How to make an electronic feeder with a dispenser for a cat - do-it-yourself automatic cat feeder

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Thanks to an automatic feeder, your cat will always have enough food. This is especially necessary if you plan to be away from home longer than usual. An automatic feeder will ensure that your cat is well-fed. But where can you get such a miracle device? Option one is to buy. The cost of such feeders depends on the configuration, manufacturer, type and ranges from 900-12,700 rubles.

Option two is to make an automatic cat feeder with your own hands from available materials. This method will help you not only save your family budget, but also show your creativity.

Do-it-yourself automatic cat feeder: how to make an automatic cat feeder yourself?

If you need to leave the house for a long time, problems arise with feeding the cat. Some people ask their neighbors to feed their pets or place them in cat hotels while they are away. What to do if this is not possible? An automatic feeder can solve the problem. What types of these devices are there? How to make such a device with your own hands?

What types of automatic cat feeders are there?

A similar design for feeding a four-legged pet without the participation of the owner is a capacious plastic container filled with food. A special device is connected to it, allowing you to give your pet a dosed amount of food.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of such devices for feeding pets. There are automatic feeders:

Mechanical feeders

This is the simplest type of automatic feeder, which is a container of food attached to the cat's bowl. This product is not equipped with an adjustment mechanism and fills the food bowl after the animal has eaten. It will not be possible to follow any diet with her. Constant use of this device will not benefit your tailed pet, but when it becomes necessary to leave him alone, it can help out. A mechanical automatic feeder is designed to supply only dry granules (croquettes) for one day.

Programmable automatic feeders

Feeders for four-legged pets with programming capabilities are most in demand. This is due to their convenience and the ability to dose the pet in the absence of the owners with fresh food at a strictly specified time. The only drawback of such designs is their high cost compared to other, simpler models.

Automatic feeder "Feedex"

Information about programmable automatic feeders:

Types of feedersPeculiaritiesPopular brands
ElectronicSuch a device is equipped with a screen that displays all the data for controlling the supply of fresh food to the cat’s bowl, sensors that regulate the operation of the device, and an option that allows you to record the voice of a person calling his pet. An electric feeder may have a special indicator for opening the bowl when an animal with a special keychain on the collar approaches it. "Feedex", "Sititek"
With remote controlThese products have the ability to connect to the Internet to communicate with your four-legged pet via a smartphone, tablet or computer. Such a smart device allows you to always know when and how much food your pet receives, how much energy it spends, and whether there are unwanted impurities in the food. This design calculates the dose of food taking into account the age, weight, and level of physical activity of the animal. "PETNET SmartFeeder"
With dispenserThe principle of operation of this installation is simple: at a programmed time, the dispenser opens the container, the required amount of food is poured into the bowl, then it closes again. As a result, the pet eats at strictly allotted times and does not overeat. The design with a dispenser is convenient because its contents do not come into contact with moisture and air. Its average operating time is 3–4 days. "Ferplast Zenith"
With timerSuch a closing device is equipped with several compartments, which, turning in a circle, open in turn at a specific time. There are options for all types of feed and separately for croquettes. The latter can “feed” the tailed pet for up to 3 months. This type of automatic feeder is equipped with a timer and gives the animal access to food at intervals of 1 to 24 hours. You can choose single servings of different sizes - from 60 to 350 g. It is also possible to record a voice message for your pet, notifying it that it is time for a meal. These designs are equipped with an ice container, which allows you to store their contents, including wet foods, for a long time. "Trixie", "FeedEx"

Design advantages

First of all, you should understand what is good about an automatic feeder and why it is so indispensable for pets. The main feature of this design is the portioned food supply. This property is very important, since all cats can be classified into several groups:

Most often you can find the third type - the glutton. The problem is that they cannot control the amount of food they consume. Even if the owner leaves the food in the bowl for several days, the cat will eat everything in 2-3 sittings. Of course, excessive oversaturation and subsequent hunger should not be allowed, because in this case the cat’s digestive system will suffer.

Installing a feeder with an automatic feeding mechanism will help to successfully distribute the load on the animal’s digestive system. In addition, such a design will be useful when the owner wants to form a certain food discipline in the pet. There are a number of reasons why it is recommended to purchase or make your own automatic cat feeder:

  1. Many pets like to eat at night, late in the evening, and also early in the morning. The automatic device is convenient because the owner does not have to get out of bed to feed the pet in the dark.
  2. The next argument is the cat’s optimal diet. It is preferable that the animal eats every 1.5-2 hours, but in small portions. In this case, such a device will become an indispensable assistant.
  3. Another reason to get an automatic feeder is the predatory nature that lives in every animal, despite domestication. The main instinct of cats is to independently obtain food. The purchased structure will not be able to provide game elements, but a homemade unit can easily cope with this purpose.

