Planning a 6-year-old dog's first pregnancy

How long does pregnancy last

Usually birth occurs 56-66 days after mating , but puppies born between 53-71 days are also considered viable. The pregnancy period depends on:

    Female size; Current pregnancy numbers.

If the puppies are not born at term, reconsider the possible date of conception. Usually the bitch is bred three times during the week. Pregnancy could occur after any of the matings. What if conception only happened the third time? Then the due date should be delayed by about another week.

The dog owner very often makes mistakes when calculating the gestational age, and nature rarely presents surprises.

Mixed breeds with Shar Peis

Purposeful or random matings are not uncommon. First-generation Shar-Pei mixed breeds are easily recognized by certain features in their appearance. For example, a pair of Shar Peis and a German Shepherd gave birth to a puppy with an elongated and full muzzle.

Shar Peis often pass on the posture and shape of their ears if the other parent does not have droopy ones. Then the mestizos have small ears with the ends curved down. A husky will probably pass on heterochromia (eyes of different colors) and high legs, and the bone structure will be reduced compared to a sharpei.

The structure of the coat of puppies from dogs of other breeds can be of very different textures. The American Staffordshire Terrier mix has medium-length outer hair, and the color is similar to the zonular one, like that of German Shepherds.

Signs of pregnancy by day

First month

In the first month of pregnancy, the bitch has virtually no external signs of pregnancy . During this period, one can only draw indirect conclusions about pregnancy based on the following signs (but they may also be a mere coincidence):

    The dog becomes passive; Refuses food; Doesn't like to take long walks; Loves solitude.

If you want to know for sure whether the bitch is pregnant, an ultrasound examination can be performed at a veterinary clinic. It is possible to determine whether a bitch is a puppy only 21-22 days after mating, but the ideal period for an ultrasound is 30-35 days. At this time, you can not only diagnose pregnancy, but also find out how many puppies there will be.

Second month

In the second month of pregnancy, the dog's appearance and behavior begin to change .

The chest and abdomen begin to enlarge from 31-35 days after mating. The bitch's body becomes rounded - this is a sign of active growth of puppies.

In the second half of pregnancy, viscous mucus is normally released from the loop. The nipples swell, some dog lovers note their pigmentation. Bitches sometimes chew out the fur around them, as if to free up access for future puppies.

At 49-50 days of pregnancy, the fruits can already be felt. But this should be done carefully. After a few more days, a heartbeat can be heard. When there are 10 days left before the expected date of birth, you can visually observe how the puppies move.

In the second half of pregnancy, the bitch withdraws from strangers and is aggressive when walking. Some bitches begin to actively stockpile food, hiding food in secluded places.

When the birth is close, the bitch begins to actively rebuild the place where she sleeps. A few days before giving birth, you may lose your appetite.

Poisoning can occur in different ways. Therefore, it is important for every owner to know the symptoms of poisoning in dogs.

Did you know that an animal that has recovered from distemper remains immune for the rest of its life? About treatment with vodka and means of preventing the plague - follow this link.

There are several types of Lichen in dogs. They differ in symptoms and degree of danger to the pet. Read about how to recognize and treat lichen in our article.

Time for mating

The female Shar Pei is ready to breed on certain days of her heat. Usually it lasts 18-21 days, and the optimal time to go to a male dog occurs in the middle - on the 10-15th day. Before and after fertilization does not occur.

Important: Each dog is individual. Sometimes they have hormonal imbalances or body characteristics that lead to changes in the standard timing of estrus and ovulation.

Shar Peis have a recommended breeding age.:

  1. Bitches – after 20 months;
  2. Males – after 24 months.

In the RKF system, documents for a litter from parents with pedigrees and clearances from exhibitions can be obtained if the bitch or male is already 15 months old on the date of mating, but not earlier than the second heat.

Several methods will help you find out the optimal timing for mating. The loop is inspected from the first day of estrus. At the moment of readiness (“hunting”) it is swollen and when you lightly press on its acute corner, it increases.

The second way is to press the dog’s croup with your hand, then it will move its tail to the side. The discharge will indicate the onset of the “hunt”; it becomes less intense and practically without blood.

There are also laboratory tests for progesterone. You can learn to examine discharge from a loop during estrus under a regular microscope, but this requires specific knowledge.

Caring for a puppy bitch

A pregnant dog must be handled very carefully. The first month after mating, dogs often experience the same toxicosis as women. Therefore, you need to take her mood changes calmly.

Make sure your dog is well fed and don't disturb him if he wants privacy. You need to walk your dog every day; it must continue to lead an active lifestyle. But at the same time, you shouldn’t let her jump or run very fast. She doesn't need stress either.

In the first month, the bitch’s diet remains virtually unchanged if it was nutritious and healthy. If the food was poor, then it is necessary to increase the amount of proteins and introduce vitamins. To adjust your diet, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Starting from the second half of pregnancy, the volume of food is increased weekly by a tenth. The food should have enough vitamins:

    A (retinol); D (ergocalciferol); E (tocopherol) Group B (pyridoxine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, cobalamins).

