for admiration and beauty. Therefore, you need to know what exactly you want to see in a dog: a “figurine”, a protector, a guard or a companion.
  2. Any puppy seems cute. As they grow, their parameters, character, and appearance change. A beautiful dog can grow into a huge, uncontrollable beast. You need to study all the habits, ask your friends about the peculiarities of upbringing.
  3. Choose a kennel that has a good reputation among dog lovers. You cannot buy at bird markets, bazaars, or by advertisement.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask about the specifics of care, feeding, and upbringing. An honest seller will be happy to tell you everything he knows about his pets and present all the documents.

When you come to pick up a puppy for the first time, you need to pay attention to its gait, the position of its paws, and the condition of its coat. It is especially important to monitor behavior. A healthy dog ​​should not itch, shake itself frequently, or shake its ears. If everything is ok, then choose your cute pet, go home with him and start friendship.

Yorkshire Terrier

To the question “What is the cutest dog breed?” many girls will answer: “Of course, a Yorkshire terrier.” Now this dog has truly become one of the most popular pets. It was bred in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century. The average height of a Yorkshire Terrier reaches 15–17 cm.

The Yorkshire Terrier was bred in the English county of the same name. In the old days, ordinary people were not allowed to own hunting dogs, as the government tried to avoid poaching. Only dogs no taller than 25 centimeters were allowed. Thus, a new breed of terriers appeared, hunting rodents and small birds, protecting the harvest from rats and mice.

Many people are attracted to this dog by its unusual combination of endurance and courage with a sharp mind and exceptional delicacy. Yorkie chooses only one owner, although it also treats other family members with love and respect. This breed is recommended for families with children. The miniature pet enjoys playing and spending time with a preschooler or teenager.

Despite its miniature size, the Yorkshire Terrier strives for dominance, so the owner needs to show who is boss in the house. The pet should be taught to eat after the owner and enter the house only after him. If a cat or other animal grows up with a puppy, the Yorkie will accept it into its circle.

Such terriers are not recommended for families with very young children. The child may not calculate his strength and squeeze the animal too tightly. This threatens the fragile Yorkies with injuries.

The terrier will strive to spend all his free time with people. He loves to sit on his owner's lap and prefers communication with a person to loneliness.

The coat of the longhaired York Terrier also requires special care. The owner should be prepared that the animal is combed daily, washed with hypoallergenic shampoos and groomed.

Afghan Hound

An incredibly beautiful, but stubborn and difficult to control dog breed that requires constant care and exercise. It differs from other types of greyhounds in its inactivity, predisposition to snoring, undemanding attention from the owner and thick, long hair. This breed is an independent pet that takes care for granted. She will not cuddle up to her owner, play with him or children, or have contact with other pets. Meanwhile, the Afghan Hound has excellent eyesight and will happily hunt small game (hares, rabbits, ducks).

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This is a restless dog, on whose face all the emotions experienced are reflected. He has kindness, reliability, responsiveness and a cheerful disposition. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can rightfully be called a fluffy antidepressant. The dog is always in a positive mood, non-aggressive and very energetic.

Miniature spaniels have a stable psyche, they are optimistic and not fearful. Even a beginner can get such an ornamental animal. The dog is emotional, but does not fall into hysterics. He easily finds a common language with all family members, including children, and quickly becomes everyone's favorite. Even if a child begins to pull the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel by the ears, it is easier for the animal to run away and hide than to growl or bite. Like many companions, these dogs do not tolerate loneliness well.

You should be prepared that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will not be able to protect the family from strangers. They treat strangers more like friends, barking from an excess of emotions. If they see a threat, they will simply run away without defending their territory.

The animal requires a lot of attention, so if left alone for a long time, it can spoil things. The best option to solve the problem would be to purchase a second representative of the breed. Tactile contact is very important for them, for example, scratching, stroking and any touching.

TOP 25 cutest dog breeds

Probably everyone has wondered which breed is the cutest? For some people, the standard of “cuteness” is considered to be good-natured, small dogs with a friendly and cheerful disposition . Others mention balanced, healthy dogs among cute dogs. Each opinion is truthful in its own way, since there is no standard “for everyone”.

American Cocker Spaniel

Extremely sociable, cockers are the epitome of loyalty and friendliness among dogs. A very active and inquisitive breed. Cockers adapt well to apartment conditions, love children and are calm with other pets.

