How to organize the mating of a Scottish Fold cat

When a Scottish cat, a family pet, becomes pregnant, everyone in the family anxiously awaits the appearance of the kittens. Before lambing and then, while the Scottish mother is feeding her babies, she needs special attention, care and nutrition. By the time healthy offspring appear, the owner must take care of the mother and her future kittens.

Puberty in cats

In a Scottish pet that comes into the family at the age of 3 months, sexual maturation can begin early, at 4.5 months. Physiologically, a Scots kitten will gain strength only after 9 months or later. The reproductive period, the gestation period comes after 10 months, lasts on average until 7-8 years of age. Premature pregnancy is harmful to the kitten’s fragile body.

The cat is in heat

Scots are a breed with average sexuality, so during the period of heat, many do not arrange unbearable concerts. The period of the first and all subsequent heats is difficult not to notice; within 3-4 days, the imperturbable Scottish woman’s behavior changes dramatically. She becomes either too affectionate or restless, runs after family members, and constantly makes sharp “meowing” sounds. Begins to mark the surrounding space around. These cat days are called estrus, rut, or hunting.

According to the nature of its passage, estrus can be divided into periods:

  • The first one goes quite calmly. The cat develops small transparent discharge from its intimate parts, signaling the onset of estrus;
  • In the second period, the character changes dramatically, the cat constantly screams heartbreakingly, emitting different sounds, calling out the cats. She may not eat, constantly raising and lowering her tail, periodically rolling on the floor or raising her butt.
  • After a few days, she calms down and gradually returns to normal.

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A cat's pregnancy lasts approximately 65 days. During this period, she has an increased appetite, sometimes nausea and vomiting in the morning, and walks are advisable for her. Your cat may want to eat something it hasn't eaten before, such as grass or carrots. There are special foods for pregnant and lactating cats.

A few days after the start of pregnancy, the cat stops calling to the cat by meowing and begins to look for a suitable place to give birth. The owner of the expectant mother should prepare a bedding or cardboard box in advance that is easy for the cat to enter and allow the cat to explore it.

In the fourth week, the cat's nipples turn pink and swell. During pregnancy, it is better not to pick up a cat in your arms, so as not to harm the unborn kittens. Kittens born before the 60th day are very weak and may die.

On the day of birth, the cat’s tail begins to get wet, it is worried, meows loudly, and may lose its appetite. A pale greenish mucous discharge appears from the vagina, which she often licks before giving birth. When the mucus plug comes out, pushing begins.

If you decide to give birth, that is, to make this process easier for the cat, then it is useful to know the following:

Pushing stimulation. Stroking the cat's stomach in the direction of the tail increases the pressure, if necessary.

Opening the shell. The kittens come out while in a transparent film. Breaking it will help the woman in labor.

Breathing stimulation. Lightly stroking the kitten along the spine stimulates breathing. He will clear his throat and start breathing.

Cutting the umbilical cord. The cat sometimes forgets to break it. To do this for her, you should tie the umbilical cord with a thread at a distance of 2 cm from the fetus, and then cut it 1 cm from the fetus.

How to choose the right cat for mating

Which cat can you breed a Scottish girl with? Exclusively with Scottish! The principle here is the opposite: a female fold needs to find a Scottish straight-eared cat to mate with, and a straight-eared cat needs to find a fold-eared male.


  • Scottish Straight breeding should be carried out with Scottish Folds or Highland Folds;
  • Scottish Folds can be bred with Scottish Straights or Highland Straights.

The cat for mating must be experienced, especially if mating is taking place for the first time. If you are looking for him through advertisements, be sure to ask the cat’s owners to provide all documents confirming the breed, title and availability of all necessary vaccinations.

Nurseries in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities

Nurseries table

Breed typefelinological systemColorVet.
vaccination passport deworming
Metric with pedigreenote
LOVELY LAPATANScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland Fold.WCFon golden or color pointavailableavailableTray trained
SHEN-ALINScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland FoldWCFgolden, silver chinchilla shaded, ticked.pedigree castration/sterilization of the animalmixed food type
MURKINOScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland FoldWCFgold or silveravailablereceive a package of documents
Saint Petersburg
Hathor Club.Scottish foldchocolate silveravailablereceive a package of documents
BOLEMURScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland FoldWCFgold or color pointavailablepackage of documentsto professional food, tray, scratching posts
MELODY SOULScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland Foldgold, silver, colorful.Veterinary carepackage of documentssuper premium, holistic
Ulyanovsk catsScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland Fold.ticked, gold, color-pointvaccinateda pedigree is issued, but only after castration.accustomed to all cat wisdom


At the age of 2.5-3 months, Scottish kittens are vaccinated. Before this procedure, at the request of the breeder, the baby is examined by a veterinarian and after diagnosis that he is healthy, he is prescribed:

  • preventive deworming is carried out 7-10 days before;
  • treat the fur against fleas with special preparations;
  • Body temperature is measured;
  • To vaccinate against major diseases, the Nobivac Triket vaccine is administered;
  • A month later, the owner, using the same drug, repeats the vaccination.
  • For a kitten who lives exclusively at home, the rabies vaccination is given later in the year, when the baby is stronger.
  • All subsequent vaccinations are done annually with similar preliminary preparation.
  • Kittens living outside the city in nature are recommended to be vaccinated against lichen.