Approximately 10 days before the expected birth, the amount of protein in food should be reduced, and 5 days before it should be completely eliminated. If the bitch does not tolerate the lack of protein in her diet, then you can allow her some meat. Such measures are taken to avoid vomiting during childbirth.

How does mating work?

If the Shar Pei bitch is ready, then she is taken to a pre-selected male. It is advisable to prepare a separate room or enclosure for this, and invite an experienced mating instructor.

A female and male Shar-Pei usually get to know each other for the first time. Then comes the moment of mating. The male jumps on the bitch and mates with her. After ejaculation, the loop swells and pinches the male’s genitals, this is how a “lock” or gluing is obtained.

It can last from 10 minutes to several hours. The dogs are left alone. It is recommended to repeat mating after 2 days.

False pregnancy

In dogs, false pregnancy was transmitted from wild ancestors. In packs, only dominant females breed, while the rest begin to estrus at the same time. Dominant bitches become pregnant and bear puppies, while others without whelping show signs of pregnancy.

Usually after two months, when dominant bitches give birth, other dogs begin to produce colostrum. They help feed the puppies.

“Spooning” in dogs is a common occurrence, during which the following signs of puppyhood appear:

    Enlargement of the mammary glands; Colostrum release; The bitch rearranges her place and nurses toys.

False pregnancy usually appears 1.5-3 months after estrus. It can occur due to unsuccessful mating or its complete absence. According to scientific research, 87 out of 100 bitches experience spooning at least twice in their life. And in 64 out of 100 bitches this condition occurs regularly.

If you have not bred a bitch , then when signs of whelping appear, you can safely say that she is false. Monitor your pet's condition and, if necessary, go to the veterinarian.

If there was a mating, then a false pregnancy can be established only Closer to the second month , or in the second month, when the fruits should already be palpable. If they are not there, then this is a false pregnancy. But this cannot be confirmed, since there could well have been a failed pregnancy, when conception occurred, but the puppies “resolved.” An ultrasound of the dog will help in diagnosing the spoon.

It is important to monitor your dog for signs of a tick bite, especially between August and September and May and June .

Is there a cure for rabies ? The answer to these and other questions about this terrible disease is here.

Thus, it is not always possible to determine whether a dog is pregnant in a timely manner. To understand what condition she is in, you need to carefully monitor the changes that occur in her behavior and in her body.

Sometimes the help of a veterinarian may be required: in case of complications during a false pregnancy, in case of premature birth, and when the bitch cannot give birth for a long time.

Problems with knitting

If the female Shar Pei is larger than the male, then they help him climb onto her, but carefully. You can also move the bitch if her partner cannot reach the loop by placing your palm under her belly.

Hormonal imbalances do not always make it clear that a Shar Pei has gone into heat. They can pass without bleeding or changes in behavior. There are also anatomical anomalies. In these cases, the dog is taken to a veterinarian to determine the nature of the problem.

Some bitches are very capricious and show aggression. Then they put a muzzle on her and hold her during mating. An instructor helps shy males who behave indecisively. Perhaps the Shar Pei is hampered by the presence of strangers or inexperience.

Important: There is a method of artificial insemination. The male sperm is frozen, and the instructor or veterinarian injects it manually using special devices. This allows you to get offspring from excellent dogs that live far away.

A bitch's pregnancy in the first 2-3 weeks is almost invisible. Therefore, if the mating is unsuccessful, it is repeated for the next one, if the dog is healthy. This is possible in about 5-12 months. After giving birth, it is recommended to breed the dog a year later so that it recovers.

What to feed a pregnant Shar Pei

INFORMATION ABOUT PUPPERTY: So the first question that concerns the owner is how to determine pregnancy in a dog. Early diagnosis of the onset of pregnancy in a Shar Pei bitch is carried out 30 days after mating through palpation (palpation), determination of the concentration of relaxin in her blood and ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

Feeding a Shar Pei bitch depends on the stage of her pregnancy:

  • In the fifth week of pregnancy - increase the amount of feed by 25%
  • In the sixth week of pregnancy - increase the amount of feed by 50%
  • In the seventh week of pregnancy - increase the amount of feed by 75%
  • In the eighth week of pregnancy and during lactation, the dogs are provided with free choice of the required amount of food.

As pregnancy progresses, it is advisable to switch to feeding the Shar Pei bitch with small portions of food, since her stomach is compressed by the uterus with the growing fetuses. If we talk about feeding Shar Pei, then regular dry food is quite suitable for puppy bitches, so there is no need to additionally give them any other feed additives - all the needs of the puppy bitch and her fetuses are compensated by increasing the amount of food given.

