Clothing and accessories for Pekingese

At first glance, Pekingese seem to be fragile dogs, but they turn out to be willful and decisive.

And if small breeds, which include the Yorkshire Terrier, are taught to constantly go to the litter box, then the Pekingese must be walked.

The coat of dogs of this breed is long and thick , which protects against the cold, but attracts dirt more quickly. And washing a dog after every walk is long and expensive.

Subsequent grooming and blow-drying twice a day will not please the dog, who may become offended. Therefore, the main purpose of clothing that is sewn for Pekingese is, after all, protection from both chemical reagents that are abundantly poured onto the roads in winter, and from gasoline, dirt, and ticks.

If the pet participates in exhibitions, the wool should be protected and walked at any time of the year in overalls or capes.

What's included in a Pekingese's wardrobe?

In pet stores you can see a wide range of clothes for Pekingese. It’s not easy for owners to figure out what things their pet needs and what wardrobe items are of no practical use.

Winter coveralls

A warm overall for the Chinese Pekingese is a necessary thing in winter. Moreover, on a frosty sunny day, dogs often walk without clothes, and during snow and rain or when puddles appear from melted ice, they can catch a cold. After all, the Pekingese's paws are short, and the thick undercoat remains wet for a long time.

The overalls must be made from high-quality fabric. For external protection, waterproof nylon is suitable, and padding polyester is needed as insulation.

Models with sheepskin are not recommended due to their heaviness, restriction of movement, and long drying time after washing. The hood due to limited visibility and the down collar due to lint allergies are considered unnecessary elements.


In autumn and spring, the Pekingese needs to buy a jacket or suit. Such clothes will protect the dog's back from rain and his stomach from dirt. The matted fur makes the pet uneasy; it begins to lick itself and can be poisoned by gasoline, motor oil, or reagents to reduce slipping on the sidewalk.

When purchasing a suit, make sure that the top is made of waterproof bologna fabric and the lining is made of silk or satin. Cheap lining material becomes electrified when moving, and rough fleece leaves tangles. Pekingese owners note the convenience of blankets and pants with ties at the back.


The Pekingese needs shoes in the cold season. Thanks to the boots, his paws remain dry in rain, sleet, when there is mud and puddles on the ground. They prevent reagents that are sprinkled on sidewalks, glass fragments, and sharp stones from coming into contact with the skin. Some owners teach puppies from a young age to wear thick socks so that they do not damage the parquet and upholstered furniture in the house.

When buying shoes, you need to choose the right size so that the product does not slip and rub your paws.

The upper part of high-quality models is elastic, equipped with Velcro or zippers. The sole is made of dense material so that the claws do not pierce it from the inside, but at the same time the dog can feel the areas of the ground under its paws.


In the summer, the Pekingese can be bitten by ticks. Some individuals of arthropods carry pathogens of dangerous diseases in their bodies - piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis. The dog's thick coat hides parasites from the owner's eyes. The overalls will allow you to let your pet run around in thick grass, bushes and trees without fear.

Such clothing for Pekingese must meet certain requirements. Thus, overalls are made from light and breathable fabric so that the animal does not overheat and suffer heatstroke. All fasteners are made in the form of zippers. And on the legs and sides they sew special traps for ticks crawling up to the neck.


Dog panties serve several important functions. They absorb the bitch's secretions, the dog's marks, and mucus from diseases. Thanks to this, there are no blood stains on the upholstered furniture, and no caustic puddles on the floor. Pekingese girls wearing special diapers can be taken for walks during heat so that their owners do not worry about an unplanned mating.

When purchasing such underwear, you need to pay attention to the accuracy of the size. Tight panties rub the skin, squeeze the genitals, and impair blood circulation. Wide ones interfere with running, change gait, and cause discomfort. Ideally, when wearing the product, the paws and tail move freely, there are no traces of elastic on the skin, and no stains are visible on the floor.

Decorative wardrobe items

Jumpers, pullovers, vests decorate the dog, emphasize his individuality, and bring smiles to passers-by. It is advisable to wear them after a haircut, only in dry weather. To save money, you can crochet or knit a Pekingese sweater yourself, changing the patterns according to the size of your pet.

Decorative wardrobe elements that do not provide any practical use include skirts, sundresses, hats, and carnival costumes.

