STRONGHOLD - drops on the withers for cats and dogs against fleas, ticks and other parasites

Drops on the withers Pfizer Stronghold

  • Fact 1:
    The active ingredient is selamectin
  • Fact 2:
    The drug remains effective for 1 month
  • Fact 3:
    2 ml is the maximum dose and is applied to animals over 40 kg
  • Fact 4:
    Used to treat allergic dermatitis, which is caused by fleas, lice and lice

When an animal brings fleas on itself, it is very unpleasant. If, on top of everything else, she becomes infected with worms, this is doubly unpleasant. But it is impossible to place a pet in a sterile glass ball and protect it from the entire outside world. And yet it is quite possible to protect it from small parasites that cause major troubles. Moreover, “kill two birds with one stone” at once, because the drug Stronghold is intended just for such a comprehensive “cleaning” of the dog’s body, inside and out. And if your pet has not managed to acquire any blood-sucking evil spirits, then the medicine will help prevent this from happening in the future.

Active ingredients and action of drops

The composition of Strohghold includes a single active ingredient - selamectin. The concentration of the active substance can be 6% or 12% (indicated on the package). The medication is presented in the form of a liquid solution, from transparent to yellowish.

The pharmacological market of veterinary drugs offers 4 options for packaging medicines in plastic drop-type pipette bottles with multi-colored caps:

  1. Violet – 0.25 ml (30 mg selamectin).
  2. Brown – 0.5 ml (60 mg).
  3. Red – 1 ml (120 mg).
  4. Green – 2 ml (240 mg).

The variety of volumes is very convenient - the dosage depends on the weight of the dog.

Selamectin paralyzes the nerve endings and muscle function of parasites, ultimately leading to their complete death. This happens immediately after the drops hit the skin of the animal (for external ectoparasites) and when absorbed into the blood (for helminthic infestations).

Stronghold drops successfully fight all types of nematodes, mites (including ear mites), fleas, larvae, eggs and other parasites. The effect of the drug remains effective for 1 month after treating the dog, preventing repeated or primary infection, while having absolutely no detrimental effect on the health of the animal as a whole.

Pharmacological properties

The active ingredient of stronghold, selamectin, has a wide spectrum of antiparasitic effects on sarcoptic mites, insects and nematodes parasitizing cats and dogs. The drug has ovicidal properties and has a detrimental effect on the larvae of round helminths. The drug does not affect mature nematodes Dirofilaria immitis, but reduces the number of microfilariae circulating in the blood, and it can be safely used in previously infected dogs and cats. The mechanism of action is the ability of selamectin, by binding to the receptors of the cells of the nervous and muscle tissue of parasites, to increase the permeability of the parasite membranes for chlorine ions, this in turn leads to a blockade of the electrical activity of the muscle and nerve cells of arthropods and nematodes, their paralysis and death. Since selamectin does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, and in mammals such receptors are found only in the central nervous system (CNS), the drug is absolutely safe for cats and dogs in recommended doses. Selamectin remains in the blood in a therapeutic concentration for a long time, ensuring the destruction of parasites and protecting animals from reinvasion for 30 days. Stronghold for warm-blooded animals is a low-toxic compound (for mice, when administered orally, the LD50 (semi-lethal dose) of selamectin is 1600 mg/kg). The drug is well tolerated by cats and dogs of various breeds (including collies).

When to use Stronghold drops

The drug is indicated for pets of all ages in the following cases:

  • to destroy skin parasites and treat dermatitis resulting from insect bites;
  • to eliminate worms and other types of parasites that affect the internal organs of the dog;
  • for the purpose of preventive treatment to prevent infection.

Instructions for use

The product is used once, and the dose is selected taking into account the weight of your patient; for every 5 kg of body weight, 0.25 ml of medicinal liquid is taken:

  • 2.5-5 kg ​​– 0.25 ml dispenser (with purple cap).
  • 5-10 kg – 0.5 ml bottle (brown cap).
  • 10-20 kg – 1 ml pipette (red cap).
  • 20-40 kg – 2 ml container (with green lid).

2 ml is the maximum dose and is also applied to animals over 40 kg.

If the dispenser was larger in volume than needed for processing, then the remaining product cannot be stored and is disposed of immediately after using the required amount of product.

  1. Make sure that the skin at the application site is not damaged (no scratches, abrasions, cuts, wounds).
  2. Turn the cap on the bottle of solution counterclockwise, thereby piercing the protective membrane of the dropper.
  3. Spread the fur on the animal's withers, including the undercoat (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades).
  4. Apply the antiparasitic agent directly to your pet's skin.
  5. After squeezing out the drops, do not rub or massage the solution, let it absorb on its own into the epidermis.

Attention! Make sure that the dog cannot reach the treated area with his tongue: the drug can cause poisoning if it gets inside the body.

After complete absorption (~2 hours), you can carry out water procedures with your pet, including bathing with shampoos and other detergents. This does not affect the quality of the impact.

How to apply

Simple instructions for use. Remove the pipette from the packaging and, holding it vertically, press on the colored cap. Now it can be removed. Apply the preparation to the withers (on dry skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck, spreading the hair well). It is necessary to drop all the liquid from the pipette into one place. It is better to remove it compressed to prevent the drug from being absorbed back.


Safety precautions when working with Stronghold

Due to the threat of poisoning, certain precautions should be observed when carrying out antiparasitic procedures:

  • Protect your hands with gloves during treatment.
  • After the event, wash your hands thoroughly with a disinfectant detergent.
  • Place the used bottle in a plastic bag, wrap tightly and dispose of it, keeping it out of the reach of children and animals.
  • Do not contact the dog (petting, bathing, combing the fur) until the skin is completely dry.
  • Keep children away from the animal for at least 2 hours after treatment.

