What a puppy needs most in the house: 20 must-have purchases

List of accessories needed in the home

When the decision is made and the dog is chosen, the future owner must take a responsible approach to preparing comfortable conditions for the puppy to live. We have prepared for you a special list of things that you simply need to buy for your new friend.

Sun lounger

This point is a priority, because it is this choice that will determine where the puppy will sleep or chew its bone, where it will go after the appropriate command. Of course, a dog can sleep on the floor or on the bed with its owner, but this will negatively affect the formation of the psyche. From the first days, a small puppy should have his own place where he can hide or rest without fear of being disturbed or accidentally stepped on - it’s always nice to know that you have a personal place in the apartment!

It is important to remember that a dog’s place is its hiding place, and under no circumstances should you take it out of there for punishment - this will undermine its trust in its owner.

The best option would be a special lounger . It is selected based on the size and characteristics of the breed , as well as the conditions in which the animal will live. If the dog is smooth-haired and the house is cool, then it is better to purchase a dog bed and warm bedding for the puppy.

It should be understood that the filler is also important - the dog often tramples or digs up the bedding before lying down, so preference should be given to holofaber.

If the owner plans to allow the dog to sleep on a bed or sofa, then it is also worth taking care of bedding that will protect it from hair and possible claw marks.

Now stores offer a wide range of sleeping places for animals, so you can choose one specifically for your pet without any problems. This could be a trestle bed, a bed with soft edges, an easy-to-carry bedding with a pillow, or even a special cot for dogs:

Important : you should place the sleeping place away from the heating system and drafts, otherwise the puppy can easily become hypothermic or, conversely, overheat.

For the first time, you will need to purchase diapers - the puppy will pee on them until he learns to endure a walk.

If you plan to initially separate the puppy from potentially dangerous objects (wires, glass, ceramics, etc.), but it is not possible to remove all things, then the best option would be a playpen or safety gate . This is a special partition that is placed in a selected location and limits the baby’s movements to a certain area.

If you plan to keep a dog in a private house (on a plot), then you should equip a special enclosure with a shaded area, a durable and comfortable booth, as well as toys and drinking water. You cannot install the enclosure on tiles or concrete - this can cause health problems for your pet.

A bowl

This item is no less important than the place. Firstly , you need to focus on the puppy’s height - for tall breeds a bowl on a stand will be optimal, and for small dogs a low container is suitable.

Secondly , you need to purchase two bowls - one for food, and the second for water.

Thirdly , it is necessary to have not only homemade, but also traveling dishes for the animal, especially if long walks or trips with a dog are expected.

The material must be durable so that the baby does not chew the bowl. For this reason, plastic will not work; it is better to choose a metal option (ideally aluminum).

It is also necessary to decide what regime the dog requires; if special care is needed, then you can take a heated bowl. You need to be careful here, because the puppy can chew the cable.

There are automatic feeders and waterers , which are very convenient if the owner cannot, for some reason, feed the pet on time.

The water in drinking bowls of this type quickly deteriorates - you need to remember this and change it often, especially on hot days.


For walking a puppy, the best option would be a collar and two leashes. leash for regular walks and a 3-5 meter leash for special occasions. If the dog is chewing all over itself, then it is better to buy a steel chain, even if your dog is not large.

You should choose durable models with good carabiners if the dog is a large breed, and lightweight tape measures are perfect for small ones.

Roulettes are also used to allow the dog to run around. Although these animals have an innate instinct to follow the leader, which they transfer to their owner. So, in certain places, even puppies can be released: they then come running themselves.


A collar for a puppy should be light, otherwise it will be difficult for the baby to move (raise and turn his head), and this can subsequently lead to problems with the spine. a reflector on it - this is done for the safety of the animal. The collar must be lined with soft fabric from the inside, otherwise the hair in the neck area will mat and the dog may even rub the skin, which will negatively affect its well-being.


Important : Under no circumstances should you buy a harness for your puppy.

This can lead to deformation of the elbow joints and, as a result, the dog will develop incorrect movements when walking. A collar is much better than a harness!


A muzzle must also be purchased immediately so that the dog gets used to it from childhood.

They come in three types: mesh (made of leather or metal wire), loop (nylon loops, used mainly by veterinarians) and blind (made of a single piece of leather). This attribute is selected depending on the size and breed of the dog.

In fact, you don't need to muzzle your little four-legged friend until at least six months of age . However, it will be useful to purchase a muzzle in advance so that the puppy gets used to it and does not shy away from it.

