Reusable diapers for dogs: characteristics, pros and cons

Owners' problems, such as leaving their pet alone in an apartment for a long time or taking their dog with them on a long trip, can be easily solved with the help of a hygienic diaper. This versatile and practical device perfectly absorbs liquids, neutralizes odor, and leaves paws dry and clean. In addition, reusable diapers are suitable for use by both puppies and adult dogs. And when they get dirty, they can be washed and dried without losing their absorbent functions.

At the pet store you can buy reusable diapers of various types and sizes, for example, with a neutral smell, several absorbent layers, with a hypoallergenic coating, etc. But if you wish and have free time, you can make a diaper for your dog with your own hands, choosing the color, material, size and filling individually for your pet.

Comments 3

You've probably heard about dog diapers.
They are indispensable when the puppy is still small and not accustomed to go to the toilet outside, when the dog is sick and does not get up from the litter, when the dog gives birth to puppies. In any case, diapers are needed for dogs at home. Disposable diapers can be bought at the pharmacy, but they are only enough for one time. But the reusable ones last a long time, and besides, you can buy them, or you can sew them yourself.

Reusable diapers for dogs

Reusable diapers are popular in many countries.

  • Their advantage is that they can be washed in any machine or by hand more than 300 times. At the same time, the absorbent properties of the diaper increase after washing.
  • Reusable dog diapers are machine washable at temperatures up to 100 degrees. For washing, use any washing powder and conditioner.
  • A regular reusable diaper for dogs measuring 1x1 m absorbs up to 2 liters of moisture and retains this moisture and odor.

How to sew a reusable diaper for dogs?

You can sew a reusable diaper. For this you will need:

for the first layer - thick linen or cotton fabric;

for the second layer - padding polyester;

for the third layer - a viscose floor rag (sold in household goods);

for the fourth layer - medical oilcloth (placed with a cloth on the floor) or, as a last resort, use shower curtains.

Fold all four fabrics in layers and stitch several times on a sewing machine. Finish edges with bias tape or overlocker.

You will get a wonderful reusable diaper (no worse than a store-bought one). If you don’t have time to search for material and sew, then you can. Believe me, with such a diaper, you are guaranteed convenience and comfort in caring for your pet!

Materials from the website were used in the preparation.

Diaper with zipper

Cocoon style newborn diapers with a zipper are easier to use. It is enough to put the baby inside and, holding the edges with your hands, fasten the zipper. The baby lies freely in such a diaper, but his movements are limited by the fabric. He will not wake himself up with sudden movements of his hands and will fall asleep faster, but at the same time his skin will not be pinched by the diaper.

Some zippered swaddles have fasteners on the sides at baby's foot level. This design allows you to quickly change the diaper without completely removing the diaper. The zipper is durable and does not break. Using the cocoon diaper with a zipper is very simple. But it is difficult to sew, unlike a regular diaper, which you can make yourself.

Benefits of diapers

Diapers are disposable and reusable

Diapers for dogs have the following advantages:

  • convenient for toilet training a puppy, helps protect the flooring;
  • You can not only use it at home, but also take it with you in a carrier;
  • completely safe to use;
  • absorb unpleasant odor, preventing it from spreading throughout the apartment;
  • they do not grow mold, mildew or other harmful microorganisms.

To train your dog to go to the toilet in the right place, you must first place diapers all over the floor of the room to which the pet has access. Then every week the quantity should be reduced by 1-2 pieces. When there is only one diaper left, it needs to be moved to the place where you plan to organize the dog’s toilet.

How to accustom a puppy to a diaper?

Once settled in the house, the puppy will choose a place for his needs. Dogs usually use areas under windows, loggias, doors, and carpets as a toilet. It is recommended to remove all rugs and rugs from the room, and place the diaper where the puppy began to relieve itself.

Your pet should be placed on an absorbent mat immediately after eating or sleeping . If the puppy left the diaper and did his business in another place, then he should be wiped and allowed to sniff the product.

As soon as the dog starts spinning in one place and whining, this may be a sign that he wants to go to the toilet. It is necessary to immediately transfer the pet to the litter, which must be clean. An animal will not relieve itself on a dirty and foul-smelling rug.

Pros of trays

The tray is only suitable for small breed dogs and puppies.

