6 contraceptive medications for dogs: injections, tablets and drops

The problem of unwanted pregnancy is quite acute for owners of bitches. After all, it is not always possible to keep track of your pet during heat; quite often unwanted relationships occur that have their own results.

It is possible to correct an unpleasant situation, but it is better not to do this at home. The female body is a complex mechanism that requires careful professional intervention, preferably as early as possible.

Only an experienced veterinarian can choose the right way to get rid of offspring and the ideal medicine that will not cause irreparable harm after a thorough study of the medical history and tests.

Treatments are selected based on the condition of the female and her health.


There are several ways to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, which have proven their effectiveness in practice. They are used depending on the period and individual characteristics of the dog.

  • Rinsing the external and internal walls of the vagina with acidic solutions immediately after the end of intercourse will kill most sperm and prevent them from fertilizing the egg. However, this method has too low a response rate, therefore, even if you managed to thoroughly treat the genitals immediately after mating, be sure to contact the clinic after a while for an accurate answer to the question: “Has pregnancy occurred?” Otherwise, you can waste too much valuable time.
  • Surgical intervention. Abortion in dogs is a rather complicated operation that entails serious complications. Due to the structural features of canine genital organs, surgical intervention is very different in its methodology from a similar procedure on humans. Simply removing the puppy through the birth canal will not work. In most cases, after such an intervention, the uterus remains so damaged that it becomes the cause of infertility. The bitch will no longer be able to conceive and bear offspring. Moreover, due to the close proximity of a large number of blood vessels, it is not uncommon for pets to die on the operating table due to blood loss. However, some breeders decide to use this method if, for example, a breeding bitch went on a spree with a simple male. In this case, only a very experienced doctor can be trusted to perform the manipulations. Only a truly highly qualified specialist can perform an abortion so that the animal can then give birth. But even a well-performed operation does not guarantee the absence of negative consequences if, during the period of recovery and healing of the sutures, the owners ignore the doctor’s recommendations in some way.
  • Preparations that contain estrogens. One of the most dangerous options, since it is almost impossible to predict complications. Everything can pass without consequences, or it can kill the animal or make it crippled, disrupting the hormonal balance and causing infertility or problems in the functioning of internal organs. These medications are used for abortion in the early stages. They are effective literally within a few days after mating.
  • Prostaglandins . Much more gentle and one of the most popular methods. The consequences can be quite serious, but statistics indicate that for most dogs, getting rid of unwanted offspring using prostaglandins is uneventful. The drug is used for up to three weeks, after the presence of embryos is confirmed by ultrasound.
  • Glucocorticoids . Heavy and dangerous drugs that can provoke a medical miscarriage in the last weeks. It roughly interferes with the hormonal functioning of the body, literally crushing it. The consequences are some of the most severe, from chronic diseases to death. The fatality rate with this type of medication is very high compared to other methods. Used only in rare cases, veterinarians try to avoid them.

Only a professional doctor after a thorough study can choose the right way to get rid of the problem. Do not perform such a complex procedure at home with previously untested drugs.

Even if the dog has already gone through the procedure twice without problems, on the third time something irreparable can happen. The canine reproductive system is complex and often unpredictable.

Now one of the most popular drugs is Alizin, the main active ingredient of which is aglepristone. The main advantage of the composition is that it can be used both in early and late stages, changing doses.

If pregnancy is confirmed, then it is enough to call a veterinarian at home and give the necessary injections. The number of injections and the volume of injected substance is calculated individually, based on the stage of pregnancy and the size of the animal. After 10-15 days, depending on the size of the fetus, a medical miscarriage will occur.

What is Alizin for dogs, features of use of the drug

Alizin for dogs is an injection solution used by veterinarians to induce miscarriage in a bitch with an unwanted pregnancy resulting from an unplanned mating. Its active substance is the synthetic steroid aglepristone. This substance blocks the synthesis of progesterone in the uterus and thereby disrupts the normal course of the process of maintaining pregnancy, which ultimately ends in abortion. The drug can be used for up to one and a half months after a casual relationship.