Representatives of the breed are tireless and can keep company with those who like hiking and long walks. Easy to learn and remember commands.

While eating, the ears are tied with a soft elastic band above the head. The price for puppies is from 8 to 20 thousand.

Bichon Frize

A rich “fur coat” does not cause allergies, which is often an important indicator when choosing a pet. The Bichon Frize is highly trainable; it is very important for these dogs to please the owner, so learning commands and tricks with them is much easier than with other breeds. Not prone to dominance and aggression.

Pets love walks, swimming and active pastime. Suitable for residential use only. The price for puppies is from 10 to 50 thousand.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

A miniature breed with a silky, soft coat. The weight of an adult dog is no more than 3.6 kg. Cheerful, cheerful and very energetic kids are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. Perfect for keeping in an apartment.

Stubborn Yorkies require patience and consistency from their owners. This is the only way to teach them obedience and instill social skills.

Yorkies require regular grooming. After bathing, the coat is dried with a hairdryer and combed out. If the dog does not participate in exhibitions, it is better to cut it. It is also necessary to trim the hair around the paws and between the toes. Price from 25 to 60 thousand.

Bedlington Terrier

An amazing breed that resembles a cute lamb and a poodle at the same time. Bedlingtons were bred as hunters, but many years of using dogs as pets dulled their basic instincts. Representatives of the breed can still chase furry animals with pleasure, but do not fall into the excitement of the hunt.

They are excellent to train, but require willpower and firmness from the owner. Bedlingtons practically do not shed, but they need to be trimmed and combed regularly.

The breed is rare, so the price for puppies is high: from 50 to 100 thousand.

Boston Terrier

Like all terriers, Bostons are quite stubborn and independent. Training must begin from early childhood. They have a sensitive disposition, so they perceive screams and swearing very sharply and can remain offended by the owner for a long time. These are small but very responsible watchmen. Adult dogs weigh no more than 11 kg.

They practically do not shed. Suitable for keeping in an apartment, do not require long walks and training. Folds on the face should be treated daily with lotion and a soft cloth. Price from 50 to 100 thousand.

Havanese Bichon (Havanese)

A feature of the breed is considered to be phenomenal sociability. Havanese are called pet Velcro. They are very demanding of attention, games, affection and any manifestations of care and communication. Ideal companions for older people and children. They are easy to train and never try to dominate.

The price for puppies is from 20 to 50 thousand.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Small but very brave dogs do an excellent job of protecting home and family. They get along well with pets, but having two males is not advisable. Because dogs will compete for leadership.

It is recommended to start training from puppyhood. If you delay training, the puppy will grow up independent and disobedient. They practically do not bark without reason and are considered quite quiet. Price from 25 to 40 thousand.

Yorkshire Terrier

Miniature but very active kids. The weight of adult Yorkies is no more than 3-3.2 kg. Cheerful and energetic dogs that get along well with children and pets. Loyal, brave, easy to train. The price for puppies is from 5 to 20 thousand.

Miniature Poodle

Miniature poodles are considered one of the most versatile dogs. They are not too large and not small, so they are ideal for living in an apartment or country house. Poodles' coat is hypoallergenic and has no dog odor. Representatives of the breed do not shed, but require regular brushing and trimming.

Dogs rarely bark and are distinguished by their good nature and stable psyche. Perfect for families with children and pets. The price for puppies is from 10 to 80 thousand.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Good-natured and emotional gentlemen are perfect for keeping in an apartment. Their innate friendliness towards all humanity will not allow them to be trained as guards. Although they are simply irreplaceable as an alarm system.

Thick coat requires constant brushing. Attention should be paid to the axillary area, hair between the toes and behind the ears. Eyes and ears should be checked daily. Price from 30 to 140 thousand.


Very kind and loving pets. Representatives of the breed are often chosen as companion dogs for the disabled and children. They are absolutely not aggressive and are not suitable as guards. There are two types: miniature up to 15 kg and standard about 40 kg.

Usually the coat is trimmed 1-2 times a month. Dogs are washed infrequently, approximately once every 3-4 months. Not suitable for outdoor use. Price from 50 to 100 thousand.


The breed is something between a toy poodle and a lapdog. Maltipoos are cheerful and active. Representatives of the breed retain these qualities until old age. Dogs are not recommended for busy people, as they are very sociable and get bored when alone. Funny bear cubs love hugs and scratches. At home, pets follow their owner everywhere and literally “drown” him in their love and attention. Price from 50 to 80 thousand.