If the owner is attentive to his pet, you need to think about making the device yourself. Even a novice craftsman who does not have any special knowledge or education can make an automatic cat feeder with his own hands.

Of course, you can go to a pet store and buy a fashionable device equipped with a timer and other functions, but the cost of such products varies from 3 to 20 thousand rubles.

Puzzle feeders for smart cats

This type of automatic feeder is made in the shape of a labyrinth. To get food for itself, the pet will have to seriously break its head. In other words, as a reward for his ingenuity, the cat gets his favorite food.

When leaving your four-legged pet alone, you first need to make sure that he is able to independently overcome the labyrinth that separates him from food. If the cat cannot figure out this clever design, it will be forced to starve while its owners are away. The most popular model of the puzzle feeder is “Cat it Senses”.

Criterias of choice

Many pet owners believe that an automatic feeder can only serve as a temporary replacement for a regular bowl during a long absence from the household. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion. This is, first of all, a device that will allow you to select and fix the correct rhythm of feeding your pet. Having figured out the size of the dose of food the cat needs and setting equal time intervals between getting a portion of food into the bowl, the owner can completely not adapt to the physiological rhythm of his pet’s life and be sure that at a certain hour the cat will receive its food.

In order for an automatic cat feeder in the house to make sense, it must meet the following criteria:

  • The material of the device must meet hygienic requirements. That is, it must be made of durable, odorless, food-grade plastic or metal.
  • The strength and weight of the device also plays an important role. Designs that are too light and weak can easily be knocked over and broken by a cat in order to get to the entire food supply.
  • The operating principle of the device must correspond to the pet’s eating habits. That is, simple mechanical devices are suitable for animals that are capable of limiting their diet, while mechanisms with a dispenser and a timer are necessary, first of all, for cats prone to overeating.


How to make an automatic feeder with your own hands?

The easiest way to purchase such a device is ready-made. However, you can do it yourself, especially since it will not take much time and will not require significant financial costs.

The easiest way is to build a basic mechanical product. With just a little effort, you can please your four-legged pet with an interactive or smart feeding product. Information on how to make your own automatic cat feeder:

First, the pet will empty those containers from which it is easiest to get food, and only after that it will begin to take on deeper containers.

DIY automatic cat feeder

A do-it-yourself automatic cat feeder is an excellent solution for those who don’t want to throw money away and are able to make something on their own.

However, it is worth noting that only a person with at least minimal knowledge in programming and/or electrical engineering can make a programmable automatic cat feeder on their own. Although there are craftsmen who assemble automatic feeders even from old disk drives and alarm clocks. But you need to understand that, as a rule, such devices look untidy and often break, since they are made handicraft; in addition, they may not meet safety requirements. Therefore, it is better to buy automatic feeders and make simple, interactive feeders and puzzle feeders yourself.

Do-it-yourself automatic cat feeder No. 1 (simple)

Perhaps simple automatic feeders, i.e. not equipped with mechanisms - this is the case when it is better to work a little than spend money at the pet store.

• 2 plastic water bottles 5-8 l

• Glue gun\flat string\tape

We cut off the bottom of one bottle and cut out a tray from it so that it resembles a scoop in shape: we leave the sides in front, we remove them in half from the sides, we remove everything from the back. In the second bottle, cut a small hole at the very bottom, the same height as the sides of the pallet. We insert the tray into the hole and attach it to the bottom of the bottle using glue or an awl and cord/plastic tape. Don’t forget to fasten the edges of the sides of the pallet to the main bottle.

You can see how to make such an automatic feeder yourself in the video presented in the video

A simple automatic feeder made from plastic bottles

Cat harness: main types and DIY options

The simplest model can be made from ordinary plastic bottles.


  • plastic eggplants (bottles) with a volume of 5 liters - 2 pcs.;
  • stationery knife;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • lace or rope.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut off the bottom of one of the bottles.
  2. Cut a spatula or scoop from the bottom.
  3. Cut 2 holes in the second jar. Their size should be equal to the height of the bowl spatula.
  4. Insert the spatula into the hole inside the bottle.
  5. Secure the structure with glue or rope.
  6. Add dry food.