If the dog has a calm character and does not try to take off his clothes, it is acceptable to wear them on special occasions. But there is often no need to create discomfort for the animal.

Why do you need clothes?

Quite a few pet lovers will agree that Pekingese have fairly long and warm fur, which can protect the animal from cold winds in winter and chilly rains in autumn.

However, there are several good reasons why you simply need to acquire several items of a dog’s wardrobe, at the same time apply a little imagination and make it yourself.

Let's name a few main reasons:

Due to the fact that Pekingese owners often live in big cities, the city atmosphere, polluted by exhaust gases and dangerous chemicals, has a bad effect on the health of their pets.

And it enters the animal’s body precisely through contamination of the wool, which is in close contact with the surface of the earth or asphalt.

Chemically hazardous dirt is especially good at getting into stagnant water in the form of puddles.

Oil from cars and salt from melting snow can easily get into the animal through soiled fur during walks if you do not create a protective barrier for it.

A muzzle will also help avoid contact with pests, especially when the snow melts.

If you like to attend exhibitions and participate in various contests and competitions, then the beautiful and well-groomed appearance of wool will come in handy.

What Pekingese owner wouldn't want to hear an enthusiastic compliment addressed to his pet? Be sure to wear a muzzle to avoid injury to sensitive audiences.

It is much more practical to change several overalls than to constantly wash a dog, which avoids this procedure in every possible way and constantly tries to bite the owner and evade.

Dogs are quite painful to wash and literally get sick because the undercoat takes a very long time to dry.

If your pet is very dirty and still needs to be washed, a muzzle will perfectly protect you from bites.

Would you say that buying clothes can cost a decent amount? But this problem should not scare you.

It is enough to find a pattern, suitable material and sew a jumpsuit or blanket with your own hands. Clothes for any Pekingese can consist of two or three things that need to be changed, and then your dog will bring only joy and satisfaction.

How to get used to wearing clothes

Suits allow Pekingese to not freeze in the cold and not get wet in the rain. Despite this, many pets refuse to dress and show dissatisfaction or aggression. Veterinarians offer the following tips for training dogs to wear wardrobe items.

  1. Leave new things in the closet for several days so that they become saturated with odors from the apartment.
  2. Put on your clothes slowly, not paying attention to the resistance and barking of the Pekingese.
  3. Put on clothes immediately before a walk to help your dog get distracted faster.
  4. Before each walk, put something on your Pekingese so that he associates the clothes with running in the fresh air.
  5. Never pity or feed a reluctant Pekingese, lest he perceive the treat as a reward for his behavior.

It is necessary to accustom oneself to wearing shoes gradually but persistently. First, put the boots on only the front paws and remove them after 5 minutes. Gradually increase the time and then put shoes on all four limbs.

Products must be of high quality: fit securely around the ankle, do not rub or slip. After a month, try going for your first walk.

DIY clothes for Pekingese

When choosing fabric for a warm jumpsuit, you must remember that the lining should be silk or satin. If it is sewn from cheap lining fabric, the Pekingese's fur will become electrified and cause discomfort to the dog. If the lining is made of rough fleece, then tangles will appear after a walk.

It is better to take a waterproof outer fabric, for example, bologna. Then, in any weather, the dog will be clean and dry and will not catch a cold. For the winter version, you will need a padding polyester lining.

Before cutting, it is necessary to correctly measure your pet. To do this, the dog is placed on a table and the girth of the chest and neck and the length of the back are measured using a centimeter. It’s even easier to sew new clothes by simply ripping apart old clothes and outlining the finished parts. Read more about how to determine the size of clothes for a dog and take measurements.

The simplest clothing for a Pekingese is a blanket. In order to make it, you need to take a piece of fabric the size of two lengths of the dog’s back. A hole for the head is cut out approximately in the middle of this piece. Ties are sewn on the sides.

This blanket can be sewn in several versions. Linen for summer walks, so that the wool does not get dusty and ticks do not cling to it. Autumn from bologna so that the dog does not get dirty in wet weather.

Main types

The most win-win clothing for playful Pekingese is a jumpsuit. The entire surface of the back is closed, the abdomen too, and only the paws remain free, although shoes for doggies are also gaining popularity.

