Who is stronger - pit bull or bull terrier: description and comparison of breeds

Courageous and uniquely intelligent, American Staffordshire Terriers require experienced owners with a strong character. This is the only way to raise a puppy into a reliable and devoted protector - by suppressing any expression of unfriendly behavior. A well-mannered, obedient Amstaff is a sign of its owner’s aerobatics in training.

Two closely related types of fighting breeds

The breed was obtained in the 19th century in America by crossing a bulldog and a terrier, then the British line appeared. At the same time, another fighting dog was bred from the same ancestors. Amstaff and pit bull are very similar in appearance: they are short-haired, similar in color, have a massive body, strong legs, a large head with powerful jaws. The differences in the exterior are not so noticeable, but they are there:

• terriers have longer legs; • their chest is wider; • muscular body; • the difference in height reaches 6 cm, in weight – up to 8 kg; • nose and claws are always black.

The more significant differences between the Amstaff and Pitbull are in character. Both breeds were originally intended for rough sports, but in a fight he would rather lose than win, despite being larger. The pit bull has a lower threshold for pain sensitivity and is more ferocious and persistent. This mattered when dog fights were happening everywhere. Now they are prohibited, and in dogs, not forced to commit cruelty, previously hidden sociability, natural liveliness, and curiosity began to appear.

In the 30s of the last century in America and England, Amstaffs were registered in registries, and pit bulls were identified as an independent species.

Description of the breed

The official name of the breed is American Staffordshire Terrier. There are other abbreviated names - Stafford, Amstaff. The description of the dog contains the words: “infinitely brave, courageous, friendly, keenly interested in others.” The standard establishes the requirement that aggression towards a person is inadmissible. The size and weight are not strictly regulated - from 20 to 40 kg and 44-48 cm at the withers with gender differences in males and females, the main thing is proportionality and harmony of build.

The strength of the bulldog ancestors, agility and jumping ability inherited from hunting dogs, is fully manifested in the Amstaff breed. An impressive illustration of these properties is the famous parkour dog TreT, a Staffordshire Terrier, whose photos and videos on YouTube are simply amazing. The dog happily demonstrates his skills: climbing trees, jumping over 4-meter fences, jumping long distances between garage roofs, running along porch canopies and along eaves at the second floor level.

The Staffordshire Terrier dog is prone to improvisation. This is manifested in the study of everything that surrounds her. She's smart. Sometimes an American Stafford needs just one glance or a nod from the owner to guess his desire.

Description of the standard

The standard was adopted in 1971. According to it, the Staffordshire Terrier dog breed must have the following exterior characteristics:

• Strong stocky body with prominent muscles, well-developed bones and slightly stretched. • Wide head with a square skull and a clear stop from the forehead to the muzzle. • Convex muzzle with dense lips, black nose, open nostrils. • Strong jaws, almost square in shape. • The eyes are dark with black eyelids. • High-set ears are cropped by 2/3; short, erect, uncropped ears are preferred. • Neck, shoulders, chest, loin, croup are wide and strong. • The limbs are straight, muscular, the front legs are widely spaced, the paws are of medium size. • The tail is straight and of medium length.

The description of the Staffordshire Terrier mentions dry lips and eyes, which is an attractive feature in this breed, related to bulldogs. In practice, this means the absence of excessive drooling, which interferes with close communication and is the cause of stains on carpets, floors and furniture when kept at home.

Looking at a selection of photos of Staffordshire Terriers, one can note the variety of colors of the short, coarse coat. Amstaphs can be one-color, part-color, spotted, striped, two-color, with tan. Shades of gray on black are called blue; fawn, sand, and red colors look impressive. White spots are acceptable, occupying up to 20% of the terrier's skin.

Character, education and training

The aura of the Amstaff dog being a fighting breed supports the myth of its aggressiveness. But in reality, only in isolated cases does it fail to socialize an animal. The character of the Staffordshire Terrier is transformed if, from infancy, you raise it in an atmosphere of friendliness, strictly instilling obedience, and stopping the puppy from trying to dominate even during play. It is necessary to use the contradictory character of the dog, strengthening some features of the American Terrier by weakening others, for example, contrasting attachment to the owner and independence.

