What dog breeds are the best and most popular in the world?

In this article we will analyze the top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs of different weight categories.

The desire to have a four-legged friend sooner or later visits almost every person, however, not many people understand that when they bring home an animal, they, in principle, bring a new family member who will definitely need care, care and attention.

Dogs can rightfully be considered the most popular pets. Someone is looking for a faithful companion, while others need a smart dog who will be able to learn dozens of commands without any problems. However, there are dog breeds that contain both of these qualities.

What makes the breed popular?

There is no single factor contributing to the popularity of the breed. And, sometimes, dogs are popular despite some disadvantages.

Research into dog selection shows that the above characteristics are not necessarily the only ones considered when purchasing an animal. The breed is selected for size and appearance - "refinement" and "fierce" are determining factors for different people - with little consideration for other important characteristics of the breed.

Some breeds are chosen for their cuteness, while others are chosen for their protective qualities. However, in the future, owners may encounter behavioral problems that they may not have thought about when choosing a pet.

However, size (small or giant) plus appearance (cute or scary) have made some breeds more popular than behavioral problems might lead one to expect.

It's not just about appearance

Other, perhaps unexpected, factors also influence the popularity of dog breeds. For example, after the release of the film, the popularity of the breed increases for up to 10 years. The release of the 1943 film Lassie Comes Home led to a 40% increase in sales of collie dogs. Thanks to the film “The Shaggy Dog,” the popularity of the Old English Sheepdog increased a hundredfold. It's no surprise that sales of Dalmatians increased after the 101 Dalmatians movie appeared in 1985.

The effect of films these days is less pronounced than in the past. Although many people still buy pets based on a beautifully shot movie. Again, dogs popularized by movies don't necessarily have the most valuable traits. In general, we see that breeds that exhibit good behavior or are in better health do not show significant popularity compared to other breeds.

It is also surprising that some of the unhealthy breeds are also among the most popular. The size of the country also affects popularity. If a dog breed is very popular in a country with a large population, then this will skew the statistics in favor of that breed - even if it is relatively unknown outside the specific country.

Thus, there are many factors that determine the popularity of a breed compared to others. However, the only statistic that actually measures a breed's popularity is the number of dog registrations. This way it becomes known which dog breeds are more popular.

Below is a list, brief description and photos of the best and most popular dog breeds in the world.

Akita Inu ($4500)

Beautiful Akitas are increasingly found outside of their native Japan. They are adored for their extraordinary devotion, sharp mind and outstanding appearance. But Akitas require attention, training, interesting tasks and, of course, expenses. A puppy costs up to 4.5 thousand dollars.

Photo: funart.pro

Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

Labrador Retriever

Few breeds are as deserving of their enormous popularity as the Labrador Retriever. He is a kind, easy-going family dog, especially known for his friendly, warm personality.

Labradors are ideal dogs for people of all ages. Because they are retrievers, Labradors are used to working with people and serve them very well. These dogs need to be part of the family. They will follow their owners, seeking human company. Their gentle and social personality makes them suitable dogs for families with children. They are very loyal and playful pets.

The Labrador Retriever has also been the most popular dog breed in the United States for many years.

The Samoyed dog is an animal distinguished by wisdom and special intelligence.

If you managed to see a Samoyed dog, then you were probably captivated by its beauty. A powerful body, an elongated body, stern eyes and white, fluffy fur, which you just want to wrap your hands in in winter to keep warm. But what makes the Samoyed most attractive is its “smile” (it’s not for nothing that the husky is also called a smiling dog) and its brown, black or completely colorless nose.

With proper nutrition and quality care, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Note: it is believed that the Samoyed Laika is related to the Spitz, although compared to the Spitz, the “Samoyed” is significantly larger in size.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most recognizable breeds in the world, popular in Europe and the USA.
This is an intelligent breed that is often used as a service dog. The dedication and courage of the German Shepherd has no limits. Although this breed has many positive characteristics, it is not suitable for everyone. This is a high energy dog ​​and needs a lot of activity and plenty of exercise. Without this, she may become bored and destructive, and will howl and chew on things. The German Shepherd can sometimes be aloof and suspicious - it is an excellent watchdog breed, but not a family breed. However, if it is properly trained and socialized from an early age, it makes an excellent family pet.

