Eukanuba dog food: food composition and product reviews

Feed overview

The Eukanuba brand was owned by the world famous Procterand Gamble corporation until 2014 and was the pioneer of dry food containing natural meat. Now it belongs to the Mars company, and the production of about 55 dry diets is carried out in the USA, Russia and the Netherlands.

Eukanuba offers a wide range of nutrition for dogs of all ages, breeds and physiological characteristics, and also takes into account the increased sensitivity of pets to ordinary food. The line includes a dozen foods for specific breeds, options for active and working dogs, as well as ready-made solutions for pets with problem skin and weak joints.

The food has a completely balanced composition, containing in an optimal ratio of proteins and fats , vitamin supplements and minerals responsible for the full development and growth of the animal. Eukanuba dry diets are absolutely safe and do not include any synthetic ingredients, dyes, taste or odor enhancers in the recipe. All necessary vitamins and microelements are optimally absorbed by the body, which allows dog breeders not to use additional supplements to maintain the health of their pet.

Important. A special feature of all Eukanuba foods is that they can be used as a means of prevention in the fight against diseases of the oral cavity and teeth.

Composition of Eukanuba dog food

Since Eukanuba products are designed for dogs of different breeds and ages, the composition varies and corresponds to a separate food line, but in most diets the ingredients are repeated. Quality sources of animal protein and protein include chicken and lamb, as well as fish fillets. The production process uses a sublimation process, due to which the meat loses excess liquid, but retains all the nutrients of the original state.

A large number of cereals can be found in the recipe. Sources of carbohydrates include wheat and corn, which increase the nutritional value of the finished product, barley and sorghum, a starchy grain that does not contain gluten and improves blood sugar levels. An easily digestible component that supplies complex carbohydrates to the body is rice.

Composition of Eukanuba food for dogs.

To provide the animal with useful elements, a wide variety of components are included in the recipe. Beet pulp regulates blood sugar levels, and animal fats supply the body with a set of vitamins and healthy fatty acids. Dried whole eggs contain the optimal amount of quickly digestible protein, the nutrient choline and two antioxidants to preserve your pet's visual function.

The food contains vegetables, which play a major role in delivering vitamins and plant fiber to the body to normalize digestion. Brewer's yeast improves the condition of the skin and coat, and also has a beneficial effect on your pet's metabolism.

To strengthen the immune system, essential fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3 are added to the food formula, and phosphorus and calcium are added in the required proportions to strengthen bones and teeth. The Eukanuba diet also contains a vital complex of vitamins A, C, E and B for the healthy development of the dog.

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  • French food Royal Canin and a detailed description of the composition.

Pros and cons of food

Like all dog foods, Eukanuba also has its pros and cons.
The Eukanuba brand has a number of significant advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • naturalness of products used in production;
  • the presence of real meat, in some versions the percentage exceeds 30%;
  • abundance of vitamins and minerals;
  • no artificial preservatives, flavors, chemical additives;
  • wide range for different breeds and sizes;
  • availability of therapeutic nutrition;
  • relatively low cost (lower than many analogues of the same class).

The disadvantages include:

  • generally poor composition;
  • in some embodiments, a low percentage of meat ingredient;
  • a large number of cereal crops.

Important. Dog breeders and veterinarians recommend giving preference to food with a low grain content. Wheat and corn are cheap fillers that do not provide much nutritional value and in most cases cause allergies.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following disadvantages can be identified in Eukanuba feed:

