How to properly prepare and organize mating of a Chihuahua

At what age can you breed a Chihuahua?

First you need to figure out when you can breed representatives of the breed.


The male is ready for breeding after 12 months of age. But it is optimal to untie a male dog at one and a half years old, because the animal will already have formed and established a stable hormonal background.


The recommended age for breeding a female sneeze is the same. It can be reduced at one and a half years. But provided that the girl goes into at least her third heat. Mating and mating of mini and micro Chihuahuas is prohibited. Their body is not designed for this. The animal will simply die.

How to understand that your pet is ready

Signs that a bitch is ready for mating are an increase in the size of the loop and its softening, as well as how the dog behaves towards males.

If she snaps at them and drives them away, then this is a sign that the dog is not yet ready for mating . If he allows them to get closer and flirts with them, then this is one of the signs that the Chihuahua can already be bred.

Also, on a day favorable for mating, the color of the discharge changes from reddish to yellowish-pink.

How to find a male and female for mating?

When you need a dog for breeding, you choose a partner responsibly. The following recommendations will help you choose a male or female to breed:

  1. You need to pay attention to the appearance of the dog or bitch, character traits. You also need to make sure that the animal is approved for mating.
  2. There is no need to choose a close relative of the sneeze as a partner. This often leads to the birth of unhealthy offspring.
  3. We must try to look for partners of the same size and the same length of fur. Also, there is no need to mate a female with a large-headed male, because this is fraught with problems during childbirth.
  4. It is necessary to check the health of the dog and the presence of all vaccinations.

Choosing a partner

When choosing a mate for your dog, you need to know the following:

  • what vaccinations your partner has had, for this it is better to ask for a veterinary passport;
  • pet's health status;
  • the female should not be much smaller than the male, otherwise he may injure her;
  • dogs should not be closely related.

In addition, it is desirable that the dogs are approximately the same age. The number of previous matings in both dogs does not affect the choice of partner.

On what day of heat should a Chihuahua be bred?

The optimal period when it is permissible for a bitch to sneeze is considered to be the period from the 10th to the 14th day of estrus.

Estrus in female Chihuahuas occurs twice a year, and their average duration is three weeks. The process goes through four phases:

  1. Preparatory (other names: proestrus or precursor).
  2. Estrus. This is the most suitable time for mating.
  3. Metestrus. Final phase. The female loses interest in the male.
  4. Anestrus. This is the name for the period between estrus.

When can dogs be bred?

Puberty varies in time among different representatives of the breed. Early mating negatively affects the physical and psychological condition of pets:

  • Males develop unbridled sexual desire, hyperexcitability, and aggressiveness;
  • bitches have a high probability of miscarriage, abnormalities in the formation of the fetus, difficult childbirth, and the appearance of weak offspring.

Boys are knitted no earlier than 1 year, and girls after reaching 1.5 years. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before the first mating. He will examine the dog and confirm its readiness to bear children.

Between pregnancies, the female must have a break to restore her body, so mating is planned once a year. In dogs older than 7-8 years, reproduction deteriorates, so it is better to sterilize them.

To untie a young male dog, it is better to choose a more experienced partner who will treat the process calmer and more self-possessed. The next mating takes place no earlier than after 4 months. The stud dog must come into contact with the girl once a month. Frequent matings cause exhaustion of the dog’s body and weakness of potency. Long breaks between matings lead to a deterioration in the emotional state of the pet. Males are characterized by good reproductive function up to 10 years of age.

Mating a Chihuahua: how to do it correctly

Preparatory stage

At the preparatory stage of mating sneezes, the following set of measures must be taken:

  • check the pet’s health and ability to bear offspring;
  • one month before mating and crossing, carry out anti-parasitic treatment of the dog;
  • enter into an official contract with the owner of the second Chihuahua. Discuss in advance the course of action in case of unforeseen situations during mating, indicate the subject of the contract;
  • vaccinate Chihuahuas if vaccinations have not been done previously.