Tibetan Mastiff ($8000)

If you are very lucky, you can get a puppy a little cheaper, but on average the price of a Tibetan mastiff reaches 8 thousand. A millionaire from China paid a fantastic 1.5 million for his beloved dog named Hong Dong in 2011. In 2013, the Emperor puppy was sold for 1.6 million, and in 2014 the mastiff broke the record for $1.95 million.

Photo: pulse.mail.ru

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Golden retriever

This athletic breed has a sweet, obedient, and people-oriented personality. A well-trained Golden Retriever does not have strong guarding instincts, so don't expect him to guard your home from burglars. Most likely he will become friends with them.

Fun-loving, easy to train, and eager to please, the Golden Retriever is an ideal dog for everyone, especially children. He gets along well with new people and strange dogs. The breed's loyalty, intelligence and balanced temperament have made them favorites in many countries around the world. These dogs require a high level of activity as well as attention from their owners, otherwise they will become destructive.

Welsh Corgi

English Cattle Dogs. They are characterized by great love of life, energy, and good nature.

Corgis are very loyal, they love all members of their owner's family. These famous dogs usually react loyally to other people and animals and get along well with cats.

In terms of learning ability, representatives of this breed are second only to border collies. Mastering a command the second or third time is not an achievement, but a norm.

Yorkshire Terrier

Calm and intelligent, the Yorkshire Terrier loves to play, gets along well with cats, and tends to dominate larger family dogs. This dog's beautiful coat requires good care, even if it is cut short. The breed is popular among many dog ​​lovers due to its button eyes and soft coat.

Yorkshire Terriers are alert, easy to train and unobtrusively curious. Typically weighing less than 3.2 kg, Yorkies are lap dogs, but they also need plenty of exercise. These dogs will happily take long walks and can be quite determined and rambunctious watchdogs. York is not a good choice for families with small children because the child may injure the animal.

Kuvasz - a shaggy miracle

Kuvasz sheds a lot . It really leaves a lot of hair! His hair will be everywhere in the house. You can even find them in your soup.

Kuvasz will always be an excellent protector of your children and the whole family. If the children’s friends come to visit, it is better not to leave them alone with this dog, as it may begin to “protect” its little family members. A Kuvasz who has grown up and is accustomed to living without children's shrill voices and noise may not get along with kids.

It is important to explain to your child that teasing a dog and treating it roughly is prohibited.


The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed and is considered one of the most beloved on Earth. This breed is truly common and can be found in the deserts of Mexico, on the boulevards of Paris and in the chic apartments of New York.

Like a rare and expensive spice, Chihuahua can change the taste of life. The Chihuahua is much more than a small dog. The special status of this breed is determined by its function in life. Other breeds had to earn their living by catching rabbits, herding sheep, or hunting ducks, but not the adorable Chihuahua. From the very beginning, people seem to have reserved a higher calling for them: friendship.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ($8000)

It is these charming dogs that you can meet in many classic English portraits. They are named after King Charles II, and their price is also royal - up to 8 thousand dollars. Some puppies with a remarkable pedigree are even sold for twice as much.

Photo: dogsta.ru


Confident, brave, alert and imposing, the Rottweiler is a popular dog breed due to its ability to protect. As befits a confident character, he tends to be stubborn and often domineering. This is a reserved dog that is often wary of strangers.

A Rottweiler may become overly defensive if it feels its family is in danger. This is a powerful dog that requires socialization, consistent training and daily exercise to grow into a loyal, controlled pet.

Bulldog - stubborn quiet

This dog wants to always be close to its owner, and you will have to try hard to prevent him from falling asleep on the bed with you. In addition, every owner of an English Bulldog confirms his stubbornness. He loves to live in peace and quiet , so he barks only when necessary, and this does not happen often. It is possible that you will not hear his voice for several days.