The dog tray has the following advantages:

  • looks more aesthetically pleasing;
  • a large assortment;
  • there are options with a special column, which is needed for more familiar management of the animal’s needs;
  • economical - the tray lasts quite a long time;
  • wash every few days.

A tray with imitation lawn looks attractive, but often the “grass” is made of low-quality material, so it absorbs an unpleasant odor and loses its appearance after washing.

What is better to choose

Both options have their advantages. You can give your pet a choice and see where it would be more comfortable for him to go about his business. Or you can decide based on what is more convenient for you (dogs are quite easily accustomed to both a diaper and a tray).

But the best option is to use a combination and put a diaper on the bottom of the tray. It will need to be changed once a day, which will not take much time and effort (remove and throw out the old one and just put in a new one). The tray itself can be washed once a week. The diaper will collect all odors.

There are special trays for combining. They are designed in such a way that the diaper is firmly fixed, and the low sides prevent puddles from spreading onto the floor.

Both the litter box and the diaper are comfortable for dogs and have their own advantages. You can choose whichever suits you best or combine both options.


Cocoon diapers are an oval-shaped bag with a hole for the baby's neck. The clasps make it easy to open. The baby is placed inside and tightly fixed with rivets.

Swaddling a newborn with a cocoon diaper is much easier. And the special form will not allow him to get out of the diaper or pull out his arms. Inside, the child will not get confused and will not freeze. And the natural shape of the diaper will help relieve the tone of the baby’s arms and legs and help him fall asleep soundly. Thanks to the multi-layer nature of the diaper inside, the baby feels protected and sleeps longer.

Typically, cocoon diapers are fastened with Velcro or a zipper. Both fasteners are reliable, durable and easy to use.

Main types and criteria for choosing a dog tray

We are used to the fact that our dogs usually go to the toilet while walking outside. But there are times when you definitely need a pet tray in your apartment. For example, when a female gives birth to puppies, she cannot leave them for a long time, or when your dog is sick and requires care. Trays are also needed for small dogs that are still puppies. Today we will figure out how to choose the right toilets for dogs at home, what types they are, as well as the basic requirements for the litter tray.

Basic selection rules

Before you go and buy a litter box for your pet, please note that the litter box must meet the following criteria:

  • The height of the sides should match the size of your pet. For large dogs, high sides are needed, and for medium and small dogs, low ones, or you can do without them altogether.
  • Pallet material. If your dog will frequently go to the toilet to relieve himself, then avoid cheap plastic, as it absorbs odor too easily.
  • Filler material. Depending on your dog’s needs, you should choose a litter: wood-based, wood-mineral or mineral. All of these types have their pros and cons, which we will discuss below.

With the arrival of a puppy in the house, it is important not only to feed it correctly, choose wisely toys, but also to train the pet to use the toilet from the first days.

Important! When you purchase a litter box or make one yourself, make sure that it is easy for your dog to get to it.

Standard diaper sizes

All diapers have a simple rectangular shape. The baby is laid on the long side, and the baby is wrapped with the short side. The diaper size can be standard, large or small. It depends on the height and weight of the child. The larger the child, the more diapers are needed.

For newborns, a diaper 85 to 90 cm wide by 120 cm long is considered a standard size. It easily swaddles a baby weighing 3-3.5 kg and up to 52 cm tall. But if the child is large, then you need to increase the size of the diaper.

You need to add 10 cm in width for every additional half a kilo of weight and 3 cm of height of the baby. The length of the diapers does not change. So for a child weighing 4 kg and height 55 cm, diapers 110 cm by 120 cm will be needed.

Diaper sizes according to weight:

Approximate baby weight, kg2,533,544,5
Diaper dimensions, cm85x12090x120100x120110x120120x120

It must be taken into account that the baby will grow rapidly in the first months after birth. If you plan to swaddle your baby up to 3-4 months, then it is better to make the diapers larger, leaving a margin of 10 cm.

Choosing types

At first glance, it may seem that there are not very many types of litter boxes for dogs. But in fact, there are quite a large number of types of dog litter boxes, from which you can choose the one that suits you best. We will look at what types of trays exist, and also analyze their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.


This is the name given to a simple plastic pallet that is placed in the house. A special reusable diaper is placed on this tray or it is covered with plastic grass, which helps to simulate a natural trip to the toilet for your dog. So, the advantages of this type of tray are its ease of use, it will be very convenient for puppies and small dogs. Disadvantages will appear if you do not put diapers or other filling on it, because plastic absorbs unpleasant odors well.