The dog's devotion is such that if it decides that the household members are in danger, it may overdo it in protecting them. It is worth keeping this in mind and insuring yourself: keep the animal on a leash, muzzled, monitor the intonation and strength of the voice when strangers and animals are nearby. Trying to please the owner, the Stafford will follow his instinct.

The Amstaff is very smart, understands perfectly, and therefore lends itself well to training, which is mandatory and must be constant. The training process will be successful if the owner shows a strong character, given that the breed does not tolerate physical pressure and injustice, which it subtly senses. The contact may be broken, the dog will demonstratively “forget” the learned commands. To ensure the safety of children, they should not be left alone with the animal unattended.


Dog breeds for comparison:
  • Bull Terrier (standard or miniature)
  • English (SBT) - aka Staffbull or Staffy
  • American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) - aka pit bull
  • American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) - also known as Staff, Amstaff, Stafford

The Staffordshire bull terrier, Staffordshire terrier, pit bull and bull terrier have common ancestors - bulldogs (English bulldog, literally: “bull dog”), which at the beginning of the 19th century were used for brutal baiting of bulls and bears in England.

Despite their historical relationship, these dogs were bred for different purposes and have certain external differences. These breeds received official recognition at approximately the same time - in the second half of the 19th century. Some of them are even registered twice: for example, the same breed was presented in England as the American Pit Bull Terrier, and in America as the American Staffordshire Terrier. There is a similar confusion with the Stafford: this is what the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier is called all over the world, and here we call it Amstafa.

To understand in more detail the differences between the Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff), the American Pit Bull Terrier (Pit Bull), the Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Staff Bull) and the Standard Bull Terrier, let's look at each breed separately.

What is the difference between a Staff Bull and a Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull and Bull Terrier?

The Staff Bull, like the Mini Bull Terrier, is significantly smaller in size than the standard Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull. Unlike Staff Bulls and Pit Bulls, the ears and tails of Staff Bulls and Bull Terriers are never cropped.

The English Staffordshire Bull Terrier is distinguished from other breeds by its highly developed cheek muscles and wide skull. Because of these features of the structure of the muzzle, he was nicknamed the smiling dog.

»» More information about the STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER breed

Having a common ancestor, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull, Staffordshire Terrier and Bull Terrier were bred for one purpose - these dogs were intended for fighting. The only difference was in specialization: baiting bulls, bears, or fighting with their own tribesmen. Therefore, it is impossible to determine which of the listed breeds is more dangerous.

A dog's behavior primarily depends on proper upbringing and socialization. If you do not devote enough time to this, or make systematic mistakes (for example, mistreating your pet), then a dog of any breed, even a decorative one, can become aggressive.


A little chronology

The pit bull terrier appeared first. This breed was registered in 1898. At the same time, the first pit bull terrier breed standards appeared, which have remained virtually unchanged to this day. The Staffordshire Terrier appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, and its ancestor is none other than the pit bull. The Staffa breed standard was officially registered in 1936.

Today, both dog breeds are not very popular due to their aggressive nature. It is impossible to consider a Staff and Terrier as a companion. Although with proper training you can get a good service dog and even a companion for children. Sometimes pit bulls even take part in rescue operations.

The popularity of the pit bull and Staffordshire terrier was negatively affected by the law stating that dog fighting is prohibited, so in law-abiding Europe it is almost impossible to meet representatives of these breeds. But in America, where dog fighting is carried out illegally, pit bulls and staffs are quite common. In our region, representatives of these breeds are also quite common.

Other criteria

The table below shows a comparison of Pit Bull and Stafford also according to other criteria.

IndexStaffordshire TerrierPit bull terrier
Time and place of occurrence1936, USA1921, USA
FCI recognition1972Not recognized
CharacterMore flexibleMore aggressive
PurposeService (often used by law enforcement agencies to search for drugs and explosives)Show career, pet

Dog exterior

Even though the Staffordshire Terrier is essentially a modified version of the Pit Bull, the dogs have differences in appearance. The first thing that distinguishes dogs is height. The height of the pit bull terrier at the withers varies from 40 to 42 cm. The Staffordshire terrier is slightly taller. Its height at the withers varies from 44 to 48 cm.

If you can’t tell by height which breed is in front of you, then the color will prevent you from confusing a pit bull with a staff dog. The color of both breeds suggests the presence of white spots. And if the basic coat color, which is allowed by the breed standard, is the same for both breeds, then the size of the white spots differs significantly. The Staffordshire Terrier has small white spots. But in the color of a pit bull, it is white that predominates.