Usually a bulldog chooses one owner and tries to constantly be near him. When a dog is next to its person, it is absolutely happy. This is why it is not good for a bulldog to be left alone for too long. This breed requires constant attention, love and care, and then it will become a wonderful companion in life.

Despite all the charm and funny appearance, this dog has a rather strong character. Therefore, it is very important to raise a bulldog from childhood.

Remember that you should never hit or yell at your dog. This will make her no longer obey, but will be intimidated and depressed.


The Dachshund is a breed of dog that was bred to hunt badgers and other tunnel animals, rabbits and foxes. Packs of dachshunds were even used to follow wild boars. Today, their versatility makes dachshunds excellent family companions, show dogs and small hunters. Dachshunds come in three varieties that differ in weight and size. Regardless of size, these dogs are a delightful addition to any family, which is why they have been on the list of the most popular breeds since the 1950s.

It's hard not to smile when you look at the confident dachshund who proudly carries his long and muscular body on his short legs. However, this cute breed was bred for more important tasks. The dogs' short legs allow them to maneuver through tunnels and even fight badgers and other animals. Dachshunds are brave, but they can be somewhat stubborn and independent, especially when hunting. They are active and love to chase other small animals, birds, and toys. Dachshunds often become very attached to one person rather than to all family members. However, this playful dog will happily chase the ball. The Dachshund gets along well with children as long as they do not harm it.

Rating of the best dogs in the world

The best dog is an animal that fully meets the requirements placed on it. And what they will be like - it all depends on the purpose for which the pet is selected.

Border Collie is the smartest breed

The Border Collie, bred in Great Britain, has been recognized by scientists at the University of British Columbia as the smartest dog breed. It belongs to the herding category and is of medium size (15–20 kg in weight and 47–53 cm in height at the withers). Border collies can have short or medium-length hair, they have a well-developed undercoat, and any color is allowed, but with a predominance of white.

The Border Collie is considered the smartest dog breed

By temperament, dogs of this breed are very energetic, receptive and active. They learn easily and quickly, and quickly respond to commands. They require constant physical and mental stress and cannot be left without training and games. Without sufficient activity, the animal will direct its energy to self-destruction, gnawing its paws, stripping hair from its tail, or destroying objects in the house. Therefore, this dog is not suitable for beginners; it requires an experienced person in training. The breed is not suitable for families with children and low-active individuals.

There are usually no conflicts with other animals.

There are no difficulties in caring for a border collie; it is enough to just brush it a couple of times a week and bathe it when necessary. These are hardy and mostly healthy dogs, but they may have congenital ailments (hip dysplasia, retinal atrophy, etc.).

The Central Asian Shepherd is an ideal guard

The SAO, or Alabai, is one of the oldest dog breeds. Its representatives are large (65–70 cm at the withers, 40–50 kg), strong and muscular build with a massive head and powerful jaws. The main purpose of the breed is security and protection, which is possible thanks to its innate qualities: fearlessness, suspicion, high speed of reaction to stimuli. This is an ideal dog for a private home, where it will be kept in a spacious enclosure. Not a single attacker who tries to violate the borders protected by the Alabai will be able to escape from a confrontation with him without serious consequences for his health.

Alabais mature late, mentally and physically the dog becomes an adult no earlier than 3 years.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their tendency to make independent decisions (both in the presence of the owner and without him). But there is an important nuance here - without proper and regular training, the dog will not only not perform its functions, but can also be dangerous. It is important for the owner to gain the respect of the Asian and teach him to correctly recognize the situation in order to correctly determine how much aggression is necessary. This breed is exclusively for experienced dog breeders. At the same time, Alabai are kind and gentle with their family, so they can live peacefully next to children. But they can show aggression towards other pets. The breed has no difficulties in caring for, but their size makes them prone to a number of diseases (cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems).

Alabai are ideal for protecting territory

French Bulldog - family companion

French bulldogs are medium-sized dogs (up to 35 cm at the withers, 9–14 kg), which are distinguished by a large brachycephalic type (short) muzzle, a large nose, a pronounced groove between the eyes and a strong build. These are cheerful and active dogs that have a stable psyche, are excellent for keeping in a family and are considered the best companions. They love children, are patient with other pets, do not show aggression towards house guests, but in case of danger they can protect their owner. French bulldogs are quite strong and courageous, they react quickly to situations and are well trained. At the same time, they are full of love and devotion to their owner; in his absence they become very bored and may even refuse food.

