Deworming of dogs. Rules, schemes, review of drugs

Deworming dogs involves taking an anthelmintic and killing parasites in the animal's intestines. This is a mandatory procedure that you must perform on your pet.

Worms can appear in the body of a four-legged animal regardless of the conditions in which it is kept. Often, worms, if they are in your animal’s body, do not make themselves felt. But that doesn't mean they aren't there. The dog walks a lot on the street, sniffs (and sometimes licks) all sorts of “things,” chews sticks, digs holes, and communicates with other tailed animals. Therefore, the likelihood of becoming infected is very high.

Helminths not only cause severe harm to the animal’s body, but can also pass to their owners. Therefore, even if there are no symptoms of infection, you need to regularly deworm your dog.

At what age should a puppy be dewormed? Scheme

Veterinarians recommend regular deworming of babies. An optimal scheme has been developed that does not allow parasites to develop in the puppy’s body and cause significant harm to its health.

So, in order to protect your four-legged pet from helminths, you should follow a simple scheme:

  • Perform the first treatment when the baby reaches the age of 3 weeks. If you are taking a puppy from a breeder, then check whether deworming was carried out, at what time and what veterinary drugs were used;
  • Up to a year, the procedure should be carried out once a quarter.
  • After animals reach the age of 12 months, an antiparasitic agent should be given every six months.

This is important: It is strictly prohibited to use drugs that are designed for the treatment and prevention of helminthic infestations in adult animals to combat endoparasites in puppies. Trying to change the dosage can lead to disastrous consequences.

On the shelves of veterinary pharmacies there is a huge selection of modern and safe antiparasitic drugs to combat helminthic infestations in puppies.

Prevention of infection

Follow these simple rules:

  • Feed your dog only from clean dishes.
  • 7-10 days before the annual vaccination, it is necessary to carry out deworming.
  • Do not give your pet raw meat (pre-freeze it for at least 3 days in the freezer).
  • Try to ensure that your four-legged dog has less contact with other people's dogs and chews on sticks on the street.
  • Wash your hands after every contact with animals or going outside.
  • Excellent prevention against intestinal parasites is garlic and pumpkin. Garlic can be given once every two weeks with a small dried piece of bread with butter. Pumpkin can be given raw, or grind 70 grams of raw pumpkin seeds, add 70 grams of boiled water and add 5 grams of honey. This remedy can be given to a puppy at night as a preventive measure.

Deworming dogs before vaccination

Deworming before routine vaccination deserves special attention. Experts always remind dog owners of the need to rid their animals of parasites 1.5-2 weeks before vaccination.

Be sure to read our article: First vaccinations for puppies: vaccination of dogs according to all the rules

This requirement has a very serious justification. You still have to rid your dog of parasites. But it’s better to do this BEFORE vaccination and here’s why.

Modern vaccines not only very effectively protect your pet’s body from infection with serious viruses or bacteria. After the injection, the immune system experiences impressive stress. After all, its task is to produce antibodies in response to the introduced pathogen.

The animal becomes weaker and more susceptible to the negative effects of pathogenic microflora. During this period, the body needs high-quality nutrition, a complete set of vitamins and minerals.

If endoparasites are present in the intestines, they take away some of the necessary vitamins and nutrients. The recovery process after vaccination will be much more difficult and will take longer.

This is important: If for some reason the owner did not have time to give his pet an antiparasitic drug 10-14 days before the expected date of vaccination, then he should wait some time. Allow the dog’s body to recover after the vaccine is administered and only after that can the antiparasitic drug be given.

Deworming of pregnant and lactating bitches

The question of the need to prevent helminthiases in pregnant and lactating bitches raises a lot of controversy. Let's try to figure out when and how processing should be carried out, and in what cases it will have to be abandoned.

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Let's look at the mechanism of infection in children using Toxocara as an example.

After pregnancy occurs, the hormonal levels in the animal's body change. The consequence of this is the activation of parasite larvae, and the time of migration comes. Some of them enter the lungs and intestines. And the other part penetrates the puppy’s body through the placental barrier. There the larvae invade the developing organs of the puppy.

Before giving an anthelmintic drug to a pregnant or lactating bitch, you should carefully study its instructions.

The manufacturer always indicates the possibility of using the drug, dosage and timing for animals of this group.

In most cases, deworming is carried out in the last third of pregnancy. This helps prevent infection of the puppies. It is not recommended to treat lactating bitches for parasites earlier than 2-3 weeks after giving birth. 3 weeks after birth, the bitch and puppies can be treated simultaneously.

Contraindications for worming

Anti-worm medications are toxic, and their uncontrolled use can cause deterioration in the animal’s health. Deworming has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account. Deworming is contraindicated:

  • sick, weak and exhausted animals;
  • dogs after surgery;
  • puppies up to 2 weeks;
  • if the animal has external parasites: fleas, lice, ticks.