Check out the pros and cons of dog diapers.

Important! For high-quality hygiene of the animal, it is advisable to change diapers every day.

With mesh

This type of tray is quite popular among owners of decorative dog breeds. In appearance, it is similar to a regular tray with medium sides or without them at all, but its distinctive feature is the presence of a plastic mesh, which is designed to drain the animal’s urine. So, its advantage can be considered the fact that since urine simply flows to the bottom, the dog can use such a toilet more times.

Decorative dog breeds include the Cairn Terrier, Norwich Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher, Brussels Griffon, Poodle, Bichon Frize, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Japanese Chin, Papillon, Russian Toy Terrier .

The disadvantage is the presence of an unpleasant odor, because plastic absorbs it very easily, but this problem can be solved using the same diaper or a special loose filler that will absorb moisture and reduce the unpleasant odor. If you do not use litter, then you will have to wash this dog toilet after each time your pet uses the toilet.

Important! Never use chemicals or chlorine-containing solutions when washing the tray in an attempt to neutralize the odor. Natural vinegar or baking soda are best for cleaning trays.

With raised sides

High sides are not a whim, but a real necessity for owners of large dogs, especially large males. When urinating, male dogs are accustomed to lifting their legs, and since such a trip to the toilet is not relevant on a regular tray, high sides come to the rescue. You can make such a tray at home by simply taking a plastic bucket and cutting a hole in the wall for the dog. Filler is poured into the bottom of such a tray, and the toilet for your dog is ready.

The advantages of such a tray can be considered that it is perfect for large dogs, but there are no particular disadvantages to it, it is only important for you to choose the right size for the dog and monitor the change of filler.

With a column

This type of dog toilet is characterized by the fact that a column is installed on a flat or medium-sided tray. In the modern world, it is also important for dogs that visit nature to relieve themselves to mark their territory. This is especially true for males, and some dogs simply cannot visit the latrine without a post that they mark. Such posts can look like an ordinary quadrangular plastic pyramid, or they can be stylized, for example, like fire hydrants that are on the street.

More expensive versions of this tray are also covered with plastic grass and are generally styled like a park lawn. The advantages of such a tray can be considered the usual way for a dog to relieve himself, but one of the disadvantages is that in addition to the tray, you will also have to wash the column.

Did you know? On average, dog owners move 67% more than other pet owners.


This type of apartment toilet is installed by the owners of the most shy pets. This tray looks like a covered booth with filler placed on the floor. The main advantage of such a toilet is that the dog feels comfortable and calmly copes with its business without prying eyes. The downside is that in order to properly wash such a tray, you will have to remove the roof, but since this toilet uses filler, you will not often have to perform such manipulations.

How to choose: tips and tricks

To choose the right litter box for your dog, first determine how often he will use it. If your dog will go there quite often, then you do not need to opt for ordinary plastic trays with mesh, because such plastic very easily absorbs an unpleasant odor, and it is impossible to wash it with chemicals; such washing can seriously harm the dog’s sense of smell and respiratory system. If the pet is small and often pees, then the best option would be a simple absorbent diaper that spreads on the floor or in a tray

If you have a puppy, then he can even visit a regular cat toilet. If you want your dog to feel like he’s outdoors, then opt for a tray with plastic grass; it’s not very difficult to wash, but your pet will be pleased. Some owners think of placing such a tray in the apartment in such a way that it looks like a piece of furniture and does not bother anyone. If you have a shy pet, then definitely opt for a covered litter tray.

Important! Remember that the most optimal toilet for a dog is a regular walk outside. At this time, the pet spends the necessary amount of energy and gets rid of stagnant processes in the body.

How to care for a dog litter box

The basis of your care for your pet's litter box will be keeping it clean. Owners find two main ways to keep trays clean, let's take a closer look at this issue.

