Treats and treats for dogs play an important role in the life of every little tailed plaything. For an owner, this is one of the best ways to reward a pet for good behavior or effort, express your approval, and simply pamper your beloved tomboy. For the dog, this is a signal: he did everything right - he pleased the owner - he received a treat.

Rewarding with treats also strengthens the trusting relationship between an animal and a person.

So how to choose the right treats so that they not only suit the situation, but also do not harm the health of your four-legged pet?!

How to train a dog correctly

Many people, when buying a puppy, wait until a certain age to start training. But this opinion is erroneous; training should begin from the moment a new family member appears in the house.

So, the training process begins with teaching the pet its name. A nickname doesn't have to be complicated. Even if the dog’s documents have a complex and unusual name, it is better to transform it into a simpler version in ordinary speech. So, every time the pet hears its name and responds to it, you should show affection or give it a small tasty gift.

If your pet does not have all the necessary vaccinations, then walking outside with it is undesirable. To do this, your little friend needs to install a tray or a special diaper. In order for the puppy to get used to such a toilet, it must be carried or pushed there after eating. After receiving vaccinations, you should often go outside with the puppy, so he will get used to meeting all his needs outside the home.

The dog should also be accustomed to its own place. This should be a cozy corner that will not be in the kitchen or on the aisle. When sending your pet to its place, you should treat it with a small treat and show affection. But you cannot send a puppy to this place as punishment, and you also cannot show aggression when the dog is in its place.

Now it’s worth talking about teaching commands. This process can begin at four months. You should study commands every day; only regular practice will give the necessary results. The training should be done in the morning and evening. You should do 3-4 repetitions per command, then move on to another. Repeating one command more than once will cause your pet to lose interest.

So, it’s better to start with the command to sit and lie down. You need to take the treat in your hand and hide it in your fist. After which the fist must be brought to the dog’s nose to let him smell the deliciousness. Now the hand rises higher and the owner says “Sit.” Many intuitively sit down at this time, but if this does not happen, then the owner lightly presses the dog in the sacrum area. After just a few attempts, the pet understands the requirement and sits down. After this, the second stage of teaching the sit command begins. Here the owner stands up and holds an open palm in the chest area and says a command. The treat should be given after the dog has sat for a few seconds.

When the dog learns the “sit” command, you can move on to the “lie down” command. To do this, you first need to command “sit”, then the hand with the treat is lowered to the floor and the owner says “lie down”. At this moment, the dog should press on the withers. Afterwards comes the learning stage of executing a command using a gesture.

To teach your four-legged friend the “come to me” command, you will need an assistant. Here the assistant will hold the puppy on a leash or in his arms, and the owner will move a short distance away. Then you should call the dog by name and say the command. If the pet follows the command, then give encouragement and show affection. There are times when the puppy does not want to carry out this command, in this case, after a couple of repetitions, you should be distracted by the game, and then return to studying this command again.

These commands can be learned with your pet at home. There are also complex commands that are learned together with the dog handler. These include “barrier”, “aport”, “die” and others. Supervision by a specialist is important here because of the importance of following the technique.

How to give a treat

Treats can be given to the dog if the owner wants to pamper him or during training. In the first case there are no rules. But in the case of training, there are certain rules.

To create motivation for your shaggy friend, before the start of the training you should give him one piece of tasty food, so he will understand that the owner has something interesting in store. Also, in the case of training, a treat is given if the dog follows a given command. But at the same time, when studying a certain command, you should not give a treat after each action. It is better to alternate treats with affection and praise.

The size of the pieces should not be too large, but not too small. Small pieces will serve as poor motivation, but large pieces will quickly make the dog feel full and not want to follow commands. Here the owner should find a middle ground based on the size of the dog.

What kinds of treats are there for training?

Treats that are given to a pet as a reward for achievements can be divided into homemade and store-bought.