What else?

Bed . The puppy must have its own sleeping place. The bed must be the right size. You can buy a smaller one first, and then replace it with a larger one when the puppy grows up.

A carrier is especially useful if you decide to adopt a small breed dog. The carrier is convenient for transporting a puppy from the breeder. It can also be useful for traveling and trips to the veterinarian.

a cage , but it can be a useful purchase. Your dog will have a safe place to relax and deal with stress. By crate training your dog, you will reduce stress from travel (for example, if you decide to fly with your dog on an airplane), from visits to the veterinarian (if the dog is undergoing surgery, he is often crated afterward to recover), and when you are not home. Of course, the cage should be spacious enough, and the dog should be comfortable in it.

Before your pet arrives, evaluate how safe the home is for him. Hide wires and cables. To be on the safe side, remove anything that your puppy might chew on, such as shoes and children's toys.

Care and hygiene products

In order for a puppy to grow up healthy, he needs to purchase special hygiene items that will not only maintain a presentable appearance, but will also make life much easier for the owner.

  1. of nail clipper is different for each breed. You should also consider the rate of nail growth. It is necessary to accustom the puppy to this attribute in childhood, so that later he will calmly react to the procedure for adjusting the claws. We will tell you more about how to choose a nail clipper for a dog in this article.
  2. Lotions and wipes . A puppy needs eye and ear hygiene, and for this there are special products that can easily and carefully clean the baby of dust and other contaminants.
  3. Shampoo and special soap also need to be purchased only for dogs. The fact is that a pet’s hair and skin are significantly different from human hair and skin, so the products from the owner’s kit will not work - the animal can get a serious skin disease.
  4. To care for a dog's coat, you need to properly choose a furminator (a special comb that is suitable for most breeds, except those that have little or no undercoat), a comb with rare and frequent teeth, and a brush .
    All these items are selected based on the length of the coat and the thickness of the undercoat. During the molting period, it is recommended to purchase a slicker brush , with the help of which the change of coat will be much easier and faster for the dog and the owner.
  5. A terry towel is necessary to keep the coat clean. It is often impossible to bathe a dog, but going over the fur with a damp towel is a must. Using this procedure, dandruff, dust and other small contaminants are removed from the wool.
  6. For pocket dogs, special trays are often purchased - dog toilet . This attribute is also suitable for puppies who have not yet been vaccinated, which means they cannot be walked yet. A wide range of different shapes and sizes will help you easily choose exactly the tray that is needed for a particular puppy.


How to find out the breed of a dog by the appearance of the puppy

A necessary item for both the pet and the owner, as it makes cleaning much easier. Most often, a tray with absorbent filling is chosen. This is a convenient option that can be purchased at any store. But it is worth mentioning that the filler should be natural, since a small puppy can easily swallow the contents of the tray.

A tray with a diaper is even more convenient, since the owner can teach the dog to wear a diaper quickly enough. And, for example, somewhere at a party a dog can relieve itself in a diaper, which is much more convenient than carrying a tray with you or hoping that another house has one. Diapers are convenient to use when transporting, flying on an airplane or traveling by train.

First aid kit for dogs

It is very important to collect everything you need, because you never know where and what kind of trouble will happen. Especially often such surprises happen to puppies that are not yet adapted for a conditionally independent life.

Here is a list of medications needed in a first aid kit for a dog:

  • Ear cleaning sticks;
  • Cotton swabs (for treating wounds);
  • Adhesive plaster - two spools 1.5 cm wide, two spools 2.5 cm wide (for paw cuts);
  • Bandages (simple and elastic) 4 and 7 cm wide (for paw cuts);
  • Hydrogen peroxide (5 pcs.) and hydroperite (2 packs of tablets);
  • Miramistin (or other antiseptic);
  • Synthomycin emulsion 5 and 10% (for bites and cuts);
  • Children's medicine for diarrhea;
  • Antihelminthic drug for 17 and 40 kg of live weight (usually six tablets);
  • Medical tourniquet to stop bleeding and instructions in pictures (how to stop bleeding from cut paws);
  • Oilcloth;
  • Enema No. 1 and No. 3;
  • Pipette and tweezers;
  • Syringes for 2, 5 and 10 ml;
  • Chamomile (herb, sold in pharmacies);
  • Vaseline oil;
  • Healing ointment (“Boro+”, “Rescuer”, or “Levomikol”);
  • Potassium permangantsovka;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Tavegil or suprastin ;
  • Sangel , used to treat external wounds

In addition to everything, you must have the veterinarian’s phone number and veterinary passport - it should always be at hand.


