Greyhound dog breeds - their description and characteristic features: Review + Video

Greyhounds are hunting representatives of the canids. For several centuries they have been used to work with people in difficult conditions. Dogs have a harmonious physique and are interested in communicating with people.

The main advantage of these dogs is speed. They are capable of covering distances incredibly quickly. Representatives of the breed are among the oldest dogs. They are not only helpers, but also devoted friends.

Greyhounds are easy to train, people-oriented and loyal to their owner.


Companion dog. Balanced and calm, perfect for hunting. It is for this reason that he gets very excited at the sight of an animal. It has great agility and maneuverability. This breed has excellent eyesight and sense of smell. The color is varied.

It is worth noting that this breed has not been recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

The height at the withers is 68-73 cm. Representatives of this breed have long hair, a rounded tail and muscular limbs.

You can buy a dog at the Blue Valley El Bark kennel. As for the average price for a puppy, it is 15-45 thousand rubles.

Distinctive features common to all breeds in the group

Greyhounds are distinguished by some characteristic features both in their hunting method and in appearance.

Exterior features common to the entire breed group of greyhounds:

  • streamlined, aerodynamic body shape, allowing dogs to accelerate up to 50–60 km/h;
  • long limbs, especially strong, powerful and muscular hind legs, large paws;
  • lean and dry body, as a result of accelerated intense metabolism;
  • an elegant, light head with an elongated narrow muzzle on a long, curved and high-set neck (an animal can effectively change its balance by tilting its head while running);
  • a massive, deep, expanded chest, accommodating voluminous lungs and a resilient, strong, large heart, necessary for intense exercise.

When working, greyhounds are characterized by:

  • Agility (quick increase in running speed) combined with endurance.
  • Poorly developed independent search for animals.
  • A wide field of view, thanks to which the dog pursues prey while following it with its eyes (sighted or sighted).


The dog is short-haired, strong and graceful. The head is quite wide and the muzzle is long. The loin is powerful and the back is slightly arched. Greyhounds are the most popular breed for coursing.

It is worth noting that this breed was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1955. They are quite tall. Height at the withers is 71-76 cm.

Caring for a Greyhound is simple and does not require special skills. These dogs can live perfectly in an apartment.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Tatanka Vitka
  • More Majorum
  • Aurora Platinum

The average price for a puppy is 35 thousand rubles.

Afghan Hound

The origin is based on legends. The Afghan Hound belongs to one of the most ancient breeds. This dog is familiar to many. After all, of all the greyhounds, this breed is the most popular.

The Afghan Hound was used mainly for hunting in harsh conditions, in the mountains, as well as in hot deserts. She has thick, long hair that attracts attention. The end of the tail must be wrapped in a ring.

As for the color, it can be anything. The dog's coat is beautiful, but requires constant care. The height of the dog is from 63 to 74 cm at the withers.

You can purchase an Afghan Hound from the following kennels:

  • "El Gang"

The average price for a puppy is 40 thousand rubles.


Ancient Arabia is considered the homeland of this group of breeds, from where they penetrated into Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Greyhounds appeared in nature through natural selection, which helped them survive and develop the traits necessary for baiting.

The first cave paintings of Saluki-like dogs were discovered more than 7,000 years ago. Their mummies were found in ancient Egypt in the tombs of the pharaohs. There are also ancient Egyptian images and statues of greyhounds.

It is believed that the ancestors of all greyhounds were the Sluggi; it was from them that the dog breeds came that later spread throughout Asia, Africa and Europe. In Europe they appeared only in the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. after the military campaigns of the Gauls in Asia Minor.

Through Ancient Persia and Afghanistan, greyhounds penetrated to the north - first to the Caucasus, then to the Volga region. They also came to Europe after the Crusades. And in India, other breeds of greyhounds arose.

In the Middle Ages, hound hunting was considered the entertainment of kings and kings. At that time, many decrees were issued in Russia, Europe and Asia prohibiting the sale of greyhounds to ordinary people, so that they would not engage in poaching in the lands of the nobility.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed appeared more than 2 thousand years ago.