This design is only suitable for feeding dry food.

Feeder with dispenser saves time

There is an easier way. Tools:

  • food container;
  • plastic bottle;
  • stationery clip and paper clips;
  • ball or small toy;
  • scissors;
  • rubber;
  • stationery knife;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Trim the bottle so that its length is equal to the height of the container.
  2. Make a hole at the bottom of the container to insert the neck of the bottle.
  3. Make 2 small holes in the lid.
  4. Connect all the parts.
  5. Tie a rubber band to the ball or toy, pull it through the bottle and secure it to the holes in the lid.

Pour in food and secure the structure at a low height. Place a bowl below. The cat will touch the ball or toy, then the neck will open and the food will pour into the bowl.

Important! The kitten will love this feeder.

With a do-it-yourself dispenser

DIY automatic cat feeder No. 3 (puzzle)

• Plastic container with lid\plastic bottle

We make several holes of different sizes in a plastic container/bottle. If the edges of the holes are too sharp, they can be scorched. We put cat toys and treats in the container and hand them to the cat.

Below the text is a video instruction for making an interactive cat feeder

DIY automatic cat feeder No. 4 (puzzle)

Another popular type of automatic feeder that is easy to make with your own hands is a puzzle automatic feeder. Such game feeders consist of assorted tubes, posts, molds, etc., arranged on a board or even on a shoebox lid. Food or cat treats are scattered throughout the puzzle, and the cat tries to get all the pieces and eat them.

An example of a puzzle-automatic feeder for cats can be seen in this video:

DIY cat feeder with dispenser

An automatic cat feeder with a dispenser is not very common, but it has many advantages and is an ideal solution to some problems. You are on vacation, your whole family is flying to the sea, and your pet is left completely alone. It is not always convenient and safe to ask your friends and neighbors to come into your apartment every day and feed your pet. An automatic feeder will also be useful for owners of cats suffering from obesity, diabetes and similar diseases. With such diagnoses, the animal needs to follow a strict diet and you will have to constantly monitor the cat’s nutrition, which is not so easy in such situations. But using a feeder with a dispenser, you can ensure a comfortable life for yourself and your cat. You can order it online or purchase it in a special store, but is it faster or easier to make it yourself using improvised means? In this article I will talk about several ways to make feeders with a dispenser with your own hands and their features.


Model No. 1 - Feeder made without automatic devices

This is the simplest manufacturing method, which does not require special skills and will take about 5 minutes. No soldering iron, no power sources, no motors are needed here. However, if you want to make this particular model, you will already need to have a large feeder with a lid, which you will only need to improve.

Mechanism of action

This model is a self-regulating dispenser that is controlled by the cat herself. The pet taps its paws on the structure, and several granules are poured into the bowl when the feeling of hunger prevails over laziness. Having satisfied the need, the cat will not make additional efforts to get satiated. This allows you to balance energy consumption and energy consumption.

What you will need

How to make it yourself

1) First, prepare the above container. Its main advantage is the protrusion on the top, thanks to which the tray can be hidden in a future dispenser.

2) So that the food can fall out into the designated place, you need to work a little with scissors. We make 2 cuts on the bottom of the bath, the length of the cut will depend on the size of the food granules (1 cut = 2 granules).

Then insert scissors into the resulting cuts to widen them, pressing with your finger to secure. I would like to note that the cut should go not only along the bottom of the bath, but also along its side. The end result is shown in the photo below. Ideally, the gap forms 90 degrees, but you can make it smaller.

3) Repeat step 2 two more times. This is the most optimal dosage for the average cat.

4) Consider everything already done! Close the feeder with a lid and you can train your pet with a new invention.

Cat training

Model No. 2 - a bulky but long-lasting automatic feeder

This option is most suitable for owners of a large number of cats and for those who decide to go on a fairly long trip. This is due to the fact that the design has a lot of space for storing the food offered (about 4 kg, this amount is enough for many animals for 2 weeks). For manufacturing we will need wooden sheets, linear actuators; I recommend using servo motors as motors. To control these motors, you need a microcontroller (it is better to choose the Arduino brand), with the help of which time intervals for starting are set. In this article you will not find a guide to setting up microcontrollers, since this does not completely correspond to the theme of the site, so you will have to use additional sources. For example, a lot of useful and understandable information about such programming is contained here.

Mechanism of action

The most important thing will be in the microcontroller you programmed, which will start the motors that open the feeder at specified intervals. In all other respects, this is a completely ordinary cat food container.