A few rules

In order for the offspring to be born strong, you need to adhere to the following tips:

  • A Scottish cat cannot be bred with a British cat.
  • It is better not to cross two Scots with floppy ears.
  • You need to select partners for your pets in a club from experienced breeders specializing in certain breeds.
  • Choose a cat for your beauty that is attractive in color. The offspring will be unusual and original in their external characteristics.
  • Before mating, it is necessary to find out whether the partner is vaccinated. If there is the slightest sign of ill health, mating cannot be carried out.

Choosing a Scottish kitten

When choosing a Scottish breed, you should neither make a mistake nor confuse it with the British or with any other breed. Before purchasing, it is useful to get acquainted with the main features and external distinctive appearance. Characteristics of Scottish kittens:

  • their fur is dense, stuffed: short (Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight) or semi-long (Highland Fold, Highland Straight);
  • The Scots have a large selection, about 200, of recognized colors: plain or with a variety of patterns;
  • the appearance of 3-month-old kittens resembles plump bear cubs (Scottish Straight) or small owlets (Scottish Fold);
  • small kittens, Scottish Fold or Straight-eared, have blue, large, widely spaced, round eyes at birth;
  • the head resembles a fluffy ball with a round muzzle;
  • the main feature is the shape of the ears: erect (for straights), curved forward, folded (for folds);
  • mouths and noses are small and neat;
  • The gender of the animal does not matter much, cats are friendly, sociable, and playful;
  • Kittens must have documents: veterinary passport with the indicated vaccinations, birth certificate with entered pedigree.

It is also important to decide on one of the three classes of the Scottish kitten standard:

  1. Pet (PET) class, but with slight deviations from the standard. They are neutered before purchase and purchased for the soul, as a friend.
  2. Nonsense (BREED) class, without deviations from the standard. By agreement with the breeder, they can have offspring and participate in cat shows.
  3. Show (SHOW) class, the most thoroughbred with excellent pedigree. Rare specimens that meet all standard requirements. Future participants and winners of international exhibitions.

Scottish kittens photo:

ATTENTION, TEST! Answer a few simple questions and find out what kind of owner you are for your cat:

Does your cat have a name?

How often do you play with your pet?

Do you get your vaccinations and parasite treatment up to date?

Is your kitten spayed/neutered?

What do you feed your purr?

What kind of owner are you for your cat?

Your kitty is very happy

Congratulations! Your purr is healthy and happy, surrounded by care and love. You are a responsible and good owner for your kitty.

Your pussy could be happier

Hmm... with such an owner, even the cockroaches will all die. Maybe you should have gotten a cactus instead of a cat? Yes, you are not the best and most caring owner, but you still have a chance to fix everything. Start taking proper care of your pet.

The opposite situation happens - the cat does not approach the cat. He might just not like her. The cause may also be the groom’s childhood psychological trauma. If he was offended by a cat of a similar color as a kitten, then he may avoid them on a subconscious level. All that remains is to change the partner.

The Scottish woman falls on her side during intercourse and, accordingly, takes the wrong pose for crossing. Sexual intercourse in this case is practically impossible, especially if the male is not experienced. To help fertilization, the owner can hold the girl during the act, providing a comfortable position for conceiving offspring.

If the pet was unable to overcome the stressful situation, she may stop estrus.

What is the owner of the male responsible for?

According to all the rules, before mating, an agreement is concluded with the owner of the male, which indicates the timing of mating, the price and the guarantee of pregnancy. If it does not occur, then the owner should be ready to conduct an additional 1-2 matings for free.

You should know some rules that make mating safe from a physical and psychological point of view.

  • Usually the date takes place on the cat’s territory, so its owner needs to set up a mating area; it is better to allocate a separate room.
  • If partners show aggression, it is worth postponing mating actions; they need time to courtship and get used to each other.
  • The cat owner must control the situation and, if necessary, help the animals get closer. In particular, he must control the cat's posture.

How long does pregnancy last in Scottish cats?

The pregnancy of a Scottish cat usually lasts 65 days with deviations of 1-2 days. Therefore, the answer to the question of how long pregnant Scottish women walk is this: the normal gestation period for cats is from 63 to 67 days.

To calculate the exact gestational age of a Scottish cat, you need to know the mating date, the first day is counted from it.

Signs of pregnancy should be considered:

  • a pregnant individual gains weight and becomes round;
  • vomiting may occur in the morning;
  • often when a cat bears kittens, she becomes apathetic, lethargic and depressed;
  • There are changes in the appetite of pregnant cats, they begin to eat more.

All these signs appear by the third week; they are caused by a general change in hormonal levels in the pet’s body, especially if everything is happening for the first time for her.

To make sure that your Scottish Fold cat's pregnancy is progressing normally, you should take your cat to the veterinarian at least twice from the moment she becomes pregnant.

1. Weight of a Scottish cat.

2. Age of the cat.

3. Number of babies in the womb.

4. The state of health of the mother in labor.

During pregnancy, Scottish cats are very careful and sedentary. At this time, they need to include vegetables, herbs, eggs, fish, and meat in the menu. Taking multivitamins is also advisable. She should not be allowed out of the house, it is not advisable to make her nervous. A Scottish cat can bear and give birth to 1 to 3 babies.

From the beginning of puberty, cats begin to mark their territory, become nervous, aggressive and suffer from dissatisfaction. At this point, the owner should consider spaying or neutering the pet, especially if it lives at home. A Scottish Fold cat should be neutered at about one year of age, but not earlier than 10 months.

Early castration of a cat provokes difficulties with urination, and organs that have not yet formed will remain undeveloped. It is necessary to carry out the operation in a timely and correct manner, and then the lop-eared friend will lead a full life and delight his owner.