The dogs are quite large. Height is 71 - 86 cm. The average life expectancy is short. Irish Wolfhounds live 6 - 10 years. The main purpose of dogs of this breed was to hunt wolves, hares, and deer.

The coat is quite thick and tough. These are balanced dogs. They are good-natured towards people and are even great with cats.

Dogs are incredibly smart. They can easily sense danger.

The puppy can be purchased from the following nurseries:

  • Royal whim
  • From the magical forest
  • sunny wind

The average price for a puppy is 70 thousand rubles.

Distinctive features

The Afghan Hound is the pride of an entire nation. Previously, they took her with them on hunts, but today they make her a participant in tournaments. They are tested for compliance with the following standards:

  • The skull is narrow, elongated. There is a pronounced tubercle on the back of the head. The transition line from the forehead does not have sharp boundaries.
  • The head is proportional, not narrow. Characterized by the presence of bangs.
  • The nose is completely black. May be brown in dogs with light coats.
  • The eyes are slanted and well defined. Triangular shape.
  • The ears are large and hang down to the neck. They are completely covered with fur.
  • Jaw – the teeth are arranged in a scissor-like manner and form a strong grip and correct bite.
  • The teeth are white and straight. Plaque is not allowed.
  • The neck is long and has a muscular base.
  • The limbs are strong, smooth with well-developed muscles. The elbows are set close to the body. The shoulder blades are located at a slight angle to the body.
  • The body is well-developed muscles. Sloping croup. The ribs have a convex structure.
  • The withers are located high.
  • The paws are in a free position, the fur is thick, the pads are black and soft.
  • The tail is low and slightly dewy. The end is made in the shape of a ring and does not get on your back when moving.
  • The coat has a dense structure with elongation on the muzzle. Short hairs are found only on the back.
  • The color is dark, bright red, red, white, ash and sand.

Italian Greyhound

A miniature representative of greyhounds. The height at the withers is only 33–38 cm. The average life expectancy is 14 years. A very gentle and intelligent dog with an extremely balanced character. The Italian Greyhound loves and respects its owner. Her devotion knows no bounds. These dogs will listen carefully to their owner in order to please him.

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It is necessary to raise an Italian greyhound gently so as not to cause harm to the subtle mental organization. This dog is not suitable for the role of a protector, but will become a wonderful family member.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Ventus Demeter
  • Gallery of stars
  • Chanel style
  • Blessed By Fortune
  • Flora Style
  • Victoria Cross

The average price for a puppy is 25 thousand rubles.

Magyar agar

This breed is also called the Hungarian Greyhound. The dogs are quite large. Height at the withers is 60–70 cm. Average life expectancy is 12–14 years.

Representatives of this breed are affectionate companions. They are not inclined to show aggression even towards strangers.

These dogs are not particularly fond of games, but they will happily spend time with their owner. Hungarian agar can live with cats and dogs.

The Hungarian Greyhound easily adapts to any conditions and can live perfectly in an apartment.

The average price for a puppy is 20 thousand rubles.

Photo and video review

In order not to confuse greyhound dog breeds, before purchasing you need to carefully read the descriptions of the representatives and photographs. After all, in a future pet, not only the character of a hunter is important, but also its appearance and size.

Despite the versatility of greyhound dogs, each of them first of all needs a moral attachment to the owner and careful care. Before getting a dog, you should familiarize yourself with the basic behavioral traits of your pet.

Podenco Canario

The dog is designed to hunt rodents in difficult terrain. This breed uses their sense of smell and hearing when chasing prey.

The dog is friendly, non-aggressive, cheerful. They are loyal to their owners.

This dog can go without water for a long time. The average life expectancy is 12-13 years.

The average price for a puppy of this breed is $1,000. Can be purchased at the Royal-Puppy nursery.

Polish Hart

Representatives of this breed can easily learn any commands. They listen carefully to their owner and understand what is required of them.

The height at the withers is 70-80 cm. The dogs are excellent hunters and companions.

As for the content, the Polish hart will feel better in suburban conditions. They are restrained and do not show aggression. The coat is quite hard and smooth. It fits tightly to the body. It requires a lot of physical and mental stress.