Maltese (Maltese)

It is considered one of the oldest decorative breeds in the world. The weight of an adult dog is no more than 4 kg. White and silky wool is just an appearance, behind which lies such qualities as courage, fearlessness and strength. Very active and energetic dogs that are ready to play and walk at any time of the day. Get along well with children and pets.

They practically do not bark or shed. Wool is considered hypoallergenic. Care consists of daily combing and periodic trimming.

Cost from 30 to 80 thousand.


Pugs are rightfully considered the most loyal and kind pets. They are happy to carry out simple commands, but they are reluctant to accept training. Dogs make wonderful companions and friends. They are prone to obesity, so you need to watch your diet.

Pets must be brushed with a stiff brush daily. You also need to pay attention to the folds on the muzzle. Experts advise wiping them every day using antiseptic solutions.

The price of puppies is from 8 to 30 thousand.


Sweet and cheerful optimists will leave no room for sadness and depression in the owner’s life. They are strongly attached to their owner on an emotional level and require constant communication and affection. The weight of adult dogs is from 3 to 5 kg. They get along well with pets, and are especially partial to cats.

Papillons need to be raised from early childhood, since despite their cute appearance they are quite power-hungry. Price from 15 to 40 thousand.


Although the breed is not recognized by canine associations, it is very popular among lovers of cute fluffy dogs. The weight of an adult Pomsky is from 5 to 7 kg. The breed combines the characteristic qualities of the Pomeranian and Husky. Since the breed is very young, it is difficult to say what traits will appear in the next offspring.

They get along well with families, are not aggressive and very active pets. They love walks and communication.

Rare breed price from 60 to 300 thousand.

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

Curly and cute lap dogs weigh no more than 3–4 kg. Very sociable and cheerful pets. Perfect for travelers and homebodies as a companion. They rarely bark and are highly trainable.

Jumping from heights is contraindicated for dogs due to weak joints. They love long walks, but if they don’t have time, they easily get used to the litter tray and diapers. Price from 60 to 80 thousand.

Russian toy terrier

Miniature dogs weighing from 1.4 to 3 kg are perfect for apartment living. Extremely smart and cunning pets that can fray the nerves of even reserved owners during training. Russian toy terriers have a unique memory, are active, affectionate and sociable.

A distinctive feature is considered to be mild excitability. A pet can be turned on by any foreign sound or smell. Toy expresses his emotions with loud barks. Pets often tremble from an excess of feelings and new impressions. Price from 10 to 50 thousand.

Samoyed dog (Samoyed)

An ideal pet for family and active people. The Samoyed enjoys lying on the couch and going for morning runs with equal pleasure. They love communication and active games, so they are not suitable for busy people. Dogs need space and exercise.

Samoyed fur does not smell like a dog, but it does shed. Therefore, regular brushing is necessary. They bathe no more than 2-3 times a year. The cost of puppies is from 10 to 50 thousand.

West Highland White Terrier

Representatives of the breed are small, weighing from 6 to 9 kg. But appearances are deceiving, as West Highland Whites are typical terriers. They are distinguished by their decisive and independent disposition. Real hunters and athletes. Training dogs is difficult and needs to start from puppyhood. Westies are devoted to their owners and are very jealous of competitors for attention.

Pets are cut 2 times a year. If you don't have a haircut, you need to comb it once a week.

The price for terriers is from 30 to 60 thousand.

Chow chow

The breed combines in its character such opposing qualities as stubbornness and obedience. On the one hand, dogs are highly trainable and listen to their owners. On the other hand, they do it with an independent and detached air. Chow chows are devoted to their family and perfectly guard their territory.

It is recommended to give socialization lessons to young dogs, as adult Chow Chows can be aggressive towards strangers and pets. The breed is prone to obesity, so it is necessary to monitor the quality and quantity of food. Price from 20 to 50 thousand.


The weight of adult dogs is no more than 1.5-3 kg. The Chihuahua's character is quite complex and requires quality education. Chihuahua loves attention, so it is very difficult to get along with children and pets. The dog is affectionate with its owners, but is very wary of strangers.

Representatives of the breed have a very fragile neck, so experts recommend not using collars when walking. Caring for a Chihuahua is easy. Attention must be paid to rapidly growing claws. Price from 8 to 25 thousand.


Scottish Shepherds are wonderful companions. Dogs are suitable for both single people and large families. Very sensitive and sociable pets who dote on their household. Shelties are smart and quick-witted, making them a pleasure to train.

