Is it prohibited to walk dogs in the local area? Are there any penalties for breaking the law?

Examples from life

Residents of large and small cities quite often face an unpleasant situation when they are forced to literally “share” a single recreation area with dogs. Moreover, these animals are not homeless, but are walked by their owners in local areas, playgrounds, parks and squares.

This is where negative situations arise that can not only lead to conflict between “dog walkers” and other vacationers, but also, in the worst case scenario, cause damage to health. Most often people encounter the following problems:

  • Walking large and medium-sized dogs, as well as fighting breeds, without a muzzle or leash.
  • Having dogs in close proximity to or directly on the playground.
  • Contamination of public areas with animal excrement that is not removed by their owners, as happens in many countries where laws on keeping pets are fully operational.
  • Damage to property by animals. But it should be taken into account that not every damage to the property of third parties will be considered by law as a situation for compensation by the owner of the animal.
  • Sometimes there are situations when owners leave their pets in public corridors.
  • And finally, the most negative thing is harm to health as a result of an animal attack.

Based on the presented list of possible situations, every citizen, regardless of whether he is the owner of a pet or the person who could potentially suffer from it, should know the set of laws and regulations. After all, they are the ones who regulate the residence of pets in the same territory as humans, that is, in the urban environment and in other settlements, including farms, villages and small towns.

What kind of equipment is there?

A dog walking area, the standards for creating which are given above, must be equipped with special equipment. They are necessary for proper training of the pet.

Developmental complexes are located sequentially one after another. They can be installed at different angles. All equipment is divided into two types:

  • contact;
  • contactless.

The combination of these two types of exercise equipment allows pets to remain energetic, have flexible muscles and develop mental abilities.

Contact projectiles

The first subgroup of projectiles includes:

  • Hills (at least two shields).
  • Balance. It looks like a swing for children.
  • Boom. This is a slide with two descents.
  • Tunnel. A two meter long pipe acts as a simulator.

Slide for training

Non-contact projectiles

The list of the second group of shells includes:

  • Barriers. They can be of different heights and configurations, and have their own size.
  • Rings. This is also a kind of barrier, but not permanently fixed.
  • Slalom. This is the name given to vertical posts standing on the same line, but of different heights.
  • Podium. A small area for team consolidation. After jumping on it, the pet must stand without moving for some time.

Attention! If the training takes place at a private site, you will need to pay for each visit at the rate set by the owner.

Laws in effect in 2021

As of 2022, walking rules

and keeping
, which are governed by the following laws and regulations:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 498 “On the responsible treatment of animals”. This law
    prescribes not only the owner’s obligation to the pet he acquires, but also establishes rules
    for dog walking
    , which began to take effect
    in 2022
    . Although it was adopted back in 2022.
  • In a situation where an animal (dog) is used by the owner to intentionally cause damage to the property of another person, Art. 167 (part 2) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. But, only in the case when the total damage caused exceeds the estimated amount of 5,000 rubles.
  • But if mistakes were made when keeping
    an animal, as a result of which harm was caused to human health, Art. 118 (part 1) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  • In case of special baiting of an animal, which results in death, the owner is held accountable under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, it is so important to fulfill all the necessary conditions associated with keeping an animal. And, although cases of special damage to private property by animals do not occur very often, pet owners should not forget about proper care for their “smaller brothers.” After all, what is
dog walking is a legal definition
, so even this seemingly insignificant point imposes certain obligations on dog owners.

Next, we will consider some of the subtleties of keeping pets and the rules governing them.

Rules of the subjects of the Russian Federation

Rules for keeping dogs

, which came into force on January 1, 2022, regulate the following issues related to animals, both in apartment buildings and in the private sector:

  • Walking animals is prohibited on the territory of playgrounds, schools, educational institutions, medical institutions and green areas that belong to these facilities.
  • The rules for walking dogs in Moscow
    Petersburg began to be regulated even earlier. For example, in the capital, restrictions were adopted back in 2022, and control over them was quite demanding.
  • The law on barking dogs in the private sector
    and in city apartments establishes a temporary noise limit during the periods from 22.00 to 7.00 on weekdays and from 22.00 to 9.00 on weekends.
    It is also worth observing silence during the daytime period from 13.00 to 14.00. It is during these time intervals that barking
    and howling should be excluded, as this may lead to complaints from neighbors and, as a result, a possible fine for the owner.
    And this applies to both urban and rural
  • As for the rules for walking dogs, there are also strict restrictions for large and fighting breeds in terms of the age of the person accompanying him, as well as the presence of a leash, collar and muzzle on the animal.