What you will need

How to make it yourself

1) We assemble a rectangular structure from several boards (as shown in the photo). We don’t add anything or connect anything yet, we just prepare the general form. We cut a round through hole in the lowest board.

2) Closer to the middle, attach 2 inclined boards, so that between them there is a distance slightly less than your kitten’s bowl.

3) In order to regulate the feed supply, you will have to make a moving mechanism, the general appearance of which is shown in the picture below. The boards that end this mechanism should fit snugly against the inclined planes from the previous point. A round hole is cut out in the middle of these boards, the same size as the hole in the lowest board. In order for this structure to move, it is necessary to attach it with movable links to the lower bar. You can use your own version, not only the one shown in the photo, but I advise you to stick to it at least in general terms.

4) Now comes the most difficult part. We cut a hole to route the wires to this mechanism. We connect these wires to the programmed microcontroller and servomotors (see below).

5) If you have completed point 4, then that’s almost all. All that remains is to pour the food into the designated place and cover the structure with glass so that the cat cannot get to the food directly. Enjoy the result! Don't forget to place the animal's bowl under the cut hole.

Model No. 3 - an intermediate option for those who know a little programming

I can call this model the best of today’s article, however, it does not hold as much food as the second one, and requires basic knowledge of programming microcontrollers (unlike the 1st model).

What you will need

How to make it yourself

1) Clear the cavity of the glue stick of the glue itself to form an empty cylindrical container. We will use it as a feed dispenser.

2) We make the “arm” of the dosing mechanism.

To push the glue of the pencil forward, you rotate the bottom of the pencil. The composition moves in a spiral to the length you need. This property of this office tool will be useful to us. We will place a brass tube in the free space (it has the required strength and is widely available), securing it in a pencil using construction glue.

Rules of care

An automatic feeder is a very convenient design, and if it is made by hand, it is also budget-friendly, so we can confidently say that the device is beneficial in all respects. But it is necessary to take into account that the feeder is different from ordinary bowls; when caring for it, you need to adhere to certain rules.

Such units must be thoroughly washed. Residues of food can get stuck in the cracks of the structure and remain on its walls. Because of this, a large number of bacteria will accumulate in the feeder, which, if they enter the cat’s body, can provoke the occurrence of various pathological conditions, for example:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas;
  • acne on the chin;
  • vomiting, stomach upset;
  • lesions of the oral cavity.

Each animal should have its own feeder. Of course, if cats live together and are ready to eat from the same device, this is very good. However, cats are often jealous of their dishes, so it is advisable to make a separate copy for each pet.

If your pet eats dry food, there must be a container of clean water next to the feeder. Since the animal will not only eat, but also play, the likelihood of fluid loss increases. It must be replenished.

It won’t be difficult for a caring owner to spend a little free time to make an automatic feeder for his pet. Any cat will be happy with such a gift and will repay the owner with affection and warmth.

We are fed well here too: an automatic cat feeder

You have decided to get a cat. Many questions immediately arose: what food to choose, litter for the toilet, how often to bathe and others. Your pet’s health, appearance, coat quality and life expectancy depend on nutrition. It is not uncommon for cats to live more than 20 years with good care. Not only the diet matters, but also the dishes from which your pet will eat. Let's try to choose the appropriate option.

Dining room for a cat

Organizing a cat's feeding area requires a serious approach. Your pet should have several bowls: for main food, for water and for treats. Dishes must always be kept clean. Water must be constantly poured, and it must also be changed regularly to keep the drink fresh. It is better to choose a permanent place for feeding, so the pet will be more comfortable. You need to choose dishes that are quite heavy so that they can’t be overturned while eating and you don’t have to carry the bowl around the entire kitchen. Some containers have silicone pads on the bottom; such dishes do not move, but stay firmly in place while the cat eats.

Properly organized feeding is the key to your pet’s health and longevity.

When choosing dishes, you should also consider the breed of the cat. If you have a Persian or a Scotsman, then it will be inconvenient for him to eat from a deep bowl, but if he is a Norwegian Forest or Siamese, then they will most likely like a deeper bowl. A flat, shallow plate is also suitable for a kitten. But for cats of large breeds such as Maine Coon or Serval, it is worth buying a larger plate. For water, it is better to choose a deeper container and place it so that pieces of food from the neighboring saucer do not fall into it.