  1. Low meat content. Most likely, it was added fresh. Following the meat components are several types of cereals, which together gives a large share.
  2. Presence of cereals. Cats do not need grains, because they practically do not absorb nutrients from them. For pets, it is preferable to have fruits, vegetables and peas in limited quantities (5-10%) as a source of fiber.
  3. Use of components of questionable quality. For many ingredients, their source and type are not specified.
  4. Attempts to bring the balance to normal at any cost. The manufacturer adds concentrated proteins, vitamins, minerals and other substances that should be contained in the components in their natural form.
  5. Questionable marketing moves. Most of the stated benefits are either untrue or not that important. For example, by antioxidants the manufacturer means tocopherols, which are found in any complete food.
  6. Inconsistency of the specialization of preventive feeds with the declared ones. Food for sterilized animals can cause the development of diseases of the urinary system. A diet for older cats does not prevent the destruction of the musculoskeletal system.
  7. Attempts to deceive the buyer. Studies have shown that the food contains more minerals than indicated on the packaging.
  8. There are no fundamental differences between most feeds. The composition of many diets is almost identical, but the manufacturer still presents them as special formulas.

The advantages include the average cost (among the super-premium class), but for the same money you can choose better options. A conditional plus is the presence of prebiotics in the composition, but all efforts are negated by the presence of allergens.

Why is this food better than others?

One of the significant advantages of Eukanuba food is the presence of an extensive line of therapeutic nutrition for dogs suffering from intestinal disorders, kidney failure, obesity, stress, joint problems, dermatitis and diabetes. For example, super premium foods Yozera, Nutram and Optima Nova have narrower ranges of veterinary nutrition, limited to problems with weight, skin and stomach condition.

The main advantage of this food is its extensive range.

Another advantage of Eukanuba diets is the presence of special food intended not only for sterilized and neutered dogs, but also for weight loss. Fat levels reach only 7.6%, which helps actively get rid of extra pounds and maintain optimal weight. Weight control foods Optima Nova and Nutram contain 9% fat, and Monge food contains 10%.

The Eukanuba food range includes about 10 options for specific breeds, and their composition is designed taking into account the characteristics of the breed’s lifestyle. You will not find such an abundance of specific diets either in the Yozera brand or in the Porcelan, Brit Care and Bosch brands.

Eukanuba dog food line

The manufacturing company Eukanuba offers a huge selection of dog food, so dog owners can choose an option that suits the needs and characteristics of their pet. The product line includes food for adult and elderly dogs, for puppies and active pets, for specific breeds and dogs with special needs. There are also special veterinary diets for pets who have suffered illness or injury.

Puppy food Eukanuba Dog Puppy & Junior

Food for puppies is developed taking into account the rapidly growing young body and contains all the necessary beneficial elements for its healthy development.

Eukanuba line of puppy food.

The Eukanuba Dog Puppy & Junior series includes the following options:

  • Small Breed is a food with a high content of proteins and fats necessary for accelerated metabolism of small breed puppies from 1 to 10 kg.
  • Medium Breed is a diet designed for medium breed puppies, which in adulthood will weigh from 11 to 25 kg. The main component is chicken meat.
  • Large Breed – food for large (25-40 kg) and giant (over 40 kg) puppies. Since these puppies are characterized by rapid growth, the food contains specially selected levels of protein, calcium and phosphorus for optimal development of joints and bones, as well as proper muscle formation.
  • All Breeds is an easily digestible food for puppies of all breeds based on lamb meat. The optimal solution for small pets with problematic digestion and sensitive skin.

Food for adult dogs

Diets for adult dogs provide optimal intake of nutrients into the body of pets of all breeds and sizes.

Eukanuba food line for adult dogs.