Sterilization of cats

You need to think about sterilizing your cat before purchasing a kitten, so as not to miss the best period for a timely operation, which will eliminate problems with the pet’s health in the future. If you are not breeding cats, your cat must be spayed before her first heat at 9 months of age. This will eliminate the possibility of a mammary tumor in the cat in the future and worries about problems during pregnancy.

After sterilization, the Scottish Fold cat needs to be cared for; it is better to take it home immediately from the clinic. Constant control over the pet is necessary until the anesthesia wears off, after which it is necessary to keep her at rest, protect the cat from drafts, and a proper diet. In familiar conditions, in silence and special home care, she will come to her senses faster and continue a happy life next to her owner.

This is interesting: How long after birth can a cat be bred?


Now let's abstract a little from the issue of reproduction and ask ourselves: does your cat and you specifically need it? The fact is that if the cat is a mestizo or her breed characteristics are expressed so-so, it is better to think about sterilization. What is the point of breeding low-quality offspring, which will also be difficult to sell?

But even if the cat is of high quality and you would like to get offspring from it, desire alone is not enough. To officially breed kittens, you need to have a pedigree. Otherwise, you will not be able to confirm the breed to buyers. If there is a pedigree, the cat must be shown at an exhibition so that it receives expert assessments. Only after this can she be allowed to become a mother.

In addition, if you understand that fussing with kittens is not your thing, and you decided to have a cat only because it’s the norm, you should think about another option. By another option, we mean sterilization, rather than enduring concerts or taking hormonal medications. Both are very harmful to health, because... unproduced hormones accumulate in the body and lead to terrible diseases. And a cat, deprived of ovaries that produce sex hormones, stops suffering and begins to live a quiet life.

How to breed Scottish cats

Mating of a Scottish Fold or Straight should take place around the third day of estrus. The knitting process itself takes 2-3 days.

In order for the mating to be successful, it is advisable to prepare a place, a fenced-in space, from where the Scottish Fold cannot escape. This is important if the pets will mate for the first time.

Animals become interested in each other within a couple of days, during which time approximately 10-15 close contacts with the cat can occur.

Ovulation in a female occurs directly during intercourse and its quality, and therefore the likelihood of becoming pregnant, directly depends on the experience and behavior of the cat with whom she was mated.

The reason is that the lop ear gene not only causes the ears to droop, but also weakens the cartilage in the body and tail of the animal. Such mating can produce very weak babies.

Therefore, folds must be mated with straight-eared cats in order to dilute the fold-eared gene. Only in this case is guaranteed healthy offspring without pathologies of the musculoskeletal frame.

Mating is not always successful. There are a number of reasons why the desired pregnancy never occurs. Usually, the owners of the female simply need to conclude an agreement, make a payment and bring the cat for mating, while the owners of the cat must know all the features of mating and proper fertilization of the Scots.

The most common problem is when the female does not allow the cat to approach. In this case, the cat's owners can stimulate the female's arousal process by stroking her in the genital area, as well as on the back and sides. Sometimes special medications are required to induce ovulation. The third option is to replace the male with a more experienced, persistent, but delicate one.

The opposite situation happens - the cat does not approach the cat. He might just not like her. The cause may also be the groom’s childhood psychological trauma. If he was offended by a cat of a similar color as a kitten, then he may avoid them on a subconscious level. All that remains is to change the partner.

The Scottish woman falls on her side during intercourse and, accordingly, takes the wrong pose for crossing. Sexual intercourse in this case is practically impossible, especially if the male is not experienced. To help fertilization, the owner can hold the girl during the act, providing a comfortable position for conceiving offspring.

According to all the rules, before mating, an agreement is concluded with the owner of the male, which indicates the timing of mating, the price and the guarantee of pregnancy. If it does not occur, then the owner should be ready to conduct an additional 1-2 matings for free.

You should know some rules that make mating safe from a physical and psychological point of view.

  • Usually the date takes place on the cat’s territory, so its owner needs to set up a mating area; it is better to allocate a separate room.
  • If partners show aggression, it is worth postponing mating actions; they need time to courtship and get used to each other.
  • The cat owner must control the situation and, if necessary, help the animals get closer. In particular, he must control the cat's posture.

Preparing for the event

In order for mating to be successful the first and any subsequent time, you need to properly prepare for it. Both animals are pre-treated for parasites, including worms. It is advisable to vaccinate the male against diseases such as chlamydia and rabies.

When a breeding partner has been selected and mating dates have been approximately determined, the premises are prepared. The room in which the Scotsman will be with the cat must be dry, bright, clean and spacious. It must be warm inside.

Copulation of pets can last several days. Therefore, the cat should be packed for the trip. She must come to visit her partner with her property: bowls for water and food, a tray with filler, food, toys, etc. Due to the fact that the female often shows aggressiveness, she needs to trim her claws before mating. These are the main conditions for successful mating.

When a Scottish Fold cat is in heat (first day), she is taken to the cat. Before mating, you need to check the male and female cat again for the presence or absence of discharge from the eyes, nose or ears, or dandruff. Pets must have sufficient body weight. If deviations from the norm are detected, the mating is postponed. A domestic cat usually covers a female 14 times during the day. After a few days the cat loses interest in him.


Where to look for a good cat? Among acquaintances. According to advertisements on the Internet. At a nursery in your city. Through the club.

Before mating, you must sign an agreement that stipulates all the conditions, including the period for which you are giving the cat away, a guarantee of pregnancy (if it does not occur the first time, the groom’s owners should be prepared for another 2-3 free matings). The contract also states the price you pay for mating, or payment by the kitten.