  1. Washing the tray. This is the most labor-intensive method, as it requires the owner to wash the dog’s latrine after each visit. As mentioned earlier, you can only wash the toilet with natural detergents, since the use of chemicals, at best, will discourage your pet from visiting this latrine.
  2. Use of various fillers. This option is considered optimal, since by using litter for your pet’s closet, you solve several problems at once: you significantly remove the smell from feces and you have to wash the litter box less often. Now we will look at what types of fillers exist:
  • regular diapers. Such diapers can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or in pet stores, but they have one drawback - they are expensive. Diapers should be changed a maximum of once every two days, and if the pet pees often, then once a day. But such diapers absorb moisture well and neutralize odor; they can also be used simply by laying them on the floor;
  • wood based fillers. They are specially processed sawdust, which after such treatment can absorb moisture. The types of such filler vary depending on the type of wood, but the best option would be pine sawdust, as they remove odor well. When choosing such sawdust, opt for flake rather than granular materials;

Did you know? Dogs can also hiccup when they drink or eat too quickly.

  • wood-mineral fillers. This type of material uses the same sawdust as its base, but in addition there are chemical absorbents. This filler absorbs well, but if you use a cheap type, you will change it very often;
  • mineral. This is the choice that most breeders choose, since this filler absorbs moisture well, and mineral additives help kill pathogenic bacteria. It looks like granules impregnated with chemical additives;
  • indicator fillers. This type has not been on the market for very long and is expensive, since the granules contain a special indicator solution that will change color depending on the condition of your dog’s urine. This method helps the owner to learn about the problems of his pet and solve them in a timely manner.

What can diaper inserts be made from?

Inserts are needed to quickly absorb liquids when the baby goes to the toilet. Therefore, the main rule for the material from which the mother is going to sew inserts is fast absorption. Of course, you should pay attention to the composition of the fabric: there should be no synthetic materials. After all, the insert comes into contact with the baby’s intimate places, where the skin is very delicate and irritation, rash and itching can quickly form. All this will cause discomfort to the baby. Therefore, the following materials are best suited for making liners:

  • gauze: we have already talked in detail about the properties of this fabric. Gauze folded in four layers is an excellent option. It is recommended to discard such liners immediately after use, since after washing the fabric pieces quickly lose their shape. It is better to use a new cloth for the next use;
  • madapolam: also a worthy option. Some mothers use such liners reusably, since this material is stronger than gauze and holds its shape better after washing;
  • microfiber: although this is not a completely natural material, it quickly absorbs moisture and does not cause irritation;
  • flannel: soft fabric will not cause discomfort to the baby, and also perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • Bamboo Fabric: Many moms use old bamboo towels to make diaper inserts. This option also exists. But it is better to give preference to towels in light colors.

The earbuds can be simply rolled or sewn to prevent them from bunching up during use.

The process of sewing a liner with your own hands

  1. A piece of fabric measuring about 30x40 cm needs to be folded several times: three or four layers.
  2. You should get a rectangle that will fit between the baby's legs.
  3. It is better to round the edges of the fabric, so the insert will be more comfortable: the corners will not bend and interfere with the child.
  4. The best way is to overlay the edges along the entire length of the liner or sew a zigzag seam twice.
  5. The liner must be ironed before use.

You can buy the inserts; you don’t have to sew them yourself. They are sold in packs of different quantities and are not very expensive. The best ones today are those made from dark bamboo fabric.

What types of diaper inserts are there - video

Reusable diapers for dogs Talismed: reviews

Animals, like children, require constant care and attention. Especially when it comes to small “couch” breeds or sick animals that need our care. It is not always possible to take them outside, especially when it is cold and muddy, so most of the time the pets are at home. Well, the main problem that inevitably arises when the animal is at home can be solved with the help of the innovative Talismed dog diaper. The invention is reusable and has a lot of not just useful, but vital properties. If you have not yet encountered Talismed, then be sure to get this life-saving product.


Velcro diapers have the shape of an envelope with streamlined edges. It is easy to put a newborn baby inside and swaddle him with the sides of the diaper. The simple structure of the design is more reminiscent of a familiar diaper. Swaddling takes a few seconds. Velcro, like a universal fastener, helps to swaddle the baby tightly.

This diaper has many advantages:

  • versatility of size;
  • ease of swaddling;
  • durability and practicality;
  • saving time;
  • durability;

Main properties of the product

Talismed diapers are very convenient in everyday life, they are easy to wash and dry quickly, do not crawl on the floor and will please any pet.


  • the diaper has 5 layers of fabric that allow you to get rid of 98% of unpleasant odors;
  • does not leak;
  • the animal will love the diaper literally at first sight;
  • the product is so durable that it cannot be torn or torn by the sharp fangs of dogs;
  • The product has antibacterial impregnation.