If the product gets on human skin or mucous membranes, rinse thoroughly under running water. If ingested, people or animals require immediate assistance from qualified professionals.

Side effects

Exceeding the permissible dose specified in the instructions threatens the dog with a number of unpleasant consequences.

Symptoms do not appear immediately; most often this occurs a couple of days after treatment. The animal has the following signs:

  • lack of coordination;
  • poor spatial orientation;
  • hair loss at the site of Stronghold application;
  • lethargy, apathy.

A deterioration in the dog’s well-being that occurs immediately after applying the drug indicates an allergic reaction.

Acute symptoms develop in a short time:

  • convulsions occur;
  • pupils dilate;
  • the area treated with the product turns red;
  • foam may be released from the mouth;
  • intestinal disorders, vomiting, diarrhea.

These signs cause anxiety in the animal; the dog constantly whines and cannot find a place. To alleviate the pet’s condition, it is urgent to rinse the withers (where the medicine was applied) with clean water.

If the dog accidentally swallows the drug, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage and visit a veterinarian.

When the use of Stronghold drops is unacceptable (Contraindications)

Modern medications, including those for animals, are produced with the most safe composition for health. Stronghold is no exception. Therefore, contraindications to its use are minimal:

  1. Individual intolerance to selamectin.
  2. The pet is sick with an infectious disease.
  3. The animal is weakened after a recent illness.
  4. The dog has a chronic disease and it is in the acute stage.
  5. The puppies have not reached 1.5 months of age.

In other cases, if the dosage and processing rules are followed, the procedure is absolutely safe and does not threaten the occurrence of adverse reactions.

Stronghold for dogs and cats, what is the difference?

There is no particular difference in the drugs. They have one active ingredient, but there is no information about the auxiliary components. Perhaps that is the difference between them. However, Stronghold is available directly for cats with a 0.75 ml solution. The instructions for this type of drug are absolutely identical to those for dogs.

Another type of medicine is called “For puppies and kittens.” The whole difference is in the weight of the animals. If you do not have a product for cats, you can use Stronghold for dogs. The only thing you need to do is to correctly calculate the dose, according to the weight of the cat. If you cannot do this yourself, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Reviews about the drug

As they say, good fame precedes you. This is just about Stronghold drops. Everyone who used them in practice was satisfied:

“We adopted the dog from a shelter. We just decided one day to do a good deed and give someone a well-fed, calm life, especially since we live on earth and without a dog, a yard is not a yard. It was immediately clear that Bogdan (that’s what we called the adopted child) was sick. He was skinny, as it turned out later because of the worms that literally sucked him out from the inside, covered in scabs from constant scratching (the fleas could be seen without practically straining). But his huge sad eyes somehow immediately touched the soul that we, without saying a word, understood - this is our dog. Of course, we didn’t dare bring him into the house in this condition. Therefore, the bathhouse was organized right on the street, in an old children’s bathtub, fortunately it was summer.

Then we were treated with Sronghold, which was recommended to us by the veterinarian whom we turned to for advice. Bogdan's feces were literally swarming with parasites, and nasty fleas flew from his fur in all directions when he shook himself. But both of them were dead. This means that the doctor did not deceive. The drops really started working from the first hours! After a few days, the dog’s stool was clean, and the scabs on his body began to heal and even new hairs appeared. After all, he no longer combed them furiously as before. Just a month ago he was a poor, exhausted dog, but now he is gaining strength and health every day. We will use Stronghold every three months, as stated in the instructions, for prevention. It seemed to me that I was a strong person, but when I first saw gratitude in the eyes of our dog, tears welled up on their own. How little it takes to make someone happy. A bowl of food, love and... Stronghold." Kristina, Kursk.

Answers on questions

Write questions in the comments, the section is constantly updated with information.

How long does the drug last?

The effect of Stronghold lasts for a month.

What analogues are there?

Analogs are better than Stronghold*:

A drugWhy is it better?Price, rub
InspectorCan be used from 3 weeks.
Works against internal and external parasites, including ixodid ticks. Great option!
From 300 to 500 per pipette depending on weight.
AdvantixA wide range of protection against external parasites - in addition to fleas and ticks, ixodid ticks, mosquitoes and mosquitoes are added to this list. This is the best choice if you want to treat your animal only for ectoparasites. Does not work against helminths. 350-550
AdvocateIt differs from stronghold only in more modern active ingredients.450-700
Frontline Three ActProtects against 18 types of external parasites, is safe when licked and overdoses more than 5 times. A good product if you want to focus on flea and tick treatment. Does not work on helminths. 480-730

Required reading:

Review of 30 drugs for ear mites

Review of 17 deciduous for dogs

Analogues are worse*:

A drugWhy is it worse?Price, rub
Fiprist Spot itDoes not affect internal parasites; the spectrum of action on external parasites is very narrow.250-500 rubles per pipette depending on weight
Celandine BioIt contains a composition of essential oils, which does not work against parasites in principle; the purpose of this drug is to calm the owner.80
Dironet Spot itDespite a fairly wide spectrum of action on internal and external parasites, we do not think it is a safe drug, since it contains outdated active ingredients.95

* subjective opinion based on personal work experience.

When can I wash it?

Stronghold acts through the systemic circulation and is not distributed throughout the lipid layer of the skin. Approximately 30 minutes after application, the drug is completely absorbed into the blood, so you can safely wash your dog or cat without losing the effect of the product after two hours.

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