  • Eukanuba Dog Adult is a series of foods for the daily nutrition of adult dogs of different ages. Small Breed is suitable for small breed pets from 1 to 7 years old and has small kibble for easier chewing and digestion. Medium Breed, based on chicken meat, is designed for medium breeds from 1 to 7 years, and Large Breed with natural sources of glucosamine and chondroitin is designed for large dogs from 1 to 6 years. There are lamb-based options for small and medium breeds, and separately for large ones. As well as a diet for all breeds, where the main component is salmon fillet.
  • Eukanuba Dog Adult Weight Control is food for adult pets of large and medium breeds prone to obesity. For weight control, they contain 40% less fat than conventional diets.
  • Eukanuba Dog Adult Toy Breed – food for miniature dogs whose weight does not exceed 4 kg. Suitable for feeding from one year to old age (8 years).
  • Eukanuba Dog Adult Jogging & Agility is a food for active pets who need a lot of nutrients and energy every day. Contains high levels of protein (28%) and fat (18%).
  • Eukanuba Dog Adult Working & Endurance is a diet for working dogs experiencing severe physical stress. To maintain health and maintain excellent physical shape, the food contains 30% protein and 20% fat.
  • Eukanuba Dog Adult Breed Specific is a specially formulated food to stimulate an active lifestyle and healthy digestion in pets of certain breeds. Diet options are available for Jack Russell Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, West Highland White Terriers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Boxers, English Cocker Spaniels, Dachshunds and more.

Food for senior dogs

Eukanuba food line for older dogs.
A series of these diets are designed to improve the overall well-being and mood of aging dogs. They contain ingredients that help support optimal physical condition, organ function, joint mobility, healthy digestion and a strong immune system.

  • Eukanuba Dog Mature & Senior – food for older dogs of different age categories. They contain special carbohydrates that provide a constant flow of energy to maintain activity and agility. There are 4 options: for small breeds over 7 years old, for medium breeds over 7 years old, for large breed dogs over 6 years old and for all breeds with skin or stomach sensitivities.
  • Eukanuba Dog Mature & Senior Toy – food for older dogs of miniature breeds, taking into account all the needs of small pets.
  • Eukanuba Dog Adult Daily Care Senior 9+ – food for old dogs over 9 years old.

Daily Care food for dogs with special needs

Eukanuba Daily Care line of food for dogs with special needs.
This series includes several foods designed for pets with individual characteristics:

  • Sensitive Skin is a diet for dogs with sensitive skin, which contains virtually no components that provoke itching and further scratching. The main source of protein is fish.
  • Sensitive Joints is a special food designed for adult dogs with a predisposition to joint diseases. The formulation contains glucosamine and chondroitin to maintain healthy joints, as well as L-carnitine to maintain normal weight, which helps reduce stress on the joints.
  • Sensitive Digestion is food for pets with sensitive digestion, containing sugar beet pulp and FOS prebiotics to normalize the digestive process and optimize the balance of intestinal microflora.
  • Overweight, Sterilized – food for spayed or neutered dogs, as well as for pets prone to gaining extra pounds. Contains 15% less fat than Eukanuba Adult Weight Control.

Medicinal food Eukanuba Veterinary Diets

This is a series of specially formulated veterinary diets to treat specific diseases in your pet.

Medicinal food Eukanuba Veterinary Diets

The following options are available:

  • Dermatosis FP is a dog food designed to maintain skin condition in the presence of dermatitis, excessive hair loss and allergic reactions;
  • Intestinal – a dietary diet for pets suffering from intestinal disorders (there is a separate Puppy Intestinal diet for puppies);
  • Joint Mobility – complete nutrition with optimal content of chondroitin and glucosamine for dogs with joint diseases;
  • Renal - food with limited protein levels and low phosphorus concentration to preserve kidney function in chronic renal failure;
  • Restricted Calorie - low-energy diet for obese dogs;
  • Weight/Diabetic Control – complete nutrition to regulate glucose levels if your pet has diabetes;
  • High Calorie is a high-energy and easily digestible food for dogs during the rehabilitation period after illness and during stress.

Attention. Most Eukanuba medicinal feeds have a number of contraindications, the most common of which are pregnancy, lactation and the growth period. To prevent undesirable consequences, diets from the treatment line should only be prescribed by a practicing veterinarian.

Description of dry food Eukanuba

One of these is Eukanuba dry dog ​​food. These products are sold by a brand that is considered a leader in the production of food mixtures for dogs and cats. Inventors produce products that contain natural meat.

Manufacturers first began producing premium quality feed mixtures in the early 1970s. It was during this period that natural chicken meat was used as part of the dry substance.