You can buy a puppy at the S Udelnaya Okhoty kennel. The price for one show-class puppy is about $6,000.

Varieties (historical and modern) of breeds in the group

There are aboriginal national species of greyhounds, formed in certain geographical regions and considered historical:

  • Busty. They arose in ancient times as a result of crossing eastern greyhounds (Assyrian or ancient Egyptian) with local herding sheepdogs (English, Scottish). They are distinguished by the presence of hard, elongated hair, as well as a mustache, beard and overhanging eyebrows. Color: black, dirty yellow, red, white, dirty gray. The most vicious towards the beast, but not too frisky and hardy.
  • Mountaineers. An improved variety of steppe greyhounds (Saluki), bred in the Caucasus and Asia Minor. A short-haired animal with a very narrow, dry muzzle and thin, hanging, long ears, densely covered with elongated hair. The color is black and tan, murugi (red with black on the face, legs, ears, etc.). Strong, robust and hardy (over long distances) dogs, vicious towards the beast.
  • Crimean. They are found in the steppe part of the Crimean Peninsula. Very similar to mountain greyhounds, but shorter in stature and with shorter drooping ears. Capable of running only short distances and not very quickly. Color: black, black and tan, white, yellow and piebald, etc.
  • Kurlyan shreds. Large, broad-browed, wire-haired dogs of the Normans who inhabited the Baltic coast. They are considered a type of chesty greyhound, but without the decorative coat.
  • Moldavian. Occurred by mixing Crimean greyhounds with Polish Horts, they were found in the steppe regions of Romania and Bessarabia. Short-haired, strong and hardy.
  • Canids. An original Russian breed, tall (67–75 cm), vicious and playful greyhounds with silky, wavy, soft hair and small thin ears.
  • Khiva. Tall, large and fleshy animals with huge, hanging, heavily covered with elongated hair, burdock-shaped ears. Not the fastest, but extremely hardy and tireless.

Modern breeds

The greyhound dogs that exist today are quite diverse, there are about 30 breeds and many subtypes common in certain regions.


For centuries, the Azawakh was a companion to the nomads of the southern Sahara.

The Azawakh is an ancient African hound originally from Mali, graceful, tall (55–71 cm) and beautiful with a very short, fine and delicate coat of sand, red or black.

An African greyhound puppy can and must be purchased only in a kennel or from a few breeders who purposefully breed the breed, ensuring its purity.

A dog adapted to hot climates, capable of chasing game in almost unbearable heat, strong, non-contact and unsociable, fanatically devoted to one owner.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a dog with many different qualities, from its extraordinary beauty to its loyalty and active interaction with humans.

Afghans are one of the most ancient dogs. Large (63–74 cm), strong, extremely elegant and spectacular long-haired animals with an oriental expression in their eyes and a thin tail wrapped in a ring. They are difficult to care for, difficult to train, and can be shy. When hunting, they are fast and agile, jumping very high.

Afghan hound puppies look little like their parents

In our neighbor's entrance on the fourth floor there lives an Afghan hound who is afraid to go into the elevator; she always goes up and down the stairs. The sounds of fireworks and any loud noises in general also frighten her extremely, so owners try to walk their pet late in the evening or at night.

Spanish galgo

Spanish galgo (Spanish galgo español) is a breed of hunting dog, descended from the Arabian hound, bred in Spain by the Moors in the 9th century, galgo translated from Spanish. - "greyhound"

A sighthound of Spanish origin with a sensitive sense of smell, used for catching small game. A well-built animal 60–70 cm high with ears curved back in the shape of a rosebud, and thick short fur of fawn, black, brindle, light brown color with a black mask on the face, white paws and a spot on the chest.

Galgo puppies are quite difficult to find in Russia

Calm, obedient dogs, the most gentle and affectionate of all greyhounds.


The Greyhound is the fastest breed in the world, the main “qualifications” of which are considered to be field game hunting and racing.