It is these features and limitations that should be taken into account when deciding whether to

get an animal of a certain breed and where
to keep
throughout the pet’s life.

Rules for walking in public places

Walking the dog

by law it is necessary in certain places, avoiding the appearance of kindergartens, schools, hospitals and playgrounds in the areas. It is also worthwhile for the vast majority of breeds to use a leash, muzzle and collar during walks.

And in order to completely avoid claims from other residents of the area, it is advisable to go to specially designated places. But, unfortunately, not all cities in the country have areas that are specifically designed for walking pets. Therefore, it is worth relying on the existing rules for walking dogs and existing opportunities in each specific locality.

Where can you walk your dogs?

In order to walk your dogs in accordance with all established rules and not incur legitimate discontent from other citizens, you must follow the following rules:

  • Choose the right places to walk your dogs
    . These could be parks or suburban areas. But, if an animal is led along the sidewalk, transferred across the road, brought in or out of residential buildings, or appears near playgrounds or other public places, then it must be wearing a leash and collar.
  • As for the muzzle, in the above cases it is mandatory only for those breeds that are classified as “dangerous”. Therefore, animal owners need to know exactly
    are allowed
    to walk without a muzzle
    , and in which cases they cannot do without one.
  • Without these special means, you can walk your dog in specially designated areas or forest belts that are not green areas.

Where is it illegal to walk dogs?

Pet owners need to know exactly where they can walk their dogs

different breeds, and where it is strictly prohibited. It is prohibited to appear with an animal in the following territories:

  • On the territory of a school
    and preschool educational institution (kindergarten).
  • On the hospital grounds.
  • In green areas, as well as those that have protected status.

This is where dogs are prohibited

, regardless of what breed the animal belongs to and what its dimensions are.

Regarding the situation when dogs are walked in the courtyard of an apartment building

, then this is acceptable. But only if the owner of the animal ensures the safety of others who are in the same territory. This means that according to the norms, the animal must be on a leash and with a collar, and for certain breeds, also in a muzzle.

Regarding walking dogs on the playground

, then this is prohibited by law without special accessories restricting the movement of the animal.

A dog can be free on the territory of a private house if there is a fence that does not allow it to escape outside. But if you keep a fighting breed, then it is necessary to equip the fence and entrance area with a sign

, which warns of danger.

List of muzzled dogs for walking 2021

In addition to the basic rules, you also need to focus on the breed of the animal. After all, there are both small dogs that do not exceed the size of a cat, and large animals that pose a potential danger to others.

List of breeds that must appear in public places only wearing a muzzle and on a leash:

  • All animals larger than 15 kg in weight must be on a leash and wearing a collar while walking.
  • Dogs
    belonging to fighting and service dogs, as well as the vast majority of hunting dogs.
  • Although there are no clear restrictions on breeds, and they may vary somewhat, depending on the region, nevertheless, all varieties of bulldogs, Dogo Argentino, crosses of a wolf and a dog, mastiffs, pit bull terriers, boxers, bandogs and some other breeds are prohibited from appearing without a muzzle everywhere. characterized by aggressiveness.

Which dogs can be walked without a muzzle?

Despite the fact that there are dog breeds for which it is not serious to put a muzzle on them, the rules still do not clearly regulate their list. As a rule, strict requirements for the presence of a muzzle are not imposed on the following breeds:

  • Spitz.
  • Toy terriers.
  • Bolonkam.
  • Chihuahua.

As well as other dwarf and decorative breeds of dogs that are small in size.

But it is still recommended that owners of such pets control the animal and walk it on a leash, as it can frighten a child or cause concern to other people.

Self-walking dogs - is it prohibited by law or not?


dogs are prohibited - no matter what the size and what breed the animal belongs to.

It is also prohibited:

  • Walking an animal while intoxicated.
  • Walking dogs whose body weight exceeds 15 kg, and which are considered fighting or especially aggressive, is prohibited by persons under 14 years of age.

Rules and regulations for dog walking areas

According to the rules adopted in our country, walking dogs without leashes and muzzles is possible in specially designated and equipped areas of the city. This could be a park, a vacant lot or a fenced area.

The walk should guarantee complete safety to people passing by or vacationing in the same area. In each park, special signs are installed that prohibit or permit visiting this place.