Types of dishes for cats

Specialty stores sell different types of bowls and stands for feeding pets. All of them are beautiful and practical in their own way, but they have a number of advantages and disadvantages:

Stainless steel bowls last a long time and are easy to clean

Plastic utensils are popular among owners

Pets love heavy ceramic bowls

If you are away from home for a long time, are often away and the cat is left at home alone, then you can use an automatic feeder and water bowl as dishes.

We do it ourselves

Making an automatic waterer for chickens is not difficult and does not require any special skills. For these purposes, you can use an ordinary unnecessary 5-liter bottle and bath. So, attach several clamps to the bath, which will later hold your bottle.

Then fill the bottle with water, turn it upside down and insert it into the previously made clamps. That's all, your automatic drinker is ready. It works on exactly the same principle as a store-bought one: it fills the bath with water as it is emptied.

At the moment, nipple drinkers are becoming increasingly popular. Making it is as simple as the previous version. So, for production you will need:

  • nipple 180 and 360;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • container for water;
  • pipe adapter;
  • water plug;
  • adapter;
  • flexible hose;
  • drip eliminator.

Don’t be intimidated by the amount of required material: you will now see that everything is done simply and quickly.

So, having prepared all the tools, you can get to work. To begin, use a marker to mark where you plan to make the holes. The best option is to place them at a distance of 30 cm. If your pipe is about a meter long, then you can place about 3-5.

There is no point in making more holes; it will be inconvenient primarily for the chickens. Then drill holes, it is best to do this on the side that has internal grooves, this will prevent water leakage in the future. The holes should be drilled with a diameter of 9mm, and then we insert the nipples, having previously wrapped them with Teflon tape so that water does not leak in the future.

You can purchase nipples at any specialized store or order them online. Then place a plug on one side of the pipe and connect the other end to the hose that leads to the water. For greater comfort for chickens, a drip eliminator can be attached.

But there are also several disadvantages: firstly, this is a rather financially expensive type of drinking bowl; secondly, an adult chicken can climb onto the pipe and thereby break it. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to build a small fence.

If this method seems too complicated to you, then there is a more simplified option. To do this you will need any vessel or a simple bucket, nipples and a 9mm drill. Drill one hole in the bottom of the bucket and simply insert the nipple there. Then fill the vessel of your choice with water and simply hang it in a convenient place so that the birds can reach it without any problems. And that’s it, the drinking bowl is ready.

You can also make a vacuum drinker. This is the most economical and simple option. The principle of its operation is very simple: pressure prevents water from spilling out. But it has several disadvantages: it is easy to turn over and chickens can climb on it, thereby dirtying the water.

It is worth noting that all types of drinking bowls presented above can be used both in cages and in free housing. After learning how to make each waterer, it is up to you to decide which is the most comfortable and best suited for your pet birds.

Automatic cat feeders

Automatic feeders are a useful invention for pet owners. During your absence, the feeder will dispense dry or wet food at certain intervals. This is convenient when you need to go away and leave the cat alone at home for a few days. When the animal needs to be fed frequently and hourly during the diet. And even if you simply forget to feed the cat on time.

Types of automatic feeders

The simplest device is a regular non-electronic mechanical feeder. Its principle is simple: a container for dry food is attached to the food bowl, from which pieces are constantly added to the bowl in the free space after the cat has eaten a certain amount of food. In this case, it will not be possible to program the portion dosage, and the animal can quickly destroy food supplies.

Convenient to use, but does not dispense portions

My cat definitely won’t eat little by little and stretch out the food over several days. He will eat everything at once, then he will vomit, he will eat what is left in the feeder and will spend the next day of my absence starving. For my Siberian cat who is always hungry, I would choose an electronic feeder with a portion dosing function.

The cat will eat all the food from the feeder if it is not dosed

The electronic automatic feeder can be programmed for a certain weight and exact time for dispensing a portion. In some models, you can even call your pet in the owner’s voice after making a recording. The feeders are powered by mains power and batteries, which ensures that the device will operate even during a power outage.

The electronic feeder dispenses a dosed portion of food over time

Automatic feeder with compartments

An automatic feeder with compartments can have 2 or 4 compartments. At a given time, the compartments rotate clockwise, making one of the food compartments accessible. The food can be used dry or wet. Some models have an ice bin to keep food fresh. If it is necessary to feed the animal for 2 days, then a 2-time portion supply is programmed; when for 4 days, the feeder will dispense a portion of food once a day.