If you are looking for a mate based on an advertisement, you should know that there are cases of fraud when the advertisement for a cat contains one information, as if the cat has titles and certificates, and then it turns out that this is not true and he is not allowed to breed at all. It happens that the photos in advertisements are fake. You can learn more about this topic from the video. There is only one piece of advice on how to avoid fraud: check all documents, do not take anyone’s word for it.

The article was checked and approved by felinologist (cat specialist), owner of Mifiland nursery Maria Kovalevskaya. The nursery specializes in breeding high-quality representatives of the Scottish breed (Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight) merle colors. In addition, Maria is actively involved in educating people about the Scottish breed on social networks: her pages have collected thousands of subscribers. Go to the nursery page ►


The discoverer of the Scottish Fold breed is rightfully considered the Scotsman William Ross, who noticed kittens with an unusual coloring and strangely shaped ears from a farmer he knew. To obtain new, more diverse types of coloring, the Scottish breed was first crossed with others.

Interspecific crossings occurred especially often with British cats. However, now representatives of the Scottish Fold breed have all the necessary genes to reproduce almost any color, so in our time, crossing a purebred Scottish Fold with other breeds is very, very undesirable.

Like other animals, in Scots a certain set of genes is responsible for coloring. The predominant colors are red and black. Each of the colors, or, more precisely, certain genes responsible for a specific color, can be both dominant and recessive. The saturation of a certain shade of fur, which is formed by the diluent gene, depends on this.

A very unusual genetic combination in white cats. There are two possible cases: either a complete absence of color, or suppression of other genes. In this regard, white Scottish cats are divided into albinos and dominant white.

Remember that kittens' colors will change as they grow older. A Scottish kitten will reach its real, “adult”, full color only at the age of two years.

Breeds of potential partners

Scottish cats are direct descendants of the British. Until 2004, the World Cat Federation did not make any distinction between them, allowing (and promoting) interbreed matings. But after the Scottish breed acquired autonomy and its own strictly established standards, such matings were prohibited.

The reasons for the ban are as follows:

  • Blurring of boundaries and deterioration of the breed. Most of these kittens do not have a tight fit of their ears to their heads.
  • The appearance of skeletal disorders due to genetic weakening of cartilage tissue. Scottish dogs have relatively light bones and a long spine. The British are much more massive and heavier. This discrepancy leads to sagging of the back, curvature of the paws and other deformities.

Between the British and the Scottish Straight, mating can be only sporadic. Such matings are strictly regulated by felinologists and must be recorded in the nursery’s studbook.

Kittens from such litters are given an experimental pedigree, and the fate of each animal is monitored by a board of breeders and experts. This is done to point strengthen the breed line.

Prohibition on crossing two fold-eared cats

An equally strict ban is imposed on the mating of two Scottish Folds. It is associated with the action of a gene that causes the ear cartilage to weaken and the ear to fold into the breed-specific pocket. When two carriers of this gene are crossed, offspring are born with an abnormal bone structure. Moreover, such pathologies can be diagnosed only when the animal reaches 1-2 years of age.

But fashion and market economics dictate their own conditions, in which Scottish Folds sell faster and are more expensive than their straight-eared littermates. Therefore, unscrupulous breeders often turn a blind eye to possible risks, repeatedly crossing a fold-eared cat with a fold-eared cat.

As a result, owners buy a cute, high-breed kitten for a lot of money, and after a couple of years they euthanize it due to extensive genetic mutations, abnormal structure of the spine and ossification of ligaments and joints, which cause the pet constant unbearable pain.

Thus, only intrabreed matings are allowed for breeding Scottish cats. In this case, parents must be:

  • both Scottish Straight;
  • Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold.

You also need to take into account the colors of the future parents. Coat color is a genetically determined factor. And genes can be dominant and recessive. So, the gene for white color “W” is dominant, and black is recessive.

If you breed a black cat and a white cat, you can get black kittens with lightened undercoat, which is undesirable. Two white parents can produce deaf offspring. And when lilac animals mate, the litter will inherit low quality gray fur and an inexpressive eye shade.

Care and maintenance

Caring for and maintaining a Scottish fold cat does not cause much trouble.

For short-haired individuals, combing should be done no more than once a week (this is their main advantage compared to long-haired ones - for the latter, combing must be done every 2 days).

Each cat takes care of its own hygiene - everyone knows how cats love to lick themselves. Unfortunately, in doing so, they can ingest fur, which ultimately clogs the intestines, which is why it is so important to regularly comb the coat with a special brush that collects excess hair.

Due to the curled ears, regular ear cleaning is a mandatory procedure for all Scottish cats - earwax accumulates in them quite quickly. Scots don’t need to bathe – they take good care of their hygiene themselves.

However, if the kitten is very dirty, it is necessary to wash it with warm water, avoiding getting water into the ears and eyes. It is not recommended to use soap - chemical components in detergents can cause allergies in cats.

After bathing, be sure to wipe your pet dry and avoid exposing it to drafts - a kitten that is not completely dry can easily catch a cold.

Did you know? Scottish breeds are the only cat breeds that like to be brushed against the grain.

Scottish fold mating has its own characteristics. Crossing two individuals of this breed is strictly prohibited - it leads to serious bone mutations. In history, there have been attempts to cross two Scottish Folds - all the kittens born had bones.

Crossing a Scotsman can be done with a Scottish Straight cat. A fold-eared female can be crossed with a straight-eared cat, and a fold-eared cat can be crossed with a female with straight ears.