Miniature collies are very talkative. They not only bark, but are also capable of grumbling or howling. The price for a collie is from 15 to 50 thousand.

Shih Tzu

Representatives of the breed are cheerful and sociable. They get along well with people of all ages and pets. Not aggressive, but love to bark. The weight of adult dogs is from 5 to 10 kg, height at the withers is no more than 25 cm.

You should watch your diet, as Shih Tzus gain excess weight very quickly. They are easy to train and adapt to any environment.

The coat requires constant combing and care. Owners who do not want to spend a lot of time on care prefer short haircuts. Price from 10 to 200 thousand.

Japanese Chin

Representatives of the breed combine very unusual qualities. On the one hand, chins are very cheerful and sociable, on the other hand, they are quite suspicious and touchy. Babies need to be trained from 1–2 months, as chins are quite stubborn and demanding. Adult dogs are very loyal and boundlessly attached to their owner. Price from 10 to 25 thousand.

The dogs included in the top 25 combine wonderful qualities that will not leave any lover of “cute” dogs indifferent.


A selective breed obtained by crossing a Maltese and a poodle. The Maltipoo acquired the best features of both dogs: good disposition, high intelligence, beautiful wavy fur. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States of America about 40 years ago.

Main objectives of selection:

  1. Creating a universal pet for allergy sufferers.
  2. Obtaining a designer breed with an unusual appearance.
  3. Creation of a beautiful mixed breed for commercial breeding.

The Maltipoo reaches 20-30 centimeters at the withers, the average weight of the animal varies from 2.5 to 5 kilograms. Breeders also call this original breed the Maltipoodle. Despite the peculiarities of crossing, the miniature animal is capable of reproducing healthy offspring with a small number of puppies. Until now, the breed has not been recognized by cynological associations; it does not have an official breed standard.

The Maltipoo is considered an ideal pet for a small apartment. The dog is energetic, playful, and smart. In appearance, the miniature dog resembles a soft toy with plush fur. The animal remains playful until old age. Dogs of this species have three common types of hair:

  • Straight and soft.
  • Curly, with a tendency to roll into tangles;
  • Wavy and hard.

Such pets bark a lot and suffer greatly from loneliness. They are recommended for people who spend a lot of time at home. When left alone, maltipus quickly become depressed due to loneliness. Tiny dogs should not be owned in families with small children. A child may squeeze the animal too hard, causing injury.

Cocker Spaniel

Cocker spaniels are suitable for every person. These dogs are incredibly sweet, kind and affectionate pets. Among the representatives of this breed, sociable and optimistic animals predominate. Cocker Spaniels adore their owners and always try to spend as much time with them as possible.

The breed originated in England. Cocker spaniels are excellent hunters: their strong, large paws allow them to get trophies even from the most difficult places.

Particular attention should be paid to the pet’s chic wavy coat. Their coat requires regular brushing and grooming. The coat of spaniels can be white, golden, peach, black, brown, red, there are bicolors and colors with tan and specks.


This charming decorative dog originally from the Mediterranean has a sanguine temperament. The furry animal chooses one owner and is devoted to him until the end of his life. The pet is difficult to train, although it has a sharp mind and observation.

The owner will have to carefully select the diet for the animal - Maltese dogs are quite picky in their choice of food. They often overeat and are prone to obesity. The miniature dog is loving, sociable and often overly curious. Despite their long hair, they are considered a hypoallergenic breed.

The Maltese is a companion dog with a wonderful character. She is non-aggressive and gives her owners a lot of positive emotions. The animal does not rush at strangers or animals and loves its family members equally.

It is not recommended to purchase puppies that hide and show no interest in people. They often have a disturbed psyche.

This is one of those breeds that should not be left alone in the house for long periods of time. Out of boredom, a lapdog can spoil things and leave puddles. The lapdog barks at strangers in order to scare them. So, she shows her wariness towards a new person. This cute dog is quite stubborn; if he does not want to follow commands, it is difficult to convince him.