The body dimensions of the Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull are almost the same. And since the height at the withers of the latter is on average 5 cm less, it is easy to guess that his legs are shorter by the same height. In addition, the pit bull's chest is somewhat narrower.

It is also worth noting that the facial muscles of the Staff are more developed and pronounced. And the jaws are more powerful than those of a pit bull, and have a square shape.

Description of the Bull Terrier

As strange as it may seem, the standard characteristics of this breed are very vague. So, 18 to 30 kg is the weight of a bull terrier, the height of an individual varies between 30-45 cm. If we talk about the variety of miniature bull terriers, their height does not exceed 35.5 centimeters. It is important what the dog looks like; it should not be overly fat or, conversely, thin. One thing is indisputable: the bull terrier is a strong, muscular animal.

The head is strong, low set, elongated, ovoid in shape. It should be smooth, without any distortions or bends. The lower jaw is heavy and has a scissor bite. The nostrils are clearly visible and open. The eyes are narrowed, dark brown, and shaped like an elongated triangle. The ears are located closer to the crown of the head, set close to each other. The limbs are muscular, strong and strong, supporting the body weight well. The chest is wide, round in shape, with clearly visible muscles. The tail is short, tapered at the end.

The color of the Bull Terrier varies. If colored, then with a predominance of suit over white. If white, then spots of a different color appear only on the head and ears.

If you are interested in how much a bull terrier puppy costs, then be prepared to pay from 20 to 60 thousand rubles for the animal.


If the differences in appearance are insignificant, then the character of the pit bull is significantly different from the character of the Staffordshire Terrier. First of all, it is worth noting that the character of the staff, despite its more powerful physique, is softer than that of a pit bull.

In fact, the Staffordshire Terrier was bred due to the fact that extremely aggressive pit bull terriers were once banned from keeping. But the soft character of the Staffordshire Terrier affected the fighting qualities of the dog. In a fight against a pit bull, he usually loses.

The Staffordshire Terrier is much more suitable as a companion. You can often find dogs of this breed that get along well with children. But, since the dog was originally bred for fighting, it needs to be trained. Otherwise, you should not expect that you will get a good companion. After all, aggression in representatives of the breed is inherent at the genetic level, and it extends to people of any age and animals.

Regardless of whether a Pit Bull Terrier or Staffordshire Terrier is adopted for the purpose of participating in fights or as a companion, it must undergo training from a specialist. Raising dogs should not be accompanied by corporal punishment, which will only make the pet more aggressive.

Characteristics of the Staffordshire Terrier

A dog with a large chest, well-developed muscles, powerful paws and dangerous-looking jaws - this is exactly what the Staffordshire Terrier looks like. An excellent guard and devoted companion, he usually carries out his mission to the end. At the same time, the Amstaff (this is the other name of this breed) is highly trained and intuitively senses when it is necessary to protect its owner. It should be noted that, despite its impressive size and menacing appearance, the Staffordshire Terrier loves children very much and quickly becomes attached to its owners.


What is the difference between a Stafford and a Pitbull? We will present the list to your attention at the end of the article, but for now - some general information.

Based on the approved standards, pit bull dogs have a predominantly rectangular head shape and very strong jaws. The ears should stand high. The height at the withers should not be more than 42 cm. By their nature, pit bulls are characterized by aggression towards other dogs. This breed has proven itself in dog fighting. She still has no equal. For some time, fighting using animals was prohibited in the European Union. In America, even if illegal, they still take place. It should be noted that in Europe this breed was generally banned. Keeping and breeding representatives of pit bull terriers was strictly prohibited. Currently, pit bulls are used in rescue work to find people. Keeping such a dog at home is not easy. She requires physical training, and this must be taken into account when bringing her home. Some people are afraid of such dogs because of their appearance.

But with the desire and sufficiently correct upbringing, these fears will be unjustified. A pit bull always tries to please its owner. When walking your pet, do not forget about its instincts. Birds and other animals can serve as prey for him. And how the pit bull will behave, one can only guess. If you raise and train a dog from an early age, you don’t have to worry about how your pet will treat other pets, and there won’t be any problems during walks. The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 12-15 years. Caring for a pit bull, like any dog, is appropriate: cutting nails, combing, bathing as necessary. You must remember to wipe your eyes. Dogs require enormous physical activity.