Liver, cheese, sausages, chicken fillet, and cookies can be used as homemade delicacies. It is better to use beef liver, since pork will be too fatty for the dog. The smell of this product will immediately attract the dog's attention, which will make training more fruitful. The liver should be well cooked and cut into small pieces.

Many dogs love cheese. Here it is better to use non-salted and low-fat options. Because after eating salty cheese, the dog will want to drink more. But here you need to be careful, you should not give cheese in large quantities, since such a product can upset the stomach or cause an allergic reaction.

Chicken meat is a low-calorie product. But it should be given with caution. The owner must ensure that no bone is caught along with the meat. Also, chopped fillet may crumble, so it is better to tear it along the grain. We should not forget that store-bought chickens are full of antibiotics and hormones, so you should not give this delicacy too often. It’s better to cook homemade chicken for these purposes.

Occasionally you can reward your dog with sausages. It is not recommended to abuse them since they contain quite a lot of different spices, additives and salt. Frequent consumption of such products will lead to deterioration of the dog's health. You should also not get carried away with cookies, as they crumble and will also make your pet thirsty.

Store-bought treats are divided into several types. They can be in the form of snacks, biscuits, dried meat, and sausages. Dog biscuits are small biscuits that are mostly made from grains. Biscuits from different manufacturers differ in composition and calorie content.

Jerky doesn't have as many calories as biscuits, but it costs significantly more than cereal biscuits. Therefore, purchasing such products as an incentive will be very expensive. To make this type of delicacy, manufacturers use lamb, chicken or rabbit meat. But the composition may also contain various preservatives that will not have a positive effect on the body if consumed frequently.

Snacks contain various additives. Based on the composition of the product, you should select the best option for training. An incorrectly selected snack can be harmful to your dog’s health.

If we talk about special sausages, then this product resembles raw smoked sausage. Typically, such sausages are produced in individual packaging, which allows the owner to easily take them with him. But the pet will have to spend time experiencing this product, which will also distract him from training.

What not to give as encouragement

Treats for dogs are often used as a reward when training them. But there are goodies that are not the most suitable for a pet.

These include beef intestines. This is due to the processing of the product. To prevent it from causing harm, its production must be correct and safe. Otherwise, along with the treat, the dog will also receive a lot of harmful bacteria that can cause an upset stomach.

You should avoid products made from rawhide. It is often treated with various reagents, which can negatively affect the health of the pet.

There are also treats that can be offered, but with caution. It is not recommended to overuse cheese, although most dogs love it. Exaggerating its amount in the diet can cause stomach upset and allergies. Therefore, it is worth offering cheese to your pet rarely, in small quantities and low-fat varieties.

Chicken and its by-products are not very suitable as a treat for dogs for training. These products are difficult to digest and crumble, so holding them in your hands is not very convenient.

How to choose the right treat

Since during training the pet should not be distracted by chewing for a long time, first of all you should pay attention to the size of the product and its consistency. The size should be optimal for one bite.

In order not to upset the balance in feeding, it is important to pay attention to the caloric content of products. Giving too high-calorie treats during training can quickly overfeed the dog, which will lead to obesity and problems in the digestive system. The calorie content of treats should be about 10% of the dog's total daily caloric intake.

In addition, you should carefully study the composition of the product. The composition should not only contain salt, sugar, gluten, but also artificial colors, ethoxyquin, propyl gallate, BHA and BHT.

Also, different manufacturers produce treats taking into account the size, breed and age of the dog. When buying treats, do not forget about this criterion, otherwise your dog may have problems with digestion or teeth.

Where is the best place to buy

Many pet stores sell tasty treats. They have a good range and, if necessary, you can consult with sellers. But you don’t always have time to go shopping looking for the best option for your pet. Then the best option is an online store.

The websites contain detailed descriptions of the products, a wide selection not only of the variety of treats, but also for different sizes of dog breeds. You should not lose sight of new arrivals of treats - perhaps it is in this category that the buyer will like a product that will become a pet’s favorite.

Search filters significantly speed up the selection process: you can select by price, manufacturer, taste, the presence of additional additives and other features, product form, and even the age of the animal.