The breed is also not distinguished by its amiable appearance, but is a good guard and part of the family. He is easy to train and may not react at all to any stimuli around him (if you have restless children or cats). The weight of such a dog can reach 50 kg, but no more. Most of all, this breed is liked by men, as the Doberman looks elegant and, at the same time, strong. It’s not scary to take a walk in the park at night with such a dog. It is unlikely that any of the villains will want to get closer than five meters to such a guard.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Spitz, thanks to its long fluffy coat, looks like a child's toy. This is one of the few decorative breeds that are at the peak of their popularity. The homeland of the Pomeranian is Germany. Initially, these pets were bred to guard vineyards and boats. During the selection process, the height and weight of the Pomeranian Spitz decreased.

The animal has an easy-going character. The owner needs to be prepared for the fact that the dog cannot sit still for a long time. He needs activity, movement and games. During games, the dog can be too noisy, which neighbors don’t always like. The fluffy bun is ready to follow its owner for hours, trying to attract attention. Spitz dogs are distinguished by their good learning ability and ability to train.

Despite their small size, representatives of this breed always try to defend their interests and territory. They can rarely coexist peacefully with other animals in the apartment. The Pomeranian is a bully dog ​​that does not tolerate inattention and strives to prove its point.

He is endlessly devoted to his owner and is very sad when his owner is not at home. This dog easily adapts to the lifestyle of its owner and barks a lot. This is a miniature guard that does not allow a stranger to get into the house unnoticed.

The cutest dog in the world

The bear-type Pomeranian is deservedly considered the leader of “cuteness.” Adult dogs weigh no more than 2–3 kg. Kids are very active and inquisitive. Perfect for keeping in a city apartment. They get along well with all family members and other pets. Spitz subtly sense the mood of the owner and support any mood.

Despite their small size, “bear cubs” make excellent watchdogs. A loud and piercing bark serves as a good warning for household members. Small but brave dogs protect their family and territory from any attacks without fear.

The most popular haircut is rightfully recognized as the teddy bear haircut . Properly trimmed Spitz dogs take on the appearance of a cute plush toy. A new trend in the world of grooming belongs to the Pomeranian Boo. The owner tonsured the baby’s hair and posted photo and video materials in the public domain. Hundreds of people watched the videos and were amazed by the dog’s appearance. Now such haircuts have become the hallmark of the breed.

Price from 30 to 70 thousand.

Samoyed dog

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

This breed is distinguished by its large size and charming appearance. This dog looks like a cross between a snow-white husky and a bear. Samoyeds are considered one of the most ancient dogs, whose ancestors were polar wolves. Northern animals were used for hunting, herding livestock, and moving sleds.

Samoyeds have a special charm, ease of movement and confidence. Many breeders talk about a special facial expression, the so-called Samoyed smile. A characteristic feature of the breed is long white guard hair with a thick undercoat. Thanks to him, the dog can sleep even in the snow without freezing.

It is better to keep these animals in a private home, where the dog will walk a lot. She needs constant active exercise. This dog works a lot, has protective instincts and is highly active.

Despite its large size, the animal loves children very much and gives its owners only positive emotions. It easily gets along with other pets. An important feature of the breed is its team spirit. They are trusting of others, because they are used to being close to people all the time. It is not recommended to keep Samoyeds in enclosures or put them on a chain.

Saint Bernard

This breed of dog cannot be called very cute, but you can see kindness and calmness in its gaze. It is precisely these qualities that attract everyone to these dogs. They can weigh no more than 90 kg, and their life expectancy is no more than 8 years. These wonderful creatures can be both good guards and a nanny for your children. They are very patient, gentle and well-mannered. The main thing is not to teach aggression from an early age.

Siberian Husky

In appearance and size, this pet is a bit like a wolf. He has a sharp mind, a phlegmatic temperament and treats people with warmth. Huskies were bred as sled dogs, so long periods of active exercise are important for them. If the owner is not ready to spend a lot of time with the pet on the street, then his punishment will be a destroyed house with torn upholstered furniture and eaten shoes.

This breed should not be bred for home guarding or hunting. Husky has a hunting instinct, but does not return prey to its owner. For a long time, animals in the north fed on their own all year round, except winter. Such a pet will not be aggressive towards strangers. It is poorly suited for protecting home and property.

The animal likes to make most decisions on its own. This complicates the process of training and raising a puppy. Despite these shortcomings of the breed, the dog is reliable and devoted to the family. Having appeared in the house, the husky quickly becomes a favorite of children and adults. When walking, you should carefully monitor the dog, because it has a tendency to run away.