How to choose a puppy - price

When preparing to purchase a pet of this breed, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Smart and loyal bull terriers require a lot of time for exercise and active walks. You need to buy a bull terrier puppy from a large nursery, making sure that you have a pedigree and medical certificates. This is the only way to be sure of the dog’s mental and physical health.

The gender of the bull terrier has an impact on the pet's character. Males are more independent and energetic. Unneutered Bull Terriers can be dangerous to other dogs.

When choosing a puppy from a litter, you need to observe the behavior of the babies. It is better to opt for a curious, active and affectionate dog. To purchase a purebred bull terrier, you can contact the following kennels: Nord Line, Challenger, McLaren. The average price of a puppy is 50,000 rubles.

Stafford and pit bull: differences (photos) and similarities

By standards, the Staffordshire Terrier does not have a very long head. The ears are not cropped, they are short and erect. Color without spots, even. By the way, the color can be different. Black and white, red and white tones predominate. The coat is short and very hard. She can't stand the cold. Most dogs have a clearly defined, elongated muzzle.

What is the difference between a Staffordshire Terrier and a Pit Bull? Firstly, the shape of the chest. The second one is wider.

But the similarity between these dogs is their character. Families in which such dogs live feel protected. The main purpose of a pet is to guard its home. An aggressive and tough character manifests itself if the dog feels danger or threat. Such breeds require an approach. Education must be correct in order to pacify aggression towards people. These dogs can be friendly. They are safe for children. But the requirements for walking dogs in public places must be observed. There is an opinion that toughness is in the blood of these dogs. You can verify this by training them. The animals themselves also need training - they are very active, they need somewhere to put their energy.

Who is better?

Who is better to buy: Amstaff or Pitbull? There is no clear answer as to who is better. Why? The fact is, every dog ​​lover takes a pet for one purpose or another.

So, if you need an animal for official tasks and property protection, the Pitbull is right for you. A dog with fighting qualities, he will be irreplaceable in his kind and will cope with the assigned tasks one hundred percent.

However, if you want not only a powerful bodyguard, but also a real family member, the Staffordshire Terrier is for you. These dogs feel their owner better, are more understanding and sociable. Staffords are also better because they love children very much and get along with other pets, which is not always possible for Pit bulls.


At home, Staffords behave excellently. They love their owners and try to please them. They willingly play with children and frolic with various toys. They do not require special care. But it is not recommended to ignore this issue. You need to brush your dog daily. Bathing is necessary for exhibition and for a good shine of the coat. During this hygiene procedure, high-quality shampoo is used, sold in pet stores. And also, using a piece of suede, you need to constantly wipe your pet’s fur - this way you will achieve an impeccable appearance for your pet.

Remember to walk your dog at least twice a day. A kind and sensitive attitude will not keep you waiting. Your pet will only bring joy to you and your loved ones. Typically, dogs of this breed live from 9 to 15 years. Life expectancy depends on many factors. Including the presence of diseases inherent in American Starffordshire Terriers. For the most part, these are hardy and healthy dogs. Proper care, care and love will ensure longevity for your pet.

What is the difference between a Starfford and a Pitbull? With paws. For the former they are much higher. Quite strong. For Staffies, the height at the withers should be 46-48 cm, for a Pit Bull - 40-42 cm. There are actually many differences. Even the behavior of these dogs when walking is different. A pit bull can rush and bark at another dog, staffs are calmer and won’t bark again.


How to understand who is in front of you - a Stafford and a pit bull? It is worth knowing the differences in order to accurately determine the breed. Main distinctive features:

  1. Body type. Staffords have a much more massive chest. More weight. They are much larger. Growth, according to standards, is higher. Pit dogs have a sharper muzzle shape.
  2. What is the difference between a Stafford and a Pit Bull? Character. The second one is more aggressive and assertive. The American Staffordshire Terrier is more balanced in temperament.
  3. The next distinguishing feature is mobility and assertiveness. In a fight with a pit bull, no one is inferior to him. Staffords are inferior in assertiveness. Petes have a much stronger grip.
  4. Purpose is what distinguishes the Staffordshire Terrier from the Pit Bull. The first ones are intended for search work. The latter serve as a show breed.
  5. Earlobe. The shape is identical in both dogs. But for staff it must be black.
  6. Ears. Staff dogs have cropped ears, Pit dogs do not. Tails are only docked on pit bulls.
  7. Claws. Pit bulls have black ones, staff dogs have white ones.