An ancient, native English greyhound, 68–76 cm tall, running very fast (up to 67 km/h) over short distances and capable of catching a hare. A large, short-haired dog of various colors (white, red, brownish, black, grayish, sandy, etc.).

Greyhound puppies can be safely kept in an apartment

Greyhounds are widely used in canine sports (coursing) with mechanical bait, simulating hunting.


The Deerhound is a large dog that belongs to the group of greyhounds; another name for the breed, the Scottish Deerhound, indicates its origin and historical purpose.

A strong, athletic, very tall (over 76 cm) dog with Scottish roots, used for hunting ungulates in the mountains of its historical homeland. Shaggy, hard, elongated coat fits tightly to the body, color is red-brown, fawn, gray.

A Deerhound puppy is easy to train and get used to order.

The Deerhound has a lightning-fast reaction and an amazingly fine sense of smell, very mobile and active.

Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is a breed of hunting dog native to Ireland and is considered one of the tallest dogs in the world.

Very large (up to 86 cm) and powerful dogs originally from Ireland were originally used for baiting wolves and other large game.

The price of Irish Wolfhound puppies depends on the pedigree of the dog

The coat is hard and long, wheaten, fawn, brindle and black. On the eyebrows and beard the awn is noticeably longer and coarser. The character is soft, peaceful and sociable.

Magyar agar

Magyar agar is not only a hunter, but also a good watchman, capable of vigilantly protecting the house

The greyhound is of medium height (up to 70 cm), otherwise called the Hungarian, with high-mounted semi-erect small ears and coarse, short, tight-fitting hair of various colors, distinguished by phenomenal endurance.

Magyar Agar puppies are difficult to find and are expensive

A slightly wild and distrustful dog that needs constant physical exercise. Very easy to care for.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian greyhound is the smallest and most temperamental representative of the greyhound clan.

The smallest (32–38 cm) of all greyhounds, having Italian roots. A miniature, sophisticated and elegant dog of a rather weak constitution, intended for apartment living.

Italian greyhound puppies are affectionate and cute

Smart, loyal and playful, does not need long walks. The coat of the Italian Greyhound is very short and smooth.

Ibizan Greyhound

The Ibizan is not just a greyhound, it has developed as a universal hunting dog, working by sight, hearing and smell, and can not only scare away game, but also drive it

These greyhounds are also called Podenco Ibicenco, they belong to the primitive type. Small (60–72 cm) dogs of Egyptian origin with pointed, large ears and smooth, coarse hair of red or white-red color.

Podenco Ibicencos are extremely rare in Russia and it is almost impossible to buy a puppy.

Smart, active and playful, jumping and good at climbing trees. Ibizan Greyhounds hunt in pairs or alone.

Canary Greyhound

Agile Canary dogs hunt both independently and in a pack, surrounding and driving the animal into a trap.

Primitive hunting dogs bred in Spain. Podenco Canario (another name for the breed) is distinguished by its small height (53–64 cm), high speed qualities, excellent sense of smell and sharp eyesight.

Canarian Podencos are most often red in color.

A strong and light dog with thick, smooth and short hair of red and white color. The greyhound is energetic, self-confident, active and courageous, it is endlessly devoted to its owner and is ready to endure the most difficult conditions.

Polish Hart

The Polish Hart is a large greyhound dog of unknown origin.

Originally from Poland, the breed is a powerful (up to 80 cm tall) and hardy hunting dogs, used to hunt rabbits, foxes, goats, and sometimes wolves. The coat is of medium length, smooth and elastic, adorning the dewlap on the lower part of the tail and small pants (feathers) on the legs. Any coat color is acceptable. An emotionally stable, kind and devoted animal with increased activity and need for exercise.

Russian greyhound

The Russian greyhound is a breed that vitally needs to give vent to its own energy and hunting instincts, so you will have to walk and train with your pet to the maximum

A hunting dog, which is a symbol of Russian dog breeding and got its name for its long, silky, soft and wavy fur (hound), which can be of a wide variety of colors (gray, red, black and all sorts of combinations thereof).