X-ray examination is carried out approximately on the 50th day after the last mating. It allows you to get an approximate idea of ​​the number of fruits a Shar Pei bitch bears. The duration of pregnancy in dogs is 63 days from the moment of conception, which corresponds to 9 weeks. Each week a bitch is pregnant is equivalent to 1 month of a woman's pregnancy. A pregnant bitch should receive sufficient physical activity and should not be allowed to increase her body weight excessively. The latter can lead to difficult labor. Construct the whelping box in such a way that it is convenient for the Shar Pei bitch to use it. Personally, I feed my puppy bitches in this box, training them to stay in it for increasingly longer periods of time. The box must be equipped with some kind of barrier that allows the Shar Pei puppies to lie along the walls of the structure without the risk of being crushed by the mother nearby. The playpen can also be used as a base when constructing a whelping box. Before giving birth you need to prepare:

  • Several towels;
  • Scissors;
  • Ethyl alcohol for cleaning instruments;
  • Paper and pencil to record important information;
  • Clock or alarm clock;
  • A crate or box lined with towels to hold newborn puppies while the bitch gives birth to her next puppy;
  • A bottle of hot water;
  • Paper towels;
  • Newspapers;
  • Garbage container;
  • Phone number of the veterinarian/nearest veterinary clinic;
  • Scales;
  • Hemostatic forceps;
  • Dental floss for tying the umbilical cords;
  • Baby syringe;
  • Coffee, a coffee maker, and something to read will all come in handy while you're waiting to give birth.

7-10 days before giving birth, start checking the appearance of milk in the bitch by milking. During the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, measure the bitch's rectal (in the rectum) body temperature 2 times a day. Normally, it should be 38-38.8 degrees Celsius, and 24-48 hours before birth the temperature drops to 37-36.6 degrees, and a copious amount of transparent mucous secretion is released from the genitals. If labor has not started before the 63rd day after the final mating, consult your veterinarian. If vaginal discharge is opaque or colorless, also consult your veterinarian. Childbirth in a bitch begins with pushing (contractions of the abdominal wall). Their course can be negatively affected by any irritants and stress factors. Therefore, whelping should take place in the presence of a limited number of people - only those who are necessary for the delivery can be present. No outside observers, children, other animals, etc. and so on. When labor begins, the owner should stop fussing around the bitch, trying to calm or encourage the latter - this only makes the bitches who are giving birth more nervous. The bitch must concentrate on giving birth and should not be distracted from this in any way. Whelping usually lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours from the start of pushing. Before the puppy is born, the amniotic sac is released - it is a dark sac filled with amniotic fluid and the puppy. Sometimes the amniotic sac ruptures before it leaves the vagina and becomes noticeable - this event can be judged by the discharge of amniotic fluid from the vagina. Puppies are usually born in groups of two, 15 minutes to 3 hours apart (average 20 minutes). If the puppy comes out with an intact amniotic sac, it must be removed. The puppy is connected by the umbilical cord to the amniotic sac. The bitch intensively licks the newborn puppy, forcing him to take his first breath. Let the bitch chew the umbilical cord or cut it yourself 2 inches from the puppy's body. You can tie the umbilical cord with dental floss. Recording everything that happens during whelping is very important. Typically, the time of the start of pushing, the time of birth of the first and subsequent puppies, their gender, color and markings, body weight at birth and whether the placenta came out after each of them are recorded. The bitch often eats the placenta left after the birth of puppies, we recommend giving her one or two placenta to eat, since they contain oxytocin, there is no need to eat all the placenta, and it can even lead to undesirable consequences such as diarrhea. If you have taken on the task of giving birth to a bitch, then the following recommendations will be useful to you: Make sure that the born puppy has come out of the amniotic sac as quickly as possible - start checking from the newborn’s head so that he can begin to breathe. The most important thing is to allow the newborn puppy to breathe! Use a baby syringe to remove secretions from your puppy's mouth and nose. Place the puppy on a towel - it is easier to hold a newborn in it! Using intense pressure on the chest, induce breathing movements in the puppy. Dry it with a towel. Place the puppy with its mother as early as possible, but do not force it to nurse immediately. Each time the bitch begins to give birth to another puppy, move the ones already born away from her - this will allow her to move more freely, changing lying and sitting positions.


Puppies are not born within 2-3 hours of the start of pushing or intense pushing lasts 5 hours. The puppy got stuck in the birth canal. Uterine atony is weak, ineffective contractions of the uterus that do not allow the birth of puppies, or weakening of efforts after the birth of several puppies from a large litter (this is judged by x-ray examination).

The place where the dog will sleep and feed the puppies should be covered with clean sheets folded in several layers. Prepare a safe heating system: an infrared lamp (hang it above the nest), a heating pad (just don’t put it under the branch to avoid bleeding) or any room heating device. The temperature in the box in the first 10-12 days should be about 28 °C, then it is gradually reduced to 20 °C. Both overheating and hypothermia are equally dangerous for puppies.

The duration of normal labor is from 3 to 24 hours. Provide your bitch with a comfortable place and don't stress her out. Most dog trainers believe that you should not interfere with the birth process, but for some decorative breeds this advice is not suitable.