It is noteworthy that as a result of such a union, both straight-eared and lop-eared kittens will be born, however, it is possible to determine whether the ears are curled or not only 3 weeks after the birth of the offspring (initially, all newborn kittens are the same, and the cause of lop-earedness is some defect in the cartilage, which cannot hold the ear straight - this will be determined no earlier than 20 days after birth).

Mating Scottish Folds with straight-eared ones is the most successful crossbreeding; it is practiced by specialists involved in breeding the breed.

What the owner should know

In order for the offspring to be healthy, you need to know some features of mating Scottish Folds:

  • You need to select a partner of a similar breed, that is, Scottish, but not Scottish Fold. In this case, the best option would be Scottish Straight. This breed of cat has straight ears. If a Scottish straight-eared cat is mated, then the opposite is true, the cat must be fold-eared.
  • You cannot cross a Scotsman with a British breed. In this case, the cubs are too large, the tail and head are deformed, and the structure of the coat does not meet the standards.
  • The male must have a uniform color, good quality coat, and a proportional build. You should definitely pay attention to the tail, it should be flexible. This factor affects the health of the animal's spine. This way you can avoid developmental defects in the baby.
  • You should also pay attention to the cat's ears. It would be correct if they are directed forward, small, widely spaced and do not extend beyond the head. An important feature is the ear folds, it is very good if they exist. Such breeds are considered unique. It is best if there are two of them, and they are tightly folded on the head. It is very rare to meet a Scot who has three such folds.
  • It is important to assess the health of the male; he should not have dandruff or any discharge from the eyes, nose or ears. The animal should not be emaciated or too large, everything should be within normal limits.

Many owners of Scottish cats begin to look for a partner through advertisements. This method is not bad; you can select a suitable candidate. But there is another simple way, breeder clubs that specialize in Scottish folds . The specialists working there will be able to help you choose a suitable male and tell you about his characteristics. By choosing this method of mating, you can be sure of healthy offspring.

Childbirth among Scots

Let's look at when and how labor begins in a Scottish Fold cat. The first signs of labor in a cat are brownish vaginal discharge.

The behavior of a cat often changes before giving birth: the animal is looking for a place (nest) to give birth, screaming and making attempts, especially if the Scottish female gives birth to kittens for the first time. In such a situation, it is worth staying close to the cat, calming it down and caressing it, and if necessary, helping, delivering the cat’s birth. Kittens are born head first.

Newborn kittens weigh about 100 grams and are a bubble filled with light yellow liquid. After the kittens are born, the mother chews this bladder, releases the cub and licks it to cleanse the lungs. You can help her with this by suctioning the fluid from her nose with an enema while the female gives birth to other kittens.

Kittens come out at intervals that last about 20 minutes, however, the cat can independently increase the duration of labor and delay the appearance of the babies and carry them for another day if something does not suit her or frightens her. After the young mother has been able to give birth to a kitten, the afterbirth comes out.

Kittens open their eyes a week after birth. All Scottish kittens are born with straight ears, and only at 3 weeks of age should you pay attention to the ears; in folds, they begin to droop.

What difficulties may arise

  • It happens that during mating a cat falls on its side. There is nothing to worry about, you just need to hold it in the required position.
  • Sometimes there is such a thing as a cat being faithful to one partner. If this is the case, then you need to change the cat, since all attempts at mating will be unsuccessful.
  • Another problem can be the different sizes of animals, especially a cat that is too massive. In this case, the male will not be able to cover her, grabbing the withers, he will end up on her back. Here you need the help of the owner, who will hold the cat by the withers.
  • The cat may be too aggressive. In this case, mating will not work.
  • It happens that due to stress, the female stops estrus. It may not exist for several days, after which it resumes. After this, the animal can be brought back to the male.

Carrying out the procedure

Before mating, you need to be sure that neither the cat nor the cat suffers from any ailments. They should have no discharge from the nose or eyes, the coat should be in good condition, and the general health of the animals should be satisfactory. If one of the partners shows signs of weakness or illness, the mating should be postponed to a more favorable time. It is advisable not to interfere with the animals getting to know each other and sniffing, but it is still better to play it safe and be on the alert, since if they are incompatible, they can become aggressive and injure each other.

It may happen that pregnancy does not occur after mating, then she should be brought to the cat again. It is advisable to do this on the 2-3rd day of estrus and leave it with him for 2-3 days. Before the female stays, she needs to trim her claws so that she does not injure the cat if she does not like him in some way. During the day, a cat can cover a cat up to 15 times. But after 2 days, he ceases to be interested in his new partner. After mating, cats sometimes go into heat, but this does not mean that they are not covered.

It happens that the animals are not suitable for each other in size, and if the Fold cat is larger than the cat, then he will need to be helped so that he can cover the cat. Sometimes, due to a change of environment and severe stress, the cat stops estrus. Then she should be brought to the cat when it resumes. It happens that the cat falls to the side during the process, at such moments it is necessary to hold her in the right position for the mating to take place. If the female hides in a corner, behaves aggressively and the cat cannot approach her, then in this case she may remain untied.

Caring for a pregnant cat

Scottish cats themselves take precautionary steps during pregnancy, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and are extremely neat and clean. The owner needs to help the cat during this period, follow simple rules:

  • Transfer to extra-premium food from specially developed lines for pregnant and lactating cats.
  • It is strictly forbidden to treat Scots with medications without the recommendation of a veterinarian.
  • Do not palpate the cat yourself; you may harm the embryos. A specialist uses an ultrasound to determine the gestational age, the number of embryos, and the approximate day of birth.
  • Street walks are prohibited to prevent the pet from becoming infected with infectious diseases. Ventilate the room more often, but protect the tartan from drafts.