Prohibition sign

When constructing the site, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of GOST, SNiP and sanitary and epidemiological standards:

  • The size of the territory must be more than 400 square meters. meters.
  • This zone can be located at a distance of at least 25 meters from residential and non-residential buildings.
  • The distance from the site to places where children are (schools, kindergartens, local and public playgrounds, as well as hospitals) must be at least 40 m.
  • Comfortable benches and trash cans must be installed in designated sectors.
  • The coverage of the site is changed once or twice a year.

The designated area is fenced with strong metal mesh, the height of which is at least 1.5 meters.
If these standards are violated, the site may be demolished. Important! It is prohibited for children under 14 years of age to walk dogs (especially large and aggressive breeds).
Special services must design the site. The main one in this process is Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 449 “On regulating the keeping of cats and dogs in cities and other populated areas” of 1980 with additions adopted in 2019.

Liability and fines

Owners need to be clearly aware that
they may be fined violating the rules
for keeping pets Its amount depends on what kind of offense occurred and how serious the consequences are.

For example, the fine
for walking dogs in the wrong place
in Moscow ranges from 1,500 rubles, while in St. Petersburg the mayor’s office considered the necessary amount to be up to a maximum of 5,000 rubles.

In a situation where a dog causes damage to a person’s property, a fine and compensation are also due. But liability for the owner occurs only if the damage was caused in the amount of at least 500 rubles.

It is necessary to understand that if the dog’s actions did not lead to negative consequences for human health, then the fines and liability of the owners are regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses

. If harm was caused to health, then the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation comes into force.

List of violations

When considering situations in which fines may be imposed on an animal owner, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • Fine for failure to remove from a dog
    from public areas.
    It can be imposed on almost any territory that is under the control of public utilities. For example, a fine for dog excrement
    will have to be paid if, while walking the animal, the owner is caught in violation and it is recorded that it was his animal that caused the contamination of the area. The amount is collected in favor of the state, or rather a specific municipality.
  • You will also have to pay for damaging someone else's property. Here the amounts will be recovered both in favor of the victim and in favor of the state.
  • A fine may also be imposed if the dog has had an insignificant negative impact on human health.

Fines and criminal liability

What will happen to the violator? What is the fine for walking a pet in the wrong place?


liability arises for minor offenses.
For example, such as a fine for walking
in the wrong place or leaving excrement behind a dog.

But if the dog caused harm to health, which is assessed as moderate or severe, then the owner will already be held accountable under the criminal code and bear criminal liability. In some cases, getting away with a fine will no longer be possible. The owner faces a real criminal sentence if a dog kills a person due to insufficient control or connivance on the part of the pet owner.

Who controls

As for the regulatory authorities that can create the responsibility of the owner, such powers are available to:

  • State inspectors of Rosselkhoznadzor.
  • Public inspectors.

But, since reality in the vast majority of cases diverges from reality, residents of the houses themselves have to fight for the cleanliness of public areas and compliance with all norms and rules. They can record the situation, shoot a video and send a complaint to the authorities, which have the ability to punish the unscrupulous pet owner.

The simplest and most effective method of dealing with unscrupulous dog owners is a situation in which an active person takes on the responsibility of becoming a public inspector. In this case, he receives certain powers and the ability to influence the situation. To implement this, you need to submit a corresponding application to Rospotrebnadzor.

Should you clean up after your dog in the park?

A park, like a street, is considered a public place. If the pet has done its business in the park area, then you need to clean up after it in the same way as after an incident on the sidewalk. You must have a bag or jar for excrement with you. Sometimes a special spatula is enough.

You can legally walk your dog in the park only during the opening hours of the public place. Climbing over a fence with a dog at night is prohibited by law. Recommended hours for walking with animals are from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. At night, the law on silence comes into force, so dog barking is not acceptable at this time.


Depending on the situation, you will have to contact different authorities. It all depends on what the dog owner does not comply with and what consequences these violations led to.

What to do if you are bitten by someone else's dog

If a dog attack occurs resulting in bites, the victim must:

  • Seek medical help and obtain all the necessary documents from the medical institution.
  • Contact the police department at your place of residence.
  • To write an application.
  • Collect all the necessary documents and attach them to the paper.
  • Contact the magistrates' court if the amount of damage falls within the limits of 50,000 rubles. And to the district court if the amount is more than specified.

What to do if your dog damages property

In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Record the damage caused. It is advisable to involve witnesses.
  • Write a statement to the police.
  • Go to court for compensation.