Particular attention should be paid to reviews from other buyers. Their opinion may influence the final choice.

All product characteristics are listed on the website - you just need to read them carefully. After the final choice, an online order is placed: a quick procedure that is carried out in a few steps and the buyer only has to wait a little while until the food product for his beloved pet arrives at the specified location.

The best treats for training small breed dogs

Tatbit Cookies Pallini

This product will be an ideal option for rewarding a small breed dog during training. Cookies contain various minerals and vitamins that will help strengthen the immune system, maintain health and prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

In addition, Tatbit Pallini cookies have a special structure, which during chewing will strengthen the teeth and prevent the formation of tartar. This product contains no harmful additives or artificial preservatives. The manufacturer used whole grain flour, wheat germ, meat, oil and oregano here.

The weight of Tatbit Pallini cookies is 125 grams. The calorie content of the product is 411 kcal/100 grams.

The average cost is 90 rubles.

atbit Cookies Pallini


  • Optimal cookie size;
  • Cleans teeth;
  • Contains minerals and vitamins;
  • No harmful additives;
  • Affordable price.


  • Not detected.

AlpenHof veal fillet medallions

Since no dog will refuse a meat treat, this type of reward during training will be an ideal option. This product belongs to the holistic class and is made only from natural meat, which has undergone strict selection before production.

AlpenHof medallions are small in size and have a delicate structure, which will not cause any difficulty in chewing. Also, in the manufacture of this product, the manufacturer used new technologies, which make it possible to preserve all the useful components and taste of the meat. Thanks to this, AlpenHof does not contain artificial preservatives or flavors. AlpenHof medallions can be given as a reward or to diversify the diet, but are not suitable for use as a main food.

The average cost of a package weighing 50 grams is 270 rubles.

AlpenHof veal fillet medallions


  • Belongs to the holistic class;
  • Natural composition;
  • Easy to chew;
  • Optimal size;
  • Verified manufacturer.


  • High price.

Triol lamb brush

Such brushwood will be an excellent option for reward during training. The product is suitable for puppies and adult small breed dogs. The manufacturer used only components that are quickly and easily digested, so this treat can be given even to pets with a sensitive digestive system. The brushwood is easy to chew, which will not allow the dog to be distracted from training. Triol Lamb Brush contains no harmful additives or products that cause an allergic reaction.

The average cost of a package weighing 50 grams is 150 rubles.

Triol lamb brush


  • Convenient strip size;
  • Can be given to puppies;
  • Compound;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Affordable price.


  • The composition contains a small amount of salt.

Stroking and verbal praise

As they say, a kind word also pleases a cat. Especially your dog, who tries his best to please you. Physical contact through stroking brings the owner and dog closer together.

Through stroking you can influence the dog's psychology . If you stroke her with short, sharp movements, then this is a signal to cheer up. If they are long and sweeping, then the dog understands that he can relax.

It is better to accompany stroking with words of encouragement, and what is important for the dog is not the meaning of the words, but the intonation.

  • OO training

Training a dog using a clicker

  • 09.11.2015

The best treat for training medium-sized dogs

Titbit Meat rolls

We have a new line “Tidbit”. This line consists of meat products that contain only natural ingredients. And for their production, the manufacturer used home cooking recipes. Since the products in this line are not only healthy, but also tasty, they are very popular among dogs.

“Titbit Meat Rolls” is suitable for dogs of small and medium breeds. The tubes have the optimal size, so they easily fit in your hand. They do not cause difficulty in chewing, which will prevent the dog from being distracted during training. The straws contain no harmful additives or flavor enhancers. There is only natural duck meat, wheat germ, minerals and coriander.

The average cost of a package weighing 80 grams is 170 rubles.

Titbit Meat rolls


  • Compound;
  • Convenient size;
  • Low calorie content;
  • Positive customer reviews.


  • Not detected.