Attention! Protect your cat from stressful situations, moving, changing personal hygiene items and food, loud noise and music, so as not to frighten the pregnant mother or provoke miscarriages.


The cat’s diet does not change, only the volumes and quantities are adjusted, minerals, vitamins, and a lot of protein are added.

  • after 3 weeks, the increased portion of food is divided into 4 doses;
  • by the middle of pregnancy, they gradually double the daily portion of food, but do not make the cat become obese, which can complicate childbirth;
  • in the final stage before childbirth, they return to the normal diet that they had before pregnancy.

After giving birth, the cat needs simple food that is digestible by the body. The cat is fed up to 5 times a day, fish oil, calcium and phosphorus supplements are added to the food, and milk and fermented milk products are given.

Important! Mother and kittens should have constant access to fresh, bottled water.

What is the owner of the male responsible for?

Before inviting a Scottish cat for mating, the owner of the male must know some rules so that the whole process does not lead to psychological and physical injuries .

  • If animals have difficulties, they need help.
  • Some animals can show aggression, therefore, at the slightest problem, it is better to postpone all mating actions. Maybe after a while the cats will get used to each other.
  • Upon arrival at your destination, it is best to keep the cat in its portable vehicle for a while. Let her get used to it, sniff it, rest and gain strength.
  • If animals are too aggressive, it is better to place them in enclosures so that they can get used to each other.

At what age should you start mating?

The optimal age for mating is considered to be one and a half years . If a cat has never had kittens before two years of age, irreparable health problems may arise. During this period, the animal is completely ready for fertilization and the appearance of offspring. The first mating of Scottish cats should not occur after the first heat. The cat is not ready yet, either morally or physically; all the discharge is already unpleasant for her. Against this background, she may have a nervous breakdown, she will become aggressive and distrustful.

The best time for mating is the third or fourth day of estrus 2-3. Cats of this breed are especially active in the spring; this will not be difficult to notice; they become more irritable, refuse to eat and begin to mark corners in the house. Cats, on the contrary, are more affectionate, demand attention, and stomp their hind paws.

Rules for the first mating and subsequent times

So, the first mating of a Scottish cat should take place at 16-20 months. The breeder must select a pair for her in advance, taking into account all the requirements for the breed, breeding line, individual characteristics, color, etc.

If one of the parents previously suffered from cancer and is now in a period of stable remission, it cannot be used in breeding work, because:

  • Oncology (especially early oncology) is often an inherited disease, it is reckless to spoil the breed with such genes;
  • hormonal surges can awaken dormant cancer cells and lead to relapse.

If the parents live in different houses, then it is customary to bring the cat to visit the cat on the 2-3rd day of estrus. This is the time when you can knit partners, as they will be in the mood for productive communication with their partner.

The period of acquaintance promises to be short, but in addition you can feed the animals together: joint feeding will bring them closer and will place them closer to each other. But under no circumstances should you leave them alone. Such connivance can end in a brutal fight.

During travel, the cat must remain calm so that stress does not stop the reproductive processes in its body. The owner's confidence, friendly tone, and light stroking will provide the desired atmosphere.

During her first heat, a cat may not know how to behave properly around a cat. Here the owner must again take the initiative into his own hands. Sometimes it is enough to bring your pet's tail close to the cat so that he can smell her. In this case, the cat's head must be gently fixed so that it does not see or be afraid of its partner.

During boarding, the cat holds the cat by the withers with its teeth. An inexperienced male may grab his partner too high or low, then it will be difficult for him to make a productive mount. The cat can also involuntarily change its position, falling onto its side. In such cases, the position of the pair is adjusted by the breeder.

People present during breeding should be quiet and affectionate. You can't rattle, scream, get nervous. All movements must be dexterous and precise. As a result of high-quality mating, the cat emits a uterine purr, falls on its side and rolls on its back. The tartan on which the cat has made at least three successful matings is considered mated.

Despite the fact that an adult breeding cat can breed a female the first time, experienced breeders recommend extending the date by 2-3 days. During this time, the cat’s desire will be completely satisfied, and the expectant mother will calmly focus on bearing her offspring.


Fluffy wool.

Beady eyes.

Friendly character.

Everyone's favorite.

Straight back.

Curly head.

Their distinctive feature is their soft, wavy fur, which makes them look like plush stuffed animals.

  • The dogs have a strong, rectangular body with a wide, straight back. The height of the animals does not exceed thirty centimeters, and they weigh from three to six kilograms.
  • The paws are short and thick with round pads.
  • The tail is of medium length, covered with fluffy curly hair.
  • Due to the long hair, the doggies' head looks round, but in fact, it is slightly elongated with a flat forehead with a smooth transition line to the nose;
  • The ears are of medium length, hanging down to the middle of the muzzle. Expressive round eyes are black.
  • Dogs' coat is soft, fluffy and curly, with a dense, thick undercoat.
  • According to the standard, the color of dogs of this breed can only be snow-white. Colored spots on the body and beige or cream color of the coat in adults are considered faults.

Bichon babies are born with yellowish or reddish spots on their snow-white coat, but as they grow older, the color of the animal becomes uniform.

Spots on the body of puppies can persist until they are one year old.

Always in moving.

Loves walks.

Loves to play.

