Advantix for dogs - advantages and disadvantages of the drug

About the manufacturer

Advantix drops on the withers are produced by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer. It has been operating since 1863, today it is a leader in the development and sale of various chemicals, preparations and fertilizers. The manufacturer regularly examines its products; all substances undergo strict laboratory and field studies.

Veterinary products are one of the key areas of the organization. They are dealt with within the Animal Health business unit, whose laboratories and production facilities are located all over the world. The main activity of this area is the development and sale of various solutions for the treatment and prevention of diseases of domestic and farm animals.


  • When to start using anti-tick drops for dogs
  • Mechanism of action
  • Tick ​​drops for dogs - TOP 15 best
  • How to use anti-tick drops for dogs
  • Restrictions when applying anti-tick drops to the withers
  • Safety when using drops against ticks and fleas
  • As recommendations

All pet owners in the spring are faced with the problem of choosing means to protect their pets from ticks. This is especially true for dog owners, because ticks carry very common and dangerous diseases, such as babesiosis (also known as piroplasmosis), borreliosis (the so-called Lyme disease, which can also affect people) and some others.

These diseases are much easier to prevent than to treat, so it is easier and cheaper to buy special acaricides at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. Today, a huge number of drugs have been developed, varying in price and effectiveness, in the form of drops, collars, sprays and even tablets for systemic action against ticks. The validity period can vary from 1 week to 3 or more months.

Learn more about the habitats, external signs, developmental and behavioral characteristics of the tick, and how the infection process occurs.

In this material we will look at drops on the withers against ticks for dogs:

  • when to start dripping drops;
  • how these drugs work;
  • composition, characteristic features and duration of protective action (briefly);
  • restrictions and security issues, etc.

What is Advantix used for?

The product is used to treat dogs against bites of blood-sucking insects. The procedure is especially relevant in the warm season in order to achieve safety while walking; indispensable for caring for pets when living in hot and humid regions. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is active against the following parasites:

  • mites;
  • fleas and their larvae;
  • blood-sucking flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • mosquitoes.

Thanks to the drop form, the drug is easy to use; the treatment procedure can be carried out at home without the participation of a veterinarian.

Reviews of Advantix from dog owners

Dog owners note the high effectiveness of Advantix.
Igor. I live in the private sector, and every year I remove several ticks from my Podgalyansky shepherd dog after walks. I decided to get rid of this inconvenience and purchased Advantix drops. I was surprised by the result: after treatment, my pet never brought home blood-sucking insects. A very useful tool.

Anastasia. My Pekingese lives in an apartment, so I never thought about ticks and fleas. But recently I was planning a trip to nature, and then I read some terrible posts on the Internet about animals arriving simply covered with ticks (the trip happened to be at the peak of tick activity). On the advice of a veterinarian, I purchased this remedy - as a result, the animal is healthy and has not been bitten by anyone. Thanks to the manufacturers!

Marina. I was surprised when I found fleas on my Chinese Crested because I bathed her all the time. Among the majority of remedies for these insects, I chose Advantix due to the large number of positive reviews. The product really helped - the fur became clean, and the animal stopped behaving restlessly.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Advantix is ​​a solution for external use in the form of a yellow or light brown liquid. Available in volumes from 0.4 to 4 ml, the drops are sealed in a polymer pipette with a protective cap. The high effectiveness of the drug is achieved by a well-thought-out composition; it contains two main components:

  1. Imidacloprid . The substance is active against adult fleas and larvae that are in the environment.
  2. Permethrin . Acts on ixodid ticks, lice, mosquitoes and other flying blood-sucking insects.

The composition of the drug was patented in 2014 and passed all laboratory tests. The basic components complement each other, thereby achieving a synergistic effect. Advantix combined drops have a powerful insecticidal, acaricidal and repellent effect.

Diseases transmitted by ticks

In early spring, as soon as it gets warmer, ticks become more active. A dog can “catch” them while walking – not only in the forest, but also in the city. Ixodid ticks are frequent carriers of dangerous diseases, including:

PiroplasmosisA disease whose pathogens enter the blood, where they destroy red blood cells responsible for the delivery of oxygen to the cells of various organs;
Borreliosisaka Lyme disease. The pathology is dangerous due to its long incubation period: in a dog bitten in the summer, signs of the disease may appear only after several months, and not every owner will associate them with the ectoparasite. The disease most often causes inflammatory processes in the joints, but can affect parenchymal organs, causing myocarditis, nephritis, hepatitis, etc. When the central nervous system is damaged, meningitis and encephalitis are possible;
EhrlichiosisIt is characterized by debilitating fever, weakness, sudden weight loss until complete exhaustion. Signs of the disease are blood in the urine, a decrease in the number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood, hemorrhages and bleeding, anemia;
BartonellosisDangerous for both animals and humans. The disease causes high fever, weakness and drowsiness, and disruption of the cardiovascular system. The disease is dangerous because it can last a long time or cause sudden death.