Readiness of male and female for mating

A male dog enters puberty at one year of age. Before this, during a period of three to six months, the male's testes descend into the scrotum. If this does not happen after six months, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. This phenomenon is called cryptorchidism, and without treatment it leads to the development of various diseases, including the impossibility of reproduction.

The female sneezeweed becomes an adult at one year. During puberty, her ovaries begin to secrete estrogen and progesterone, sex hormones that play an important role in the Chihuahua's reproductive capabilities. Veterinarians allow breeding of a female dog at least after her third heat. It is risky to go into heat for the first time, as it will negatively affect the health of the dog. At this time, the hormonal background is just beginning to form.

Features of the first mating of a Chihuahua

Before breeding the dogs, they must be fed (no later than three hours in advance), and also ensure that the animals relieve themselves before mating. Chihuahuas should be bred no more than once a year. Pregnancy is a serious challenge for a miniature Chihuahua.

The first mating should be carried out in compliance with several general rules for crossing Chihuahua dogs:

  1. Mating occurs in the territory of the male sneeze. This is no coincidence, as it gives him more confidence. The female Chihuahua, on the contrary, will become more pliable.
  2. Getting to know Chihuahuas before mating lasts an average of fifteen minutes. They sniff each other, the girl explores the new territory and gets used to the situation. It is advisable that there should be no one in the room where the Chihuahuas will be bred except the owners of the dogs.
  3. Once the acquaintance is completed, the Chihuahua will understand whether they are suitable for each other. The female is the first to take the initiative. She lowers herself slightly, bending her paws, and moves her tail to the side. The ready boy comes up from behind and stands up on his hind legs, grasping the bitch.
  4. Next, the so-called “fitting” begins. Its duration is about five minutes. After the “trying on” is completed, direct mating begins, i.e. mating.
  5. After ejaculation, the female must be completely immobile for 5-10 minutes. This is due to the fact that at this time the Chihuahua’s genitals are “locked”, and any sudden and careless movement of the bitch during mating can lead to injury to the male’s organ.

According to many breeders, it is advisable to breed a Chihuahua every day for two to three days. This increases the girl's chances of getting pregnant.

Preparing for mating

Partners for mating are selected in advance. At the same time, they should not be related or have a difference in height of more than 5 cm. For a normal pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to weigh 1.8-2 kg. The chicks must first be introduced so that they can get used to each other.

It is advisable to have the animals examined by a veterinarian to confirm their health. 3 weeks before physical contact, dogs must be wormed.

If the owner intends to become a breeder of purebred Chihuahuas, then he will need to provide the pet's pedigree, diplomas from exhibitions and a medical certificate with vaccination notes.

Beginning breeders are not always sure on what day it is correct to breed dogs. Experienced dog handlers advise doing this 10–14 days after the start of estrus.

Caring for a dog during heat

First you need to decide when the first heat occurs in a Chihuahua. Normally, this happens between 12 and 18 months. The duration of estrus is 20-21 days, twice a year. It is recommended to keep a diary or journal where the start and end dates of estrus will be recorded.

This phenomenon is characterized by striking signs, including:

  1. Changing the character and behavior of a Chihuahua. The animal becomes irritable, anxiety and nervousness increase. Sometimes aggression and cockiness manifest themselves (often the Chihuahua begins to rush at cats and other animals, and in rare cases, at the owner). In the presence of male dogs nearby, the bitch takes appropriate poses.
  2. Bloody discharge appears. There is no need to be afraid of this. Chihuahuas often lick themselves on time, so the owner may not notice the blood right away.
  3. The female's loop swells - the external genitalia of the Chihuahua.

During this difficult period, the Chihuahua needs more careful care. What you can and cannot do:

  1. To prevent accidental sneezing while walking, you need to walk your pet on a leash. The duration of walks should be reduced to protect the four-legged animal from an unexpected cold or other illness.
  2. It is necessary to take care of hygiene. Some owners buy special panties so that the dog does not dirty the furniture and floors in the house. But it is difficult for a Chihuahua to stay in them for a long time: they are uncomfortable and sometimes restrict movement. Other owners prefer to cover floors and furniture with disposable diapers or other absorbent fabric.
  3. Chihuahuas should not be allowed to wallow in dirt and dust.
  4. You cannot wash or bathe your Chihuahua in rivers and other bodies of water. This increases the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system.