The cost of the finished product was several times higher than that of other brands. Such nutrition helped to care for small puppies and sick animals.

  • Numerous positive reviews about eukanuba dog food have made this product popular and in demand among breeders.
  • Today, manufacturers offer several types of dry food, which contain chicken, lamb, eggs, various vegetables, meat and bone and fish meal, and brewer's yeast in a dry substance.
  • Such components make it possible to make the nutrient substrate balanced and rich in beneficial compounds.

Reviews from veterinarians about the food

Veterinarians recommend this food for daily nutrition.
Victor, veterinarian, 39 years old. The entire range of Eukanuba feeds contains exclusively natural products, which is an undeniable reason to purchase these products. Considering the fact that dogs are carnivores by nature and require a large amount of meat, there could be more meat in the Eukanuba food recipe. But this is not a reason to refuse these diets. The manufacturer offers a huge amount of balanced food: medicinal, for everyday feeding of puppies and adult dogs, and for pets with special needs. And they are in no way inferior in quality to similar feeds with a high meat content. I can confidently recommend these diets as a good product for daily nutrition.

Liliya, veterinarian, 56 years old. Eukanuba dry food belongs to the super premium category, which means it is of good quality. They contain not only meat, but also a whole egg, cereals, vitamins and minerals, as well as a large number of useful auxiliary components. From the presented foods, you can choose a diet that suits your pet’s age, physical condition and lifestyle, which is an undeniable advantage. I recommend this food as a high-quality product that has been proven over the years.

What are the disadvantages of food?

In addition to the advantages, there are several disadvantages.

They are as follows:

  • Contains wheat. This component is often used to create premium nutrition;
  • Manufacturers use preservative additives. They allow you to preserve the taste and appearance of the dry substrate longer;
  • Lack of detailed description of animal protein. It is unknown which parts of the meat are used to create the feed mixture. For example, some brands prefer to use offal, leftover meat production;

High price. Prices for eukanuba dog food are calculated based on the product line, the breed of the animal, and its activity.

For example, for pets of small breeds, the cost of a pack can vary from 1000 to 2000 rubles per 3 kg.

You can find many other brands with excellent composition in the pet store. Their cost is an order of magnitude lower than that of the brand presented above.

Reviews from dog breeders about Eukanuba dog food

Dog breeders say the food is of high quality and at a decent price.
Tatiana. Our American Eskimo Spitz is already 3 years old, for two of them we have been eating exclusively Eukanuba food. For up to five months I suffered from smudges under my eyes, which I tried for a long time and unsuccessfully to cure. But as soon as we changed the food to Eukanuba, all the hated smudges disappeared. The dog liked the food, eats it with great appetite, and has no health or hair problems. Previously, we bought food with a picture of a Spitz on the packaging, but now we buy it for adult dogs of small breeds. The option is certainly not a budget option, but we are not going to change it. We buy 3 kg at a time and eat it for two months.

Elena. Our little Yorkshire Terrier is a very picky eater. We tried many options from the cheapest to the most expensive - in the end the dog barely ate, sometimes he could not touch food all day. I recently bought Eukanuba Adult Small Breed food and was pleasantly surprised. My Yorkie eats with such an appetite as I have never seen before. The only negative is too frequent trips to the toilet (6-7 times per day), accompanied by a pungent odor. In general, the dog is playful, active and cheerful. I'll keep watching.

Feed cost and sales points

The average cost of food is 250–300 rubles. for 400 g, 900–1000 rub. for 2 kg and 2000 rub. for 5 kg. Sometimes there are packages of 10 kg. The price of such packages is approximately 4000 rubles. The average cost of 1 kg is 400–500 rubles. The price of spiders is 50–60 rubles.

Eukanuba food can be found in some pet stores, but it is better to place an order in the online market. This will save time. On the manufacturer’s website there is a “Buy” button in the upper right corner. In the window that opens, online stores that sell Eukanuba feed will be indicated.

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