Animonda Meat chunks

German products are sold in 35 countries around the world. This company has existed for about 30 years and its main principle is that the product must be of the highest quality, no matter for whom it is produced.

This treat is intended for dogs of medium and large breeds. The product consists almost entirely of protein of animal origin. The product contains no sugar, grains, or soy. Thanks to this, “Animonda Meat chunks” can be given to pets with sensitive digestion. The dosage of the product should be based on the weight of the animal. So dogs weighing up to 13 kg should not be given more than 3 pieces, and large dogs are allowed to give up to 9 pieces of treats per day.

The average cost of a package weighing 80 grams is 400 rubles.

Animonda Meat chunk


  • Compound;
  • Convenient piece size;
  • No harmful additives;
  • Verified manufacturer.


  • High price.

Titbit Nodular bone

This product is dried beef skin, which is rolled into a bone. The size of each bone varies from 4 to 6 cm. This product can be used both during training as a reward and when changing teeth to soothe itching, and “Titbit Nodal Bone” is suitable for cleaning teeth from plaque and strengthening the jaw apparatus .

"Titbit Bone nodule" contains a large amount of collagen and amino acids. With their help, the quality of the pet's coat and skin improves. In addition, this product will supply the body with components that are necessary for the proper growth and development of the dog. "Titbit Nodular Bone" can be given to small and medium breed dogs from two months.

The average cost of a package weighing 28 grams is 100 rubles.

Titbit Nodular bone


  • Cleans teeth from plaque and tartar;
  • Suitable for changing teeth;
  • Natural composition;
  • Improves the condition of the coat and skin;
  • Affordable price.


  • Not detected.

How to use treats as training rewards

Encouraging your dog during training allows you to achieve positive results from training and consolidate it. There are some recommendations regarding the correct use of treats:

Be sure to use only fresh treats that your dog is not allergic to. During training, an adult can be constantly treated with something tasty, but spontaneously. Then the dog will not know for sure whether he will receive the desired food for the executed command or not. This will allow her to be better disciplined.

If the pet reacts sluggishly to a treat, the owner should pretend that he himself is taking a bite of the tasty treat. Naturally, it is important to make sure that the dog is simply being capricious and not refusing due to a low-quality treat.

Experienced dog handlers recommend putting a treat in his mouth when practicing various commands, when the dog is in the required position. If the command “come to me” is practiced, then a reward for it is offered on an open palm.

You should not give a treat for careless or incomplete execution of a command. A dog can get his favorite treat only if everything is done correctly, clearly and to the end.

Pet stores offer a huge number of different treats for dogs. They differ in appearance and composition. They can be used in everyday life to pamper your pet, or used when training an animal. The main thing is that the chosen product is of high quality and safe for your pet.


The Best Treats for Training Large Breed Dogs

Country delicacies Duck sausages

This low-calorie version of dog treats will be an excellent option for rewarding your dog during training. This product consists entirely of natural ingredients, so it is guaranteed to please your pet.

Here the manufacturer uses carefully selected duck meat, which is baked in the oven. This cooking method allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in the meat. The product contains a large amount of protein, which reduces the calorie content of the product, so this treat will not allow your pet to gain excess weight. The packaging of “Country Delicacies Duck Meat Sausages” has a special clasp, thanks to which the rest of the product can be safely stored in the refrigerator.

The average cost of a package weighing 45 grams is 135 rubles.

Country delicacies Duck sausages


  • Low calorie content;
  • Easy to chew;
  • Does not contain harmful additives;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Affordable price.


  • Not detected.

Mnyams Mini steaks

Even the most capricious dog will appreciate this treat, since these steaks contain a large amount of beef. This will become not only tasty, but also a healthy treat during training.

“Mnyams Mini Steaks” consist of 90% meat products and pure meat; in addition, they contain minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. This improves the quality of the animal’s fur and accelerates its development. This product can be given to puppies from 4 months, but the number of pieces should not be more than five per day, and an adult dog can be given up to 10 steaks per day.