Let's take a closer look at the composition:

  • the top layer is a quick-drying fiber;
  • Next, there is a layer that bears the entire “impact” - the absorbent one;
  • then there is a water-resistant polyurethane membrane, it traps odors and retains moisture;
  • The very bottom of the film is represented by an anti-slip fabric.

It is worth noting that even infants, so to speak, can envy such care, because the fabric is approved by the European Authorized Body in Switzerland, Gentug Tekstil Urunleri San Ve Tic. AS for newborns. It does not cause allergies and is very pleasant to the body.

If you love your pet, as well as your children, then don’t hesitate, click on the order button and taking care of your dog will be on the way. And don’t forget that by choosing Talismed, you are taking care not only of your dog, but also of yourself, eliminating a lot of unpleasant things.


DIY diapers for newborns, sewn from flannel, are characterized by increased softness due to the uniform short pile over the entire surface. It can be on only one or both sides of the matter. Thanks to the dense weaving, flannel fabrics are characterized by increased wear resistance.

For the production of baby diapers, fabric with a pattern is used, which is applied with safe paints to one side of the already woven fabric. The second clean side is used for changing and, thanks to the soft bristles, does not cause irritation when in direct contact with the skin.

The fabric does not shrink when washed, so there is no need to buy it in excess.

Due to their softness, flannel diapers are often used as bedding for bathing or massage. Flannel is not expensive, and the variety of colors and patterns will pleasantly surprise you.

Why is it useful?

Talismed - diapers for dogs that require special care. In general, the product will be useful in the following cases:

  • if a small puppy appears in the house, which cannot yet be taken outside;
  • for dogs who have undergone surgery;
  • for older dogs;
  • for puppies that were just born and their mothers;
  • reusable diapers are especially good during a long trip or travel;
  • if you are away from home for a long time and it is not possible to take your dog outside often.

Drawing up a pattern

To make a pattern you will need paper. It is better to take an already lined measuring tape or tracing paper.

To create a pattern, the following steps are performed:

  1. First, measure a width of 90 cm several times from one edge of the paper.
  2. Then, connect the resulting points on the other side with a line, and measure a length of 120 cm on both sides. If you need a larger diaper, then increase the standard sizes by the required length.
  3. An even rectangle is outlined around the perimeter and the finished pattern is cut out. Now you can start sewing.

Host reviews

The most reliable information comes from those who have already used the product, let's find out what they say:

Maria, 40 years old, Tver I bought diapers last year from our Shitsu Dusya, she very quickly perceived the diaper as her favorite place and got used to it quickly. We don’t take Dusya out for a walk often because of work pressure, so we’re happy. There is no smell at all, the place under the diaper is always dry. Of course, we wash it, but basically once every two or three days is enough, the diaper dries quickly. While it dries, we put another one on it. Nastya, 26 years old, Moscow For a long time, my husband and I were choosing which diaper to buy for our pug Bori and chose Talismed and were not disappointed. Before that, we read a lot of positive reviews and other information about the company. A very convenient thing, the paws are always dry, the Talismed diaper is always in its place, because it does not slide on the floor, and it is impossible to tear it, our pug tried once, but realized that it was useless. Vasilisa, 32 years old, Krasnodar Our Zhuzha, a Chihuahua, was allergic to disposable diapers, they immediately threw them away and bought Talismed. How glad we are, Zhuzha’s paws are clean, dry, there are no allergies, the whole family is incredibly happy, and our Zhuzha is happy too. We often take a diaper in the car when traveling - it’s convenient and Zhuzha is pleased that a piece of home is next to her. Post Views: 865

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Sew a reusable diaper for dogs

Benefits of sewing diapers with your own hands

Handmade diapers for newborn babies are of high quality and durable. After all, they are sewn more neatly. The whole process of sewing diapers takes very little time.

A big advantage of this type of work is the independent choice of the quality and type of material, color and pattern. By choosing the fabric yourself, you can be sure of its safety, durability and naturalness.

The cost of one homemade diaper will be 2 times lower than that of finished products. But the most important thing is that using diapers made by yourself is much more pleasant. The chosen color will lift your spirits, and high-quality work will delight you with an excellent result.

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