Many overalls are equipped with hoods, zippers and rivets for ease of use. Made from waterproof bologna material, raincoat fabric and rubberized bologna, the overalls will protect you from wind, rain and cold.

Ideally, a good overalls are lined with insulation. It’s quite possible to sew a jumpsuit with your own hands and share your experience with mutual friends.

If you don’t like one-piece clothes, then you will like modern pants and jackets. Such things are especially suitable if the dog has soiled his clothes in only one place.

You can take off the soiled item (either pants or jacket) and throw it in the wash, while the other part may still be washed through. In addition, sewing small volumes with your own hands is much more convenient and easier.

The pattern of such parts is primitive and understandable even to a schoolchild. You can use several types of fabrics or choose a couple of bright scraps.

The importance of headdress

The Pekingese needs a headdress for two reasons. Firstly, his luxurious mane can get dirty and it is better to put it in a bun while walking, but it is even better to hide it under a cap. This way, the wool will not only not hang down to the ground, but will not get dirty at all. A cap is also useful when walking in the rain or sleet. Then the coat will not get wet and the dog will not catch a cold.

But the main argument for a Pekingese cap is the special anatomy of the eyes of dogs of this breed. Their too protruding and large eyes are often injured by various sharp objects, including branches or grass. The visor of the cap will protect the dog's eyes from injury while exploring the world around him.

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Do Pekingese need clothing? After all, the dog already has luxurious fur and warm down. Our answer is that there is no physiological need to dress your pet, but if you want to keep your pet’s coat looking attractive, you will need clothes. How to perceive the mass trend of Pekingese wearing overalls and blouses? Is this a fashion trend or a necessity? Let's figure it out.

Winter coveralls

Two-layer models with a waterproof top and soft lining are best It is also possible to simply wear an additional sweater under the overalls.

Important! Winter overalls must be both warm and waterproof, as quickly melting snow will fall on your pet.

Making these clothes for your pet with your own hands is quite simple even for a novice seamstress.

It will be much cheaper than buying it at a pet store, because the terrier will need very little fabric, and the owner’s old sweater may be enough for the product. In addition, this way you can make the item exactly the size of your dog and decorate it in a unique way.

Why dress a dog?

Not so long ago, clothing for dogs was perceived as pampering or a whim of an eccentric owner. A business created on the basis of fashion has covered the facts with a veil of marketing, and so successfully that it is not so easy to discern where the necessity is and where the true need is. Let's look point by point at why dog ​​clothes are created:

  • Physiological needs - there are a number of breeds that are not resistant to cold. Basically, these are hairless dogs and animals without undercoat. Miniature dogs also need clothing, since during the cold season they physically cannot warm themselves. Usually in this context they talk about winter and demi-season suits.
  • Skin protection – suits that protect against tall grass and ticks are used for working dogs. Typically, accessories are made of durable fabric that does not “breathe,” meaning the suit cannot be worn for a long time.
  • Protecting fur from tangling, moisture, and chemicals is the most popular product on the dog clothing market. Overalls and blankets are made of durable, non-static, lightweight, waterproof fabric that is easy to wash. That is, after walking in slushy weather, you only wash your pet’s paws; otherwise, the dog remains clean and dry.
  • Decoration is the widest segment of products that does not provide any particular benefit, but gives the pet and owner individuality.

Pekingese wardrobe

The main purpose of dog clothing is practicality and time saving. We will build on these characteristics when choosing things for our pet. It is worth understanding that it is quite difficult to guess the exact dimensions of a growing dog, so do not rush to buy the entire set of clothes, at least until the age of one year. Optimally, you need to purchase:

  • Winter overalls for Pekingese with felt lining. Sheepskin and other fur are overkill. A suit that is too warm is uncomfortable and can cause skin and coat problems. A hood would also be superfluous - dogs do not wear them, since the accessory blocks the side view. A down collar is also a decoration, but a necessity. In addition, fur or fluff of unknown origin can cause allergies.
  • A demi-season suit is clothing that protects from the wind. The accessory should not be too warm.

  • A suit that protects from moisture - for walks in rainy weather or for regions with high humidity in certain seasons of the year. Raincoats for Pekingese can have several variations; the main requirements are to protect the fur on the stomach, back and neck.
  • Shoes – whether your pet needs boots is up to you to decide. The accessory protects its paws from contamination, but not every dog ​​will agree to wear boots, no matter how comfortable and beautiful they may seem to you.