From the history of the breed

The first mentions of the breed go back thousands of years. There are a great many hypotheses about the origin of the breed and the mysteries associated with it. The origin of this tiny creature is shrouded in an incredible number of legends - right up to its alien homeland.

Small figurines, rock and other images of a small dog similar to a modern Chihuahua, mummified bodies of a miniature dog, are found during excavations of ancient structures throughout Mexico. The dog was kept as a sacred animal in the houses of the nobility and priesthood of the Mayan, Aztec, and Toltec tribes. The name of the small pet was Techichi. With the arrival of the conquistadors and the fall of ancient civilizations, the little Techichi were forced to flee, to hide from humans. The wildest situation - the Spaniards enjoyed feasting on tender dog meat.

Since then, the dogs have gone into the forests and avoided human contact. However, almost three centuries later, European tourists visiting Mexico began to bring home tiny large-headed dogs purchased from the local population. This is how Chihuahuas came to Europe.

Symptoms of pregnancy in Chihuahuas

Pregnancy sneeze will make itself felt only after the first month of gestation. Until this moment, it is almost impossible to independently understand that a Chihuahua is pregnant. So, after a month the female will have two striking symptoms:

  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • belly growth.

However, the most accurate sign will be the puppies moving inside the mother's belly two weeks before the start of labor. Periodically you need to put your hand on it to make sure you are pregnant.

To make sure that your Chihuahua is expecting offspring, you need to take the dog for an ultrasound.

How to tell if your dog is pregnant

In the first month, you can only guess whether the bitch has conceived or not. After the thirtieth day, the first signs of pregnancy appear: the dog’s mammary glands swell and the volume of the abdomen increases.


The most reliable sign that a dog is pregnant is the movement of the puppies, which can be felt by placing your hand on the pet’s belly about a couple of weeks before giving birth.

You can also determine pregnancy using an ultrasound or a special test that is performed at a veterinary clinic..

How does Chihuahua pregnancy proceed and how long does it last?

After mating and fertilization of the egg, changes begin in the female’s body. She is actively preparing for pregnancy, which lasts for 60 days, and the upcoming birth.

The sequential process of pregnancy in a Chihuahua:

  1. In the first days, the dog’s condition does not change. Embryos begin to form in the uterus only on the fifth day after fertilization (later in some Chihuahuas). During this period, you cannot vaccinate your Chihuahua, expose it to stress, or take it with you on long trips.
  2. Around the twentieth day of pregnancy, nausea appears and the animal’s appetite changes. Transparent but not abundant discharge appears in the loop.
  3. Closer to the month, you need to exclude running and active games with the Chihuahua. Soon her tummy will begin to increase in volume. The female develops an increased appetite. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the protein content in her diet.
  4. On the fortieth day, the Chihuahua's belly becomes even larger. Now all physical exercise is prohibited.
  5. After another week, the dog begins to set up a “nest”. Build her a special maternity house with an opening roof from a large cardboard box.
  6. On the fiftieth day, you can feel the puppies moving in the Chihuahua's belly.
  7. Labor will begin between days 57 and 72 of pregnancy. You must first prepare the necessary means at hand and do not leave the dog alone.

A little about the process itself

First of all, you should choose the right partner for mating. It is worth considering simple rules:

  • The partner must meet all the necessary parameters.
  • Dogs should not be closely related to avoid getting sick offspring.
  • It is important that the Chihuahua male for mating has access to breeding, and the female has an exhibition grade.
  • It is recommended to select dogs according to size; a boy that is too large can cause problems during childbirth. You should not breed if the female weighs less than two kilograms.
  • Both dogs must be absolutely healthy; it is necessary to carry out the necessary vaccinations in advance, as well as treat the dogs against parasites and helminths.

Attention! It is better not to mix dogs with different coat lengths; as a result, you may not get standard Chihuahuas.

About a couple of weeks before the planned mating, the female needs to increase the amount of food with a high content of vitamins and minerals in her diet. It is better to give the male more protein food during this period.