The French Bulldog is considered one of the best breeds to keep as a companion.

Caring for representatives of the breed is generally simple, but in addition to combing out the short fur, the owner will need to regularly examine the skin folds for signs of inflammation. Your pet's ears and teeth require attention. It will be difficult to do without experience in training - usually French bulldogs are quite stubborn and quickly lose interest in learning, but using affection and treats, you can overcome these difficulties. Difficulties with health often arise due to the brachycephalic structure of the head; bulldogs have difficulty breathing, they are prone to respiratory ailments, and do not tolerate heat and excessive physical activity.

Pomeranian Spitz is a popular handsome guy

The Pomeranian is one of the varieties of German Spitz (according to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale), having miniature dimensions (18–22 cm at the withers). This breed of dog is often called the most beautiful, and all thanks to its cute “fox” face with round eyes and very fluffy fur of various colors. Show Spitz dogs often look like little balls of fluffy fur.

Because of their cute face and fluffy coat, Pomeranians are often called the most beautiful dog breed.

Pomeranians are playful and cheerful dogs, they have a very loyal character and excellent hearing. Even despite their small size, Spitz dogs are very brave pets; they rush to protect themselves and their family members without fear. This dog is not suitable for passive owners - it is active and will always prefer playing rather than lying on the sofa. Pomeranians play tirelessly with children, but it is better for them not to come into contact with children - a small pet can easily be harmed, so a child of a conscious age should have contact with it.

Difficulties often arise in raising Spitz dogs due to their strong and slightly stubborn character, but with regular training this is not difficult to cope with, since Pomeranians love to please their owners. The main difficulty in care is the luxurious coat; to make it look good, the owner will have to comb it daily, sort out tangles and regularly shape it at the groomer. Otherwise, these are picky pets with good health.

Bichon Frize - hypoallergenic lap dog

The Bichon Frize is a breed with French roots, characterized by its small size (25–29 cm) and long (about 10 cm) curly coat. The soft and silky coat of Bichons should be strictly white, the nose and eye rims should be black. Representatives of the breed do not shed seasonally, the hair does not fall out intensively, and its structure resembles human hair - thanks to this, the Bichon Frize is considered one of the breeds with a low risk of causing allergies in people.

By nature, such dogs are very cheerful and playful, they are active and brave, but not aggressive. They can be very distrustful of strangers, but they easily find contact with the owner and can be trained without any problems. A big plus of the breed is that they can be trained to relieve themselves in a litter box - this makes them ideal for a city apartment. Despite this, daily walks are important for your pet in terms of socialization. Representatives of the breed are usually friendly towards other animals and children.

The Bichon Frize is a type of lapdog with curly hair.

The main task of caring for such a dog is to maintain the coat in proper condition. The Bichon Frize needs to be regularly scratched, bathed, and the area around the eyes wiped with special compounds to remove yellow spots. Owners of this breed cannot do without regular visits to the groomer for hygienic cutting and shaping of the coat.

German Shepherd - a combination of the best service qualities

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular working breeds in the world; it was originally used only as a herding and detection dog. In terms of size, the representatives belong to the large category, their height at the withers is 55–65 cm and their weight ranges from 22 to 40 kg. German Shepherds have a balanced character, they are intelligent and amenable to any type of training, and therefore are often used in various sports. Children, people and animals are usually treated absolutely calmly, but only if they are not on duty.

A distinctive feature of their character is the ease of changing owners - although the dog will be more effective in its work with a permanent handler, if it is necessary to change it, it will not worry and lose productivity. This makes the breed ideal for service, for example, for police officers on patrol or other jobs where the companion may change almost daily.

German Shepherds are great for work tasks

These are unpretentious pets in terms of care; standard brushing and bathing as needed is enough for them. They are famous for their endurance and good health. It is worth noting the only disadvantage of the updated breed standard - due to the requirements of a low pelvis, show animals often develop problems with the musculoskeletal system and joints.