Why buy a muzzle

Owners of quiet and calm animals at first do not think about purchasing a muzzle for their pet.

But over time, the dog’s character may change under the influence of certain circumstances (illness, change of owner, etc.) and not for the better.

The pet may begin to snap and bark for obvious reasons.

Or treatment with unpleasant procedures can aggravate the situation. This is when the need to purchase a muzzle arises.

If you decide that a muzzle is necessary, then you will be interested to know that they come in three types:

  • nylon;
  • leather;
  • plastic.

They have size minus 2 and are sold in special stores. Lightweight and easy to use, they protect both the animal itself and those around it from unforeseen circumstances.

When in public places, a muzzle for your household emotionally protects both children and adults from negative factors.

How to choose clothes for a Pekingese?

When choosing accessories for their pets, owners rely on advertising, recommendations from friends, personal experience and intuition. However, there are a number of rules that should be taken into account for the benefit of your pet:

  • Do not buy clothes from unknown manufacturers - choose a reputable company or sew things for your pet with your own hands. Pet store shelves are replete with low-quality products at “affordable prices.” By saving money, you can buy a product painted with hazardous substances or made from your pet’s relatives! You should also not forget about durability, strength and convenience.
  • Clothing should not restrict movement or hang like a bag - when making accessories for dogs, three parameters are taken into account: the length of the back from the withers to the croup, the girth of the neck and chest. According to standard growth charts, the clothing size for Pekingese is the category “Small dogs/L”.

  • Consider the comfort of your pet - skirts, rustling overalls, rhinestones, sparkles and bells will only bring you joy, and even then not for long. Such paraphernalia will only irritate the dog. What happens if the rhinestones are swallowed or a piece of glass gets into the eye? Clothing is a means of protecting your pet, not an outfit for fun!
  • The most natural and breathable fabrics - the product should not attract hair due to friction, rustle or “preserve” the dog’s body. Static fabrics are electrocuted both while walking and when removing clothes. Waterproof fabrics contain a large percentage of synthetics, which means that when worn for a long time, condensation forms between the fabric and the dog’s body. Warmth and moisture are the optimal environment for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria (eczema, lichen, staphylococci).

Photo gallery

Currently, there are many options for clothing for doggies, both small and large sizes. In this photo collection we have collected several outfit options for a small Chinese Pekingese dog.

Buy ready-made clothes, order them or sew them?

We have familiarized ourselves with the basic rules for choosing clothes, and if your pet falls within the standard size stacks, purchasing costumes will not be difficult. Your pet doesn't fit the standard proportions and you don't know how to sew? Clothes can be ordered from craftsmen who make custom clothing for dogs. By the way, you can save money by ordering clothes from private craftsmen, since you only need to pay for consumables and labor, without taking into account transportation, customs, markups and production taxes. Do you have free time and basic cutting and sewing skills? This means that you are able to make clothes for your pet yourself, and this has a number of advantages:

  • You won’t deceive yourself and will choose really high-quality materials.
  • By adjusting clothes to your dog's size, you will be sure that your pet is comfortable.
  • You can hem or correct the accessory after production if you notice minor flaws.
  • You will save money, and your dog will have truly exclusive clothes.

Demi-season blouses and shorts can be knitted from light yarn. If you are confident with knitting needles, knitting clothes for the Pekingese for the winter is also not a problem. After making the main suit, you can purchase or sew a raincoat. This way, you will have clothes suitable for both frosty and slushy weather. Below is a pattern for knitting a blanket blouse for dogs. Whether sleeves are needed, how long they will be and whether they will be equipped with elastic bands is up to you to decide.