It is important to properly carry out all the necessary preparations before mating.

Many people are interested in mating Chihuahuas and how to do it correctly. The mating process is not complicated, but it takes some time and requires careful preparation; execution goes according to plan:

  • It is best to breed in the morning because Chihuahua dogs must be hungry. If this is not possible, then it is better not to feed the dogs for about 3-4 hours before the process.
  • Before mating, dogs need to be given a good walk.
  • The procedure is carried out indoors with non-slip floors so that the pets can position themselves steadily.
  • The female needs to tie her mouth with something so that she does not bite her partner (at this time girls can show aggression).
  • Pets should be left alone in the room so that they can get to know each other, sniff each other, and play a little.
  • In a normal situation, at some point the female will allow the male to mount.
  • At this moment, it is important to secure the bitch so that she cannot wriggle out.
  • As soon as the male penetrates the loop, he begins to move his paws a little to make himself more comfortable. At this moment, the female will squeal and try to run away; you need to hold her tightly.
  • After some time, a “lock” forms, which lasts from several minutes to an hour. At this point, the dogs do not need to be disturbed, but the female must be held in place.
  • The partners must separate without anyone's help, they are given something to drink and time to rest a little.

After some time, the male may want to mate again, but this is not recommended. It is best to carry out another mating a couple of days later in order to be able to carry out the procedure correctly if something went wrong the first time.

Attention! It is not allowed to separate dogs in any way while they are in the “castle”.

If necessary, you need to help the dogs during the mating process


Signs of labor beginning in a sneeze are difficult to confuse with something else:

  • the Chihuahua's body temperature drops to 36 degrees;
  • movements in the female’s stomach stop, the puppies freeze;
  • the dog's muscles begin to tremble;
  • rapid breathing appears;
  • contractions begin.

The contractions will gradually become more frequent and intensify until they turn into pushing. After this, the first puppy is born. The baby appears in the amniotic sac, which will either burst on its own or be torn apart by the mother herself. Also, after the birth of each baby, the Chihuahua will chew the umbilical cord and lick the baby. This stimulates his breathing.

Also, after the puppy is born (after a couple of minutes), the placenta will come out. The Chihuahua will want to eat it. This is normal, but you should never let her eat more than one.

Emergency veterinary assistance will be needed if more than three hours have passed since the start of pushing, and not a single puppy has been born. Delay can be dangerous for the dog’s life, so keep a phone number with the veterinary clinic number on hand in advance.

Breed characteristics

For a successful mating, it is important to take into account not only the days of the female’s cycle and the characteristics of the male, but also the breed of the animal. The belonging of dogs to one or another variety can radically change the principle of mating.

Large breeds

Representatives of large breeds, for example, Caucasian Shepherds, Alabais, St. Bernards, Huskies, etc., should be adopted no earlier than one and a half years of age, ideally at 2 years. If you do this earlier, you can ruin the health and psyche of the wet-nosed ones. In a large female, you need to skip the first 2 heats and breed only on the 3rd.

It is important to take into account the size of the individuals: they should not be the same for a boy and a girl. Otherwise, half the litter will be born defective. It is imperative that one of the couple is larger. Usually boys are bigger.

When it comes to large quadrupeds, it is ideal if both or at least one of them is experienced. Something goes wrong - the owners will not be able to cope with their oversized comrades. It is advisable for both to wear muzzles so that they do not inadvertently bite either each other or their owners.

Medium breeds

These include pugs, Jack Russell terriers, cocker spaniels, dachshunds, sharpeis, etc. Usually, medium-sized dogs are not aggressive, so muzzles are rarely put on them. But the presence of a collar is mandatory - it will be convenient for the owner to hold the ward by it.

Small breeds

Small ones are a Chihuahua, a Yorkshire Terrier, a Russian Toy Terrier, a lapdog, etc. These kids require almost no help during the task, but this does not mean that they can be left alone without any control. It is convenient for small dogs to be placed on some elevated surface, for example, on a table.