  • A perky and cheerful pet loves to be the center of attention, and there is no greater pleasure for him than playing together with his beloved owner.
  • Dogs of this breed are very smart and observant. They subtly sense the mood of the people around them. If the dog notices that one of the family members is feeling sad, the dog will put on a real circus performance for him, trying to cheer him up with funny tricks and involve him in a fun game. And looking at the amusing antics of the pet, no one will be able to resist smiling and resist his unique charm.
  • These animals express all their feelings and emotions with the help of a loud, booming bark. The owner needs to prepare for the fact that the pet will express its opinion on any occasion with a ringing yelp.
  • Small curly dogs get along well with any pet and are able to make friends with both another dog and a cat. The Bichon Frize has absolutely no aggression or feelings of jealousy, and they perceive the other pet as a companion for fun games and pranks, and not as a rival or competitor.
  • When getting a dog of this breed, you should take into account that they need constant communication and attention from the owner and cannot stand loneliness. You can’t leave your dog alone for a long time, because a bored pet is capable of minor mischief. Therefore, when returning home after a long absence, owners should not be surprised if their curly pet pulls the bedspread off the bed, chews on the owner’s slippers, or guts the sofa cushions. Moreover, the dog will not feel remorse for his tricks. A pet caught at the scene of a crime will take on an innocent and even offended look, thanks to which the cunning dog will always avoid fair punishment.
  • It will not be possible to make a guard and a defender. These animals are quite cowardly and, when they see a stranger, they try to hide in a secluded place. The most that curly-haired dogs can do is bark at a stranger while remaining at a safe distance.

Easy to learn simple commands.

Loves to perform various tricks.

Intelligent and quick-witted, French lap dogs are easy to train. A curly-haired pet will not only quickly remember its name, but will also learn to perform simple commands and funny tricks if you work with the dog daily.

Good results in training can be achieved by turning classes into a fun and exciting game that will bring pleasure to both the dog and the owner.

It is very important, in case of successful execution of a command, to encourage your pet by treating him with a treat, petting him or simply praising him for his intelligence.

A Bengal cat is in heat

Features of estrus in a Bengal:

  • Readiness for “covering” occurs from 5 to 8 months of life
  • The first mating should be carried out after 3 heats
  • The frequency of estrus is once every 2-3 months
  • If there is no mating, the animal bleeds every 2 weeks
  • Duration of estrus 5-8 days

Proper organization of mating

The rules for mating Scottish cats consist of the following points:

  • Mandatory vaccinations and treatment against parasites are carried out at least 15 days before mating.
  • Cats must be healthy, free from infectious foci and open wounds.
  • It is necessary to trim the animals' claws so that they will not be able to inflict deep scratches on each other.
  • You should not pre-bathe your pets so as not to disturb their natural scent.
  • At least a week before the intended mating, cats are not given medications (especially hormonal ones).

Pet owners also need to decide on whose territory the Scottish breeding will take place in order to prepare the premises. Traditionally, the cat plays the role of “master,” but this issue can be discussed.

If the “groom” is already untied and has experience, then he almost doesn’t care in what territory the mating will take place. The same rule applies to cats - at first they do not yet know what to do, but later they cope with the task perfectly in any room.

Important! The mating process lasts for several days. At this time, the owner of the apartment must control the behavior of the cats and ensure that they do not harm each other.

General rules for crossing

In order for the mating of Scottish cats to be successful and the offspring to be born healthy, owners should know the following mating rules:

  • Check the veterinary documents and pedigree of the Scottish breeding dogs (applies to both owners).
  • Animals should be shown to a veterinarian, who will confirm or deny hidden physical defects of the individual.
  • Complete a course of deworming and vaccination.
  • Do not bathe the Scotsman before mating, so that the individual scent remains.
  • The first mating should take place when the female reaches 1 year, but not later, otherwise she will refuse to produce offspring at all.
  • The mating territory is preferred by the cat.
  • Do not leave animals unattended or the cat alone with the male for several days.

Why you can’t cross a fold-eared cat with a fold-eared cat

It is precisely in the plane of mating of two fold-eared parents that all the negative genetic consequences in kittens appear. It was proven first experimentally, and later scientific evidence appeared, that all congenital health problems in Scottish cats occur precisely because of this configuration.

Initially, it was believed that the FdFd gene, which is responsible for lop ears, exists in an autosomal dominant form. Later, the nature of his partial dominance was revealed, which changed the entire original concept.

  • When mating two fold-eared FdFd, the heirs exhibit all the genetic defects - deformation of the tail and limbs, fusion of the vertebrae and other diseases.
  • Crossing a fold-eared FdFd with the same fold-eared dog, but with Fdfd or fdFd, eliminates any health problems and produces offspring with curled ears.
  • It is possible to mate Fdfd Fold (fdFd) and Scottish Straight fdfd. In this case, “mixed” children are born.

It turns out that you can breed a straight-eared cat (straight) with a fold-eared cat, and vice versa, there will be no negative impact on the health of the kittens in such a union. But when two Scottish folds are mated, you need to be sure that at least one of the parents has the homozygous Fdfd allele (fdFd).

There is one more. Some kittens have ears that fold first and later rise, although in fact the animals have genes for lop ears. A gradation has been developed according to which the Scots can have 1, 2 or even 3 folds. In the latter case, the auricle is 100% guaranteed to be adjacent to the head and there can no longer be any external changes to it. But the first option is the riskiest. Visually, the animal looks straight-eared, although it has the lop-eared gene.

If crossed with a Scottish Fold, the offspring will most likely get hereditary diseases. So when breeding straight-eared Scottish Straights, you need to have complete confidence in the consistency of the genetics and appearance of the pets.

Is it possible to bring brothers and sister cats together?

