What does the Sheltie dog breed look like?

Pros and cons of the breed

Owners of mini collies dote on their pets and do not notice any shortcomings. But dogs have serious disadvantages in character and difficulty in keeping, which it is better to become familiar with before purchasing a puppy.

Sharp, lively mind, good learning abilitySoreness, susceptibility to various genetic diseases
Friendliness, perky dispositionDifficult coat care
Energy, playfulnessMiniature Collies are too active and are not suitable for people who prefer quietness.
Good instinct, developed sense of smellTouchiness
Affectionateness, sociabilityIntolerance of loneliness, constant need for attention
Devotion to the owners and the assigned workLoud barking for no reason
Small size allows you to keep a collie in an apartmentDifficult relationships with young children

Collie is a little joy, fluffy fun, but at the same time a serious shepherd who loves harmony and order in the family. Dwarf collies need a leader owner and loving household members who are ready to devote all their free time to the pet.

Finnish Spitz are the most stubborn foxes

Collie dog, character traits and maintenance rules

These dogs resemble foxes in appearance and behavior

They can be quite aggressive and tend to be extremely cautious. They always treat their owner friendly. Finnish Spitz were bred specifically for bird hunting.

Like all other representatives of hunting dogs, they are highly trainable. Classes should be short enough: the Spitz quickly gets bored with the routine, he begins to show waywardness and stubbornness

Finnish Spitz were bred specifically for bird hunting. Like all other representatives of hunting dogs, they are highly trainable. Classes should be short enough: the Spitz quickly gets bored with the routine, he begins to show waywardness and stubbornness.

To become a full-fledged owner of a Finnish Spitz, you will have to spend a lot of effort. They differ in their independence: you must be persistent so that your pet recognizes you as a leader.

Homebodies should not get a Finnish Spitz: they need to spend a lot of time outdoors and need long daily walks.

When thinking about purchasing a dog that resembles a fox, you will know which breeds to look for. The choice is wide: wayward Finnish Spitz, charming corgi, smart Shiba Inu. All that remains is to learn all the intricacies of caring for your future pet!

All that remains is to learn all the intricacies of caring for your future pet!

Breed description, standards and appearance

The mini collie is a dwarf only at first glance. But hidden in this little ball of fur is the trained body of a shepherd. On average, they grow up to 37 cm at the withers and reach a weight of 10-15 kg. The main advantage of the breed is its thick, two-layer coat of bright color.

The last Sheltie standard was published in 1948. According to him, mini-collies belong to the first group and the first section (herding and cattle shepherd dogs).

  1. The head is wedge-shaped with a wide flat skull.
  2. The muzzle is equal in length to the skull, dry and elongated, narrowed towards the nose. Scissor bite with a full set of teeth (42).
  3. The ears are small, semi-erect, and laid back when at rest.
  4. The eyes are almond-shaped and set slantingly. Dark and red colors have a brown iris, while merles have a blue iris.
  5. The nose is not large, but sensitive.
  6. The body is squat, strong, elongated. The topline is straight with a sloping croup and prominent loin. The wide chest is lowered and the belly is tucked in. The neck is long.
  7. The tail is set low and long.
  8. Limbs of medium length, straight and symmetrical. Paws are oval.
  9. Coat: soft short undercoat and long, hard guard hair. A lush collar forms on the neck, long feathering on the limbs, tail, and tassels on the ears.
  10. Colors: blue merle, bi-merle, black and white, tricolor, sable in variations.

Brief history of origin

The Dwarf Collie is a British breed that originated in Scotland on the Shetland Islands. Scientists still have not figured out the time of its origin and related affiliation.

Despite the fact that the baby collie is very similar to its long-haired counterpart, dog experts believe that it originated from the border collie. But the chromosomes of these breeds were not found in the genetic code of the Sheltie, so another opinion arose: the breed is aboriginal, close to the Scandinavian Spitz.