So, your Shar Pei is mated. I hope that you approached this with full responsibility. They repeated the necessary vaccinations in a timely manner, gave the dog an anthelmintic before mating, washed and treated the dog against parasites with a long-acting drug, trimmed the nails, and made sure that your dog is completely healthy. I hope that you have chosen the most worthy male Shar-Pei for your girl, one that suits her in many ways, is kept in excellent conditions and is also completely healthy.

Well, now all you have to do is wait 2 months and hope that you chose the right days for mating and that your girl will delight you with little Shar-Peis. The Shar Pei's pregnancy lasts 58-68 days, sometimes 1-2 days less or more. Unfortunately, there are practically no methods for diagnosing pregnancy in dogs. Human rapid tests are not suitable for dogs because... based on the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine. A very experienced specialist can feel embryos in the uterine horns on the 26-27th day of pregnancy. Indirect confirmation of pregnancy can also be a slight toxicosis in the third week of pregnancy, a slight mucous discharge from the loop. However, it is too early to rejoice - implantation (attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterine horns) occurs on the 18-20th day, during this period natural selection occurs - some embryos can be eliminated, this is evidenced by slight bleeding. There are also known cases of resorption of pregnancy in dogs caused by stress, improper maintenance, and health problems. At 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, the dog will begin to swell in the ribs, some become calmer, some lose their appetite, and others, on the contrary, begin to eat for two. At the 5-6th week, the belly begins to increase, but in first-born bitches the muscles are quite strong and the belly may not be visible for a very long time. It also depends on the constitution of the bitch, her condition and the number of puppies. During this period, some impatient owners resort to diagnostics using ultrasound. However, we know of a case where a dog was diagnosed as not pregnant, and after a couple of weeks she gave birth to 6 puppies. And there is a known case when, at the time of birth, the doctor diagnosed 2 unborn puppies in the uterus, and after a caesarean section, no one was found there. Therefore, you will be one hundred percent sure that you are pregnant only when you clearly see or feel the movements of the fetus a few days before giving birth. In primiparous bitches this happens 7 days before giving birth, in multiparous ones - 10 days. However, if the pregnancy is small, then this symptom may be hidden from you. During the same period, the pregnant bitch experiences a lowering of the abdomen. If earlier she reminded you more of a barrel, now you will suddenly see her waist. Some owners even think that there was a miscarriage, or the dog gave birth to puppies in a secluded place. During the same period, mucous discharge from the loop may reappear. By this time, the nipples are already enlarged and in bitches who give birth repeatedly, colostrum may appear 2-3 days before giving birth. In firstborns, colostrum usually appears before birth. From the 56th day of pregnancy, start monitoring your temperature. Measure your rectal temperature two, or preferably three times a day. For most bitches, the day before giving birth, the temperature drops by 1-1.5 degrees. This is the main sign of impending birth. If the temperature drops sharply, then do not go anywhere in the next 24 hours. Labor is about to begin. Although some bitches experience temperature fluctuations in the last days before giving birth, which greatly confuses and frightens owners.

The nutrition of a pregnant bitch in the first half of pregnancy should not be any different from before, of course, provided that she ate correctly and was in normal condition at the time of mating. If the bitch was obese, then you should reconsider the diet and choose light food, and if she ate homemade food, then significantly reduce carbohydrate and fatty foods, but at the same time greatly increasing the amount of vegetables is dangerous - by increasing intestinal function, you can harm the pregnancy. If the bitch was on the thin side, then you should choose food with a slightly higher content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, or simply increase the portion of her usual food. However, I want to warn you that by changing your usual diet, you may encounter an allergic reaction, which is extremely undesirable for a bitch during pregnancy. That is why it is important that even before mating your girl is in excellent shape on her usual diet.

From the second half of pregnancy, the bitch's diet should be higher in calories and more nutritious. This is not easy to do with homemade food. And when feeding dry food, it is best to switch the bitch to puppy food. It contains exactly everything she needs during this period. But increase the amount of feed gradually, obesity will lead to difficult childbirth. It is also advisable to feed the dog in the last weeks of pregnancy more often, but in smaller portions, i.e. dividing the required amount of food into 3 or even 4 feedings. If toxicosis occurs in the second half of pregnancy, the veterinary drug Gamavit will help you out. Subcutaneous injections according to weight will relieve intoxication and restore the bitch’s appetite. If the toxicosis is very strong, accompanied by vomiting, thirst, severe swelling, then you should consult a doctor. Don't forget that your Shar Pei's pregnancy can trigger kidney failure if the dog has a hereditary predisposition to it.

Walking in the first half of pregnancy should not be limited, but make sure that she does not have contact with stray dogs or dogs kept in poor conditions. Avoid walking with unfamiliar dogs to avoid fights. And be careful with familiar dogs - a bitch’s pregnancy increases her social status and this can provoke a fight even with ex-girlfriends. And in the second half of pregnancy, it is better to walk on a leash so that the dog does not make jumps or sudden movements. Although, as a rule, pregnant bitches themselves become more sedate. You should go for walks more often, otherwise the dog, unable to bear it, will make puddles at home. But walks should not be too long, so as not to tire the bitch.