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Antihelmintics should be given with caution:

  • pregnant and lactating dogs;
  • animals with chronic diseases;
  • animals prone to allergies.

How often should you deworm your dog regularly?

Many owners are interested in the question of how often it is necessary to give anthelmintic drugs to their pet.

The classic prevention scheme for adults is carried out once every 6 months .

But, as with any rule, there are certain exceptions. Experts recommend regular deworming for dogs that:

  • They eat fresh meat, fish and dairy products. In this case, the risk of infection with eggs or larvae of worms increases. Animals whose owners take fresh offal from markets, slaughterhouses, or purchase them from private traders after slaughtering livestock are at risk;
  • They have free access to the street. For example, there is a dog in the yard, which the owner lets out to run around the street. It is impossible to control food intake during a walk of such an individual. Often, the dog returns after a long period of absence. What and how he ate all this time, as well as what animals he came into contact with, is unknown;

This is important: Preventing helminthiasis quarterly in any of the above cases will be a reasonable solution, because the animal is in direct contact with family members and can become a source of infection.

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In what other cases is deworming necessary?

Veterinarians remind you that there are a number of specific rules. By observing them, the owner reliably protects his pet from parasitic infestation. So, deworming must be carried out:

1. Two weeks before the expected mating. At the same time, the drugs are given to both the bitch and the dog.

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Therefore, this issue should be discussed in advance with the owners of the male dog. Statistics show that preventing parasitic infestation 14 days before mating increases the chances of getting healthy offspring.

In the body of an adult dog, some types of parasites do not manifest themselves in any way until their number becomes critical. But for a newborn puppy, their presence in the body can be disastrous.

Deworming of a male dog must be carried out so that in the process of communication before mating he does not infect the female dog.

2. If the dog is lost and absent for a long time. Such animals often feed on trash bins or consume spoiled food waste.

3. If a second animal appears in the house, then it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of it and the previous pet.

4. Once the animal reaches 12 months of age, experts recommend regular deworming. The optimal solution would be to use appropriate medications 2-3 times a year.

This is important: a consultation with a veterinarian will allow you to choose the frequency of preventive measures so that parasites are eliminated 2 weeks before vaccination. In this way, you can reduce the number of treatments and avoid giving medications to your pet more often than necessary.

Types of drugs for worms

Deworming medications for dogs and puppies vary in their degree of toxicity. Adult medications are more powerful. Due to the increased amount of active substance, the effect of use appears faster.

An anthelmintic can fight only one type of parasite or attack several at once. Thanks to the variety of dosage forms, it is easy to choose, based on the characteristics of a particular animal and the preferences of the owner.


The most common dosage form, attractive due to its long shelf life. Thanks to the application of a special coating, the active substances are transferred to a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract without dissolving in the mouth.

The most popular tablets include the following brands:

  • Prazicide;
  • Drontal Plus;
  • Milbemax;
  • Azinox;
  • Kanikquantel;
  • Profender;
  • Dironet;
  • Pratel;
  • Enwire;
  • Febtal.

Among the main disadvantages, veterinarians note a slow action, since the tablet takes a long time to dissolve. This dosage form is not suitable for dogs suffering from frequent bouts of vomiting. The active substance simply does not have time to be absorbed during the calm period between attacks.

Another disadvantage is the unpleasant taste, which prevents self-administration. To successfully swallow the medicine, owners use special tricks, hiding the pills in minced meat or other tasty food. You can also crush the medicine, dilute it with water and prepare a suspension, but in this case it is easier to buy a ready-made version.


When the active substances are crushed to create a suspension, their surface area increases. When they enter the body, they come into contact with a larger area of ​​the organ or tissue, which speeds up the effect.

This dosage form is suitable for puppies and small breed dogs that have problems swallowing large tablets. Injecting liquid is easier thanks to the dispenser syringe, which allows you to measure the required portion of the medicine. For every kilogram of weight, 1 ml of medication is usually required.

Popular suspensions include:

  • Prazicide;
  • Drontal Junior;
  • Procox;
  • Febtal combo.

Unlike tablets, suspensions are often flavored. The meaty aroma makes dogs more willing to swallow the medicine without assistance.

The disadvantage of liquid medicine is its short service life and physical instability. During storage, the active substance separates and either rises up or falls down. Before each use, shake the bottle thoroughly to ensure even distribution of the resulting sediment. Otherwise, the effect of the substance will be impaired.


To obtain a therapeutic effect from the drops, it is enough to apply them to the withers in a place that prevents licking. Oral administration is not required, which greatly facilitates the actions required from the owner. The consumption of drops is very small, so they are often chosen in order to save money.

In addition to worms, the action of this dosage form is aimed at destroying ticks, lice eaters, fleas and mosquitoes. Once in the sebaceous glands, subcutaneous tissue and deep layers of the epidermis, the active substances prevent the introduction of these ectoparasites.

Veterinarians recommend using drops:

  • Inspector Total S;
  • Advocate;
  • Palladium Golden Defense;
  • Stronghold.