Dogs were used to herd livestock. The mini collies had to herd the sheep into one herd and lead them from the house to the pasture. Back then the dogs were called “tuni” (farm dogs). But with the expansion of the agricultural industry, the volume of cattle breeding grew; collies could not cope with large groups of animals, and they were replaced by large shepherd dogs.

The breed would have died out if in 1909 enthusiasts had not created the first club, which considered small shepherds to be the best pets. And in 1924, a single name for the mini collie was established - Sheltie.


A Sheltie puppy needs to be fed differently than an adult representative of the breed. Until it is fully formed, you need to help its body enrich itself with useful substances: calcium, vitamins A, B and C, zinc, iron, bacteria for digesting food, etc.

A commercial diet is indicated only for adult Shetland Sheepdogs whose bodies are already fully developed. Kids should be given: cottage cheese, boiled eggs, meat products, milk, fresh fruits, boiled potatoes, fresh vegetables and berries. It is worth limiting its consumption: pasta, fatty meat broths, chocolate, smoked meats and baked goods.

You can also treat your puppy to low-fat boiled fish, beef, broccoli, mushrooms or soups. Among flour products, he is allowed the following semi-finished products: homemade dumplings and dumplings, pancakes, pizza. But don't let your pet eat too much flour products, because they increase gas formation in the stomach.

Interesting Facts

Interesting facts about this breed will help you get to know the Sheltie better:

  1. The popularity of mini collies has played a cruel joke on the quality of the breed lines. Unscrupulous breeders use all individuals for breeding, regardless of the quality of fur, compliance with standards and health status.
  2. Little collies are one of the smartest animals in the world. Canadian psychologist Stanley Corren found that dwarf collies recognize not only human gestures and voices, but also facial expressions.
  3. Due to the development of their intelligence, these dogs are too stubborn and require specialized training.
  4. Shelties bark frequently and loudly. Moreover, they make a whole range of sounds, each of which carries an information load.


A growing Sheltie puppy needs 3-4 meals a day with a variety of nutrients that contribute to the proper formation of internal organs and body parts.

Sheltie puppies age 3 months

The menu must include meat products, constituting 50% of the daily diet. In raw form, they include one type of meat daily: chicken, beef or offal. The meat product is doused with boiling water before use.

Rice, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge, which is served mixed, is suitable as a side dish. Very rarely you can give millet or barley porridge. The most common fruits and berries are strawberries, apricots, raspberries, and grapes. In winter, pets enjoy dried fruits. From dairy products you can give yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir.

Raw chicken and quail yolks are beneficial for the dog’s body. A single serving of food should be small and mushy. Drinking water should be changed every day. Depending on the physiological state of the pet, the diet also changes. Puppies, adults and pregnant bitches need calcium.

During periods of active exercise, the diet is supplemented with selenium, vitamins E and C. The nutrition of an adult dog is divided into 2-3 meals. When feeding dry food, you should carefully follow the recommended amount of food so as not to overfeed and avoid excess weight.

Sheltie exterior

As for the appearance of the Sheltie, the pros and cons of the breed can be described in a few words. These animals look very attractive - straight long fur, giving the dog’s silhouette a cozy and slightly toy-like appearance, a straight thin muzzle with beautiful almond-shaped eyes and a luxurious fluffy tail complete the look. But the long coat and thick soft undercoat require proper care, and in hot weather the dog should be protected from overheating.

We hasten to reassure those who are concerned about the cleanliness of things and upholstered furniture: except for the period of seasonal molting, the fur of a healthy Sheltie almost does not grow, and will not add any special problems to cleaning, and it also does not have a strong characteristic odor.

For this breed there are several clearly defined color types and an indispensable requirement is straight hair. Anything beyond these limits is considered a marriage.

Standard colors:

  • sable, that is, shades from light golden to reddish-red;
  • tricolor - a combination of pronounced black, red-red and white areas;
  • bicolor – black and white;
  • blue merle - bluish-silver shades, sometimes with a marbled pattern or black inclusions.