Since the Russian greyhound is widespread in Russia, there are no problems finding puppies

A tall (68–86 cm), dry and strong dog, accelerating up to 90 km/h in a jerk and jumping 3 m from a standstill. Gambling, impatient and even aggressive when hunting, calm at home and demanding attention.


The Saluki is sensitive, taciturn and fast - a dog breed of a distinctly oriental type.

Known since the times of Ancient Egypt, the gazelle dog is distinguished by its beauty, high speed and excellent endurance. Light, dry in build, with a height at the withers of about 58–71 cm, the dogs are capable of chasing prey for several hours.

Puppies already have noticeable “feathers” of long hair on their ears.

They are short-haired and have “feathers” with decorative fringes. Salukis are silent and balanced, very self-sufficient and independent.


Slugi (sluggi, sluggi, Arabian greyhound, French sloughi) is a very rare and ancient breed of greyhound dogs that hunts “sightedly”

An ancient and rare breed of dog that lived in the North African deserts, used to herd wild boars and jackals. A majestic, large (61–72 cm) animal with small triangular drooping ears and thin, super-short, smooth fur of all shades of red (black coloring of brindle, veil, mask, saddle coat is acceptable). Excellent, sensitive watchdogs with an independent, slightly phlegmatic and aloof character.


Tazy, or Central Asian sighthound, or Kazakh sighthound, or Turkmen sighthound, is a breed of hunting dog, eastern sighthound

The Tazy Greyhound is a rather tall (55–70 cm), graceful dog, of a distinct oriental type, capable of long, grueling galloping. The color of the coat, which is harsh to the touch, short and devoid of undercoat, can be very diverse (piebald, red, white, etc.).

You can buy a Tazy puppy only in Kazakhstan

Tazy are independent and independent, even with the owner they maintain a certain distance.


Taigan is very similar to tazy and is even considered a variety of it

The Kyrgyz Greyhound is common in the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan, is not recognized by the FCI, and is visually very similar to Tazy. The dog is capable of productively hunting wild boar, badger, ram and fox at an altitude of about 2–4 thousand meters.

Taigan puppies should only be purchased from a specialized nursery.

A strong animal up to 70 cm tall with soft fur, which is longer and fluffy on the sides, legs, shoulders and ears.


The Whippet is a small, smooth-haired dog breed that occupies a middle position between the Greyhound and the Italian Greyhound.

A short (44–51 cm), harmonious, graceful and graceful greyhound, reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h, was used when hunting various small game. The coat is tight-fitting, short and thin, in any colors and combinations.

Gentle, affectionate and balanced, the Whippet adapts perfectly to both family life and a sporting environment.

Currently kept as a companion, he has a soft, balanced and affectionate character.


The Hortaya Greyhound is a little-known aboriginal breed of hunting dog, common in a limited area of ​​steppe Ukraine and southern Russia.

Sturdy, muscular, strong and large (up to 75 cm) greyhound, bred in Russia. The coat is straight and short with feathering on the legs and a beautiful dewlap on the tail, any color except Isabella. A calm, friendly dog ​​that combines excellent instincts with endurance and high agility.

Russian greyhound

Russian greyhounds are affectionate and reliable dogs. They love people very much and enjoy their company. This breed is suitable for active people who do not like to sit still for long periods of time.

The average life expectancy is 10-12 years. Wool requires care. As for their character, they are cheerful and quiet, moderately calm.

The height at the withers is 65–80 cm. These dogs have virtually no odor. In order for the dog to always be in a good mood, it is necessary to give a lot of physical activity. This breed is not suitable for people who are constantly busy or work a lot.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • FonEzel
  • Greyhounds Senavian
  • Tsnyanskaya hunt
  • Lunar Rainbow.

The average price of a puppy is $500.


Afghan hounds have good health and rarely get sick.

  • The most common diseases are eye diseases, heart and thyroid glands.
  • He often breaks his tail, which is the most painful part.