About dog beauty

External attractiveness is a subjective concept, and yet professional dog handlers have a list of criteria based on which they can say how cute a particular dog is. To be considered cute, or even more so, the most beautiful, dogs must meet a number of requirements:

Doberman dog

  • Be thoroughbred. Of course, sometimes mongrels look quite aesthetically pleasing. Mixed breeds look good in photographs, but in all other respects it is objectively difficult for them to compete in attractiveness with animals of “pure blood”.
  • Fully comply with the FCI-approved breed standard (a requirement that naturally follows from the previous criterion).
  • Have a harmonious color. Some types of coat colors, although recognized as the official norm for a particular breed, do not look aesthetically pleasing in the eyes of an uninitiated person. For example, for the Chinese Crested Dog, the bicolor color - small black spots on a white background - is considered one of the most common. However, a person who sees such an animal in a picture for the first time will almost certainly decide that the dog suffers from skin problems, and it is extremely difficult to find something like this attractive.

Welsh Corgi

Look healthy and well-groomed. This criterion echoes the previous one: people rarely consider sickly or unkempt dogs cute. You want to feel sorry for such an animal, not admire it. Do not demonstrate deviant behavior

The mental health of the dog is also important, because when evaluating a dog, a person usually looks at it as a supposed friend and companion. An animal that is too aggressive or cowardly is not suitable for these roles, and therefore does not seem attractive to people. Look like predators

Despite how much the dogs are prized for their loyalty and friendliness, many professional breeders claim that the true beauty of these animals lies in their resemblance to their wild ancestors. Some people find the sense of danger emanating from an animal delightful and prefer breeds whose appearance resembles wolves, lions, bears, tigers and other rugged animals. At the same time, not many animal lovers like dogs that look like sheep (Bedlington Terriers) or fluffy monkeys (Affenpinschers).

Some agree with all the above criteria for assessing a dog’s attractiveness, others do not. However, the vast majority of people involved in keeping dogs - and these include kennel owners, dog handlers, organizers of professional exhibitions, and ordinary animal lovers - agree on one thing.

When evaluating dog breeds to determine which ones are the cutest, you cannot compare representatives of different classes.

Thus, it is unfair to look at small animals and large ones, fluffy and short-haired, etc. from the same angle. But it is quite possible to single out the “best breed in the world” in each of the listed classes separately. Let's get started!

Shih Tzu

Due to their unusual appearance and muzzle, similar to a chrysanthemum bud, Shih Tzus were considered the privilege of only the imperial family for several centuries. These dogs were prohibited from being sold, bought, stolen or taken outside the country. The elegance of movement and lion-like appearance have helped this cute dog breed gain popularity all over the world.

Once in the house, the Shih Tzu treats all family members equally. He does not single out a single owner for himself. Representatives of this breed love tactile sensations and are not averse to climbing into their owners’ laps. The pet does not throw tantrums and does not require attention to itself. He easily adapts to his owner’s lifestyle and remembers his habits.

Despite all the positive traits, the dog loves to dominate and can be obstinate, which is why the Shih Tzu is raised from puppyhood. Otherwise, he may begin to spoil things and act up. This brave breed compares favorably with many lap dogs in its desire to protect its owner from strange dogs and people. Feeling aggression from others, the dog will not hesitate to rush to the defense of its beloved owner.

World ranking

There are breeds in the dog world that do not evoke negative emotions even among the most ardent haters.

“Cutie”, “charming”, “miracle”, “cute” - this is how we address dogs with a smile, which can be combined into the concept of “the cutest dog in the world”. They are endearing, cause delight and tenderness.

Let's try to figure out what unites representatives of 10 different breeds in our conditional rating? What are the features of exterior and character that unite the cutest dog breeds?

  1. These are mainly dogs of small and dwarf breeds that do not cause fear or fear. It would never even occur to anyone to urge you to put a muzzle on her or put her on a leash.
  2. They are attractive in appearance, well-groomed, and the expression on their faces is pleasant and gentle.
  3. Character traits are dominated by playfulness, friendliness, loyalty, and the ability to adapt.
  4. Aggression is absent or is a defensive reaction to danger.

French Bulldog

A puppy that appears in the house quickly learns and remembers commands. The animal does not need too long walks, because the endurance of French bulldogs is low. In the house they quickly find a common language with children and pets.

These dogs adapt to the owner's emotions and have a calm nature. Bulldogs get along easily with cats because they do not have a hunting instinct. Such a dog, which appears in the house, will quickly become everyone's favorite; he loves to be the center of attention. This dog is an owner who will not share his owner with anyone else.