The drug should not be applied to mucous or damaged areas of the skin. Also, 2 days before and 2 days after use, you will have to avoid contact with water. It can wash away the protective barrier on the skin or the drops themselves. The pet will either receive more toxins or will not feel the effect and will remain vulnerable to worms.

The effect of the drops is very gentle, that is, protective, so they are not suitable for animals suffering from helminthiasis. In case of direct invasion, you will have to choose a more powerful anthelmintic.


Paste is a highly concentrated suspension, therefore, their advantages and disadvantages are identical. The paste is easier to mix into food, and thanks to the flavors and soft consistency, animals eat it from the tube.

Anthelmintic paste Dirofen from the Api-San company is suitable for deworming your pet. Its action is aimed at destroying cestodes, trematodes, nematodes and whipworms.

Regular prevention of helminth infections will protect your pet and prevent the spread of the disease. Be sure to clean up any feces left after your walk. Dried excrement breaks down into dust, mixing with the ground. If they had helminths, then any dog ​​or person who touched the contaminated soil is at risk.

The article is for informational purposes only. Contact your veterinarian!

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Preparations for deworming dogs

The domestic market offers a huge selection of effective and safe anthelmintic drugs. Among experienced dog handlers, broad-spectrum medications (that is, those that have a detrimental effect on the maximum number of types of helminths) are especially popular. These include:

Dironet and Dironet Junior

It is active against round helminths and tapeworms. Also provides reliable protection against dirophyllariasis.

An undeniable advantage of the drug Junior is the presence of an immunomodulator in its composition. This allows the baby to be vaccinated just 7 days after treatment or prevention of helminthic infestation.


This anthelmintic drug destroys round and tapeworms. It is characterized by low absorption rates in the intestinal lumen and has a prolonged effect.

Its advantage is the ease of dosage. The drug is presented in the form of a sweet suspension. It should also be noted that the product does not have embryotoxic, sensitizing or terratogenic effects.

Therefore, it can be used for the prevention or treatment of helminthic infestation in pregnant animals.

This is important: you should not select anthelmintic drugs for your pet on your own. Consultation with a veterinarian will allow you to choose the product that is most suitable for a particular animal.

How to recognize helminths

It is easy to identify helminthic infestations by noticing undesirable symptoms. The dog will fidget on its tail. This unusual behavior is provoked by itching in the anus. The presence of parasites can be recognized by rashes on the skin. After eating, the dog suffers from hiccups. The animal's appetite noticeably decreases.

This state of affairs leads to weight loss. The sick dog suffers from gastrointestinal disorders. The presence of helminths is manifested by vomiting and general weakness. You may also notice bloating and stunted growth. At the first manifestations of negative symptoms, it is necessary to take the dog to a veterinary clinic in a timely manner.

What types of antihelminthic drugs are there?

On the shelves of veterinary pharmacies you can find an impressive number of different antiparasitic drugs. Most of them are combined and contain two or more active components with anthelmintic properties:

  • Praziquantel;
  • Fenbendazole;
  • Ivermectin;
  • Pyrantel;
  • Albendazole, etc.

A consultation with a veterinarian will allow you to select an anthelmintic drug that is ideal for your pet, depending on its concomitant diseases, general condition, body weight, as well as physiological condition and age group. The specialist will also tell you in what form it is best to give the deworming agent.

Deworming tablets

This is the standard form of anthelmintic drugs, which enjoys well-deserved recognition among dog handlers. The tablets are easy to use, easy to store and dose depending on the animal’s body weight. The most well-known tablet drugs include:

  • Azinox and Azinox +. The active substance is praziquantel. Active against tapeworms. Azinox+ also includes tetramizole, which also ensures the death of round parasites. The dosage is calculated based on 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.;
  • Pratel. The manufacturer included praziquantel and pyrantel in its composition. Detrimental to adults and larvae of round and tapeworms. The dosage is the same;
  • Febtal. Its active ingredient is fenbendazole. Breeders have recognized its effectiveness against larvae and mature individuals of round and tapeworms. The dosage depends on the weight and age of the dog and is indicated in the instructions for use.

The choice of tablet anthelmintic drugs is quite wide, so each owner will be able to choose the optimal deworming remedy for their pet.

General information

But you can also pick up parasites through the hands and clothes of the owner. That is why regular preventive treatment should be carried out both for dogs walking on the street and for domestic dogs.

The rules and schemes for deworming dogs are simple, the main thing is to follow the schedule. The very first procedure is carried out against worms and their eggs in puppies at the age of three weeks. The drugs used are special, gentle, which are effective against parasites, but do not harm the small organism.

As a rule, the drug is given to the puppy in the morning, before the first feeding, and the dosage is calculated according to the clinical instructions for the drug. Repeated deworming is carried out after a week to consolidate the effect and completely cleanse the body of clutches and adult parasites.

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