External differences

Over time, breeds, as well as their purpose, were subject to changes.

Which of them is the more worthy representative of the canine family?

The appearance of the dogs is not very different; the difference in height can reach no more than 6 cm.

The pit bull grows in height up to 40-42 cm, and the staff - up to 44-48 cm.

The situation is exactly the same with the masses. An adult pit bull gains on average up to 12-28 kg, and a Stafford - up to 20-32 kg.

And even the color of the breeds is very similar, but Amstaffs have an exclusively black nose.

Also, in the latter, the chest area is wider, the muscles are more pronounced, the jaws are more powerful, and have a square shape. The Pit Bull has shorter legs.

Characteristics of the Staffordshire Terrier

A dog with a large chest, well-developed muscles, powerful paws and dangerous-looking jaws - this is exactly what the Staffordshire Terrier looks like. An excellent guard and devoted companion, he usually carries out his mission to the end. At the same time, the Amstaff (this is the other name of this breed) is highly trained and intuitively senses when it is necessary to protect its owner. It should be noted that, despite its impressive size and menacing appearance, the Staffordshire Terrier loves children very much and quickly becomes attached to its owners.

Character of dogs

There are significant similarities in character traits; these breeds tolerate pain, are resilient and react aggressively to other dogs.

But experienced experts say that the differences in character are very noticeable, because the pit bull is a more cruel breed.

For a long period of time they were even prohibited from being kept in Europe.

After the law on this ban came into force, pit bulls were almost stopped being bred in European countries and the United States and they were replaced by a more restrained breed - Amstaffs.

The terrier has lower fighting characteristics and most often loses in a fight with a pit bull, although the Stafford has a stronger and more powerful physique.

Dogs of both breeds are often called brutal killers, especially thanks to the media, which is filled with numerous stories about their attacks on children, adults and other animals with grave consequences.

There really is aggression and mercilessness in their blood, because they belong to the fighting class.

But it should be noted that the level of danger and aggression of an animal largely depends on the upbringing of the owners.

Not every owner of a fighting dog breed responsibly understands that his pet is a so-called weapon that can be dangerous to the outside world if it is not properly cared for and raised.

Aggression for no apparent reason occurs if the dog is not dealt with, is not trained, or is severely punished using brute force.

Acceptable Methods

When choosing punishments for your pet, dog handlers advise preferring those based on psychological impact, and only in the most extreme cases - on physical pain. Let's consider each option in more detail.

Bad Dog

Many animal psychologists are convinced that the easiest and safest way to influence a four-legged pet is to verbally reprimand it for its misdeeds. However, this must be done correctly, otherwise the owner may be bitten. Follow these steps during the reprimand process:

  • make a stern face and call the dog by name;
  • lean down and look into her eyes. Don't look away and try not to blink. Prolonged eye contact is perceived by the animal as an act of aggression, but it is important for the owner to show that he is the master of the situation;
  • start scolding your pet in a menacing tone, pronounce the words clearly, use phrases more often: “Bad dog”, “Ugh” and “No”. It is these commands that the dog associates with prohibition and bad behavior;
  • Do not wave your hands or fingers in front of the dog’s face, this may provoke bites. If this is really necessary, then it is better to take a newspaper or slippers.

This measure of influence can be supplemented by the fact that the dog will lose a long walk and communication with the owner or fellow tribesmen for a couple of days. It makes no sense to restrict the dog for a longer period of time, since he will probably forget why he was punished. If the prank committed by the dog is insignificant, then its punishment should be minimal. Tell your pet off and don’t respond to his attempts to suck up for 3-4 hours.

Physical methods

Such measures are permissible if the dog snapped at the owner or observed behavior such as: attacking passers-by or other animals while walking, aggression towards family members, regular damage to property, even after reprimands. With the help of painful sensations, you can achieve obedience from your pet, but they should not cross a certain line and be frequent. Otherwise, the dog will quickly turn into a nervous and twitchy creature, afraid of everything.