Caring for a pregnant Shar-Pei is not much different from regular Shar-Pei care. If you previously washed your paws in the bathroom after a walk, continue to do so, but be careful when picking up your dog. If the dog does not lick the mucous secretions from the loop, then wash its butt with clean water. You should not bathe a pregnant bitch. Don’t forget to check and clean your ears in a timely manner – your dog doesn’t need otitis media at all right now. But if the dog does not like such procedures, then do not be too zealous, you should not irritate the pregnant lady.

Is it possible to feed a pregnant bitch using the BARF system? I answer - yes it is possible. And even necessary. There are many benefits to feeding your pregnant dog naturally. All my pregnant bitches ate the BARF system without any problems. And an article by Australian breeder Jane Andersson helped me overcome my first fear. I translated and published this inspiring article with the consent of the author for everyone who is interested in this topic.

Many people ask me how to BARF feed a pregnant bitch. Instead of telling you what to do, I'd rather tell you what I do when my bitches are pregnant.

I will tell you about this using the example of my Shelly (* Portuguese Water Dog breed) - Australian Champion Anji's Sea Shell de Alcedo (imported from the USA). Shelley already had one litter of 9 puppies, 4 of which have already become Australian champions themselves.

I am absolutely sure that even the best commercial dog food is nothing compared to a properly organized diet consisting of natural products. In addition, the most educated veterinarians today themselves already give preference to natural nutrition, seeing how much the dog’s health improves on such a diet.

Preparing for pregnancy: It is very important that Shelley is in excellent physical shape (healthy).

In mid-June 2001, Shelley was bred to Bofors (Biley's Bofors Big Bang Interchampion from Sweden). It should be added that it is quite important that the diets of the dog and the bitch coincide. It is also very important that the male dog is fed as best as possible. Of course, this means he should never have been fed commercial food.

raw chicken backs raw chicken heads raw beef liver (a couple of tablespoons per week) 2-3 raw eggs per week (homemade) raw meaty beef bones raw whole sea fish (3 times a week) vegetable puree twice a week pork hoof - once a week Couple of weeks

The key ingredient here is fish. Shelley likes it, and the fish is very valuable for its nutritional properties for dogs. We always buy the cheapest fish on the market: mullet, silver bream, etc. I prefer to buy fresh fish whenever possible and serve it fresh.

I will add that it is important that Shelley’s diet is balanced not within a day, but within 2-3 weeks (translator’s note: this means that you don’t need to give everything every day for balance, there is a concept of balance over time - it is important that for a certain period of time the dog received all the necessary ingredients - usually a period of 2-3 weeks).

Shelley's appetite has increased a little. I don't want her to get fat, so I make sure she doesn't overeat. She already has to carry a lot of weight, so she doesn’t need extra pounds.

At the end of July, it becomes obvious that Shelley is pregnant. Very pregnant. At this stage she looks like she has 8-9 puppies in there. Her mammary glands were swollen and her fur was thinning in some places.

On average, she eats two chicken carcasses (without wings and legs) per day. She's doing great. True, she has become calmer and chases the ball less often. But every day he carries my son’s soft toys. In fact, she is only happy when she has something in her mouth. Therefore, I leave the house only after making sure that Shelley has something to take care of in my absence. She's clearly going to be a good mommy.

We continue to feed her fish three times a week.

We are having puppies this month.

Shelley has grown very noticeably in size. Now she's busy checking out the birthing area I built especially for her. She seems to like it, but she's clearly making it clear that I still need to work on it.

Her appetite has grown greatly, and I have to limit her food. I don’t want her to look like a cistern by the beginning of labor, because... this will complicate labor.

So, we are ready for childbirth!

Shelley decided. That she will give birth herself. Luckily for me, this time she chose daylight for this. The birth process was normal. Unfortunately, she had a couple of non-viable puppies. 6 hours later, when she had already given birth to several puppies, we went to the veterinarian for a check, found out that this was not the end, stimulated her with oxytocin and adopted 6 more healthy puppies. This is perhaps one of the largest litters that bitches of her breed are capable of. Shelly is recovering very quickly. She is selective when it comes to food, and eats mostly chicken necks, whole fish and raw eggs. Just 5 days after giving birth she is ready to play ball again..

She once again proves to everyone what a great mom she is, despite such a large litter. Puppies do not require any additional feeding. Shelly naturally cycles through all the puppies herself and they are gaining weight well.

All puppies look great! I didn't even have to feed them. Shelley has a good appetite. The puppies have already opened their eyes. Today we trimmed their claws and made a preliminary assessment of the litter. All puppies are well-fed, like piglets, active, in general, the way good puppies should be. The boys in this litter are especially good. As a breeder, I am very pleased.

The puppies are growing slowly. Shelley tries to carry chicken frames for them. I think she would like them to grow up faster. Today I found two puppies messing around with one of the frames. I think it's time to introduce them to real food. The puppies are already over 3 weeks old. I usually wait a little longer, but the key to successfully raising puppies is doing everything for them exactly when they need it, and not stubbornly following someone else's recommendations.