The jumpsuit with a zipper on the back is sewn according to pattern No. 2:

  • We take measurements in a standing position, taking into account the seam allowance. The volume of the neck is measured at the base, the sternum just behind the elbows, the length of the back from the withers to the base of the tail.
  • We draw a rectangle on transparent paper, the longer length (points I and K) is the measurement of the back plus allowances.
  • We divide the top line by 2 and place a current, from this point at a distance equal to 1/3 of the neck circumference we place point K towards the neckline.
  • The depth of the rectangle is the chest circumference divided by 2 (taking into account the length of the panties and allowances).
  • By analogy with point 3, divide the height of the rectangle by 2 and count 1/3 of the neck circumference in the direction of the neck. Let's put point B.
  • We connect points K and B in a semicircle - this is the neck to which the collar will later be attached (if needed).
  • Points I and D are a cutout for the tail, an individual indicator, measured by the dog.
  • The volume of sleeves and shorts (A-B, D-E, G-H) is measured at the joints of the dog’s paws.
  • We duplicate and cut out parts of the pattern, we should get 2 Backs, 1 Front, 1 Collar, 2 front sleeves.
  • We chop off the points of the Shelves and Backs in accordance with the designations, sweep them together, and stitch them together.
  • The two backs are stitched along the lines A-B and C-D. We connect each half of the Back along the lines D-E - we get shorts.
  • The sleeves are sewn along Lines G-W and adjusted to fit the notch B-D.
  • The final size is adjusted by the I-K line of both backs. If necessary, darts are made or folds are gathered.
  • A zipper, buttons, ties or buttons are embroidered along the I-K line.

An easy-to-use option for making “stockings” to protect paws from contamination is shown below. You will need durable fabric, abrasion-resistant material for the sole and elastic band.

>Clothes for Pekingese

Simple clothing patterns

Dog overalls

Before you start sewing clothes, you need to take measurements:

  1. Back length from withers to tail.
  2. Neck circumference.
  3. Chest circumference.
  4. Waist circumference.
  5. Distance between paws.
  6. Breast width.
  7. Length of front legs.
  8. Length of hind legs.
  9. Belly length for boys.
  10. Distance between ears.
  11. Head circumference.
  12. Muzzle circumference.

When starting to cut the material, you need to add two centimeters for a loose fit. After all, clothes should be comfortable and not restrict movement.

Gallery: clothes for dogs (25 photos)


  1. We take measurements of the length of the dog’s back - points (Z-K).
  2. Divide this length by 8 and get the side of one cell in centimeters.
  3. Then you need to draw a sheet of paper into cells with the appropriate side size - according to the diagram.
  4. Then mark the control points with crosses.
  5. Connect these dots together.
  6. You need to cut out two such parts (M-F-Z-K-D-I-L-G-B-N). Along the outside of the overalls (Z-A-B-K) you need to add 3 cm.
  7. Next, cut out two parts (F-B-N-M) and two parts (G-D-I-L). These are the insides of the trousers. Sew the pattern halves to the inside of the trousers.
  8. Then measure the chest circumference (B-D) and waist circumference (A-B).
  9. Subtract the difference in these areas between the actual volumes of the pet and the flat pattern.
  10. This difference is the width of the insert between the two halves of the overalls on the abdomen.
  11. Assemble the overalls into one piece. Stitch the insert in several steps:
  12. Sew in a zipper. Start with the neckline. Make a line up to the armpit and, having secured, cut the thread.
  13. Start sewing the area under the abdomen, stitch up to the groin, cut the thread, and fasten.
  14. Start sewing the insert to the back leg to its center (for bitches).
  15. For boys, cut out the fly on the insert. It should be longer than for girls. Sewn from the throat to the hole for the tail (D-G-B-F). Make a dart on the abdominal side to ensure a tight fit of the overalls. Finish the fly with bias tape.
  16. Next, use bias tape to trim the tail part of the overalls, making darts according to the figure in advance.
  17. Finish the neck part like the tail part. You can make a stand. Make a loop on one side and baste a button on the other. You can also make a Velcro or drawstring.
  18. Hem the pants according to the dog's height. Insert the elastic bands down, leaving a small overlap at the bottom of the legs to make it comfortable for your pet to move.

That's all. The overalls are ready.

This jumpsuit pattern is a basic one. And it is suitable, for example, for a male dachshund or for other breeds.

Jacket pattern

To keep your pet warm in winter, you can sew a jacket for him. Making a jacket pattern is very simple. First of all, you need to take measurements of the dog, paying special attention to the section from the beginning of the tail to the base of the neck of your dog.

After these steps, you will receive a certain number in centimeters; it must be divided by 8. The final value determines the length of the side of the square that will be needed in the future. The pattern must be applied to checkered paper. To do this, you need to take a large sheet of paper and draw it, dividing it into squares with a side of 1/8 the length of the back of the dog. Transfer the selected pattern to it.

