Yosera food – composition and reviews New items from the Internet: Instructions + Photos and Videos

One of the foods of the German company of the same name Josera (or in Russian Yozera) in dry form is intended for cats (there is also an option for dogs).
It is not yet very widespread, but it is famous for its wide range; the official website will help you get acquainted with it - www.josera.ru (in Russian) and www.josera.de - in the manufacturer’s language. Here we will analyze the composition of Josera and see reviews from the owners who bought it.

The best food belongs to the holistic class, from Joser - this is a Bavarian food, very popular in Europe among cat owners and has proven itself since 2013.

Josera dog food review

In the list of super premium food we only mentioned the Josera brand, now it’s time to take a closer look at the products of this company.
The food “Josera” (also called Yosera, Josera) is produced in Germany, the official website is www.josera-dog.com. Note that there is a line of premium Josera food (Junior, Regular, Active, Sensitive), but it is in the minority, so today we will review super-premium food from this brand.

Other super premium brands:

Composition of Josera dog food

Let's look at the composition using the example of Josera SensiPlus food. In first place is poultry flour, it is specified that 15% duck and 12.8% turkey are used. In total, we have 27.8% of a good source of proteins, and even more, because a little further down the composition there is also “poultry protein hydrolysate”.

The source of carbohydrates in the feed is rice, corn and corn flour. Beet pulp is a source of fiber, poultry fat is a source of fatty acids, salt is a source of minerals, as is potassium chloride. Chicory extract is rich in vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, C, PP. The antioxidant used is natural - tocopherols (essentially vitamin E).

By the way, if you have heard that corn has no place in dog food, it is actually a very healthy ingredient (a source of carbohydrates, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, and much more). The main thing is that corn should not be the basis of the feed, but only an addition in small quantities.

Pros and cons of Djoser food

Among the advantages of this brand of food:

  • real meat in sufficient quantity;
  • the presence of all the vitamins and minerals the dog needs;
  • relatively low price (cheaper than many competitors);
  • very wide range (for dogs of different sizes, ages, etc.);
  • only natural ingredients included.

The disadvantages of the food include:

  • Available only in large pet stores, difficult to find in small towns (but can be bought on the Internet).

Features of “Zozera Leger” food for cats

The pack has an image of food pellets. They are shaped like three-pointed “stars”. The caption to the photo states that they should stimulate chewing of food.

Interestingly, in Russian, in the caption to the composition and analysis, Josera Léger Adult Cat Light food is indicated as suitable for sterilized adult cats and male cats. However, we did not find this data in other languages ​​- it simply says that the diet is intended for cats with reduced energy needs. Most likely, Russian distributors logically connected castration and excess weight in many cats. We don’t see any particular contradictions in this, but still, excess body weight occurs more often not so much because of this operation, but because of overfeeding, so we paid attention not to the inaccuracy of the translation.

On the front side of the Josera Léger diet package it is indicated that this product has a reduced energy value. We decided to compare the energy value and fat content with other Josera cat foods and found some oddities.

In German and English the energy value is not indicated at all. It appeared on the Russian label and is 379.6 kcal per 100 g of feed. Moreover, the fat content in this product is only 10%.

Other diets of the same brand for adult cats have fat contents of 15%, 18% and even 20%. But the calorie content is not too different - for example, the same 379 kcal per 100 g of feed is indicated in a diet containing 15% fat, but in a feed containing 20% ​​fat, the calorie content somehow is only 414 kcal per 100 g of feed. It is strange that when the fat content doubles, the calorie content of the feed increases very slightly. There may be some errors in these figures on the official website or on the Josera Léger package. This is alarming.

Josera dog food - reviews

Review of Josera dog food, writes Tatyana from Kyiv. Good afternoon. We got a puppy at the age of 1.5 months, we immediately started giving him Yozera Kids. They kept him on it until the baby grew up, when he turned one year old they switched to Sensiplus. We recently visited the veterinarian - tests showed that our pet grew up completely healthy. We buy 15 kg bags, one of which is enough for almost a month. I recommend this food to everyone!

Review of Josera dog food , written by Mikhail from St. Petersburg. Friends feed their dogs Brit Care and Proplan, each recommended the one they feed. The veterinary pharmacy is closest to me, and it so happened that the first one was not there, but instead of the second one they recommended taking Zhozera. For testing, I took a small 2 kg bag, my dog ​​(German Shepherd breed) liked it, and since then I have been feeding him Zhozera.

Review of Josera dog food, writes Larisa from Nizhny Novgorod. Hi all! Josera is a very good food, we fed it to our toy terrier for more than a year - everything was great, the dog liked it, and we were happy with the price. Unfortunately, the food became more expensive and we had to find a cheaper alternative.

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