At the programmed time, opens one compartment at a time

Video: automatic feeder with 4 compartments

Automatic dry food feeder with timer

This feeder has a container for dry food with a capacity of up to 2 kg, is equipped with a timer and a dispenser. At a given time, one portion of food is measured by a dispenser and dispensed into a bowl. The built-in sensor monitors the fullness of the tray and prevents food from spilling out. Such feeders are not cheap, but they are easy to use, last a long time and are popular with owners. This feeder can feed an animal for 90 days, but is intended only for dry food.

The feeder is ideal if the cat eats dry food

Automatic feeder with timer for wet and dry food

The feeder consists of several compartments closed with lids.

Suitable for dry and wet food

The lids tightly and securely hide the contents. At a predetermined time, one of the lids opens based on a timer signal, giving the cat access to food. Depending on the number of compartments, it can feed an animal from 2 to 5 days.

The lid opens according to a timer signal

Puzzle feeder

In the wild, cats were predators and it was not easy to get food for themselves. No one will put a couple of mice or birds in their tray. To entertain your pet and develop their interest, they came up with puzzle feeders. There are many variations of puzzles, but they are all aimed at obtaining food and the need to make decisions and find ways to extract treats from the feeder. Cats enjoy this process and accept the game with pleasure. It is also beneficial for cats that are prone to regurgitation when eating quickly, as the treats are absorbed slowly.

Feeder made from watches

For this more complex option you will need:

  • Clock mechanism from a wall model of an old clock;
  • Batteries;
  • The jar is wide without sharp edges and low;
  • Clay that does not require firing;
  • Not thick plywood;
  • Four rubber suction cups and glue with electrical tape;
  • Paint based on non-toxic substances;
  • Set of tools.


  • The container is divided into sections using clay partitions. There should be four of them. The clock mechanism is attached to the central part;
  • The arrow gets stronger. This can be done using available tools;
  • On the cover cut from plywood, one of the four designated sectors is removed. It should then be well attached to the bowl;
  • The heads of the nails are masked so that the animal cannot get hurt, and rubber suction cups are glued to the bottom. It prevents slipping while feeding your pet
  • The arrow must be secured so that the lid turns after two hours. Prepared batteries are inserted into the mechanism;
  • The bowl is decorated with colorful ornaments so that the cat is interested in watching it, and the animal’s favorite food is poured into an improvised feeder with an automatic winding.

How to choose an automatic feeder

The choice of an automatic feeder should be approached with all responsibility. The choice depends on what food you feed your pet, how often and how long your cat stays home alone.

Modern electronic automatic cat feeders allow you to record the owner's voice; they can be programmed for 1 or 2 feedings per day, depending on the number of compartments. Recent developments allow you to control the feeder via a computer via the Internet. It is worth noting that automatic waterers for cats are also sold along with automatic feeders. In my cat's diet, the main place is given to wet food. I don’t leave him alone for more than 2 days, so for me the best option is a feeder with a timer and four compartments.

The feeder should be:

Popular models of electronic automatic feeders:

Plastic product

This version of the cat feeder can be called the most popular today. It would be fair to classify the device as mechanical, because it does not have sensors, timers or other modern options. But as the amount of feed decreases, it is automatically added to the container. These designs have the following advantages:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • requires minimal investment of time and money;
  • The products are highly efficient.

Read also: The owner raised chickens and rabbits

Making a plastic pet feeder doesn't require many tools. It is enough to take two containers, the total volume of which will be in the range of 5-7 liters, an awl, scissors, and tape. The step-by-step procedure for assembling the structure is as follows:

  1. Take one bottle and cut off the bottom. The height of the latter should be approximately the length of a finger.
  2. Cut the resulting container on one side so as to completely cut off the wall. The walls on the other two sides also need to be shortened, and the fourth side must be left unchanged.
  3. Then you can start working with the second container. On one of the sides, near the bottom, a hole should be made, the height of which will correspond to the same height as the sides of the first pallet.
  4. Insert the tray into the resulting hole.
  5. Cover the formed structure with tape. It is desirable that the parts fit as closely as possible to each other. This is necessary to improve the stability of the product.

The automatic feeder can be considered ready, now you just need to fill it with food. The resulting design is best suited for dry food. If an animal eats natural products, it makes no sense to put porridge or minced meat in a container, because such food quickly disappears. In addition, the food will stick to the sides of the feeder, making it difficult for the cat to get it out.

Dry food for this product is the most suitable option. Today, the market for pet products is saturated with premium foods, so every caring owner will be able to choose something suitable for their pet.

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