After this, you need to cut out the pattern and transfer it to the fabric for the jacket. It is best to use two types: raincoat fabric for the outer layer and flannel for the lining. Cut the workpiece again and sew. Turn the jacket inside out, wash and iron.

Then do a fitting. You can also decorate the jacket with beads, rhinestones or appliqués.


The simplest thing for a Pekingese is a blanket. To make it, you need to take a piece of material equal to two lengths of the dog’s back. Approximately in the center of this cut, cut out a recess for the head. Sew ties on the sides.

This blanket can be made in several versions. Made of flax - for walking in the summer, so that dust does not get on the wool and ticks do not get attached. For autumn - made of bolognese fabric to protect the dog from dirt in wet weather.


It is necessary to cut out the pattern with scissors, place it on a laid out piece of fleece and outline it with chalk, not forgetting to take into account the seam allowances.

For fastening, you can use a detachable zipper. Before sewing it into the sides, it must be basted or pinned so that the fleece does not stretch.

As you can see, sewing clothes for dogs with your own hands is very simple. Feel free to get to work and delight your pets with stylish things.

Pekingese clothes

Sacred dogs of the Chinese emperors, the Pekingese is a long-haired breed, and at first glance it seems that these dogs do not need clothing and are able to independently adapt to different temperatures. But there are a number of reasons why pets, despite their thick and long hair, need clothing at different times of the year.

  • • Cold winter. Although wool really perfectly protects the dog’s body from cold and wind, it is still difficult for her to cope with severe frosts. Low temperatures are fraught with hypothermia and colds, and also spoil the structure of the coat. A warm jumpsuit is a must-have item in your wardrobe.
  • • Protecting the coat from dirt is also important. Washing it too often will cause it to fade, fall out and deteriorate its general condition. It’s easier to wash your overalls than to spend money on restorative care later.
  • • Raincoats are useful in wet weather. When wet, the wool gets tangled, becomes greasy, and tangles form. And in addition to the unpleasant odor, bacteria and fungi can develop, affecting the skin.
  • • Light summer clothing serves to protect wool from moisture, dust and sand. Washing a T-shirt is as easy as shelling pears, but caring for a fur coat is a complex and time-consuming process.
  • • Hats can protect your pet from otitis media. By closing the ear canal, they protect the ears from cold temperatures. Some models protect the neck.

Accessories for Pekingese

Be sure to take care of a sleeping place for your furry. Sunbeds, houses, blankets, mattresses - we have it all in our store. We will help you choose a cozy sofa depending on the tastes, preferences, and character of the animal. If a four-legged dog sleeps curled up in a ball, a round lounger will suit her, and if she stretches out her paws in her sleep, a rectangular sofa or house would be an excellent option.

Our online store offers a huge number of other accessories:

  • • Ladders of different sizes so that you can easily climb onto a sofa or chair, and maybe even onto a windowsill.
  • • Carrying bags for every taste. With them, it will be convenient for you to take your pet with you wherever you go.
  • • Care products: shampoos and sprays, brushes and nail clippers, care products for eyes, ears and teeth to make your pet look amazing.

A huge range of clothes for Pekingese in our store will allow you not to limit your imagination and create the most vivid and interesting images. On the website you can choose a model by color and size, place an order with delivery to all regions, or consult with our employees. They will be happy to help you choose the right model based on your desires.

Home kennel for Pekingese

The Pekingese loves to relax in places where it is quiet, hidden from prying eyes. They often crawl under beds and into open shelves on tables, and to prevent this, it is necessary to provide him with a place to rest from the first day the Pekingese appears in the house .

This is where you need to place a booth, bed or carrier. A good option would be to have both a carrier and a booth. The first is necessary for trips to the veterinarian and out of town, and the second should become a place where the animal sleeps at night and naps during the day.

Important! To attract the dog's attention, toys or treats are placed in the kennel. A doghouse for Pekingese is most often made of fabric and stuffed with foam rubber and synthetic padding.

A booth is assembled from individual parts and secured with an adhesive fastener. Such collapsible options are convenient for cleaning and washing. They are sold in pet stores, and the size of the Pekingese booth should be chosen based on the size of the dog, so that it does not feel cramped inside.

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