Preventative measures to protect your Afghan Hound puppy

  • To keep your Afghan Hound puppy completely safe, you first need to minimize his contact with unfamiliar dogs, especially stray dogs. Therefore, you should not let your dog off the leash, as in this case it will become impossible to control its behavior and communication with other dogs. Since a dog can easily become infected with distemper from simply touching the nose of a sick animal. This disease can be transmitted to a dog through sniffing. Your dog can become infected with trichophytosis from contact with the lichen-affected fur of a sick dog. Naturally, it is impossible to completely exclude a dog’s communication with other dogs, since it must be socialized. Therefore, try to find friends with dog lovers who look after their animals. By adhering to this rule, you can eliminate the risk of pathogen transmission by 80%.
  • You should walk your dog in places where there are no landfills. Since garbage very often attracts rodents, which in turn are very often carriers of various infections. Gray rats are especially dangerous because they carry such a serious disease as leptospirosis.
  • You should not allow your dog to sniff other people's feces, as they are a source of worms.
  • Monitor the well-being of your Afghan Hound. Pay attention to even the most minor changes in his behavior. For example, your dog may appear lethargic, lose his appetite, or have a dry nose. Or you may notice that the dog begins to shed, and this has nothing to do with seasonal shedding. If hair loss becomes excessive, this is the first symptom indicating health problems in your pet. And only you can help him. Therefore, it is important to take the dog to the veterinary clinic in time, where the disease can be overcome for sure. In no case should you ignore the symptoms, since advanced infections are much more difficult to treat, and sometimes even impossible. If you start treating your dog, the disease can lead to his death or he will develop serious complications that will affect his hearing, vision, limbs and much more.


A rare and ancient representative of greyhound dogs. They have an elegant appearance, unique working abilities and willful character. Such a dog is only suitable for an experienced person who has already owned a dog.

Slugi has developed muscles, thin skin, and a special gait. Representatives of this breed have a strong hunting instinct, which ensures long-term performance. The dog's body is covered with short, smooth and fine hair. Slugs are quite an independent breed. They are very tough when working. Dogs are independent, but easily find contact with their owner.

A puppy of this breed can be purchased at the TULPAR kennel. The average price is 50 thousand rubles.

Children and other animals

The independence and large size of the Afghan Hound make it more suitable for an adult owner. She will not play with the child when he wants to. Sudden movements and noise are more likely to frighten your pet. However, with proper upbringing and socialization of the dog, it can be friends with children, although it is not at all inclined to do so. The main task will be to explain to the child that it is necessary to treat a pet with all care, tenderness and kindness.

The ideal option for an Afghan Hound is a second pet of the same breed. They will be good friends and enjoy each other's company. The dog treats other animals with maximum indifference. She will calmly tolerate any pets. But do not forget about instincts, which can sometimes take over, especially if the victim tries to escape.


Salukis have always been homemade. Representatives of this breed lived with people under the same roof. This dog is suitable for people who need a faithful companion. They will never prevent the owner from enjoying his holiday alone.

Read Review of aboriginal dogs that have survived to this day

Salukis love to spend time in bed. If possible, these dogs would spend their whole day like this.

If a Saluki sees a rabbit or other small animals while walking, no commands given by the owner will stop them.

Height at the withers is 56–71 cm. As for the average life expectancy, Salukis live up to 16 years.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Dioskouri
  • Al Nakawa
  • Imran
  • UsShawati' salukis

The average price for a puppy is 25 thousand rubles.


Greyhounds are adapted to a nomadic lifestyle. An excellent companion dog, a hunter dog that understands its owner very well. She is able to guess commands with just one glance, which is impressive.

Representatives of this breed must be walked only on a leash. After all, without it, the risk that the dog can run away and get lost increases. Having become interested in small animals, greyhounds can give chase.

Height at the withers is 55-70 cm. Average life expectancy is 10 years. A dog with a dry build. She is elegant and her movements are graceful. The hair is short and soft. There is no undercoat.

Grooming should be regular. It is enough to brush it once a week to maintain a neat appearance.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Aurora Platinum
  • Kennel Kronversky
  • RayaInt
  • Royal Puppy
  • Sehra El

The average price is 25 thousand rubles.