Number of puppies in the litter

The average number of puppies in a Chihuahua litter is from one to five. This number is influenced by the genetic characteristics of the dog, as well as the conditions of its keeping. The number of puppies does not depend on the number of matings.

Feeding after childbirth

After labor is completed, you should give the Chihuahua a bowl of warm milk or low-fat meat broth. Sometimes a Chihuahua develops eclampsia after giving birth, a life-threatening condition in which the animal experiences a sharp increase in blood pressure. To avoid a dangerous disease typical after childbirth, you need to exclude meat and meat by-products from your dog’s diet for at least a week.

Castration and sterilization

Pros and cons

Sterilizing a dog, unlike castration, has many more disadvantages. After such an operation, a false pregnancy may develop, the dog’s character often changes for the worse, and the risk of tumor is high. Castration has fewer disadvantages, although after it the dog gains weight sharply. Problems can be easily avoided if you review your nutrition and exercise plan after surgery.

After castration, dogs become more obedient and flexible, males stop marking their territory, and none of the dogs are attracted to the opposite sex. And the dogs themselves usually become more resistant to diseases and live much longer.

When to castrate?

A male dog needs to be castrated before puberty, at 7-10 months. The bitch is castrated before her first heat, at 4-6 months. If the dog will be neutered after giving birth, you need to wait until the end of lactation.

False pregnancy

This is the name of a condition that occurs in a female Chihuahua due to hormonal imbalance. In addition, the causes of the pathological condition are the presence of inflammation in the reproductive organs and unstable mating.

False pregnancy occurs two months after mating. The dog will develop symptoms characteristic of a normal pregnancy: the dog will become restless, milk will appear, and the nipples will become swollen. In rare cases, the Chihuahua's belly even grows and false contractions begin (as painful as real ones).

A veterinarian's help will be required if the Chihuahua's condition noticeably worsens, it becomes lethargic and apathetic, and loses interest in food and what is happening around it. Another signal to contact a veterinarian is milk stagnation.

During a false pregnancy, a Chihuahua needs to remove dairy products from its diet. We should try to walk the dog more often and play actively.

Why is there no heat

For a female Chihuahua, estrus is an indicator of the health of the body. In girls from 4 to 7 years old, there is indeed stability in the duration and change of cycles, but the gap between them does not necessarily have to be 6 months.

As for young dogs, you should only sound the alarm if the girl is over 18 months old and has not started to come into heat. The psychological state of the Chihuahua, improper feeding, or poor heredity can disrupt the regime.

Suspension of the cycle in an adult dog is not a reason to panic. It is believed that the duration of the resting phases alternates: the long one occurs in the autumn-winter period, and the short one - in the spring-summer period.

Although dogs do not have a complete stop in their reproductive cycles, aging can affect the regularity of the processes. You still need to follow the schedule, but you should only worry about a prolonged resting phase if it lasts more than 12 months.

Important! Sometimes heat does not occur due to the fact that the Chihuahua feels the “hostility” of the environment. If a dog senses danger, sees unsuitable conditions or a tense psychological situation in the family, it itself can postpone the cycle, considering the time inappropriate for the birth of puppies.

But it happens that the absence of estrus is the cause of a hereditary pathology, which will not harm the Chihuahua’s health, but will also prevent it from conceiving and bearing puppies.


  • anostria - complete absence of sexual desire;
  • subacute - imperceptible occurrence of reproductive cycles.

Problems common when mating Chihuahuas

As a rule, any problem can be identified in advance and solutions can be found. To do this, do not neglect a visit to the veterinary clinic and examination by a veterinarian. Some of the common problems that owners face include:

  1. Chihuahuas are aggressive against each other. A male or female does not always accept a partner.
  2. Incorrect timing for mating.
  3. Physical pain in one of the dogs.
  4. Deviations in the development of the genital organs or in the functioning of the reproductive system of the Chihuahua.

What to do after?

When mating is complete, the Chihuahua should be separated into different rooms and given time to recover. The dogs will be thirsty, so they need to be given water.

The girl has been experiencing cloudy discharge from her genitals for some time. The owners need to closely monitor her in order to detect pregnancy in time. Gestation lasts 60-66 days.

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