This drug is used in the following situations:

  • if accidental mating occurs during estrus;
  • if the animal has been outside without owner supervision for any period of time and there is a possibility that mating has occurred;
  • if the dog has contraindications for childbirth and pregnancy (too old or too young, mating occurred with a cable of the wrong size, etc.).

A veterinarian can advise the dog owner to buy Alizin even if the pregnant animal is struck by a severe infection that poses a potential danger to the fetus. Its use allows you to terminate a pregnancy without endangering the health of the female. Once your dog is cleared of the infection, she can become pregnant again and give birth to healthy puppies.

You can buy Alizin at the best price on the website of the veterinary pharmacy VetHouse, to do this, follow the link https://vet-house.com/products/alizin. VetHouse offers unique products from European manufacturers at reasonable prices!

The instructions for Alizin say that this drug is also used for the non-surgical treatment of pyometra disease in animals. This disease is expressed in purulent inflammation of the uterus. Most often it affects unsterilized females over ten years of age.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

After using this drug, no changes in the physiological cycle of the animal are observed. The dog can become pregnant again and successfully give birth to puppies. However, there are certain contraindications to taking this drug. It is prohibited to administer it to an animal in the following cases:

  • for diseases of the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands;
  • if you have hypersensitivity to aglepristone, the active ingredient of this drug;
  • if your pet suffers from diabetes.

Also, after administering the drug to an animal, certain side effects may occur, including:

  • allergic reaction or development of an inflammatory process at the puncture site;
  • reducing the duration of estrus;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • if the miscarriage occurs late in pregnancy, the bitch may experience milk stagnation (lactostasis).


Most abortion methods cannot be considered safe. All of them negatively affect the animal’s body, to one degree or another.

The most common consequences:

  • Sterility . Most often, this is the result of a late abortion, since the structure of the genital organs of dogs does not imply the possibility of removing fully formed puppies from the uterus directly without causing critical harm to the genitals.
  • Hormonal imbalance , which can result in diseases of the genitourinary system. This is the result of the use of strong drugs that completely change the hormonal levels at a certain period and provoke the fading of the development process of the embryos.

Most veterinarians strongly advise resorting to means of termination only as a last resort and in the early stages. They try to do late-term abortions only for medical reasons, as this causes irreparable harm to health, both physical and mental.

Also a prerequisite for maintaining the health of the animal is an examination some time after the procedure. Depending on the method and period at which the procedure was performed, the animal is shown to the veterinarian several times, while performing an ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries to make sure that there will definitely be no offspring, and to outline the range of complications after the operation.

Stages of the reproductive cycle

Estrus in dogs occurs twice a year, and the older the dog, the longer the interval between estrus.
The first heat occurs at the age of 6–12 months. Duration – about 18–20 days. In general, a dog's reproductive cycle consists of four stages. Precursor (proestrus). During this period, eggs actively mature. The average duration of proestrus is 10 days. The dog becomes restless and disobedient, begins to mark its territory, excreting urine frequently and in small quantities. Blood flow to the external genitalia increases, the vulva (genital loop) increases in size, and spotting of varying intensity appears. The vestibule of the vagina is swollen and hyperemic. During this period, the bitch does not allow males.

Estrus (estrus). At this time, ovulation occurs - the release of eggs from the ovaries into the horns of the uterus. The duration of estrus is on average 7 days, sometimes 2–12 days. The bitch is ready for mating and allows male dogs to approach her. When touched on the back, the genital loop is pulled up and the tail is moved to the side. The discharge brightens, becomes mucous and transparent. The vulva is maximally enlarged.

Afterflow (diestrus, metestrus). All signs of estrus and excitement gradually disappear, the dog calms down. Lasts about 60–65 days. During this period, pregnancy or false pregnancy may develop if there was no mating.