Kurzhaar is a born hunter

The Kurzhaar is a German breed of pointing dog used for hunting game birds with a gun. Externally, representatives of the breed are slender and fit, belong to the large category (58–66 cm at the withers), they have short hair covered with numerous spots.

Many hunters prefer the universal shorthaired pointer. They take a stance when they spot feathered prey or small game. Such dogs swim well, work well in the field, and can also be used as bloodhounds following a blood trail. Shorthaired Pointers tolerate low temperatures well when moving (down to -20), and due to their hard coat they are not afraid of insect bites.

Shorthaired Pointers are used for hunting game birds and small animals.

In everyday life, such dogs are unpretentious; they can even be kept in an apartment. They are curious, love to play with children and become very attached to their owner. You cannot leave your pet alone for a long time, otherwise he will exhibit destructive behavior out of boredom. In training and socialization, it is important to start at an early age, otherwise raising a shorthaired pointer will be extremely difficult. Health is characterized as good, but after swimming in icy water while hunting, it is better to wrap the animal in a cape so that it does not catch a cold.

Rottweiler - a model of devotion

The Rottweiler is a large-boned service dog with a stable, strong character. The representatives are large in size, height at the withers is 51–68 cm, weight on average is 50 kg or more. These are hardy and energetic animals, full of strength and excitement. They are considered the most loyal; to protect the owner, such a pet will do everything possible. Most representatives of the breed are comfortable with close relationships with only one person, behaving affectionately and tenderly with him. In the event of a long absence of the owner, large dogs become very sad, refusing food.

Rottweilers are very attached to people and are considered the most loyal dog breed.

Rottweilers are very capable in training due to their intelligence, but they often use cunning and shy away from tasks. It is important to provide such a pet with regular physical and mental exercise, otherwise problems with excess weight may arise due to its love of food. Otherwise, Rottweilers are easy to care for; they only need to be bathed when necessary and their short hair brushed 1-2 times a week.

The best dog for an apartment is the Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are decorative dogs of English origin that belong to the category of companions. Small in size (18–20 cm, up to 3.2 kg) and visually attractive, they have become very popular specifically for apartment living. Yorkies are dogs with long hair that falls evenly over the body, parted from the nose to the end of the tail. This is a compact and graceful animal that becomes a real decoration of the home. Yorkshire Terriers are cheerful and intelligent dogs, they easily adapt to any conditions and love to play.

Yorkshire Terriers are the best dogs for apartment living

Long hair is not particularly difficult to care for, since due to the lack of undercoat it sheds little. The dog needs to be washed and combed regularly to prevent tangles from appearing, and if desired, you can take it to the groomer and have the coat shortened. Yorkies can be trained to relieve themselves in the litter box, which, combined with a low need for physical activity, makes long daily walks unnecessary. It is still worth going outside with an animal for its socialization, but you can do this solely for pleasure. Representatives of the breed are generally in good health, and their life expectancy is 12–15 years. Diseases that occur in Yorkies more often than in other breeds are mainly associated with their small size: cryptorchidism (undescended testicle into the scrotum), luxation of the patella, disruption of the replacement of baby teeth, etc.

Labrador Retriever is the best choice for families with children

In the “best dog for children” category, the Labrador Retriever confidently leads. Although the breed was originally bred as a hunting dog, today it is actively used both as a working dog (as a rescue or guide dog) and as a companion. The size of the representatives is quite large, height at the withers is 54–57 cm, weight is 27–40 kg, the body is built and strong. They have short, coarse hair and a weather-resistant undercoat. The main advantage of Labradors is their flexible and loyal character. These are smart and affectionate dogs, they get along well with children and enjoy playing with them. At the same time, a small child will not be able to harm a Labrador, like, for example, a small decorative dog. Representatives of the breed have a soft mouth - this property was important in hunting when serving game, but it is also very useful when playing with children - even if the dog takes a child by the hand, it will not cause harm.