Veterinarians recommend using Advantix to protect pets from ixodid ticks, carrying out preventive treatment in the spring, about a month before warming (in February-March). The drug is active against ectoparasites at all stages of their development, which helps to quickly and effectively get rid of both adult insects and their eggs and larvae.

Important! The use of the drug causes the rapid death of parasites that remain on the skin. It is recommended to remove dead ticks manually.

How the drug works

The beneficial action of permethrin is to block nerve impulses in arthropods. If the substance gets into saliva, it leads to impaired coordination of movement, paralysis and death of most ectoparasites. Imidacloprid enhances the effect of this mechanism, works with receptors and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses.

Unlike other drugs, Advantix is ​​not absorbed into the dog's circulatory system. It is evenly distributed on the surface of the animal’s body, and upon contact with insects, it repels and kills them. Effectiveness lasts up to 4 weeks from the moment the dog is treated.

The product is a moderately toxic substance and does not cause side effects in doses recommended by the manufacturer.

May affect cats, bees and fish, causing poisoning.


The drug has a bitter taste, so a cat that manages to lick the liquid develops profuse salivation, which goes away after a few minutes. Avoid contact of the insecticide with the eyes; irritation with excessive tearing may develop. And for the cub the drug is toxic.

Therefore, the use of Advantage is prohibited for the following categories of animals:

  1. Pregnant. When licked, the drug enters the intestines, is absorbed into the blood and can harm embryos.
  2. Cubs - puppies under 8, kittens and rabbits - 10 weeks.
  3. Lactating cats. Babies climb on mom and can lick off the applied liquid.

Indications for use

Attention! Before use, consult a specialist.

Advantix drops are recommended for seasonal treatment of dogs of any size. The drug protects against bites and infection by ectoparasites; even if they enter the body, they quickly die. The product is recommended for active animals that spend a lot of time outside, in the forest and parks. Indicated for use in hunting and herding dogs, large nurseries where outbreaks of parasite infection are observed.

Advantix is ​​used as part of active therapy when identifying signs of fleas and other ectoparasites. Treatment is required if you plan to give your pet temporary care to a hotel for dogs or other places where these animals gather, for example, while going on vacation.

Instructions for use

The advantage of Advantix is ​​its ease of use. This treatment method is suitable even for active breeds and dogs with increased sensitivity to other methods of protection against ectoparasites. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian and also weigh your pet to calculate the optimal dosage of drops.

How to calculate the dose?

When choosing the volume of drops, you need to take into account the characteristics of the breed and the weight of the pet. The table shows the recommended dosage of the drug.

WeightRequirementsDose (pipette volume), ml
From 1.5 to 4 kgPuppies and small breed dogs over 7 weeks old0,4
From 4 to 10 kgPuppies and dogs of medium breeds from 7 weeks1,0
From 10 to 25 kgLarge and medium breed dogs2,5
For dogs from 25 kgLarge breed dogs4,0

Advantix is ​​sold in various volumes and dosages; it is quite difficult to make a mistake with the proportions.

If you have any difficulties with the calculation, you should contact your veterinarian or clinic administrator.

Processing algorithm

Advantix can be used starting from a puppy of 7 weeks of age, as well as for dogs from 1.5 kg in weight. The active ingredients of the composition are distributed over the surface within 48 hours, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure 2 days before the start of walks for puppies. It is not recommended to bathe the animal before treatment. If there is such a need, the last contact with water and detergent should be 2-3 days before using the drops. It is advisable to use the drug in the first half of the day - this makes it easier to monitor the pet’s condition and monitor the reaction to the components of the composition.

An assistant is not required for treatment - just remove the protective cap, then evenly distribute the entire volume of drops onto the skin in 3-4 places on the withers, tightly securing the dog with a leash or legs.

After the procedure, avoid stroking and other contact with fur for 30 minutes.

Storage rules and duration

The medicine is stored in sealed pipettes, in a dark and dry place at a temperature not lower than 0 and not higher than +25 degrees. Advantix retains its properties for 24 months from the date of issue.