The puppies' first feeding consisted of ground chicken frames and goat's milk. They were clearly impressed with the new food! It should be noted that neither earlier nor later, these puppies will not receive any porridge, neither rice, nor semolina, nor any other. This is absolutely not necessary for raising puppies.

One of the key points in raising this litter is gradualism. This means that I do not give them anything that should stimulate their natural growth and development. In addition, I do not use any disinfectants or other antibacterial agents in the place where they are grown. I give puppies the opportunity to become familiar with the world of bacteria and develop their own natural immunity to them. Looking ahead, I will say that all puppies from this litter are in excellent health.

As I write this, a whole horde of puppies are running around the garden. They are already 8 weeks old. They have grown fantastically. Some will begin to leave us next week, which, of course, is sad, but necessary.

As for Shelley, she continues to offer milk to her puppies a couple times a day. Her breasts are slowly returning to normal. However, she is already in excellent shape.

The veterinarian came to us last week to examine the puppies and vaccinate them. He was very pleased with the condition of the children and the mother, although he was very surprised how we had not yet gone crazy from so many puppies.

But thanks to such a large litter, over the past 2 months we have gained incomparable experience in raising puppies on natural food. And now I am happy to share this experience with others.

Do you have a desire to raise your puppy on natural food and have you chosen the BARF system? In this article you will find a detailed menu for puppies of different ages.

Your dog only eats what he wants and only when he wants. Are you exhausted trying to feed her, let alone fatten her up? Then this article is just for you. This is a practical guide to “training” a small dog. And it has already helped many dog ​​owners.

Does the dog show obvious signs of allergies - itchy skin, otitis media, tearing? But, no matter what you do, no matter what measures you take, everything is useless? Neither nutrition selection nor the rice mono-diet give any results? Then perhaps the allergen is not where you are looking for it, and the allergy you are trying to treat is called “atopic dermatitis.”

When you read or hear about BARF from the outside, you often get the feeling that feeding a dog using this system is a tedious and difficult task. In fact, everything is very simple. Moreover, with the advent of experience, you will generally stop paying attention to how and what you do - everything will happen as if by itself.

The diet of a dog with kidney failure should consist only of natural raw foods and there should be no place in it for cereals, and even more so for various surrogates such as dry food, even “special” ones. But most importantly, to support a dog with kidney failure, it is vital that his diet be low in protein, phosphorus and salt.

If you don’t know what day your dog ovulates, breed him on the 11th day, with a control mating on the 13th day. It is better to carry out mating in the morning before feeding, having given both the bitch and the dog a good walk. Usually the bitch is brought to the male - then he feels more confident and copes with his task more easily. If a male dog is mating for the first time, his owners invite an experienced instructor who will help him perform the mating correctly. An unsuccessful first attempt may cause difficulties for the further use of the male as a stud. A control mating is usually carried out a day later.

Length of pregnancy

The duration of pregnancy for dogs is 63 days, i.e. 9 weeks. The spread of several days is most likely determined by the fact that the day of mating does not coincide with the day of conception, since the sperm of a healthy male dog is capable of fertilizing eggs within several days after mating. The duration of pregnancy also depends on the number of puppies - with multiple pregnancies, birth occurs 1-2 days ahead of schedule. When carrying one or two puppies, the bitch may be overweight, and normal births are not uncommon until the 72nd day. Puppies born prematurely have poor vitality and have a reduced sucking reflex. Puppies born before day 57 do not survive.

Failed and false pregnancy

The reasons for a failed pregnancy can be stress or illness, when the embryos of a mated bitch dissolve in the early stages of pregnancy. The hormonal changes that began after fertilization continue after resorption, as a result of which the bitch exhibits very pronounced signs of pregnancy: weight gain, changes in behavior, enlarged mammary glands, etc.

The cause of false pregnancy is an excess of a specific hormone, which makes the bitch behave as if she was mated and expecting puppies.

Course of pregnancy

During the first half of pregnancy, it is impossible to say for sure whether the bitch is pregnant. Signs such as swelling of the mammary glands, increased appetite, and increased body volume can also be observed in a female who is not pregnant. And yet there are signs, the presence of which most likely indicates the success of the mating, although they may appear to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the individual characteristics of your dog.

Behavior change


Toxicosis of pregnant women is observed in bitches precisely at the time when embryos are attached to the walls of the uterus, i.e. 10-20 days after mating. The dog looks lethargic, a little unhealthy, and its appetite decreases or disappears. In the morning, although not necessarily, she may vomit foam. With toxicosis, vomiting begins suddenly, without effort from the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, as happens when a dog is simply cleaning itself. It is believed that toxicosis is more severe the more puppies the bitch has or the weaker her liver. During this period, there is no need to force the bitch to eat, and there should always be clean drinking water available.