Labradors are smart and calm dogs that get along well with children and enjoy playing with them.

Any dog ​​without proper training and affectionate treatment will not behave well. Even calm and gentle Labradors can be aggressive if force is used and they are not trained or cared for.

Caring for Labradors is not particularly difficult; the coat only requires brushing 1-2 times a week and bathing when dirty. Walking and food control are important for them - dogs of this breed are prone to obesity, so it is important to keep them physically active.

It is impossible to name one breed that would be unquestioningly considered the best. Experts talk about dogs that are more useful for specific maintenance purposes and individual jobs, already highlighting the best breeds based on their purpose. Thus, there are ratings of service, hunting, companion dogs, etc., which allow a person to make the right choice of pet.


The Poodle is an elegant, intelligent and active dog that loves to be part of the family. This breed has been popular for a long time because it is an obedient, dexterous and friendly companion. Such a dog cannot be judged solely by appearance, because under the beautifully groomed shell there is a lively, active and very intelligent personality.

There are three recognized sizes of poodles. These dogs are affectionate and love their family, and are generally very good with children. They can be a little aloof with strangers, but are usually not aggressive. This is a highly trainable breed that needs a lot of physical and mental exercise. The Poodle is a hypoallergenic breed, making it suitable for people with allergies.


The pug is a very ancient breed, bred in China. Even in early Chinese manuscripts you can find references to these dogs.

These small pets have long been considered representatives of the “elite” breed, so they were kept mainly by people of noble origin.

Pugs have a lively, cheerful and at the same time balanced character. They quickly get used to their owner and become very affectionate .

Having got such a dog, you need to carefully monitor his diet, otherwise he may become obese and this will significantly reduce his average life expectancy.

Important! The respiratory system of these dogs is very vulnerable, so the owner should avoid overworking the pet, preventing it from staying in a stuffy room for a long time or overheating in hot weather.


The Beagle is a hunting dog breed that is distinguished by its friendliness, gentleness and energy. These dogs are not aggressive and are great for people of all ages. Although the Beagle is a territorial dog, it is a playful, sensitive and loving companion to its owners. Beagles can often be seen with their heads down while walking. This is due to the fact that they are known to be particularly sensitive to different odors, thanks to the presence of a large number of olfactory receptors.

Beagles are known to be social dogs, accustomed to living and hunting in packs, in the company of other dogs or people. Sometimes these dogs can cause a lot of problems. If a beagle gets bored, it will begin to bark, howl and dig, as well as explore forbidden places and objects. Special toys will help suppress this behavior, but if no one is home during the day, the dog can become destructive.

Types of canine intelligence

After much research, Canadian psychology professor Stanley Coren was able to determine what affects the mental abilities of pets, classify information and identify the main types of canine intelligence:

  • Instinctive

This type, although to varying degrees, is observed in all dogs. It is laid down at the genetic level. Dogs instinctively follow the scent, find their way home, and on a subconscious level bark at strangers, protecting the house and their owners.

  • Obedience

Quite often this type is called “working” intelligence, which characterizes a dog’s ability to understand what is required of it, the speed with which they remember and carry out commands, and recognize the intonation of a person’s voice. The level of intelligence of obedience is determined according to several criteria: composure, duration of attention, ability to work.

  • Adapted

Determines how effectively the animal uses the acquired skills in practice, how quickly it assimilates information, makes decisions, and adapts to an unfamiliar environment. This also includes such a criterion as the ability to use the experience of past tasks to complete new ones.

Taken together, these types characterize the general level of intelligence of dogs.

German boxer

Boxers are large, muscular dogs that have an intimidating appearance. This is an intelligent, alert and fearless breed that is playful and friendly. The typical boxer is devoted to his family, but he is also stubborn, especially if harsh methods are used during training.

With minimal grooming needs and legendary patience and gentleness with children, Boxers make wonderful family companions. However, they need a lot of mental and physical exercise. Boxers are famous for their great love and devotion to their owners. They are often distrustful of strangers at first, but will not be aggressive unless they feel a threat to the family. Due to their strength and courage, Boxers are widely used in the army and police, as well as for search and rescue work.