No no and one more time no! For that simple reason - are related marriages among people allowed? Did your brother marry your sister? Father on daughter, son on mother? And don’t talk about ethics...thousands of years ago, when there were no scientists, people understood the harmfulness of inbreeding, which was then exposed in church tenets and laws... Freaks are born and inferior... But sometimes goldfish are possible, because... It is ugliness that is considered chic! Lion heads, telescopes and so on... But when the fish breed is bred, they look for another male or female...

and the meaning. that there are no others... you risk that from close inbreeding sick puppies with physical deformities will be born

I will answer from experience in breeding cats... You can try, but you must clearly understand what you can get from this crossing, because... this is a very close inbreeding... In cats, they often return either to the father (father-daughter mating, or to the mother - mother-son mating). It is better to bring a brother and sister together with one common ancestor, for example, the mother is the same, but the fathers are different... And you should know whether the parents of the animals have any genetic abnormalities, otherwise this negative will be consolidated in the offspring, which then will practically not be eradicated...

Only ABNORMAL OWNERS can do this.... This, first of all, is a very tough experiment with the psyche of dogs (which, unfortunately, is not very stable at present), we can say that 99% of the puppies obtained from such a mating will be INADQUATE dogs

You mean inbreeding, I know that a daughter and a father can happen. But there is at least a little blood diluted there, and I think that my sister and brother are absolutely not. Although we need to consult in some club.

If you want to ruin the pedigree of both dogs and have them sweat

Is it possible to breed dogs if they are brother and sister?

15.07.11 21:12

Hello. I have the following question for you: Is it possible to bring dogs together if they are brother and sister? I called our city veterinary clinic and the doctor said that dogs are not people, in general, you can breed them, nothing bad will happen from it. But I still doubt it and so I decided to ask you for advice.

How does the knitting process take place?

All actions take place in the territory of the male’s residence. Before breeding a Scottish Fold cat, it is contraindicated to wash it, as this will deprive it of the characteristic odor that attracts the male.

Most often, the entire process occurs without the help of the owners, but it happens that animals get lost, especially cats. In this case, they need to give time to rest, get used to it and sniff.

The male may show interest, sing songs to the female, and she, in turn, responds to his advances. If the female is not ready to mate, the male senses this and simply leaves. In this case, further actions will be ineffective; you need to wait for the next heat.

The following are the rules for mating Scottish cats:

  • Age of the cat. You can take her to a male only during estrus and at the age of 1 year. Even though they reach puberty at 6-7 months, they are not yet ready to have offspring. Moreover, the animal is not yet fully formed, and this can lead to serious health problems.
  • You cannot cross two Scottish Folds, or with a British male. This can lead to health problems for kittens.
  • If you plan to use kittens for exhibitions, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a partner, his pedigree, color and other characteristics.
  • It is imperative to monitor the health of the animals; in case of any ailment, it is better to postpone the mating process.


A cat is capable of giving birth to 5–6 kittens 2–4 times a year.

All kittens are born with straight ears. “Sagging”, that is, the formation of a fold in 50% of kittens begins from the 21st day of life, if the parents are selected correctly. At this time, it is determined which type of breed - straight-eared or fold-eared - each kitten belongs to.

Kittens grow quickly. From 3 months, their body, legs and head become elongated, which does not look very attractive. But by the age of 8 months, the appearance of the pets becomes harmonious. And by the age of 3, cats are fully formed.

READ Description of the Limousin cattle breed, dignity and its breeding.

Possible difficulties

Compliance with all of the above rules assumes the natural course of events. In normal condition, cats get along well with each other and will not cause trouble to their owners.

Minor deviations may occur in the following cases:

  • One or both partners are taking part in mating for the first time - it will take them much longer to overcome the barrier of inexperience, but experts advise avoiding such pairings. The largest percentage of failures is in this situation.
  • If one or both partners show aggression, it is recommended to introduce them at a distance (in cages or in a room separated by a net) and bring them together only when Scottish cats get used to each other.
  • The owner of the apartment will have to keep the animals under control at all times and prevent them from causing mutual injuries.
  • Females traditionally dominate males, and this creates difficulties when mating pets that are already familiar and live in the same territory.
  • Additional problems can be caused by loud sounds, noise, the presence of strangers in the apartment and any other reasons that distract Scottish cats from mating and create a stressful situation for them.

If there is the slightest concern about the ability of the owners to independently organize crossing (or difficulties begin in the mating process), it is best to invite a specialist who will help the animals and monitor their condition.

Although rare, there are cases where Scottish fold cats cannot mate on their own and are left without offspring. It must be remembered that this breed does not have centuries of experience in survival and reproduction; it was created by people, and therefore, without their participation, it loses its independence.

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If it's illegal, why do people continue to mate Britons with Scots?

People do this for different reasons.

Some are looking for a worthy match for their pet, but due to living in a small locality, they find only a remotely similar partner.

Others are simply not aware of all the dangers that come with mating two different breeds. Most often, it is enough to simply warn such people, and they immediately abandon the dangerous undertaking.

For others it happens by accident. For example, there are both Scottish and British people living in the same family. And during puberty, they themselves choose each other for mating.

As a result of such crossings, the result is ridiculous, rude and clumsy kittens - Scottish Fold with the body of a Briton, who will have bad hair.

The result is a deterioration of both breeds. But the purpose of mating is completely opposite - to improve the breed, to take only the best characteristics of their parents and ancestors.

Remember: according to the rules, you only need to breed representatives of your own breed. If for some reason this is not possible, seek help from an experienced felinologist. It will help solve the problem with minimal harm to pets. And always avoid amateurs who claim they can guarantee excellent results.

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