Increased nipple pigmentation

By the 4-5th week of pregnancy, the bitch's nipples become more pigmented. If the nipple is pigmented (there is a spot of black or brown color on it), then the color saturation intensifies and the skin becomes glossy. If the nipple is not pigmented (i.e. located on a white field), then it becomes bright pink. At the same time, an enlargement of the mammary glands occurs. By week 7 and beyond, the nipples become greatly enlarged, become soft, and colostrum appears a few days before birth.

Inability to endure

Some bitches at the end of the first half of pregnancy (on days 30-34) cannot stand it all night and leave a puddle in the morning. This happens literally within 3-4 days, then everything returns to normal and the incidents do not recur until the birth. Apparently anatomically at this time the embryos are positioned in such a way that they put pressure on the bladder.

The appearance of discharge

Many consider the appearance of mucous, transparent discharge from the bitch's loop on days 32-35 as a positive indicator of pregnancy. If the bitch is clean and sucks up, then it can be difficult to notice these discharges. As the gestation period increases, the loop gradually swells, significantly increasing by the 8th week and further towards childbirth, and the transparent viscous discharge intensifies. The appearance of greenish discharge is the first sign of impending labor.

Volume increase

The change in the bitch's figure begins with the chest - it expands in the ribs, the back becomes wide. Depending on the number of puppies being carried and the individual structural features of the bitch herself, this manifests itself at 5-6 weeks. Gradually, the fullness spreads over the entire lumbar region, and the waist disappears. By 6-7 weeks the belly is clearly visible, especially when the bitch lies on her side, the net weight of the puppies and water with a number of seven puppies is already about 1/4 of the dog’s weight. 7-10 days before giving birth, if you place your palm on your stomach, you can feel light tremors - the puppies moving. A few days before giving birth, the belly drops, and the bitch’s sides become visible again. The weight of the abdomen in the last days before birth reaches 1/3 of the dog’s weight. If the bitch is broad-bodied and carries 1-2 puppies, there may be no obvious changes in volume. In this case, the question of whether the bitch is pregnant can torment the owner until the very birth.

Methods for determining pregnancy

An experienced veterinarian can determine by palpation whether a bitch is pregnant at 23-28 days. These days the puppies feel like small hard lumps. Then the formation of amniotic fluid begins around the embryos, and lumps cannot be felt through it. If you definitely want to know whether the bitch is pregnant and how long you can expect puppies, then you can use Ultra Sound Examination (ultrasound). This is a safe method of research, unlike x-rays, the rays of which are harmful to the offspring. An experienced doctor examining a monthly pregnancy can certainly determine the fact of pregnancy and the number of embryos.

Caring for a bitch during pregnancy

Nutrition. Many people believe that from the first days after mating the bitch needs to increase her diet, but this is not so. In the first half of pregnancy, embryos do not develop very actively, reaching only the size of a walnut by 4 weeks. The mother's body has sufficient reserves to ensure their growth without additional diet. If you increase the volume of food at once, it will go into fat deposits in the sides of the bitch, and this will interfere with childbirth. Of course, the quality of food should be high, the basis of the diet should be meat, fish, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables, but not porridge and pasta. From the first half of pregnancy, you can start giving one of the mineral supplements, for example MAMA 1, BONE, BOLFO, BEVI-DOG strictly in the doses recommended according to the instructions. As puppies develop, they will take all the necessary microelements from their mother, and if they are not replenished with feeding, the bitch’s health can be seriously affected. For example, a lack of calcium during pregnancy can cause eclampsia (milk fever), a disease that in severe cases leads to the death of the bitch. Many breeders who use dry food switch the bitch to special food for pregnant women. In this case, no additional feeding is required, since feed developers take into account the need for all the necessary elements. The feeding frequency should be the same as before mating.

From the second half of pregnancy, especially after 35-40 days, when the puppies are intensively developing, you need to increase the amount of food due to protein-containing foods: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, and vegetables. The quantity of cereals and bakery products should remain the same. If the bitch is not greedy for food, then you need to feed her as much as she wants. Puppies, increasing in size, fill the abdominal cavity, putting pressure on the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the bitch cannot eat the amount of food at once that she ate before pregnancy, so divide the daily portion into several parts and give it in several doses - three or four, depending on the well-being of the bitch. Accordingly, the bitch needs to be taken out more often so that she can recover. Throughout pregnancy, and especially in the second half, the bitch should always have clean drinking water. As puppies grow, the volume of amneotic (amniotic fluid) fluid increases and the bitch often drinks to replenish internal water reserves. A week before giving birth, it is recommended to remove meat and strong meat broths from her diet. It has been noted that they can provoke eclampsia. Often the bitch herself refuses these products. Many bitches do not lose their appetite until the birth, and some completely refuse food more than a day before this event. Both are normal. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is an important factor in the health of the mother and offspring in the postpartum period.

Medications. Remember that most medications should not be given to your bitch during pregnancy. Especially antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect on embryos and suckling puppies. Before giving any medicine, even the most harmless one in your opinion, carefully study the instructions for its use and consult with your veterinarian.