Collie and Sheltie: differences in temperament and character

Both breeds have an invaluable gift of ingenuity. They easily learn any commands and are happy to carry out all orders - bringing slippers or a newspaper to their beloved owner is a joy for them. Both Sheltie and Collie have similar personality traits:

  • They adore children and look after them as if they were their puppies;
  • Not prone to aggression and dominance. Even when defending their home, they do not attack the enemy to the last;
  • They do not tolerate evil towards themselves. Physical punishment for Shetland and Scottish Sheepdogs is akin to betrayal;
  • They understand human speech perfectly. If you scold them 1-2 times for some prank, they will listen with a guilty expression on their face and will not repeat their mistake again.

But still, there is a difference in temperament. The collie is a lazier and calmer dog, capable of lying peacefully on the couch all day. The Sheltie inherited the temperament of the Spitz: she needs long walks, active games and movement.

When choosing between these two breeds, it is worth considering a couple more facts:

  • The Sheltie is a “talkative” dog. Like the Spitz, she often grumbles and expresses her opinion about your every command and action. Collie, on the contrary, is silent and carries herself with dignity;
  • If you need a guard, a Sheltie is not suitable for this role. It is too small and will not protect you even if it wants to. The collie is also capable of attacking – it is large and durable enough to withstand a strong opponent.

As you can see, shepherd dogs that look similar to each other are very different from each other. Therefore, choose not by size, but by character. And then you will find a faithful family member.

How to choose the right puppy?

This dog breed is not the most popular, but there are official kennels not only in Moscow, but also in all regional centers of Russia. Therefore, finding a high-quality collie baby will not be difficult.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the official documents of the breeders: license, stud book, extracts from veterinary and sanitary institutions. It doesn't hurt to read customer reviews. Usually they don’t let you choose puppies from the entire litter; they are guided by the wishes of the future owner: gender, size, class, working ability. Therefore, it is better to decide on these criteria in advance. All babies must be vaccinated and washed. It is necessary to check the puppy for compliance with standard color and proportions

The main thing is that the little collie does not look sickly and does not have visible or hidden pathologies.

The cost of a Sheltie is no less than 15,000 rubles.


* We invite you to watch a video about the Sheltie breed. In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what a Sheltie looks like.

In this article:
  • Sheltie Origin History
  • Sheltie - description of the breed
  • Popular Sheltie colors
  • Sheltie character and habits
  • Interesting facts about Sheltie
  • Pros and cons of Sheltie
  • Sheltie breeding
  • Sheltie care
  • Sheltie diet
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Sheltie - price and how to buy correctly

Character and behavior

The character of a Sheltie directly depends on the quality of upbringing. Nature gave these little dogs a lively positive temperament with an endless flow of energy. They need to play sports to release their activity. This trait is due to the natural belonging of the collie to the herding species. In the past, dogs had to chase sheep around the pasture for a long time. Therefore, modern small collies are very hardy and strong.

The breed's working background provided its representatives with a developed intelligence. A keen mind and animal sense allow the collie to quickly remember commands, learn tricks, and make independent decisions. Adult Shelties are happy to watch over children, but will not tolerate rough treatment.

They are very gentle, loyal and sociable. They need a lot of owner's attention and affection. At the same time, dogs are self-sufficient, do not like and even get offended when they are pointed out.

Basic moments

Dogs are very curious, so they always get to know other animals that come their way. They are considered smart dogs and are ranked 6th on the Stanley Coren scale.

The Sheltie also has other features:

  • The undercoat is prized by knitters. Things that are associated with such dog hair have a healing effect.
  • They live well in families and with single people.
  • Adult dogs have an inexhaustible supply of energy, so you need to take dogs for long walks, make them run, and give them regular exercise.
  • Shelties love to bark.
  • They demonstrate high results in competitive sports, in shows, in the circus arena and agility.
  • They are easy to train.
  • Non-aggressive breed.

Dogs do not like it when their owner is often absent for a long time. This is a problem for them, so workaholics should not have Shelties, because there will be no one to walk them and run with them on the street or in the park. Without this, dogs begin to feel sad and may get sick.

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