They perfectly combine grace and strength. They are fast and resilient. These affectionate dogs make wonderful companions. They will be happy to spend more time with their beloved owner in any environment. The average life expectancy is 12–15 years.

Representatives of this breed get along well with children. The height at the withers is 47–51 cm.

They are touchy and should not be yelled at. They love it very much when they are praised.

You can buy a puppy from the following nurseries:

  • Dream flight
  • Kotmarian
  • Black serpent
  • Love story
  • Infernum Magus
  • Royal Puppy

The average price of such a puppy is 70 thousand rubles.


Representatives of this breed are hardy and strong. They are excellent at hunting hares, foxes and wild cats. After training, they can even attack a wolf.

Short greyhounds have inexhaustible energy reserves. They can take part in hunts that last for several days.

The height at the withers is 63–70 cm.

Quite a versatile dog. She feels great not only in the field, but also in urban conditions. For this reason, representatives of this breed are suitable for keeping in an apartment. They get very bored when they are alone.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • from specific hunting
  • Dog lovers club Russian Wind

The average price is 10 thousand rubles.

How to choose a puppy

  • Get ready for a surprise: Afghan hound puppies are much inferior in external indicators to adults, moreover, the breed is completely invisible in them. When going to the nursery to pick up a four-legged friend, take a club specialist with you, or at least take an interest in the reviews of other customers about this establishment.
  • Take a closer look at the curious, playful kids who, when they see a new person, will definitely try to get to know him by sniffing his shoes.
  • If possible, inspect the entire litter. Usually there are always one or two puppies, inferior in size and fatness to their brothers. This, of course, is not a marriage, but in order to raise worthy Afghan hounds from weak toddlers, you will have to spend many times more effort and time.
  • If you are afraid of the manifestation of genetic diseases in a puppy, carefully study the pedigrees of both parents. Typically, the risk of hereditary diseases arises in individuals whose owner practices inbreeding.
  • It is better to buy puppies with whom you plan to attend exhibitions in adolescence, when the main breed characteristics are more clearly visible. If a baby is bought exclusively for home care, then he is ready to move to the new owner’s house at 2-3 months.

Pharaoh Hound

An excellent companion, a loyal friend and an energetic dog that is suitable for hunting. As for character, the Pharaoh Hound is quite affectionate, open and friendly.

Average life expectancy is 14-17 years.

The height at the withers is 56-63 cm. The dog's coat is short. It fits tightly to the body. The tip of the tail is mostly white, but other colors occur. The color is usually reddish with cinnamon undertones.

You can buy a puppy in the following nurseries:

  • Royal Puppy
  • Temple Veles

The average price is 65 thousand rubles.

Differences between greyhound hunting dogs and hounds

Greyhounds are often confused with hounds, but they are completely different groups of hunting dogs. The main differences are as follows:

  • Greyhounds accelerate to much higher speeds than hounds.
  • Hounds simply drive the game, while greyhounds catch it (which is why they are called hunters).
  • The greyhound prefers open spaces (plains, steppes, etc.), the hound feels better in mountainous and wooded areas.
  • The hound chases the animal with barking, the greyhound does it silently.
  • The greyhound has excellent eyesight, but a poor sense of smell; it sees prey. The hound, which has an excellent sense of smell, follows the scent of its prey, but its eyesight is poorly developed.

Cirneco del Etna

The Cirneco dell'Etna is similar to other greyhounds. However, they are smaller. The height at the withers is 46–52 cm. Representatives of this breed are very thin, but look elegant.

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The ears are very large and long. The coat is short. She is straight and tough. Some even compare it to the fur of a horse.

Cirneco del Etna is found mainly in fawn color only. However, white markings that are located on the head are acceptable. This dog gets attached to people. She is friendly and smart. The dog will listen to its owner. They practically do not find a common language with other animals. This is especially true for dogs whose height is smaller.

Rudeness and cruel behavior in education only scares them away.

You can buy puppies of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Mia Santo's

The average price is 45 thousand.

Differences by region

The characteristics of the dogs differed according to the region of residence. In hot, dry countries, for example, in Africa and Asia, endurance and speed were required. It was important for animals to have not only excellent vision, but also a sense of smell. The dog had to bring the hunted animal to the hunter or reap it near the prey.