These small dogs in their historical homeland - China - once had an almost sacred status.

They could belong exclusively to the emperor's family. They were kept in the palace and were not available to subjects. These cute creatures owe their name to the capital of the “celestial world” - Beijing.

Pekingese is one of the most ancient breeds - it was bred approximately two thousand years ago. A variety of colors are acceptable for dogs of this breed, but red is considered the most common. At the same time, there are black, fawn, and colored Pekingese. White Pekingese are considered a real rarity.

Pekingese are playful and fearless. He can be friendly with children, but in any case he will consider himself the main creature in the house and demand attention .


Everyone knows the Collie breed, few have heard of the Sheltie.
Those who have met Sheltie confidently call him a miniature Collie! A small working dog bred specifically to help a shepherd herd herds. Initially, it was believed that dogs could only cope with such a task. In reality, animals are smart and understanding. In addition, they are attractive. It's easy to describe Sheltie:

  1. She is smart, which is why she is included in the list of obedient dogs in the world.
  2. Energetic, requires time for walks.
  3. Attached to the owner, ready to please for praise and encouragement.
  4. Kind, aggression is not typical, although it is not excluded.
  5. They love children and often play with pleasure.

Shelties are used to herd flocks of sheep and remain unsurpassed helpers. They are considered therapy dogs. If you feel lonely or sad, spend time with your pet. Feel the results soon! They are used to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations or who have suffered a natural disaster in their lives.


Have you ever guessed that a small breed can be included in the list of the most obedient?
There is no point in belittling the intelligence of Papillons. They stand on a par with Labradors and Rottweilers. Let us note the features of the breed:

  1. Loud barking. Papillons will not bark without a reason. They identify specific important events about which they notify the family where they live.
  2. Small stature. The height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm. It makes everyone admire their cleverness, charming look, and beautiful fur.
  3. Good-natured character. Miniature pets are not characterized by aggressive behavior. A jealous attitude does not affect them.
  4. Good memory. This property allows dogs to be ranked as understanding and obedient.
  5. Easy to learn. Education and training are fun. Everyone around will be surprised by the abilities of the lap dog.
  6. Litter trained, but needs walking. Walking is physical activity for your pet, an opportunity to communicate with other dogs and socialize.

Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher is a standard large, medium-sized breed. Known as loyal comrades, intelligent, vigilant. The latter makes it clear why dogs are used as guards. A guard dog identifies a single owner. Most strangers are perceived with suspicion and wariness. If you take care of socialization, the dog will become a devoted pet, a pleasant pet for family and house guests.

  1. Doberman lives 12 years.
  2. Bathing is required 2-3 times a year.
  3. The coat requires virtually no grooming.
  4. Suitable for raising teenagers from 14 years old.
  5. The level of difficulty in parenting is high.
  6. They are easy to train.
  7. They treat children living in the same family well.
  8. They get used to it and make friends with other animals growing in the house.
  9. Doberman Pinschers require high activity, frequent play, and running.

Remember the need to keep your pet warm in the winter. The breed has short fur and gets cold during the snowy season. Get ready to buy warm clothes for your four-legged friend. It is advisable to do this from puppyhood, otherwise wayward, stubborn puppies will grow up disliking warm clothes.

Chow Chow – independent, proud and loyal

We give the last step to the chow chow. No, this is not an ugly or ugly dog, but on the contrary, it is one of the cutest creatures with special characteristics: a lion-like appearance, a mane near the neck, a proud posture and an arrogant look. The dog is also characterized by a blue tongue and a good-natured character. Acceptable colors: cream, red, black, blue and cinnamon.

Finally, I would like to say that every dog ​​is beautiful in itself. For some people, the beauty of a dog lies in its appearance; for others, a strong character, a confident look and devotion are important. Which animal the owner chooses is his personal business. The main thing is that the dog gets what it deserves: love and care.

Do you agree with the rating we gave or would you like to change the dogs' places? Which dogs are the most beautiful in your eyes: Husky, Samoyed, Akita Inu, Collie, Dalmatian? Tell us about it in the comments.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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