The period of sexual rest (anestrus). During the period of sexual rest, restoration processes occur in the uterus, the ovaries are inactive, and preparations are underway for a new cycle. The duration varies from 60 to 180 days.

Estrus characterizes the animal's sexual maturity, readiness to mate and bear offspring. However, it does not always coincide with the physiological one. It is not recommended to breed a dog during its first heat, since its body is not yet physically developed and is not ready for such increased stress as pregnancy, childbirth and feeding puppies.


To avoid it being too late, most breeders and doctors advise taking care of the safety of pets in advance, preventing the appearance of unwanted offspring.

There are many means of canine contraception today. However, they all work differently and have varying degrees of safety.

The most common:

  • Sterilization or tubal ligation.
  • Castration or removal of the ovaries and uterus.
  • Hormonal contraceptives, injected in the first three days of estrus and preventing it.
  • Medicines based on herbs and natural ingredients that reduce desire.
  • Special hygienic panties that act as a barrier contraceptive when walking.

Drops on the withers "Ovostop"

This drug has a unique three-component composition: megestrol, proroxan, melatonin.

  • Megestrol acetate. Promotes the transition of proestrus directly to the stage of sexual rest (anestrus) without estrus and the stage after it.
  • Proroksan. Thanks to its effect on the receptors responsible for the behavioral manifestations of estrus, it blocks the unpleasant manifestations of estrus: excessive vocalization, search for a sexual partner, aggressive behavior, and the development of stress. This substance does not directly affect the reproductive system.
  • Melatonin. The adaptogen hormone is responsible for the seasonal and daily rhythms of the body. Helps improve wool quality and normalize shedding. This active substance also helps slow down the aging process of the body and has a sedative effect.

The drug "Ovostop" - drops on the withers - is packaged in convenient plastic pipettes. Available in two types: for bitches weighing less than 5 kg (2 pipettes of 1 ml) and for bitches weighing from 5 to 15 kg (2 pipettes of 2 ml).

Advantages: single use with a duration of action of up to 6 months, convenient method of application to the skin in the withers area.


Birth control pills for dogs should only be given to a healthy animal. Before you start taking them, you should definitely consult a veterinarian, but you can give the pills yourself at home.

Absolutely all drugs are hormonal, so you must take breaks between doses. Birth control pills for dogs should not be given for more than three heats in a row. After this, you need to pause for at least 2 heats, after which you can use the drug again to avoid unwanted offspring.

Requirements for partners

Participants in mating must not only be physically ready for sexual intercourse. There are other requirements for them:

  • an impeccable pedigree, in which the “noble family” is reflected at least up to the 4th generation;
  • experience of participating in shows with high scores: “excellent” is desirable for a male, “good” is possible for a female;
  • good physical health, confirmed by a medical certificate;
  • adequate mental and behavioral reactions.

Compliance with the listed criteria is checked before breeding dogs. Under the condition of breeding, even more claims are made regarding the selection of candidates for mating.


It is not recommended to give any chemical contraceptives, including pills, to female dogs during their first heat. In young dogs, this can cause serious further problems with the reproductive system.

In addition, birth control pills are prohibited for dogs with diabetes, tumors and any pathologies of the uterus.

Giving drugs to an animal during lactation or long-term pregnancy is also prohibited.

If there are lumps in the mammary glands of the bitch, you should first consult with a veterinarian, pointing out the problem.

Giving pills more than three times in a row is strictly prohibited. If the offspring are generally undesirable, then it is better to sterilize the animal immediately.

Other forms of release

In the form of drops, contraceptives are given to the animal along with food or dripped onto the root of the tongue. They are designed to interrupt estrus and control the behavior of the animal. They differ from tablets only in the release form, which is why they are often found under the same names.

You can also find preparations in the form of sugar cubes on sale. Even a spoiled animal will eat such a delicacy with great pleasure and in the right quantity, which is why dog ​​owners choose them most often. The downside is the cost of contraceptives in comparison with other oral forms of release.

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