Telescopic stand “Rex”, with two bowls, 2 x 1.8 l (other sizes are available). About 1200 rub. You could get by with regular metal bowls on the floor, but this is cleaner and more convenient to feed the dog.

“Dog Specialty Mini”, for small breed puppies, with lamb, rice and potatoes, 2.5 kg. About 1300 rub. Choose carefully: we made a mistake by choosing food for small

breeds, we needed for
medium-sized ones
. Of course, we'll feed this one too. An excellent premium food, which has a lot of good reviews; it is sometimes given as an award at dog shows.


All puppies often chew on any hard objects, and all because they are teething or simply have nothing to do. To ensure that the puppy does not damage furniture or other items in the house, it is necessary to take care of the pet’s leisure time at a time when the owner is busy and cannot devote time to the baby. Toys are also useful for playing together.

Here are the most necessary ones:

  • Rope with loop;
  • Cast ring;
  • A large ball that the puppy cannot swallow;
  • Rubber dice and rings;
  • Vein bones that the puppy can eat;
  • Sound toys (squeakers).

Toys should not be thrown out all at once; it would be better to give them out to the puppy gradually - this way you can maintain his interest. You can also put old toys away for a while and then take them out again.

Advice : if the puppy persistently chews things and furniture, then you should purchase an anti-gnaw . It is sprayed on the main places where the puppy scratches its teeth.


When wondering what to put on your list for a puppy in the house, clothes should be the last thing on there. This is more of a decorative element than an essential one. It may be useful for owners of decorative breeds who want their pet to look stylish. Among the truly necessary items of clothing, it is worth buying special heat-retaining protective socks. They are convenient to use during walks in winter so that the dog does not get frostbitten paws or get irritated due to the salt that is sprinkled on the roads.

The choice of clothing depends on the tastes and style of the owner

Useful video

We found a video for you from a professional dog lover who knows exactly what a puppy might need:

Of course, each puppy is individual and any conscientious owner wants to give him everything he needs. And the pet will definitely respond for this care with his love and devotion, because it’s not for nothing that they say that there is no better psychotherapist than a puppy licking your face.

How do your pets show their love? Perhaps they are trying to lick you while jumping, or are they starting to spin around like clockwork? Leave comments, because everyone who keeps a dog at home has an interesting story or a funny photo with their pet.

What to feed a puppy from the street

The pet must be fed 3 times a day if it is 6 months old. If he is younger (from 4 to 6 months), the dog should be given food 4 times a day every 5-6 hours. If the baby appears to be 2-3 months old, feed him 5 times a day.

Buy your puppy a bowl that is not very deep, preferably made of stainless steel or high-quality plastic. Cheap containers may contain harmful substances that can poison the baby. Provide your dog with constant access to water.

When feeding, follow these rules:

  • A dog is a carnivore and needs meat. Raw beef and calf are especially beneficial for him. To kill worms, harmful bacteria, freeze the meat for several days. Give your dog an anthelmintic once a quarter.
  • Give chicken eggs 2-3 times a week. Wash them in hot water first to prevent salmonella from getting inside the shell.
  • Don't forget to give offal - heart, liver, lungs, kidneys.
  • Porridges are allowed, but in limited quantities. Remember that barley and oatmeal have a laxative effect.
  • Boiled fish containing omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial for dogs. Remove the bones from the fish before giving it to your puppy.
  • The dog digests vegetables and fruits well (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets). Before giving them to your pet, grind them on a grater.

Dry food can be given no earlier than 3 months. Give preference to super premium and holistic food. Never buy an economy class product (Pedigree, Woof). It is forbidden to mix dry food with natural food.

What not to give to a puppy

The food should not be hot, otherwise the dog may burn the oral mucosa. Sweets, fatty, fried foods, pickled and peppered foods are prohibited. Do not give milk to your dog - it is poorly digested and diarrhea is possible. Do not feed your dog long bones. They can pierce the stomach and intestines.


From the first days of the puppy's birth, the owner bears full responsibility for its life and health. Assess your strengths and capabilities, can you properly care for your dog?

Choose a breed that will suit your lifestyle in temperament and read the recommendations on how to properly care for this particular breed. High-quality feeding and basic care for your pet are important points that directly affect the general condition of the animal. Immediately indicate to your pet the requirements that he must unquestioningly comply with. The behavior of the pet in the family depends on how the relationship with the dog is built.

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