Walks. During the first half of pregnancy, you should not change your walking routine. Walk your bitch with the same intensity as before breeding. There is no need to put your bitch on a leash, protecting her from everything and everyone, and treat her as if she is sick. Pregnancy is a normal physiological state and the bitch needs to run and warm up. But you shouldn’t do the opposite - greatly increase the volume of walks and loads, as sometimes happens when the owner finds out that this is useful for his busy, fat bitch. Make sure your dog does not jump over obstacles, as this could cause his belly to hit the edge. This is especially dangerous during long periods of pregnancy, when intrauterine fetal death is possible due to the impact. Also make sure that other people's large dogs do not press or injure your bitch. As a rule, she herself becomes cautious when playing with other dogs and avoids rough forceful collisions. As the gestational age increases, the bitch is less willing to leave home and gets tired faster. At this time, you need to go outside more often, 4-5 times a day, but the duration of the walks should be short.

It is best to provide the bitch with such a regime that she can go outside and come home at her own discretion. Then she would not lie on the couch, but would run and train her muscles, especially the abdominal muscles - so necessary for pushing and expelling the fetuses, and with signs of fatigue - she would return to her place and restore strength. In a private house or on a summer cottage, dogs live this way, especially in the summer. Bitches who have the opportunity to move as much as they want during pregnancy have well-developed muscles before giving birth, without signs of obesity or flabbiness, which is why childbirth is easy for them.

If a dog runs around the territory on its own, then you need to make sure that it does not start digging a hole for itself, as instinct tells it. This can be dangerous, since the bitch will choose the most inappropriate place - under a pile of bricks or construction debris, etc., under something that can fall and crush her. You also need to make sure that she does not have external parasites. When choosing care products, pay attention to contraindications; these products should be suitable for pregnant bitches.

How puppies develop in the belly of a mother dog

Pregnancy in dogs is an important and responsible moment, both for the animal itself and for its owner. For the proper development of fetuses in the womb, it is necessary to provide the mother dog with proper care, including timely hygiene procedures, exercise and feeding.

It is not advisable to carry out vaccinations and antiparasitic treatments during the period of gestation. It is impossible to deworm a pregnant dog, due to the possible harmful effects of antiparasitic drugs on future puppies. When diagnosing helminthiasis in an animal, antiparasitic treatment is allowed only after birth.

Feeding a pregnant dog directly affects the proper development of all internal organs of future puppies. It is important to consult with a specialist and choose food suitable for the animal. Food for pregnant dogs should be enriched with vitamins and beneficial minerals, be easy to digest and not cause bloating.

It is also necessary to monitor the number of servings. Despite the fact that during pregnancy, right up to the birth itself, the dog rapidly gains weight, you need to ensure that there is no overeating and obesity does not develop. Excessive body weight can provoke the development of complications during the childbirth period.

If the owner prefers to feed the dog natural food, then in this case it is necessary to think about adding separate vitamin supplements to the diet. Vitamins for pregnant dogs must be of high quality and given strictly on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

The progression of pregnancy week by week looks like this:

  • In the first two weeks after fertilization, the embryos are covered with a special bladder and move from the uterine appendages through the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity. Subsequently, they attach to the walls of the uterus and begin to grow.
  • By the end of the third and at the beginning of the fourth week, the formation of important internal organs and skeleton occurs in embryos. The nervous system is being formed. In the area of ​​the head and muzzle, ears, eyes and nose are clearly visible. At this stage of pregnancy, puppies develop cilia and whiskers, and a coat is formed.
  • At the beginning of the fifth week, bone structures become stronger. In the sixth week of pregnancy, the formation of primary sexual characteristics occurs. In addition, during this period the puppies begin to move.
  • The seventh and eighth weeks are characterized by the development of baby teeth and the appearance of fur on the face and abdomen. The internal organs are well developed, so by the end of the eighth week, the puppies are ready for birth.

Harbingers of childbirth

Every owner of a pregnant bitch should know how the onset of labor occurs. Pregnancy in dogs lasts on average two months. During this time, it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming physiological process in order to avoid the development of possible complications. The first symptoms of the onset of labor in dogs are:

  • Discharge during pregnancy in a dog from the loop area appears several days before the birth process. The nature of the discharge is transparent, mucous, sometimes streaked with blood.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of the first drops of milk, baldness in the nipple area.
  • 1-2 days before the start of the birth process, the temperature of a pregnant dog drops by 1-1.5 degrees. A decrease in body temperature indicates the initial phase of the labor process.
  • The appearance of characteristic contractions of the uterus. Initially, they do not appear externally. The animal begins to behave strangely - it tries to dig in the floor, looks for a quiet place, or, on the contrary, does not leave its owner, demanding attention and affection.
  • Contractions of the uterus are replaced by pushing - the muscles of the peritoneum actively contract.
  • Elevated levels of progesterone in pregnant dogs decrease sharply before giving birth.

In the first phase of labor, contractions begin, the duration of which depends on individual characteristics. They can last several days or hours. Frequent contractions in a dog, especially a primiparous one, is a reason to call a veterinarian.

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