For physical punishment, it is best to use rustling newspaper or sheets of paper rolled into a tube. They will not cause serious damage to the pet, but will scare them enough. If the dog growls and grins at the owner while he is scolding him, then it is recommended to grab the pet by the scruff of the neck and press it firmly to the floor. This will show him who is the leader in the pack.

Some dog handlers prefer to replace spankings with water procedures. Most dogs prefer not to come into contact with water. If your dog has been naughty, simply spray him with a spray bottle or splash water from a cup in his face. This will quickly cool down the animal's ardor. Naturally, the liquid should not be too hot or cold so as not to injure the skin.

The owner of the puppy will be perfectly suited to the method determined by nature itself. When a mother dog wants to punish a baby, she takes him in her teeth and shakes him lightly. The owner can do the same, enhancing the effect with a menacing shout and a light slap on the prankster’s “butt.” This will quickly teach the dog to behave correctly.

Training and living conditions

Since both the pit bull and the Staffordshire terrier come from common ancestors, there are no significant differences in the content.

All family members will watch with interest the development of such a pet, because he is very capable of learning.

Proper upbringing, training and physical exercise will make such a dog an indispensable protector and devoted friend.

Fighters really don’t like large rooms where they feel uncomfortable. It is highly not recommended to keep them on a chain.

This can give a big impetus to the development of aggressive character traits. The owner must demonstrate his superiority without going overboard.

The ideal place to keep it is an ordinary private house or city apartment.

Both the pit bull and the Staffordshire terrier are very sociable breeds and love to spend time with their owners. Children always delight in such dogs as a pet.

Pit bulls can be trained, but it is best to contact an experienced dog handler who will help you avoid serious mistakes.

Because excessive coercion when learning commands will depress the dog and can cause aggressive behavior towards the owner.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is not so cruel, but with such mistakes it can also become more angry or feel like the leader of the family.

This will manifest itself in damage to furniture and emptying the premises. The dog will refuse the muzzle, the execution of learned commands, etc.

Features of training a bull terrier

When training a dog, it is important to remember that bull terriers of white or other colors, having sensed a person’s weakness, will no longer obey him. Therefore, from the first minutes it is necessary to show your leadership.

Even as a puppy, your pet is taught to share its toys without showing aggression. The owner should demonstrate his dissatisfaction with the dog’s behavior and under no circumstances indulge his whims. If the puppy is tired, there is no need to force him to train, but reward each completed command with his favorite treat. You can’t scold a bull terrier; they can remember it for a long time. All commands are presented concisely and clearly.

It is certainly possible to train a strong and aggressive bull terrier. In this case, only a fight will help decide who is stronger: a pit bull or a bull terrier.

Hygiene and walking

Adult dogs need help from their owners in maintaining personal hygiene.

They are bathed once a month. Every day the coat should be cleaned with a special brush, and daily walks should be at least 2 times a day and take sufficient time for the animal.

The fact is that the dog is not able to completely defecate in one go. This way you will prevent your pet from kidney problems.

Despite the fact that the Staffordshire Terrier behaves on the street in almost the same way as a pit bull, you need to be aware of the differences in the street behavior of these animals.

If your pit bull is regularly exercised and trainable, he will become more obedient on walks.

But nevertheless, he is capable of attacking another dog under certain circumstances. If you walk him in a public place, wear a muzzle and keep him on a short leash.

A Staffordshire Terrier, accustomed from infancy to interacting with more peaceful dogs, will behave less aggressively.

Even if a fight breaks out, he will not be as cruel as a pit bull. His actions will be more related to defense and protection.

Therefore, when choosing a dog, clearly define the goal. For service and protection, it is better to choose a pit bull terrier, which will cope with the assigned tasks much better.

The terrier is valued no less highly, and the requirements for the maintenance and training of these dogs are more than compensated by the appearance of a faithful friend who will never betray!

Who is better?

Who is better to buy: Amstaff or Pitbull? There is no clear answer as to who is better. Why? The fact is, every dog ​​lover takes a pet for one purpose or another.

So, if you need an animal for official tasks and property protection, the Pitbull is right for you. A dog with fighting qualities, he will be irreplaceable in his kind and will cope with the assigned tasks one hundred percent.

However, if you want not only a powerful bodyguard, but also a real family member, the Staffordshire Terrier is for you. These dogs feel their owner better, are more understanding and sociable. Staffords are also better because they love children very much and get along with other pets, which is not always possible for Pit bulls.

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