But, as a rule, it is worth first trying to resolve the conflict situation voluntarily with the owner of the animal. A fine is imposed on the dog owner only from the moment it reaches 5,000 rubles.

What does it mean if there is a “no dog walking” sign?

Such a sign

must be installed in places where walking dogs in any form is strictly prohibited. This allows pet owners to navigate and not break any part of the law. But if a violation occurs, this only increases the level of responsibility.

Is it possible to carry a dog in transport - train, plane, public transport?

Animals can be transported in any type of transport, but certain conditions must be met:

  • On trains, dogs are kept in compartments, and the owner of the animal must buy all available seats. It is prohibited to transport animals in carriages with seats. Only one animal per owner can be transported.
  • You can carry your dog on the plane in a special carrier, and large breeds with a special restraint.

How to organize a dog walking area

If there is no specially equipped walking area near the house, then you need to contact the authorities or make a site yourself, observing all the rules of this process.

Create a plan

First of all, when creating a site plan, you should comply with the approved standards for the distance of this object from housing and public institutions. Of course, if it is too far away, there will be few visitors.

When developing a project, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • the presence of a high metal fence that will protect passers-by if the animal shows aggression;
  • protection of the entire perimeter of the fence from undermining. To do this, you can put logs;
  • durable and well-closing door;
  • the presence of a coating that allows moisture to pass through well and prevents paws from slipping. It can be a grass lawn or sand;
  • trash cans.

In addition, the site must have:

  • all kinds of exercise equipment;
  • closed canopies where you can hide from the sun and rain;
  • benches for the convenience of the owners;
  • A prerequisite is the placement of containers with fresh water for dogs.

Important! The best place to create such objects is the nearest park, where there is a lot of greenery and a pleasant atmosphere.

Walking area

Organization of the construction process

Having created a project, you need to enlist the support of neighbors and other animal lovers. This is important, especially if the dog training area will be located near your home. Then you need to draw up an appeal to the administrative body and collect signatures from neighbors.

Most likely, the construction will be supported by many categories of residents:

  • Other dog owners. They will be glad to get rid of conflicts with neighbors and finally find a convenient place to walk with their animal.
  • Mothers of small children. Parents are more interested in the safety of their children than anyone else. A special platform, as this zone will be called, will make this a reality.
  • Pensioners. They are always happy to help in a good cause.

Important! You should not be afraid and give up at the first refusal. Perhaps, after analyzing everything more carefully, people will understand the advantages of what is proposed and decide that it is necessary to build a site.

Official bodies

Most likely, the most difficult part will be the approval of documents and obtaining a building permit from the city administration. Municipal authorities do not seek to create new areas for animals, although this is their direct responsibility. Having found out who is engaged in landscaping in the area, you should go straight there. You need to have documents with signatures and a project with you. Even if the cost of the object is not high, you should not expect that it will be accepted immediately.

Most likely, it will be said that it will be included in next year's estimates. You will have to convince of the need for speedy construction or simply look for an investor on your own. It is best to post on the Internet or advertise on television.


According to the current law, there are the following rules for construction:

  • The voltage in power lines in this area should not exceed 110 kV.
  • The possibility of allocating a site is decided by the administration.
  • The size of the site in a residential area is allowed within 400-600 square meters. m. In some cases it may be less if there is not enough free space.
  • The area should have as smooth a surface as possible and be easy to clean. In addition, this will avoid injury to animals.
  • The coating can be hard or combined.
  • The height of the fence is calculated based on the dog’s capabilities. She shouldn't jump over it. In any case, the fence is placed at least 1.5 m in height;
  • A stand will be set up on the premises to inform about the rules of conduct.

Walking with your pet
Important! The play area is a public area for all dogs.


Having an area for walking four-legged pets is important for both their owners and the animals. After all, only daily exercise and communication with the dog allows you to raise it to be obedient and not aggressive. During walks, dog lovers themselves will be able to communicate, share experiences and help each other with training their pets. This is why you need equipment on which you can practice.

In addition, active owners will be able to organize competitions that will attract the attention of the entire yard and will help establish relationships between all residents.

Despite the fact that the law is new and in many cities there are not enough platforms, we must try to change the situation for the better. Then not only citizens who do not have animals at home will be happy, but also those who cannot live without their pets. In reality, creating special areas does not require a lot of time and money, but their presence will help make the yard not a place of discord, but a comfortable area that delights all residents.

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