If the drug gets on your skin, you should wash the area well with soapy warm water.

If swallowed, go to hospital as soon as possible for gastric lavage. Empty drop pipettes are disposed of.

The product is moisture resistant and is not washed off when rainwater gets on the fur.

Contraindications and side effects

Advantix drops are a medicinal product and may therefore cause side effects. They are usually short-term in nature and quickly go away on their own. The most common are allergies and individual intolerance to the components of the composition. This results in severe itching, redness and sneezing in the dog. If symptoms persist for more than 2-4 hours, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications include allergy to imidacloprid or permethrin, high sensitivity to these substances.

Treatment should be avoided for puppies under 7 weeks of age, as well as dogs weighing less than 1.5 kg.

Advantix can be used by pregnant and lactating bitches, but it is recommended to consult a veterinarian first.

Flea dermatitis

Dermatitis is a skin lesion accompanied by severe itching and redness of the skin. Flea saliva is an allergen: it contains caustic substances. If the animal's skin is hypersensitive, itching begins immediately after the bite.

Dogs of short-haired breeds are most susceptible to dermatitis: Labradors, Rottweilers, boxers, bulldogs, German shepherds and others.

Signs of an allergic reaction are:

  • severe itching, due to which the dog literally tears the skin. At the site of scratching, scratches and wounds appear, into which infectious agents can easily penetrate;
  • dry skin, seborrhea, the appearance of crusts and scales on the skin;
  • hair loss at the site of scratching;
  • depression, irritability;
  • loss of appetite up to complete refusal to eat;
  • vomit.

special instructions

To achieve a lasting and pronounced result, the drops must be used once - you cannot divide the bottle into several uses. The drug has a long shelf life of 3 years. The drops should be stored in sealed containers in a dry, dark place. It is advisable to place the product away from food products.

It is important to carefully observe the amount of product. Symptoms if overdose:

  • depressed state;
  • dilated pupils;
  • increased salivation;
  • muscle tremors, cramps;
  • loss of appetite.

If such signs are detected, you need to wash the dog with detergent to wash the drug from the skin. After this, give an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

If your pet experiences anaphylactic shock or any other severe allergy symptom, you should take your pet to the vet immediately.

Pros and cons of the drug

Many owners use Advantix to treat their pet. Advantages of the drug:

  • combined action;
  • safety for the body;
  • long lasting effect;
  • ease of use;
  • wide range of dosages.

Disadvantages include high cost, as well as the risk of allergies and other adverse reactions to the main components of the composition.

Advantages and disadvantages of Advantix

You can form an objective opinion about the product after studying the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

Pros of use:

  • ease of use is ensured by disposable pipette tubes;
  • preventing substances from entering the bloodstream allows pregnant dogs to be treated with drops;
  • there is no need to give the product orally - it is applied only superficially.

    The advantages of Advantix include the possibility of treating pregnant dogs, but the disadvantages are the high cost.

Disadvantages of use:

  • significant financial costs due to the relatively high cost of the product;
  • negative impact on the dog’s health if the components of the drug accidentally enter the body;
  • a ban on keeping dogs and cats together in the same room while using drops;
  • restriction on communication between the animal and children for up to 24 hours after treatment.

Among the nuances of use, the lack of an antiallergic effect should also be highlighted, therefore, to eliminate the itching caused by bites, the pet owner will have to supplement the therapy with antihistamines.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Advantix - combined drops for dogs. Designed to treat and protect against blood-sucking insects, ticks and lice.
  2. The active components of the composition are imidacloprid and permethrin. They complement each other and act on the nervous system of parasites, leading to their death.
  3. You can carry out the processing yourself. Drops are distributed on the surface of the body in an even layer. Protective and repellent properties are observed within 48 hours from the moment of application.
  4. It is important to follow the dosage of the product depending on the weight of the animal. The main contraindications are allergies, age up to 7 weeks, weight up to 1.5 kg.

Do you treat your dog for fleas and ticks? Share in the comments what drug you use.


Advantix is ​​an effective protective and medicinal product that has an active effect:

  • for fleas;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • mosquitoes;
  • midges;
  • mosquitoes, etc.

A single treatment is enough to protect the animal for 4-6 weeks. The medicine is used both for regular treatment and for the treatment of flea infestations and allergic dermatitis caused by insects. In the latter case, it can be combined with other therapeutic drugs.

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