The average cost of a package weighing 75 grams is 180 rubles.

Mnyams Mini steaks


  • High meat content;
  • Can be given to puppies;
  • Ease of storage;
  • Contains minerals and vitamins.


  • Not detected.

Green Qzin Agility

This product is medallions made from duck meat. This product will be a very useful reward for your dog during training.

Experts have proven that if your pet has duck meat in his diet, his stamina, agility, and spatial orientation will improve. The dog can easily chew such medallions, which will not allow him to be distracted from training. In addition, the manufacturer included vitamins and microelements in the product that will maintain mental acuity, which will make training more effective. So these components will have a positive effect on vision, endurance and perception.

The average cost of a package weighing 80 grams is 200 rubles.

Green Qzin Agility


  • Convenient size of medallions;
  • The presence of vitamins and microelements in the composition;
  • No harmful additives;
  • Easy to chew.


  • Not detected.


Games are another fun way to reward your dog. You can start a game that your dog enjoys when he does something you like. Games are used much like food in positive reinforcement training.

Ask your dog to do something, and once he does what you asked, you initiate the game. Some great game variations include tug of war and fetch.

It's also easy to turn training into a game of tug of war or bait. Pull out the tug toy or ball. Ask your dog to sit before playing. As soon as he sits down, offer him a toy and start playing. During the game, give the dog the “Fu” command.

Once he lets go, ask him to lie down. As soon as he lies down, offer him a toy or throw a ball. This is a fun way to reinforce your dog's training.


The most common encouragement, and in most cases completely irreplaceable. The main condition is that the dog must be ready to sell his soul for him. Excuses that “she’s not a food eater” or “she doesn’t like to eat” are usually an indicator of the owner’s laziness.

Once I was standing in a group of newly recruited dog owners, and several people simultaneously told me that their dogs “won’t work for a piece.” At the same time, their dogs crowded around me and tried to get the stewed kidneys that I treated my dog ​​to. Yes, a dog may not work for a piece of dry food or even for meat.

How about a sip of kefir? For YOUR sandwich, which you will bite off in front of her? For meat by-products?

Use your imagination. By the way, check your dog’s fatness - maybe he doesn’t like to eat because he’s fat? Then put her on a diet and thus kill two birds with one stone - increase the dog's interest in earning food and improve her health.


For what?

The key to successful training is your pet's motivation. Without it, he will most likely be lazy and poorly carry out even the simplest commands, because, like many people, dogs are not ready to work on sheer enthusiasm.

There are several ways to motivate a dog to perform the required actions - from simple praise and stroking to treats, which is perhaps the most effective way of reward. Knowing that as a result you can get the treasured treat, your pet will get used to the commands and necessary movements much more quickly and will carry them out much more willingly.

Transferring a dog to dry food in the LIROS course.

  1. We create food motivation, that is, within two to three days we reduce the amount of regular food given to her to a minimum (no more than one tenth of the usual norm)
  2. From the first day of dog training, we completely exclude the usual food.
  3. By training the dog during feeding hours, we begin to create new forms of our interaction with him (according to the program), encouraging the created behavior with pieces of dry food
  4. Since the amount of exercise in the first lessons is minimal and a hungry dog ​​eats a small portion of new (dry) food, its stomach receives an optimal load and begins to produce a new composition of enzymes in the gastric juice for its successful absorption
  5. As the number of lessons (and reinforcements) increases, both the amount of new food the dog receives and the dog's ability to digest it increases.


The last point plays an important role. The word can be used in very different ways - as an analogue of a clicker, and as a signal for finishing work, and as a hint (“hot-cold”). Intonation is of great importance, it is what explains to the dog - now after the word “Okay” you can jump and run to rejoice, but now it’s “Okay, keep up the good work.”

If you choose a voice marker to replace a clicker click, try to keep it short and something you don't use in everyday life (a short "hop!" works well, for example). Remember in this case that the marker needs the same “translation” to the dog as the click so that it begins to understand what it means.


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