The character of a pet depends on its upbringing, so its behavior around an elderly person or child will be different. The French Bulldog enjoys meeting strangers who show attention to him.


Everyone knows about graceful poodles. These cute dogs were bred in France and were originally intended as hunting dogs. However, over time, charming curls became loved as decorative pets and companions.

Poodles are very cute not only in appearance. These dogs have a friendly character: they will never attack a person or other animal. Poodles are very demanding of attention, so you won’t get bored with them.

Important! Representatives of this breed are incredibly athletic. They can play for hours on end without getting tired. Poodles are also excellent swimmers and will not refuse water activities. These dogs follow a person everywhere and try to take part in all his affairs.

Poodles are divided into four subspecies based on size (large or king, small, miniature and toy poodle). There are an incredible variety of colors and haircuts.

Japanese Chin

This breed understands its owner well and does not fuss over trifles. Despite his miniature size and activity, the dog is very courageous; without hesitation, he will rush to the defense of his owner and get involved in a battle with a large and formidable opponent.

This is one of the few dog varieties that loves to bathe. Japanese Chins are surprisingly clean. If two representatives of the breed live in a house, they can even lick each other’s faces. Such a dog will not be capricious over trifles, he will not chew furniture and shoes, and will not bark over trifles. Despite a lot of positive qualities, Japanese Chins are somewhat self-centered pets who love to be admired.

The pet does not trust strangers and does not even allow itself to be petted. The pet treats the owner and his family kindly and with respect. Japanese Chins are not recommended for families with small children.

Petit (petit) Brabançon

The Petit Brabançon is a small dog (up to 28 cm at the withers) with a weight ranging from 3–6 kg. But the dog itself does not know about this; in its mind, it is a big brave dog. And this behavior of hers is already touching. True, this also leaves an imprint on the upbringing of the pet. He needs early socialization and knowledge of at least the simplest commands. But the pet’s amazing muzzle, similar to a monkey, is capable of expressing a variety of emotions.

The Petit Brabançon has a developed sense of self-esteem and is not at all shy

The owners claim that they even manage to have a “heart-to-heart talk” with their four-legged friend.

Petit Brabançons become very attached to their owner and have a hard time withstanding separation, so it is better to get them for families where the main person in the dog’s life will often be at home. The pet’s short, shiny coat does not require complex care, and in general, maintenance will not be too difficult even for a beginner.

West Highland White Terrier

The miniature white Scotsman was originally bred to hunt small game. This playful dog, who loves to explore the world, at first glance seems like a soft plush toy. In reality, West Highland White Terriers are quite stubborn and try to dominate relationships with their owners. With proper upbringing, the dog will be quite docile and manageable.

The West Highland White Terrier requires attention and does not tolerate loneliness well. In relationships with children, pets perceive children as representatives of their breed. Their relationship is more of a partnership. It is not recommended to have West Highland White Terriers in families with small children. A child may unknowingly cause pain to an animal; it will fight back by biting or growling.

This animal has a hunting instinct in its blood, so the owner should not be surprised if it starts digging holes in the yard or chasing rats. The decorative dog loves his owner very much, but at the same time he is jealous of him. If another animal appears in the same house as the West Highland White Terrier, the dog tries to survive it. He will become the instigator of fights, not taking into account the size of the enemy.

Chow chow

If you have always wanted a bear cub, but could not afford one, then a chow chow will help your dream come true. The unusual appearance of the dog is the first thing that catches your eye: the lion's mane, the serious expression of the muzzle and the purple tongue make it possible to distinguish this breed from others even to those who know little about dogs. But behind the sweet appearance hides a very independent and stubborn character. Chow Chows are full of dignity and behave accordingly. They will choose only one person as a leader, and they will do it themselves; it will be impossible to convince the pet. Therefore, it is recommended to take this dog into the home as a puppy and raise it only to one person. The breed is absolutely not suitable for beginners; the owner must have extensive experience in raising serious dogs. But he won’t wait for special manifestations of love either - chow-chows are stingy with feelings, but at the same time they are loyal and will always be there.

Chow Chows are clean and do not like walking in wet weather.

However, such a pet will be quite supportive of other household members, but it is better not to leave him alone with children under 10 years of age. It's not only about the dimensions (height - up to 56 cm, weight - up to 32 kg), but also about outbursts of irritability that can occur in male dogs.

But despite the complexity of the character, the dog continues to remain cute in appearance.

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