In the Middle East, dogs with thicker coats were more commonly bred. They were distinguished by drooping hairy ears and a donut-curled tail.

Particularly in demand were:

  • Taigans;
  • basins;
  • servants

Steppe varieties were bred in the Caucasus and Asia.

In the Crimean peninsula, Crimean varieties were more common. They are somewhat low. Effective over short distances. In the steppe zone of Bessarabia and Romania, hybrids of Crimean greyhounds and Polish Horts are bred. In most of Russia they hunt with native Russian dogs.


Representatives of this breed are thin and graceful. For a long time they were a sign of prosperity. They are excellent guards and defenders.

Dogs live in a pack. It is for this reason that they perfectly share the same territory with their relatives. However, problems can arise with small animals, including cats. It's all due to the hunting instinct.

The Azawakh is indifferent to children. Of course, this breed will not show aggression, but you should not expect affection from this dog towards children.

This dog is not for a child. Even a teenager will not be able to properly raise a representative of this breed.

You can buy a puppy from the Azawakhs de Garde-Épée kennel. The average price for this breed is $480.


All the difficulties in caring for the breed are associated with long hair. To make your pet happy with its well-groomed, silky hair, it is necessary to carry out regular procedures:

  • daily combing of matted fur;
  • wetting the wool after combing with water and a few drops of a special conditioner;
  • if there is heavy contamination, it is better to wash the wool first and then comb it;
  • you need to comb in the direction from roots to ends, and not vice versa;
  • To prevent long hair from getting into the bowl when the dog is eating, use a net.

The Afghan is an active dog, so regular walks are as necessary for her as air. She loves to run, even alone, and her hunting background makes itself felt. If they come across rodents, cats, cars, then she expresses a desire to pursue them.

Afghan Hounds were bred in the cold conditions of the mountains of Afghanistan, so they do not tolerate heat well. Walking in hot weather should be reduced to a minimum.

Walks should last about 1.5-2 hours, most of this time should be exercise, such as running. Socializing your pet with other large dogs is advisable. The experience of Afghan owners shows that if dogs communicate with their relatives during walks, they are more balanced at home.

Dogs sometimes like to spend time alone, so he should have a secluded place to rest where he will not be disturbed. Greyhound loves toys very much. Don't leave him without them when you leave for work, otherwise the dog will chew furniture and clothes.


These are calm and affectionate dogs. They are ready to sleep on the bed all day. They are friendly towards other dogs. They get along well in a home with children. They are gentle and balanced. However, from an early age they need interaction with other dogs.

The Spanish Galgo is a medium-sized dog. The height at the withers reaches 65 cm. Today there are two types of galgos: smooth-haired and wire-haired. Almost any color of representatives of this breed is allowed.

Brushing your dog once a week is enough. The average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

It is easy to purchase a puppy of this breed in nurseries in Spain. The average price for it is 100 euros.


Due to the built-in hunting instinct, the Afghan hound can attack a cat or even a flying bird. Therefore, when walking in public places, the dog should be kept on a leash with a harness and, best of all, with a muzzle. The ideal option would be to walk the animal outside the city, where the pet can run around and play enough. Important! The dog of this breed is accustomed to a cool mountain climate. Physical activity and walking in hot weather are dangerous for an Afghan's health. During walks, the Afghan needs to ensure communication with other large breeds. This has a good effect on the animal’s psyche and makes it more balanced.


Quite a large dog. The height at the withers is 71–81 cm. The average life expectancy is 8–10 years.

The Deerhound is an excellent hunter. These dogs are quiet and almost unnoticed at home. However, during the hunt, representatives of this breed are fierce and indomitable. They are resilient and sensitive. The Deerhound is a calm dog. Moreover, he rarely barks. He is even friendly towards strangers.

Easy to train. The Deerhound quickly learns new commands. It is enough to comb the wool a couple of times a week.

You can buy a puppy of this breed from the “Cute Animal” nursery. The average price is 50 thousand rubles.

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